If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

so today we are starting week 8 can

y’all believe it week 8 of a sermon

series that we have called grace like a

flood and the reason I’m so excited

about this sermon series particularly is

because it’s the sermon series that

changed me like like this is what took

me from being a judgmental I think I’m

better than you Christian to somebody

who can identify and and and and really

get down in the trenches while people

are going through crap and remember that

I still need the grace of God and many

times we get into a place where we

believed that we needed God’s saving

grace but some happen were better than

we used to be so his sustaining grace is

not that important but I’ve come to

realize that what God has done for every

single person especially me is something

that he continues to do every day I wake

up like every day I wake up that’s God’s

grace and mercy that is being shown to

me so that I can live so I can be a good

husband so I can come and be a dude good

works on this earth and so I just wanted

our whole church to really recognize

that you’re not better than anybody


well Pastor Mike I am better than the

homosexual no you’re not well I am

better than the life uh-huh well I am

better than the prideful people know

you’re prideful for even thinking that

no and we built this thing to where we

think there’s levels to sin and when God

sees sin he doesn’t see oh that’s –

that’s a – that’s a sin scale – oh

that’s us in scale mine oh that was the

city he doesn’t see that all he sees is

sin and when he sees sin he sends his

son and when he sent his son if we would

receive grace like a flood then he

doesn’t see us anymore he sees us

through the lens of his son and what we

have to do as a church is we have to be

ready and willing to give that away to

every person that comes in contact with

us but you can never give away what

you’ve never truly

sieved and that’s why it’s been hard for

the church why it was hard for me for so

many years to see people struggling in a

sin and not judge them but actually pray

for them and actually stand with them

and actually help them and believe for


I’d rather judge them because somehow it

made me feel better about myself but I’m

telling you that day is over that we

will understand as a church that if not

for the grace of God none of us I don’t

care if you’re a CEO I don’t care if you

have mutual funds all over the world I

don’t care how many kids that you’ve

raised to be outstanding citizen out

here if it was not for the grace of God

and until we remember that daily we

drift into this judgmentalism about

other people and come on let’s be honest

there’s people right now who if they

came and sat next to you in this service

you would feel some type of way because

they are dirty they are not right and

God said neither are you he literally

calls our righteousnesses as filthy rags

everything that we think we’re righteous

it he says that don’t matter to me

he said if not for my son none of us

would be worthy and so the past seven

weeks I have I have literally talked to

our whole church over and over in

different ways every way I could to let

people know that this will be a hospital

for Humanity and I don’t care if you’re

broken you’re lost you’re prideful

Yourself righteous you’re hurting you

can come into this place and you can

find healing and you can receive the

grace of God isn’t that exciting for

every person that is in here but today

today I want to talk to the people who

have been doing it right because many

times when we when we talk about this

message of grace we err err on the side

of just really letting the people who

are out there while and out going crazy

know you can come

in you you can we’re here for you but

subsequently a lot of times we isolate

and and and kind of put them in a

judgmental category the people who may

have been out there once her time but

really started following and obeying God

and what happens is they’ve started to

be faithful but they get discouraged and

being faithful because they’re not

seeing the fruit or the favor or the

miracle in the manner and the timing

that they really thought they were gonna

see it and so today I came to encourage

somebody that we’ve been talking about

the lost and you coming in but today I

need to encourage people who are already

found I need to encourage some fathers

who have been doing the best that they

can and feel like giving up I need to

encourage some mothers who have been

standing in the need of prayer and been

standing for a child and it’s like it’s

this effort cannot happen and you need

to be encouraged today today I want to

encourage a student who’ve tried over or

you’ve been to every Community College

that would accept you and you’ve never

been able to seem to get that degree or

do and it just seems like there’s

opposition today the title of my message

is grace for the faithful because

there’s some of you that have been

faithful and you kind of sit back and

like God is there grace for me like I’ve

been doing the right thing I’ve been

serving I’ve been praying like like I’ve

held myself like I’m not here loose but

you late loosie loosie goosie over here

get man after man and they fine Lord and

they there and I’m over here holding on

to you and you’ll learn and I’ve been

faithful and I’ve been doing it right

and I’ve been holding myself why ain’t

they married now and I gotta be the best

suit I gotta be the mayor honor don’t

come on you’ve been doing things right

in your business but somebody who used

to do it crooked started doing something

else in their business blew up and and

