best sermons, Christ Jesus, Christian, Christians, Christmas, Christmas message, Christmas sermon, Christmas story, Christmas teaching, cross, encouraging sermons, faith, family, forgiveness, God, gospel, heaven, hell, HolySpirit, hope, inspirational sermons, Jesus, love, marriage, messages, powerful sermon, prayer, preaching, reason for the season, relationships, sermons, teaching, Tony Evans, Tony Evans sermons, trusting, victory, youth

TC nation thank you for joining thank

you for clicking on this sermon and

guess what this is specifically my

husband wrote a book I’m so proud of you

and you’re welcome and we’re so happy

that you joined and I want you to know

that the reason we wrote is the

relationship goal is to help you win in

relationships and today we do believe

this message is going to help you all

the content in this series relationship

grows we loaded it’s going to help you

because we believe that you can win in

relationships no matter where you are

there is a brighter future for you maybe

you just need to learn something so go

get the book today at I am like God calm

and enjoy this message

transformation church men I am so glad

that you are here with us today and I

know some of y’all are steel on high

from last week when we had what I’m

calling now the relationship goes

revival is what it was it was a revival

and if you’re just joining us um and you

saw that clip you like what are they

doing basically we were about to preach

and then God came in and we worship for

two and a half hours and but it was just

what people’s souls needed we’ve seen

the messages in the the emails and the

DM saying that I needed that time to be

able to get my perspective right and God

spoke to me and he healed our

relationships and I’m so excited that we

are a part of a church that really

follows God and today we’re doing the

same thing and if worship has been your

weapon all week I need you to type it in

the chat right now come on somebody

needs to type in worship is my weapon

I’m seeing people all over the world

right now tuned in from almost every

state worship is our weapon but this is

the thing we have to know about our

weapons is that God is so good that he

doesn’t just give us one the word is our

weapon to see this is the thing that I

need everybody to know because some

people would love to just stay laid out

and prostrate for six years but then you

have to get up and live something you

have to get up and come

brought some things and so today even

though everything in me wants to just go

back into this is how I fight my battles

and I want to be trunk I think it would

be um it would be wise for us to figure

out the what what the word says about

our relationships and a brand new way

because I want you to win in

relationships that’s what this whole

series is about and somebody asked me

are you just doing that because it’s

popular I said no I counseled a bunch of

people and when I counsel every issue in

their life whether it’s financial

whether it’s emotional whether it’s

something that they’re dealing with

anger it always stems back to a

relational issue an issue with a parent

an issue with a first boyfriend an issue

with um um somebody that they work with

and and and if we can get relationships

right we can be able to get the life

that God wants us to live and I just

feel this by the spirit some of us are

living a lower life than God intended

for us because of the people that we are

bringing into our life the relationships

that we are allowing to be a part of our

life I didn’t mean to start off right

like this all the way but somebody needs

to hear this if we would get the right

aim in our relationships then we would

be able to hit a goal you cannot have a

goal and then not aim and this is what

this entire series is and I’m declaring

over your life all of your relationships

as you allow this to sit in your heart

all your relationships are getting


somebody needs to believe that you need

to type it by faith all my relationships

are getting better all the relationships

that I have and the ones that I

shouldn’t have they’re exiting right now

come on somebody needs to have the faith

to say it all my relationships are

getting better and everything that’s not

like God to the left to the left

I think that was saw miss Beyonce in the

name of Jesus well today we are starting

week five of a series we’re calling

relationships goals reloaded y’all now I

didn’t even some I need a sound effect

put me a sound effect in here right

now when I do this again because

everybody needs to do this we’re

starting a series called


reloaded oh that sounds good

no nice and the reason I say we’re

reloaded because I think if if we really

do look at what God wants for us we

would be loaded for every relationship

that we come in contact with that’s why

in Week one of this relationship hey we

said we’re gonna make the principles of

God not what culture says not what

everybody else says not what our big

momma taught us about relationship our

uncle Jerry taught us we’re gonna say

all that is our experience but we’re

gonna go back to the Creator in the

manufacture of a product because until

you go and get the makers mind on what

the product is you will always abuse it

so we made the principles of God the

first thing and then y’all know what we

started doing

we started ripping up lists and we

didn’t rip up lists for one week we had

to rip up lists for two weeks and then

last week y’all you already know what

happened we went into a relationship

girls revival I say all of this to say

that when I created these resources

y’all know about the book but I wanted

to talk about this study guide and I’m

not trying to sell anything I’m trying

to help you win if you answer the

questions that are in this book about

your relationship and you should even do

it with a group of people it’s one of

those things that’s going to start

unfolding what’s in you and allowing God

to define what he wants to bring out of

you and this is why are you telling us

all this paestum like if you look the

same next year relationally as you do

this year it’s your fault

i’ma say it one more time all of these

resources all of this word all of this

other stuff if you look the same

relation he just can’t ain’t on me you

stayed there well they just don’t

understand my value and disadvantage

that and God says I’m trying to give you

light right now revelation that’s what

God wants he wants you to have

revelation for your relationships

somebody put that in the chat I want

revelation for my related relationships

what is revelation me just revealed

truth that me

if it’s there and it’s covered I need to

see it III want God to uncover the

things that are wrong somebody needs to

hear that if the relationship is there

but it’s covered up and it’s actually

something that’s not good or it’s

actually something that’s not good

give me revelation god I want you to

reveal I want you to uncover the people

who are not for me I want you to uncover

the issues that I have in my heart I

want you to uncover where I’m still

walking in Pride and I won’t forgive

give me revelation for my relationships

and when we get revelations for our

relationship it changes everything and

so on today’s message was was sparked by

a conversation I had with a young lady

and she said Pastor Mike I love your

relationship girl series I don’t watch

the foot the last one three times and

this one I always keep on repenting send

it to all my fish friends she said I’m

just ready to find my person and I said

what she said I’m prepared and ready to

find my person you know your person the

person who’s made just right for you

the person that is supposed to get you

and understands you and be able I don’t

know why I talk like that when I do that

but it’s just the house she was talking

but she was like my person and I started

to ask her I was like okay so what what

is this person like and she begin to

list some things out and I could

obviously see she ain’t watch part 1 & 2

she says she was following the series

but she would but she started to list

out all these things and I was like okay

that’s awesome and I was like what

happens when you find this person do you

change do you become something else do

you start doing something now because

you have a person and she begin to look

at me and she was like what are you

trying to say pass the mic cuz you know

everybody’s thinking I’m trying to

preach to him and I kind of am but at

the end of the day I said do you know

that God has purpose for you before a

