If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

so today we are starting part 3 of a

series that we are in called

recalculating everybody say

recalculating and and we’ve been in this

series and it’s almost been like a

revision series kind of because every

January we do vision for our church and

this January we’re gonna do vision for

our church but God has been doing so

much so quickly that I felt as the

leader of this church that we have to be

able to see this vision because God

still wants to do some things in the

last 70 some-odd days of this year it’s

not over yet 2018 is not over yet

and I believe that God wants to do some

things in this year but we have to get

everybody say a vision and and I really

believe that as God gives vision for

this house it’s something that’s

supposed to spark vision for your house

like God doesn’t want to do something

for the organization of the church and

not do it through the organism the

church like I want you to know God

doesn’t want visible s he wants you

blessed and if a bunch of blessed people

come here guess what the church is

blessed they all hear what I’m saying

and everybody thinks it’s the other way

around but we have to get a vision for

what God wants to do in our life and and

the thing I need everybody to understand

his vision it’s not sight vision is not

what I see right now vision is what I

see when my eyes are closed my question

to you is what do you see what is God

showing you when your eyes are closed

even though your marriage is jacked up

now do you have a vision of it hole even

though even though you do not have the

money you need to go to school right now

do you have a vision of you graduating

see see God has never done anything off

her sight he does everything off of

vision and many of us are only looking

at what we see and God said would you

close your eyes and get in my presence

and let me give you a vision and this is

why vision is so important look at

proverbs 29:18

it’s been kind of our anchor scripture

through this whole recalculating series

if people can’t see what God is doing

they stumble all over themselves that’s

what some of y’all came in for right

there fast 15 years of your life has

been stumbling because you ain’t got a


and you stumble all over yourself when

you don’t see what God is doing it says

but when they attend or they participate

in or they pay attention to what God

reveals they are most everybody say

blessed that’s what God wants for every

person’s life it’s for you to be most

blessed but being most blessed is

attached to a clear vision and so if

you’re in debt right now it’s okay close

your eyes and get a clearer vision of

you paying off your student loan like

some of these some people can’t even

clap for it they just like you don’t

know how much I owe pastor you have no

idea I’m gonna be paying that and if you

tell my kids kids but you will if you

don’t get a vision and so I want to

bring clearly to you the vision of

transformation Church and kind of what I

really believe that God is doing in this

place and and we’ve been talking about

how God is recalculating us some of you

know that 10 months ago our church was a

family church it was a very small church

it was like this with all the people who

came a year ago this is our third week

of doing five services and let me let me

tell you why that’s important five is

the number of Grace and I believe that

God changed the pace that’s what we

talked about the first week and he’s

given us grace to do this and this is

just the beginning of what God wants to

do he wants to do something strong

through this church but the thing that

I’m realizing is that when God is doing

something quickly and he brings us into

a bamboo season where we’ve been under

for about three and a half years and all

of a sudden God has just started to grow

us and grow our influence and grow all

this stuff we have to stop and now get a

new vision because what happens when God

exceeds what you thought most people

stop well God you did more than I ever

thought you would do so are we done

and God says some of you are trying to

retire and you need to refire you need

to get let me give you a brand new

vision well God I’m sixty already got my


my kids out the house and I kind of like

who they married

I’m I’m at the place where I just want

to relax and God says that’s all you

thought I had for your life that’s all

the vision you got you need to get back

in the secret place with me and let me

give you a brand new mission and so now

that God has it exceeded our

expectations of the church I told y’all

last year we made a goal that Lord

please let us see a hundred people join

transformation Church in the whole year

of 2018 and God said I honor your

requests and and literally laughed at us

and over 1200 people have joined our

church in 10 months now I don’t want to

clap for that because most people would

be done their god exceeded our

expectation he did more than we

exceedingly abundantly above all we can

ask or think he and most people when he

does it we rest it’s all good but God

