If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us

. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected]. If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us

. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

hallelujah then I’m so excited for what

God is about to do today I can sense the

presence of God um y’all

one of my greatest honors is to get to

lead along with my wife this amazing

church and home for all of you who have

just started coming to transformation

church over this past year there are

things that we have done since the very

beginning of our ministry that I really

do believe have qualified us to be used

by God in a very big way right now even

as we sit in this room in a converted

grocery store in the Northside of Tulsa

oh yeah I like I love that there are

tens of thousands of people watching and

joining us right now and being a part of

what God is doing in other countries

where they’re persecuted for going to a

local building to be able to meet but at

an internet cafe because they don’t have

it at their home because of government

regulations they’ll they’ll wake up and

go to an internet cafe and join in with

what God is doing a transformation

church do y’all Oh y’all can do better

than that that is you so many times what

we take for granted is somebody’s only

options and so today God’s using us in

that way but it’s because some

principles that we’ve decided to do to

represent everybody say represent that’s

the vision in the mission of this church

it’s to represent God to two groups of

people lost people and found people for

one reason transformation in Christ and

so one of those things is me and pastor

Natalie have been pastors of this church

now for almost five years coming up in

February and that time has gone by like

this like and one thing we do every

every July is me and my wife and my

family we take a sabbatical for the

entire month of July and and thank you I

got one that’s good some of y’all like

where are you going

one of the things that we decided at the

very beginning of this ministry is that

we would not build this ministry just on

my personality that we were building on

principles that would be able to sustain

and stand if I was the pastor if or if

somebody else was the pastor and our

goal and our job is to build something

that will outlast all of us

we want there to be a transformation

Church around what our children’s

children’s children’s children are on

the earth can I get one big Amen for

that okay and so part of this is for

this week I’m preparing content I’m

doing stuff all the time and I try to

give my very best for you guys but I I

really do believe there’s something

powerful and anointed that happens in

rest I mean when you think about when

God created everything he was done in

six days but he still put a seventh day

in there to paint an internal picture

that no matter what you’re doing if you

give God opportunity he can do much more

when you’re not in everything and

relationshipgoals which is the series

that a lot of people even heard about

our ministry out of that series to

happen the first day I was back off of a

sabbatical uh y’all I get so recharged

God speaks to me and you’re saying what

happens on the sabbatical Pastor Mike

because you’re our pastor we need to

know you don’t really need to know but

i’ma tell you anyway

the first week we give to our children

we do what we call PK vacay nobody knows

the sacrifice that our little babies go

through for us to do what God’s called

us to do and so for five to seven days

we do everything they want to do bubbles

bigs flash everything and and we do that

because I’ve heard too many people get

to the end of their Christian life and

they gave everything for God and none of

their kids who love Jesus won’t happen

here and so um so we do PK vacay and

then me and my wife go somewhere

tropical I mean I’m not wearing those


I mean shirts they may be I suppose too

much I will have on shorts

but we’re gonna go somewhere and we’re

just gonna relax together and just try

to fall more in love just because I can

I can loan it at the moment that you

heard Pastor Mike cheating on his wife

none of y’all come here no more say they

all want it while it seems healthy but

at the moment it goes wrong nobody wants

to hear from it so we have to do things

to intentionally keep our marriage

healthy and then and then and then we’re

gonna come back here and and do honey do

things around the house and then that

last five days I’m gonna go away and I’m

gonna see god nobody’s gonna go I’m a

fast and I’m gonna pray and I’m a Scott

what what is the next five months look

like for 2019 what do you want me to

preach just show me what you what you

want me to focus in on and I’m telling

you every time I’ve set this meeting

with God he’s never missed it and I’m

telling you when this happens what I

give back we’re going to a whole nother

level and this is what I encourage

everybody you won’t hear many pastors

say this but I’m encouraging I’m trying

to model for you what health looks like

so I’m encouraging you I’m giving you

permission during during this time of

year I want you to take a Sunday off a


I’m no pastor telling you that now

somebody I’ll take too many Sunday

supper to sell me on it’s the first time

you’ve been here see baby he told us we

didn’t have to come but I think it’s

healthy that you plan like hey these two

weekends we’re not coming to church

we’re not losing our connection with God

but we’re gonna use this time to invest

in our family or to do something you

know now I would ask that all y’all

don’t do it at the same time I do it so

don’t take July and just be gone okay

but what I am saying is I would rather

us the last and be in this for a long

