If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us

. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

I’m gonna just go right in okay so like

no warm-up no warm-up y’all okay with

this we can just go okay I’m gonna just

give you the title off real okay

the title of today’s message is history

in the making because the thing that I

was challenged with when preparing this

message is how do I stand at 21 years of

a ministry going and we’re right in the

middle of what seems to be like the

beginning of it like it’s been going 21

years but after 21 it feels like the

beginning and how do we bring faith to

our present while honoring the past but

but believing and building momentum for

the future and this this phrase

encapsulated all of those things history

in the making history talks about the

past in is my present cuz I’m in it but

then the making like there’s a phrase

that can honor the past be fully

committed to the present and know that

it ain’t nothing compared to what’s

about to happen in my future now for

some people in this room I’m gonna have

to unpack this whole truth through

testimony in the Word of God but it’s

not seeing more clearer then in Isaiah

43 and I’m gonna read up a large chunk

of Scripture because number one we in

charge like I don’t know why people’s

like well that was a long Scripture

you don’t eat there in the week I told

you no warmer

what would happen if you ate on Sunday

and then eat till next Sunday physically

no no for real for real like go after


get your McDouble and then you didn’t

eat till next week you will be

malnourished the problem that I feel is

that we are packed in this building to

celebrate and you’re hoping to eat a

meal today to last some of you for

another month if you don’t start

consuming this Bible everybody say daily

how many times do y’all eat everyday

by hands how many times do y’all eat

some of y’all don’t got enough hands

look at y’all who’s like I don’t know

but that’s why we’re gonna read the Word

of God in this house Isaiah 43 14 it

says this is what the Lord says your

Redeemer the Holy One of Israel for your

sakes I will send an army against

Babylon I’m forcing the Babylonians to

flee and those ships they’re so proud of

I am the Lord your Holy One Israel’s

creator and king I am the Lord he keeps

telling us who he is I am the Lord your

Holy One the creator and the King I am

the lord who opened a way through the

waters making a dry path through the sea

I called forth the mighty army of Egypt

with all of its chariots and horses and

I drew them beneath the waves and they

drowned their lives snuffed out like a

smoldering candle with verse 18 is where

we gonna focus I did all of that

I saved you I redeemed you I put you in

a place you didn’t deserve to be in our

healed your marriage restored you I

brought you back from that addiction a

change I changed how people viewed you

are when you when you left me I came

running after you

some of y’all are remembering right now

like you were able to start the business

that you couldn’t qualify for any of the

loans or any of the things I helped you

do what you were supposed to do but

forget all that forget it cuz it’s

nothing compared to what I’m gonna do

this thing go preach this ownself

somebody say forget all that mmm so I’m

about to do something new see I have

already begun do you not see it

this is 2020 when anybody talks about

2020 what what are they usually

referring to do you not see it I will

make pathways through the wilderness

I’ll create rivers in the dry wasteland

the wild animals of the field will thank

me the jackals in the house Burcu thank

you y’all don’t read the Bible it says

yes I will make rivers in the dry


so my chosen people can be refreshed the

funny thing about the scripture is this

is Isaiah talking but it’s God speaking

through Isaiah to a group of people

who’ve already seen crazy things like

most of us that are sitting in this

building it’s the grand opening of a

building that’s already been open like

we’ve been here since September but all

of you came today because this is a

crazy faith miracle but what do you do

when you’ve seen God do some crazy

things how do you process it and stay on

the edge of faith when you’ve already

been a part of a move of God when you’ve

already seen God answer some prayers

I found this formula it’s really

encapsulated in that phrase history

in the making somebody say it with me

history in to make just one more time

for overflow history in the making and

the first thing that I realized is that

you can’t skip history to build momentum

for your present what most people try to

do is blaze a new trail without

referencing the trail that was already

there I’m trying to help some people in

this room most of us want to be like all

they never did what we did and we bout

to do something that’s never been done

and what that is is arrogance I got to

talk to all generations in the room

today because what’s happening is

because some of our forefathers never

reach the the lights and the status and

and and and a claim that somebody for

doing dumb stuff can get like you can do

a tick-tock and and and be and be

popular or famous but you have nothing

on the inside of you that’s worth okay

how do I say it let me I don’t want to I

want to be sensitive to the momentum and

I think that in our society right now

we’re very conscious of what is poppin

are popular now but we don’t consider

