If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

hey what’s up everybody not and I want

to invite you personally to our grand

opening transformation Church on

February 9th is the only place for you

to be as we celebrate 21 years of being

a ministry and but it was the grace of

God the grace of God allowed us to be

pastors for 5 years and I believe the

grace of God is gonna allow you to get

here and celebrate with me yes TC nation

we want you in the building

bring your mama daddy your cousin’s best

friends everybody bring them we want you

to be here it is free and we can’t wait

it’s the perfect time to come if you’ve

been wondering when’s a good time to

come this is the event and really what

it’s it’s symbolizing is the mark of

something that has happened in our

church that we want you to be a part of

in crazy faith so Saturday the 8th were

having a ribbon-cutting ceremony at noon

at the building to officially open it up

and Sunday morning we are going in at

11:00 a.m. we’re going to worship and

it’s gonna be phenomenal because there’s

a word in the house and that Sunday

night we are having a live worship

recording where we’re gonna sing some of

the songs and record them that have been

marks of this movement and we want you

to be in the place we can’t wait for you

to be there hey February 9th

transformation church grand opening

let’s do it

we’re in a series called stronger and

every year at the beginning of the year

we take time to pick a word that’ll be

our focus for the entire year and kind

of shape what we do and we’ve done this

for the past couple years and this year

the word is stronger say it again

everybody say stronger we’re believing

that this year we’re gonna get stronger

this year we’re gonna grow and what all

of our calling everything God’s given us

what he’s called us to do and in the

purpose that he’s

on the inside of us we’re getting

stronger and really we’re getting

stronger because we know what God has

for it and sometimes it’s easy to think

that we would rather God just get us out

but really there’s two ways of relief

either someone getting out of a

situation or strengthening the person

that’s in the situation so they can

carry it what I’m believing what I know

is this year our church your family your

marriage your relationships your

business is getting stronger come on

does anybody believe that you’re getting

stronger this year and as we’re going

into the series week one we talked about

the value of vision you need to know

that vision has value the Bible says in

in Habakkuk 2 that where there is no

vision the people perish one translation

says the people cast off restraint or

they stop caring we recognize that

vision has to be clear it has to be from

God and it has to be valid but once we

have that vision we got a value it

throughout the year the reason half the

people in this room have stopped on half

of you new year’s resolutions hello it’s

okay I’ve done skipped over a couple of

months but the reason is is because

sometimes our vision gets tainted or or

it gets switched what I realized is you

never actually lose vision you just

trade vision like some of you think you

lose vision you set a vision of you know

what I’m gonna be financially stable and

I’m gonna steward my money well that’s

your vision but what happens is is you

get on Instagram and you see all your

friends on vacation and you don’t lose

vision you just trade vision to being on

vacation and so now you spend your money

and now you’re doing all different kinds

of stuff you don’t lose the vision but

you traded but what we decided is we’re

gonna value vision last week we talked

about winning in weakness was that

message that message help anybody last

week it was so amazing winning in

weakness we don’t have to wait till the

end of the year or wait till we have it

all together but God’s gonna strengthen

us in our weakness and we’re gonna be

able to win and I’m really excited about

the word that I have for you today so if

you have your Bibles

have a real Bible like you didn’t have

to charge your Bible come on the really

saved people we don’t get into heaven

way quicker than everybody else I just I

believe that

second Corinthians 12 6 the second

Corinthians 12 6 is where we’re gonna be

if you don’t have your Bible no worries

at all we got the sky Bible as I like to

call it on the screen so you can follow

along with us there this is what the

Word of God says starting in verse 6 if

I wanted to boast I would be no fool in

doing so because I’ll be telling the

truth but I don’t want to do it because

I don’t want anyone to give me credit

beyond what they can see in my life or

here in my message even though I’ve

received such wonderful revelations from

God so to keep me from becoming proud I

was given a thorn in my flesh scripture

says it was a messenger from Satan to

torment me and keep me from becoming

proud three times I begged the Lord to

take it away at each time he said my

grace is all you need my power works

best in weakness so now I’m glad to

boast about my weakness so that the

power of Christ can work through me

verse 10 that’s why I take pleasure in

my weakness in the insults in the

hardships in the persecution in the

trouble that I suffer with Christ for

when I am weak then I am strong listen

we can shut it down right there and just

