If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us

. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

well the funnest thing about leading a

amazing life-giving church is that I am

NOT the only gift in this house and and

and the beautiful thing about it is is

many times people want to just hear from

me and to hear what I have to say but

God told me not to build this church on

my personality to build it on a vision

and and I know I know I know a lot of

people don’t understand that but this

thing we want it to outlast me we want

it to outlast this staff we want it to

be here when they’re your children’s

children’s children need to find a place

to know God we want them to be able to

find a transformation church in their

area and so part of us doing that is the

gifts that God has entrusted in this

house is releasing them to share with

our church now the person that’s going

to speak today she’s one of my favorites

and um she honestly carries the vision

like myself and pastor Natalie we worked

in youth ministry together and she’s

been from youth ministry all the way to

our chief of staff right here

I had like like so some of y’all don’t

know her but you feel her I lead

transformation church she runs

transformation church but as far as the

Word of God on the inside of her I’m

telling you it’s something that’s so

strong and so potent and I believe that

she has a word for you today and so one

thing we’re gonna start in this culture

is we’re not gonna celebrate people from

the outside more than we celebrate

people on the inside so transformation

church would you stand to your feet

right now

and welcome our speaker for today miss

Bree Davis as she comes to give them


give them Jesus go hallelujah y’all are

in the place nine o’clock really eight

o’clock because we lost an hour so get

the scene please have your seat

I received I am so excited to share with

you today what I feel like God has been

speaking to me and and really today I’m

gonna tell on myself a lot and hope that

maybe it hits you wherever you are in

life today but I’m excited about what

God wants to speak today and I counted

an honor and a privilege to stand on

this stage and to be able to give you a

message from God it’s not a privilege of

it’s not a something that I’m obligated

to do or have to do it’s something that

it’s a privilege for me and so I’m

really excited about that a couple of

things before we get in into the word

today just a couple of housekeeping

things number one I’m just gonna ask you

to lean in today leaning into what God

may be saying to you this is not for

your neighbor today this is for you and

so I’m gonna ask you to just lean into

what the Holy Spirit may be saying to

you today and number two and this this

is the most important thing I have a new

red lipstick on today if I happen to

smile too big and get some on my teeth

just okay just let me know so I’m not

all over the YouTube okay with the red

on my teeth

okay now let’s go to God in prayer this

morning Lord we’re so grateful for your

love of God we’re so grateful for your

presence Lord Jesus Lord today we are

leaning in to hear from you what is it

that you want to say to us today God our

ears are open our heart is ready to be

molded by you God I’m so grateful that

we had an opportunity to pray and to

hear from you and God we thank you that

you’re in this place today and you have

a word to speak to us

and the name of Jesus we pray amen amen


well so today I’m gonna jump right in

because we got a lot a lot of stuff to

get through today and so today our

message title is detach to attach detach

to attach now I’m gonna get into why

that is a message title but before then

I want to to kind of lay a foundation

okay I believe that oftentimes as

believers sometimes we lean towards one

way or the other

and I think God is calling us to a

balance so I think sometimes as

believers we can be over spiritual okay

everything is spiritual like these are

the people that when you call instead of

saying hello

they say praise the Lord okay the people

that when you say how’re you doing today

blessed and highly favored and it’s like

I know you just got laid off from your

job let’s let’s be real like these are

the people that make being spiritual

that it’s like that’s not really like

the devil is not attacking your health

like if you just ate a salad every now

and then drink some water maybe you

would see some different things in your

body right so sometimes I think that we

can be a little over spiritual as

believers but today I want to talk about

the opposite side today I want to talk

about those of us that sometimes we’re

not over spiritual but we’re under

spiritual sometimes there’s those of us

that that we have so many practical ways

to make our life better so many

self-help things so many things that we

put into place that we forget that there

is a very large spiritual aspect to our

life that we must lean into on an

everyday basis today I want to talk to

those of us that sometimes forget that

God has given us a tool called the Holy

Spirit living on the inside of us and we

don’t have to live like everybody else

because he’s given us a tool to live the

abundant life that he has called us to I

think sometimes we can be under

spiritual and I think today God is

wanting to challenge us and ask us do

you see the bigger picture do you see

that even though we are

in this world we are not of this world

do you see that there is something

living on the inside of you that helps

you to live above what you were living

before meeting Christ I think that we