person and it was almost like our cusp

and she was like and I was like she was

like no but I’m telling you my life

really is gonna take off

when I get with my person cuz I got

plans and we got and I was like baby

girl before the person you have purpose

and I came to tell somebody right now

cuz I believe there’s many people all

around the world that are watching this

that are waiting on somebody to press go

on what God’s already called you to do

and God wants you to know that before a

person you have a purpose and and I just

want you to say that somebody say I have

a purpose you may not fully know what it

is right now you may be still

discovering what it is you may be in a

place where you’re asking God what it is

but I want you to know you got it you

got one and nothing is supposed to be

hinged on somebody else before you start

taking steps in faith towards your

purpose just say it one more time I have

a purpose so I want you to write that

down as a point before the person you

have a purpose because I really think

Charles there’s some extremes that that

people err on one side or the other and

I’m not telling you which camp you’re in

right now but you might be in one of

them see a lot of people that don’t have

a person yet all my single people if

you’re single in the house put yeah in

the tag you might find your husband stop

putting you in the chance somebody just

kept putting yeah a hundred times stop

that but but um a lot of people that

don’t have a person yet they feel like

their purpose is on pause until they

find the person and I meet these people

all the time and inversely people who do

have a person they are married they’re

in the relationship a lot of times they

make the relationship the reason why

they cannot fully pursue their purpose

when we had kids and we got a business

and we did this and God said I factored

all of that in when I called you I made

provision and I still want something

from you I told the woman this the other

day or not a woman a couple this the

other day I said God didn’t mean for

your kids

to be the blessing that replaced your

purpose I didn’t give you kids to now

stop for 18 years to be able to cater to

every he said those 18 years I still

need something from you that whole time

that you’re going to soccer tournaments

and that’s part of the purpose and part

of the purpose is to raise them in the

way that they should go so that when

they’re all they don’t depart but that

does not sum up who you were created to

be I need to tell some parents right now

who put their purpose on pause that it’s

time to push play on your purpose

somebody needs to hear me right now I’m

getting excited it’s time for you to

push play on your purpose because God is

not waiting for a a time when everything

is just right can I tell you this there

will never be a right time where you are

never ever needed somewhere else to

start doing what God’s called you to do

so you might as well start today and

because people aren’t finding the person

or they do have the person they feel

like either I can’t do my purpose and it

needs to be a pause or I have too much

to do that I can’t make my persons my my

purpose a priority and today I’m coming

to unlock both of those extremes I’m

coming to say if you’re breathing you

have a purpose and if you have for

purpose it’s time for you to push play

somebody put it in the chat it’s time to

press play some of you have books on the

inside of you some of you I didn’t know

this book was inside of me but at the

moment that I press play on what God had

put in me he already started a plan that

was going to transform other people’s

life people are waiting on you to press

play there’s a there’s a there’s a wall

in somebody’s house that’s gonna be bare

until you paint the picture see come on

do y’all see there’s there’s a playlist

right now that needs your song on it but

until you press play I don’t know who

this is for but I’m telling somebody has

pushed pause on their purpose and God

said you don’t need not another person


press play honey before you get one more

friend one more connection

one more good networking tip god says

press play he says because when you

press play that means you trust me and

when you trust me I’m better than any

connection that you could ever have I’m

the best PR agent you’ve ever had I’m

the best book publisher you could ever


I am the best manager in the world but

you have to have faith enough to press

play it’s time for purpose to start one

and ramp it I don’t know how I just feel

that things so hard justice press play

on your purpose and when you press play

on your purpose

things begin to move in your life but

all of this happens before a person and

I understand why because everybody has

this idea in this image that they want

the happily ever after and let’s let’s

be honest like like put it on the screen

cuz somebody needs to see that

happily-ever-after then that sound nice

now I don’t know what your happily ever

after looks like and but usually and

your happily ever after there’s a person

come on listen let’s be honest some of

y’all got fantasies you you see some big

swole nine abs that ain’t even even

number got another one on his belly

button like nine abs and big swole can

sing long hair and and no matter what

it’s doing it usually has a person

attached to it and I don’t know but what

are some of the characteristics maybe

you can help somebody what are some of

the characteristics you think are

essential for your person come on

somebody I know in the chat they saying

right now that they tall somebody else

is saying you I’m saying that they got a

little drunk in the trunk I know

somebody else is saying that they’re

they’re funny I know somebody else is

saying that the character races I needed

my person is they they got a couple

coins they they got a little money huh I

ain’t saying she a gold digger but she

ain’t messing with no anyway but no

matter what you’re heavily happily ever

after looks like in your mind I think

that we

need to really look at the happily ever

before because many people never get the

happily ever after because they weren’t

intentional in the happily ever before

oh I’m about to preach this today I

don’t know who this is for but many of

us are looking to another season that

will be cut short or sabotaged by the

lack of intentionality in the season

before II and that’s why God is saying

to us today I feel it so strong that if

you want to happily ever after you need

to be focused on the happily ever before

if you want the happily ever after for

your marriage for your kids for your

business you need to hunker down right

now and get intentional about the

happily ever before

I never heard nobody preach about that

before huh yeah yeah because before the

money before the kids before the titles

before the relationships before the

person God says I have a purpose for you

so let’s go back to the beginning I need

everybody to open your Bible because we

can’t find the happily ever before from

just somebody who’s older than us we got

to go to something to outlast everybody

on the earth right now and that’s the

Word of God and some of you like that’s

just a book written by me and listen to

me this is the only thing that has some

withstood every transition every war

every every racist attack every economy

downturn the Word of God is the Bible

says it like this the grass withers in

the flower fades but the Word of God

remains forever so we’re gonna go to the

beginning we’re gonna go to before man

ever got another person Genesis chapter

2 verse 8 it says then the Lord God

planted a garden in Eden in the east and

there he placed the man right underline

circle place put a law highlight on that

there he placed the man he had made the

Lord God made all sorts of trees grow up

from the ground trees that were


and trees that produced the line

produced delicious fruit in the middle

of the garden he placed the Tree of Life

and the tree of knowledge of good and

evil drop down to Genesis 2:15 it says

then the Lord God placed the man in the

garden so somebody’s there ok you’re in

the garden and he said he placed him in

the garden to tend circle and highlight

tind and watch over it

but the Lord God warned him you may

freely eat the fruit of every tree in

the garden except somebody underlined

except about the priestess the tree of

the knowledge of good and evil

if you eat its fruit you were surely

dying look at verse 18 it says Genesis

2:18 did the Lord God said after he did

all of that you know what I’ve done a