time then to have a little blip on the

radar and and it was like y’all remember

transformation church no no no we’re

here to represent God for a long time

and so what I’m asking you is I want you

to come I promise you that during the

month of July every week there’s gonna

be a word from God every week this is my

baby right here this is my

responsibility I will not put nobody up

here who’s not gonna deliver the Word of

God to you and and really you don’t want

to hear from Pastor Mike you want to

hear from God

and God speaks in so many different

forms in so many different ways so your

expectations should go to another level

as we come for the whole month of July


and then so I want to honor you and I

want to thank you for that invite

friends most churches decline in the

summer we grow in the summer every year

since we’ve had a church we grow in the

summer because fun months is what we’re

about to go into and some of y’all don’t

know nothing about fun month and and we

do it every year but I thought I

wouldn’t do the announcement for fun

month I thought I would allow somebody

that’s a little more handsome than me

and can articulate it a little bit

better tell you about fum

take a look at the screens for me real


you know what time of year it is it is

fun month at transformation church and

I’m telling you every week in July we

are about to turn up somebody I want to

know what is from month it’s spirit week

on steroids we are about to have the

best time and you don’t want to miss it

starting July seventh capital C Sunday

and this is what we cancel all

transformation church services right yes

you heard that right

we’re canceling all transformation

church services and we’re gonna go be a

part of other congregations in our

community and in our city because it’s

not just about TC it’s about what God’s

doing in the capital C Church and after

that it is tropical Sunday so I want you

to grab your grass skirts and your

Hawaiian shirts and meet us here for an

amazing worship experience put me in

coach after that you get to join us for

Rev your teen Sunday so I need you to

wear your favorite jersey of your high

school team professional team college

team and come represent because there’s

one king and it’s not LeBron and then

we’re gonna close out the month with all

you cool cats and foxy ladies on

throwback Sunday so I want you to dress

in your bell bottoms or your throat bags

and come enjoy a God that never changes

you do not want to miss fun month @tc

because we are gonna enjoy it all

anybody excited about firm on that

transformation starts and then well

anybody ready for the word this morning

today I am pumped because this is part

of a series that we’ve been in forever

called MA and I’m excited about it

because um the only time you do

something this long in church it’s when

you know God’s trying to get something

really dig down in a group of people and

I really do believe that God has been

trying to tell us for the past

two-and-a-half months that you are

marked by God that he has called you to

do something phenomenal that nobody else

is I’m called to do that you no matter

the opposition or what has happened in

your life that you were marked and born

and you have the DNA for greatness on

the inside of you but the problem is

people who are marked do not a lot of

times enjoy the process and because

there is a process to your palace or a

process to your purpose many people get

knocked out in an early round because

they did not know that this wasn’t gonna

be easy and many of you are sitting here

right now paralyzed in your purpose

because you have some hits of life that

took you out cuz you were not expecting

them you prayed you got saved you asked

God to use you and then you thought it

was straight to the palace straight to

my purpose straight to being debt-free

straight to all my kids loving me and

and obeying me but what happens is if

you don’t see these hits of life coming

you don’t stay in the fight and we are

in a fixed fight if we would just stand

everybody say stand say it again say

standing so we’ve been going for the

past ten weeks and I want you to go back

and watch the series before because we

have laid out really through the life in

the leadership of David how if you’re

marked by God some of the things you’re

gonna have to go through

I didn’t say might go through I said

you’re gonna have to go through it

things like being anointed before your

position things like nobody’s going

closed sign what God’s doing but he’s

giving you something things like having

to to actually walk down a path and step

towards obstacles and not step back from

obstacles like all of these things

you’re gonna have to go through but as

David we talked about last week he

defeats Goliath he uses what’s in his

hands and now he is the man like when

you beat a giant that nobody else would

fight you become a firm a and so David

now the Bible tells us is the captain of

about a thousand men and they go out

winning all of these wars for Saul who

was the king and they would come back

from these expeditions and you know I

don’t know how you like when you win a

game if you play a basketball or oh no

or anything for me when you win like you

like yeah you know and say that was


I do this every morning like this is

this is kind of what happened not from

David’s perspective but from the

people’s perspective people started

glorifying what God was doing through

David this is a side note for somebody

when you’re marked make sure you’re

listening for the applause of God not

the applause of people cuz it will throw

you off so David is coming in and all of

these groupies starts singing this song

and and I mean it was a hit song back in

this time matter of fact I had them find

