When it comes to money, people often have two mindsets: poverty or prosperity. But what if there was another? God wants to give us His mindset when we think about our finances. He doesn’t mind us having money, but doesn’t want money to have us. He has a purpose for our money. Pastor Mike teaches us how we can have that mindset of God. He shows us that money is not the answer to our problems, but God is.

this series

is a series on stewardship and

generosity and it’s week one

and i’m telling you over the next five


i’m about to take you on a journey this

series is gonna be all in your business

this series is gonna seem like i had

surveillance on some of the thoughts

that you had because this series is

going to confront

your heart issues through your wallet

see most people don’t understand that

your finances your generosity your

giving even if you don’t have a lot or

even if you bawling

everything that you are doing right now

your money and your heart are attached

to each other

and what god wants you to do in this


is not be attached to a tool

he wants you to manage that tool

but not love it

and in this series i am the best person

to talk to you about this because i was

completely blinded when it came to money

cash guap give me some more uh term

cheese dinero

loot what is it

cheddar pesos come on give me a couple

type it in the uh chat what what did you

say the fatty what


the tortilla

i don’t know i never heard of it but i

don’t say

the vegetables the lettuce

the chips

well i have these food analogies

the coins

the bag the benjamins

give me two more what we got

the moolah

the paper there it is

the bacon

never heard of the bacon before oh bring

it on the bag okay all right all right

all right

okay all right

so so so

whatever you call it

i’m gonna start with confession

money used to control me

it used to dictate my thoughts

my actions

my associations

as well as my self-worth

not gonna talk about you today

but i’m gonna talk about me


used to make me feel better about living

and it used to make me feel worse if i

didn’t have it

most of us get a small dopamine hit on

this every day that it’s payday

now don’t act fake with me today

you know the first and the 15th or

whenever you get paid

you just

breath still stinking

i still crusty

this day you don’t check instagram first


today gonna be a good day

why do we why do we feel like that

when we get a tax return


why does it feel like life got better

when we found an extra twenty dollars

it was your 20 to begin with you just

lost it

but when you found it it’s like oh shoot

god is blessing rain rain on me like

the truth is many of us

are attached

to this thing

that god called us to manage

steward over and watch this give away


it’s very hard to give away what you’re

attached to

it’s hard to let go of what’s holding


and through this series i want to walk


in a very

cautious manner through a subject that

many churches fumble

the reason the church don’t like to talk

about this and i’m just putting all the

disclaimers out here first to let you

know that i’ve thought through

everything that we’re about to do and

the end of this is you living a blessed

life somebody say bless life

not a blessed wallet but a blessed life

he wants every area of your life to be


but there’s a connection

between your resources and your

relationship with god

and so

as we walk through this i’m going to do

it delicately but i want to give you a

few disclaimers everybody first off take

a deep breath in

let it out

and everybody say relax

there will be no second offerings

we’re not in a building campaign

you don’t have to look for the bait and

switch like what is he doing what is he

doing what is he doing

there’s no hundred dollar lines

there’s no prophetic prophecies that you

need to pay for there’s no oil from

israel that you just paid 333 dollars

for and jesus spit is in that let’s not

talk about spit


all i’m saying

all i’m saying is there’s no gimmick

with this

my heart’s passion

is that god’s people

would form

a right relationship with resources

and there are too many people in god’s

house that have a wrong relationship

with resources and if you have a wrong

relationship with resources you can

never be able to be a conduit to give

those resources away and all of the

things that god wants us to do as the

kingdom of god takes us having resources

to be able to be a resource you cannot

be a resource without a source and you

cannot be a resource if you do not give

resources to other people and so we have

to get a biblical principled idea and

thought process around generosity and

stewardship or we’re stuck

and most of the church is stuck

when it comes to finances generosity and


so i’m going to be so real with you

through this whole series

that it’s going to make you confront you

and when you confront you with god’s

help i’m praying that it will bring

everybody say transformation

so let me just tell you

my goal up front

i through this series along with god’s


want to break generational cycles of


and through this series we want to break

generational cycles of selfishness


both of them

are evil


poverty is evil

selfishness is evil

and most of us

do not want either one of them but live

at one of those polls

and so i need us

to be able to get principles that help

us live a everybody say it with me one

more time bless life

so let me tell you where this came from

um i was a broke 25 year old and um i

went to a conference um

in dallas texas with pastor robert

morris and tim ross our now oversight

pastor he took me to this bookstore and

he bought me 300 worth of books cds dvds

and he basically

and he basically told me don’t call him

until after i read and listen to all of

this stuff

and i felt like it was kind of rude at

the moment

cause i wanted to be mentored and helped

but he wanted me to make an investment

and he said i’ve spent time with you

i’ve made an initial investment but

don’t talk to me again until you read

these things

a month went by

two months went by he was serious

he hit me up

and i said well maybe i need to read

these books in the middle of those books

was a book called the blessed life

as a 25 year old with debt

credit card problems

been around church and god all my life

seen money manipulated for as well as

seen people have millions of dollars and

seen people unhappy in both scenarios

i was trying to figure my way out

through this and i began to read this

book called the blessed life and these

principles jumped off at me in such a

way i started telling everybody about it

i even came back to transformation

church and at the time i was the

executive pastor um here at

transformation church and i told bishop

we got to do this series called the

blessed life he read the book he was

like this is good i said let’s do it

2014 this week as i was going through

the archives i found the dvd box set

of the blessed life that we did here

bishop at transformation church


these dvds

contain some of the raggediest footage

in history

but as i was going through

week number five for some reason bishop

let me preach

and the title of the message it says

transformation church

sunday morning

michael todd

seed need and greed

and i looked at this and i said

god what were you saying i went and

bought a dvd player this week

let’s just say they’re not easy to find

when i bought a dvd player

and i put on this message that i began

to preach

and to listen to myself when i was broke

in credit card debt


to tell a group of people who was

looking at me cross-eyed like what this

little boy got to say

and the faith that i stood with

to begin to declare that i would be

somebody that would live a blessed life

it inspired me and gave me a passion

to come to you today

and give you a word that will have the

potential to change the trajectory of

your life

as i watched myself knowing my situation

and seeing what god was saying to me

eight years ago to the month it was



i stood on this same platform

and i preached the blessed life for the

first time

a year before i became the pastor and to

look at my life eight years later

and to know

that everything i’m going to say to you

in this series is not from an idea

it’s not from a theory

it’s not from something we’re

experimenting with the person that

you’re standing that is standing before

you have lived out these principles and

i have watched god

turn my life from something that was

broken dejected and

really really ugly to something that is

somebody shouted me blessed



a blessed


does that mean i don’t have problems no

does it mean there’s not suffering and

situations i wish would change no

but because i’ve honored god in the area

of finances stewardship and generosity

he has everybody say transformed

and what my prayer is for you i’m just

saying it up front is by the end of this

series if you would not be distracted

by things that feel better

but you would dial into this series

i promise you

the principles that we’re about to talk

about will transform your life are you

ready to receive right now

i said are you ready to receive right


all right

so let’s go


why don’t we talk about this

why do we do this and for all the people

again who are like oh god here we go

we’re about to talk about money during

this series we’re not asking for any