lot of work in these past few days

like like Genesis 1 if you go back and

watch it he was like uh you know what

it’s too dark in here let there be light

and then he says it was good and then he

says you know what I don’t like it all

being one type of thing water land split

it was good

vegetation he then made cabbage and

mustard greens and turnip greens and

kale for all the people who are trying

to watch their weight it was good he

says then he says Sun and Moon and calls

it good sea creatures Nemo Willy it was


wild animals Timon and Pumbaa it was

good and the first time he says it’s not

good is this Genesis 2:18 then the Lord

said you know what after all I’ve done

it’s not good for the man to be alone I

will make a helper who is just right for

him so I got good news for everybody


wants you to have a person so that’s the

first thing I need everybody to realize

right now is that God said it ain’t good

for you to be alone and however you are

and with all your courts and all your

things it ain’t good for you to be alone

so imma give you a person but I want to

not focus on the person today I want to

focus on all the other things God gave

to Adam before he gave him the person C

because everybody read that and you

heard the end that then he made a helper

suitable for him and that’s what you

waiting on like will you just please go

ahead and make me the helper but that

was the seventh thing God gave to man

did you find all six of them see that’s

what we have to read the word and ask

God to illuminate to us because there

were six things that God gave to a man

and a woman before he gave them their

person and today I want to help you see

this because God’s plan is for you to

have relationship and I understand some

people say well everybody don’t get

married yeah yeah everybody has the

ability to make a choice and if you

don’t want to get married it’s all good

but even if it’s not in ain’t a marriage

relationship God wants relationship for

everybody I don’t care if you’re

introverted I don’t care if you’re

somebody who’s been hurt in the past he

heals us through relationship he

delivers us through relationship he

cultivates us through relationship you

looking at me but I don’t see me if I

don’t have relationship with somebody I

could have something on my face and

would never know and many of us who are

isolated I feel this right now

that there are people that have been

living isolated like I ain’t gonna be

hurting no more I ain’t I don’t mess

with nobody I do my own thing and God

says what you’re doing is stunting your

growth cuz you won’t let any other

person in your life but God wants

relationship for you the I hear him

saying it right now cuz he wanted it for

Adam and you don’t think that he wants

it for you if he wanted for the first

person on the earth

I’m gonna give you scripture for it

Ecclesiastes 49 it says two people are

better than one i won

look two people are better than one for

they can help each other watch this

succeed so this you got to read in

between the lines of the Bible like so

so there is a qualification of the

relationships you should have is that if

you’re in a relationship with somebody

and be like well that’s my person the

way you know it’s something that is good

for you and God for you is – or better

than one only if they help you succeed

are the relationships you are in right

now helping you succeed or do they make

you more like how you don’t want to be

do they make you do things that you

vowed never to do do you gossip with

those people and you’re trying to change

your language are those the people that

discourage you instead of encourage you

are those the people that you stay

around because of time served


you don’t want no new best friends no

new friends but you are staying the same

and the reason you’re staying the same

is because you are not getting people

around you who are helping you succeed

if you’re always living in the glory

days that means you’re not making new

memories if you’re always talking about

what we did in college and remember last

summer and I can’t wait to turn up again

God is saying is that what you’re living

for I need you to get around some people

that will help you succeed so I want

relationship for you but help make sure

that people that will help you succeed

because you’re better than one for they

can help each other to succeed and this

is the reason if one person falls the

other can reach out and help man I

didn’t mean to just preach this that

much but that means if you fall and your

friend is down there with you the whole

reason of having relationship is for

when when one Falls the others at

another level that they can reach down

with grace and help them up the problem

is most of us are tripping with the

people we call friends

so what ends up happening is all the

stuff I deal with is the stuff they deal

with and we made a relationship based on

dysfunction I got a run I got a run

I got a run why because many of us will

not do the work on the inside to be in a

relationship with somebody who actually

calls more out of us

the Bible says iron sharpens iron but

what we usually do is get with people

who make us comfortable and we develop

relationships out of dysfunction and

then we start to stay in the place I’ll

call this the falling place for so long

that we think is normal

some of us think it’s normal to talk

about people some of us think it’s

normal to steal some of us think it’s

normal like and the only reason we think

is normal with those people around us is

because they do the same thing but look

what God says he says if one person

falls the other can reach out and help

the other one but someone who falls

alone is in real trouble let me give you

a point God wants a relationship with

you and God wants relationship for you

those are two of the main reasons that

God sent Jesus because he wants a

relationship with you he sent Jesus he

said cuz they busted and disgusted it

after Adam and Eve did what they gonna

do in a few chapters they I got a make a

way for them so I sent Jesus so that I

can have a relationship with you and I

don’t know if there’s somebody watching

right now who feel like you’ve done too

much and you’re so far away from God I

did too

and I want to say me too but that’s what

the love and the grace of God does is it

makes a way for you to have a

relationship with God but he doesn’t

just want relationship with you he wants

a relationship for you so I say it like

this because he wants a relationship

with you he sent Jesus because he wants

relationship for you he sent Jerome and

it can be Jerry or Jeannie or whoever

else is named it but he wants

relationship for you somebody just say

that God wants relationship for me come

on some

that is a faith statement for somebody

because some of you have been so hurt

that you said I don’t want relationship

with anybody else I’ll be good I’ll keep

people y’all know I call them Heisman

friends like but they always have this

because I’m trying to protect myself

from whatever you might do and God

saying no no I want relationship for you

but before the person before we get to

the happily ever after I gave you six

things that I desire for you and the

happily ever before let me give me to

you because some of y’all like tell us

Pastor Mike the first thing that God is

giving to every person in the happily

ever before is his presence God wants

you to have his presence before you have

a person now everybody is like oh snap I

thought already dear God’s presence I

thought I thought it was everywhere at

all times you know one of the craziest

thing about something if something can

be there but you don’t acknowledge it

like like it’s one of those things that

that that somebody could be in the room

oh I love this analogy like right now if

there was a millionaire in a crowd of

people and somebody was like a

Millionaire is here it wouldn’t make a

difference because we don’t know which

millionaire is where they are but if the

millionaire stood up and said hey I’m

the millionaire and he made his presence

known then we would have the opportunity

to either ignore or acknowledge that he

was in the room many people right now no

God is around but you have ignored him

and God is saying today I need you to

acknowledge me and acknowledge my

presence can I can I break it to you

Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 it says then

the Lord God formed man from the dust of

the ground and he breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life and the man

