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I want to teach um in this series part

19 part 19 of a message in this series

called help me Christ

y’all got to say it for the visitors who

came from transformation nation what’s

the name of the series and today I

brought this prop out here and I don’t

really know is what’s happening to it

cuz it was bigger a minute ago but if

somebody would check that out cuz this

really has a big deal to do with my

message you know in week 18 last week we

talked about Hell knowing that our

church has faith like we would have a

faith that would be recognized and this

week I felt like I came real hard last

week I thought I was like going in last

week like I came out of six weeks

sabbatical and I came in swinging on

everybody in the Holy Spirit really

dealt with me he said Michael that was

one group of people in the room that was

one group of people that have been

walking in crazy faith that’s one group

of people that know that God is ready

and standing willing to meet every

single one of their needs but there’s

another group of people that I want to

be empathetic towards today that in this

whole series we’ve been talking about

going bigger and going stronger and God

doing more but the truth is everybody’s

not in that season at this moment some

of you barely made it in this room today

the weight of life has been trying to

crush you the pain of your past has been

trying to tell you that you’re not worth

it and I know that on a giving Sunday

where I could come in here and we just

be screaming the whole time and talking

about crying why would God give me a

message like he’s about to give me but

what I think it’s going to do is allow

everybody to understand the

multi-faceted God that we serve that

he’s not just able to meet somebody’s


in the high times but he’s able to get

down in the depths of your valley y’all

don’t hear me get in the midst of your

mess and be able to change your life so

the title of today’s message is fading

fading cuz nobody really wants to talk

about it but if we’re honest a lot of us

are fronting in here like we got crazy

faith but if you go to the house and you

pull up your bills when you look at your

relationship status over the past 13

years see a lot of times we can have

faith in an area but in another area our

faith is fading and I want to talk to

anybody by the Holy Spirit I feel God

already that if you are in a place or in

a season of your life and your faith is

fading hold on this started off as a big

old balloon and my crazy face was

right-side up and it was floating but

why in the world is what I built

everything on now in a grounded position

just a few minutes ago it was up in the

sky just a few minutes ago I was yelling

I’m a child of God but later this week

when that thing happens with that

relationship why does it feel like my

faith is fading I tried to do it right I

tried to live in purity I tried to marry

the right one and save myself but now we

can’t have kids and we’ve tried every

fertility treatment and we’ve given and

we’ve sold and we’ve helped other people

adopt kids but where I had crazy

faith now I have fading faith I watched

other people’s kids I helped everybody

else’s family but then when I had a son

he had autism he’s four years old and he

can’t tell me what he wants and at one

moment I had crazy faith but what

happens when the thing that you were

believing God for doesn’t happen how do

you respond when crazy faith goes to

fading faith now the reason I have to do

this is because the church would love to

act like life is not real we would love

to praise our way out of every situation

we would love to shout our way after

every situation but there’s some stuff

in this fallen world that comes to our

doorstep that is going to challenge

everything that you believe that a

pastor just said that heylia

what why you say that Pastor Mike

because you don’t know what the last

four years have been like for me in my

life when I have to stand up and and and

speak faith to everybody else and then

take my child to therapy two times a

week and just pray that one time he’ll

say daddy


and the the truth is on some days I

believe he will can I be real no can I

be honest can I like beat like this is

not usual for a pastor to say this but

there’s some days that I feel like yes

he’s gonna talking today is the day and

then there’s other days it feel like

Saul I have is a shell of the faith that

I talk to everybody else about but the

thing I need you to know write this down

crazy faith turns to fading faith

because of loss and the crazy thing is

everybody experiences loss we just don’t

experience loss in the same way and so I

don’t know what loss you’ve experienced

some of you have experienced the loss of

relationships that you love thought

we’re gonna last forever some of you

have experienced loss of money some of

you have experienced loss of time

because you wasted it addicted to a

substance or in the wrong business but

I’m telling you that your faith can

begin to fade in the area because of

loss when I think about this I think

about all the people who have been put

out a church or have been turned off

from church because we make it seem like

you can’t be in a process of your belief

and still be here I’m coming for the one

today you know how Jesus left the 99 and

he came off to the one today this

message is for the one so everybody

who’s ready and crazy face don’t let me

take your heart but there’s somebody

that was going to give up and that was

going to stop because they’re still

wrestling with the doubt in their heart

and god I thought you were gonna keep

them here forever and then they died and

how do I still have faith when my faith

is fading I’m gonna help you see the

thing about the Word of God is no matter

what season you’re in if you would be

open to it

it speaks to your situation and so I

went to the

and I found this guy and it’s a story in

John chapter 20 verse 19 and let me give

you some quick context real quick Jesus

has been crucified he’s died they’ve

taken him off the cross they put him in

the tomb okay

three days goes by and Mary goes to see

where he is but he’s not there and

everybody’s like where is Jesus and

Jesus appears to Mary and lets her know

yo something about to happen I got y’all

but nobody else knows what’s going on

none of his disciples the guards who

were supposed to be watching him nobody

knows what’s going on and then this

happens in John chapter 20 verse 19 it

says on the evening of that first day of

the week when the disciples were

together with the doors locked

for fear of the Jewish leaders they were

scared because they thought because they

were associated with Jesus that wants to

kill Jesus they were next so they got in

the house locked the door and then Jesus

did something so miraculous something

that was just crazy Jesus came and stood

in the same room with them among them

and he said these words peace be with


after he said this he said y’all check

this out

look at my hands this is where they

thought they killed me but I got proof

that I survived everything that hell

tried to throw at me hey feel my side

this is where their pierced me and

thought they were gonna keep me down and

at the moment that God did this crazy

miracle in front of the disciples look

what it said the disciples were

overjoyed when they saw the Lord

they had crazy faith because they

touched a miracle they saw a miracle and

the miracle was specific it wasn’t just

some man that came to them it was their

leader the leader that they thought they

lost he now comes and meets them in the

moment of their situation and y’all if

this would have happened to any of us

this would have been a crazy faith

miracle and we would have all been hype

this whole place some of y’all would be

hanging from the lights y’all be like


like that would that would have happened

because God showed up for them have you

ever had God show up for you now just

for two seconds if you’ve ever had God

show up for you in a moment that you

needed him the most would you give God

some praise in the building right online

go ahead and clap it if he showed up for

you if he took you from the place you

thought was gonna take you out okay some