offerings additional to what people

already do in this church as a matter of

fact because of the generosity and the

people who have already bought into this

message during this series we’re giving

away one million dollars okay y’all not

shouting but i am because i know what

god has done

is this is million dollar march

y’all missed it

we’re giving away with no strings

attached a million dollars in one month

why are you saying that pastor mike

because i want you to know we’re doing

the opposite

of what people would think we would do

in this season why because we’re called

to represent god

i don’t want you have no distractions to

receiving this message

but the reason we do this is because

proverbs 11 24 tells us listen the world

of degeneres

gets larger and larger

but the world of the stingy

gets smaller

and smaller how big is your world

i want you to look around

and evaluate how much has god allowed

you to be a manager over

the key to expanding that is be more


the key to that shrinking is be more

selfish and stingy

and many people because the paper is

priority or they’ve made a mountain of

money or they think cash is king or

they’re committed to the coin they do

not follow god’s principles and that’s

why in this thing we have to make the

kingdom of god priority everybody say

priority that’s why matthew 6 33 i’m

just giving you a couple of scriptures

but seek first

the kingdom of god and his righteousness

and all these things shall be added to

everything that we need resource wise

will be added if we seek first

the kingdom of god and god doesn’t have

a problem with paper

he just wants priority

and my question to you today is what

priority is god in your life

can i say it to you in a point

money should never be the focus it

should always be the fruit

if money is your focus

on social media every day i get up and i

see all these entrepreneurs and hustlers

and grinders and most of us follow them

they have made money the focus and not

money the fruit

if you make money the focus you will

start to make it your idol

and you will worship that thing

but for us as a church we said

we’re not focusing on money

we’re focusing on what god has called us

to focus on and what is that

transformation in christ can i say it

simpler we focus on people

and when you focus on people god always

provides for people who are focused on

other people

it is literally his mo if you would give

to somebody else if you would help when

they’re in the hospital if you would

meet their needs when they have a baby

if you put yourself in the position of

an extension of god’s hands and feet on

this earth he will always supply your


but most people are trying to hoard or

be a reservoir when god wants you to be

a river somebody say flow

god wants you to have a flow from him to


but if money is the focus it can never

be the fruit

so today i’m challenging everybody i

feel this thing there is an authority

coming over me to i’m fighting

principalities right now

i’m fighting things

that that have been generational i can

feel it up here charles like i can feel

people’s mindsets like that don’t apply

to me he don’t know my situation god


and i’m telling you i’m standing flat

foot i ain’t never scared i promise you

i’ve dealt with this in my own life and

i’ve break broke this back of poverty

over this church and i’m coming for you

because you have to live a blessed life

for you to help your family for you to

be able to get them out of drug

addiction for you to be able to help

that community for you to be able to

reach back and get people that were just

like you you got to get these principles

i’m not gonna let no intimidation spirit

come up on me

i promise i’m ready to fight

i’m ready to fight for your family i’m

ready to fight for your freedom i’m

ready to fight for your financial

mindset i’m ready to fight


because you deserve to live a blessed


but it comes from having the right


and that’s why

in an age and in a culture

where most people have at least seven

thousand dollars of credit card debt a

hundred and ninety six thousand dollars

of mortgage twenty seven thousand

dollars of auto loan fifty six thousand

dollars of student loan debt somebody

was like i wish i had that little

don’t have one thousand dollars in

saving and are one check away from being


that’s the society we live in

but deuteronomy 28

12 says you will lend to many nations

you will never need to borrow from them



culture finances

kingdom finances

culture generosity

kingdom generosity

what i’m saying to you right now is

there is always

going to be two kingdoms

wrestling for your allegiance

and many people when it comes to

finances we would rather listen to a


who has no spiritual backing

but because they pull up in a


you think somehow they have the

knowledge to help you do what god’s

called you to do

and i’m saying just for this series can

we go back to the principles of god and

make them the priority in our life as we

look at our finances generosity and

stewardship can i get one big yes

okay so these are two words that you

gotta understand they’re not sexy but

they’re going to provide some clarity

for us as we move forward preparation

okay write that word down


that’s the first word i want you to talk

to yourself about

because the blessed life is not going to

come instantly

this is not a get rich quick scheme

or get me out of debt so i can do

something crazy


it took me eight years to get here

and we are such in an instant

gratification moment

that we would not invest now to see

freedom later

but bishop told me he said a moment

right here

of discipline can produce a life

of freedom

so i’m asking people

to get in your mind that this is time

for preparation the other word


that’s managing something that’s not


now we’re gonna have to deal with that

because a lot of y’all think it’s your


and your house

and your breath

give somebody else one


you can’t give somebody else a breath

because god gave it to you

and when you understand that everything

that you have all good and perfect gifts

come from the lord when you understand

that you realize that you’re never an

owner you’re just a manager

everything i have it ain’t mine

it is under my management or under my

stewardship he is the owner i am the

manager say it with me

he is the owner i am the manager

so why would he ask you for something

are you acting like

he’s doing something to you

instead of for you

give to who

when mama you know i work

every diaper

father man

and god said

hold on

i asked you just to manage

this life

you know you got another life right

and it’s what you do in this life

that will

prepare you

and see what you get in the next life

because of how you stewarded right


what is the phrase of this year here is

so maybe here and how you handle

finances and generosity and money here

is more important to your purpose and

your destiny than anything you’re

thinking about in the future god’s

saying here is holy your your debt here

needs to be dealt with your mindset here

needs to be eradicated your ability to

give here needs to go up because you’ll

never do it there

if you don’t commit to it


oh my god okay write this in a point

preparation releases provision

the only way god releases provision is

if he sees preparation

but then watch the last part of this


releases poverty

oh i’m about to get in your business

some of y’all have been waiting to do

what god already told you to do and

you’re so arrogant to think that you

have another week to do it

he told you to make the budget last year

and you

literally are so arrogant that you are

telling god i got time

i got time to make the business plan

i got time to go to the bank and open up

the account god said you

don’t know

who said you got time you don’t know

what i’m trying to do and how i’m trying

to do it and pro procrastination has led

to so much poverty

that the church is now needing

organizations that don’t even believe

what they believe to give them a handout

because they will not obey in the

seasons that god gives them wisdom of

what to do in a word of knowledge and

now you’ve been put in a compromising


do you keep a standard

or take the money

and i know of so many people and i’m not

just talking about churches i’m talking

about you you are the church

some of y’all have taken money that was

dirty money

you knew

that it was

i don’t know if i can say it like this

you knew that the means

that those resources came

were not in a way that honored god

but because you looked at your bank


and you looked at what you needed

and you didn’t trust in what god was

doing in your life you trusted in a

system that god uses to give us tools

you compromised

your integrity

for a little bit of cash

i’m praying for a church that raises up

that money can be thrown at your feet

and you still choose faith in god

for some of y’all

y’all are gone at a thousand dollars

you’ll slide down a poll you’ll you’ll

give up your own kid and i’m just

telling the truth and and this is the

truth everybody got a number

charles i don’t know if i can be this

real in this series

but some of y’all for 15 000

would give up your christianity


a hundred thousand

would literally turn you out

you give up your family

by making a wrong decision in a bedroom

with somebody who offered you money

for a cool 250.