what had to happen before that the

history of it and and today if we’re

going to be able to go to the thing that

God wants for us to do I need us to stop

and I need us to look at history right

this point down for me the arrogance of

an amateur values the experience over

the remembrance I’m gonna explain it to

you the arrogance of an amateur values

the experience that we did the

experience that we had the experience

that we made over the remembrance of

what God has already done

and this is the place where many of us

are at right now because we have stopped

remembering where God brought us from

and we’re looking for the high in our

next experience that’s why some of y’all

are actually here right now because you

had FOMO you were chasing the high of

being where everybody else was gonna be

at and you’re looking for this thing

that’ll never fulfill you and you could

get the same level of energy if you

would just stop for a second sit in your

room that ain’t got no furniture in it

and think about how broken you were five

years ago

and if you really started to remember

the goodness of God you would be more

thankful for the remembrance of what

happened for you then the next

experience that you’re about to go to

and what I’ve what I’ve said at this

moment in our church history I can just

get up here like we bout to take over

everybody nobody can stop us we are in

overflow in the parking lot like I could

just but the Holy Spirit would be like

that’s an amateur move you ever been

somewhere and you can tell the person

ain’t never been there before it may be

true that it that is their first time

there but there’s some things people can

do to tell you and guarantee you ain’t

never been here before I think about

some of the rooms that God has afforded

me to go into in this past year and a

half and you know when people get bougie

and they got money they start eating

complicated I don’t know why eating gets

so complicated the more money you have

it should be more convenient but they

bring out five-course meals and they’re

all little portions split up over an

hour and a half bring me all my food


I don’t want this liver rip em in a

drink of Tytos

give me it just gets more complicated

but one thing that I’ve learned to do is

follow the person that I’m eating with

because what they do is they give you a

lot of cutlery four Forks seven knives

thirteen spoons and then they put soup

in front of you and I’m like mmm like me

I just want to take the bowl in life

y’all know yes stop acting faking here

so what I do is I I sit back twirl the

thing that buddy is this is really happy

to be several times and so I’m replaying

it in my head I sit back mess with my


haha that’s funny bail Oh Oh when we go

eat and then I I watch him pick up or

her pick up something and then I watch

where it was compared to where I am and

now watch how slow they’re eating in and

I don’t do it at the moment that I think

I know I wait I usually wait until they

stop eating for a second and start

talking and then I remember what they

did and because I remembered what they

did I’m able to now execute at a level

of proficiency that that would have been

taken away from me if I arrogantly would

have walked in there and be like what is

all these spoons for juice I’m only

using this one and like if I started

doing that and what I’m afraid of is

that many of us are walking into

situations where we’re so arrogant about

what God’s called us to do that we don’t

take a moment to pause and observe and

remember the sacrifice of other people

to get us to this place and I can’t help

but think of why God through Isaiah

takes two verses to remind the children

of Israel of what happened they were

ready for their next experience and God

through Isaiah takes them back to

remembrance look what he says I am the

Lord oh I do remember that who opened up

the way Dan you did do that do the

waters snap that is when we saw Willy

and Nemo and all in him and I’m making a

dry path he did do that through the sea

I call forth the mighty armies of Egypt

with all of its chariots and horses and

I drew them beneath the waves and they

drowned your enemies weren’t able to

touch you because I snuffed them out

like a candle win God took a moment to

everybody say remember

and today as we stand at this amazing

moment I don’t want to rush it because I

want to remember what it was like when I

stood on a platform and 200 people

showed up because it was a snow day I’m

gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna take all of

this in during worship I barely could do

anything but look around because I want

to remember the last time we did an

anniversary like this was the day that I

became the pastor of the church and I

didn’t sleep the night before because I

was painting the walls to make sure that

it was proper for God’s people to come

in and I would stay up all night to

paint a black wall and at 6:45 in the

morning the usher started coming in can

my friend Aaron who was on the worship

team today said Mike you got to go get

dressed you’re about to be installed as

the pastor I need to remember I’m not

just trying to have an emotional moment

right now I’m just trying to remember

that this is not the pentacle of


hear what I’m saying when you get the

house you need to remember the dorm room

when you’re complaining about the family

you prayed for you need to remember