challenged me as the leader of this

church and now I’m challenging you as

the people of this church let’s get a

new vision let’s not rest on what God

has done let’s see how much he can do

not to us but through us

how many streets can be impacted and how

many businesses can be revolutionized

and how many families can be saved and

how many children can be rescued from

out of sex slavery how many people can

be transformed because of us

and so God begin to ask me might get a

new vision and y’all the stuff God has

been showing me is scary but this is the

thing that I need to tell you is not

vision if you can know how to do it by

yourself if it’s not bigger than you

it’s probably sight not vision and so

today I want us to dive a little deeper

go a little further into this entire

thing about what happens when God

changes the plan what happens when he

starts recalculating things and the

plane change the plan changes there was

something that funny funny that happened

to me this past week me and Natalie were

in Montana and and unfair sophomore

tenha if you

for y’all there’s not many black people

there but but it is absolutely gorgeous

and we were there and and we had a host

named Colton and this was so funny and

God begin to speak to me we were driving

in Montana and my Siri for some reason

oh if I press the button or it

recognized something that was said but

it started giving instructions like it

was like and at the light turn right and

it was loud and so the driver Colton is

in the front seat me and Natalie in the

back seat and he turns around like this

almost kind of offended because cuz

we’ve never been to where he lives we

don’t know how to get to where he is

taking us we don’t live in the area that

he’s navigating us through but somehow

my phone what was in my possession was

trying to give him directions and I

don’t know if we could be hot for a

second hump open and transparent how

many people are backseat drivers every

wife should raise their hand every wife

every one of y’all and and what ended up

happening is he turned around and we

both started laughing because just for a

moment he thought somebody who didn’t

know where he was going was trying to

give him instructions and the Holy

Spirit right in that moment started

speaking to me he said Michael that’s

funny but that’s what most of my kids do

to me they tell me I’m in the driver’s

seat but they’re giving me instructions

from the backseat I said what he said

most of my kids already have a plan that

they’re trying to passive-aggressively

have me cosign at the light get married

up the street get a promotion and God

says they do not trust that I’ve been

here before

that I know where I’m taking them that I

actually made the

pass and they’re trying to give me a

plan in there frustrated and y’all know

how we do when we’re backseat driving

and we try notes and y’all know the fake

the imaginary brakes y’all know we did

and it’s crazy because all of that that

we do never helps the one driving what

it actually does is it makes an easy

situation a lot more frustrating because

we don’t trust everybody say trust the

one who’s supposed to be in control and

so we’re in a side seat or a back seat

trying to control what we still don’t

have control over the only thing that we

can actually do is make it worse

actually cause an accident actually

caused what was supposed to be easy to

become hard because we do not trust

who’s supposed to be in control and I

just came to ask you today the title of

my message is do you have the faith to

follow yeah because this next season of

transformation churches life and I dare

say your life what God wants to do he’s

gonna be in the driver’s seat but you’re

gonna have to have the faith to follow

and I know I know some of y’all are

control freaks and you won’t even get in

the car unless you know the plan there’s

certain people you won’t drive with can

I get an amen

okay look at y’all but the problem is

that for where God’s taking you you’ve

never been there before you don’t know

the roots you don’t know what God’s

trying to do in you and he’s asking you

would you please have the faith to

follow and he’s been asking me this

because the things that I believe God is

about to do in transformation Church are

way bigger than anything I’ve had the

faith for lately can I be transparent

with you we’re in a very comfortable

spot as a church and God has started to

giving me dreams and visions when my

eyes are closed

that are challenging my faith that are

letting me say hey God it would be a lot

easier if you follow my plan it would be

a lot less turmoil and God says no no

you thought that was it you thought five

services and impact across the world was

it I’m doing this in your third year

this is just the beginning if you have

the faith to follow somebody say faith

to follow and that’s my question to you

and today before the end of this service

what my prayer is that somebody’s faith

to be just stagnant and comfortable

would move from a faith that is dormant

to a faith that is active there is a

business that and that is in you that