of us remember God showing up somebody

say thank you for showing up but that’s

awesome when he does show up but it’s

not as awesome when he don’t show up or

when you miss the moment that he showed

up okay

look at verse 24 it says now Thomas also

known as didymus which means twelve to

twenty one of the twelve disciples was

not with the disciples when Jesus came

now I gotta stop right here because the

Bible doesn’t say why he wasn’t with him

the Bible doesn’t say Oh Thomas went

with him because he was out sinning

thomas was wiling out and he cursed god

so that’s why he wasn’t with him he

could have been going to get some food

for the rest of the disciples we don’t

know why Thomas wasn’t there but he

missed a moment take down this point

that I believe is gonna give life to

some people in this room fading faith

isn’t always your fault everybody

usually tries to figure out why

something happened to somebody like oh

they got a divorce that’s cuz he’s still

wild and she don’t

don’t act like you don’t do it when bad

things happen to people you try to

justify if she wouldn’t talked about

they kids her kids wouldn’t be nothing

yall already know if that was the truth

all y’all be cross-eyed because ok but

in this moment Thomas does nothing to

deserve missing the moment it’s just

life and I want to help some people in

this room because you’ve been trying to

figure out why you were born into that

home where abuse was prevalent you’ve

been trying to figure out why they

introduced you to those images at a

young age you’ve been trying to figure

out why it happened to you why you

didn’t get picked why you did get picked

on why this happen to you and I want to

come and free you today

I don’t want to condemn you I want to be

your defense it might not have been your

fault that you lost something see the

reason why that balloon went down is

because there were holes poked in it

that you couldn’t see and every person

behind there Instagram post and behind

the six figures and behind all of the

things that they do there are holes in

them that nobody can see and what we do

is we talk about crazy faith but slowly

we’re leaking out from the parent who

wasn’t there and from the disappointment

of not getting accepted to the school

and the child that we lost and the

things that nobody ever even prayed for

us for and crazy faith goes to fading

faith this is what happens to Thomas

right here and the problem is everybody

around him is hype like most people who

are discouraged in this woman and you

come in a transformation Church you feel

a little out over place because

everybody’s like sighs I’m giving my

kids away I’m giving my money away

I’m getting right up here’s my cloud

light and on the inside you feel like I

don’t even have a smile to give away

and so Thomas misses the moment where

Jesus shows up and he comes back and the

disciples are high and they’re like yo

John chapter 20 verse 25 Tommy

guess what just happened bro guess guess

no for real guess that’s not it

JC did I abracadabra

puh Dow and he didn’t even use the door

bro I promise

tell him yeah bro Jesus came Jesus

showed up for me Jesus made a way for me

to be accepted to the College Jesus gave

me good kids Jesus allowed my high

school sweetheart to actually end up my

wife I didn’t have to go through all

that you we watch and we compare our

situations and how Jesus came through

for them and how he kept how he showed

up but we missed the moment and Thomas

was like yo that’s good for y’all but

the person that I followed is gone and

your little miracle that you’re saying

you saw that don’t give me no faith

matter of fact y’all on my nerves yeah

y’all on my nerves with all this Jesus

talking you missed it I’m bout to fight

you but let me give you a piece of my

mind and look what happens right here it

in the scripture lower in verse 25 he

says unless I see the nail marks in his

hands unless I put my finger where the

nails were and unless I put my hands in

his side y’all can miss me with all that

crazy face stuff I will not believe

and I would be foolish to think that

there are not people in this room and

watching online right now that are at

the point of so much loss where they’re

saying I don’t care if he does it for

you I got to see something for myself

and you can fake and act like you’ve

never been at that moment but I want to

let you know your pastor has been at the

moment where I said God if you don’t

show me something and most people like

oh my god don’t do that to the

all-knowing the Almighty the ammonite oh

my god but can I help you that God is

not offended by your questions Oh y’all

didn’t hear me he is not detoured by

your doubt and I know I’m messing with

some people’s theology cuz like no we’re

gonna speak in faith we’re gonna talk in

faith we’re gonna do that faith that

just means nothing real has ever

happened to you keep living it will and

at that moment when you need God to show

up for you what are you gonna do what

are you gonna say everybody talking

about crazy faith offering but somebody

just got laid off y’all want to be fake

in here and act like somebody hadn’t

been living off of their life savings

for the past six months and then we talk

about we’re gonna give it at Christmas

are they crazy cuz my faith is fake I

could do it when I was in crazy faith

but right now I’m down everything there

are people who stayed at home today cuz

they couldn’t get up enough faith to

wake up this morning and come to church

they’ve seen Jesus do y’all know Thomas

walk with Jesus he saw the feeding of

the 5000 it’s not like he was an

oblivious unbeliever he was somebody who

knew what Jesus could do but he lost him

and it’s crazy what happened to somebody

when you know what Jesus can do and then

you take a loss it’ll turn crazy faith

into what fading faith oh but let me

tell you our fading faith happens right

this point down fading faith is a result

of only hearing about what you

desperately wanted to see Thomas heard

about a miracle that all the other

disciples experienced he wanted to

believe he wanted to see the miracle he

wanted to be in that moment and that’s

why I got a problem with the the label

that culture has given him literally in

the Bible they called him doubting

Thomas that’s messed up

cuz if if that’s the case then everybody

in here should put doubting in front of

their first name I’m doubting Michael

that’s doubting wheel that’s doubting


that’s doubting Sally that’s doubting

Joan because what people try to do is

label you from a season of your life

because if you read the Bible Thomas

wasn’t always doubting Oh y’all don’t

believe me let me look at like let me

help you John chapter 11 Lazarus dies

and word comes that Jesus is boy lazzy

they were boys came to her aid lassies

dead Jesus is like cool we’ll go see him

in a few days

what and they waited four days and then

Jesus was like hey let’s go back and

heal Lazarus he’s sleeping and the other

disciple is like yo if he’s sleeping let

him sleep you know we walk with you all

the time and we be tired so let him

sleep and the Bible tells us that he

wasn’t actually sleeping he was actually

dead but Jesus his faith was he’s just

sleeping I’m about to go wake him up

isn’t it funny how Jesus looks at dead

situations just as like they’re in a

state of not being awake and that at the

moment that he speaks to it at the

moment that he speaks to it that thing

can come alive so then once one very

logical disciple said hey Jesus this is

great the Lazarus thing no you can do it

but do you know the last time we were in

that area they tried to kill you we

probably shouldn’t go back there and

look what Thomas says in John chapter 11

verse 16

Thomas nicknamed the twin so we know

it’s the same person he said to his

fellow disciples y’all trippin last guy

and if Jesus is gonna die let us die

with him

oh I never had that friend that’s way

too height and if you don’t have that

friend you are that friend dr2 said I’m

saying where the way to hide friends

right now everybody okay so but do you

know what type of crazy faith it takes

for you to know your leader about to go

die and you convincing everybody else I

guess today’s the day I woke up ready to

die let’s go Jesus what does this prove