being lonely and single and frustrated

see some of y’all have lost the art of

remembering but I dare you to take five

seconds right now and think about what

God has brought you from and remember

and when you remember the history it

changes the way you approach your

present see I approach this moment with

faith because I have more than I’ve ever

had and many times it happens in Reverse

for people when they have more than

they’ve ever had they start protecting

what they have and God told me said

Michael this is the year that you’re not

gonna play it safe you ready to step out

in faith I said I thought I thought I

was already out here I thought it got

mean this feel pretty uh okay but then I

learn something watch this you can’t

appreciate the value of a victory

without remembering the magnitude of the

moment see a lot of people get a victory

and they lose the value in it cuz they

forgot the moment they were in when God

gave them that victory nope you missed

it look what happened Isaiah 43 16 it’s

right here in the Bible it says I am the

lord who opened away oh great that’s a

victory God opened away but you only see

the value when you realize the magnitude

of the moment he opened up all the way

through some water y’all missed it my

enemies back here we scared the ocean

they trying to kill me I’m running the

ocean I’m black can’t swim we’re gonna

rebuke that demon in 2020 we’re having

transformation swimming classes for

y’all this is foolish slavery is our sea

you don’t value what God did if you

don’t remember the magnitude of the

moment my enemies behind me I come up to

our position and God says see move and

some of you that’s what he’s done in

your life you’ve come up against and I

feel this opposition and y’all have

forgot the value of the victory cuz

there was no way you should be here

there was no way you should have got

into that school there was no way you

should have your right mind

but God made a way through the sea if he

made a wave to receive for you why don’t

you give him some praise in the villa

see y’all forgetting you stop

remembering what God did so you can’t

understand the value of the victory if

you don’t understand the magnitude of

the moment see it’s like bishop and

pastor Debbie they started a church in

1990 1999 Greg another person in Tulsa

started a church they’re everywhere but

you missed the magnitude of the moment

you don’t understand the value of that

victory they’re leaving something that’s

familiar and they’re walking up to

planting a church in the hood and if

you’ve never seen bishop and pastor

Debbie they white excuse me they white


like not the rhythm like not the Justin

Timberlake white like the like okay I’m

just trying to make sure y’all

understand like I love this shirt but

watch the only reason you can understand

the value of the victory is because you

take time to remember the magnitude of

the moment they stepped out and Bishop

took his shoes off on Greenwood and

Archer and he looked around in north

Tulsa and God said reverse the curse see

y’all don’t know that in 1921 one of the

worst race massacres happen right here

in Tulsa Oklahoma they don’t teach this

in Oklahoma history they don’t teach

this but they wiped out and depressed a

side of our city and God called a man

and a woman to look at a see and he said

I’m bout to make a way through the

waters y’all don’t hear me in this place

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there

would be no transformation Church there

would be none of this if they did not

step and see God give them victory when

the moment was speaking everything

against them and why am I telling you


I am

I’m telling I’m telling all of you this

because I don’t think your next victory

is in thinking about what’s to come yet

I think your next victory and guess what

you don’t need no money to remember you

don’t need nobody to co-sign you to

remember you don’t need a cheering

committee you don’t need a leader to

approve you if you just sit in a quiet

space and remember where God has brought

you from it will begin to give you faith

and fuel for what God has called you to

do and I just need somebody before I

move on to remember that the same God

the same God that told Bishop and pastor

Debbie to reverse the curse it’s the

same God that’s in the building right

now he’s the same God that stands

outside of eternity and he’s the same

God it’s the same somebody shot at me

he’s the same guy say it again he’s the

same guy in the overflow he’s the same

guy that’s why we have to look at the

past you I don’t want a good hell memory

lane with me do you okay see the same

guy that told bishop to reverse the

curse was the same guy that after I

wrote down on a piece of paper that

transformation Church would be meeting

in the spirit Bank event center it’s the

same guy that my third call was to

Bishop and we came over here we broke in

I admit we broke in and Bishop before we

left out he said Mike this is your

building now you you okay yeah we’re in

here now you don’t understand the value

of the victory because you weren’t in

the magnitude of the moment at that time

in the church we had less than 350

people coming consistently we had a very

low budget we were believing God

to meet our needs so we didn’t have to

fire people who have been with the

church for 10 plus years we were in a

moment where it looked like the sea was

closed in front of us and guess what we