what happens a lot of times is we sit

here and we try to be faithful but the

enemy starts using our consistency

against us

and and he starts he starts taunting us

that he’s got really a good good father

is he really chasing you down it seems

like he’s chasing them down but he’s

leaving you here but the devil is a liar

today you have to understand that your

faithfulness is producing something for

your future and I want to encourage you

not to give up not to be faint in heart

not to try to go get a bigger testimony

of rescue what are you talking about cuz

I you see her all these people that have

all these like I was dangling from

building in sin yeah y’all know what I’m

saying and I was strung out on drugs and

I was I was sleeping with somebody while

being up it’s like all of these like

it’s all of these like huge stories and

then God as I was bout to fall down to

my desperate knee

then he swooped in and rescued me and

I’m a pastor well everybody don’t have

that testimony and in the church many

times we we lift up the the Jerry

Springer testimony ok we be honest and

we was like they were on drugs yesterday

and now they’re filled with the Holy

Spirit and gas and I like we celebrate

that and we should celebrate it but many

times sometimes we exclude those who

used to just be in Pride and God did

transformation surgery on their heart or

they they made a wrong decision and

decided to really make God their Lord

like everything doesn’t have to be some

big destructive story thank God for

saving us out of the I need to talk to

those people today cuz for seven weeks

we’ve been talking to everybody but I

want to tell you that there is grace for

the faithful um there’s a story in Luke

15 that I could literally preach like 10

hours on this one scripture because it’s

so much meaning it but today it’s the

story of the prodigal son I don’t know

that story

today I want you to allow me to

represent it like I want you to not

already go into this message with the

preconceived notion of what I’m gonna

say because you know there’s certain

stories that we identify with and would

be like oh okay I know what he’s about

to say no you don’t God has given me a

fresh view of this and today we’re not

gonna talk about the prodigal as much

we’re gonna talk about his older brother

we’re gonna talk about the one who

didn’t go out the one who stayed and

some of the things that formed in his

heart that tried to keep him away from

the father and I want to see if we can’t

learn something so i’ma read this whole

story this passage and I want you to see

that there is grace for the faithful

look at it first one says tax collectors

and other notorious sinners often came

to listen to Jesus this goes back to our

message last week that that that grace

in truth like when we minister in grace

and truth all type of people are gonna

be attracted these tax collectors and

sinners were attracted to what Jesus was

doing look at verse 2 it says this made

the church people Pharisees and teachers

of religious law mad they complained

that he was associating with such sinful


he was even eating with him and doesn’t

that sound like us a lot of times like

once we get saved and we get washed and

we get that there’s certain people the

pastor shouldn’t be with that there are

certain people that the ministers the

men and women of God that they shouldn’t

be around but we’re not just a church

that does the message of the Bible we

use the method of the Bible it’s that

these people were attracted to the grace

and truth that Christ was pointing and

church people were mad that he was

associating with them now I don’t want

anybody to take this message out of

context or misconstrue this and so I

need you to see something that really

helped me because there’s a lot of us

that aren’t fully out of the situations

that we were in but we try to save

people that are still in them and it

ends up drawing us back in like I see so

many people like y’all come out that


that tribe life I gotta go back and get

my brows I gotta go get back that was

last week

like you you need some transformation to

happen in your heart you need some of

you used to do bad business deals or

under-the-table business you you need to

have a season of learning the truth of

getting some different roots in you

because if you’re if you’re trying out

for varsity but you still got freshman

skills you’re gonna get ran every time

and that’s what happens for many people

in the body of Christ we get changed we

get saved but that’s why we have to be

renewed in our mind because we are still

becoming and transforming into the image

of what God has created and so what I’m

trying to tell you is what God sends you

back into an area or to minister and

reach out to people you need to know

that it’s for a purpose it’s so that you

can be effective not infected I’m gonna

say that again most people are going

into situation I gotta rescue my girls

who’s sleeping around and doing all that

stuff maybe your first step is to get

hold maybe your first step is to get in

a small group to be committed to serve

somebody else we try to put on this

super hero tape right out the bat and go

out and save everybody but God says I

want to make sure that you have an

anchor I want to make sure that when you

go back into these environments in these

worlds you will be effective not

infected and why are you saying that

Pastor Mike cuz a lot of people try to

use this method of Jesus thing to be

very close to what they’re very familiar

with and it ends up drawing them back in

okay can we be honest how many of us

have been too close to stuff that we