to us just a few chapters before Thomas

had crazy faith and then he went through

a moment of loss and his crazy faith

turned into fading things so what I want

you to know is fading faith always

starts with crazy faith beware that at

your hypest moment there’s still a low

moment and I need you to not just know

how to stay on the mountaintop but I

don’t need you to know how to navigate

the valleys y’all didn’t hear me see if

I just wanted this to be hype about

transformation Church I would just keep

you hype all the time but we don’t live

on the mountaintop all the time our

marriages go through hail our kids as

bad as hell that nothing there’s things

that can I be a my in my church today

that keeps it hot humble open and

transparent life happens and it would be

foolish of me to let you know how to

shout on the mountaintop and not

navigate the valley and so so what do

you do what do you do when your faith is

fatally well there’s a couple things

that happen for Thomas in John chapter

20 verse 26 after he spazzes out on

everybody and walks into the other room

is like f y’all

that’s what he felt in his spirit look

what happened and I want you to catch

this verse 26 a week later his disciples

were in the house again they were in the

same place they were when Jesus met them

the first time but there’s just

something different and Thomas was with

them I have to stop and let you know

that the community that had crazy faith

welcomed the one with fading faith I

want to let you know what type of church

you’re in today that no matter where you

are if you blatantly out of your mouth

say I do not believe in God there will

always be a seat here in this house for

transformation in your life y’all got to

hear me this is not a club for those who

are elite this is a hospital for

humanity so if you’re bleeding out

because you have been hurt by life you

will always be welcomed here I have to

say that because some of you haven’t

faced your hardest trial yet but when

you do face it you need to know that

there will always be a place for you in

the house of God isn’t it crazy that the

disciples didn’t be like well he’s he’s

an unbeliever now did you hear him I

don’t think Jesus is coming back he he

didn’t give us a calendar date kick him

out let him go

they let him stay with his unbelief and

because he was in the right community I

love God because he stayed look what

happened it says through the doors and

though the doors were locked Jesus came

back in and stood among them and said

peace be with you he hid a rerun of what

he had done before not for all ten that

were left but for the one who missed it

see some of y’all think that you’ve

missed your moment but God will redo

everything that he did before that you

missed and you felt like you missed out

on just to prove to you that he’s real

he said peace be with you now catch this

do not miss this moment right here then

he did not talk to all the other

disciples John would Oh baby look at the

moment he said peace be with you he

turned to Thomas and Thomas didn’t say

Jesus I I told them if you didn’t he

didn’t have to explain his issue of

faith Jesus already knew what his issue

was the same way that Jesus already

knows the issue that’s in your life and

look what he says to him I love this

here you need it something real put your

fingers here see my hands oh you asked

for something else huh

put your hand right here in my side yeah

feel real huh don’t you know like that

he said now stop doubting him the goal

wasn’t to answer Thomas’s request so

that he would be cool with Jesus the

goal was to get Thomas to start

believing again so Jesus met his

physical need to bring back to live his

spiritual need the reason that God’s

gonna answer your prayers when you put

this crazy faith offering in y’all don’t

hear me the reason why he’s gonna allow

your family to be saved the reason why

your business is going to go off it’s

not so you can stop it’s so that you

will never ever believe again that God

is not Jehovah Jireh the one who


the goal was not the thing

the goal was belief and so much of the

church is trying to get you to do things

in faith so that you get something God

said the thing is just to prove to you

who I am I want you to everybody say

believe what are you trying to say pass

the mic for everybody who’s in here and

your faith is fading listen to this

point fading faith attracts God’s crazy

grace oh that’s a good point

God does not throw you away when your

faith is fading he actually says oh

there they are

the Bible says he’s close to the lowly

the ones who like I don’t got nothing

else he’s like oh there they go there my

baby is and he’s listening attentively

well I wish I had more to give he said

no no no what you got well how you

feeling I’m attracted to what others are

repelled by and what I bring to you when

you have fading faith is crazy grace

Jesus didn’t have to show back up for

Thomas he could have been like he gonna

have to believe I got other stuff to do

humanity to save got a seat at the right

hand of the Father waiting on me I’m

done with this world but he said hold on

my chariot is ready to take me heavenly

Eber will you stay here

stay here for one one second I gotta go

prove to Thomas that I’m real and after

he saw something tangible and he felt it

for himself look what the Bible says

Thomas experiences God’s grace and y’all

got to remember what God’s grace is it’s

the unmerited unearned undeserved favor

and kindness of God he experiences grace

for Jesus to show back up and and and

God shows up again for Thomas and the

Thomas is like look what he says O Lord

that is you how every time that God

shows up for us and we get the job that

we didn’t apply for and God heals the

relationship Oh God

that is you for everybody whose faith

fading I found three things that

happened because of God’s amazing grace

can I let you know something that God

will meet you at the depth of your doubt

see I’m not saying stuff to get you high

I’m saying stuff to get you healed this

message may not mean nothing to you

today but it will mean something to you

in a future season and God is saying no

matter how low you are right now his

grace unmerited unearned undeserved

favor and kindness will meet you at the

depths of your doubt but do you know

what God does for people who have fading

faith I found it he does three things

when God wants to heal fading faith he

does something tangible when he told him

put your fingers here tangible means

something you can touch he did something

that Thomas and doubt could touch and

then God says cuz you don’t have the

faith to be all up in the seven heavens

and hear a prophetic word you need to

see something real he said I’ll do

something tangible and then I’ll do

something visual and that’s when he said

look at my hands

everybody say look-see remember what

Thomas request was he said if I don’t

see and I said okay but many times when

God shows up we don’t want to look we

don’t want to see so he said I need to

engage a lot of your senses right now

cuz you won’t believe this is real and I

know you don’t have the faith because

your faith is faded right now to believe

some prophetic word that I give you five

years ago in your daughter’s room you

need something that you can really see

and so he said I’m gonna give you

something you can touch that’s tangible

I’m gonna give you something you can

look at that’s visual and then look at

this last one I’m gonna give you

something that’s personal that means

it’s something that’s very specific and

when he said put your hands into my side

how much more personal can you get the

only other place in the Bible where I

see God putting his hand into somebody’s

side to do something is when he took

Adam put him to sleep and he put his

hand into Adam and pulled out a rib and

he made Eve that this is the Savior

saying I’m about to recreate something

in you that wasn’t there put your hand

in my side and I’m gonna do something

everybody say personal when God wants to

heal fading faith he does something

that’s tangible visual and personal and

that’s why Thomas believed not because

somebody gave him a prophetic word thus

says the Lord in 98 days

Jesus is gonna appear I ain’t got the

