There’s a difference between fashion and style. You can have the nicest clothes, but still not know how to put them together. The same thing works with what the Holy Spirit gives us. In week 5 of our new series KingDUMB, Pastor Mike teaches us how we can let the Holy Spirit tailor what was given to us in a way that is attractive to others and draws them to Jesus. Let this message empower you today! #KingdomSeries #KingDUMB #tailor #style Join us for service online every Sunday at 11am (CST), Monday’s for Monday Night Prayer at 6pm (CST), and Tuesday’s for Rebroadcast at 6:45 pm (CST). If you received Christ through this message, text SAVED to 828282. We would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing [email protected]! If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through our website by clicking here You can also text “GIVE” to 828282 to give using your mobile device. If you need prayer, email [email protected]! For more information about Transformation Church, visit or follow us on our social media platforms below. Instagram-… Facebook-… 00:00 – Intro 00:37 – Matthew chapter 3 verse 2 AMP 07:16 – 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 through 3 15:20 – Matthew chapter 22 verses 1 through 14 NLT 27:27 – There is a standard in the kingdom: righteousness 32:12 – Job chapter 29 verse 14 NIV 34:27 – Everything needed to meet the standard is provided 43:35 – In the kingdom, one size does NOT fit all 45:26 – The Holy Spirit is a tailor 46:16 – Tailoring takes transparency 51:14 – Tailoring takes time 55:24 – Tailoring takes talking 01:01:36 – Change clothes 01:01:49 – Tailoring takes trust

the lives of people and I told you last

week the two most crazy stories we hear

all are attached to Something in

relationship with people

and their relationship with money

and then when you think about Jesus for

all of you Bible scholars 16 out of the

38 parables in the New Testament Jesus

talked about possessions and finances

288 verses in the New Testament

possessions and finances there are 500

scriptures about Prayer in the Bible

2350 about possessions and finances

why would God go through such length to

talk about this subject because he knew

that in this culture we would make money


but in the Kingdom it’s what


so write this point down your heart

follows your treasure

I’m just going to tell you right now

your heart and your treasure are


and most people don’t talk about it like

that because ah that doesn’t matter to

me there are people that their cars get

more vast than their kids do


it’s because you put your treasure into

them 22 Realms and you got more Febreze

air fresheners in that mug

Armor All right down every time that you

come in that mug

but the reason that your heart goes

there is because you put your treasure


are some people right now that check

their bank account

more than they check on their marriage

every day you know you get paid on the

first of the 15th

count on the 22nd

you know no money’s coming but wherever

your treasure is

that’s where your heart is

and and I’m saying that and okay because

he was like that’s okay some of y’all

you get that new pair of Jordans or that

new pair of shoes that you’ve always

been wanting I’m gonna take it back to

your before Christ days when you was in

the club


y’all know what this is

and somebody walks over

and steps on your new

and they leave a scuff

you’re ready to fight why cause I put my

track it’s Rubber and glue

but not to you

it’s a place that my heart is attached

to because I put my treasure there

some of your homes that were made out of

brick and mortar

you take care of

better than you take care of the home

the Holy Spirit lives in

let’s be honest

you will repaint your house

every seven years

mow your grass some of y’all

but then you’ll eat yourself to sleep

and why

because that house has a 250 000 note on


and I put I work every so I provide this

house I provide this home and God’s

saying I provided that house in that



because wherever your

treasure is

that’s where your heart will be also see

Matthew 6 21.

can I say something to you very plainly

God is after your money

because he’s after your heart

Pastor Mike is not after your money

I I don’t get blessed because you do

what God says for you to do at the

church that you’re a part of and let me

tell you this we know we have tons of

different churches and different people

listening right now and you may be a

part of something else this is not a

ploy to get money we don’t have a giving

campaign going on we’re not trying to

build something because of the

faithfulness of the people that are

already a part of this church we are

able to give whenever God says to give

this is so that you can get blessed and

get the mindset that unlocks the kingdom

resources for you

I don’t gotta preach this message I live


so today I just want to share with you

that everything that God is saying about

money to you is so that he can get your

heart and some of y’all checked out

because he’s like I have I don’t have


all you have

is all you need you can become a steward

of so much

by being faithful over so little oh my

God you don’t need thousands in the bank

to become qualified in the Kingdom plan

of being a resource to the whole world

the Bible tells us that it is not about

how much you have it’s about what you do

okay with what you have so last week I

introduced this easy money mindset I

want to go back over it because I’m

going to teach you what this looks like

okay everybody say easy money

and I want to make this so simple

because for many years I had to piece

together all of these principles by the

end of this message I want you to be

able to look at a thousand dollars and

know exactly what to do with it because

we made it everybody say easy

so Money Follows what


last week I told you that there is a

skill that you need to start developing

so that you no longer chase after money

but money comes after you because you

become good at something and let me

clear this up you do not have to become

the master we already have one of those

you just have to continue to develop

your mastery

so if you’re good at something get

better at it

if you’re doing something now keep doing

it until there’s another level unlocked

and I just want everybody know and let

me say this one thing doing something

good at this level transfers to the next


because so many people get stuck right

here because I don’t know my purpose I

don’t know if am I doing the exact right

thing just do the thing he gave you

really good

and I promise you the consistency will

transfer to wherever he wants you to be

I promise you being Integris will

transfer to wherever he wants you to be

many times God never trains you in the

place that he’s going to have you reign

ask David he was trained in the pasture

but would end up reigning in the palace

the training and reigning never used and

you mad

because you’re not developing in the

season that you’re in

because I don’t think this is a part of

what God’s shown me my burden is for the


but you can’t be on time for ten

thousand people

if you’re not on time for 10 people

okay I preached it last week Money

Follows what Mass

then money requires management and

that’s what we’re going to talk about

today and then management checks motives

motives determines how much you get for

multiplication and multiplication

blesses many others

so today as we talked about Mastery last

week and we’re going to talk about

motives next week today I got to zero in

on this m word that a lot of people

don’t know how to do well


everybody say it manage

just say I’m management

in most areas of your life we’re not


when it comes to our money

we’re the manager

we’re the one that God trusts with his

resources for us to get his will done on

this Earth and y’all let me tell you

something I figured out about eight

years ago when God warped my mind and

took me out of poverty and changed the

way that I thought about finances write

this down money doesn’t just follow

mastery Money Follows management

I’m gonna teach you something and I’m

gonna have you hopefully by the end of

this message value management more than

you value money

because right now