came from and it it dropped draw to us

who drew us what’s the word rule it drew

us and we’re family we all teach in this

it drew us back in come on let’s be


oh girl you work with her you need to

quit that job you need to you need to

start something because God said I want

to do a transforming work on the inside

of you so now Jesus goes through three

stories in this whole thing I’m not

gonna read them for the sake of time but

he’s basically

all type of people around Jesus is going

in to be effective not infected and then

he tells a story about a lost coin a

lost sheep and then he tells the story

of the prodigal son and basically what

he’s saying through all of these stories

he’s saying yo like if one of my

children is gone from me

I’ll leave ninety-nine people who are

doing the right thing to go get that one

and the religious people’s like nah the

ninety-nine is cool he said but they’re

not yours they’re mine and so I’ll go

after the broken I’ll go after the

hurting I’ll go after the lost and so

the religious people are sitting there

frustrated and the people who are

sinners and notorious for all this stuff

they kind of leaning in and then he goes

into the prodigal son story listen to

this let’s pick up at verse 11 it said

to illustrate the point further so he’s

already told two stories he wants to

tell him even more emphasize Jesus tells

him this story a man had two sons the

younger son told his father dad I want

my share of the estate

now before you freaking God that’s how

it that’s how it comes across in my head

he said so his father agreed to divide

his wealth between his sons a few days

later this younger son packed all his

belongings and moved to a decent land

I’m freaking getting out of here dad and


he wasted all his money in wild living

about the time his money ran out a great

famine swept over the land oh I could

preach that in the funny how when you

run out your situation runs out too I

mean never mind let’s just sit let’s

just keep going and he begin to starve

he persuaded a local farmer to hire him

and the man sent him into the fields to

feed the pigs the young man became so

hungry that even the pods he was feeding

the pigs looked good to him but no one

gave him anything

you know what I got to stop there cuz I

need to get through this whole thing but

I’ve realized that I’ve gotten older

there is a grace called go ahead then

grace like when you want something so

bad and God’s trying to keep it for

you but you say give me my freakin

inheritance or give me that job or give

me that husband or give me oh come on

let’s say or give me that degree and

gods saying this is not the time this is

not the place I got something for you

it’s seven months up the road but you

really want this bet the father didn’t

have to give him his inheritance if it

was my father’s then sit down go to your

room didn’t get nothing but this father

had a grace in him that said if this is

what you really want go ahead then and

this is a dangerous place to be that God

gives you what you want that he’s been

trying to hold back from you because if

you get it you have to sustain it

and it will always run out on you like

and what I’m telling you is that there

are some people in here who’ve been

doing what you want like God’s been

trying to get you to go a direction and

you’re like and we’ve said stupid stuff

like I used to say well if God doesn’t

want me to do it then he’ll stop me no

he gave you choice and so when he says

you shouldn’t do that and we say stuff

like something told me not to do that

that’s God something told me not to go

to her house at 2:00 a.m. that was

common sense and God do you understand

what I’m saying

but but what I’m trying to tell you is

that there’s some things that you can

force and God says go ahead then just in

his grace he would rather you hit rock

bottom and realize that the only thing

that can save you and the only thing

that can change you is him and so some

of us are living and go ahead then

situations and I came to encourage you

right now before you’re eating out of

the pigs pin turn before you’ve hit rock


repent you don’t have to be looking at

this pig slop saying mmm my God if I

could mr. pig II can you share please

I want you to get the picture of this

what this young man used to eat

he’s now coveting what it eats what God

has on a table spread for us in his will

we end up slaving and being jealous of

things that aren’t even on the level

because we we win ahead without God I’m

encouraging every person in this room

don’t live in that go ahead then grace

because God has a perfect will for you

that will produce his results in your

life can I get a big a man if you need

scripture to back that up go to Romans

1:24 where it says so God abandoned them

to do whatever shameful things their

hearts desired as a result they did vile

and degrading things with each other’s

bodies they traded the truth of God’s

Word for a lie so they worship look look

how powerful this is so they worshiped

and served the things God created

instead of the creator himself I want

you to know every person in this room

there is grace for you even if you’re in

the pigs pin right now but you have to

turn so now we keep going in verse 17 it

says when he finally came to his senses

because there’s a moment where you’re

finally going to come to your senses

like this is nasty I used to eat

chick-fil-a now I’m up here eating

whatever this is it’s he said to himself

at home even the hired servants have

food enough to spare I am here dying of

hunger I will go home to my father’s

house and I’m gonna say this and you

know how when you get in trouble and you