in the archives a video of what the song

kind of sound like it was number one I

hit record for many years could you play

that video for me real quick just just

in case they forgot my song his hand

you got groupies now it’s like oh my God

look at that I like that now he didn’t

had that before and one day the groupies

made a song and it was like Johnny Damon

they was like David







the Bible says read it it does really

say that

so this maid saw man and at this moment

the Bible says jealousy came into Saul’s

heart and even though David was fighting

for him he now decided that somebody

that was on his side was now his enemy

and when you’re marked I just want to

help you understand this because David

and Saul had a valuable relationship but

this is the thing you’ve got to

understand that if you’re marked by God

this is probably one of the hardest

lessons I’ve ever had to learn when

you’re marked valuable relationships

will reposition and this sucks like like

when when people who were on your side

who are on your team who you want

victories for and with now label you an

enemy now think because you’ve come to

another level of your purpose you’ve

changed they not the same no more they

did no they fake now no no I just

I’m just busier now I’m not fake this is

what we dreamed about this is what we

prayed for I prayed to be healed the

reason why we connected was over our


now I’m walking and healing and I can’t

hang in that same area where we were

able to connect and so now you think I’m

different and now you talk about me now

you’re throwing arrows at me

we play when we were drunk at that one

time we play to get free we pray not to

be dealing with our sexual urges in this

way we prayed to be married we pray but

now that I’m walking in a level of my



and if you if you’re marked in you don’t

know this this will take you out of the

game as I’ve walked in ministry I’ve had

people that I considered friends that I

was down with that pray for me that

stayed with me in one season

they walked away no explanation heard

they was talking about stuff I’ve had

people pray like lay their hands I said

God’s gonna use you and you’re about to

do something and leave the church and

take other people with you prophesied

but I’m trying to help you understand

something look at it in 1st Samuel

chapter 24 I want you I want you to see

this because I want to help somebody in

the end of this series that that that

once God takes you to that next level

don’t think that the process is over it

said after Saul returns from fighting

the Philistines he was told that David

had gone into the wilderness so now he

bout to send people to send people to

find David verse 3 at that place where

the road passes some shepherd separates

falls psalm went into a cave to relieve

himself but as it happened David and his

men were hiding further back in that

very cave so let let me paint the

picture of what’s happening right now

David has to go on the run because the

very people that he was fighting for now

see him as an enemy and they’re they’re

literally trying to assassinate him now

somebody might not be trying to

physically kill you but some people may

be trying to assassinate your character

they may be trying to assassinate like

like your purpose like when when a deal

is about to go through and they’ll be

like hey have you ever heard of of

Johnny’s like I say none but you just

said oh hold on

you know how you’ve never met somebody

but somebody gives you an impression of

them before you ever meet them like this

this is what’s happening is David is on

the run he’s running from what God has

called him to because somebody in power

are in leadership is trying to

assassinate him and he learns that that

this ain’t fair this is not what God

promised me this doesn’t what happens

with my own family members like like the

people believe in what God’s called me

to do so every time I go home for

Christmas or every time I go home for

Thanksgiving it’s a joke I’m talking

real stuff right now it’s a joke that

you’re even doing what God’s called you

to do and what happens is we may not be

in a literal cave but many times in our

purpose we’re hiding in the back of

something like we’re not in a cave

because somebody is coming to kill us

but when we’re not in the foreground

we’re not in the light doing what God’s

called us to do we’re trying to work on

what God’s called us to do in the back

so nobody can see us and this is a

perfect picture of when you are in a

very vulnerable situation and you have

the opportunity to take revenge or to

get back at the people who are trying to

get at you what your response has to be

because Saul walks into this cave that

he does not know David and is strong the

Bible calls a mighty men are in now

these dudes are gangster no no no no no

no no no you don’t even understand what

I’m saying the Bible Chronicles like

some of these dudes like one dude killed

a thousand dudes by himself that was one

of his dudes and hit David and his goons

are in the back of the cave

and in walks the man who’s been trying

to kill them in the most vulnerable

position he’s using the bathroom he said

he was trying to relieve himself yeah

don’t be reading the Bible now any man

knows that when you go to use the

restroom that is the most vulnerable

position that you are in nobody’s on

guard while they’re taking a pee matter

of fact let me stop okay let me just

stop but all I’m saying to you is you’re

not thinking at that moment somebody’s

about to attack me

you’re not thinking at that moment and

God allows David to be in a place where

he gets to see the person that has been

coming after him in a vulnerable

position what do you do when you see

your boss that don’t like you in a