did in that moment Bishop said stand

there Pastor Mike I want to take a

picture of you in the building that you

will one day own if you got that picture

put it on the screen real quick cuz I

need people to see Oh y’all don’t hear

me so you don’t understand the value of

the victory of us being here unless you

understand the magnitude of this moment

somebody else on the building at this

time somebody else was trying to get it

but the value of the victory we stand in

now it’s cuz in that moment I had faith

what are you trying to say Pastor Mike I

I’m just trying to fuel your face so

that you remember that whatever you’re

facing right now God’s already brought

you through he’s already brought you

through so much why are you tripping now

it’s like it’s like this is where you

think I believe you like this is where

you think I’m gonna play you right now

I’m the same guy that brought you out of

that crazy family that saved you from

all of that crafted and this is where

you’ll go play me like I’m sure Hobart

right the God who will provide I am the

healer I am

somebody better give God praise because

the same God who did it back then is the

same God that’s gonna do it man

somebody shot at me remember the old

folks would say when I think of the

goodness in Jesus

some of y’all too young for this and all

he’s done for me my soul cries

hallelujah see what I’m trying to do

today is I’m trying to make a commitment

to everybody that no matter what God

does in this ministry no matter how big

it gets we won’t be arrogant and we will

remember our history

I remember when tons of people left the

church and as a 26 year old pastor I

took every one personal we’re leaving

God’s doing great things but we out

you’re called for this but we not gonna

be here you have such a bright future

we’re gonna throw shade like what and I

took everyone personal but there were

there were people in this room that I

remember who stayed with me people like

Miss Tami mcquarters and Scott

mcquarters people yeah yeah see you

don’t you don’t know them

cuz you weren’t there in that moment but

I remember see it doesn’t take everybody

to clap for it to be significant see see

see everybody can clap but the question

is are the right ones clapping are the

people who saw your sacrifice that’s why

I can’t stand you getting your

validation from Instagram and Facebook

they weren’t there when you pretend they

weren’t there when you began the work

and God says I rejoice to see the work

begin it doesn’t even matter if there

was only 50 views God said I see you I

see what you’re doing I see you being

faithful and that’s why I remember

people like Eddie Evans and Calvin Webb

Eddie Eddie you in the building

Calvin Webb you in the building y’all

come up here real quick I remember these

men of God and I’m just trying to give

y’all I need y’all to come quick come on

I need you to remember I’ve been

remembering what God did I remember

coming in and preaching my first message

not in a suit and at our church at that

time the culture you are suit and if you

didn’t wear a suit you didn’t hear from


you weren’t anointed and matter of fact

you was backslide and lift your hands

and they were you mean over the soup and

I remember being called into a meeting

cuz the ushers was pissed off

I remember cuz I asked everybody to wear

a orange shirt that said transformation

Church on it so that our visitors would

know who they could ask for help and

these men said I don’t spit $400

they see me they know that I’m in charge

I said brother

a transformation church this is brother

Calvin Webb

how do you about seven new wine now I



do you remember y’all on the fit over

not wearing suits yes I mean they was

mad but it doesn’t it’s funny that in

this moment where we could be talking

about all the great things that we’ve

done as a church this week when I was

remembering I remembered you because out

of all the people who got mad and left

who got mad and talked about us

you and your wife kept tithing kept

serving the reason why it took him so

long because he was ushering in that

section over there today okay no can we

give God pray I remember and cuz I

remember you know I’m a sneakerhead so I

had this guy make some custom represent

Nike Blazers that said transformation

Church here v Tulsa Oklahoma established

in 1999 and I got a made in your size

and you may never wear them

he said oh I’m aware of but I want you

to know that I remember what you did by

staying and being faithful to this

vision when everybody didn’t know if it

was gonna work and God saw it can we

give God

I love you son

let me teach you something next

generation that’s the way that we’re

gonna get an inheritance we’re so used

to being abandoned without anything but

the way we get an inheritance is through

this little cuss word that starts with

an H honored so everybody needs to

remember see the great thing about

remembering is right this point down

remembering produces rejoicing see when

you really start remembering what God

has done then you start rejoicing for

all that he’s about to do and again you

can rejoice in the middle of it

everybody say in the middle of it in the

middle of pain in the middle of

frustration you can still rejoice in the

middle of everything not working out in

the middle of loss you can still rejoice

do you know how many times I had to

praise God when everything looked

contrary to what was happening but that