God’s gonna ask you to leave something

that’s comfortable and he’s saying do

you have the faith to follow me I know

if you ain’t gonna say nothing on this

sermon because you think you’re a man is

you cosign and what God’s already told

you to do

but he’s still coming to tell you the

same message there are gonna be some

things that he asked you to do in this

next season and he has the plans and

you’re only gonna be able to have the

faith but will you use it to follow can

we act for the next 35 minutes like we

trusted God I know we’re in church and

we act like we trust him in here

but like like let’s actually act like we

really trust him and let’s act like God

knew what he was doing with our lives

let’s act like he knew where he was

taking us that he knew when and where we

need to get to that he knows the best

route for us to take and he needs he

knows who needs to go and who needs to

stay here there was a group of people

that this happened to name the children

of Israel and I’m gonna take like I need

everybody I’m a Bible teacher so I I

study a lot of Scripture and then try to

bring it to you in a very concise manner

so we’re about to go through like four

chapters of the Bible in one setting and

like another book of the Bible it’s a

lot of Bible but I think you’re going to

get out of this something that will give

you the faith to follow everybody say

faith to follow

so the children of Israel are coming out

of slavery like literally 400 years of

slavery and God sends this man named

Moses to deliver them and it could be

said that they were in a bamboo season

cuz they went literally from slavery to

being out of slavery and about to go

into something that God promised them

called the promised land and and I

believe that God is trying to do

something with many of you trying to

take you out of something but not just

leave you there he wants to take you in

to something else but a lot of us get

stuck in between like we’re out of the

relationship we were in but we’re not

into the relationship that’s going to be

for our purpose we’re out of the job

that made us feel like nothing but we’re

not into the career or the purpose

that’s going to bring value and a lot of

us get stuck in the middle but that’s

why we have to get everybody say vision

okay so I want to set this for you and I

want you to see a couple of things that

the children of Israel learned turn to

Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 God’s

recalculating them in this season and

trying to take them to something new

look what it says it says when Pharaoh

finally let the people go God did not

who did not who did not God did not lead

them along the main road that runs

through Philistine territory even though

that was the shortest route I need to

just put this in here that God sometimes

takes us through the wilderness because

if he took you the easy way you wouldn’t

be ready for the fight that was in that

land I’ll prove it to you because some

of y’all like yeah I don’t know okay he

said it was the shortest route to the

Promised Land but God said who said it

okay I just want to make sure it’s not

pastor might if the people are faced

with the battle they might change their

minds and return to Egypt or to their

slavery so God led them in a roundabout


through the wilderness who led them in a

roundabout way through the wilderness to

the Red Sea can I tell you that your

wilderness season might have been god oh

I know I know you hate that but God knew

that you weren’t ready to go and fight

the Devils that were in the shortest

route because if you would have fought

the opposition you would have turned

back to alcohol your Egypt your slavery

he knew that if you would have went this

short route before your character was

ready you were to turn back to Pride and

so he took us the roundabout way and the

wilderness was for my good ain’t nobody

right no praise and worship songs like

that and the wilderness was for my good

and the wilderness was for my good thank


nobody right but I dare somebody to know

that God took you this way to save you

he took you this way to help you

he took you this way to build something

in you somebody to say the wilderness

was for my good the sickness wasn’t to

take you out it was to build something

menu the wilderness God said it was for

their good so if you have the faith to

follow with trust the detour was

designed yeah yeah I know it doesn’t

make sense right now why you could see

the easiest way for my business to be

successful is right there and then God

let that business partner like split my

finances take half of the company start

up the street and give me another six

years to building back the detour was

designed there is something that you

were supposed to get in this wilderness

that cannot go into the Promised Land

and so many of us are frustrated and mad

and what happens when we get detoured

many of us stop well I guess God didn’t

want me to do that no she’ll need to

know that

God designed this deep or he designed

all your friends to leave you they were

shocked by it over there so they he