go home that isn’t some Bible if you’re

taking notes today and I make this joke

every time because it always gets you to

laugh so I’m gonna keep doing it you’re

taking notes if you’re not taking notes

notes operate as a fast pass when you

get to heaven so you show them your

notes they put you in the short line and

you go right in so I would encourage you

to take notes the title of my message

today is my glitch is my gift

my glitch is my gift I’m about to preach

right now but I’m gonna pray for slow

God we love you so much Lord Jesus we

ask you to come in Lord Jesus we ask for

your presence we ask Holy Spirit that

you would meet us in this moment Lord

God I thank you that you’ve annoyed to

me Lord God not to say what I want to

say but say what you want today so your

people are here we’re open and we’re

listening it’s in the beautiful name of

Jesus and everybody said umm me my wife

we have a little boy his name is Arlo

Fenix he’s the cutest little boy in the

world he’s 10 months old and tomorrow

actually he’s 10 months old and this was

our Lowe’s first Christmas and it was

super exciting because it’s just his

first Christmas and we were so excited

about it and we started thinking what

are we gonna get Arlo for his first

Christmas and honestly we got a little

stressed about it we were going back and

forth of what should we get him and what

would he like and we were laying in bed

one night and I had this revelation that

he has no idea what Christmas is at 10

months old he don’t know what’s going on

really I mean somebody like oh he’s

gonna remember this he’s not like he’s

really not gonna remember it but you’ll

remember it and so it’s more so for you

than it is for them and that’s great but

we were just like you know what we’re

just gonna get him a couple things so he

got him set up for Christmas but I love

just thinking about what is Arlo gonna

like and and I love giving him gifts

matter of fact the other day we were in

Dallas my friend Dylan he started a

clothing company had a fashion show it

was super awesome and we were there in

Dallas and we went and afterwards we

went to the mall and we were in there

and there was this little sweatshirt and

it was super tiny and everything’s just

cuter when it’s tiny like it’s just it

just is like I never understood that now

I’m a dad and I’m just I’m just soft and

I cry all the time and everything’s just

cuter so we we I saw the sweatshirt in

ahead Buzz Lightyear on him now I love

to Buzz Lightyear going up like if you

liked woody that’s cool but we’ll pray

for yet for service no I’m joking but I

like the Buzz Lightyear and so the fact

that my son he has a little tiny Buzz

Lightyear that he actually has like

halfway chewed the face off of it’s kind

of weird but it’s like a faceless Buzz

Lightyear it’s getting a little strange

anyways but he loves Buzz Lightyear Wow

all this sweater that had buzz lightyear

on it he’s actually wearing it today

I’ll probably post it on Instagram later

cuz it’s so cute

but I picked I was like oh he likes Buzz

Lightyear but I didn’t know if he would

recognize like it’s his little toy that

he plays with and so I walked over to

him I was like hey but and I showed him

literally he started like screaming and

smiling and he was like oh so we got him

the hoodie and it was amazing and I was

just I was so excited now summer you try

like Charles I don’t care about that

well I have the mic and you don’t so

sorry that I’m not that mean I promise

it’s just anyways but it made me start

thinking of some of the best and worst

gifts that I’ve ever ever gotten have

you ever gotten a good gift like raise

your hand if you’ve gotten a good gift

before like somebody got you something

and it was exactly what you wanted one

year for Christmas I got a velour I know

I’m wearing this leather right now but I

got a velour Allen Iverson jumpsuit and

Allen Iverson do-rag now if you don’t

know what that is you need to get

educated but it was I was so happy and I

was just I was way too thug for how

light-skinned I was and it was just

people were confused like no my dad’s

black like trust me it’s cool but being

mixed is honestly the best like I could

make black jokes I could make white

jokes that was so random what are we

talking about oval or jumpsuits Oh so is

he ever gonna read the Bible just calm

down so one year there was gifts that I

got every year for Christmas that

honestly were so confusing and some

people say it’s the thought that counts

and I don’t think that’s true because if

you were thinking you wouldn’t have got

me this like you know you know I don’t

but one year there are three things that

I got every Christmas from my Mamaw and

my aunt Lowell or hey I’m on it Lowell

or if you’re watching this I love you

and I’m so grateful for you but I’ll get

three things I will get socks

deodorant and fruit of the Loom

underwear every year without fail socks

deodorant and fruit of the Loom

underwear and every time I opened it I

thought why like why are you getting me

sucks I have socks I have underwear it

like I just I didn’t understand why they

would give me that now as a kid I didn’t

really understand that there are like

two types of gifts there are gifts that

you would celebrate that are really

unnecessary and there are other gifts

that you would never celebrate but

