If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

the intention of this series is to help

you to help every person in here no

matter what level you’re on right now to

go to another level in your devotion to

God to learn how to desire to be devoted

to God to learn that it’s not always a

desire sometimes it’s a discipline of

being devoted y’all know sometimes we

want to want to get in the presence of

God we want to pray I don’t want to do

that sometimes you’re not going to want

to and sometimes it’s going to be a

discipline of devotion we’re going to

talk about through this series that it’s

gonna have to be dedication and then I’m

gonna give you practical application

because the one thing I hate is people

who get up here and tell you what you

need to do and they don’t tell you how

to do it and so we will never do that at

transformation Church if I spend any

time I’m gonna spend more time telling

you how to do it then what to do because

if we can’t apply this in our lives it’s

of not we literally just waste our time

every Sunday okay we want this to be

applied to your life and so let’s talk

about this word devotion real quick

write that down if you’re taking notes

of devotion it’s a word that most of you

have not said all year long think about

the last time you use the word devotion

in a sentence many of us don’t use that

word but we are devoted to certain

things the word devoted has three

primary the definition of devotion has

three primary components it means that

you are that you love are loyal and

enthusiastic for a person activity or a

cause love loyalty and enthusiasm for a

person activity or a cause yell at me

right now some of the things that you

love are loyal to and are enthusiastic

about come on somebody sushi somebody

said my man my man okay what else are

you a football golfing coffee come on

what you say pokemons go what okay

music now watch now watch

many of us have those three components

in many areas of our life I think about

this football starts today and some of

the men said God is here like okay

football starts today and there are men

that aren’t devoted to taking a shower

I’m devoted to going to a job but for

the next 16 weeks they are going to be

devoted to watching some people they

don’t know none of them know you you

have their Jersey they don’t have yours

okay they’re gonna be devoted to

watching people play a game now some of

y’all will think about that but some

ladies are devoted to shopping

y’all know when the set you know right

when is about to go on sale like how

many y’all got things that you’ve been

watching it go down 50 percent 65

percent 75 percent I’m coming back for

the 80 percent like y’all know exactly

when stuff is about to happen um some of

us are devoted to our children some of

us are devoted to our marriage and this

is a thing that I want everybody to

understand that a lot of preachers and

pastors go too hard on this part of it

they say you know I’m saying you devote

it to things wrong but you only need to

be devoted to God no no God just wants

you to be devoted to him first see it’s

not that we can’t be devoted to other

things that we can’t love be loyal to be

enthusiastic about other things but God

is saying I have to be in the first spot

and then everything else can flow he

says I’ll even bless it matter of fact

I’ll even add it to you Matthew 6:33

says if you just seek first the kingdom

my interest what I want I will literally

bring you football tickets bring you a

husband be able I will do it but you

just have to make me priority and many

of us we go after the things instead of

the king

and so we get the results of being with

things that’s temporary and we don’t get

the benefit of having the King bless

everything that we do so what we’re

gonna do through this series is walk

through how we can be more devoted and

again that’s love loyalty and enthusiasm

when I say love that’s not just a

buzzword anymore

if you were here last week you have a

whole different perspective on what the

word l.o.v.e means we have to learn

about God obey God verbalize our love

for God and then evolve we have to

change when we talk about we love you

God that is not just a word that we say

in songs that is an action word from

this point on and so we need to love God

more the other thing is we need to be

loyal to him and this is let me use

another word we have to be faithful to

him we have to be in relationship with

him consistently I don’t know how many

people in our day and age try to have

relationships with people and they call

it just being friends okay some of y’all

old school don’t know nothing about this

but but for the young people

y’all know like it’s like we just

friends and what that really means is

that we want to do everything like we’re

loyal to each other but at the moment

that it crosses the line of my

comfortability I can back out because

we’re just and so what happens – it

kills the key ingredient to a successful

relationship with this being faithful

which is being loyal which is continuing

to communicate and have allegiance to

the same person and that’s what God

wants for us he just says I want you to

be faithful to me I want us to be able

to have communication and I want to know

we’re gonna talk today but we not the

next time we’re gonna talk is not a

month from now we’re gonna see see when

you’re just friends

I can talk to you today and not even

think about you for another year and

then when I need you that’s when I call

and they’d be like well what happened I

thought you like yeah it ain’t even all