can we can look at Jesus in the

scripture and Jesus is a great example

Jesus was not over spiritual and he

wasn’t under spiritual okay so Jesus

wasn’t over spiritual he did not come to

this earth and use big theological words

that no one understood and talked over

everybody’s head and couldn’t have a

regular conversation no Jesus used

things like parables he will come here

and say there was a shepherd that had a

hundred sheep he had 99 ever’one was

lost he left the 99 to go find the one

because jesus knew that in order to make

a difference on this earth he had to be

relatable he had to understand the

people that he wanted to minister to so

as believers we have to still be

relatable but Jesus also was not under

spiritual Jesus knew the power that

lived on the inside of him and so

because we know that Jesus went under

spiritual it Jesus was under spiritual

we would have never seen the lame man

walk we would have never seen Lazarus

raised from the grave we would have

never seen the blind see in Scripture

and that is because Jesus did not deny

the power that lived inside of him just

so he can be relatable to other people

the scripture tells us that there are

type of believer that have a form of

godliness but denied the power thereof

meaning you believe in God but you don’t

allow his power to take up place in your

life to see change within you and around

you and so today I want to challenge you

today I want to challenge you to see

have you been living your life in a way

that is totally up to you your works

your effort your hustle your grind to

get to where you want to be in life or

have you leaned in to the Holy Spirit

that lives inside of you to tap into the

abundant life that you want to live

today I want you to just take a step

back and realize there is

a bigger picture somebody say there is a

bigger picture there is a bigger picture

and the scripture that I want to start

off with today is Decker I four and six

and I want you to remember this as we

talk all all day today it’s not by might

nor by power but by my spirit says the

Lord what are the things in your life

that you have been trying to get to by

your might and your power instead of the

Spirit of God it’s so funny because I

was going to share this at the end but I

feel like God is telling me to share

this now I was in the back before coming

out and my husband came up to me and was

just encouraging me and telling me you

know you got this whatever the case may

be and it’s so funny because three years

ago that was not our story that was our

first year of marriage and it was the

toughest year not just of our marriage

of our life and and is so crazy because

I had a I had to have a shift in my mind

now at this time we had been through

some different things that were just it

has shaken us to our core in our

marriage and I remember the other day I

was I was at this this place and I saw

you know one of those massage chairs you

know the massage chairs where he had to

sit like this and lean in it’s like the

most vulnerable seating position ever

that you have to sit in to get a massage

but anyways I remember back then I had

to go to them I went to the mall one day

and I got a massage in one of those

chairs because my body was just filling

all the aches and pain that was going on

in our marriage and I had so many

different nights and stuff and and and

during that week I actually was at that

point where I was staying at a hotel for

a couple of nights and I was talking to

my dad on the phone and my dad said to

me are you fighting and I was like

that’s why I’m here in this hotel cuz we

only been fighting yes I’ve been

fighting and he’s like no no no have you

been fighting for your marriage

not not flesh-and-blood fighting in the

spirit realm have you been fighting for

your marriage and y’all I’m telling you

there was a switch in my brain that

night I don’t know who was next door to

me on both sides of the hotel room but

they heard me praying all night long

because my dad was reminding me there’s

a bigger picture to this breathe there’s

a bigger picture than what you see right

now the things that you’re finding the

things that you’re trying to win the

argument you’re trying to make sure your

point is made there is a bigger picture

this is a spiritual fight not a

practical one so what are the things in

your life that are really there really a

spiritual fight but we’ve made them into

something that they’re not so we’re

trying to win the argument we’re trying

to make our point maybe the one we’re

trying to be be the best at whatever in

God’s name there is a spiritual world

that you live in that you have to stay

aware of and so when I’m standing back

there about to walk out here on this

platform I immediately get emotional

because if I hadn’t stepped back and saw

the bigger picture if I hadn’t seen what

kind of character God could build in me

from that situation if I hadn’t seen

that our marriage was supposed to be a

representation of how Christ loved the

church it’s a bigger picture to this if

I hadn’t seen that this was something

bigger than me and Aaron this is but

this is what God wanted to do in our

lives if I hadn’t stepped back and see

the bigger picture I would have been

fighting flesh and blood and God called

me to live above that and we wouldn’t

have had that moment behind the stage

because it wouldn’t have been no

marriage because we would have beat each


with our words with our actions with our

behavior we would have tore each other

down but it took us stepping back to see

there is a bigger picture there is a