actually most needed you see as a kid I

didn’t have the maturity to decipher

between that which I needed and that

which I wanted and so there were times

where I would get certain things and I

would freak out and scream only to

realize it was adding no value to my

life and there were other things and

about the preacher I told you there were

other things that were gifts that I kind

of passed over because I didn’t

understand the significance it had in my

life I wonder today if there are some

gifts that God has given you some things

that he’s put in your life that right

now you’re looking at them and you’re

not cheering you’re not excited about it

you’re not celebrating but actually it’s

the very gift that you didn’t want but

you needed it it’s the very thing that

God is trying to use but because it

doesn’t look the right way or because

you you wanted something else or you

were planning on getting something else

at a different time you haven’t

necessarily identified the value it has

in your life I think in this room there

are tons of gifts that God has given us

and what I want to talk about today is

your relationship to those gifts your

relationship to specifically things that

you may not identify as gifts today I

want to talk very specifically about

your relationship with your weakness

your relationship with your weakness now

some of you are thinking Charles we

already did the weakness message last

week I’m ready for strength but here’s

the thing

weakness will always be relevant as long

as you are alive as long as you are

breathing on this earth there will be

areas of your life that you’re weak in

and it’s so important that we identify

these areas that we talk about these

areas because until we do we are

standing and acting in a space and

putting on for people and trying to

present ourselves in a certain way like

we got it all together like we have the

money like we have the relationships and

really were weak in that area but what

you don’t realize is God doesn’t share

spotlight let me explain as long as you

are acting strong God can’t be strong

for you

God does not share the spotlight as long

as you are your provider God cannot be

your provider as long as alcohol is your

peace God cannot be your peace he does

not share a spotlight so when it comes

to weakness as long as you’re trying to

be strong as long as in your own power

you’re just trying to act like you have

it all together what you’re failing to

realize is you are taking up the place

of God and I want to talk about weakness

today I want to talk about how are we

gonna get stronger and it’s gonna start

with identifying our weakness my first

point write this down God cannot cover

what you are covering God cannot cover

what you already are very practically if

you want God to step into your weakness

you have to step away from it and give

it to him some of us we talked about

this last week we’re acting like we have

it all together we’re acting like we

don’t struggle with that certain sin

we’re acting like it doesn’t really

bother us and we’re trying to to just

pass over our weaknesses are not focused

on our weaknesses but as long as you are

covering or trying to hide it or trying

to act like it’s not there God can’t

cover that and I just want to set this

groundwork as we’re talking today that

we have to identify our weakness it’s

only insane god I I don’t I don’t have

to figure it out like I’m not strong in

this area like I don’t know how

I’m gonna get through this relationship

I don’t know how I’m gonna get through

this year of college god I like the

scripture says be strong in the Lord not

act strong in the Lord Pastor Mike

talked about this last week but I think

there’s another level of vulnerability

that’s gonna have to happen if you want

to get stronger if you want to be

stronger in your marriage you’re gonna

have to admit that you don’t have the

answer all the time if you want to get

stronger in your finances you’re gonna

have to admit that maybe you didn’t have

the best picture of how to steward money

if you want to get stronger as a father

you’re gonna have to admit you know what

maybe I didn’t see a great picture but

if you want to get stronger you’re gonna

have to admit that you have weakness but

here’s the thing when it comes to your

relationship with your weakness what I

think has happened in some of us has I

have identified our weakness as just the

way I am look if you said that that’s

just the way I am like it’s just I mean

it’s just always I always struggle with

lust I’ll always have those perverted

thoughts it’s just the way I am all my

family my family’s always been like that

like it’s just we always we’ve never

been able to kind of manage money or

I’ll always be afraid of commitment or

all what you know that’s just my

personality you know I’m I’m a ninny

grim 7 so I just I’m not that’s my thing

or I’m that’s what you know like I’m

just that’s just the way I am and the

problem is it’s not that you’re even

trying to hide your weakness but you’ve

gotten so close to it that you don’t

even recognize it’s stealing everything

from your life but when you step up and

identify that thing it gives God the

opportunity to step in and be strong for

me there was definitely and their

silliest times where I’ve thought like

well that’s just that’s just how it is