that remember which

fritzsche what God is saying he wants to

be more than just a friend to you he

wants to be somebody who is consistent

with you and you are consistent with him

and that means we have to be loyal to

communicating with God the other part of

that is enthusiastic enthusiasm

excitement do you get enjoyment out of

being with God

see these are things that people don’t

usually talk about because it pushes

buttons on all of our radars the one

talking the pastor the what the man of

God is up here saying you know what I

have to go to another level in my

devotion I don’t want anybody to think

that we anybody in this room has arrived

because God goes from grace to grace and

glory to glory we all have levels to go

to so I want everybody to understand if

you’re not at this level right now of

devotion where you love God you’re

enthusiastic about it you’re loyal to


it’s okay that’s why you’re here and

that’s why I’m here because I want to

help you by the end of this series you

are going to know practically how you

can be better devoted to God is it gonna

take something of you yeah but it’s the

end result better than what you’re

experiencing now I promise you it is and

so I want everybody in this room to be

devoted to God and let me say it like

this if you are a Christ follower aka a

Christian you’re supposed to be devoted

to God that’s what God expects of us but

he doesn’t just leave us out here and

say be devoted to me love me keep my

commands do all this other stuff and

just leave us in this place he helps us

every step of the way and so the

question I want you to ask yourself

right now not out loud but after I tell

you what devotion is ask yourself am I

devoted to God and give yourself an

answer okay you don’t got us some of

y’all here it’s starting to move don’t

move your head don’t let your neighbor

know but I want you to know because we

don’t all have to be aware but you have

to be self aware God can never move you

from a place you don’t acknowledge

you’re at

and so I want you to acknowledge where

you’re at right now you know what I

could grow in my devotion you know what

I feel like I’m doing pretty good but I

could keep going to the next wherever

you’re at I want you to know because I

promise you if you listen to the word

and stay a part of this series the whole

way God is going to take you to a whole

nother level in your devotion to him and

when I say devotion I’m not talking

about a religious ritual I’m talking

about relationship responsibilities I

don’t tell my wife I love her out of

ritual babe I love you today babe you

are lovely I love you today

that’s ritual and that’s what many

people do in their relationship with God

is Sunday got to go to church why cuz I

got to I got to praise I got to pray I

got a worship I got to see the Bible

says don’t forsake but there’s no life

in there there’s no love in that there’s

no real enthusiasm about that

and God said you can just keep that

that’s not exciting to me I remember one

time where I gave my wife a gift that

was kind of forced like like she

basically laid every crumb trail for me

to get her this gift and then finally I

was like here babe here’s the gift she’s

like take it back looks like no no no no

no not after all that work not after all

that she said you didn’t even want to do

it you did it because it’s what I asked

for but you didn’t even want to do maybe

that many of our lives when we’re saying

we’re devoted to God is not what we want

to do is what we feel like we have to do

come on let’s be real I want to take

that out of the equation I want to

worship in a church where it’s people

who want to worship God not who are

forced to and many times churches and

pastors and denominations have tried to

control us by telling us what we have to

do or this is gonna happen what I’m

saying to every person in this place

that God loves you so much that he’s

already proven it to you by sending his

son and now he wants you to respond to

it and the proper response is love but

it’s love continually it’s not at a

moment it’s continually

we have to get devoted to God so when we

think about this this is not about

perfection this is about progression so

all of us are going to continue to move

forward and for a lot of you this is a

season of reevaluating because there was

a season where you were more devoted to

God but then seasons changed have you

ever been in a season and you didn’t

realize that the seasons changed like

some of y’all went outside in shorts and

and then you realize hold on this fall

out here and your knees is ashy and

stuff is changing because it changed on

you but you didn’t change with the

season many of us in our devotions lives

we haven’t recognized the season chain

like I used to be so devoted before the

business blew up or before we had these

kids I always had my prayer time on lock

or you know what I mean I really loved

worshiping God but since I got this new

school schedule or work schedule it just

seems like and many times we don’t

realize that our seasons are changing

this is the thing that we have to

realize and it is a truth that you have

to be able to be aware of that even

though life changes your connection with

God can never change I want to help you

because this is where we get to places

like house ahead then I get down here in

this situation because we stop

connecting to God one thing that God

told me he said when I bless you don’t

stop coming to me wait wait cuz you know

when you gets written when everybody

turn left you when it’s just you and God