vulnerable position what do you do when

you see your parent who’s doing the best

they can but didn’t have any reference

of parenting for themselves and now you

see them in a vulnerable position

what do you do what do you do when you

see your coworker who y’all are going

after the same job in a vulnerable

position most of us do what culture says

culture says get him culture says do it

if they done something to me culture

says do it back to them but I want you

to watch the response of a marked person

as opposed to a person that that may be

trying to make their own way or striving

something make something happen somebody

say I marked say it like you mean it

I’m marked when you’re marked your

response is different to the same

situations and I want you to see this

David is sitting here and his enemy is

in a vulnerable position in front of him

look what happens in first mu chapter 24

verse fourth it says

now’s your opportunity these are the

mighty men around him they said baby we

prayed for this moment natural

opportunity matter of fact I want to

title that this this message this talk

oh that’s what I want to title it now’s

your opportunity yeah the reason I want

to title it because what comes after

this is going to show us if you’re

marked or not cuz now’s your opportunity

to catch your leader catch the person

who’s been doing you wrong in a

vulnerable position and kill or now’s

your opportunity if you’re marked now

you you might not be you might this may

be the qualifier for you right here but

if you’re marked you have to have the

audacity to honor yep

see this the way we go in this is

checking your heart you’re gonna have to

have the audacity to honor and this is

hard this is not enjoyable but this

makes you more like God

now now personal Mike I don’t I don’t

really know if if this is God because

I’m seeing that the mighty man that

David was with they had a different

opinion yeah they sure did because they

were telling David in the face of a

hardship that God was the one who was

providing this opportunity for David to

dishonor what this man said now’s your

opportunity David’s men whispered to him

is be careful who you got whispering to


because people who don’t know what’s on

your life will try to tell you things

that disqualify you from your Bourbon

he said it’s mean was whispering to him

today the Lord is telling you now they

talking but they said the Lord singing

this y’all look at it today the Lord is

telling you ah I will certainly put your

enemy into your power to do with as you

wish and this just for a moment sounded

so good to David that he started going

up to Seoul to kill him

he said Yeah right God did give this

opportunity to me so I can do what I’m

supposed to do and the Bible says that

David crept up to song and it was like

about the Sanctus food

shake for everybody who’s never been in

a legal extra meat I don’t even know

what I’m trying to say shake is like

taking some in just like just stabbing

him okay so she’s like Sally shank huh

he walks up to him the leader not even

having a clue what’s about to happen and

he literally says he’s thinking about

every opportunity that Saul had to

actually love on him and take him in in

and actually be be a mentor to him for

real he really wanted somebody to show

him how to be a king and he really he’s

thinking of all the missed opportunities

and he’s thinking about he’s been on the

run for such a long time and that was my

perfect opportunity to defame him to

take away everything he’s built to be

the one to walk out of this cave where

nobody knows what would happen in here

unless I go out and say it to them I can

take him out I found an email that

nobody seen they accidentally put me in

the group text

I got some information I wasn’t supposed

to get oh I’m coming to your house today

over I overheard the reason why they

left the job or left the church I have

an opportunity to kill what’s caused me

so much frustration and what does David

do at the moment he could do it the

Bible says he cuts off a piece of his

robe huh

some of y’all was like ah but see honor

this word is is crazy it’s a kingdom

word it’s a word that goes against

culture let me let me tell you what

honor means to value to prize or to give

weight to something what are you giving

weight to what are you what are you

adding value to some of us go everywhere

and we take value we come in wounds and

we can pick apart everything that’s

wrong we do that and God says you’re not

acting in my character I want you to add

value I want you to prize it to give

weight to it and at this moment David

has the ability to get revenge and let

me tell you revenge always seems like

the right thing to do in the moment

always seems like the right thing to do

but I want you to see this they’re

telling them God’s saying to do this but

when I look at the Scriptures God’s idea

of honor is completely different demands

idea of Honor and let’s see what God has

to say about honor real quick and then

we’re gonna pick back up in David’s

story look at first Peter 2:17 it says


everybody say honor cuz you’re gonna

have to have the audacity to do this

honor who all people dang it

yet since honor all people love the

Brotherhood fellow Christians people who

believe like you love them

God that’s easy no no actually it’s not

but it should be easier because we’re

all going the same way so maybe I can

get that one if I live my life and I can

just love other people who think like me

I honor other people who act like me

honor other people who have the same

political party as me I don’t know maybe

that’ll be good

but it says honor all people love the

Brotherhood fear God and then honored

the king now when this was wrote and

written Peters Peters writing this and I