there is no amount of money

in this world

that is worth me losing my relationship

with god

and this is where i’m submitting to you

that even as we’re starting this series


i want you to confront you

ask yourself

how much money has become your god

oh i know it’s strong

it’s strong because at the end of the

day this is the stuff nobody talks to

you about do you know how private we are

about our money

some husbands and wives don’t y’all got

secret accounts y’all got money stashed

away in purses and brawls y’all don’t

even let each other y’all know it’s the


y’all literally have all of these things

set up because if something goes wrong

and god doesn’t answer money will


and today i came to confront that thing

in you

because what god wants us to do is


to get a fresh revelation

or a new truth in everything that god

has given us around money somebody say

more money

more problems

somebody say it again more money

more problems

does anybody remember when that song

came out



kelly price

i was 11 years old when it came out

faith evans was the faith evans or kelly


faith evans okay all right

faith god bless you


11 years old


i literally


changing to channel 39 that was mtv

when i was young and channel 40 was

b-e-t and

i only watched four channels when i was

a kid disney

nickelodeon 33 and then i just jumped to

the extreme 39 was mtv and 40 was bet in

late nights oh god

i’m just telling them myself somebody

can maybe relate y’all don’t need an

after dark

y’all nasty


that was my life

and um

i saw mason diddy in these like shiny

suits and and they kept saying the

moment we come across the my problem and

then he was just

like he did he don’t dance he just


and i was watching this video

and from that point on

that mantra more money more problems

became something that was stuck in my

head and it began to give me a theology

that was not based in the word of god

a lot of the things that we believe

don’t come from scriptures

they come from moments in our lives

where something seemed right and


and it then becomes something that we

adopt as a truth so i’m literally

growing up and i’m thinking more money

more problems

then i go to college and start seeing

how much it costs to go to a community


and i was like this is a problem

which reinforced more money

more problems i got into church

and i saw people having to figure out

how to

teach people how to give and and

encourage them and they’re not going to

give and this is that and i saw dang

more money

more problems and then i became a pastor

and i had a decision to make

was i going to take a concept that was

given to me by culture

and bring it into kingdom work

or was i going to take it through the

filter of the word of god

and i searched the scriptures guess what

i found out

more money more problems is not biblical

that literally

is nowhere

in the bible

it was something i believed

because it was something i confessed

and i said and i saw other people say

and it became my gospel truth


write this down because this will apply

to you in any area of life what is

repeated and regurgitated becomes gospel

to you even if it’s not the truth

what is repeated and regurgitated

there’s stuff your family has ideas

about that is the most backwards broke

up ideas in history

but it’s what you do and say now because

it was repeated and regurgitated


this is how it happens

it’s repeated and regurgitated and it

becomes your truth

even though it’s not the truth

when it comes to this thing about

stewardship and generosity god’s saying

stop believing that more money means

more problems write it down like this

more money more problems is the

confession of watch this

the poverty gospel

come on

see everybody always talks about the

prosperity gospel and how it’s bad and

and and and it’s gotten a bad rap and

i’m going to talk about that because it


but that’s not the only wrong gospel

we’re suffering from

people are suffering not from the

prosperity gospel they’re suffering

dying and raising kids in the poverty


and today i need you to identify where

you are everybody say here

god only can bless you from where you’re

at so today i’m going to present a few

options to you and i need you to

identify am i here am i here or am i

here because wherever you are that’s

where we’re praying god’s going to

transform you from transform you from

but if you do not identify god will not

take you or heal what you do not reveal

and there are tons of people under my

voice right now that are suffering from

the poverty gospel

you think more money more problems

more money more responsibility

more money more taxes i got to pay

i want a tax return no you don’t

do you see how many people didn’t even


that’s right


a tax return

means that you gave the government in

the year

more money

than you were supposed to

and they giving you your money back

you loaned it to them for free but if

you need a thousand dollars

they’re going to charge you interest

we’re so poverty minded though

we want four thousand dollars that tax

return so we can turn up and get a tv

put some more rims on the truck

take a vacation

more money more problems

that poverty gospel

is fueled

by dysfunction and let me help you

it is motivated and fueled by watch this



when you live

in the poverty gospel

it is motivated and fueled

by everybody say fear

what you mean

i can’t get no more government


if i actually get a job

then i have to report my income

and that means i’m not gonna get this

house for three hundred dollars

you would rather i’m in somebody’s

business y’all see how quiet it is right

now you would rather not have the

freedom to live wherever you want put

those kids in whatever school district

you want be able to do and bless other

people you would rather have a 300


payment and brag about it you know i

only paid 300.