you just sitting there rocking all God

is just me and you I Love You Father

good day you seeing all your own words

you praying you showed up to devotion on

time you watching sermons online you do

all these other things and then when you

get the breakthrough Oh am I the only

one when you get the break doors like

thanks daddy

I’m blessed like I’m in this whole

nother world where I don’t need to be

connected to God anymore and that’s what

happens when we’re not devoted when it’s

not a consistent thing when it’s based

on our circumstance or our need and what

I’m saying is yes we do have

circumstances and we do have needs but

it’s much easier to always be connected

to the source than to have to always

come back to the source okay and so

that’s what this series is about um I

want everybody to see how I’m about to

do this because we titled the series

charged up and basically I want to use

this whole series as teaching how Jesus

would do it if you ever studied the

teachings of Jesus he would use parables

and metaphors of the time to be able to

explain um big truths in simple ways

because people would know how to relate

so he would always use farming examples

like reaping and sowing that wasn’t just

because he wanted you to understand

reaping and sowing is because the people

back then were farmers so they

understood reaping and sowing so if he

was giving it now he would talk probably

technology because all of us use

technology so that’s what I’m gonna do

so in this series we’re going to use

technology to be able to bring a big

truth and make it a very simple of how

we’re supposed to connect to God so if

you have a smartphone I want you to pull

it out right now get it out your purse

if you have a smartphone if you have a

dumb phone go ahead and pull that out as

well a remedial phone whichever phone

that you do have I want you to pull it

up and once you pull it up want you to

put it in the air right now come on put

it in the air if you got your smart

phone okay then I want you to wave it

around here we go wave it up in

I said wave it like you just don’t care

if you pay your bill and you got service

let me hear you say oh yeah there you go

some of y’all don’t pay your bill your

mom pays your now I’m just playing okay

now this phone your smartphone is about

to become an instrument that God is

going to minister to you through for the

next about four weeks God has started to

download to me analogies of how these

things work and what we’re supposed to

use these things for that are going to

help us understand staying connected to

God so I want you to prophesy to your

phone right now I want you to say phone

speak to me I’m listening now put it up

to your ear and say hello okay I’m just

flame okay so but I’m telling you you’re

gonna start getting revelation through

this charged up series that’s gonna

speak to you and I’m nowhere around and

God’s about to show you something that

phone in this series represents you okay

your phone represents you that phone was

created by a creator Apple Sony HTC

Samsung whatever you got you were

created by a creator that phone was

created with purpose you were created

with purpose before he formed you in his

mother’s womb he knew you he had plans

for you to prosper you and not to harm

you to give you a hope in a future you

have purpose somebody say I have purpose

even if the purpose never is fulfilled

you were created with purpose okay just

like this phone you were beautifully and

wonderfully made come on the phones

today does anybody remember them first

brick phones and then how many members

are Nokia is that you plays snake on you

understand what I’m saying

ugly phones look at the phones that are

created now distinct in their their um

dimensions and they’re all the different

things that happen they were created

beautifully and wonderfully just like

you these phones every single one of

these phone has the ability to touch the

world on the inside of every one of

these phone I can call South Africa

right now do you know that there’s the

potential on in the inside of you that

God has placed something on the inside

of you that can literally go around this

world and touch the entire globe that’s

in you this phone as well as you is full

of potential

do you know the things a phone can do

today you can explain exchange stock you

can call a car you can plan a business

meeting you can literally take pictures

and create videos for your family there

is literally endless options of

potential that you can do with your

phone do you know that’s the same thing

with your life in this potential so much

inside of you that you’ve never even

tapped on how many people have apps on

their phone that they’ve never used look

at you there’s things on the inside of

you that have never been tapped before

there are things that are waiting to

revolutionize the you the way that you

are effective but has not been even

touched yet just like your phone you

were chosen every one of us chose the

phone that we have just like God chose


he called you joint hairs and he called

you my chosen people and just like that

phone you were bought with a price

don’t make me preach this in here

nobody has a phone that was free even if

they told you was for you paying in it

in your contract they tricked you but

there was a price that was prayed when

Jesus came to this earth to save us all

we were bought with the price so when

you look at your phone and you look at

your life there’s so many other

parallels and we could literally I could

spend the next 20 minutes drawing