get find out and you’re on your way home

and you know you about to get in trouble

you start practicing your speech like

what you would see what had happened was

this is what he does

what okay this one I’m saying father I

have sinned against you both heaven and

you and I am no longer yeah that’s good

I am no longer worthy of being called

your son please take me as a higher

servant oh that’s gonna work he gonna

like that that’s what he was doing right

here so then he gets his note he

to the house and he literally says now

watch the grace of God the unmerited


unearned favor and kindness of God he

said and while he was still a long way

off oh this is good the father saw him

coming what I came to tell you is at the

moment you turn and start walking in the

direction that God has for you God is

not waiting for you to get perfect and

get right in front of him say God Here I

am spotless he says as soon as he sees

you coming he said while he was still a

long way off practical terms why he was

still cousin why he was still trying to

figure out is this the way why he still

smelled like dirt

why he still looked like what he’d been

through look what the father does this

is why he was a long way off his father

saw him coming how do you see him coming

when he’s a far way off that means he

was looking for him the same way God is

looking for you no matter what you’re in

what frustration he’s looking for you

and it said filled with love and

compassion I love this he ran to his son

see what religion teaches you is that

when you start running to God he’s

standing there on the porch like told

you is coming back told you so son come

on bring you little raggedy self in here

let’s get you cleaned up get the water

he’s my godson you see but that’s not

what our Father does our Father at the

moment he sees that you turn he doesn’t

wait for you to get there he comes

chasing you somebody needs to hear this

right now grace is not us coming to God

it’s God coming to us grace is him

saying you know what they’re not perfect

yet but I’m gonna hit this dog matter of

fact I hit this run cuz I see the one

who was lost and I want to be with them

so bad I can’t wait for them to get they

act together I see that they try and I’m

coming towards them that

is the grace of God and look what

happens the Sun starts in his speech he

said wait daddy before you start

improves I hit skroe and he says father

I have sinned against both you look

verse 21 he says and heaven and you and

I am no longer worthy of being called

your son the Father don’t even

acknowledge his dumb little speech he

doesn’t even listen look at him he don’t

even say that’s good son look what he

says but it’s but his father said he

didn’t acknowledge it he talked to the

servants quick bring the finest robe in

the house and put it on him cover him

get a ring on his finger which signifies

Authority and put sandals on his feet

because only slaves walk around barefoot

that is my son oh my god I need you to

see this when we when we are in the

middle of our mess and we turn towards

God he is not looking for our excuses in

our why he is so excited that we are

home that he doesn’t care about our

speeches and proving it to all the

servants see what we would have thought

is that dad may have come around and

said to all of the servants my son is

back he has repented he’s apologized he

is now worthy the father said get the

finest robe which means I’m gonna cover

him can you understand this that he

still smelt like pig slop when God the

Father covered his mess I can’t take

away the smell yet he could have called

for the bath first that’s what the

church would have done we would have

said clean up before we waste this good

robe What did he say cover him that’s

what the grace of God does for you it

says covering yeah they messed up but

they’ve repented and they’ve received

recovery oh I need to send my son to

stretch on a cross and guess what he

didn’t die to put your sin on layaway

he died once and for all I’ll cover it

then he said give him authority and put

sandals on his feet cuz he is no longer

a slave he is my son can somebody thank

God for the grace that has been extended

to you so now he’s standing there

probably just confused like this is not

what I expected to happen and it said

and kill the calf that we have been like

like we have been fattening this calf

it was almost if the father had been

preparing for his child to come home

you can’t fatten the calf in three hours

that means that from the time he left to

the time he came back he knew that at

some point his faith was that at some

point his child would come back and they

were gonna throw a party for him the

same way that God is standing out every

day saying I’ve knocked again today

hopefully today is the day that they

come back and get in my presence

verse 24 23 the end of it says we must

celebrate with a feast for this son of

mine was a dead

he didn’t come do you notice that his

the dad didn’t call him of radical he

called him a son and most of the time we

we refer to people by what they did the

father didn’t even acknowledge because

any man that be in Christ he’s a new

crime just trying to help us understand

the grace of God and he said he was dead

and has now returned to life he was lost

but now he is found so let the party


DJ turn up like they started a party at

that moment all the service was like I

am glad he came out today was gonna be a

long day but like they started turning

up now watch so I want you to see if

you’re lost if you’re broken if you’re a

prodigal I want you to know that the

last seven weeks of this series has been