and water and cable included

you know what that is

it’s you’ve

sold your life out to the poverty gospel

you own seven people’s netflix account

but when you start a business you want

somebody to support your business

but you reap what you sow oh

and so you’ve been stealing because

they’re a big company what happens when

you become a big company do you want you

do you want one of you as a customer

that is somebody is convicted right now

somebody signing out right now like oh

my god my great uncle bill


you know what that is

it’s the poverty gospel

and that poverty gospel put it on the

screen poverty gospel

it’s got you so messed up

it’s got you not believing god

it’s got you looking at situations

really thinking that more money means

more problems

and it’s rooted in the opposite of what

god wants us to have it’s rooted in


i need a hookup on everything

i need a discount on everything

that’s a poverty

i don’t care what gas prices go to

god is the supplier of i know everybody

is tripping out right now good process

is five dollars i’ll always have enough

money to be able to pay for gas because

i am not rooted in a fear-based

poverty mentality


will you come into church i can’t call

the church girl

you know that might go across town

i ain’t got gas for all that

yeah you’ll drive out of town for a

concert that’s going to lay you on your

back with somebody

uh oh

did i

i’m so sorry

i’m so sorry

the poverty gospel yeah yeah charles

come here

stand right here

i want everybody to see this

because what ends up happening with the

poverty gospel it’s passed to you by

your family

and they tell you to hold it and

something is like no i don’t want i

don’t want to live in that and they’d be

like no boy this is our family

ain’t like but i can’t apply for the

school even though we don’t have the

money who gonna pay for it

well you know what i’m saying like like

dad i think i can get a scholarship well

you better get a scholarship a job you

better take care of everything else and

you better and you start holding

these ideas and mindsets and then

because your earthly father told it to

you you think now your heavenly father

is saying struggle

you gonna start that ministry well god i

felt like you told me to start it yeah

yeah yeah so you got to earn your dues

go through what i went through

like hold on

if your earthly father knows how to give

good gifts

how much more does your father in heaven

but when we have built up the poverty

gospel so much in our head we willingly

receive the struggle

because we believe watch this it’s what

we deserve

so now

oh but you know because some people are

sitting here all bougie and hysteria

i’ve never been on welfare nothing’s

ever been cut off god is good to me

but the truth of the matter is let me

tell you what poverty gospel is

not spending money on the counseling you

need and buying a new louie bag

that’s poverty

that’s poverty mentality because you

would care what somebody thinks about

you than actually being whole let me

tell you something else that’s poverty

mentality never ever being able to pay

off your actual bills but walking around

stunning on people and judging them

because they don’t drive the car you





and there’s a bunch of people

holding on

to the poverty gospel

and it’s fueled by fear

you bootlegging everything

y’all remember

y’all remember napster and limewire and

come on some of y’all too young for that

y’all remember when literally the cd

would come out

you’d be like i ain’t paying for that


it took me five years

to break poverty gospel

off of my mind

and some of y’all are living better than

you’ve ever lived and you crawl up in

the bed every night

with a poverty


you better shut that door

letting my air out this house

your kids are literally scared of you

you’re damaging them forever

based on seventeen dollars

of air con but where’d you get it from

it was said to you

and you held on

i’m not talking about being frivolous

but i’m i’m saying like

is it really worth damaging

the relationship with your legacy

over a couple of dollars

many of our actions

have been fueled

by the gospel

of poverty

i’m not going to ask you to raise your

hands but i need you to identify are you


because here

the bible said god has not given us

a spirit of

see fear

is the motivator it’s fear of running


it’s fear that i won’t have enough

this is very human it’s fear that i’ll

lose the job it’s fear the only reason

he’s holding on to this mentality so

long is because it’s fear hold it up

over your head charles

it’s a 20-pound

ball this is what many of you feel like

every day you go to work

it’s really work because you’re holding

a poverty mentality over you everywhere

you go

you literally can’t talk without it

you can’t love without it

you don’t meet nobody you won’t even

order the amount that you need to

actually have your business flourish you

always got to do just a little less just

in case god don’t come through he gave

you the plan

and showed you the vision

but you still are overlaying your

poverty gospel

over the plan of god

no no no keep your hands up baby

no no no no no no no no no no

you’re worshiping with the poverty


you’re serving with the poverty gospel

you’ll walk nine miles in the snow

instead of get valet because it doesn’t

make sense

to spend that money to keep your wife

safe she pregnant

why is your wife wife walking that far

to save ten dollars

but you’ll still buy a 120 pair 120 pair

of shoes

300 on the resale market

spot no baby keep your hands up

the reason he’s struggling

because he was never meant to carry this


the poverty gospel

is too heavy

for god’s children

yet many of us

don’t just hold it

we pass it to our family members

let’s stay right there

there’s an example of this in matthew

chapter 25

verse 4 you struggling

are you just holding on to it now

so you went from holding it up to now

just holding on

i’m trying to show you

that the only thing that’s keeping him

up now

is the ideas of poverty

he went from being able to handle it

to now not even being able to stand up

unless he’s holding on to it so when he

hears the blessed life he like i don’t

want to talk about none of that because

i know what keeps me stable

i know i know what i can go through you

can talk about giving offering you can

talk about generosity but i know what’s

made me survive the last 15 years

that’s why i work and i grind and i


and you still have nothing at the end of

the month

and you still just barely getting by

somewhere along the way

we have let the fear

motivate us to the place where we

believe in the prospe

in the gospel of poverty

and there’s an example of this in

matthew chapter 25 just hang out right

there charles

y’all laughing at him this is how you

look for 15 years

you got more clothes than you know what

to do with

but more debt than you can handle

and still going to the mall this weekend

why would you even put yourself in that


people are offended

matthew 25 verse 14.

there was a man that god gave

a talent to to steward over

and he gave three men different things

according to their ability to handle it

one two five the one with two he doubled

it you can read it in matthew the one

with five he doubled it

but the one that god gave one

all he wanted from that man was to

double it but look what this man said in

matthew chapter 25

verse let’s go 25.