you know growing up at 15 years old I

was in a locker room and and I got

introduced to pornography and in that

room I knew it was wrong and I had great

parents and I grew up in a Christian

home but I didn’t know how to handle it

and and so it created this cycle and for

years and years and years I would try to

not do it or not look at the wrong thing

or pray more or say the right thing or

try to get an accountability partner try

and I tried all of these things

try to fix this issue that I had but

what happened is is in a moment I

literally read the scripture that we

just read and I just said you know what

it’s just my thorn I always struggle

with it and if you’re not careful this

is what the enemy did from the beginning

the enemy will use what God did say and

he’ll use what he didn’t say and he’ll

twist it so in the Garden of Eden the

devil didn’t live he just said is that

what he said like I think I think you’re

hearing it just it’s a little different

than what you said and what’s careful is

with your weakness with whatever it is

that you struggle in you’ll look at

scriptures like I was given a thorn in

my flesh and I asked God to take it away

and he didn’t and you’ll just be like oh

yeah so I’m just always gonna be in this

lust I’m just always gonna be in this

doubt I’ll just always walk in fear

I’ll just but God didn’t put that there

to torment you or to take from you but

he’s actually trying to teach you

something through that thing he said my

grace is sufficient it’s not supposed to

push you to do it again but it’s

actually supposed to push you to him but

you’ve your weakness is just your buddy

you wake up with your weakness you talk

to your weakness throughout the week but

I’m believing that God wants to

strengthen us in our weakness

now something I would do when it came to

even struggling with lust and

pornography is I would ask God like why

like why is this my weakness have your

Ascot back like why why did I have to

struggle with that like why why did why

did you give me that like God if you

loved me why did you make this the thing

that I would struggle with why did you

watch God if you love to me why did you

not have my father in my life God if you

loved me why wasn’t I born into a

different family God if you look like

why you start asking why of your

weakness and after you ask why for so

long you move on to trying to just wish

it away that’s what Paul’s doing Paul he

said I asked God three times like just

take it away just give it have you ever

done that have you asked

like God if you just get me out of this

situation if you just take that away

from me if I just didn’t struggle with

that I would be who you’ve called me to

be and Paul he says in Scripture in 2nd

Corinthians 12 I was given a thorn and I

begged three times for him to take it

away and he said my grace is sufficient

now there’s a lot of speculation on what

this thorn was some people say it was a

physical ailment that Paul had intense

headaches some people believed that it

was the way he was perceived by other

people and scriptures are clear on what

it was but it’s very clear on why it was

there it says the thorn was given to

keep me from becoming proud now this

starts to mess with your theology this

starts to mess with what you believe

about God because some of us because

we’ve experienced so many good things

because we’ve experienced God because

we’ve made the money because we’ve had a

good life we have trouble dealing with

that your weakness may not have been

from the devil like let’s read the

scripture let’s not like it says I was

given there are two words to me in this

scripture I want to read it to you just

because it really stuck out when I read

it there are two words that stick out so

much to me it’s in 2nd Corinthians he

says so to keep me from becoming proud I

was given a thorn in my flesh a

messenger from Satan to torment me and

keep me from becoming proud two words

that that were kind of stuck out to me

it was the word given and torment now

when we’re talking about a thorn the

word torment makes sense to me like

isn’t what that what your thorn does

like your weakness that area that that

you’re not full like it’s there and it’s

tormenting you it’s there and that’s

what happens with our weakness it feels

like it’s there just to steal from us

just just to hurt us to torment us but

there was another word that didn’t make


it was given he’s talking about a thorn

and he said it was given to me I want to

read this scripture in the message

translation because it opens up


so special it says because of the

extravagant revelations and so I

wouldn’t get a big head I was given the

gift of a handicapped wait what the gift

like I was given the gift of a

handicapped god that’s not a gift like

come on my that weakness the thing that

I struggle with that’s not a gift God

like surely you wouldn’t give that to me

as a gift but look what Paul says he

says at first I didn’t think it of as a

gift so I asked God to remove it he said

my grace is enough once I heard that I

was glad to quit focusing on the

handicapped and appreciating the gift I

want to break this scripture down for

you he says once I realized I had God’s

grace I stopped focusing on the

handicapped and I focused on the gift

now what’s interesting in this scripture

is he’s talking about the same thing