faith for that right now bro my bills is

due my kids is out of control I can’t

sorry but if somebody came and met the

need and paid the light bill if somebody

mentored that child because their father

left them and so they needed a fatherly

figure in the house if God actually

brought something to somebody’s life

whose faith was fading that was tangible

visible and personal maybe they

the opportunity to everybody say believe

say it like you made it the whole reason

that God will ever do something that’s

tangible visual and personal is because

he wants it to be believable the whole

reason that God gave us this building

and that we’re sitting in faith of

people who gave last year do y’all know

we were at 1519 West pine having five

services when we took a offering and and

I said we’re giving to the future of

transformation Church I don’t know what

God’s gonna do but we’re believing but

four years earlier God gave me the plan

but I didn’t see how it was gonna happen

and he said there were people who gave

when they didn’t see and now we’re

sitting in the miracle the reason he’s

doing it is cuz he’s saying yo every

time you come to church on Sunday I want

you to sit in something that lets you

know unbelievable so if I did this what

is cancer if I did this what is lupus if

I did this what is your family y’all

don’t hear me in the place today if I

did this what is your marriage being

restored if I did this what is your

tuition being paid off if I did this

what is the car that you he does it so

it can be everybody shot at me

believable so Thomas says Lord it is you

and then Jesus says yo Tommy it’s been

me two whole time bro look at verse 29

this is so important you don’t miss this

then Jesus told him I understand where

you were at and I understand how bad you

were hurting so because you’ve seen me

you had something happen to you that was

tangible visual and personal you’ve

believed me I’m glad you back baby but

he used this moment to teach the

disciple something very clear that I

want to teach to everybody in this room

bless their dough’s though who ain’t

gotta prove myself

– blessed are those that will give and

they don’t know what we’re giving

towards blessed are those who put their

faith in me and sell out to me and I

don’t have to give them a road map to

everything that’s gonna happen blessed

are those that have not seen me and yet

have believed both of those people are

in the room today so there’s tons of

people in here who are ready and crazy

faith to give and there’s other people

your faith is fading so I begin I begin

to ask the Holy Spirit what do you want

to do he said I came to the church today

for the one the ninety-nine with crazy

faith I’m about to blessed it I don’t

care if they give one cent that they

found in the couch this morning I’m

about to black cuz blessed are those who

give and they don’t even know you ain’t

got to prove God I don’t know what you

about to do but ha here it is everything

but not for doubting Thomas cuz I’m

taking away that label from him today

but for Thomas for Jill for Sarah what

did you say your name was for key on

this is for key on I said this is for

kid if everybody else in here is ok this

is for you key on

this is so that the faith that’s been

fading in you I feel the presence of God

right now that God is about to take this

thing to it I said this is four key on



so I say God what do you want me to do

he said today on the season where you’re

supposed to be giving as a church to

what God’s doing Michael I want you to

be irresponsibly irrationally generous I

said what he said there’s people in here

that are ready to give but there are

people who I don’t have their heart yet

and they’re not gonna get it until I

tell them here’s something that you can

touch something you can see in something

that’s personal and acts 20:35 it says

it’s more blessed to give than it is to

do what some of y’all don’t believe it

but we’re gonna say it one more time

it’s more blessed to than it is to okay

so I need everybody to bear with me

we’re about to give in just a minute but

one thing that happened when when I

became the lead pastor of transformation

church is the Holy Spirit said Michael I

can never let you teach a principle that

the church is not doing for itself so we

teach the principle of tithing and we

give 10% of everything that we give we

in our paychecks and stuff we we give

that to the Lord and some of you today

I’m so excited I heard one guy’s

testimony today instead of giving up

over and above his tithe and offering he

was like I’m just gonna start doing my

tithe and offering cuz I’ve been doing

that and he said I’m just gonna be more

faithful and consistent at that and and

for hear me God would rather consistency

than one drop in the bucket at one

moment cuz it rebukes the Devourer for

your sake and it opens the window of

heaven and pour you out a blessing that

you cannot receive and I’m encouraging

somebody that maybe you’re crazy faith

is to say God I’m gonna step out and I’m

gonna start honoring you with ten

percent of my income every every time I

get paid every time I get increased well

when I became the pastor we didn’t have

no money as a church I want to mean no

money it was some money but it might as

well been no money

and all these spirit says start tithing

10% and at that moment I started giving

away two missions missionaries

organizations all this it could not help

transformation Church it had to help

other people and God says when you are

somewhere that I can get money to and

then I can get it through I can keep

giving you more cuz God gives seed to

the he give seeds it up so the first

year that I was a pastor some of y’all

were here I stood up with my knees

shaking it at transformation Church and

I said God told me today that we’re

gonna be a generous Church I believe it

in my heart guys I really do I believe

it I said it’s in the future vision and

I said today I want to take an offering

and what we’re gonna do with this

offering is we’re gonna give it away to

other churches and that day we raised

eight thousand extra dollars miss Tammy

was there and that next month we gave

away eight thousand dollars to churches

that were in better position than we

were financially and God said you just

sewed a seed into the ground that is

going to produce fruit for the rest of

the ministry yeah you could thank God

right there cuz we wouldn’t be here we

wouldn’t be able to impact community we

wouldn’t be able to do what we’re doing

okay so this year we’ve been more

generous than we have ever been at our

church history and that’s not because of

me that’s because you giddy no hear me

as a pastor I want to take a moment if

you’ve never had a past to do this for

you welcome home hear what I’m telling

you because of your generosity and your

faithfulness to honor God with ten

percent and get your ducks in a row and

get your money right and do all of these

different things that we’ve taught you

how to do nobody can make you do it but

but but you’ve done it

transformation Church has had the most

money we’ve ever had to go out and bless

organizations can I show you what we did

this year do you put those organizations

up on the screen this year alone because

of your generosity we’ve been able to

give over 250,000 dollars oh no y’all

don’t hear me to end sex trafficking to

build churches in America and abroad to

help children get back from foster care

systems to help people re-enter in

society after they’ve been locked up Oh

y’all don’t hear me we have been able to

help schools and sponsor people because

of what you’ve done but the Holy

Spirit’s a mic you can do more for all

these organizations I said what you mean

he said check the missions account I

said Laura when did you magically put

this money in the missions account he

said in front of the entire world cuz

millions will watch this he says I want

you in transformation Church to do a

miracle that is tangible visual and

personal so to the foster care system

one one one project we’re giving you

20,000 extra dollars today sitting back

in 20,000 extra dollars our churches to

help build churches 50 thousand extra

dollars hope is alive $25,000 a 21 to

stop sex trafficking 20,000 more dollars

to Charles page $15,000 to just the