want you to know a little something

about the king at this time because this

meant something

the king at this time was a guy named

Nero and Nero was a bad King Nero is so

bad that he mothered he murdered his

mother he mothered his first wife I

guess his second wife didn’t get the

memo cuz she married him and he murdered

her too at this time Nero set his

kingdom on fire and burned two thirds of

it down so that he can build more castle

for himself and blamed it on the

Christians of the time but Peter who

would go and be crucified by the same

guy a few months later said you need to

honor the king no no no no I will not

honor anybody who does not line up with

my moral values now this is coming for

some people because right now you you

could go on to Facebook and Instagram

right now and type in one word or one

leader or our president or anybody else

and you could see what are you worth


now I didn’t make this up okay this

ain’t me I have a hard time doing this

but when God puts somebody in position

it is not your responsibility to check

them it is your responsibility to pray

for them and then it is your

responsibility everybody say this work

with me to honor now I know people gonna

be talking and I know some of y’all

ain’t never gonna come back to the

church but I’m you don’t know how I

voted but no matter who goes into the

office and that’s why some people like

yeah yeah yeah Trump yeah yeah but you

didn’t honor when Obama was in office

you okay we’re honoring that y’all imma

need security on the way out of here you

honor it now but you didn’t honor all

I’m saying is what happens is it exposes

the posture of our heart when we have

the opportunity not to agree but to

place value only to add value to to

pride to put weight on ya there’s things

I disagree with all the time with not

just a president with with my lawn care

people hey I want to bring it down to

level like it’s not just honoring the

president or honoring our boss it’s like

honoring the people who are the leader

of my grace right now because the

problem is we feel like certain people

deserve honor

oh I might have to do week 11 because

they did some people deserve honor and

others don’t and so we go into

situations already having summed up how

much value or weight we’re gonna add to

a situation because of our past

experience what other people have said

or what we’ve experienced in the past

and God says when my words that’s the

first Peter put it back up there cuz

they don’t believe it’s the Bible’s it

says say it with me honor

Oh peace so if you grew up in a racist

household and then God allows somebody

african-american or Hispanic to come

into your life honor o people well let’s

flip it up for you’re black and you

lived on the North Star all your life

and then God gives you a high-paying job

somewhere else and now you have to

interact with people you don’t come home

and touch my god it’s white people

always talk about golf and coffee and

skiing in the lake like

did you add value to them did you say

I’ve learned things that I’ve never

known before and I was exposed to new

things if I met somebody who went to a

private school and I did it did you add

value or did you come back to the hood

talking about messing with them white

folk no mo the Bible says honor I’m

preaching in this place today and until

uh until the church gets this if you’re

marked you’re gonna have to have the

audacity so look what happens in 1st

Samuel 24 verse 5 it says but then

David’s conscience I have I got him in

my grips but David’s conscience begin

bothering him so many of us don’t listen

to that thing on the inside of us that’s

like this is wrong this is wrong don’t

do this they’ll do this this is wrong

this is wrong but if it ever starts

bothering you you need to stop and pay

attention it said David’s conscience

became bothering him but he not because

he killed him I love this but because he

cut off a piece of Saul’s Road so he

started getting unsettled cuz of the

little thing he did see some y’all

before we ever get to the action we

start thinking about it or talking about

it to somebody and God said did the

little thing you did that was gonna lead

you down that road did that start

bothering you did the little thing and

David’s conscience said what I just did

was wrong and then he turned around to

his men I want you to see how powerful

this statement is right here cuz you’re

gonna have to have the audacity to honor

somebody who you don’t want to it says

the Lord forbid that I should go do this

to my lord the king I shouldn’t attack

the Lord’s

one what for the Lord Himself has chosen

him now because we have the Bible we

already know that that Saul is not

anoint again anymore David is but David

doesn’t know and many times God puts you

in positions where he’s already anointed

you and sets you to the path to the

palace but you don’t know it you not

gonna know your mark and God is watching

how you handle the people that are in

charge because watch one day you’ll hold

the same spot what you don’t realize is

the very people that you’re dishonouring

you’re sowing seeds to your future

because one day you’ll be in that spot

and God will allow you multiply to come

into your life so if your boss got you

press down shaken together and running

over would you be excited about it if

the people who helped your dream come to

pass who worked for your company who

helped you with your nonprofit were just

like you multiplied this is what David

gets the opportunity to do is sow seeds

in his present that will show up in his

future honor is a seed that when you sow

it to people in your life you’re acting

mean to that waitress but you don’t know

your kid your child the baby you love

it’s gonna be a waitress 13 years from