parallels but this is what I want to

talk about today is that no matter how

much your phone can do how much

potential it has no matter how much it

can change everything around you that

phone is of no use unless it hooks to a

power source I want you to understand

that the same is applicable for your

life that everything that you want to do

the potential that God has placed on the

inside of you to touch the entire world

the things the creativity all of the

things that you feel when you go to

sleep and you wake up with it is of no

and void if you do not connect to the

power of God so today the title of the

message is power source power source I

want everybody to get connected to God

and I want us to realize that we will

only be able to have limited

effectiveness in whatever we’re doing

until we truly and continually plug into

the power source somebody say power

source have you ever been somewhere and

you are at the moment of doing something

very crucial and your phone went dead I

mean there’s a few that are worse than

others though like when you’re getting

directions through a Maps or Google Maps

or Siri and you’ve never been to the

place before and you’re following it and

literally right before

you get there the phone dies and

literally now you’re praying they’re

like Lord be my GPS jesus take the wheel

cuz I do not know how to get to this

place or what about when you’re at your

child’s or your grandchild recital and

you’ve been recording all these horrible

kids singing and now your person about

to get up there and right when they open

up that mouth yes and then it falls and

your phone goes dead that’s devastating

or what about when you and your loved

one are in a let’s call it um heated

communication and y’all are about to hit

the resolve and you send a very long

text message that has all your heart in

it and right y’all know what I’m talking

about and right before you hit sin

the battery dies every one of those

situations and circumstances are what we

call devastating because until I find a

power source to connect to all of the

potential that was about to be created

is completely stopped the question is

what do we do to go get a power source

many of us have tons of them just

sitting everywhere how many people have

a charger in your car okay at your house

by your bed on your living room some of

y’all got portable chargers some of

y’all get mo fees y’all know what those

are it’s like a charger inside the case

we walking around because we cannot let

this phone die

I think about that in our lives and are

some of us trying to do functions like

marriage work a job raise kids go to

school live pure lives but we’re running

on no charge

and it’s crazy because you can act like

you’re doing something on the phone when

nothing’s happening and many people are

holding their devices no power many

people are going through life no power

today I want you to connect to the

source and this is what I want you to

know point one is that every person in

here you need power to live this life

you need power to live this life life is

real I don’t know your personal

situations but all of us deal with real

situations in our life from our families

to our jobs our purpose to our careers

and life is real we deal with comparison

we deal with sin we deal with all kinds

of stuff that we need the power of God

to help us deal with and many of us are

drained if I was really to talk to you

one-on-one without everybody around and

talk to you about what are the things

that are feeding you and what are the

things that are draining you a lot of us

are drained doing the work of the

ministry can drain you being a mother a

father work in that job doing these

things can train you how many of you

have an area of your life right now that

is draining you let’s be honest an area

of your life listen that’s life and see

there’s no real cute story or poem or

just scripture I can give you too cuz

everybody wants life to go away but

Jesus was so done with it that he wanted

us to see everything that we would deal

with coming so he said in this life you

will have trouble but take courage

because I’ve already overcome the world

so I want everybody to know that life is

real but God is realer if that if I can

say it like that

he’s already overcome the situations

that are

I have gone on in your life but now we

have to plug in to the source the power

source and so who is the power source

point number two I’m gonna be very

elementary in this so you can get it

the power source is God God is your

power source why are you saying that

Pastor Mike because we try to make other

things our power source you try to make

people your power source come on I just

need them to encourage me I just need

them to affirm me I just need them to

give me a position I just need another

job title I just need and we’re trying

to get enthusiastic we’re trying to get

get what we need to get to feel like we

can continue to go from somebody who

doesn’t even have the capacity to fund

us with the power some of us try to get

our power from our marriage and we’re

supposed to be giving to that thing but

we don’t have anything to give some of

us are trying to get powered by pop

culture what Wayne is doing what Nikki’s

doing what the Kardashians are doing

what this this gives me identity this

gives me purpose I’m in your house cuz

it’s real and what happens is that we

find out that those things try to give

us a little pep but it doesn’t keep us


but what God’s saying is if you would

ever get the audacity to consistently

