God has a system for our seeds to grow: seed, sow, time, work, harvest. But different seeds grow in different ways. God is sovereign. He exists out of time, and can accelerate the system. Pastor Mike teaches about activating unusual acceleration. Don’t miss this word for your life, and make sure you share it with a friend!

what would make you wake up

go to your daughter’s room

open up your laptop

write down impossible things

get in a borrowed 15 passenger van

drive over to a 54 million dollar arena

take this picture

and tell everybody you will one day own


crazy fake

what makes you get back into the 15

passenger van

go to your current situation get on a

platform in front of skeptical people

and say this we’re going to have to go

to another place

crazy faith

what would make you turn down two

million dollars

give to other people when you were in


say you will have no debt

and believe not just for a building but

for the entire block

crazy faith

what would make you embrace the tears

after the confirmed diagnosis

acknowledge the lies and the fears but

still believe for the healing in your


crazy faith

what would make you stop waiting on the

crowd to agree with what you know but

they cannot see

stop playing it safe on the boat it’s

time for you to do the impossible and

walk on the scene

you’ve got to see it before you see it

yeah maybe it might sound crazy but baby

your purpose can’t afford for you to be

lazy it’s only crazy until it happens

yeah they think i’m crazy


is week seven

of a series we’re calling crazier faith

and in this series if you’ve been coming

along on the journey um we have gotten a

new um mandate that just came right

before um in worship


we’ve come too far to go back

we’ve hit the point of no return

so if you have watched the six parts of

crazier faith up until now

it’s too late for you

you’re responsible for what you’ve heard

don’t go back and listen unless you want

your life to completely change

this series is to take us from safe


from the christianity

that really has no level of risk

i know we try to avoid risk at all costs

but believing god is risky business

and every person i look at in the word

that we quote their scriptures and get

tattoos of what they said and and have

it hanging up in our kitchen all of

those people did not live safe



lives for christ

they lived their life out on the limb

and people around them would have called



and i decided that i wasn’t going to

talk about it i was going everybody say

be about it

you ever met somebody who acts hard but

they saw this medicated cotton

you know what i’m saying they got big

talk the the old school would say they

got a lot of bark but no bite

like like that’s what most of the church

looks like

a bunch of scripture quoting

no actual results

a bunch of telling people what they

should be doing

no actual track record

of doing it themselves

and this is why people are like yeah

y’all are hypocrites

yeah i can’t believe y’all

i decided i didn’t want to talk about

living a life for god

i wanted to live it

so that then people can talk about it

i’m not going to talk about it you going

to talk about it when you see

what god has done the goal of this is to

become a living word

not not something that all of us have to

be like yeah and in second corinthians

it says they should be able to look at

first michael too

second bree

third william


i need you to be the bible that people



the truth of the matter is if you were

the only word that people saw they would

not fall in love with jesus

today i’m challenging you

to go beyond where you have been

and allow god to start putting seeds on

your heart and in your life

that will make you the living word

everybody say living word

when people talk about generosity

they don’t have to go to a scripture in


they can look at the scripture of sarah

and every time you come into starbucks

for some reason you’re joyful you’re

generous you encouraged and you left me

the same amount of tip that it cost for

your coffee

she different

they should be able to be at the sports

games with you and your kids who can’t

really play the sports

and be able to watch how you react

that’s where some of y’all get in


when the call goes the wrong way

some of y’all lose all your

sanctification and all of the words that

come in out of your mouth are cusses

that’s old-school cusses

what i’m saying to you is would anybody

be able to see the fruits of the spirit

love joy peace

patience kindness



i just made a decision

that for the rest of the series since

will we’re at a place where it’s like um

we can’t go back

i’m going to talk

to the people sitting

at the adult table

the last part of this series

i’m not talking to people who are still

trying to figure out if they want to

live in crazy faith

the rest of this series

is for the people who have decided

somebody say i have decided

and maybe this is the 30 seconds you

need to decide because i’m going to

another level for people who want to

actually live this out and by this time

next year see the fruit of the life that

they have decided to live today i need

you to decide somebody say i have


if you’re going to live in crazier faith

while you’re still sitting here and the

bank account is in negative

while you’re sitting here right now and

you’re separated from the person you

want to be with

you can make a decision right now

that you’re going to live in crazier

faith you are in a halfway house