bigger picture than what you see in

front of you

so at the end of last year passion might

was saying to us come up with a word for

the year right and I felt like I heard

guys say this word to me I didn’t really

like it I actually wrote something else

down during the offering time but but

I’ve since then have settled in this

word okay my word for 2019 is detach and

I ask God why he wanted that to be my

word and it was because my hands were

too full there are certain things that

God wanted me to hold on to and grab on

to that we’re connected to my purpose in

my calling but my hands were so full

with stress and anxiety and comparison

and trying to be what other people want

me to be I couldn’t hold on to who God

wanted me to be and so God asked me and

he may be asking you today to detach

because I believe there’s two things

that we need to do in order to see the

bigger picture in our lives the first

thing is detach you got to make the

small things the small things the things

that really don’t matter all that

difference at the end of your life those

are the small things but then after you

detach or something else that you have

to do and that is attached that’s making

the big things the big things so today I

think God is asking us what are the

things in your life that you’ve made the

big things there really are the small

things like your Instagram likes or

getting that new car when there’s other

things in your life that are big and

you’ve made the small like your marriage

or your kids spiritual understanding

yeah I know all your kids are in all the

sports all weekend you’re at the

football field and and whatever else I

don’t know nothing about sports to say

any other examples but how much time are

you spending praying with your kids and

teaching them how to pray how are you

going to make the small things and small

things and the big things the big things

in your life I think there’s four things

that God is asking me and I’m gonna

share with you to detach and attach to

detach from and attach to the first

thing is to detach from busy and attach

to becoming I think that in our society

busy is a badge of honor like people

love saying hashtag I mean like trying

to like act like they’re complaining

about being busy but really people love

being busy cuz it makes you feel

important but you got a whole lot of

things when your schedules all filled up

when you got a whole list of to do every

single day

it makes you feel important that you’re

busy but in all of that busyness who are

you becoming and all of that

rippen here and running there and fast

here and hurry here who are you becoming

because that’s the important part

there’s a there’s a story in the Bible

Mary and Martha and and it’s a great

story because every time I read it I

realize on Martha and that sucks but

Mary and Martha are at home with Jesus

Martha the responsible one

is in the kitchen cooking that chicken

show or whatever she’s making and she’s

in there be responsible getting the meal

together for everybody a Mary seemingly

lazy okay it’s sitting at the feet of

Jesus and Martha comes out and she is

like Jesus I’m here slaving in this

kitchen and Mary’s out here chilling

what is going on and Jesus says the


Martha Martha just so worried and upset

about many things when only few things

are needed while Martha was busy Mary

was becoming while Martha was in the

kitchen doing everything that she

thought was necessary to do Mary’s

character was being changed

Mary was becoming more and more like

Jesus because she was sitting at the

feet of Jesus now how many times in our

life do we sit still enough stop my busy

schedule sit ourselves down and ask

ourselves Who am I becoming not what am

i doing not what goals am i achieving

who am i becoming from the inside out

who am i becoming but see that makes us

have to stop the rippin and the runnin

in the past and hurry and the rush you

got to stop all that to really ask

yourself that question

Mary could have been in the kitchen

helping Martha but she knew the bigger

picture the bigger picture was what kind

of person was she going to become

there’s a scripture in 2nd Corinthians 3

and 18 and it says so all of us who have

had that veil with that they’ll remove

can see and reflect the glory of God and

the Lord who is a spirit makes us more

and more like him as we’re changed into

his glorious image to become it requires

us to lean into the Holy Spirit in our


because that scripture says it’s the

spirit that makes us more and more like

the glorious image of God now if I was

to sum up the glorious images image of

God in one word that word would be love

love is not a character trait of God it

is God God is love he cannot act outside

of love because it’s not just a part of

his personality it is his entire being

he is loved so if we’re becoming more

and more like God it means that we’re

becoming more and more like love so so

here’s the thing a sign of a mature

believer is not how many prophecies you

got it’s not how much word you know how

many church connections you have it’s

not even how many years you’ve been

involved in ministry and it’s not that

at all the sign of a mature believer is

how well do you love I don’t care how

many words you have every person that

walk past you you got a prophecy for

that’s great

you know the scripture backward and

forward you got five different

translations in your heart that’s great

you’ve been coming to church this church

was born all right but if you’re not

becoming loved

you’re not maturing a sign of maturity

is how well we love ourselves as well as