he said i



i would lose your money

i would fumble this opportunity

so i hid it in the earth i dug a hole

because of fear

i’m digging a hole because of fear

what did they call going into debt

i’m going into the hole

because of fear

whoever’s been living

in this idea

of poverty

and has been holding on to the gospel

that is rooted in fear


is your day

to be transformed

because more money more problems

is an idea

that god is not pleased with

and you’ve got to change your thinking

but oh shoot

there’s an extreme to this

abby come here

because one day


came in with the poverty mentality but

you go on over here because the extreme

of the poverty mentality

is the prosperity gospel

and this

is where


people in church

have gotten the wrong idea that it’s

give and you’ll get

give and you’re getting god is not a

slot machine

this is not las vegas

he’s trying to teach you principles and

there are results from giving but it is

not the motivation of my giving and what

ends up happening is the pendulum swings

and now abby

is holding on to

the mp

not more money more problems

more money more pleasure


is how people think

about the prosperity gospel

if i can create some more pleasure put

it on the screen right here if i can

create some more pleasure

if i can have more possessions

the more things i have the more

significance i have the more square

footage i have the more designer i have

and people will manipulate to stay in

this place

so that they can live in the prosperity


and the truth of the matter is

god is not pleased with that either

take the middle one off the screen i i i

want them to see the dichotomy right

here between

the poverty

and the prosperity

both of them



done with

he’s sick of him

he’s sick of them dividing the kingdom

because we’re either on one of these

ends of the spectrum

and some of y’all think your lake house

is something

to be

enamored by

but you got a lake house and you escape

your children

who need you

and they’re developing habits right now

that you gave them oh

when you feel bad

go to the bar and drink as much as you


when you feel bad

go buy designer clothes

when you feel bad

go buy a new car and hold it abby

keep it over your head

and it doesn’t matter who you are and

where you are

if she has to hold that for any length

of time did you work out this week

she said you know i didn’t work out this


this is where people feel every day

and somebody like that’s like that is

not me but it’s somebody

and there’s ways that you can move from

here to here

and still be out of the will of god oh


watch this more money

more pleasure

is the confession of the prosperity

gospel and let me tell you what the

prosperity gospel is fueled by see the

poverty gospel is fueled by fear but the

prosperity gospel is fueled by futility

futility let me tell you what it means

pointless or useless

all the stuff we’re buying right now

pointless yeah

all the places we’re going useless

it’s not going to produce anything in

the long run for you and you’re steady

holding it up can i give you an example

of somebody who bought in to the

prosperity gospel real close to jesus

because this is where religious people


religious people judge other people and

tell them what they should be doing with

their money when they are actually the

ones that have not found the heart of

god around generosity and stewardship

keep it up addy stay right there baby

you’ve had three kids you’re strong

in john chapter 12 verse all she’s

thinking about right now

is how can i hold this up another day

the same way that there are many people

watching that how if one more bill comes



if that medical

actually comes back and collects

if i lose my job

what are we gonna do and god said i

never meant for you

to live in either one of these extremes

of pressure

i want you to find the gospel that will

transform your life and help you live a

blessed life i’m gonna go there in a

second but i gotta show people

who are holding this up are you okay


she’s not okay

i need to show people who are living in

the process oh y’all didn’t know they’re


so now when they have children

these two are married

so now the conflicting views that they

came from

are what arlo

luna and jade have to wallow through

because in conversations about the house

it’s prosperity gospel

but when it comes to where the kids get


it’s poverty gospel

and when it goes from

us buying designer clothes it goes to

the prosperity gospel but when it comes

to us getting the counseling we need

because i was touched at a young age and

nobody even talked about it it costs too

much for counseling and we swing back

here we are

and guess what happens store it to me

i’m your kid

i’m getting hit

and then mom takes it back and she talks

about how i can’t play on the basketball

team because it costs you money for too

much money for uniforms and then dad

takes it back and say we’re going on

vacation and but you can’t go on an

airplane we got to drive it’s too many

of y’all

you had all them kids

you can’t believe god that he would give

you the resources so you could spend

more time at the place instead of

driving two days to california

28 years old never been on a plane

yet got every jordan


come on come on do you can you see how

confusing it would be yeah yeah

and how many hits that we take because

we’re raised in two cultures that are

not kingdom

and we believe in the poverty gospel

or the prosperity gospel

just keep holding it right there

john chapter 12

why wasn’t the perfume sold for 300

denarii and the money given to the poor

um pop quiz does anybody know who said



one of jesus’s disciples

had a prosperity gospel mentality

he was over the money

but when mary came to pour oil on jesus

feet as his only burial

judas stands up religiously and says we

should have used that to help the poor

and the bible literally says in john 12

6 judas did not say this because he

cared about the poor

but because he was a thief

as the keeper of the money bag he used

to take from what was put into it

the poverty mentality and the poverty

gospel will make you judge what other

people do knowing that you’re a thief

they gave to what

they doing what they don’t even do

nothing right with them

it’s a

prosperity gospel and this is the

beautiful thing keep holding it up abby

i want you to keep holding it up

hold it up

the reason why this is a problem

and the reason why we have to identify

where we’re at

is because god continued to give judas a

chance to transform his heart

you don’t think jesus knew

that he was a thief

but he let him steward over the money

who’s giving out the positions in

jesus’s squad jesus he said judas

you take the money

and for two years let him steward over

what he knew he was stealing


because of his love for judas

he said i’m trying to give him an


to change

and it was the very thing he sold jesus

out for

30 pieces

of silver

because he had the prosperity

gospel running through his veins


so can i tell you why abby you gonna be


she said


judas along with many of us i’m just i’m

just laying uh i’m trying to be calm in

this first one i’m trying to just give

you a little bit to just sit with

judas along with many of us have the

spirit of mammon

y’all just stay up here you gonna

struggle you you just i’ma hold this for

you for a second no i’m gonna give it to

your husband

and the reason i’m gonna give it to him

because honestly

what ends up happening is we start

picking up the characteristics

of the people we’re around

and there are people that god has

brought into your life that you need to

ex out of your life

because they have been giving you

lessons from a gospel that is not rooted

in the kingdom

okay i’m gonna just leave it right there

most of us have the spirit of mammon

and now i know this is something that’s

big you see how i’m teaching flat footed

because i just need you to learn today

that there are things that are going on

in you that you’ve never

had language for but today i want to

give you language to figure out why

you’ve been where you’ve been luke

chapter 16 verse 10 thank you lord

he who is faithful in what is least is

faithful also in much

and he who is unjust in what is least is

also unjust in in much this is

stewardship verse 11 therefore if you

have not been faithful in the

unrighteous mammon underline that

circlet that’s only used three times in

the bible and two of them are in this

verse who will commit to your trust’s

true riches

and if you have not been faithful in

what is another man’s who will give you

what is your own no servant

can serve two masters

for either he will hate the one

and love the other or else he will be

loyal to the one and despise the other

you cannot serve




now this is one of the only places in

the bible now i need you to hear me that

god directly compares himself to


because nothing else is even worth to be

compared to him

but he says you it’s either me or mammon

and most people

just translated money but it’s way

deeper than that so i’m going to take

you on a journey to figure out what

mammon actually is if god’s saying we

should not serve that okay


is an aramaic word for riches it was a

syrian god actually named mammon and it

came from the people in babylon babylon

comes from the tower of babel y’all

remember when the people were going to

use their own strength to build a tower

up to god and if you need to remember

babylon just think of babel on have you

ever met somebody who just babbles on

and just talks a whole bunch that’s how

we remember this okay

babel or babylon means confusion this

word together means sown in confusion

babylon is a group of people that felt

like they did not need god let me tell

you what the spirit of mammon is and

write this down the spirit of mammon is

a belief that we don’t need god if we

have riches

most people feel if i got money don’t

need god

i am god

i can pay for it

you have cancer we’ll get the best



you left me it’s fine i’ll get somebody

else i’m flying to miami tonight

it’s if i have resources

i don’t need god it’s an arrogant and

prideful spirit that wants you to look

to other things than god

and write this down mammon promises

everything only god can deliver

mammon promises you identity

it promises you security and it promises

you significance and only god can give

those things it promises happiness and

only god can give those things it is a

lie when we believe in the spirit of

mammon if i have more money than people

would listen to me that’s a lie

if i have more money i would be more

loved that’s a lie

if i have more money i would be accepted