them I mean your business a business and

what you do cuz oh my god my food is not

but not hot and this water is that in

the attitude that you’re acting in that

honor that you’re not sewing because

they work a part-time job they’re in

medical school right now trying to

finish their degree and they’re actually

be the one treating you for a disease

that you’ll have to

years from now but you don’t think about

that right now they’re having to do this

right now to be responsible over the

season that they’re in and you treat

them like none cuz they serve that

crackle beer or what this that church

they don’t like but this this is this is

what will change your life this is what

will continue to allow you to be used by

God and so davidís and I can’t do this

so so let me tell you one more thing

you’re gonna have to do if you’re marked

when you’re marked honor requires action

I honored him show me like like a lot of

people talk about honor but not a lot of

people show honor how did David Show

honor I’m glad you asked look at verse

seven he tells the man I shouldn’t have

done this he could have made it his own

thing but as soon as he said I shouldn’t

have done this I shouldn’t have took it

off his men was like it’s okay David I

really understand what you’re saying

I believe what you saying God I told you

not to touch the anointed but I’ll kill

him I have to assume that that’s the

connotation because look what it says in

verse 7 1st Samuel 24 7 it says so David

restrained his men and he did not let

them see can people talk about other

people in your presence

can people just go off at the mouth and

vomit at the mouth about other people in

your presence and you’ve like grano

mm-hmm and then you go out of there

feeling like justified oh I didn’t say

nothing but they felt comfortable enough

around you that you left them everybody

say let them see honor is an action word

David went from about to kill him so

turning around to the people he loved

and saying don’t stop don’t say that

don’t do that don’t send that don’t do

that don’t talk like that in their

presence tone

he started restraining the very people

that were on his team because honor is

an action word dang Pastor Mike I know

it’s good girl but this is the stuff

nobody wants to hear but it’s the stuff

that qualifies and makes us know I’m

mark somebody say I’m marked

so I transformation Church we’ve we’ve

adopted this saying that we honor up we

honor down we honor all the way say it

one more time we are let’s go we are

okay we are whoa whoa just one more time

we’re let’s go okay when you start

living like that you don’t just honor

people who are in positions over you you

honor the people who are serving you or

serving with you

yeah a lot of y’all straighten up when

the boss comes in but you treat your

co-workers and your family members and

your cousins you treat them like trash

and God says I’m taking notice all that

because these are the people one day I

want you to rule over but you don’t even

see them on your level when you own a

level so how would you see them and feel

them and represent them when I put you

over them I got to keep you right here

until your character gets right cuz you

somehow thought the homeless man that

was asking for money you’re better than

him because you have a car but what you

don’t know is 15 years ago he was

driving with you was driving and he had

the same thing and through a series of

events where he didn’t have the creator

of the universe and in his life he got

into that position but he’s just like

you at different stages in the story and

if we ever forget about the grace of God

and when he gets up strung and where he

takes us to and how he sustains us proof

we will not honor the people that God

puts around us

that’s why Isaiah 29:13 it says it like

this and so the Lord says these people

say they’re mine are these people come

to transformation Church and they wear

crosses around their necks and their

Instagram bio says believer these people

say they mine they honor me with their

lips but their hearts are far from me

and their worship of me it’s nothing

more than man-made its rules that

they’ve learned and they’ve started to

put into practice

but they honor when it gets him another

position or takes them up but when

nobody’s looking in the back of a cave

will you honor I mean I think it’s very

significant that this whole thing does

not happen in front of anybody else it

happens in a cave and God says if you

honor in a cave your your honor in the

palace if you if your honor

that’s what integrity that word

integrity it means you do the same thing

in front of people that you do behind

closed door and this is one of the key

things that’s missing from the body of

Christ right now

honors missing but when I look at the

life of Jesus who if anybody on earth

should have been honored should have

been served

like if I was Jesus I wouldn’t have

touched the ground the whole time I was

on earth y’all know what I’m saying like

I would had people either carrying me or

invented the Hoveround or something I

would have just that’s my selfish self

but Jesus walked the same roads the

disciples walk he didn’t have he didn’t

have any special treatment matter of

fact when we talk about honoring down at

the Last Supper in the midst of

everybody who’s followed here he gets

down on his knees see what you need to

know is being marked it’s not about you

it’s about others the reason God marks

people is so that you can bring other

people to the realization that there’s a

God who wants to do something great in

their life and what happens is Jesus

with Judas in the room the same person

that would sell him out Jesus chose to

steal wash Judas’s field

he had the audacity to honor the one who