the people around us and that is the

glorious image of God that we should be

becoming so the question we ask

ourselves is not just who are we

becoming but am i becoming loved in all

my busyness is it making me more loving

or is it making me more frustrated and

stressed that’s what we have to ask

ourselves now number two what we have to

detach from is trying and we have to

attach to trusting there’s a scripture

Hebrews 11 and 6 it says without faith

that’s right

without faith it is impossible to please

God because anyone who comes to him must

believe the Higgs did

and that he rewards those who earnestly

seek Him I think sometimes we get this

scripture confused because it says

without faith it’s impossible to please

God I think that a lot of times as

believers we spend more time trying to

please God than trust God and the Bible

tells us that in order to please him you

have to trust him there is no pleasing

God without trusting God so all the many

years and times it’s been trying trying

trying trying to please God he’s saying

but do you trust me I know you trying

but don’t you trust me

here’s the thing I want you to think

about this think about two different

relationships in your life think about

the relationship where you feel like

you’re always trying versus a

relationship where you feel like you’re

trusting those are two very different

types of relationships one feels like

you’re never going to attain you’re

never going to be worthy enough you’re

never gonna be good enough the other one

feels like you can be yourself mistakes

and all flaws and all and you’re still

gonna be loved that’s the kind of

relationship God wants with us but if we

have put God in the box of trying to

please him versus trying to trust him

we’ve now belittled our relationship

with him to something that relies on our

works instead of him and His grace I

think God is asking us a great example

of this is trying to remain sexually

pure okay now the way that I grew up

this was the instruction for remaining

sexually pure don’t have sex before

marriage okay that was basically all the

instruction we got now that it was up to

us to figure out how we do that okay

many failed because there was not enough

instruction given but but what happens

is it turns into our works rather than

God’s grace that lives on the inside of

us it turns into okay I just got to do

this and do that I got to set this

boundary and make sure I don’t answer

the phone after this time

and hang out with these people and don’t

hang out with these people and I’m not

saying any of that is bad but if that is

not connected to you know what God

created this body I trusted as he

created it he can control it I trust

that if he knows how this body works and

what this body desires that he can help

me curb those appetites with something

that’s healthy for me he knows how this

body operates I’m gonna give this body

back to him and say you know what God I

will do everything I can in the natural

but what I know is to do it to Carmody

do it take the supernatural so I have to

trust you

in Philippians 2 and 13 it says for God

is working in you giving you the desire

and the power to do what pleases him you

do not have to try to please God all you

had to do is trust that he will give you

the desire and he will empower you to do

what pleases him we spent so much energy

trying to keep God pleased with us

and he saying just trust me just trust

me just trust it if I said that this is

what I want you to do I will empower you

to do it now that is what I’m talking

about when I say we have to make sure

we’re not living an under spiritual life

because everything that God has asked us

to do everything that God has called us

to do he’s already put that ability

inside of us he’s already empowered us

to do what he’s asked us to do but it

requires us trusting him to actually

lean into that God knows and he asks you

to forgive those that have hurt you

he’s asking you to do that on your own

he said I put I am the forgiver and I

live inside of you I need you to trust

in it to forgive him this inside of you

he will help you forgive those that have

hurt you he said yeah I asked you to

cause I called you to love those that

have used you and done you wrong you

don’t think I’ll give you the power to


it’s it’s it reminds me of any time I’m

trying to hang a picture up at home and

I can’t find the hammer

I get very impatient I find shoes bricks

pills whatever I can find to hang the

picture up until finally my husband

finds a hammer and comes to me and gives

it to me and says put that crap down

that is not the tool to get this nail

into the wall your works your your

efforts your your your energy that you

are spending right now trying to please

God is not the tool that he is giving

you to please him he has given you the

Holy Spirit and that’s how you please

him by trusting the Spirit that lives

inside of you this is why we can’t be

under spiritual this is why we got to

see the bigger picture because often

times we try to do things on our own and

God is saying I’m giving you a tool put

the heel there put the brick down here’s

the hammer lean into me and trust me and

then it doesn’t feel like you’re on a

hamster wheel trying to break cycles for

years on your own trying to break

generational curses all your old I’ve

given you the power to do that but it

requires you trusting me third thing

that I think we have to detach from and

attach to we have to detach from pride

and attach to purpose now every single

one of us when we’re born into this