is the weapon God gives you is he gives

you joy in the midst of sorrow and I

need somebody to understand what

Philippians chapter 4 verse 4 says it

says always be joyful in the Lord and

again I say rejoice

and this is the thing that I need

everybody to understand is when you

remember you should begin to feel joy me

on the inside my situation didn’t change

but my joy is coming back this is this

is the word some of y’all came for this

week my situation is no different they

still mean they’re still ugly and they

stink themself but my joy cuz the world

didn’t give

see you don’t believe that you think

your joy can be stolen by your coworker

and your joy no your happiness can be

stolen but my joy that’s the fruit of

the Spirit the only one that can give me

joy it’s the Holy Spirit and when God

gives me joy you can’t touch it and some

of y’all been making the weakest excuse

that oh they just oh they just they just

stole my this situation just no you gave

it away let me help you anytime your joy

gets robbed from you it didn’t really

get robbed from you you abdicated it you

gave it away

you let somebody’s attitude take away

what God placed on the inside of you but

I’m making a decision in 2020 nobody

gets to joy that they didn’t give me and

when I start to remember all that God’s

done have we saved me analogies marriage

how my son is alive he not talking but

he’s alive when I begin to think of the

goodness of Jesus I get somebody shot at

me joy I’m trying to give you a playbook

don’t be arrogant and don’t remember

what God’s brought you from and when you

start remembering you need to get joy on

the inside of you okay some of y’all

need help you need a joy booster how

many people have had off a hard week

this week hands raised come on oh dang

all right well I’ve needed a lot of joy

boosters over this past five years and

they came in different ways and so today

I felt like God wanted to give everybody

a joy booster I became the pastor

February 1st 2015 March 9th God gave me

a word that this would be our building

and about nine weeks ago I stood right

there and I said um I’m believing in

crazy faith that by church anniversary

we’re gonna pay to building off

transformation church

I want to let you know because of your

crazy face

we no longer owe any money on the

building Oh somebody better give God


don’t tell me what God won’t do


and the same God that did that

you missed it in the same God that did

that he don’t do nothing for this house

said he don’t want to do for your house

you believe it what happened to the

mortgage it’s gone


don’t tell me what God will do if I

remember how he kept me when I lost all

the staff on the second year then when I

stand in this building and we needed to

pay ten point five million dollars for


when they told us that we couldn’t even

have it God said I’m the same God that

brought you from that place don’t matter

about the zeros out on the galaxy you’re

worried about the wrong thing God’s

looking for faith is there anybody in

this place went crazy faith today in the

overflow watching online in the lobby

give God a shout of play our bank

president is videoing me right now

what’s update first bank of Owosso he

texts me three days ago cuz I went to

his office

and I told him I said D we’re gonna sign

for this loan in August and it will be

paid off by our church anniversary and

he chuckled and white man chuckled


I don’t think they knew who he was

messing with there was a bunch of people

who had crazy faith and y’all sit in

gifts from all over the world and he

texted me three days ago and he said

we’ve been in business for 57 years

making loans to over 200 churches

congratulations transformation church is

now the fastest paid off loan and first

bank of awasum history its history

some of y’all are getting it God saying

look at the patch these faithful in the

present because I’m taking you to the



some y’all ginyan hey hey there’s a

phrase that just come hey hey come on

that mystery is to make we in disarray

it then make help me every oh hey

history it’s too late now give God

praise for right now


history in bacon history


the Builder paid it for

they said I wasn’t full

but God did what he do Hey and it was

some being you



I know you feel that in overflow oh yeah




history is the lady

yup history

for your house

for your bank account history

for your family history

for your heart this is not season

some of y’all see are all weak y’all

gonna be crew Vinny


now what no no it’s crazy though because

we remembered and our memory produced

rejoicing that’s what just happened but

then look what God says go to verse 18

please see we could stay there all day

and just be yelling but he said

everything I’ve done up into this point

oh you thought that was it

is that what you thought you thought I

wasn’t thought that was a limited –

what’s happened – now I need you to do

something for me forget all

we just burn the mortgage but at the

moment it happens it becomes


so at the moment we burn the mortgage

god says I can top that



some theologians fates right now as the

hominy heals your marriage he says I can

talk that at the moment he saves your

kids he says I can talk them

and the moment you get the promotion

mister like

that’s why we have to always honor his

stooge but we gotta have crazy faith in

the present because it’s not worth being

compared to the in the making