would betray him my question to you is

who is the Judas in your life that

you’re supposed to be honoring right now

while you’re hating on them right now

when Jesus touched Judas his feet I

think it was probably the most spiritual

act he ever did cuz now I only could be

empowered by the Holy Spirit to do this

cuz what I want to do is take his foot

and my cane oh don’t don’t act like

Jesus he was all human the Bible saying

I if I was Jesus I would want to suplex

but he had the audacity to honor

somebody who by all accounts was not

honorable when you talk about not just

honoring up but honoring town and

honoring all the way around you’re

supposed to add value to people who

can’t add value to you see some of us

are great at adding value to people who

may be able to take us up or adding

value to people who are very poor and

all they need some help but what about

your family members what about your

co-workers what about I thought about

this crazy thing I heard about there was

a man his name was Robert F Smith who

went to Morehouse in this year and he

gave the commencement speech 2019 and he

stood up there and in in front of a

graduating class of a bunch of young

african-american men he said I don’t

want to give you a leg up in life I want

to push you I want to pay off everybody

student loan that’s graduating today

now as I begin to think about that say

God what would make somebody do that

he said honor

he said those young men can’t do

anything for him but he did I mean he

literally it they said it’s going to be

a worth 40 million dollars now if you

have 40 million dollars does to do

anything with I mean come on let’s be

honest most of us would be investing

most of us would be living in it most of

us you’re not I’m saying but it took 40

million dollars and decided to honor a

group of men who could not ever repay

him I’m asking you who are you honoring

that can’t do nothing for you who are

you honoring both actually came after

you who are you honoring those hurt you

see because until we get this maybe

Christ has not taken full residents of

our heart honor is stronger I’ve been

taking matters into your own hand

honor takes longer it means I’m gonna

have to wait on God it means I’m not

gonna be able to do what I want to do

when I want to do it but honor gives God

glory prove it to me pass the mic cuz

you have to say something cuz I’m about

to go cut somebody alright now pass the

mic I have I have three people on my

cussed out list this week I need you to

tell me something cuz I and one of them

was you so give me

Oh y’all know I’m the pastor right now

that you like but there may come a day

where I challenge you to do something

that may be uncomfortable and it’s not

honored until I don’t want to do it

that’s why one of the first commandments

with the blessing is children honor your

parents in the Lord for this is right do

you know how many times a child don’t

want to do what they bear and say all

the time but what God is trying to do is

challenge you to a discipline that you

will need for your whole life I got it I

gotta give you I gotta give you the

revelation I found in this stuff okay I

want you to just write this last this is

bonus for everybody when you’re marked

God’s already handled what you think you

have to imma prove it to you right here

okay so remember what David did he snuck

up on him and he tore a piece of his

robe I want to flip all the way back to

when David’s name was not even mentioned

and Saul was marked and Saul disobeyed

what God told them to do and Samuel the

Prophet came and told him why didn’t you

obey God you should have done it if you

were to obeyed you number one would have

been marked and your family would have

been established forever and this is

what happens right after it go to First

Samuel chapter 15 now we’ve gone back

tons of books of the Bible and God’s

already handled what David thought he

had to take into his own hands verse 24

it says then Saul admitted to Samuel

yes I’ve sinned I’ve disobeyed your

instructions and the Lord’s command for

I was afraid of the people and did what

they demanded now I want you to see this

is the same test that David’s in right


because he has people around him telling

him go kill him and Saul listen to the


around him David had the audacity to

honor in the face of the people that was

around him okay but now please forgive

me my sins and come back with me so that

I may worship the Lord but Samuel

replied I will not go back with you

since you have rejected the Lord’s

command he has rejected you as king of

Israel this is when the anointing of God

the approval of God is being moved from

Saul’s life and look what Saul does to

his leader as Samuel turned to go away

so tried to grab him and hold him back

and tore the hymn of his Road this is

not an accident the same action that

David would do decades later

Saul did to his leader at the moment

that his anointing was being lifted from

his life which tells me that this was a

critical moment for David because David

either would have gone on to be king or

God would have chose somebody else at

this moment of Honor and look what

Samuel says Samuel said to him the Lord

has not just allowed you to tear my Road

the Lord has torn the Kingdom of Israel

from you today and has given it to

someone else

that’s David one who is better than you

so in the moment David’s in the cave

about to take matters into his own hand

from the balcony of heaven God saying

don’t do it cuz I already did

like before we got here

before you thought you had to make your

way God said he don’t know it but I

chose you way back there and if you do

the same thing he was gonna do it

disqualifies you too

when you’re marked you don’t have to

fight battles gods already fun if you’ve