world we’re giving a given a sinner

starter packet okay you come in and what

you come into this world with as a

sinner starter package okay and that

sinners start a packet it is described

in first John it’s three things the way

that the enemy will always tempt you now

if you grew up ring King James Version

like me you heard lust of the eyes list

of this flesh pride of life another

translation in NLT I think is great

it’s a craving

for physical pleasure this is how the

enemy Tim shoot you can probably link

every single one of the mistakes you’ve

made and since you’ve done back to one

of these things a craving for sit for a

physical pleasure a craving for

everything you see and a pride and

achievements and possessions so as holy

as you may be more than likely you’re

gonna deal with one if not all of these

three temptations pride is something

that each and every single one of us

deal with and I know as soon as you

think you have eliminated pride in your

life is when you realize that you have

not okay so did you thank you humble you

not humble okay and so here’s the thing

prize separates us from our purpose in

God now we can see that in many

different ways we see in an Eve okay

even Genesis that the serpent tempted

her three different ways that she was

lured into this temptation she saw the

fruit was delicious physical pleasure

the she she saw the tree was beautiful

craving for everything that she sees and

she wanted the wisdom that it was going

to give her a pride in her achievements

and possessions so so the enemy knows I

got three different tracks now I’ll use

it in many different ways it’ll be

different scenarios in your life but at

least three different ways I know I can

lure you in and after those three things

Eve ate the fruit and it separated her

from purpose it separated her from the

presence of God we saw the same thing in

Lucifer he was angel over worship as

soon as I started taking worship for


separation immediately because God don’t

share his throne with us that’s his room

and as soon as we get an inflated view

of ourselves which is pride

an inflated view of ourselves it

separates us from purpose now this point

is really really special to me because

it’s something that God has been talking

to me about in my personal life and and

it’s because of this go ahead and put

that that chart up there for me okay so

really quick this is an org chart for

our church

all those little boxes at the bottom

have people’s names in them but we

didn’t put their names in them today

as you can see it starts with Pastor

Mike at the top and then after that is

myself and then all of our staff after

that okay you can take it down now this

point is important to me because I know

what you see when you see me up here you

see a very confident slightly funny cute

little girl 32 year old bold enough to

cut all our hair off and dye it blonde I

know what you see but you don’t know

what I see I see a girl in second grade

whose mom curled her hair and little

Susie Q curls for picture day she went

didn’t realize that the weather was

going to include rain went to recess and

came back in with a totally different

hairstyle after I came in from recess

mind you I was in the second grade

Heather walked past all the fourth grade

boys and they did not stop themselves

from saying what they thought it was the

first experience in my life that I was

ever bullied it was the first experience

in my life that I ever felt the feelings

of unworthiness and that things stuck

with me so much so that even though

there’s a 32 year old woman on that war

chart every now and then that second

grader shows up that second grader that

needs some approval that needs some

attention that needs to feel important

that second grader that doesn’t realize

that she’s loved that doesn’t realize

that she’s worthy that doesn’t realize

that she

enough every now and then that second

grader shows up and I know for you it

might be the six-year-old it might be

the fourth grader it might be the

fifteen-year-old sometimes it shows up

in your life and what it does is it

leans me into pride because all of my

immaturity comes to the top and all of

my insecurities come to the top and when

that comes to the top I have to prove my

worthiness and that’s where pride starts

when you feel like you have to prove

your worthiness to those around you

so now God has blessed me with this role

as chief of staff at this church not

normally a role that a woman has

honestly and and oftentimes I’m brought

face to face with are you going to lean

into pride or are you going to lean into

purpose because the reason God gave me

that role is not to be served it’s not

to be admired or respected it’s to serve

every other person on that

organizational chart but to stay in a

place of purpose means two things

you got a plant stay in a place of

service because purpose is always

directly linked to people and you got to

stay in a place of humility because

purpose is always and I mean always

bigger than you and so so it’s up to me

to make that decision on a day-to-day

basis am i doing when I’m doing so

people will admire me and respect me and

love me and tell me that I’m worthy or

am i doing what I’m doing because God

had called me to serve people that he

has called me to leave it lead in such a

way where I hope to find out what God

has called other people to and push them

towards their purpose it’s not about

what people feel about me it’s about how

I make other people feel pride separates

you from purpose so what if God came to


day and said breathe there needs to be