if i had more money they would approve


and i’m about to prove to you everybody

has dealt with the spirit of men

because all of us at some point

have said

either i need god to come through

or i need somebody to give me some money

and if you’ve ever said that

you have dealt with the spirit of man

but today by the power of the holy

spirit i believe that god is coming to

break the back of that spirit that has

been over your family over your

household and over your life god wants

you to live a blessed life god wants you

to be able to be a resource and do

things that nobody’s ever done but we

got to identify where we are


and the truth of the matter is

most of us

are hanging out at more money more

problems or

we’re hanging out at more money more


but where does god want all of us to

actually be

see because just because you have

experienced prosperity

does not mean you’re in purpose

people who have money

it don’t mean they’re fulfilling god’s

plan for their life

and in our culture we have equated


with acceptance from god

oh you were built to do that no he


he was actually built to be a father

but now he’s replaced finances for


and i need everybody to know

the number of zeros in your account has

nothing to do with the purpose that god

has placed on your life

and the reason that this is so hard for

many of us to even accept is because

we’ve attached our identity

to money

and you don’t see your value outside of

your value

if i could tell you anything through

this series is you’re worth more than

anything you’ll ever make

i know you don’t believe it yet

because i didn’t believe it it took me


just to know

that that spirit of mammon that was all

over my house that poverty that was on

me oh did you not know that you could be

living in both of these worlds at the

same time yeah


lived in the prosperity gospel

and the poverty gospel i know when god

saw me coming all he saw was this


why did he see that is because i would

go from here in one instance and then i


be over here in another instance


hurt i think i just did something to my


i came in like a wrecking ball this is

what you look like

what is god saying

i don’t want you at either extreme

i don’t want you to believe

the prosperity gospel

or the poverty gospel

i want you to believe in the purpose


more money

more purpose

when i have more money

because my money is directed by god

more money means more what perfect

i can reach people

i can help people

i can rescue people

i can send family members into rehab

more money more perfect

i can go buy somebody else some shoes

that doesn’t have them

i could be able to be one to go into

north tulsa and ask the educators what

do you need instead of asking for a

government official to do what they’ll

never do because it doesn’t make dollars

and sense the body of christ is supposed

to raise up and be the answer to the


more money save more purpose

say what you mean more money

more money

the sad truth is

most of us do not have purpose for our


most of our money

is used for selfish reasons

so that’s why god stops flowing it to


why do you always just have enough

because you haven’t found the purpose


more money

more purpose

more money more problems poverty gospel

more money more pleasure prosperity


more money more purpose


is purpose gospel

i spent my whole message trying to get

y’all to see something real simple

to identify where are you

is this based in fear

or is it based in futility

or the purpose gospel it’s based in


i have faith that my god will supply

all of my needs

according to

so it’s not my pleasure

and it’s not

my poverty it’s his plan

when he has a plan for my life

all of my resources

have a purpose

proverbs 19 21 you can make plans

i love this because god is so gangster

in the scripture he’s like go ahead

you can make prosperity plans

and you can make poverty plans

because many are the plans of a man

but it’s god’s


that will prevail

and i’m asking everybody

to never think again more money more

problems that’s a poverty mentality

based in fear

and never again think more money more

pleasure because that is a gospel based

in futility it doesn’t mean nothing

when we think of more money

we think of more



the purpose gospel is fueled by faith

and i’d say crazy faith

but this is the thing i need you to


if your paper doesn’t have purpose it’s

pointless anyway

the paper without purpose is pointless

because the whole goal is god’s saying

this has to be held up

if it’s in poverty you hold it up

if it’s in prosperity you hold it up but

if it’s in the middle

this is what it looks like to live a

blessed life

none of this weight is on me


because it’s right in the middle of the

will of god

the budget for this church

is over 20 million dollars

guess how i sleep at night

like a baby


because i’m not living in the prosperity


and i’m not living in the poverty gospel

you can’t get paid here do it for the

lord let him honor you i got to feed my



have decided

that this church

will live in the purpose gospel

that as long as we’re doing the purpose

that god called this church for

there will always be watch this word



this is where provision is

i’m not holding this up i’m just

touching it

i’m not trying to make sure this stays

in place god has this in place

i don’t have to finagle and manipulate

and make away from myself and create a

new plan and allow somebody to see the

vision as long as i stay

in the place of purpose

god will be the god of everybody say


this is what i want you to get in this

blessed life series

if you commit to the purpose of god for

your resources

he will always give you provision

let me say something that we started

saying oh you know this is crazy

i’m not even touching it no more

and it’s not damaging me

it’s associated with me yeah

it people look at me and be like dang

he got the mmp he got more money more


like like how did he write a book and

with new york times bestseller


i wrote a book out of my pain

and me and natalie’s problems

and tried to encourage people so they

wouldn’t go through the same thing that

we went through

i did something in purpose

and god provided provision

really well present mike how does that

work well the first thing that god


in this church i’m just giving you real


was youtube

and when you get a lot of views on

youtube youtube pays you money

and one of the things that happened

one of my offerings to god before

anything happened

is god we were trying to figure out how

to tammy knows the whole story we were

trying to figure out okay how much money

goes to the church how much money goes

to you because it’s it’s content that

you made and all this other stuff and

the holy spirit said michael

give the first back to me


don’t take one penny from youtube

every message you preach it goes back to

the church

now lord

i swung over to the

i swung over to the poverty because i

saw money in the moment

and i thought that’s the only way god

could provide for me

it’s already working

we might as well

get blessed from there that’s how i’m

gonna live the blessed life

and god said no

get in my purpose

okay so give give

all of it like not even a percentage i

can’t get ten percent you get ten

percent did you think i don’t you

i’m just being real y’all

he said give it all so the first

not one year later

god tells me to put out relationship


in purpose

sells almost a million copies

now i don’t know who’s good at math

but i got paid more than two dollars a


where i was going to be getting cents on

the dollar in poverty

i got in purpose

and god sent provision

but i didn’t go ball out

and get to the prosperity gospel

i hired somebody to help me write my

second book

so i could stay in

so i wrote my second book

and god said all right michael

i want you to buy somebody a car

now lord

i don’t i mean you have been good

but i don’t know if poverty

michael you could do it right now

why are you fighting when i gave your

money a purpose

i’m telling you what to do with it

and you’re fighting me oh it’s fear

because you can be a pastor with fear

and you could be a small group leader

with fear

because really it’s the fear of failure

and god said trust me buy him the car


bottom the car

you feel better michael honestly


but i don’t have to feel better to be


and every step of the way

god has continued to increase this ball

is huge over my head now


it still feels the same

because i’m in


i don’t care how much paper you make

there are athletes and celebrities

watching this

i love you

but who you are is not based on how much

money you have

because there’s tons of people who have

killed themselves with tens of millions

of dollars in the bank


something didn’t fill them up

what i’m encouraging everybody to

identify is where are you at today

have you believed in the mmp more money

more problems

or the mmp

more money more pleasure

well what i’m believing for everybody by

the end of this series

is that you are dead set

more money

more purpose

can i give you an example of this in the

bible and then we’ll go home


y’all remember solomon in the bible

david’s son okay i got to show y’all

real quick okay okay

first kings chapter 3

it says

and gibeon

at gibeon the lord appeared to solomon

during the night in a dream and god said

now check this out

ask for whatever you want me to give you

what if god came to you tonight

fell asleep netflix is on

and the lord comes to you and says

stephen ask me for whatever you want

solomon answered look at what he


you have shown great kindness to your

servant my father david

because he was faithful to you and

righteous and upright in heart you have

continued this great kindness to him and

have given him a son to sit at his

throne this very day now

lord my god you have made your servant

king in place of my father david but i

am only a little child and don’t know

how to carry out my duties i don’t know

how to fulfill purpose

your servant is here

your servant is

here your servant is here

among the people you have chosen i’m

just like all of them and these are

great people too numerous to count or


so this is what i’m asking if i can have

whatever i want

give your servant a discerning heart

to govern your people

and to distinguish between right and


between poverty gospel

and prosperity gospel

and purpose give me the ability to


what your purpose is

to administer


and know what to do with my enemy

enemies verse 12 i will do watch this i

will do

what you ask

i will give this is god’s response to

somebody who said i just want to know my


god if i can have anything

help me do what you purposed me to do

no no go back to verse 9.