beginning $10,000 to Griffin’s Autism

Center $20,000 to pearls of Hope $20,000

to solid foundation $10,000 God can get

it to us and he can get it through us

somebody give God some praise

that’s what we’re doing sit down you

gonna beat some of y’all they had

exercise all week welcome to your

fitness class for today I promise you

you don’t want to leave because what

God’s doing is something that you’ll

talk about at your workplaces this week

year and a half ago there was a church

called church on the move here in our

city that saw what we were doing in

north Tulsa and they said I don’t know

much about this church but we want to

show $20,000 into this church and they

came over and I’m telling you that

twenty thousand dollars changed

everything in that moment our CFO will

tell you we were at the point of making

decisions to let people go and these

people heard from God to sow a seed into

us and so I told Ms Tammy I said if we

ever get the opportunity I don’t want to

just give them the twenty thousand

dollars back but I want to double it so

church on the move there’s a check for

$40,000 in the mail for treasurer oh yah

oh yah oh what a brave God with me


okay okay okay okay okay have you got

afraid of touching a move texture but it

don’t stop there see Bishop Gary and

pastor Debbie started this church in

north Tulsa and I and when he went there

and he took his shoes off on Greenwood

and Archer as a white man after the

horrible race riots that happened in

1921 or the race Massacre is really what

it was that happened in 1921 where

there’s been racial division in the city

of Tulsa all of this time God told the

white man and a white woman can we give

God praise for our founding pastor

Bishop Gary McIntosh and pastor Debbie

we love you guys we would not be here if

it wasn’t for them thank you for your

videos and your crazy failure yeah but

God planted this church in north Tulsa

and we still have a building in north

Tulsa and when God opened this up cuz

y’all was trying to kill me by having us

do 4 & 5 services we had to find another

location and God opened this up but we

heard the rumblings well what about

north Tulsa what’s gonna happen baby we

ain’t never left north dollars our our

building is still there and our

influence is still there but I wanted to

publicly help everybody understand that

God is helping us meet a need that’s

tangible what else miserable and what

else hurts okay I love this so there was

a church on Sheridan and pi pastor

Lawrence people’s going hard for Christ

Church he’s reaching people that mostly

y’all would wouldn’t wouldn’t pass by

and they just got a new building so if

you know anybody had going hard for

Christ Church tell them there’s a check

for $20,000 in the mail

and while you in north Tulsa head over

there to the Dream Center where we did

our outreach yesterday and gave an

entire school Christmas tell them thirty

thousand more dollars is on the way oh


and while you’re doing your rounds go

pack tell pastor Jamal Dyer and Kim Dyer

as friendship church that fifty thousand

dollars we want to support you we want

to help you build people in that

community oh and there’s one more

organization in north Tulsa called

crossover Community Impact and they’re

transforming the Northside through

mentorship medical clinics they have a

school for african-american and brown

boys teaching them to value themselves

housing and a church hey there’s a

hundred thousand dollars in the mail now

better rejoice with me this is the

church this is the church this is the



somebody shout that with me this is that

what happens if we stop praying about

meeting needs and we actually meet them


you know what happens is the people

whose faith is fading remember the goal

is not the money the goal is not to

think the goal is that God would do a

miracle that’s tangible what else

visual and what else person they woke up

this morning probably having a need and

they’re probably in church right now

praising and they don’t even know that

on the other side of town that’s how

much God cares about you while you’re in

here giving right now God’s somewhere

working it out in your face

I dare you to rejoice right now like

that just happened to you I need some

help on the stage I just need a couple

of standings real quick y’all y’all come

up here I just need I need the people to

be able to see people cuz y’all don’t

realize that that when we’re giving our

organizations they represent people okay

and these are just people that come to

transformation Church but they’re

different ethnicities and they’re

different people that that have have

probably some needs but I need you to

understand that this affects people so

so today transformation Church I was

just skimming through some of the crazy

faith cards that we we had people give

and sign online and I said God how can

this be real real like not just an

organization in Haiti yeah we did that

too but sometimes you need to see people

so this is Yvonne oh did I say that

right okay so what y’all don’t know is

last week for Haiti’s faith I came in

with 3,000 notes right before the sermon

and Ivana was running the probe rose in

her and she made sure y’all saw

everything and I just felt this sweet

spirit and I’m known CP Curtis price for

a long time and I just saw just happen

to see that you’re actually from

Tanzania right and you guys got married

but you needed 3,500 dollars to finish

the legal work so that you could become

a u.s. citizen till you open that box

real quick it says it’s only crazy until

it happens on behalf of transformation

Church we’ve given you four thousand



welcome to the USA I said welcome to

welcome to the y’all better rejoice like

it happened for you yeah y’all keep

praising what’s up bro I love you Brian

hey this is Brian he’s one of the

amazing drummers here at transformations

and so I was just scrolling through

crazy fave cards and he was believing

God for a lot of stuff and he’s been

coming here faithfully playing drums for

our church for what about a year and a

half two years year and a half and I

happen to play drums the other week at

the Crazy praise thing and he was back

there just serving and doing all kind of

stuff and I was like man how often do

you practice he’s like man I don’t even

have a drum set I said what I said you

come and serve and you come up early to

practice on this drum set and you don’t

even have one could you open that box

please for me Brian real quick just oh

just open it though just open his card

says it’s only crazy to what happens hey

back in the back I got you a brand new

drum stick


that’s your drought it’s only crazy till

it happens

hey that’s this crazy fake card look

what it says I have crazy faith that in

addition a drum set of my own will come

out of nowhere so I can practice

properly come on God

Joe pray are y’all is this a crepe

I love you come on stand up here with me

this miss Charlotte and God is so

faithful lady so so Miss Charlotte has

been dealing with health issues for a

long time now and she was diagnosed with


how long ago 12 years ago and her and a

prayer partner have been believing in

crazy faith that she wouldn’t just have

money to get treatment and stuff but

that God would heal her of a disease

that they say can’t be healed somebody

say it’s crazy until it happens this

past Thursday the doctors called her and

told her ma’am I’m so sorry but we’ve

checked three and four times and the

lupus is

the Lupus know better my god still does

miracles signs and wonders I dare you to

play like you just got it 12 years of an

infirmity doctor’s appointment has the

doctors her children having to watch

them stick her with needles and try to

see I feel the presence of God in this

room and in crazy faith God’s Hildur

bloopers soma Charlotte we can’t heal

you up Lucas got none of that power but

I know there’s a lot of medical bills so

open your box please

her says it’s crazy until it happens

that’s $20,000 America


come on transformation church

let’s give doc play


what’s your name bro I’m Deon breath so

this was the person who yelled out right

there when I said the ninety nine and he

said this is for the one misses him

so I told my team to leave a spot open

because God was going to have somebody