can I just came to encourage somebody

who’s been doubting has God done his

greatest miracle in your life for my

glory days behind me am I too old to be

used by God am I too young to be used by

God am I too damaged to actually do what

I see in my heart and I came to tell you

that baby you’re still in the main


somebody needs to receive that now hands

lifting I speak over you that you’re in

the making that your business your

family in overflow lives your hands and

the lobby lift your hands watching a

rebroadcast lift your hands and receive

I’m telling you that whatever happened

to you how damaged you’ve broken the

inner peace tried to make you see

God sent me here to tell you that you

are in I see by the spirit I’ve got this

feeling that the urge to prophesy to

somebody that I see by the spirit that

God has wrapped you in a cocoon in this

last season and you’ve been a

caterpillar crawling everywhere using a

lot of effort and energy to make that

thing happen but God is saying in this

moment the cocoon season is coming to an



listen listen and when you see things

breaking it’s what’s necessary for the

wings to spread I feel this by the power

of God don’t try to hold on to those

relationships God’s breaking don’t try

to hold on to that business idea that

God’s breaking because he’s breaking it

so you can fly baby and the only time

that you would ever need to go to a low

place again is when you decide to go

help somebody else


is anybody receiving that right now I’m

just feeling

God says you’re in the making give not

dream your greatest dream you not you’ve

not wrote your best song you’ve not

taken the picture that the world’s gonna

see you

I hear the Holy Spirit saying some of

you have been holding back you’ve been

holding back in fear that if you let it

go too soon you won’t have another good

one I don’t know who this is for but the

Holy Spirit says you’ve been holding

things back that I’ve already given you

waiting for the right moment and he’s

saying if you don’t release what’s in

your hand I can’t release the next idea

that’s in my head

if you don’t release leap jump up here

real fast

Scott give me that um give me that bag

real quick whoever got my bag hurry okay

I need it everybody has everybody seen

is this picture of like a teddy bear and

Jesus and like Jesus having a big teddy

bear behind his back and then and then

like and they’re trying to hold on to

something so it’s like this


so like drug money



yeah I needed to break that that’s how

gangsters break the rap

Haley Haley God told me yesterday when I

saw you to give you this now I don’t

know why you crying I don’t know what’s

happening but what I do know is I

actually have something else for you but

the only way that I can get and give you

what’s in this hand is that you have to

trust that I know what’s best for you

see that that looks bigger but it’s $200

in one’s and this is what many of your

lives look like you’re holding on to a

bunch of singles



and because it looks like more and it

and you can stunt with it

God’s saying right this point down when

you’re ready to release it tells God

you’re ready for release


soli tonight can I have watch the

question can I have back what I already


see the problem is many of you think

what you hold in your hands your gifts

your talents your job your house yo you

think it’s yours but can I have look at

it with tears in his eyes knowing that I

may give him something that is not as

valuable but because he trusts the

character of the one who gave it to you

at the moment he release releases this

is $500





now watch remember what I just said when

you’re ready to release the relationship

the business idea when you’re ready to

release that tells God you’re ready for


now can I just hold this for one second

one looks a lot more attractive than the

other and many times God will ask you to

release something that looks like more

to actually put your hands on something

that actually is valued at more than

unison so to release celebrity to be a



release everybody liking you to obey the

will of God

lady that’s your I love you many thank

you for being used as an example Hey

apparently cuz you were faithful I’m

trying to show you the kingdom right now

cuz you were faithful to trust me and

what I gave you you can take all


and the bag two fingers at the back too

right right

what do you say it’s time to do all that

this word is telling us to do remember

the past rejoice in our present and

release everybody say release our future

into God’s hands that’s what we’re doing

as a church as I stand here at this

five-year anniversary I don’t know

what’s next but every vision requires

revision when this church started in

1999 the vision statement was touching a

city by raising up four people I want

you to get it every vision has to have a

revision and what God saw outside of

eternity is I want this thing to last

beyond the original visionary so he gave

him touching a city by raising the

people and then he said yeah might go

serve in the salmon booth and I must

start you in an obscure place and I want

to make sure you have my heart and when

the church goes to a financial issue and

they have to lay everybody off I want

you to stay and keep serving and it was

in the season that I kept from the back

turning up microphones didn’t yell daddy

about Tony Mason you know where you at

he was right in here I saw it more in