became a living

get a picture right now he’s he’s dust

forms him up breathes into him what’s

the first thing he’s going to do what’s

the first thing that every baby does

when they come into the earth to figure

out their new surrounding they open

their eyes and when they open their eyes

they’re going to be in the presence of

whoever is there when Adam opened his

eyes for the very first time he was in

the presence of God what God told me he

said is before you ever get a person I

painted this picture so that you would

know that every time you get breath

remember he breathed his breath into him

every time you would get a breath for

another 24 hours and you open your eyes

I want you to spend time in my presence

he literally said from my presence

everything else is gonna flow from my

presence everything else is gonna be

taken care of but he literally gives us

the ability you’ll know we if God wanted

to we could just stay up 24 hours like

if he wanted to see y’all don’t think

like this a lot of times but like if God

wanted us to we don’t never have to

sleep I think he put sleep in there to

remind us of how he formed Adam that he

took him from nothing

he gave him breath he opened his eyes

and he was in the presence of God so

every time you go to sleep and God gives

you another night of breath when you

open it I feel the presence of God right

now when you open up your eyes you

should make it a point to spend time in

the presence of God that’s why the first

thing I say when I wake up is thank you

Lord you are so good thank you for what

you’re doing I spend time creating a

time for me and him to be in the

presence that’s my Adam walked in the

cool of the day he wasn’t worried about

nothing because he spent time with them

do you know that must most of your worry

comes from not spending time with God

when we talk about making God big nur or

o magnify the Lord with me the only way

you can magnify something is if you see

it and if you see it and you get closer

to it that’s what magnification is it’s

making something that looks far look

closer because either something is

making it a closer or you’re getting

closer to it and what I’m telling you as

God is saying today I feel it so strong

is that he needs you to acknowledge his

presence before your person oh this

works even if you’re married because

some of y’all barely talked to your

spouse and God really ain’t getting

talked to and he’s saying I need you to

come back to the heart of why I created

you is to spend time with me and I

believe that even in this moment right

now even though we’re on the first thing

that God is saying he’s saying that I

want your presence because I’ve already

given you my presence and this week I

believe somebody’s gonna take that for

real what if we did a challenge and for

seven days before you got on Instagram

before you called anybody before you did

anything else you carved out a time to

get in God’s presence oh you don’t want

to be challenged huh I told you I was

reloaded I don’t want you to listen to

this I want you to transform through

this and today God saying I got a person

but before the person you need my

presence and can I talk to the ladies

for a second um ladies I said ladies

don’t ever date a man who doesn’t know

how to get in God’s presence

why Pastor Mike cuz if God’s not

speaking to him he will not know how to

handle you the only way that I know how

to do everything in my life is I go to

the one who created the one I’m supposed

to be with and many ladies are trying to

find a man man outside of the presence

and drag him to the presence and you

will never be able to get a man to go

where he wasn’t already found you will

never be able to make him what you hope

he is and that’s why you need to be

praying for him but you need to be

standing with him but you can’t pull him

and that’s why I’m begging you

young ladies who are single stop going

after him and he got a good heart he

doing good all right and stop trying to

pick up a project find a man in his

presence cuz if you find a man in his

presence then he’ll be able to lead you

he’ll be able to stay ok I gotta get off

of that because somebody’s offended into

my married women who have already picked

up a project and you sitting next to him

calm down don’t this is not the time

where you divorced them because the

Bible tells you the faith of one woman

can save an entire household you keep

believing you keep speaking life over

him and over them and fellas let me help

you understand this don’t date her cuz

she look good dater cuz she can get lost

in God when she can get lost in God do

you know there are many arguments that

me and my beautiful wife have Oh we’ll

just call them heated discussions that

me and Natalie have that neither one of

us win cuz we go back to our corners and

God deals with both of us and when he

deals with you because we’re in his

presence I come back in I apologize no

no I apologize I’m like no no no let me

apologize first and then we arguing

about who’s apologizing pray for us okay

what I’m saying to you is a relationship

without a goal it’s pointless but a

relationship without God is senseless

and many of us are having relationships

without God’s presence I could stay

there all day but I need to keep moving

okay so the second thing that you need

to understand number one is to get a

happily ever after God’s presence is

before the person number two what does

God desire for you is He desires for you

to have a place let me prove it to you

right now Genesis 2:8 somebody bring me

that charger my iPad about to die and I

got to give this word a full-throttle

right now it says then the Lord God

planted a garden in Eden in the east and

there he placed the man this means that

the place you hate

but you seem to be in maybe God’s place

for you not your preference Adam did not

get a brochure and say hey can you pick

out of all of these locations of where

you would like to be do you want to be

eating in the West or do you want to be

at this place all God said was hey um

this is your place and he had to be

content with where God everybody say

placed him uh-huh and the problem is

your family yeah they’re crazy but God

placed you there your job you hate it

cuz they don’t pay you enough but God

placed you there the city you’re in

maybe God place you there I get people

all the time asking so when you’re

moving from Tulsa bro you you big time

bro when you move from Tulsa I’ll tell

them never until God moves me I said


Tulsa has a little airport yes Tulsa is

not no no near any beach or any real

water yes every restaurant closes at

about 10 o’clock in Tulsa and yes these

people crazy but at the end of the day

this is my place and a lot of people go

down a checklist of what they don’t like

I’m about to move to LA I’m about to

move to New York

you better not move away from your place

the place that God puts you because your

favor is not in where you would like to

be your favor is in where God left you

so if I move from Tulsa trying to go to

a bigger market on my own and try to get

transformation church to blow up other

all the favored relief and many of us

are living in places right now where

there is no favor we’re living in a

place where there is no provision we’re

living in a place because we’ve got out

of the place that God had for us before

God gives you a person he wants you to

have his presence and he wants you to be

content in the place because to like I

hate this place but maybe there’s

something at that place that you don’t

know you need that you can’t go to the

next place until you get it

I think about my life in so many

different facets at the time when I was

serving in youth ministry and not

getting paid let me say it again mom did

you ever pay me for that spirit and

truth for doing youth ministry not a

dime she said for three years every week

I was planning preparing we took them

kids on trips all and Beibei kids we did

all of this other stuff and not one

dollar increased in my account but God

had placed me there I didn’t do it cuz I

had to I did it because I was placed and

I don’t know who I’m talking to but

somebody who was about to make a move

that God said I’m not in that it’s like

the same moment where right before me

and Natalie were about to get married I

got an offer as a music producer to move

to New York for one year to make over

$100,000 at the age of 22 and I don’t

know if you’ve ever been 22 and broke

but for your Bowie that was like God has

answered my prayer and I had the

presence of mind to pray about it Oh

what did I do

I went to his presence and I asked God