multiple Chiefs of Staff at this church


that’s where I get my significance

that’s where I get my worthiness what if

God comes to me one day and said breathe

I need you to transition into something

else oh because this lets me know that

I’m great we have to realize that in

order to establish purpose to order to

move towards purpose in our life it

requires humility it is not something

that we have to do in our own in

Galatians 5 it tells us the fruits of

the spirit the spirit that lives on the

inside of us produces fruit in us and

one translation instead of gentleness

says humility because they are

synonymous in the Greek language

gentleness is humility

so while we are trying to be all and try

to prove our worthiness to everybody

else God is saying lean into the spirit

that lives inside of you cuz it’s gonna

produce something in you that you cannot

produce in yourself and that is humility

that is okay we’re playing the

background so somebody else can play the

foreground and that’s where our purpose

is directly linked to because it’s not

about us there is a bigger picture what

are you spending your time and energy on

and why is it cuz it makes you feel

significant and worthy or is it because

it’s directly linked to the purpose that

God has called you to so we have to

detach from pride and attach it to

purpose now that here is my last thing

last thing we have to detach from empty

and attach to eternal let me read this

scripture in Matthew 16 matthew 16 21 to

23 it says from then on Jesus began to

tell his disciples plainly that it was

necessary for him to go to Jerusalem and

that he would suffer many terrible

things at the hands of the elders the

leading priests and the teachers of

religious law he will be killed but on

the third day he’ll be

raise from the dead but Peter took him

aside and began to reprimand him cuz he

is crazy

he began to reprimand Jesus for saying

such things and said heaven forbid Lord

he said this will never happen to you

Jesus turned to Peter and slapped him

I’m sorry that’s what I would have done

mother I’m sorry I apologize

forgive me Father okay sorry okay Jesus

turned to Peter and said get away from

me saying you are a dangerous trap to me

you were seeing things merely from a

human point of view and not God’s now I

want you to imagine this we’re saying

detached from the empty and attached to

the eternal what if Jesus wasn’t

attached to eternal what if Jesus was

not attached to the eternal plan that

God had for mankind and yet instead he

was more attached to his ideas and his

opinions and the things that he wanted

to do Jesus showed us in the Garden of

Gethsemane that he did not want to go to

the cross but he was so attached to the

eternal purpose that God had for you and

for me that he still went to the cross

allowed them to do all the things that

they did to him when he could have took

himself off of the cross died and rose

three days later so that we can

experience a life in Him Jesus was

attached to the eternal things how much

energy how much stress how much anxiety

are you spending attached to that empty

things in life a test of the things that

when you leave this earth they’re not

going to matter attached to your money

and your cars and your house attached to

fame and fortune attached to my friends

on social media God said love is bigger

than that there is a bigger picture but

you got to realize

one of the things I’m attached to that

has eternal value versus the things that

when I leave this earth ain’t nobody

gonna care about there’s one thing that

I had to do here at working at this

church that you know is a little

difficult and that is going to many

different funerals we have the privilege

of serving a lot of families that are

going through a grieving process because

they’ve lost someone in their in their

life and one thing that we have to do is

is put together a service that that so

Beautif beautifully represents a person

that passed away and it has made me

think on many occasions what are people

going to say about me when I leave this

earth what’s the impact that I’m gonna

make here is it gonna be empty or is it

going to be eternal well people’s lives

be changed because they come into

contact with the God that lives inside

of me Oh will I be so busy that I’m no

longer becoming love am I gonna spend my

days trying and trying and trying to

please God or am I gonna trust him am I

going to lean into all my little second

girl pride second great girl pride or am

I gonna really focus on the purpose that

God has called me to you have an eternal

reason for being on this earth but you

got to see there is a bigger picture in

Psalms there is a scripture that says

teach us to number our days every day we

have on this earth is a gift are you

gonna spin it on empty things or eternal

things I think that’s what God is asking

us today look at your time look at your

schedule look at the things that stress

you out look at the things that bring

you joy

is it empty or eternal let’s pray today

lord I thank you so much for your

presence and for your power thank you

God that you live on the inside of us

and you are alive in us God thank you so

much that today you spoke so clearly to

our hearts and that got you want us to

just lean into you that you don’t want

us to understeer achill Isaac’s

experience you also don’t want us to

over spiritualize me God but you want us

to be those that trust in the Holy

Spirit on the inside of us thank you for

teaching us how to do that thank you

that we don’t have to do that on our own

we love you in the name of Jesus we pray