so give your servant a discerning heart

to govern your people and to distinguish

between right and wrong for who is able

to govern this great people of yours

verse 10 i love it the lord was pleased

with his cry to fulfill purpose

he was pleased in what solomon had asked

so god said to him since you have asked

for this

and not a long life

and not wealth for yourself

nor have asked for death for your

enemies but for discernment and

administrating justice i will do what

you have asked

because you chose purpose

because you were going to be one that

bought into the gospel of doing the

purpose that god has called you to do

i’ma do everything you asked me to do

plus oh i love this

i will give you wise and discerning

heart so that there will never oh my god

so that there will never have been

anyone like you

nor will there ever be

moreover i will give you what you have

not asked for

because you asked to do your purpose


i’ma give you the thing you didn’t pray


oh my god this blesses me

i’m gonna give you both wealth

and honor so that in your lifetime you

will have no equal among kings

and if you walk watch this so he already

promised him all of that

but then he gives him let me up it for


and if you walk in obedience to me

and keep my decrees and commands and


as david your father did

i will give you long life

ever be


i will give you what you have not asked

for he said it again

both wealth

and honor watch this

so that in your lifetime

you will have no equal

among kings what he was trying to give

him through obedience was a blessed life

but look what he asked for


i don’t need money

i need purpose

i don’t need prosperity i don’t need

poverty i need purpose more money

more purpose

let me leave you with this


equals a blessed life

next week i’m gonna get us all hyped and

excited but i had to

i had to give you

where you may be at

because some people are driving really

nice cars still in the poverty gospel

but like it don’t matter what you got it

it matters what’s in your heart

and that’s what i got to talk about next

week because our heart is the place

where god makes and sees what’s really

in there

but if your money doesn’t have a purpose

there will be a problem

if your money does not have a purpose

and the purpose can only come from god

you can’t make a plan here and call it


so many people on they twitter

are making plans that they made

purpose but you’re in a degree that

you’ll never use

when you get in purpose

that’s why i tell young people pray now

what god is calling you to

because you’ll be more money more

poverty or more money more pleasure but

god said more money

and this is what i’m praying for every

person under the sound of my voice

that we would stop going back and forth

between poverty

and prosperity

that we would lean

this is easy for me

this is comfortable abby

leading how i’m leading now

from when i started preaching this eight

years ago charles

to right now just being in purpose

it’s more comfortable


it actually is something i can lean on

when i get more opportunity for


and god doing something in my life and

in your life

i now have a filter yeah

is this a part of my


do you know how much money i’ve given up

to stay in the middle of


what i’m telling you is there’s nothing

that you will give up in purpose

that god will not give back to you

because you’re doing it his way

and for everybody who’s tired

of holding it up

charles is the perfect picture

of 90 of the people watching today

and abby

throw it over there

is the perfect picture

of everybody else


we submit to god

and say

you know what

i’m going to live

in purpose

today i want to pray for you

and i pray that this picture never

leaves you

i pray when you go to make decisions

when you go to buy things

when you when you go to decide if you’re

going to honor god with the tithe and


i pray that you see this picture

and you and you and you literally filter

am i

am i walking out the poverty gospel

right now

the prosperity gospel

but the purpose gospel


by the end of this series i promise you

if you stay with us in this

you are going to be so


about why god gives you resources

and how he’s going to use your resource

god has no problem with money

as long as it has his purpose

and i’m talking to somebody who doesn’t

have much right now

god because your heart is open to this

message right now is about to trust you

with a whole bunch

somebody needs to receive that right now

where you’re at right now and the

enemy’s trying to convince you that this

doesn’t have nothing to do with you oh

no remember preparation and stewardship

god’s given you this message for what

he’s about to do in your life in the

next six months he’s saying i need you

to hold on to purpose right here i need

you to grab a hold of it right now

because i’m about to teach you what

mmp really stands for more money

more purpose hands lifted everywhere

god i thank you

that i’ve done my assignment for today

that god i’ve shown people very clearly

the difference between a poverty gospel

a prosperity gospel and the gospel of

the kingdom which is a gospel of purpose

god i thank you that you’re going to

align all

of our resources

around a purpose

that is bigger than us god we ask you to

break the cycles of poverty in our mind

right now

and we ask you to break the cycles of

selfishness in our mind right now

and god i thank you that wherever we are

we can say

here i am

come on somebody say that here i am

this is something you probably won’t

show everybody but i need you to

identify just say here i am

god the parts of us that have been


on the extremes that you are not pleased


god today we repent

and god anytime we think of more money

we will think more money

more purpose give us a purpose that’s


than anything we’ve ever seen before

give us a purpose that eclipses our fear

give us a purpose that is rooted in


and give us a purpose as a church father

that touches the world i’m praying i’m

speaking prophetically over every person

that is under the sound of my voice

father that you would give us purpose

in a way that our generational

generational purposes yep

god give us purpose that outlast us

give us resources to pass down to

another generation your word says that a

good man and a good woman leaves an

inheritance for their children’s

children god let us get the mindset

father to be able to be so trusted

father god that you would give us

the ability to actually live out more

money more purpose

today god i’m asking you to change our


change our minds

change our actions

and let us trust you

you are jehovah jireh

the god who will


so today

we honor you

and we decree money no longer for us is

rooted in fear

and money no longer is rooted in


every resource that you give us

stewardship over

is now rooted in faith

we will trust you god

in jesus name

somebody say i trust you god

i want you to be very sensitive to

what’s happening right now

you’ve just become sensitive to

something that you weren’t aware of


remember what we did in the last series

when we say here is holy

you said here i am somebody say here i


and then what did you have to do

take off your shoes up you had to take

off your protection some of y’all have

been guarded this whole message

you’ve been mad this whole message but

all god’s saying is take it off

and all i want you to do now

is have sensitivity


feel what i’m trying to do in you right


ask this very common question that you

can ask the holy spirit holy spirit

what are you trying to say to me through

this message

come on just ask ask him right now holy

spirit what are you trying to say to to

me through this message

over this next week

god’s about to make you sensitive

oh shoot

that’s a poverty mentality

oh that’s a prosperity mentality

oh shoot i’ve been doing that based out

of fear

oh shoot i’ve been doing that and it

means nothing it’s futile

and god’s going to help you recognize

that i make plans in faith

i speak life in faith i speak faith over

my kids

they can go to whatever college god’s

called them to go to it don’t matter how

much money it costs if god gives a

vision for that he will send provision

for that

we can live in whatever neighborhood

we’re supposed to and we can have faith

to downsize to obey the purpose of god


because some of y’all are living in more

for fourth of july and christmas

that’s the only two days your house is


then god said would you go down

in people’s idea of you

to fulfill


i promise you i’m not going to play with

you in this series

because i know the freedom it is

to actually live a blessed life

and as your pastor

i want nothing more for you and your

family than for finances to only be a


it no longer is the reason why i wake up

it no longer is the reason why i work

it is no longer the thing that dominates

my mind during worship

it is only

a tool

and the only way you get there

is by committing

and when i see money

more money has no control over me i

divorce the spirit of mammon

more money

more purpose

say it with me more money

more purpose say it with me more money


one more time strong more money


i can’t wait to see the purpose

that god starts to reveal to you

just because you have this mindset now

i told charles earlier it’s crazy

to never need a hook up again

that now god would take you from being a

person to need a hooker

to be

master p has been coming up in my spirit

several times

but there was a song that prophet p said

i got the hook up

holler if you’re here uh


some of y’all i’m not all the way saved


this church is going to live a blessed


i feel very strong right now the reason

i’m standing here

because i’m just telling the devils that

are clouding your mind that i’m not

backing up

no no no no no no i need y’all to hear

me say this sometimes

you know when you can tell somebody


like like they’re they’re like timid


all you got to do is get here every week

i’ma fight for you

i can see poverty and prosperity fight

he’s beating the crap out of some of

y’all right now

but as your pastor i’m about to get in

the ring with you

and i’m going to challenge you

because the decisions you make here

can change the rest of your life

how do you know