the monitors more in the monitor

you loud you can’t hear yourself he made

our half-hour Church death for real but

it was in that place that Bishop saw me

and he said there’s something happening

right there now listen now listen when

he handed me the baton he said now

Michael you have the opportunity not to

give the original vision but to go back

for revisions and the only time you can

go back for a revision and I’m saying

this because some of y’all are in a

place and you’re trying to work a vision

that has expired I know this is tough to

hear but but we don’t release to

dishonor the past we release to honor

the future

see y’all got nah we ain’t doing it like

them no I’ve spent most of my message

today honoring what has happened so we

don’t we don’t we don’t release it some

good day and do nothing

yeah but we have to release it because

what God has behind his back for

transformation church it’s not worth

being compared what he has for your

house what he has for your life and your

family it’s not being what stop living

in your highschool trophy day when you

say the good old days that means your

days today are bad and so many people

are living in a period of their life

when God said the whole reason I say in

Jesus is that you might have life and

have life to the fool what are you

saying to us Pastor Mike everybody who’s

a part of transformation church and

transformation nation I’m so excited

that you came and you’re watching this

cuz I feel like this is a homecoming and

I can tell everybody all at the same

time we are releasing everything God’s

done up into this point great for

transformation church building great for

the thousands of people who’ve come and

been changed but my Bible says it’s not

worth being compared to what he has

planned for us what is the next five

years hold Pastor Mike I don’t know but

it’s better than this

did you see the faith in the statement

somebody’s gonna get that I don’t know

but it’s better than this where you

gonna be working five years from now I

don’t know but it’s better than my

family how your family gonna be doing

that year I don’t know but it’s better

than this house your Health’s gonna be

next week

I don’t know what’s gonna happen but

it’s gonna be better than this hands

lifted all over this place in the

overflow I speak the same anointing that

is on transformation church and in my

life I speak it over every person with

the faith to receive it I declare that

this is not just an act of faith it’s an

impartation of faith I need y’all to

receive right now this is not scary and

spooky this is spiritual all the way up

in the balcony I believe that an army is

arising of people that will believe God

beyond what they have seen our best days

are not behind us but our best days are

in front of us I declared that we are

moving forward we are saying we’re not

going back because God you’ve done some

amazing things in our history but right

now we have saved in the present because

it’s not worth being compared to what

you’re gonna do and what you have in the


today God I command dreams to come alive

receive this received as I feel the

Prince I literally feel first you coming

from me right now

I declare people will write things down

and live to seal I thank you Father that

bank accounts that have been barren and

dry will find themselves in overflow I

declare and I believe that creativity is

being unlocked over every business every

every artist I declared that the word of

the Lord will come to every author and

that books volumes of books

but didn’t afloat I declare everybody

who is called to be able to speak the

Word of God that there will be a

revelation that will drop in them that

will be found every time they think

about Jesus and what he’s done I declare

that every sink Bowl and every person’s

butt comes into alignment with the

thirty-nine lashes that Jesus took on

the crust

I declare divine healing and we speak in

this moment that history is still in the

making and father God because we know

your character and we know you’re a good

good who does not give his kids bad

gifts today we don’t praise you for what

you’ve already done that’s in our

history today we’re going to give you an

advanced rate in this moment my hair

if God’s out of play






before everybody makes some mass exodus

I want to help you I need you to look at

the whole reason that God wanted to

deliver the children of Israel out of

slavery verse 14 says that this is the

Lord your Redeemer today if you’re in

this building and you want to accept

Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and

Savior I want you to accept what Christ

has done for you as a everybody say

Redeemer if I was to put it in a point

I’d say it like this don’t settle for

being refreshed when you can be redeemed


that’s why so many of us come to church

and we just let me get in the water to

go back out here and get beat up and let

me get enough hope to go out there and

gotta say wow why would you just come

getting this a sip

when I can I can give you the distillery

and some of you have been searching for

a feeling to just feel good get

refreshed got more money I’m refreshed

for a second and you’re thirsty again

and today I want to offer you the only

water table will make you never thirst

again it’s the living water but here in

this room you’ve never accepted Jesus

Christ if you’re an overflow if you’re

watching on broadcast if you’re in the