been done wrong gods gotcha if people

are talking about you and smearing your

name God’s got you I’m a living witness

then when I had opportunities to say

things about people and God says shut up

I don’t mean that clear leave leave now

he wasn’t punishing me he was protecting

my future what I’m saying to some of you

that there are people you need to go

back and honor today they’re gonna be

people at your job this week they’re

gonna be people that you don’t know

there’s gonna be a clerk at Kwik Trip

that’s busy and they forgot to ring

something up for you and you’re gonna be

like yes I already what you have to have

the audacity why is it audacity cuz

everybody’s gonna give you a pass if you

act how you want to act it makes sense

that you would be however you want to be

but God says when you’re marked the Holy

Spirit will give you the ability to do

what is not natural but it’s


you love people who are unlovable today

I want to pray for you as we in this

series cuz some of y’all gonna get to

the palace and then you gonna disqualify

yourself because you think you all that

and you don’t honor people no more you

don’t honor your wife anymore you stood

before God and told her and her father

that you would honor them in sickness

and in health for richer or for poorer

till death do you part in your six years

into the relationship and you don’t even

open the door for her no more but if

your boss came you hope so Oh son let me

open the door for you son

but the person who washes your dirty

drop who who got cut open or had babies

for you who sits there

she won’t even I’m on a tangent right

now but it’s where you place value with

what you prize where you put weight the

reason I’m taking this sabbatical is cuz

all of this is great but where where I

honor where I place wait it’s all

Natalie Diane time Bella Bonet Todd

Michael Alexander Tom Avery Michelle

tuck just at the end of the day before

God asked me how his transformation

church he’s gonna say what did you do

with the child I gave you

today I’m praying that transformations

church would change not to one of

skepticism and revenge but we would have

a culture of what how somebody why did

you name the message what you named it

remember what I’ve told you

now’s your opportunity because that’s

what David’s men said to him David now’s

your opportunity kill him or Davis said

no I have another opportunity I have the

opportunity to honor and that’s the

choice you’re gonna have to make every

day for the rest of your life but on the

inside of you the Holy Spirit has

empowered you and will empower you to

make the right decision let’s pray come

on heads bowed father I’m asking you

right now to do a work on the inside of

every person in this room that will

allow us not to do your job but to stay

faithful where we are at even if we feel

like we’re in a cave god I thank you

that you would give us the audacity to

honor those who are hard to honor those

who father God who have done us wrong

those father God who ever put us in the

cave today God I’m asking you to change

our hearts and give us a new sense of

your presence that we don’t have to do

what you’ve already done for us and I

just thank you Father as we’re tested in

that today god I thank you that we’re

marked and we do not have to try to

position ourselves to something you’ve

already called us to if I give us the

ability to trust you in the midst of

every hard situation we’ll give you

glory honor and praise for it

in Jesus name Amen

hey listen if you’re in this room and

you need to make the greatest decision

of your life which is give your life to

Jesus I’m telling you it’ll change

everything the reason I get up here and

passionately share and try to compel

people to come to Jesus is cuz it’s the

only thing that changed me it wasn’t

finances it wasn’t success it wasn’t

people knowing who I was it was a real

relationship with Jesus when I said I’m

tired of doing it my own way come in and

help me change me renew my life and and

it was simple I invited in him him in

and he started doing the heavy lifting

in my life and some of you were in here

at that place right now and it’s time

for you to do that today if you would

just for one more second just close your

eyes just not in a religious moment just

to see like where are you at with God

and if you want to make Jesus Christ

your personal Lord and Savior all you

have to do is say pastor yeah that’s me

today I want to make Jesus my personal

Lord and Savior you don’t have to change

everything you just have to invite him

in we’re about to pray in Him in a

second as a family because nobody at TCC

prays alone but we’re gonna pray and if

that’s you and you’re saying pastor I

want to be included in that prayer on

the count of three I just want you to

shoot your hand up in the air

everybody’s eyes are closed everybody’s

hands about this is a decision between

you and God but it’s gonna take faith to

do it you’re saying pastor that’s me I

want to make Jesus Christ my personal

Lord and Savior one two three just lift

your hands in the air I see hands right

now glory to God I see you sir I see you

sir all right you can put them down you

can put them down y’all this is so

amazing God’s doing work right now today

for the benefit of our family our new

family that’s coming to him

can we say this prayer together and mean

it everybody say God thank you for

sending Jesus just for me

today I give you control and I honor you

with my life change me renew me

transform me I’m yours

in Jesus name Amen

hey guys thanks for watching today’s

message and don’t forget transformation

conference is coming up September the

10th through the 12th guys we believe

that all you have is all you need so go

check out our website and get registered