towards you

but because the mission of this church

is to talk to lost people and found

people the rest of this sermon I got to

talk to people who are kind of like the

older son that have been faithful who

have done the right thing who who keep

who been doing it for a long time and it

just seems like has the father forgotten

about me because I feel that a lot of

people have been weary in this season

and are about to give up and about to

start doing things or about to go find a

prodigal season like you know what they

celebrate him when he done wild out in

and come back while out and come back

and you know you don’t even know how to

do it right you don’t I’m saying have

you ever heard people like that no they

ain’t supposed to be sinning and stuff

and they try to go out and like they

cuss wrong like like like there’s stuff

that just don’t work I would give you an

example but I just I don’t I want to

keep this PG okay so so but but many

times if we’re honest that’s how we feel

like maybe I should go out and do

something maybe I should get the

father’s attention when his attention

has never left you and you look at it

because I was hard on the prodigal sons

that on the big brother I was hard on

him because I was usually too practical

like I was doing wild and out and just

god I need your grace this pig slop is

nasty lord I that was me but for the

past eight years I’ve been walking with

God and three of them have been a pastor

of a church like I’ve been walking hard

with God and so I’ve changed from the

prodigal to the Big Brother like many of

us like we once were the prodigal but

now we’ve been faithful we’ve been given

we’ve been coming we’ve been certainly

been trying our best and the attitude

can change because something has

happened and we forgot to identify and

celebrate with what the father is doing

while knowing that he has not forgotten

about us and that’s why the title of

this message is grace for the faithful

look at verse

we’re gonna go to verse 24 I believe it

is 25 it said meanwhile the older son

was in the field working when he


home he heard music and dancing in the

house now get this picture he done came

home for the past let’s just say five

years every day no celebration carrying

whatever he was carrying doing what it

working I’m out here being faithful and

he’s aren’t huh they didn’t pull out the

fattened calf i all this sir is it a

holiday did I miss something

are they are they partying with that

turtle first of all why didn’t somebody

come get me like that would have been my

first question y’all know I’m still out

here working gonna start at a party and

didn’t even invite your boy so he got a

attitude from the beginning y’all know

he seized it from it and you know you

start walking different when you have

attitude he got an attitude now look and

so he asked one of the servants hey bro

what’s going on bro your brother back

yeah yo brother back he may yo your

father killed the fattened camera Wiens

take off in here bro and we are

celebrating because he is safe at home

and I love your brother bro I love your

brother you got to think they are having

a party now watch the older brother was

angry like many of the churches when we

see God blessing somebody who only been

believing for a week

like you you your first time in church

was last week and you got a new job you

got married you got like how this

happened for you in a week

come on let’s be honest I’ve been

applying to that that’s school for years

and you just decided on a whim to put in

your application and they got your


what is it has anybody ever been there

where you’re like what is happening okay

and so what happens is the seed of anger

tries to get in your heart he said he

was angry and then look at his play he

wouldn’t go in so literally because he

got angry he would not enjoy something

that would be beneficial to him because

he was mad that it happened for somebody

else I want you to see this right now

the attitude of anger jealousy

entitlement competition comparison it

will keep you out of what would bless

you so he stayed out and he was like I

am NOT coming in and the sermon was like

re bro I’m going back to the party but

he would not come in just like many of

us won’t serve people who we don’t feel

deserve like just like many of us want

we won’t because we want to stay out and

let everybody know that we do not agree

with the Father blessing them and they

don’t deserve it but we’ve been faithful

and I want you to see this right here

look what it says the older brother was

angry and wouldn’t come in this is so

beautiful his father came out and begged

him but he replied all these years I’ve

frickin slaved for you and never once

refused to do a single thing you told me

to do and in all that time you never

gave me even one young goat that is a

weak request like he should have asked

for a boat or something he asked for a

goat okay

you’ve never given me goat for my

friends for a feast Diddy Billy Diddy

Travis no he did it yeah when this son

of yours comes back after squandering

all your money on prostitutes and you

celebrate him by killing the fattened

calf his father said look at me look

into my eyes dear son you have always

stayed by me listen to this and

everything I have is yours like there’s

so much power in this because this young

man was not seeing himself as an heir to

the throne he was seeing himself as a

slave but he was living below what God

saw of him because the father said

everything I have is yours we had to

celebrate this happy day for your

brother was dead and has come to life he

was lost but now he has found what I