and continually plug into me I will be

the power source that will never ever

run dry I will be the thing that when

you plug in to me it will begin to

change the way that you operate that you

move that you function how efficient you

are that’s what God wants to be to you

he wants to be your power source look at

2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 3 2nd Peter

chapter 1 verse 3 I want you to

understand that in this life those

things that come to drain you that on

top of all of that the enemy comes to

drain you

that’s what it says in John 10:10 that

the thief comes to steal kill and

destroy or drain you but Christ came

that we might have life and life more

abundantly to the full another

translation says charged-up

there’s nothing like seeing your battery

with a hundred percent in that little

green on battery why cuz you know you

can go off of that charge what God says

is I did not come for you to live a half

full life or a low battery life

I came to for you to live charged up I

came to keep you continually supplied

with what you need to live this life and

that’s why he said that I came that you

might have life not exist see most of us

say God came so that I might exist and

exist more abundantly many of us have

not started living we’ve just been

existing God says I want you to change I

want you to be food I want you to be

charged up but you got to connect to the

power source

first Peter I mean second Peter chapter

1 verse 3 let’s find out who the power

source is it’s God it says His divine

power whose divine power God’s his so he

is a power source all to himself now it

gets sweeter

he says his divine power has given who

us now God is giving us an opportunity

to plug into the power that he has look

at it he’s given us everything we need

for a godly life that should be

encouragement to everybody in this room

oh my god I don’t know how I’m gonna do

this I don’t know how I’m gonna do this

I don’t know how I’m gonna get through

this God saying I’m a power source that

I through what I’ve done on the cross

I’ve given you made available to you

every thing that you need to live this

life to stay charged up to live it to

the full look at it and it says through

the knowledge of him who called you are

called us by his own glory and goodness

when we get saved let me just break this

down when we get saved

we get an unlimited access to power

when you say Christ I’m putting my faith

in you now you get access to power

somebody shout power at me okay I want

you to see this so clearly because

access to power does not mean that you

plugged in here me many people can have

access to something but never use it but

when you get saved you get access to the

power but are you using it give an

example me and my wife we remodeled a

home and before we owned the home I used

to break into the home to dream I just

told on myself they left the door little

unlocked so I go in there all the time

pray all over it

look at where stuff was gonna be and

there was no power in the house um and

when we actually purchased the house I

went down to a EP and I made a decision

and I paid a price and then I was able

to receive power to the house kind of

like our Christian walk when we make a

decision to believe Jesus Christ is Lord

then and we and there was something paid

Christ paid the bill then we get the

ability to receive power so now power is

coming to the house but it’s not until I

take something and plug it into it that

I get to see the benefits of the power

that I have access to I want everybody

to realize what I’m saying to you many

of you and many Christians have access

to the power of God but we have not

plugged into it

point-blank period coming to church is

not the thing that’s going to plug you

into the power source it’ll get you

enthusiastic about it it’ll be a be a

good kick starter but it’s what you do

tomorrow it’s what you do on Tuesday and

Wednesday and Thursday

that makes the transfer be able to

happen this is why I want you to

understand very clearly as we’re

starting this series and I’m just laying

the foundation for you today to

understand that we’re gonna plug into

something that is strong that is able to

handle our situations God is our power

source do you know this power source was

here before us it’s been here before us

and it’ll be here after us that’s why

the word says it like this in John 1:1

it says in the beginning the word

already existed it was the word and the

Word was with God and the Word was God

God is the power source that’s gonna

help you handle your job your family

your marriage you’ll send issues your

wrong habits he’s the power source so we

have to plug in to him and so this is

what I want you to know as I talk about

the source today cuz the rest of these

weeks I’m gonna tell you how we’re gonna

plug in the different connections and

all those different things but I just

want to give you three attributes of

God’s power the first one is that God’s

power is dependable God’s power is

dependable you need to know this because

many of us are scared to really give our

lives fully over to God because we don’t

know if it’ll work I hear that more than

I tried before and it just didn’t work

out the right way or you know I’m saying

I really want to give this a shot and

what God is saying to all of us is my

word and my power is dependable look at

Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 it says the

son is the radiance of God’s glory and

the exact representation of his being

sustaining all things by his powerful

word what God is saying to you is