when he says handicap and when he says

gift he says I was given a thorn but

then when I realized I had Grace on my

side I stopped calling it that thing

that was there to torment me I stopped

calling it a handicap and I realized it

was a gift now some of you like Charles

you don’t you don’t know my thorn like

you don’t know what I struggle with you

don’t know the things that I’ve been


but what if just maybe Paul had a

perspective that we can borrow today

that the weakness that the struggle that

the pain like his how could his thorn be

a gift how give that that financial

tension that you have in your marriage

how could that be a gift like what what

would happen if you saw as a gift like

what if it’s that gift that you didn’t

want but you actually needed like what

if what if it’s the one that that right

now he said at first I didn’t think it

was a gift like at first when they broke

up with me I didn’t think it was a gift

but looking back on it now I realized

that it wasn’t a handicap but it was


a gift come on at first I didn’t think

that the business shutting down was the

gift because I didn’t understand but

when I realized his grace was all I

needed it it became a gift the weakness

or the struggle or can I say the glitch

that you have like that thing about you

that’s just it’s just a little off the

thing about you that people talk about

like oh yeah you know them they say

struggle with that yeah that’s kind of

their thing they’d always been like that

that glitch that’s been there since you

were a kid

the thing that’s caused you to

second-guess your purpose since you were

born that tension that’s in your

relationship that fear that anxiety what

if God’s grace could turn your glitch

into your gift what what if God was so

good that it wasn’t an accident that it

wasn’t just happenstance but what if he

was trying to do something in your life

so special that he would use the very

thing that tried to disqualify you and

your glitch is what made you great now I

would love to preach the Bible right now

before a second I’m gonna preach Disney

have you ever seen wreck-it Ralph if you

have a seen wreck-it Ralph there’s a

couple characters one’s name is Ralph

and there’s another character called

vanellope and vanellope has this issue

she has a glitch she’s in this video

game and she’s supposed to race and

she’s supposed to drive this car and and

be like kind of Mario karts and she has

a glitch that literally causes her to

not be able to race like everyone else

and because she has a glitch the people

in the game tried to kick her out of the

game the only problem is is they are

inside the game so they can’t see the

full picture of what’s supposed to be

happening fast forward to the end of the


the glitch that vanellope had was

actually the thing that set her apart

the glitch at the end of the story was

what actually saved all the people who

tried to cancel her because she had a

glitch could I present to you today that

the very thing that people have tried to

label you as the very weakness that

you’ve been praying to get out of is the

glitch that God wants to use to make you

great but as long as you’re doing life

in your power and not with that with

God’s grace it’ll always be a curse

you’ll always look at that part of your

personality as your handicap as the

reason why you can’t do it as the reason

why you you’ll never be or never have or

never be able to but Paul called his

glitch his gift he said it was actually

the thing that I didn’t want but it was

the thing I needed

what if God’s grace my second point

God’s grace turns your glitch into your

gift like what if the thorn that he gave

you wasn’t there to torment you I was

looking at this scripture and God said

this he said Charles my grace is the

flip factor my grace is the flip factor

to God what do you mean by that well as

long as you’re doing things in your

power your thorn is there to torment you

but when you understand you have my

grace you flip it somebody say flip it

as long as you have my grace you flip it

your torment flip the syllables becomes

meant or when you understand that you

have God’s grace the perspective on your

weakness is not that it’s there to

torment you but you realize that God’s

grace allows your glitch to be your


the problem is with where you are in

your weakness is you’ve been asking why

– your weakness but what you should be

asking God is what – your weakness God

what are you trying to teach me through

this weakness God what are you trying to

show me through this broken part of my

marriage God what are you trying to do

with that area that I haven’t

surrendered to you all the way God what

are you trying to do with my weakness

God’s grace it flips it it changes the

the areas that you’ve been praying to

get out of as the things that he uses it

changes your perspective on your

weakness as not the thing that I need to

run from but what if God is using that

to make me who I am it changes the

things that other people would talk

about for you to step up and like Paul

say now that I’ve got God’s grace I’m

proud to say that I got the weakness

because when I am weak he is strong

God’s grace turns your glitch into your

gift but the only problem is is you have

a part to play the only issue is is

you’ve got to be the one to surrender it

to him like you’ve got to be the one to