if I moved to New York just from one

year Lord that ain’t really that bad

right like I mean I leave town so I’ll

move to New York I’ll make some cheese

and he said that’s not your place

this was his exact words to me and I’ve

told this to several people he said if

you go you’ll be successful but I’ll

take my hand off of everything you do

and it scared me I knew I wasn’t that

good so I just jumped back right in

broke Tulsa and I stayed there now what

would have happened because God saw this

when I was trying to get out of place

and I wonder what God sees for you right

now while you’re trying to maneuver and

move God says I see something up ahead

that is a part of your purpose that is a

part of my plan but you can’t get out of


I’d say stay in place put that in the

chat stay in place because before the

person God wants you to have his

presence and he wants you to be in the

place that he’s called you to be so to

get a happily ever after God’s place is

before the person let me tell you the

third thing this is what God desires for

you before the person he desires for you

to have provision but let me prove it to

you verse 9 then the Lord God made all

sorts of trees grow up from the ground

trees that were beautiful and that

produced that gave provision God never

would put his child in a situation that

there is no provision from him in here’s

another qualification if you know you’re

outside of the will of God if the place

you’re in has no provision from God you

may be in the wrong place I just want to

be very clear because so many people

come up to me I’m just going to step out

on faith no you’re stepping out on dumb

because a lot of people crazy faith no

that’s stupid you didn’t find that plan

out in its presence and so before the

person you’re trying to connect with and

all that stuff God says go to my

presence and I’ll tell you where the

place is and my place will be confirmed

by provision I’ll provide for you in

that place you’ll be able to see very

clearly if it’s me or not even when it’s

a hard season can I prove it to you

let’s just go back to the children of

Israel when they were coming out of

slavery the Bible says that God took

them to the wilderness because he was

trying to get something out of them that

was in them he said they were slaves but

I’m trying to make them sons so I gotta

take them through an 11 day hard season

so that they can be able to get this and

while they were in that season there was

a new food group that formed from the

earth it dropped every morning like do

and it was called manna which translated

means what is it that means every

morning they woke up and was like I’m


and they went out signing those like Oh

what is it and it was provision your

provision may not be your taste it might

not be provided like you want it but it

will sustain you in the season you’re in

and what happens when you do not have

the right attitude in the place that

you’re supposed to be in as you end up

eating what was supposed to last you 11

days for 40 years they were only

supposed to eat manna that provision for

11 days and because they complained and

they didn’t get into the presence of God

and they didn’t appreciate the place and

they didn’t appreciate even their pastor

Moses they turned an eleven-day journey

into a 40 year death and what I’m saying

to you is yeah if you get in God’s

presence before a person and you get in

the place no matter how dry the season

is God will provide no matter how

somebody needs to hear that right now

because your business is your you’re

trying to figure out during corona how

is this gonna happen and God says this

ain’t the time to move this is not the

time to start acting it’s time to get in

my presence before you go seek another

person and get another loan and do all

this other get in my presence get back

to the basics and I’ll tell you the

place to go and I will provide somebody

say God will provide say it with faith

God will provide

somebody needs to hear that for your

wedding that you’re planning God will

provide for the thing that you’re

believing for for your children God will

provide for those student loans that

need to be paid back God will provide

somebody say it again

God will provide when you walk with God

in his presence and you’re in the right

place you walk around knowing that I

ain’t got it but he does God will

provide imagine how a gangster it was

every day for Adam to wake up and not


what up god yeah man there’s some good

fruit I love this place on me I know

that some other places out here but you

put me here so this must be the best

place for me right now and I don’t know

maybe I missing something maybe I’d like

to have a person but your presence your

place and your provision it’s doing all

right right now you got anything else

for me God say yeah see if you want the

happily ever after God’s provision is

before the person but also God wants to

shape your personality before you get

with the person that word personality

literally means the combination of

characteristics or quality that form an

individual’s distinct character it’s an

identity God wants to give you an

identity in him before you ever get with

the person this is where so many people

mess up because they think they think

how they all right now is their identity

no that’s what culture the world in your

family put on you but what God is saying

is I gave you an identity because I made

you in my image can I prove it to you

Genesis chapter 126 20s not 26 this is

the relationship gold series we good

don’t edit it out 26 Natalie I’m coming

all right we’ll get to that at the end

of this series – I’m gonna talk about

sex I’m gonna talk about all of it

because I don’t want anybody to come and

get these things defined by people who

don’t go to the presence of God when I

was raised all they said was don’t have

sex before you get married well I messed

that up several times and I had no

playbook of how to live my life and I

want us to define things as a church I’m

getting mad now I want the church to be

the one to talk about things and not let

culture be the one that defines it for

our kids and then we’re trying to undo

stuff and the stuff that you dealt with


nobody still u52 and nobody ever talked

to you about how to have a relationship

we’re breaking that in the church we’re

gonna stand up and we’re gonna talk

about everything that God talked about

calm down Michael but God wants you to

have a personality and the reason it

says that in Genesis 1:26 he said then

God said to the Father Son and Holy

Spirit sitting and having a conference

they said hey let us make human beings

in our what’s this next word image to be

like themselves to be an individual to

be what nobody’s ever seen before look

what the Bible says let us make them in

our image or our identity to be like us

and that’s why God says the reason you

need some time before you get with the

person or the reason even if you are

with the person is you need to allow God

into your heart to be able to work on

some things it’s because I want to give

you a personality that looks like me and

a personality that that that reflects or

has my ID in it and that’s what God is

saying and I want to give you an example

of a practical example can you put the

picture of my kids up here real quick um

these are my three babies they’re so

scrumptious my daughter Isabella just

graduated from kindergarten last week

I’m emotional and I have Ava she’s 2 and

MJ he’s 4 now if you look very closely

at my children and you can go to

Instagram and look at all my children

all my children are very different they

have different personalities because

somebody’s like I ain’t gonna be like

nobody else no no you can have different

personalities but all of my children

when I look at them I see me in them

this is what God is saying to us he said

the reason that before a person I want

to help shape and cultivate your

personality is cuz when I look at a

picture of you I need to be able to see

me we may not have the same exact

features all my kids is lighter than me

cuz of a mama have an Indian in her

family they got better hair than your

boy I got to put a thousand

products they just put water and it just

blew what I’m saying is but when I look

into MJ’s eyes though he has different

hair different personality I see myself

when I look at Bella I see myself when I

look at Ava I see myself and the

question God is asking you is can he see

you in you in the way you handle

situations in the way you love your kids

in the way that you think of yourself do

you know he calls you a masterpiece do