designed for you not to get into that

College because if you would have got

into that College you would have met

that person so God let them deny the

degree here and you went to this college

that seems like there’s no but that’s

where you were gonna meet the wife that

you needed to marry and the first five

years of your marriage would be hell

because you would be in wilderness but

God knew 15 years from now that is the

partner that you needed to enter into

the Promised Land

somebody say the detour was designed and

I know you don’t believe it but I’m a

living testimony of a detour that was

designed see many of you would never

have heard of Michael Todd in the

ministry of transformation church if

tommy and brenda todd wouldn’t have

taken a season that looked like a

wilderness and stayed faithful in it God

asked him to start a church these are my

parents and at that church they had 15

adults she said it was 30 no was it was

15 it was fitting but listen to this

there were 15 adults in this church that

they went and pastored every Sunday

night for two and a half years and God

knew that if they wouldn’t have taken

what seemed to be in that season a

detour and stayed faithful in a

wilderness of season and my mom said my

god I believe you’re supposed to do

something with the youth God knew the

only way that I would start in ministry

it’s that I had to be asked by my

parents so God took a detour in their

life where they ministered to thousands

of people worked at huge ministries and

then God said will you take this way and

they had the faith to follow even when

there was still 15 adults and 150 young

people coming how devastating would it

look like the thing God asked you to

start something else is flourishing even

more in it

but you still had to have the faith to

follow what you don’t know is the two

and a half years of faithfulness that

they sowed and to have the faith to

follow created an incubator for the gift

that you are sitting under right now to

begin to grow

you would not know who I was if they did

not embrace the detour that was designed

and so what they could have said this is

the devil I know he didn’t call us

passing all twenty people because you

know when we get discouraged we start

saying the devil’s just attacking our

ministry maybe this is God telling me we

need to do something else this is the

devil trying to attack our family maybe

this has got maybe it was designed and

maybe it was God because he sees what’s

needed up ahead and all I’m asking you

to do is in this season where God’s

giving you brand-new vision don’t blame

the detour on the devil I think we’re

giving him too much credit I think my

Bible says that all things are working

together for the good of those who are

called and that love him according to

his purpose

the detour is designed and you have to

have faith to follow somebody say faith

to follow okay so now God’s

intentionally not taking him the

shortest route to the promised land okay

and but but he’s doing the scenic route

and look what happens in Exodus chapter

13 verse 21 because now he’s

recalculating them and giving them a new

GPS system look at it it says the Lord

went ahead of them he guided them during

the day with a pillar of cloud so I want

you to imagine like a huge cloud that

looks like almost like a tornado but

it’s not spinning like it’s a pillar and

it’s in front of you and you know that

that’s God showing you where to go okay

and then he provided light at night with

the pillar of fire this allowed them to

travel by day or by night and the Lord

did not remove the pillar of cloud or

the pillar of fire from its place in

front of the people

want you to recognize this like their

GPS system back in that day it’s like

God okay you delivered us out out of

slavery where are we supposed to go he

said I’m gonna give you a new GPS system

there’s a cloud whenever you see the

cloud follow it is that it like that

don’t I don’t seem real concrete but

what I said is the faith to follow not

the facts to follow see a lot of people

want the facts and then I’ll follow you

God if you show me everything that you

want to do and God said no no no the

righteous walk by faith and not by

you’re not gonna get all the facts

you’re gonna have to steal obey and so

they were like okay so every morning

they will wake up and they’d be like

where we going today and everybody like

where’s the cloud okay and they would

just start moving and then it will

become nighttime and ever like y’all I

can’t see the cloud no more and they’d

be like whoops and it would turn into

fire ah there’s the light let’s keep

moving and those are symbolic and I

don’t need everybody to understand this

that everything in the Old Testament is

a type and shadow of something that

happens in the New Testament so the

light and the fire represent Jesus and

the Holy Spirit that they are supposed

to be our guides they’re supposed to

lead us into all truth and so no matter

where we go if we walk into a dark

situation we just have to say holy

spirit where am I supposed to go and