because i had to eight years ago make a


god i want to see your purpose

thank you lord


i see some people right now

there’s a cloud over you


of debt

devastation disappointment of decisions

you made

and the enemy’s trying to wear you out

whoo this that compassion that’s coming

i feel you

you’re saying god is there something you

can do

and god said today

i did the greatest thing i could do for

you i changed your mind


how are you going to be transformed by

the renewing

of your


some of y’all need to play this message

every day this week

not because there’s some

crazy revelation it’s because it’s got

to go deep in you

here is holy


thank you lord

if you’re in

this moment or under the sound of my

voice somebody needs to start praying

because there’s real healing that’s

happening right now there’s real

deliverance that’s happening right now

i’m not doing it i’m not laying hands on

you but i’m telling you god’s changing

people from the inside you’re seeing

yourself differently than you saw

yourself you’re divorcing some of the

ideas that you said i would always do

this and god’s saying no no no you can

have something better than that or it’s

god’s telling you right now i’m

softening your heart to know you can

live without that and you could thought

you could never live without that and

god’s doing a work on people right now

i’m telling you mindsets are changing i

see it right now i see kingdom and

culture whirring in so many people’s

minds and hearts but today we serve the

god who gives you victory

and if you’re in this moment

and you need jesus

to come and help you in every area of

your life oh i feel the presence of god

if you’re watching right now at home

if you’re in this room

and you know that there has been another

god other than the true and living god

that has been controlling your life

today i want to get you from under the

pressure of holding that up

and i want to give you the opportunity

to rest in purpose it was god’s purpose

that every person born would have a

loving intimate relationship with him

and today is your day of salvation

i want you to know that god loves you so

much that he gave he gave his only son

before he asked you for anything so that

you could have an opportunity to be in

relationship with him and all you have

to do is receive

in this

moment i want you to receive jesus

i don’t care how broken you think you

are i don’t care what you did last night

or what you’re planning to do tomorrow

church i need y’all to pray there is

lives in the balance right now father

i’m asking you that right now that you

would soften people’s heart and allow

your word to go in because today you are

rescuing people not for a moment but for

eternity if you are under the sound of

my voice

and you want to put your faith and your


in jesus christ if you want to enjoy

the actual step of walking in purpose

today is your day of salvation

and on on the count of three

i’m gonna ask you if you want to be

included in that prayer i just want you

to raise your hand it doesn’t matter

who’s around you it don’t matter who you

came with it doesn’t matter how much

money you have or how much money you

don’t have right now is a moment of


and god’s saying i need you to make a

decision to walk in purpose

here is holy

i want you to believe in the true gospel

the gospel of purpose

before you were formed in your mother’s

womb god knew you and he had a plan and

a purpose for you and today

is the next step of walking in that


if you ask god to come into your heart

you’re making the greatest decision of

your entire life

two i’m proud of you but forget all of

that your name is gonna be written in

the lamb’s book of life if you wanna

accept jesus as your personal lord and

savior i want you to raise your hand

right now three

it’s people in the room i see you and

there’s hundreds if not thousands that

are online watching right now and on

rebroadcast come on your church family

is excited


because now you’ve embraced purpose

and today i want to pray for you

i want to pray that now as you invite

god in according to romans 10 9

that everything in your life starts to


now transformation church we’re a family

you know nobody prays alone so i want

everybody to say this prayer of purpose

out loud strong for the benefit of those

who are coming to christ

let’s pray everybody say god

thank you

for making me

a part of your plan

and purpose


i give you my life

i surrender

to whatever you want to do

i believe you lived

you died

and you rose again

just for me

so i’m asking you

take my life

and use me for your purpose change me

transform me

renew me

i’m yours

in jesus name


transformation church can we give god oh

y’all better help me can we give god a

shout of praise for everybody all around

the world who’s stepping into purpose



i want to let everybody know something

everybody’s standing we’re about to go

the reason why we celebrate

is as a church

this is our


to represent god to the lost and found

for one reason what is it transformation

in christ they told me before i came out

here that 7


people have given their life to christ i

think we just went over the 8 000 mark

right here

in this year 8 000 people

why will there always be provision

because we’re walking in

i’m not teaching this series because the

church needs more money

this church is blessed

and i’m so grateful for the partners of

transformation church who over and over

and over see this is our seventh year

doing this series for some of us this is

a refresh because we’ve already started

living these principles and because of

the generosity we are able to give to

everything that god leads us to give to



more money

i said more money

i said more money

for the rest of your life

when god trusts you with resources

fatima more money

more purpose

is anybody excited for what god’s about

to do through this series in your heart

now listen


today i wanted to hype you up more and

the holy spirit said heart

no hype

all hearts


i mean with the promo and everything i

was ready to come up here at the fools

and god said but they need their heart


so this week all i’m asking you to do is


where have you been

next week come

and from wherever you are

then we’re gonna go on this journey

we got five weeks left

five weeks

i’m leading you all the way to easter

and some of y’all gonna check out right

now i’ll come back at easter you’ll be

in the same broke position

this time that i’m telling you

this will be your best year if it’s your

best year spiritually hear what god has

to say about your resources finances

stewardship and generosity and who knows

god may bless you

through this series in a way that

changes your family forever

i’m praying that this week

you’re going to see that more money

means more purpose

last thing i’m going to say

prophetically get your journals ready

get your journals ready

get your get your note pads out

because anytime somebody’s heart changes

to more money more purpose

then god gives more purpose and the way

he gives purpose is through vision y’all

thought vision month was just in january

we want the vision of god sometimes god

doesn’t give you vision because your

heart can’t handle it

so you have to have revelation or reveal

truth so that now your heart so when god

says you’ll be a millionaire it’s not to


the reason you have to be a millionaire

is for the counseling facility you have

to open up and it’s going to take

millions of dollars to let people go

through that at a pro-rated rate and

people still be y’all don’t hear me

right now

more money

how you’re gonna be able to save young

ladies from sex trafficking and by you

might have to go in there and buy them

back you might have to give money to get

their life but the reason god’s giving

you resources

more money

you want to change north tulsa


dejected communities

you’re going to have to go in there and

build rec centers

in educational facilities

and playgrounds

and after school programs and you’re

gonna have to pay people

who these children’s parents can’t pay

y’all don’t want to hear this

more money

more purpose

charles the reason we need more

resources is because we’re going to fund

other people’s stuff


i’m not i don’t need anything else for

what god’s called me to do because he’ll

i want to be blessed by the way

if god can use me for his purposes

then it’s more money

more purpose

i challenge you to stop thinking

i challenge you to start thinking

beyond your position

whatever you need

i want you to begin to believe god that

you can meet that need for somebody else

this is how you start shifting into per

you need your tuition paid for

start praying and believing right now

that one day

you will pay off somebody else’s tuition

you need a car right now

begin to believe god that one day you’ll

be able to give somebody a car you need

startup money for your business

be and if you’re already there

and you got it and your money don’t have


start asking god who do i need to share

this with

i don’t need another investment account

i need to invest in somebody

more money

father bless this church

bless us in our mind and our heart and

let six months from now there be a

visible difference in our bank account

in the way we walk in the way we talk

that we live a blessed life not to


but to distribute

let us be a river not a reservoir let it

flow god cause more money

more purpose we thank you we bless you

and we trust you in jesus name we agree

somebody shout amen

hey listen if you text saved

to the number on your screen i forgot to

say it it’s the most important part if

you gave your life to christ today text

saved to the number on your screen so we

can send you some resources and make

sure you share this all week with at

least 15 people does anybody know

anybody that’s on the poverty gospel on

that side does anybody know you know

somebody tony okay and does anybody know

anybody who’s on the prospect send it to


it’ll be easier for them not to like me

they don’t know me

but you could be the thing that unlocks

their whole family

so be an evangelist this week

more money more purpose i’ll see you

next week go out

and live a transformed life let’s give

god some praise