everything you’ve experienced in this

life I’m sustaining with the word that I

spoke do y’all know in the beginning God

spoke let there be light do you know

that the son is still being sustained by

the word that was spoken by God

it’s dependable do you know when he said

I’m gonna form man in my image that I’m

a breed do you know you’re created

because God spoke a system of creation

into place and it’s sustaining

everything right now I need you to

recognize that the power of God in your

life is dependable it’s more dependable

than the banking system it’s more

dependable than your family is more than

dependable then who’s gonna be the

President of the United States the power

of God is everybody say dependable and

this is what it says after he had

provided purification for sins he sat

down at the right hand of the Father

Jesus was so cold with it that he said

listen I’m gonna make sure they have

access to this power then I’m gonna sit

down because everything they need to

live this life they can have if they

just connect to God I’m done doing work

I died once I ain’t dying again I am

finished with this that’s why you said

at it it is finished it’s done they got

access to power all they need to do is

receive what I’ve already paid for and

they need to plug in to the power source

does everybody somebody say plug into

the source

that’s why isaiah 40:8 40 on verse 8

says the grass withers and the flowers

fall said things change but the word of

our God endures forever

it’s dependable Psalms 1830 says as for

God his ways is perfect the Lord’s word

is flawless

he shields all who take refuge in him I

just want you to understand that as we

go through this process of getting

charged up plugging into God is the most

dependable thing that you could ever do

what do you mean plugging into God

reading your word praying worshiping

being devoted displaying your love

displaying your loyalty being

enthusiastic it’s the most dependable

thing that you could put your effort and

energy into because it will never fail

God says I’m looking for my word to


I’m looking for people who are plugged

into the source so that I can bring to

pass the things they are believing me

for Pastor Mike why are you going so

hard on this devotion and plugging into

the source and knowing what God is

because I want you to understand that

when you really really really understand

how much God can do for you

you won’t go looking for other things to

plug in too many of us go to alcohol and

drinks and parties and and money and all

these things trying to fulfill something

that only God can empower in us so I

want you to hear me say this God’s power

is dependable

the second thing God’s power is

transferable this is the awesome thing

about the power of God it’s not that

he’s sitting there saying I’m

all-powerful worship me I am the

powerful God of the universe he said you

know what I got to give this to you cuz

I’m up here in heaven and everything’s

already taken care of but I know what

you’re dealing with there on earth so I

need you to have the same power the

divine nature the ability to be able to

go when my flesh wants to do something

that’s wrong and I need to do something

that’s right I need you have the power

to be able to do that and I know it’s

not in you so I’m going to transfer my

power to you watch this look at the rest

of 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 3 and 4 it

says by His divine power he’s given us

everything we need to live this godly

life through the knowledge of him who

called us by his own glory and goodness

look at verse 4 through these he has

given us his great and precious promises

that is the Word of God that is the

Bible so that through them okay so

through the word we can participate we

can be able to have the same thing that

he has in the divine nature having

escaped the corruption in the world

caused by evil desires let me help you

understand this God says I got power

right here you need power over here so


I do is I’m going to give you a line

that connects from my power source to

you every one of our devices has to have

some type of cable to be able to go from

the power source to the device

some of us USB chargers some of us I’m

lightning bolt charges I don’t care what

it is but you have to go from the power

source to the device what God says is I

got power divine power you need power

divine power imma give you the

connection and it’s the Word of God

that’s what this just says he says when

you need power

he said you connect to my word and I

will give you the ability through my

word the great and precious promises to

participate in my divine nature that’s

why the enemy fights you so hard for

getting in the Word of God I’m trying to

give you the secret to life I don’t like

reading the Bible I just can’t find time

and that’s why you’re so depleted in

every area of your life because that is

how you connect to power that does not

come in this flesh and how do I stand up

against this girl who’s just coming in

Paestum I see bad in every area I mean

she’s just like mm-hmm

she popping everywhere and god I just

want to bless her and touch her and lay

hands on a guy and I just don’t know

what to do

God says I got to define power to make

you be able to not do that but she’s

sitting over here saying Jesus please

Jesus please Jesus please he said you

need to get the right connection when

you get into the word he then transfers

His divine power how are you gonna go to

that job every day and deal with them

crazy people that you get connected to