he’ll point and he’ll lead and he’ll

guide but many of us don’t pay attention

to what God is saying and we’d rather

make a plan and then ask God when we get

there is this it is like you all right

come in can we be honest how many people

have made a plan and then ask God is

this it

you sitting next to them anyway so so

what I’m saying is this is the GPS

system but I want you to see something

so amazing we’re gonna go to Exodus

chapter 14 verse 19 and then it says

then the angel of God who had been

leading the people of Israel moved to

the rear of the camp the pillar of cloud

also moved from the front and stir

behind them the cloud settled between

the Egyptians and the Israelite camps as

darkness failed the cloud turned to fire

lighting up the night but the Egyptians

watch this and the Israelites did not

approach each other all night okay I’m

gonna give you the point and then I’m

gonna explain it if you have the faith

to follow you have to trust that God has

you surrounded okay let me explain the

children of Israel leave from under

Pharaoh’s leadership and they’re walking

towards a Promised Land but they’re not

there yet and God says I’m gonna direct

you by giving you a cloud in the daytime

and fire at night and it’s going to go

before you and all you have to do is

follow it follow my voice that’s why the

Bible says that my children know my

voice and a stranger they won’t listen

to that’s why it’s so important that you

spend time every day in prayer spend

time every day in the word spend time

every day worshiping in the shower in a

new car because God’s trying to give you

directions he’s trying to lead you in

those moments and can this is what’s

happening every day they’re getting up

and they’re getting led and there’s like

okay we’re going this way but the crazy

thing is after they get let go and

they’re in this wilderness season that

God allowed this design detour the enemy

started coming after them Pharaoh let

them go and was like yo what did I just

do go kill them

that’s all our hell well gonna build the

temples now and he sends the entire

Egyptian army after the children of

Israel now what happens is these people

are trying to follow God but they see

their enemy behind them they see God is

in front of them but their enemy is

behind them and what we naturally do

when we’re going after God but we know

our past is trying to come back and get

us we know that there are people that

are trying to come against what God’s

called us to do what we start doing is

we follow God but we follow him like


and what happens is we don’t go fully

after God because we’re worried about

our past we don’t we don’t go straight

after what God’s called us to because we

feel like maybe this is going to end in

destruction but look what the what the

cloud did it says the cloud that was in

front of them saw that the enemy was

behind them and it changed positions it

said it went from the front and it went

around to the back and the enemy that

was trying to come and get them was

around them but could not see them I

need to help you understand something

it’s that God is not going to allow your

past to sneak up on you and take you out

yes you used to be that person yes you

used to do that yes you are a ho oh

let’s be honest yes you are you are

loose booty do you hear what I’m saying

you but through the grace of God God has

changed you you are now following him

but listen the enemy then tries to make

you think well what if what if those

thoughts and those feelings come back up

whoa I never can go fully after what

God’s called me to do cause I have this

past I never can stand and God says baby

you don’t even have to look back no more

cuz I got you surrounded

I believe you and I’m going to protect

you like and I need everybody to hear me

say this no matter what your past is

when you are aligned with what God is

doing and you are following what he is

saying you don’t have to look back no

more yeah you used to live in an

alternate lifestyle but by the grace of

God he’s changed he’s renewed you he’s

turned you around you have to walk not

worried that your past is coming back

you have to know that the Holy Spirit is

standing guard

and this is what I want you to

understand I need you to hear this very

quickly because many of you won’t press

forward because you’re scared of your

past coming back to take you out here

what I’m saying to you your past will be

close but it will not be able to harm


it says the Israelites God’s chosen

people and the Egyptians were in the

same area but the Holy Spirit sending

the cloud of fire allowed them not to

even cross paths because God had them

surrounded I just want to encourage

somebody today I feel the presence of

God in this place stop holding back

because of what you did back then

stop playing it safe because your

marriage was broken stop not doing what

God has called you to do because you

didn’t have support from your family and

friends God’s got you surrounded

and the reason that I’m saying this is

because transformation church we’re

about to step into some stuff that’s