allow God to use that weakness you know

Paul in Scripture there’s a portion in

2nd Corinthians where he’s talking to a

group of believers and the Corinth the

church at Corinth is what this letter is

from they were kind of stuck up they

thought they were really good they

thought they were better than other

people and in this time they actually

Paul was the one that planted the church

and they actually say to Paul you need

to prove that you have like the

credentials to be doing this like you

you like and literally the scripture

says they said about Paul on when you

got his letters it was good but in

person he wasn’t really that impressive

and they were looking at the outward

surface of Paul and they thought you

know what when you when you see one part

of his ministry

is pretty good but when you meet him in

up close he’s not even they would say

this in second Corinthians 10 you can

read it they said he’s not a good


it was his glitch but there was another

guy named Apollo’s and Apollo’s was an

amazing communicator like he was the

best but I realized that the thing that

was actually pause glitch is what made

him great if Paul could speak really

well how much do you think he would have

written down you’ve never read a

scripture from Apollo’s like you’ve

never heard a Polish was the most

beautiful communicator but you never

heard it because Paul realized that the

thing that everyone else said was my

issue was actually the thing that pushed

me into my purpose it was the thing that

allowed me to walk into what God had

called me to be I’m believing that for

you today the thing that people have

said oh come on y’all the thing that

people have said is counted you out the

thing that has caused that marriage to

fall is going to be the thing one day

that pushes you into your purpose it’s

gonna be the thing that makes you who

God has called you to be your glitch is

there gonna come your gift come on does

anybody believe that today see this is

what God does he uses the foolish things

to confound the wise he uses situations

that seem broken situations that seem

like they can’t work out and what he

does is he flips it on his head let’s

look at the life of Joseph Joseph his

brothers they literally beat him up

throw him in a cave he gets sold into

slavery he’s in slavery and somebody

lies about him he gets thrown into jail

again one day he ends up being the king

and his brothers show up and he says you

know what you meant it for bad like you

thought this weakness was gonna hurt me

but God meant it for my good yeah there

are things in your life I promise you

that right now

like Paul it don’t feel like a gift the

tension and that relationship it don’t

feel like a gift right now the the

financial pressure that

you have you don’t feel like a gift

right now the lack of purpose that you

feel I know it doesn’t feel like a gift

right now I know it doesn’t feel like

God’s working it out I know it doesn’t

feel like everything’s gonna come

together I know right I know right now

it looks like it’s dark it looks like it

doesn’t make sense it looked like

there’s no way it could come together

but I promise you without a shadow of a

doubt in my mind that God is working

behind the scenes and one day you’ll

stand up in front of people and say I

know you meant it for harm I know you

tried to come for my marriage I know you

tried to come for my purpose but God

meant it for good and he used the very

thing that tried to take me out to set

me up for what God had called me to do


we sing that song at the end and was

talking about I want to be tried by fire

that’s a dangerous thing to say like you

was in here like and you gonna get in

the car and start arguing with your

husband a bit like God where are you at

but what if like the short of it the

reason I’ve talked for these minutes is

just to get you to look at your weakness

differently like it’s just I just want

to challenge you that may be the thing

you’ve been writing in your 21 days of

prayer and fasting journal that God

should get you out of let’s be like the

very thing that you’ve been saying God

if you could just take this away from me

and you’ve spent 14 days journaling

about it what if he’s like mm I don’t

see you can’t see it right now but you

you actually need that and if I take it

away if I if I just get you out of it my

end goal of making you stronger the see

I wonder and this is what I’m gonna

close with band and the team could come

back up I wonder if your weakness is


socks deodorant and underwear like right

now you’re asking God why would you why

would you give me that like why would

you give me that struggle why would you

give me that weakness but you you don’t

know it and you didn’t want it but you

needed it like the break-up you didn’t

want it and you don’t know it yet but

you needed it like the the tension

that’s in your relationship right now

the frustration that’s caused you to be

stuck in that same spot of your marriage

and it feels like why haven’t we got

past this yet you don’t know it and you

didn’t want it but I bet two different

that there will be a time in your life

that you will say you know what I needed

it I didn’t realize there are so many

different areas that I was trying to

wish away and say God like if you could

just get me out if you could just but

like now I could say you know what I