that I was supposed to bless and so I

don’t know what your need is he said

I’ve never been to this church before


but God told me this whole message was

for somebody and I you called out so I

got a believe it was for you and and

what I’m about to do is something that’s

tangible something that’s what vision

and something that’s personal

so in this and it’s box could you just

open it real quick yeah I don’t know

what you need but your your says it’s

only crazy till it happens and we’ve

given you twenty thousand dollars for

whatever you need




try Jesus will make a believer out of


that’s why Jesus will make a believer

out of you

we love you bro can we give God some

praise for meeting people’s tangible

need what do you say thank you Jesus


can we give it up for all of these

people who has been crazy until it

happens thanks I love y’all


Cave Todd that’s my big brother you

invited him I love you baby

um now I don’t know where you going to


but ain’t nothing there as fulfilling as

this right here because the Bible says

it’s more blessed to than to do what

because of your giving throughout the

year we’ve given hundreds of thousands

to organization but until it becomes

tangible visual and personal there are

some people that just won’t believe how

much time do we have for service to be

over is it you know okay can we save

just for I mean if we need to go like if

y’all but I feel like the generosity is

just beginning to starting okay all

right y’all told me y’all told me sit

down sit down sit up so the crazy thing

about what we do is that on the other

side of that lens is over 25,000 people

who are watching right now

transformation nation what up and the

thing that you you don’t know is there

as much as part of this church as every

person do you know they serve they give

they fly you drove from wherever your

house is if you flew to be here today to

give your tabernacle offering where

y’all flies from where Houston where you

come from Houston California LA where

you come from but where New York City

la where y’all come from Florida will

come from Alabama and where New Mexico

Texas listen listen Detroit Detroit in

the building where y’all from

y’all came from the UK amen

like we we are impacting everybody say

the world okay so this ain’t for nobody

else in the room but they’re a part of

the church so there’s some people I’ve

seen there’s a guy named Michael Tighe

not Michael time but Michael Tighe I

need somebody to get my iPad just dying

so I need you to get all of this stuff

but Michael Tighe you you wrote on your

crazy faith card that you were believing

God to be able to come to transformation

Church and be able to thank me and and

some of the other leaders for the

transformation that’s happened in your

life so our church anniversary is

February 2nd where we celebrate 21 years

as a ministry in five years of me and

pastor Natalie being the pastor’s we’re

gonna fly you out take care of all your

hotels your room and board and and it’s

only crazy till it happens

you can rejoice with him because he’s

watching right now okay I’m gonna keep


Ashley cologne at Ashley underscore

Lotte we relate more than you know

because you have a young son on the

autism spectrum and you’ve been

believing God to to do something so me

and my wife went to this program called

the sunrise program in Massachusetts and

so on behalf of transformation Church we

want to send you and one other person to

go get training so you can help your

autistic son so we don’t take care of

the hook

y’all don’t want to pray y’all tired of

praise them with people

hey Ashley healed at Ashley H underscore

you said that you only had eighty nine

hundred dollars to pay off all your

college loans and be debt-free when you

graduate so on behalf of transformation

church your debt-free

you better place in this place

boom boom Katie Gene Smith at Katie G

neck so I think you know who that is

well um Katie wrote out all this stuff

on her crazy faith car and something

caught my eye she said I’m praying to be

debt-free from every one of my bills

except my mortgage

why are you doing I mean if you gonna

have crazy face for him to do all the

other stuff like why you ain’t just you

know he’d still have to do it and so I

don’t know what your mortgage is but on

behalf of transformation Church we’re

gonna do something tangible y’all better

help me preach this message and what you

just got fifty thousand to retire to

help retire your mortgage loan right now

let’s give God praise for that

that’s transformation nation we love

alright we almost done we’re almost

ready to give I just need a few more

people to come out here and just real

quick real just real fast this is way

funner than it looks so

so like I literally told our team I was

like I mean what what’s too much like

when is when is it too much and then I

thought to myself did Jesus when he was

on the cross sacrificing did he did he

be like where’s the lemon where’s the

wine like he gave it all and so what I

wanted to do with the people that are on

this stage right now this is my man

right here this is Justin Sally right

here transformation church I love you

bro just how do you 18 don’t be trying

to make you a voice off deep cuz you

wanna go dude you know your voice ain’t

that deep okay Justin has been

faithfully serving and our praise team

you’ve probably seen him up here on a

Sunday shredding on the guitar and he’s

been doing it faithfully for over four

years with no transportation and um I

just was like that can’t happen and so

we wanted to do something that’s never

happened for me before I don’t know if

it’s happened for most of these people

but out in the lobby there’s a Kia Soul

just open the box

over the box

it says it’s crazy till habit and

there’s the keys to your new car



can we give your praise


come here God seen your needs before you

knew how to even ask for it God is

restoring to you everything that you

thought you lost Oh y’all can give God

praise right now for this this is

meeting a need this is healing

oh and by the way we’re paying the

insurance the tags the titles will pay

forever you ain’t got to pay no money

vilandra hey how you doing

this young lady faithfully serves and

what department in our church she look

at smile for him a she greets you when

you come in and I saw you right down

with joy almost that that somebody stole

your card it’s past week they stole it

stole it in front of your house and she

she literally said on her card that

God’s working everything out for her

good could you open that box real quick

on behalf of transformation Church it

says it’s crazy to heaven and that’s the

keys to your brand-new car


hey if you got keys in his place full


hey aya I need some keys my zombies

cookies that is the case

so out out in the lobby that’s there’s a

2020 Kia Optima and it’s paid for and

insurance and tax entitle all of that

can y’all praise God with her real quick

this is nuts part




y’all hear that I think I think that’s

the heart of the doubting person boom

boom boom boom

I couldn’t prophesy to let them see that

God was real

we had to heal their heart by doing

something tangible visual and what okay

it’s one more hey Kim hey Kim come here

don’t run from me don’t run from the

blessing of God you look you got your

little stilettos all your Malone you

lookin good got your our pony you can’t

do it but I can so on your crazy faith

card I saw you wrote down that mama’s

getting a brand-new vehicle and you’re a

single mother beautiful son are you

seeing on the worship team and the thing

I love about you is every time I see you

you bring your son with you he’s into

rehearsals until 10 o’clock at night

sometimes and she’s sitting there

playing on his iPad and she decided not

to make her tragedy an excuse for God

using her life and how literally it’s

like oh yes she’s believing God for a

car and I just I just cuz tons of people

believing God for a car and in the Holy

Spirit said go back and look at it and

for some reason you put your odometer up

there and it had 200 in what 47 thousand

miles on your car two hundred and

seventy two thousand miles now it’s more

because you came to church today

and so on behalf of transformation