you see huh do you see yourself how God

sees you and God’s saying that’s why you

got to give me some time before a person

or even if you are with a person I need

you to go back around and get this one

because I need to get your identity to

be an image of me on the earth I want

you to walk in love before a person I

want you to be able to forgive before a

person I want you to be able to be I’m

humble before a person I want you to be

able to think of others and many of us

the sad truth about it is when God looks

at looks at us looks like a Maury Povich

episode you ever seen them people up

there he don’t even look like me and

people are out here defending but then

there’s always that one kid that look

exactly like the daddy that y’all know

what I’m talking about like they both

cross-eyed and the one I go to the laugh

and have like a mole right here and both

of them at ease like you don’t even look

like me what God is saying to us is I

never want to have to show up and defend

if you look like me or not I don’t want

to have to come to entertainment into

government into the education and say no

for real that’s my kid he said would you

allow me before the person to not just

give you a happily ever after but give

you a happily ever before I will

cultivate the things in your life that

you don’t even like right now and make

them into the things and this is the

thing about it in Genesis 2 8 he said he

placed the man in the garden that he had

made he was proud of us he claimed us

with all of our flaws with all of our


I don’t care about what my kids look

like because other people’s kids is ugly

to me but not my oh y’all gonna be faith

just gonna be faith like that y’all know

y’all don’t look at other little babies

and be like hey little alien babies yo

baby looks like a alien too but they

didn’t because they were yours and God

says the same thing about you everybody

else can think you’re ugly everybody

else can think you’re worthless

but you’re my kid and when you’re my kid

I’m proud of you and God says that’s the

thing I need you to know that’s that

you’re mine and I want to give you my

personality cuz that’s what God gives

before he gives a person the fifth thing

he gives his purpose yep and I know this

is that big question how do I know my

parents because they’re mic I’ve been

fasting for 98 days trying to find my

charity I get this question all the time

in the truth is I’m not God and number

two is that I’ve discovered a little

secret about purpose because when we see

it in verse 15 it said the glory God

place the man in the Garden of Eden to

tend and watch over him he had a purpose

to tend which means to work to be

passionate about one’s calling to

cultivate to look after and I begin to

look at this 10 means literally to pay

attention and apply oneself so when you

think about your purpose I don’t think

your purpose is a destination like I’ve

reached my purpose I think purpose is

revealed as you tend to what’s in front

of you right now it literally makes me

think of Colossians 3:23 that says

whatever you do even if it’s not what

you think you’re gonna be doing whatever

you do work everybody say work that

means before you have a person you need

a job we’ll talk about that later work

add it with your whole being whatever

you do for the Lord

not for men my question to you is maybe

your purpose is less about what you’re

doing and more about how you’re doing it

maybe if the season you’re in and I

don’t like it but it’s part of my Purdue

you know now that I look back hindsight

is 2020 when we talked about this thing

like when I look back it’s like all that

was created I was created to do that do

y’all know when I was in high school

that for some reason they asked me to

lead all the pep rallies at my school I

hated it I didn’t want to do it they

didn’t give me a pass to not do the

class work that I missed to prepare for

the pep rally but now every Friday I

would get in front of thousands of

students black white young old faculty

staff and I would have to keep their

attention and present to them every

Friday for an hour and a half I didn’t

want to do it at the time but when they

asked me I was gonna give it everything

I had I dressed up I remember this one

time I look like a hot fool I’m a

posting on Instagram this week I had on

like a baseball sock that I cut on my

arm I had on like that glow-in-the-dark

paint stuff I was posing with my friend

I look dumb but I was tending to what

was in front of me who would have

thought 20 years later that my

profession that other people would

recognize as my purpose oh your cousin

like you have a purpose boy you just get

up on that platform and all no no my

purpose was when I was in high school

leading those pep rallies I was in my

purpose and I don’t know but some of you

are discounting what God’s counting on

some of us are saying I need to find my

purpose and God is like if you would

just do that one thing and keep doing

that Bible study and keep going to that

place and keep drawing that art and keep

talking to those people he was like you

do it as you’re doing it unto me not

unto them he said that is going to be

the thing that reveals what God has

called you to do

and that’s why every day Adam woke up

before a person before Eve’s fine tail

came through their strolling so bad that

he was like whoa man like that’s why

he’s called well you’ll get it later but

but that’s what he was doing Adam before

the person was what in God’s presence he

was in the place that God called him he

had provision there he had a personality

that was formed in the image of God and

he was working his purpose and my

question to you is what do you need to

do this week to start working your

purpose again let me give you the last

thing cuz I believe that these truths

are about to make some of y’all go back

this week and write all of this stuff

down and start asking God go back to his

presence saying God I need you to show

me I need you to show me what I need to

do and how I need to do it and what I

need to let go of and what I need to go

for and and literally he says the last

thing that he gives him before the

happily ever after

he gives him parameters can I prove it

to you Genesis 2:16 but the Lord God

warned him you may freely eat of the

fruit of every tree in the garden except

everybody say except except the tree of

the knowledge of good and evil if you

eat that fruit you will surely die now

this is the part where people get

bothered like this is the part where

people stop like listening and try to

get frustrated at what’s happening

because why would a loving God give us

parameters why would God not just let us

you know do what our hearts desire it’s

the same reason that any parent doesn’t

let their child do anything that they

want to do even if it seems fun to them

it’s for their protection

somebody needs to write this down

parameters are for protection everything

that God has not allowed you to do and

everything that has not worked was not a

punishment it was for protection God

knew how much you could handle God saw

you in your position and he just gave us

and accept and men of many of us go

ask the accept of God he’s saying you

can have a relationship with them but

except you can’t take it to that level

and gods saying is when you pass that

you step outside of my parameters for

you before I give you a person that’s

why God says and this is so so much

revelation right now because nobody

explained it to me that’s why God says

don’t have sex before you get married it

was for protection it wasn’t a

punishment he was trying to give you

parameters so by the time you found your

person you weren’t used up he was trying

to give you protection so that those

things that now you’re praying for

healing from you never had to experience

in the first place that’s the God we

serve and if my daughter Isabella right

now I know I’m using my kids a lot but I

want you to get an image of a loving God

when my daughter Isabella was like Daddy

can I have a car when I get 16 and I was

like yeah matter of fact I love you so

much you’re six right I’m gonna give you

your car now here’s the kid cuz your

daddy loves you here’s the keys to your

new car girl go out there and drive it

your daddy loves you I would be an

irresponsible father because I did not

set parameters for my daughter I gave

her what was hers but prematurely and

she would go out and be unprotected and

the very thought of losing my daughter

because of something I gave her I wonder

how God must feel when he gives you the

answer to your prayer and then he loses