needed that

like I needed that that struggle with

lust I didn’t want it but I needed it

and right now I just I want to challenge

you to look at your weakness different I

want to challenge you to think like

maybe maybe gods using this thing like

maybe maybe he’s trying to do something

that’s bigger than anything I could ever

think my last point that you need to

know is god never wastes a weakness he

never wastes a glitch and right now is

we’re closing service I’m gonna ask you

if it’s not an emergency – please stop

moving this is one of the most important

times of service we’re about to close

and we’re gonna get you out of here but

some of you in this room there’s an area

of your life

that feels like it’s tormenting you like

there’s a weakness that feels like I

just can’t I can’t get past it I can’t I

can’t I can’t get through it I don’t

know how I’m gonna make it I don’t know

what what God’s trying to do this to

enter and I can’t see what he’s trying

to do what I know is that that weakness

is not by accident but I’m believing

that that thing that you struggle with

that thing that other people have tried

to say has made you not a qualified the

thing that people have said has made you

not be able to walk into your purpose I

believe him that you are gonna have a

different perspective as you leave today

you’re gonna realize that God is not

trying to torment me with that thing

but maybe he’s trying to mentor me maybe

he’s trying to teach me something maybe

he’s trying to show me what that area of

my life that that has caused me to be

afraid of commitment

what if he’s using the tension in the

relationship now to work the issue

that’s on the inside of him what if he’s

using the pressure of being someone or

the pressure that you feel what if he’s

trying you know what I’m trying to

adjust if you would just hold on and

that’s my final encouragement today

Galatians 6:9 it says don’t grow weary

in doing good for at the proper time you

will reap a harvest if you don’t lose


today I’m believing that as we walk out

of here today there’s gonna be a

different perspective on our glitch

thing that we’ve tried to hide from

other people we’re gonna realize that

God’s grace is with us his grace is

sufficient his grace is more than enough

his grace is all you need and here’s the

thing grace isn’t the thing that covers

it when you mess up but grace is the

thing that gives you the ability tonight

get in that situation I was reading this

scripture and it just came back to my

mind thank you so much Holy Spirit I

literally the time when I was struggling

so much unless I would read that

scripture and it would say my grace is

all you need my grace is all you need my

grace is all you need and I always

thought about grace as the after fact

like grace was when I messed up

God had Grace when I when I did the

wrong thing

God has grace but the biggest moment of

God’s grace was before I was even ever

here His grace has always been before

his grace was 2,000 years ago when he

stepped up on a cross and said I know

what you’re gonna go through I know the

weakness you’re gonna have and my grace

is sufficient His grace was enough on

the cross so His grace is enough today

and I’m believing that that weakness

that you’ve had that struggle that you

had you’re gonna realize that you know

what His grace is all I need and now I

walk with my head held high saying yeah

I don’t have it all together yeah I got

issues yeah I got weaknesses but I also

got grace and I’m gonna look at the

things that I’ve tried to get out of and

I’m gonna realize that when I am weak I

am strong another name for our God is I

am when he steps up into the situation

we realize that you know what God is

making me stronger God is making my

family stronger come on does anybody

anybody getting stronger in here today

God is making my finances stronger God

is making my children stronger God is

making this church stronger come on God

is making my mind stronger he’s making

my emotion stronger come on some of

y’all need to believe that right now

come on God is making you stronger he’s

building something in you he’s

something for legacy he’s building

something for your children’s children

he’s building something in your mind in

your sauce in your heart come oh you

were gonna prosper as our soul prospers

and we’re gonna allow God to use our

weakness everyone’s standing in this

room if you’re in this room right now

and there’s a weakness that you have

that you want to let God use I want to

pray for you if there’s an area that you

say you know what I’ve been struggling

with it and I didn’t think I would get

past it and I didn’t know how I would

make it but I want to I want God to use

it I want him to change my perspective I

want to see it in a different way I want

to see it in a new way I want God to use

the thing that’s tried to trip me up and

I’m gonna surrender it to him I’m gonna

let God use my fire I’m gonna let God

use the thing that feels like I just

want to get out of it but I’m gonna

realize that he’s not gonna get me out

because he’s trying to build me up he’s

trying to make me stronger if right now

you’re in this room and you say you know

what I have a weakness that I need God’s

shrinks in like I’ve been viewing it not

as a gift I’ve been trying to get out

I’ve been trying to wish it away I’ve