lobby don’t be distracted cuz people are


tune in to me this is the moment that

God has set up your whole life for all

your history doesn’t matter if you’ve

make the decision for Jesus and be in

this moment I promise you I’m a living

witness that’s that’s the thing that

made me and it’s still making me I went

from being a liar a manipulator addicted

to pornography somebody who had a

horrible character and didn’t see the

value in other people not to a perfect

man but to a progressing man and that

only happened because I submitted my

history in a moment God has been making

me if you’re in this room and somebody

drugged you here

and you got plans to do something

completely opposite what you know is

right today or you’ve been living the

goody two-shoe lives but you haven’t

surrendered your life to Christ all of

that’s the same thing because somebody

wants to put it on a pedestal well

homosexuality is a real sin and your

lies aren’t


some of y’all gonna leave and not come

back but the foot of the cross is even

there’s no little white lie at the foot

of the cross and all of us need the

grace of God so today if you need the

grace of God in just a moment we’re

gonna pray a prayer and when we pray

this prayer the Bible tells us according

to Romans 10:9 all we have to do as a

believe and confess that Jesus Christ is

Lord and he died and rose for us

and he says it literally takes all of

your history sin how about some of y’all

and it says he blows them as far as the

East is from the West and he remembers

them nope

God’s already made a decision about you

once you make a decision for him

so if that’s you and you want to make

Jesus Christ your personal Lord and

Savior in the lobby in the overflow all

over this auditorium on the count of

three I want you to raise your hand and

be included in that prayer one you’re

making the greatest decision of your

life – this is why the church exists and

God is proud of you and so are we three

there’s hands already going up right now

I see I see I see oh come on I see I see

I see you I see you says oh this is a

big day in the overflow we see you in

the lobby we see now listen this means

you’re moving forward so let’s pray this

prayer together and that transformation

church we’re family nobody prays alone

everybody pray this prayer bold and


everybody say God thank you for seeing

my history and putting me in this moment

and seeing my future and still choosing


I believe you lived you died and you

rose again just for me today I give you

my life take over change me renew me

transform me

I’m yours in Jesus name Amen

can we celebrate with the hundreds of


can we celebrate with the hundreds of



somebody say I’m not going I’m not going


what’s happening what are you doing





that’s why we follow up we know it’s

character know who you are









you haven’t gone too far he’s perfect




so I want you to see this prophetic

picture its history in



what they’ve sown now they they’re not

done they just step back to allow what

God’s doing now and support it so its

history and and everything God does

through us is for what he’s making you

into that’s why you come here that’s why

you stream that’s why you flew

that’s know y’all don’t hear me that’s

why you drove overnight that’s why

you’ve been waiting outside since 5:30

a.m. to start saying I’m not done yet

its history


thank you for letting us to lead you

thank you for going with us in this

crazy faith



so we said we would remember we’d

rejoice what else what we do we’d

release and what would God do redeem

I could sum it up in one word represent

I stand here on our fifth anniversary

with history behind me and in this

moment not knowing what’s gonna be made

and I promise I vow I declare

that for the rest of the time that I’m

breathing that’s for me in my house

we’re gonna serve the Lord by

representing godly to the lost and found

for transformation in Christ and all I

would ask is you’d make that same

commitment not to us father I bless

these people

I bless these people father God and I

asked you that your grace


people transfer them and bring them into

the Promised Land

the whole thing you were trying to

encourage the children of Israel and

Isaiah 43 was that you had something

better for you but they didn’t take your

route they turned an eleven-day journey

into a 40-year den I declared that we

will reach the promised land and we will

die empty and do everything that God’s

called us to do in Jesus name

can somebody give God one more shot of

crazy come on that’s good if it was for

me but till we give the king of pain

I celebrate thank you so much for

watching transformation churches YouTube

and I just want you to take another step

if this is feeding you join

transformation nation let’s everybody

that doesn’t live here in Tulsa watching

live with us on Sunday mornings gather

your family let’s make this thing an

every week situation and please share

share if it has impacted your life there

is somebody that is waiting for you to

share this with them and transformation

is only a click away and there’s one

more thing I want to ask you to do pray

about giving if you want to help us take

this message all around the world and

represent God to lost-and-found people

for one reason to transformation in

Christ you can do that right now

by clicking the Giblin I cannot wait to

see you the next time we’re here live a

transformed life