church could you open that box real


your your says it’s crazy till it

happens and there’s the keys to your

brand-new car in the lobby right now oh

we all rejoice women

yeah y’all come oh yeah come

okay so so it really is more blessed to

give than it is to receive this the

Thomas family now mostly I don’t know

the Thomas family but you felt their

impact gods ask y’all to really move

here y’all y’all sold everything y’all

moved here what it in September July

came here with no home they had an RV

and their four beautiful kids

tell me names of kids Madison Alexis

titus jag I like you Jay

and the first time I met them their

whole family was in this hallway right

here scrubbing the floor not just the

parents the entire family

and they didn’t do it to be seen they

didn’t do it to to get anything they

literally were sleeping in their RV and

coming up here everyday to just ask me

what is the church need well they’ve

done this for as long as been six months

now seven months and I heard that your

RV has been having some trouble lately

and then it got real cold and so one of

our volunteers has let your family stay

with them well I found out they’re about

to move and and I said well until they

get their RV fix like we got to do


so there’s a minivan in the parking lot


can you open that up for me he said I

don’t know how to open up for president

Pastor Mike don’t worry says it’s crazy

till it happens can you pass mommy and

daddy the keys to their brand-new 2020

minivan King uh-oh transformation church

can we give God a shout with him

yeah I want to see something she said do

you want to see something she pulled out

oh I just got emotional this is Alexis

what come here Alexis what did you ask

God for in crazy faith she literally

wrote down a picture of her whole family

and a van


can I tell you that God will meet the

needs of his children all y’all in here



thank y’all

I appreciate you Joe thank you here you

go thank you baby can we give God praise

for the Thomas phone

Jack Jack Jack dad hey J come here bro

can past I might have a hug I Love You


he’s like I don’t know it’s way can I

hug thank you buddy have a hook

with tears in our eyes come here baby

Alexis don’t leave your pastor hanging

come give me a hug I love you girl

hey Alexis Alexis Alexis hey y’all come

here come here what do you need more

than a car

what do you all need more than a car

what you right there Wow

she drew a house so baby girl Thomas

family I want to let you know on behalf

of transformation hurt

you have $250,000 to go buy a house


they got the kids I love y’all listen to

me don’t ever doubt again children

listen to me

your parents moved in crazy faith and

for the rest of your life I want you to

realize what you wrote down the house

and the car that God did that to prove

to you that he loves you so much you

hear me

transformation Church can we give God

praise oh can we give our good God our

great God a shout of praise thank you I

love you I love you here y’all gotta put

y’all cards in so uh

I didn’t know if we’d ever be able to do


but because of the generosity of every

person in this room we weren’t just that

you would have paid the bills we weren’t

just able to hire staff but God took us

from being a church and the steeple to

be in the church for the people Oh y’all

didn’t hear me so for the one I’m just

hoping something that was done today

could help heal your fading faith cuz

what God just did for all of those

people he did something that was


something that was what fish and

something that was what person but why

did he do it so that everything he says

will be believable hands lifted all over

this room father I’m thanking you I’m

thanking you right now that we will

never ever doubt you another day in our

life today give us faith to believe God

we couldn’t meet every person’s need in

this room as a church but you can and

Father you got people all over this

world ready and willing to move on

behalf of your people

so father help those who have fading

faith today to believe that the dream

you showed them will come to pass that

the family you showed them being unified

and saved it will happen in their

lifetime that the business that’s going

to change the world will be developed

and be blessed to be a blessing that the

ministry or the mission or the call that

you have for them father God will be

given to them and provided for god I

pray that hope would come alive in every

person again like never before

and father today as we give we’re not

giving to a church I think you that

we’re giving through a church for

everybody that’ll watch this on replay

for every church and organization that’s

been impacted when they played this

father God for their staff let them

watch the whole thing and let something

come alive me inside of them

I pray by the power of the Holy Spirit

that dad things come to life right now

their dreams and their visions and and

even negative thoughts about themself

heal us from the inside out

father you cared enough about Thomas to

do something tangible visual and

personal and God if you did it for

Thomas you’re no respecter a person

you’ll do it for each one of us so today

we thank you we praise you thank you

that we didn’t miss the moment where you

came and visited us in this room father

God we praise you and we thank you in

Jesus name

if you’re grateful for God who is the

only one that could work a miracle like

that let’s give God the biggest shout Oh



everybody just would take a seat we’re

about to give and this is what I’m gonna

ask everybody to do this is a holy

moment like so if you don’t got to run

out and you don’t have if it’s not of

emergency we understand but if it if it

isn’t we’re just asking you to take this

moment down every aisle and online there

are cards that we have that says I’m

believing God in crazy faith for and I

want you to write something on that card

they’re gonna pass them down the road

some some of y’all and came in here with

a full book already see you she said

it’s me pastor that’s me read my novel

but we’re gonna pray over every one of

these and then we’re gonna give some of

you have already given online the team

has told me that you already came you

couldn’t wait you gave yesterday he was

like I’ve just got to get this out my

account out of God paid Lord I be them

spent it on some fur let me get it out

thank you for your faithfulness but what

I’m gonna ask is that every person in

this room just for logistical reasons

that everybody would at least take a car

then get up and follow the directions of

the usher back to your seat and we’re

about to worship see the worship team’s

gonna sing a song but that’s not the

worship that God is saying oh yeah

that’s real worship you know a real

worship is it’s us obeying God and

giving our bodies as a living sacrifice

holy and acceptable for some of you who

took your last and you’re trying to

reason right now like oh my god that’s a

lot of money and I could be doing this

with that and you by faith everybody say

by faith you drop that money in that


God said there’s true worship when you

click that button for your transaction

that’s true worship when you write down

that crazy faith thing and you give from

your business or your savings or your

401k it doesn’t matter

God’s just looking for your obedience

and today some of you have been moved

even in this moment like yeah I cannot

not get in

it don’t close today all throughout the

week with people overseas you can get my

paypal you can give out you can wire

transfer you can call the office you can

do all that some people have been

calling because they’re giving large

sums and they need to wire him do not

let anything be an excuse for you doing

what God is asking you to do because

there was a woman in the Bible who she

didn’t have no she didn’t have enough to

why’re they wouldn’t accept her wire she

had what the Bible says is a might which

had to be something not a lot and when

all the big ballers were coming and

given in crazy faith or probably they

were just giving out of their abundance

and they didn’t even really bother them

this woman like many of you are gonna

come up to these buckets and click

online and she gave out of her need and

Jesus stopped everything he said hold up