his relationship with you he gave you

the house and then you stopped talking

to him he blessed your business and you

only come to church on Easter I wonder

what it feels like for us to be in a

place where God saying yo all of these

things that I wanted for Adam I wanted

for you so you can live a happily ever


but if you’re gonna live a happily ever

after you’re gonna have to get content

with working and a happily ever before

and that’s why I 1st Corinthians 10 23

there were some people like many of

y’all that about the law

right now you feel like I’m grown I’m

grown I’m a grown person I’ve been

through life and these people say you

say I’m allowed to do anything but not

everything is good for you and you say

I’m allowed to do anything but not

everything is beneficial can I tell you

what the benefit of maturing and God is

is when you can do stuff that’s not sin

and you’re so mature now that you’re not

even trying to figure out if it’s a sin

or not like how many beers cannot have

before I’m drunk because the Bible says

like I don’t I can see but I ain’t like

let’s go to the reason why you’re

sipping is it for peace because if you

need peace there’s an alternate and you

can still set a good example for your

kids because do you want your kids to be

acknowledged when they’re going through

pressure do you want them to run the

peels in a bottle or are you doing that

to cope and God says I can trade you

trade me your yoke give me your burden

I’ll do something different for you

but all of us many times never mature to

the place where it’s like is that the

line and God’s saying is I’m trying to

set parameters for you that may not even

be for your neighbor what happens when

God says something for you that doesn’t

apply for everybody oh you want to talk

about spiritual maturity you want to

talk about when God tells people to give

10% in the word but he tells you to give

15 what happens when God says you fast

every Thursday even though the church is

not on a fast what happens when God says

you go pick up your sister’s kids and

love on them because they don’t have a

father and he didn’t tell nobody else to

do that God’s saying I’m giving you

parameters cuz I’m trying to build

something in you got saying this I’ll do

all of that I’m so good that I’ll do all

of it before a person and that’s that’s

what I want everybody to hear me say we

think that our our presence with another

person would make us feel better and if

we’re in the right place with the right

person everything will be good and if we

get the right person maybe we can have

provision and like hold up let me

conform my personality to theirs you

ever met those people in relationships

now whoever they’re dating they start

acting like like are you see walking

right now like Sally you were just doing

cheer practice you’re on the pom squad

and now you like see walking cuz you

datin Devante stop stop it why but this

is the key to that thing that if you

don’t allow your personality to be

defined by God it will be defined by

others that’s why some of y’all this

week we’re looking on Instagram at

celebrities and trying to pick your

outfit to get a personality like

somebody you were never created to be

like I’m in your business and I know it

but what I’m saying is before a person

he wants to give you a personality and

he wants you to start walking in your

purpose purpose it’s a journey it’s not

a destination you don’t get to purpose

you walk in purpose that’s the answer

somebody needed hand guy before a person

gives you parameters can I show you why

this is so important okay so God gives

you his presence it gives you a place he

gives you provision he says yeah I want

them the Hat is right here and then he

says i’ma give him a personality made in

my image I’m gonna start letting them

walk in their purpose and then I’m gonna

give them parameters it’s not to keep

something from them it’s trying to keep

them for something and then I’ll give

them another person because the other

person I’m gonna give them is valuable

the other person has purpose too the

other person is delicate and needs to be

handled with care so I need whoever the

person is that they’re dealing with to

have a sure foundation because this

person is going to carry my anointing

and the person I’m allowing you to be in

relationship with is gonna be filled

with things that need to be nurtured and

taken care of by somebody who has a

sturdy foundation and so why God wants

us to have all of these things before a

person is because when the two come

together they should be able to support

each other and this is what a good

relationship should look like but what

would happen

if I took away the presence of God the

place of God the provision of God what

would happen if I thought I don’t really

need all of that I only need a couple of

these things like I don’t really need to

be getting my purpose in walking in my

purpose and let my personality be

defined by pop culture or I’ll I don’t

really have no parameters if you take

away any of the six things that God gave

before a person which one should we take

away y’all tell me put it in the chat

which one cuz some of y’all have

different ones everybody’s not the same

oh come on let’s be honest some of y’all

are in the wrong place you’re in a city

right now that God never called you –

some of you haven’t been in the presence

of God in years some of you right now

are providing for yourself and you feel

drained some of you your personality you

used to say I’d never be this and now

you’re doing that every week your

purpose you don’t even know what it is

anymore your parameters anybody can run

up in you and run through you and run

with you because you have no parameters

and God said which one you want me to

take and the enemy would love for every

person in here to be deficient in what

God wants to supply before a person and

what happens is why we see so many

failed relationships and broken things

after broken things after broken things

is because people stop getting in his

presence now what has happened now what

has happened that we just took away one

ingredient of the plan of God the things

that are valuable are now broken and

what we do is spend the rest of our life

trying to pick up the pieces of

relationships that we should have never

been in with people who are never built

on God’s foundation so what do we do we

try again relationship after

relationship no no it’s gonna work this

time they different they’re different

than the last guy

they’re different than they’re different

than what what happened no no no I I’m

gonna try again I started I’m gonna try

again the problem initially is because

you haven’t been healed when God tries

to pour into you you can’t even hold

nothing and this is what many of our

lives look like today

and then we try to raise kids out of

this this is this is where we try to do

business from this is how we try to love

the world broken and God says hey this

is the reason what a person is not where

you’re supposed to go if you would give

me your pieces if you would bring your

pieces to me I’ll trade you and I’ll

give you a new life I will take

everything that’s the enemy meant for

evil and I will turn it any man that be

in Christ he is a new creation the old

has passed away behold I’m making

everything I feel the presence of God in

here and then he says that’s why I fill

you up again this is the grace of God by

the way see the grace of God and looks

at your broken pieces said I’ll give you

another chance the grace of God looks at

everything that you messed up and you

squandered over he said I’ll give you

another chance the problem is we go

stupid after God heals us and instead of

going back to the person again that is

filled with the foundation of God we

keep finding all of these people who are

missing an element that God wanted to

give all of us before the person

everybody say before the person when you

get married young man young woman old

man old woman know your identity and God

have your personality in him if you pray

pray out loud don’t let your husband or

your wife at a person you think oh

that’s too much sorry I’m sorry this is

who I am and I will not be ashamed by

the person I’m supposed to love I won’t

let my person but if you do if you do

let them define you

you take the personality that God

intended for you to have and change life

you take it away but no no no no let’s

do it quickly let’s hope that if we do

it fast

if it’s not that noticeable if it’s not

if everybody can’t see it empty poured

out broken trying to figure out our way