just been praying God just get me out of

this but today I’m gonna make a decision

to see my weakness as a gift I’m gonna

make a decision to see that struggle as

a gift from God because I don’t know it

yet but I’m trusting that I needed it I

don’t know it yet but I’m trusting that

God’s using it right now if you want to

just have a moment of Prayer we say you

know what I’m gonna let God use my

weakness would you lift your hand right

now I want to pray for you look out you

see your children Lord and we’re saying

we want to be used by you Lord we want

you to use our glich we want you to use

our weakness we want you to use our pain

look out I thank you right now by the

power of the Holy Spirit Lord

perspectives are changing Lord our view

on our pain our view on the struggle our

view on the insecurities look god the

lord literally your scripture says look

God that the enemy tried to use it to

take me down and it actually broke me

down so much that I ended up on my knees

look up and I surrender to you in a new

way so right now look how were your

children and we’re saying we surrender

to you

we give it all to you right now Lord

Jesus with every head still bowed every

eye still closed no one moving there’s

some of you in here right now and you

need to surrender your life to Jesus

that plain and simple until you give

your life to Him there are always be

areas of your life that you won’t have

the strength that you need the bible

says he said my grace is sufficient the

gospel the good news of Jesus is that

before you had that glitch before you

were in your weakness before you had

troubles God saw it and he said you know

what I’m gonna die on the cross for them

just to give them an opportunity to say

yes you don’t have to clean up you don’t

have to stop doing a bunch of bad things

the Bible says this if you believe in

your heart and confess with your mouth

that Jesus is Lord you shall be saved

some of you that’s the reason you’re

here today that’s the reason you’re

watching online right now is to come

into a relationship with Jesus Christ

and all you got to do is surrender all

you got to do is say yes to say you know

what god I’m gonna let you use every

part of my life I’m not holding anything

back I’m not trying to be somebody I’m

not but I’m gonna surrender right now if

you’re in this room and you want to

accept Jesus into your life you want to

say you know what I’m done doing it by

myself and I need help I’m gonna admit

that I’m weak so God can be strong in me

right now if you want to give your life

to Jesus I’m gonna count to three

and what I want you to do is lift your

hand on the count of three I believe

that when you lift your hand it

solidifies what God is doing in your

heart right now you know it’s you don’t

think oh what are they gonna think about

me and I came with my friend and what

are they gonna say no right now you can

have an encounter with Jesus that’ll

change your life forever one he loves

you too he is proud of you three lift

your hand right now if you want to

accept Jesus into your life I see you

right here ma’am I see you in the

balcony I see you back here so proud of

you I got you right here girls so proud

of you

come on Church with people I got you

brother I see you he

he’s proud of you come on you’ve got a

purpose I see you right here ma’am he’s

so proud of you he loves you I got you


hey listen we’re gonna say this prayer

all together everybody can pray right

now with me repeat after me say dear

Lord God thank you for dying for me I

admit I’ve made mistakes

I pray you it saved me that you changed

me that you would make me new god

transformed me it’s in Jesus name I pray


well hey listen Church we just have

people coming to a relationship with

Jesus come on lives were transformed

lives were healed and restored and

listen we celebrate that hey listen if

you have any next steps that you want to

take you and go on our app you can go

into the main lobby and there are people

that will help you with any next steps

you have we have prayer if you need

prayer for anything you can go out into

our ballroom and follow the people that

are holding up signs that will direct

you for prayer no matter what’s going on

if you gave your life to Jesus we would

love to know about it

text the words saved to the number

that’s on the screen but hey we’re gonna

leave out of here worshiping God we’re

gonna leave out of here saying God you

can use our life we love you so much

thank you and have a great week come on

let’s work show God thank you so much

for watching transformation churches

YouTube and I just want you to take

another step if this is feeding you join

transformation nation that’s everybody

that doesn’t live here in Tulsa watching

live with us on Sunday mornings gather

your family must make this thing an

every week situation and please share

share if it has impacted your life there

is somebody that is waiting for you to

share this with them and transformation

is only a click away and there’s one

more thing I would ask you to do pray

about giving if you want to help us take


message all around the world and

represent God to lost-and-found people

for one reason transformation in Christ

you can do that right now by clicking

the giveaway I cannot wait to see you

the next time we’re here live a

transformed life