want to encourage people who have been

faithful just a couple of things because

I can feel you like I was going

somewhere else with a different message

today and always peer said no I got to

talk to some of my kids who’ve been

doing the right thing who’ve been trying

who been praying for a husband praying

for why praying for kids praying for the

business doing things right but they’re

getting a little frustrated cuz they

think I don’t see them and we’re

celebrating the ones who are making

little milestones and you said I’ve been

here this whole time and these are a few

points that I want you to know if you’re

faithful and and you’ve been in that

season the first one is sustaining grace

is just as amazing as saving grace like

like when somebody gets radically saved

we shout but we need to shout when

somebody’s stayed consistent and this is

the thing is that many of us do not find

pleasure in consistency because

everybody wants to celebrate the

firework they don’t celebrate the fire

that allows the firework to be lit

nobody likes a match and be like oh


you know fire but without the

consistency of that fire

you never see a fire work and and and

and I’m trying to just help people who

have been faithful that anytime God ask

you to do something anytime you’ve been

struck anytime that God asks you you’re

consistent you keep serving you keep

loving you keep going you keep doing it

God’s saying without you there’s no fire

work and the enemy would try to make you

feel that your consistency is nothing to

be proud of and the enemy would have to

try to make you feel that God doesn’t

see what you do but sustaining grace if

not for the great deal I could not be

anything that I am right now if God

didn’t wake me up this morning if he

didn’t if he didn’t give me a right mind

if he didn’t do those things and a lot

of times we celebrate when somebody gets

off of drugs and then comes in it but he

woke me up

I’m not crazy I’m still here after

everything I’ve been through after

everything you’ve been through you’re

still here y’all we have to get amazed

by sustaining grace and this is

something that you have to anchor in

your heart when you’re faithful because

God wants you to know that it’s him

still sustaining you let me give you

another point you need to talk if you if

you if you literally are in a place

where you see us celebrating or you see

others celebrating somebody else and

anger and jealousy and hurt gets in your

heart this might be the reason cuz you

need to talk to the father not a servant

see this this dude came in from the

field and his first communication was

not with the father his first

communication was with the fellow up

here and the peer was not thinking he

wasn’t a son he was a servant so he had

a different perspective when you talk to

people who are not on the level they

understand what God is doing they will

allow a perspective to get into your

heart into your mind

that have you thinking like a slave oh

oh this is a

son thinking like a slave you can tell

it because he tells his father in a

couple of verses later he says I have

slaved for you he forgot who he was

because he was talking to the wrong


I’m telling you right now I know there’s

some situations in your life that it

feels like you’re being looked over go

talk to the father see cuz when you talk

to the father maybe he would have got a

different perspective on what was really


the father probably would have told him

son there’s no need to be frustrated

remember for the past 22 months how

you’ve seen me stand out and watch you

go to the field and then I stand out

there a little longer looking for your

brother see when you go out to the field

what you’re doing is being consistent so

I don’t have to worry about you I can’t

depend on you part of my joy comes when

I look out and I see you doing the same

thing that I asked you to do six months

ago and you’re still being faithful

matter of fact that’s the father he

might have said to him that’s the only

thing that’s giving me hope is that I

have one son that’ll do what I’ve asked

him to do I feel like a failure as a

father because one of my sons after

everything I poured into him has gone

off and squandered it but every time I

see you I’m reminded of God’s

faithfulness because you have done the

same thing and you’ve kept serving and

you’ve kept giving and you stayed

faithful to one wife and you’ve

completed what you say I’m just saying

he might have given him a different

perspective son remember those sandals I

gave you three years ago and then I gave

you new ones

but I asked you to keep the old ones

those are the sandals I just put on your

brother’s feet see what was old for you

it’s now new for somebody in the only

reason I gave him those sandals is

because you’ve walked this road before

and now that he’s coming into a newness

of who he’s supposed to be I need

somebody to show him how to walk y’all

better y’all better help me you remember

that robe that’s the same exact robe

that I had made for both of you cuz you

buffered he was talking to the wrong

person and when we start talking to

friends and colleagues I don’t know why

they keep passing me up for this

promotion girl I know I know I don’t

know why they keep after you

either that’s the same friend that told

them not to hire you like that’s what

you don’t know you gotta go to the

father so I’m telling you it’s time for

us if we’re if we’re in that place of

trying to figure out how to be faithful

go to the father look and it told us um

the next point is the father this is the

most beautiful one is the father even if

you’ve been faithful the father still