the power source and through the Word of

God he’s gonna transfer divine power

guess what his divine power how it comes

out in the fruits of the spirit love joy

peace patience and that you don’t get

that by wishing for it I can sit here

and wish my phone to charge up all day

Lord please just let it come back oh god

I just wish God you know I gotta make

phone calls but until I connect it to

the power source

God’s power is transferable to you but

it only transfers through his word I’m

gonna teach you in other weeks how to

really start loving the Word of God see

this I’m a pastor I don’t want to just

tell you stuff and then say go out and

try it I want to give you the truth but

I want to help you be able to do it guys

the things that God’s called you to the

potential he wants you to see out the

people you’re supposed to change the

songs you’re supposed to write the books

that are supposed to touch the world

they impact the cures for diseases all

of those things are not going to happen

in the way that we want them to happen

until we plug into the power source I’m

a living witness that God will wreck

your dreams for his purpose he’ll wreck

your dreams for his purpose but how do

you deal with that if you’re not

connected to the source see what’s going

on inside of us what’s internal drains

us my thoughts worry frustration come on

some of us have these things if I just

my flesh

it’ll drain me okay I will have no power

to do anything but what’s in him what’s

in the power source it empowers me to

live so if you don’t hear anything else

I want to say that God’s power it’s

dependable and God’s power is

transferable you don’t have to speak in

tongues to get the power of God

something well I don’t act like this I

don’t look like this open up your Bible

and allow the Living Word of God to be

well I don’t feel nothing today but

something inside of you is starting to

move y’all know that when you first put

it on the charger you can’t do stuff on

my Apple it just shows the Apple son

it’s just letting you know that you’re

connected it’s let you know that

something is going in

you can’t use all the functions yet but

I promise you if you stay plugged in

long enough if you stay plugged in long

enough your functionality is gonna begin

to change things are gonna begin to move

things that used to run slow are gonna

run faster so you have to know that by

His divine power the power source has

everything that we need to live this

life godly he says but the only way you

get the power is through the word and

I’ll transfer my power to you as you

connect to me the last thing I want you

to hear me say very clearly is God’s

power is available it’s dependable its

transferable but most importantly it’s

available I want you to hear me say this

God’s power is available to you wherever

you are right now

well tax them like you don’t know what

I’m going through his power is available

to you I’m in the hardest season of my

life his power is available to me well

I’m living an alternate lifestyle his

power is available for you if you would

just plug into him see many people try

to plug in and change themselves and try

to generate power out of their own

selves trying to be solar powered out

there trying to get powered by the Sun

and no listen just plug into God I love

hotels that are newly remodeled that’s

like my thing like I like I look on the

reviews like when was it updated one of

the reasons I do that is because when

you go into those hotels they now have

started incorporating USB ports

everywhere so like when you walk into

the hotel room I went into one hotel

room there was 15 USB ports for me to

plug in one by my nightstand one in the

bathroom well I mean they were

everywhere and I was just like oh my god

you know what the sad thing about it is

my phone still went dead in that hotel

because the power was available but I

never plugged in you can come to church

you can hear the song I mean it is

available but have you plugged in look

at this last scripture in 2nd Timothy

chapter 3 verse 1 2nd Timothy I want you

to see this and this sounds kind of like

where we’re at in the world today

it says but mark this there will be a

terrible time in the last days where

people will be lovers of themselves

lovers of money boastful proud abusive

disobedient to their parents ungrateful

unholy without love unforgiving

slanderous without self-control brutal

not lovers of the good treacherous rash

conceited lovers of pleasure rather than

lovers of God they’re not devoted having

a form of godliness but denying his what

does that word have nothing to do with

such people

this is the Word of God he’s saying

there’s a day coming where it’s gonna be

available everywhere but people will

rather be consumed with themselves then

consumed with plugging into the power

and they gonna fake it to because they

know they need the power so what they’re

gonna do is they’re gonna present a form

of godliness look more phone it’s just

sleeping right now let’s just sleep it

still work hello no power I don’t want

that to be the testimony for anybody in

this room that we would have the power

of God available to help us live this

life the abundant fool charged up life

and we never plug into the power source

this series is going to step-by-step

help you plug into the power source and

make it so real for you not anybody this

is not the series for your neighbor this

is a series for you because God wants

you to be devoted to him there is

nothing that he would withhold from you

if he knows that you’re always

connecting to him