that’s way bigger than us like like I’ve

been talking to God about what we’re

supposed to do as far as this facility

and all this other stuff and God’s

challenging my faith right now he’s like

Michael do you have the faith to follow

I was like god I got the face to follow

he said will you believe me 420 million

dollars oh wow

can I be honest

cuz cuz my plan was to do something that

was the next step up from this and God

said you don’t see what I have up ahead

and so I need you to have the faith to

follow me into something that don’t even

make sense and when I got to this place

of having the faith to follow and I’m

getting all up to it and then I started

to think about my past then I started to

think well Lord I you know I mean you

know my bank account I’ve never managed

this much in father I don’t I don’t even

know how to ask people like would they

party he said I didn’t ask you how it

was gonna happen I asked you to have the

faith to follow me and literally all the

reason I’m preaching this cuz I don’t

want it to be a surprise to anybody when

God starts telling us to move and we

move when God starts telling us to

believe and we believe when God starts

telling us to give and we what give I’m

trying to tell y’all God’s not asking

for your credentials now he’s asking

will you have the faith to follow me and

y’all I’m asking you the same question

cuz God’s doing it to me right now he

said Michael my plans for you are bigger

than anything you’ve ever seen in your

life do you know how many people I want

to touch through you and this church and

your music and your book and your family

and your your your your your he said I

don’t want to do it without you I want

to do it through you but the only thing

that can stop it is if you don’t have

the faith to follow me so Church I’m

asking you can we trust God no no no no

not just on a little level like lord

please do it I’m talking about with the

enemy on our back and we don’t even turn

around cuz we are the children of Israel

are making moves and following after God

because they had the faith to follow God

okay now I want you to understand God

isn’t right now everybody say now he is

positioned in your future but he’s

protecting you from your past

like he goes before you but he stands

guard behind you and so now we have to

move everybody say move in faith yo if

we don’t move in faith

if we keep dealing with the opposite of

faith it’s fear like like if you’re not

moving in faith you’re moving in fear

well what happens god I don’t know that

and he said do you did you forget who I

am that’s my name I am like everything

that you need I am matter of fact I’m so

good that I said tell him I am since you

cuz Moses had the same problem when he

was going to tell Pharaoh to let the

people go he said good good good God you

know he had a stuttering problem you

know he had deficiencies you know that

God uses unqualified people just do

great things

he had a deficiency and he said it got

good I got Jesus who should I tell

Pharaoh sent me mmm could tell him

creator of the universe could tell him

the big guy upstairs tell him I am since

you matter of fact I am that I am like

ain’t nobody before me so just tell them

I am what I’m trying to help you

understand is the reason that we’re not

gonna move in fear anymore is because I

am God is leading us to a different

place somebody say I serve I am I know

it’s not creating correct English and I

know that all that but I need you to get

this down in your spirit God’s trying to

take you to another place look at

numbers chapter 9 first 15 okay it says

on the day that the tabernacle was set

up now I got to break this down cuz

everybody doesn’t know what the

tabernacle is but anytime you see

tabernacle just think the place where

the presence of God was and let me even

break that down further when you spend

time with God in prayer in worship and

reading your Bible there is an actual

connection that you can have with the

God of the universe

that changes your entire life I’m not

talking about a worship service with

lights and smoke and and praise and

worship team I’m talking about the place

where the presence of God is is wherever

you invite him into your life period so

you can be thuggin and be about to get

in trouble and you own your way to jail

and you in the back of the police car

say god I acknowledge that I’m not

supposed to be in this situation but

you’re the only one that can help me out

of it I need you to give me wisdom in

this moment to be able to do something

different with my life and do you know

in the back of that car there has now

become the place that the presence of

God is at and he is with you in that

moment I want to demystify this thing

that this is where the presence of God

is this is a building wherever you

invite him in it’s the tabernacle I want

you to understand and so let me give you

let me give you context for this before

Jesus came there was no sacrifice to

allow God to take his residence in us do

you know that you are the temple the

tabernacle of God now and he chooses

when we accept him to take his home in