pursues the faithful see when I read

this story before this is kind of my

whole point right now it’s that I always

saw that the father or God ran to the

one who was out there while an hour he

met him in a point of his knee but I

never saw it until this week that this

is where grace comes in because he

didn’t just go and pursue the one who

was out there he pursued the one who was

in it got angry and stepped out you

might have missed it look at it verse 28

the older brother was angry and he

wouldn’t go in so his father came out

this is Grace that even if you’ve served

God and if you’ve loved them and if you

stood but you had a moment of pride or

entitlement or jealousy or anything

God’s not saying well cuz I mean most

fathers would have been like stay out

there then more stake for us but this

father left the party do y’all see he

did the same thing for the one who was

in the 99 the one who did what was right

he did the same thing for him that he

talked about in two other parables that

he would do for the one he did it again

and he left the party to go out and then

it says he begged his son now you know

the way I was raised you don’t really

see fathers begging sons it’s like I

asked you once

you know what I’m saying but think about

the love and compassion you would have

to be to be reasoning with this young

man and trying to let him know no no son

this is not to come against you or maybe

he said this this is not competition

this is completion when you stay

faithful and now the sons returned

we’re a family again and this is the

picture that God’s trying to create all

your brothers and sisters out here

wiling to see he disassociated with

being his brother it literally says in

the text the son says this son of yours

not my brother and what we started

thinking is that these people don’t have

anything to do with us and so we can

come in these hookers these Liars deezen

and he said no no remember that’s your

brother that’s your sister and when you

stay faithful and they come back then we

don’t get in competition we complete

what God was trying to do what I’m

trying to do is encourage somebody today

who’s been faithful I need you to

continue to be faithful keep serving

that husband who’s still not all the way

there keep loving on those kids keep

doing the right thing keep serving in

the children’s ministry well Lord I’ve

been called to the platform he said I

know that’s why I’m asking you to give

you everything to those children cuz

they’re the ones that’s gonna be in your

church I’m asking you to lead your

congregation now but you’re trying to

leave that assignment to get on a


he said you’re trying to leave this

relationship that I’ve called you to to

what you think is gonna be better and

I’ve already planned this for you be

faithful and look at this last point

faithfulness is not slavery its sonship

see a lot of times we we get the wrong

perspective and we think that because

we’ve been faithful like woe is me just

gonna stay here and serve the church all

my friends are moving to LA in New York

and this net

Tulsa do that like we just weren’t alsa

can’t wait to get out of here can’t wait

to you can’t wait to get out of your

destiny you you can’t wait to get away

you’re looking at what the world has

given you a perception of of what

success looks like in God said but I

have a plan for you and he said when

you’re faithful to what I’ve called you

to that’s not slavery well I just got to

do it cuz the master says so this is

sonship look at it

he literally tells him in verse 31 dear

son you have always stayed by me and

everything I have is yours I just wanted

to come cuz God gave me a revelation he

said Michael at any point at any day at

whatever the leisure of this older son

he could have taken a fattened cow

killed it and threw his own party but

because he was thinking like a slave he

acted like a slave and he was waiting

for somebody else to throw him a party

for being faithful and God told me

Michael I want you to go and courage

somebody that they no longer have to

wait for a pastor to notice them for a

husband for a wife for a boss to notice

them he said you have been faithful and

you have been my son throw your own

party y’all didn’t hear me God told me

to tell somebody that you’ve been

waiting for the recognition of man and

for somebody to say you’ve been doing a

great job he said everything I have is

you need to just make a decision some of

us we are waiting while I’ve been

celibate for six months and nobody sees

it throw your own party

get up.get hear me throw your own party

there is something that has to rise up

on the inside of you that says I have

been faithful I have stood by God I am a

son I

daughter and I will not let the

celebration of others

let jealousy and anger come in my heart

the prodigal didn’t have access to the

things he needed to throw a party but

everything that is my father’s is mine

so I need healing claiming I want peace

receiving I need grace take it like you

don’t go into your own house and ask to

eat cuz you own it matter of fact I

don’t go into my father’s house and ask

to eat cuz I know anything he put in

that refrigerator he knew he had five

boys you hear what I’m saying and when

we come over we’re not saying dad

there’s only a small drizzle of juice

left do you think that it would be fine

if I take the car I need to get a cup I

just take the carton and why cuz

everything that is his is mine stop

waiting for somebody to offer you

something throw your own party do you

all hear what I’m saying

stop wait oh no somebody needs to get

this throw your own party God has been