do y’all see what just happened you

thought it was $10 but that was her

faith and obedience and he said

everywhere the gospel is treat she they

gonna know about her cuz it was not

about amount it was about everybody say

obedience I haven’t told anybody one

amount to give and I will not because

the amount you’re supposed to give has

nothing to do with me and has nothing to

do with your neighbor one dollar 1

million dollars it don’t matter

especially if God hasn’t directed you to

give it there’s people in here you’ll

never hear a pastor say this but I am

don’t give more than what God told you

to give I don’t know nobody would ever

say that now I’ll give more abundant if

if my daughter Isabella and I tell her

go clean your room and she then cleans

the kitchen cleans the bathroom cleans

the porch off and and and even cleans my

closet and I come back she said dad I’m


I said you did a lot you even did more

than what I wanted you to do but you

didn’t do what I asked you to do so

today this is an exercise of the mature

believer I just want you to give

whatever God whatever you feel like gods

tell you and some of y’all y’all y’all

be like ooh not that number that had to

be the devil but let me help you the

devil never tells you to give anything

but God will and he’ll show you how to

do it today I want to pray for every

person in this room and we’re gonna

begin to worship and then the ushers and

everybody section is gonna tell you how

to come and giving and then I want you

to worship God with everything you got

for some of you there are chains gonna

be broken off because your family has

gotten to one point of acceptance and

access but you never moved into action

but I believe by the power of the Holy

Spirit today generational curses are

being broken over people’s life God’s

about to do something for the expansion

of the vision here a transformation

church that will touch lives beyond us

ever seeing it we’re here to build a

church that represent God to the

lost-and-found for one reason what is it

transformation income and we pray that

our giving and our sacrifice today will

give us a legacy so when we’re gone when

Isabella is no longer here that of all

of our families and children will be

able to have a place that they can come

and experience progression not

perfection father in this moment we

honor you Father I don’t know what it

took for everybody to get to this moment

but I know what it took for me and my

family God and it was rough but God we

trust you we trust you with our hearts

we trust you with your with our soul we

trust you with our finances we trust you

with our resources

today it’s almost 4000 people in this

building and tens of thousands of people

online we give God we’re not giving to a

church we’re giving through a church

Father please accept this offering

I’m God I thank you that it’s seed sown

into good ground that will produce fruit

for other people and residually it will

produce food in our lives God I declare

in crazy faith that miracles signs and

wonders about to break out in this

church break out in our businesses the

father we will give you all the glory

all the honor and all the praise in

Jesus name everybody repeat it after me

say we agree we expect Amen we’re about

to sing a few worship songs and you can

stand and sing we’re gonna worship God

and I want you to follow the directions

of the ushers and you can give online

there’s tons of ways to give her you can

give here in person but let’s worship

God and give him all our praise come on

hands lift it all over this place come

on let’s lift our voice and lift our

hands to God and let’s start giving unto

the God who’s giving it all to us




no get worse as beautiful


they choose done for

















always person

as long as this











there is no there is no Jesus


there is no blood







the truth is today that we’re free





















every lies


we can see it right now we’re friends

because it’s








something just shifted in our church but

it didn’t shift in our church because

our church did something it shifted in

our church because it shifted in your

house and it shifted in your house cuz

it shifted in you the song we just sang

as we gave is there is no fun

what are we believing now I don’t know

what your chain is I don’t know what

your chain is some of you is pornography

others of you it’s been bad

relationships others of you it’s

insecurities fear failure it’s been a

chain that’s been holding you back but

what we just did is we gave in crazy

faith declaring that there is no bondage

so I just want you to sing it one more

time and when we sing it this last time

I want you to believe in faith everybody

watching online everybody that’s

watching on the rebroadcast the thousand

1,500 people that are still here I feel

the presence of God I want you to

believe that you’re singing this song

this time not as a prayer but as a

result no you didn’t hear me

this is no longer something we’re

praying this is the result of our crazy

faith so I declare you to sing it out to

heaven somebody just say there is no

bondage sing it out

declare it speak it out

believe it



Oh somebody’s doing it we’re gonna walk

in faith stay no fear


say holiday you have one come on hands

lift it all over this place

sing Holly you might as well worship in

this moment you have

just one more time can we sing that

somebody say aha


God is changing things


come on everybody hands lift it up say

Honolulu God we worship You God we

praise you thank you for doing something

in a steps tangible that spiritual

father that’s personal and you did it

after cross and what did he do somebody



that’s where Thomas dot is believed but

he didn’t stay down


just one more time somebody say

hallelujah DUP with heaven come on if

you believe it we’re shouting on the God

with the voice of triumph


give it to us a


Dargis need


you said it

come on let’s declare how good our God

is our God our God we might as well

praise Him this is what Heaven’s gonna

look like


come on one more time



come on there is Paris


you better play them




three seconds






whoo-hoo yeah just a voices say you have


say hallo this is what angels are

singing right now just one more time

let’s join the Angels say there’s no way

that death could hold you no way that

death could hold no way that that could

hold you

you got up you got up you got up you

gotta you got up you got up you no

longer here you witness and heavenly

place no longer here


has everybody had an opportunity to give

I said has everybody had an opportunity

is this a bunch of people rejoicing

about giving is this the balcony

rejoicing is this hey what better way to

go into the season where we celebrate

the birth of our Lord and Savior then us

to know that we put him everybody say

first so proud of you as a church I’m so

proud of you as a church in the room and

online and all week

don’t let nothing steal your joy like

the old church used to say it the world

didn’t give it and the world can’t take

it away today I love you I believe in

you let’s go out and live a transformed

life what just happy you watch this

video you just experienced the church

being the church we want you to

participate in this if you’re moved to

be a part of this end-of-the-year

offering this crazy faith offering I

want you to give you can give by our app

or you can go to transform Church to us

and give you need wiring information or

anything like that you can call the

church but what I really want you to

know it is not about amounts it’s about

obedience so I’m encouraging you to even

if you don’t get share this video it

will bring somebody’s faith back to life

that might be fading right now and I

want you to share it and I want you to

comment and I want you to like it I want

you to subscribe because we aren’t

ending this year in faith you do not

want to miss what God’s gonna do next

next week do our three services that

we’re having for Kris

and 2020 but julene God is about to do

something extraordinary thank you

honestly for being a part of what God’s

doing in transformation nation and if

this ministry has blessed you in any way

partner with us

and let’s see God do crazy faith things

for the rest of our lives

I love