us but back in the Old Testament

they had a very strict strenuous process

and a tent that they would set up and

they called it the tabernacle and that

was the one place that God would meet

his people okay so I just want to give

you this context because I want you to

be able to apply it to your everyday

life when they say Tabernacle it’s the

place where the presence of God was okay

so it said that one day the tabernacle

or the place where the presence of God

was was set up the cloud covered it but

from evening until morning the cloud

over the tabernacle looked like a pillar

of fire so imagine this table being the

the tabernacle or the place where God’s

presence was it said at night there

would be a pillar like just imagine

something that’s off like the Avengers

or something just right here hosts

and and it said it was a pillar of cloud

and a pillar of fire that was over the

place where God his presence was okay I

just want you to get this a picture

verse 16 it says this was a regular

pattern this means that this happened

often it said at night the the cloud

that covered the tabernacle had the

appearance of fire whenever the cloud

lifted from over the sacred tent the

people of Israel would break camp and

follow it let me give you the picture

whoosh there’s a big cloud over this and

then God would change his plan remember

this series is called recalculating

when plans change now God would say I

got to lead them to another place and so

he would remove the cloud and he would

say Ruth now the cloud is right here

this is God trying to move his people so

what would happen is everybody was like

oh God left us we need to find out where

he is they would pack up everything and

would move to where the cloud was so God

was leading them and he was putting out

a plan and he said I need the plan and

my presence to be connected so he would

leave one place and the cloud would come

over here and everybody be watching Here

I am – and somebody would notice the

cloud has moved the cloud has moved

everybody and you would get all your

family and everything you were packing

up in your blood because they realize

that their plan a disassociated from the

pleasant presence was a problem

your plan disconnected from his presence

it’s a problem Moses said it he said if

you don’t go with us we’re not going and

some of you need to make a decision that

I’m not going into that relationship

without the presence of God I’m not

moving to that city without the presence

of God and most of us make a plan and

ask God to bless it with his presence

and he said no no I’m the GPS I’ll make

a plan I’m moved now I need you to get

all your stuff your attitude and all

somebody needs to hear me say this real

quick that you have been doing your plan

without his presence and it’s been 10

years of a problem you’ve been doing

your own thing with your money you don’t

tithe times what are you talking about

God said I have a plan for your money

and that’s why you always have not

enough and you keep it all but my cloud

is over here and I want you to live a

blessed life but you got to return to me

the temperance you didn’t even deserve

that promotion and I gave it to you and

I made up everything you gotta know that

90% with my blessing is better than 100%

that is cursed and some of y’all today

after this message you gonna say family

we’ve been doing it wrong we got to go

where his presence is oh I need somebody

to hear me say it we’re not gonna do

this without the presence of God we’re

not gonna go with you don’t go with me

somebody give God a shout of praise in

this building

so write it so write it down if you have

the faith to follow trust his plan and

his presence are never disconnected he

wants to make sure that you know when he

changes the pace when the plan changes

you can get confirmation for it in his

presence and you can move and not

understand do you know how many people

were probably mad that it was time to

move like I said all right you were at

that job for one year

time to move got it I just got a race

hold on my benefit package I was about

to get braces done you hear what I’m

saying about to get a Vince align Lord

and y’all know that’s how we’d be doing

like could you hold off three months so

I could get my grille fixed insurance

just kicked in but God says this was a

detour in the wilderness and now I’ve

moved and you’re exposed when you stay

where I’m not at the reason why many of

us have been robbed in our purity robbed

in our plans in our dreams and our ideas

and our because we stayed in places when

God moved and we didn’t want to go

through the inconvenience of packing all

our stuff up so we will rather be

comfortable than covered

I need you to hear that’s not gonna

happen here when the cloud moves what’s

the name of this church transformation

which means we changing if you want to

go to stay the same Church they up the

street but transformation church is

committed to win the cloud moves no

matter if we’ve been here a day or 10

years if God says we go to five services

we go to five services if God says go