through life and what happens all of us

go through this life oh no oh God didn’t

break this time so let me try again but

this time I’m gonna settle God fill me


he said I can’t I can’t do nothing at

that level I intended for this to be

something way greater and way bigger and

many of us live our whole life in

relationship that settles for less than

God’s best

and it’s crazy that everybody now has to

walk through your mess like now people

who didn’t even have nothing to do with

it have stains on them cuz you wouldn’t

you wouldn’t get a happily ever before

today all I’m saying to you is I don’t

know where you are in your relationship

and you may be saying I’m married and I

thought that don’t mean you ain’t

missing some of these things and don’t

mean that your personality may need to

go back to the presence and this is the

great thing he built in the answer to

everything if you’re missing any one of

these you can go back to his presence if

you’re missing the place if you’re

missing provision if you don’t know your

personality if you’re searching for

purpose if you’ve gone over the

parameters God is saying today get back

in my presence


and today off the Holy Spirit saying

that it’s time for you to come back home

because you’ve been looking for a person

to do this and they’ll never be able to

feel the place that I was made to feel

what are you trying to say peso Mike if

God isn’t enough no person ever will be

you can keep searching you can keep

running you can try it a hundred more

times I gotta pick up all of these

relationship pieces come on I’m gonna do

it again second third fourth marriage

and God so good that he says they want

to try again they want to do it again

they wanna they want to come at it again

they want to be one that that does it

again and God says hold on I don’t even

I can’t even find my other cup it’s gone

right now but but God saying can we do

it again can we make it happen do y’all

see oh there it is right there

I need everybody to know right here

God’s saying right here in this moment

in this place in this time I’ll give you

the opportunity to try to

but will you come back to my presence so

I can feel you all the way up

and this is thing about God he never

runs out

today of year you’re watching this

message I know it’s taken us a moment to

get here but I just feel like somebody

really needs this and you need to go

back to God’s presence right now and ask

him to clarify your place

ask him to clarify the parameter is the

provision before the person god I need

you to clarify these things for me I

want to pray for you if that’s you right

now in any area of your life in any

relationship I want you to lift your

hands in your home right now I feel the

presence of God he’s here father in the

name of Jesus come on I’m praying for

you right now lift your hands ah god I

thank you that in this moment right now

father God before the person we know we

know it’s good for for us not to be

alone in that you want relationship for

us but father before the person you want

something for us you want us to be in

your presence you want us to be in the

place you called us to be you want us

father God to be provided for you want

us to have a personality that looks like

you father God you want us father God to

be able to live with a purpose and be in

parameters and God I’m praying that over

my brothers and sisters right now come

on all over this place all over the

world God is right now giving a deep

conviction is what I feel right now to

be able to stop moving from the place

right now and get in his presence God we

trust you and believe you I declared

that this will be a discovery that

people will have a relationship

revelation right now father that you

will uncover things about them father

before anybody else father god I thank

you that you are revealing a playbook

right now

– why and how our relationships are

gonna succeed and for every person of

God who’s frustrated and has been broken

and hurt several times God I’m thanking

you right now that you would you would

be the one to heal deliver and set them

free even in this moment if you’re here

and you want to accept Jesus Christ as

your personal Lord and Savior this is

where you get to trade your broken

pieces and become new so what I had to

do cuz I was addicted to pornography a

liar a manipulator had horrible things

in my heart and in my mind and God says

if you just believe in me that I’ve

already sent the payment for this I’ll

give you a new container and today God

wants that to happen for you

all over the world there are people that

are about to make this decision last

week over 550 people gave their life to

Christ in a moment just like this and

right now is your moment today is the

day of salvation and a transformation

church we don’t pray alone if you’re

saying Pastor Mike I want you to include

me in that prayer today I want to give

my life to Christ on the count of three

I just want you to slip your hand up you

don’t have to confess everything you

don’t have to change it you can belong

with God and belong a transformation

church before you behave God wants to

get your heart and then he’ll help you

change your habits but today is the

first step you have to believe in him by

faith if that’s you one you’re making

the greatest decision of your life – I

am proud of you but more than that God

is so proud of you three shoot your hand

up right now listen I can’t see you but

God can and it doesn’t matter who’s

around you right now you could put your

hand down we’re about to pray and your

life is about to transform in this

moment right now transformation nation

will can all of us pray this prayer out

loud for the benefit of our brothers and

sisters that are coming to God everybody

say God thank you for sending Jesus just

for me thank you that you want a

relationship with me before any person

today I believe you lived and you died

just for me change me renew me transform

me I’m yours

in Jesus name Amen hey all over the

world can we give God some praise for

the hundreds and thousands of people

that just made that decision y’all I’m

so proud of you coz God just replaced

some people’s vases he just took broken

pieces and gave masterpieces hey listen

we want to walk with you so this is what

I need you to do I need you to text the

number on the screen right now just take

save to that number and we’re gonna send

you some resources and I do I want

everybody to make a challenge this week

everybody whether this is your first

time coming to Christ oh you’re watching

this with somebody sent it to you for

the next 7 days when you open your eyes

get in his presence pray read your word

put on some worship music sing unto the

Lord a new song and I believe that your

place your provision personality purpose

and parameters will come out of the

presence of God that is a lot of peace

but it’s very practical another favor

I love y’all so much transformation

church next week part six that’s the

Mike how long is this series it’s gonna

last till I’m done

I hope it’s helping you and if you want

to take this thing further you can get

the resources I talked to you about the

relationship goes the book or the study

guide for more than even those resources

man open the Word of God and you can

find a revelation for your relationship

right there I declare this will be the

best week of your life that everything

that you touch you’re gonna do and tend

to it on purpose as unto the Lord I pray

over your families your relationships

and your life that you are called by God

you are his masterpiece and more than

that you are loved thank you Father for

everything that you said and did today

and we will be careful to give you glory

honor and praise in Jesus name we agree

amen thank you so much for watching this

message and if this has impacted you in

any way I’m asking you to do a couple of

things number one join transformation

nation join us right here every Sunday

gather your friends and your family and

be a part of not just this moment but

this movement the second thing I would

ask you to do is share share this with

your friends your co-workers people that

are around you because transformation is

just one click away the last thing I

would ask you to do is partner with us

financially if this ministry is

impacting your life transforming you I

would ask you to consider pray about

what you could give to help us take this

message to the whole world I want you to

know that we love you and your best days

are right in front of you this week I

want you to live a transformed life see

you next week