faithful you have been faithful standing

in the knowing of who you are and throw

your own party to be your neighbor I’m

about to throw my own party see some of

y’all some of y’all don’t even get it

some of you don’t get it you would

rather somebody else tell you you’re

doing good but if you’re always waiting

on man’s approval you will always stay

outside of the will of God he’s already

giving it to you this young man had been

thinking like a slave so he didn’t think

he could throw his own party but his

faithfulness gave him access

I came to encourage you as your

faithfulness to that wife your

faithfulness to that assignment your

faithfulness to that job he’s giving you

access ask of God go to the throne of

grace boldly tell God I want this

marriage to work and don’t but I have

been faithful I’m reminding you of your

word to me that says he

who began a good work come on somebody

it’s gonna be faithful to complete I am

your son everything that you pay for on

the cross Healing it’s mine and I will

not stand here and act like a slave and

you’ve called me a son there are some

people in here who are about to give up

and I know we’ve been going after the

lost in this series but let me talk to

the family keep serving keep loving keep

staying because what God is going to do

is give you grace

for your faithfulness listen to this

last scripture Galatians 6:9 it says so

let’s not get tired in doing what’s good

another translation you might know says

don’t be weary and well doing at just

the right time you love it we will reap

a harvest of blessing now saying don’t

give up now cuz you don’t know what I

got back here for you don’t don’t stop

right now don’t get ugly now don’t don’t

don’t give up on him now just right at

the right time I know when it’s gonna

happen it’s on the way you gotta trust


at the right time you will reap a

harvest of blessing blessing look at the

caveat if you don’t give up and some of

you are at the point to give up and I

wanted to come and tell you don’t give

up like like God sees you keep being

faithful keep tithing keep serving keep

loving cuz when you do harvest time is

coming but God it seems like everybody

that’s wiling out gets the blessing God

said I can count on you like like you

don’t realize that the deed to this

whole thing when I die is in your name

like like we’re glad your brother’s back

but he’s got to learn how to walk this

thing I can depend on you I can build a

church on you I can trust you with hard


I could give you a family to raise them

I can give you a bad boss and watch me

rise up in you did y’all hear what I’m

saying to you cuz I will give grace to

the faithful if that’s you in this place

and you’ve struggled with what’s

celebrating like you outside the party

right now you’re just like oh I hate

them you want to dance but you just

tapping your feet cuz I ain’t going I’m

not gonna saw I’m gonna be angry I’m

gonna be bitter I’m gonna be mad I’ll

never say it but I have it in my heart

you’re saying I I don’t want to live

like a slave no more I want to live as a

son imma throw my own party this week oh

you know what I’m gonna celebrate this

weight that I lost you don’t see that

I’m skinnier but I’m nine pounds damn

and I don’t care I’m taking my shirt off

like you y’all see what I’m sayin like

some of y’all uh you better celebrate

your wins you don’t know how many more

of them you have it gives joy and

strength for the next day I used to push

people out ba because one time this week

you better throw your own party cuz

everybody will not celebrate what God is

doing in you and if and if you hold off

your seventh celebration your heart grow

sick so today there’s grace for the

faithful don’t your own party if you’re

in this room and you’ve been in that

place like I was you saying man I’ve

been faithful but I just haven’t seen it

and maybe some anger or bitterness or

frustration or comparison got into my

heart but I want to be free from that

I’m on assignment today to pray for you

and I just want you to stand up all over

this building just like if that’s you

it’s not for everybody but it’s for you

I want you to stand up cuz cuz the other

series that’s for everybody else this

today was for you God made an

interruption in this sermon series to

talk to you specifically oh I thank God

for His Word lift your hands all over

this place I want to pray for you father

I thank you that there is grace for the

faithful every person who has done

and tried their best to stay to your

word and do what you called them to do

and father maybe they haven’t seen the

results in the timing father I thank you

that you have not forgotten about them

father that you have made a specific

moment you have carved out a time of the

harvest and blessing that is gonna bless

their socks off father I thank you right

now that they are becoming more sturdy

and anchored in what you have said about

them that they are the head and not the

tail that they are above and not beneath

father God that you don’t think more of

somebody else father you’re just

completing this circle you’re completing

it father I thank you that they would

have strength to be faithful even when

it’s hard even when it’s frustrating

even when it seems God that you don’t

see I thank you right now that you are

renewing their strength like Eagles that

they’re gonna be able to soar like never

before and we will give you the glory

honor and praise for it because there is

as much grace as you have for the lost

God there are grace for the faithful and

we trust you and thank you for it in

Jesus name

come on if you receive that will you

give God a shout of praise in this place