back to two we go back to two if God

says close this down and meet in the

high school we closed it down and with

me no matter how uncomfortable it is

because we will not do this without his

presence I need somebody to get that

resolving you I will not do this without

your presence sit down I have five

minutes in 24 seconds okay so look at

numbers chapter 9 verse 20 it says

sometimes that the cloud would stay over

the tabernacle for only a few days so

the people would stay for only a few

days as the lord commanded then at the

lord’s command they would break camp and

move on thank you lord sometimes the

cloud stayed only overnight and lifted

the next morning that is inconvenient I

mean just think about God’s like here we

are here’s your next place as a fool

finally who all right y’all unpacked

everything get the kids you can have a

little design area I like this we could

put the Sheep right here and and and oh

yeah all the flocks can go right here

and all the watering hole is right there

that’s perfect and you get to sleep in

the next morning you look up

y’all the cloud don’t move but isn’t

that what it looks like so many times

when God puts us in a relationship or

excuse me we get into one and it looked

good for two days and then God said I’ve

lifted but God we’re Facebook official

Oh y’all know that that means something

today we just told everybody would you

rather stay in that for two years

without his presence and so it says

sometimes it only stayed overnight but

day or night when the cloud lifted the

people broke camp and moved on everybody

say move on whoo this is powerful

weather the cloud stayed above the

Tabernacle for two days a month or a

year the people of Israel stayed in camp

and did not move on but as soon as it

lifted they broke camp and everybody say

moved on if you’re gonna have faith to

follow Mary the mission not the method

follow the cloud many of us are married

to how we do whatever we do and God said

I’m gonna change it and maybe two days

it may be one month it may be at this

state or at this state right he said but

I want you to stay attached to the

mission I’m taking you to the promised


I’m taking you to the best version of

yourself you could ever see I’m taking

you there but Mary the mission but not

the method this is where most people get

frustrated God told you you’d be a

world-renowned author but you didn’t get

accepted to the school that was gonna

give you the English degree to help you

write the book well I guess God didn’t

want this mission in my life to come to

pass baby

you think he was confined by that one

he took you through the wilderness on

purpose to let your deficiencies be the

thing that he would stand strong in and

in your weakness he is made sure all I’m

saying is I can talk from personal

experience that I knew from a very young

age I would be impacting the world like

I knew that my parents get I’ve gotten

prophecies my wife knew when we signed

up but I thought it was gonna be

happening through music I was dead set

like it was a done deal and and God said

yeah married the mission

you’re gonna impact the world I know God

I see you I feel you I’m gonna do it and

this beat is gonna kill him I mean I

used to say stuff like that

and God said but what if I change the

method if you would have told me 10

years ago that I would go to Whitefish

Montana and the only other black guy in

Whitefish Montana comes up to me at the

airport and says you’re that Todd

Michael guy bro your ministry is

changing my life there’s a group of us

that meet around what you guys do a

transformation Church if you would have

told me that it would have been because

of what God uses me to do in my mouth I

would have told you you are a liar to

your faith face but what God said is

don’t ever marry the method yeah I said

it you didn’t pack the world yeah I said

your marriage would be healed yeah I

said that you would write the book yeah

I said that you were gonna be healed

hold and delivered yeah I say your

children would all serve me but don’t

marry the method marry the mission

follow the cloud

what are you saying pastor my

transformation church we have to have

the faith to everybody say it with me

father let me pray for you right now

come on hands lift it all over this

place father I thank you that in this

room right now that you would give every

person under the sound of my voice the

courage to not be worried about their

past cuz you got us surrounded and

father not be frustrated about the

detour cuz it was designed but that we

father would marry the mission that you

called us to but not the method and we

would follow the cloud take us from this

place where we may be in some area of

our life and be moving in fear and I

declare that transformation church and

everybody listening and watching would

move by faith and father we would see

the promised land because it is designed

for our good and to bless others we

trust you we believe you and we thank

you in Jesus name if you believe it will

you give God a shout of praise in this

place oh you can do better than that