you’re in jail shout out to my guys in

dallas mike degrade and my people in

oklahoma city y’all people are watching

crazy faith in jail right now hold on

now y’all gonna let people in jail out

praise you and have more faith

what i’m saying is it doesn’t matter the


god’s saying you can decide somebody say

i have decided

so everybody put on you

put on your big boy and big girl


today we’re going to another level are

you ready for another level

so last week we talked about faith like

a farmer

and i am so proud of transformation

church because as soon as that message

went out

over a hundred thousand people watched

that message in 48 hours

and it started to be shared and started

to go all over and i started hearing

crazy faith testimonies and i encourage

everybody go back and watch that message

but for a three-point recap in 10

seconds this is what you need to

understand about having faith like a

farmer number one sow it before you see


if you put it in the ground before you

see any harvest that is the place where

things start to change then you need to

sacrifice it before you see it

that means that i’m going to have to

make a sacrifice i’m going to have to

give my time my treasure my talent

before there is any results these are

keys to the kingdom and the last one is

start it before you see it

so many people want to start after they

have a guarantee that’s not faith

that is strategy

most people want their relationship with

god to be strategic instead of faith


so if you knew it was going to work this

is just strategy duh that’s common sense

that’s supposed it takes faith to be

able to start it before you see it start

the business before you see it

start the website before you have

anybody that comes to it

start the book before you have a deal

start the clothing line when you have

nobody to wear it start somebody shot at

me start

that’s faith

stop acting like it’s faith when you at

a surplus and you’re sitting around like

yeah what should i do now that’s not

faith that’s strategic

but god wants you to start it before you

see it and as a church every year we

come and bring all of our faith to this

moment that we call our crazy faith

offering and um i’m encouraging you

right now to start praying

about what god would have you give in

this offering and i don’t care what it

is i’m not looking for anybody’s

specific gift or anything i’m trying to

get my mind around what god’s told me

and natalie to give i ain’t got time to

be worried about you

i’m leading the charge

this ain’t something y’all do and i’m i

am i am the lead servant at

transformation church not the lead


and what god’s asking me to do this year

it hurts

me and my wife still have to come to uh

see this is the one thing i’m gonna tell

you husbands and wife pick the right

time to talk about what god has told you

because y’all can get in real

interesting conversations

yeah y’all pray for me passing that

but i’m leading this charge because

december 5th we’re coming here with our


and every year people begin to fast and

pray and save and say we are going to

give towards the vision of the future of

what god is going to do and y’all i

can’t even give you full details until i

get a couple of clearances from a couple

of people but what i’m telling you is

you’ve never seen transformation

church’s vision before what god has

given me and where we are going is about

to blow the socks off of anything that

we’ve ever done somebody’s getting it by

faith right now you’re starting to

understand and i need some people to sew

before you see it

what we’re about to do is going to take

more resources human resource and

financial resource than anything we’ve

ever done

and i bet just like there was a few

hundred people that had crazy faith to

give for the eighty thousand dollars for

those cameras back in 2015.

i bet there’s about thirty 000

people that’ll give whatever god tells


so that we can go to another level in

crazy faith i want to let everybody know

cause some of y’all real crazy and

you’re not just gonna give online some

of y’all gonna actually come to tulsa

y’all do it every year so i just want to

make sure i let you know we’re going

back to where it all started

we have set up our our flagship location

at 15 19. if you’ve never been to north

tulsa come on to tulsa baby and we’re

opening back the doors of our north

tulsa building for us to give our crazy

faith offering and you say why is that

significant it was from that place

that we sowed a seed of 8 300 dollars

into other churches

that broke the back of poverty over our


and the holy spirit said mike go back to

ground zero

and i want people to come

and i want them to give on that soil

i want them to plant in that soil so i’m

letting you know right now that on uh

what is the dates november 29th through

december 10th

at 15 19 the building will be open from

a certain time to a certain time i don’t

know them times right now so i ain’t

going to tell you but look on the


and you’re going to be able to give

there’ll be worship music playing

there’ll be people there with faith

there’ll be people there praying and i

want us to come in a holy act

and i want us to give in crazy faith is

anybody with me all over the world if

you’re with me say i’m with you pastor

the reason that i’m saying this to you

right now because some of y’all god’s

just starting to have to work on your

heart and some of you trying to figure

out how is this going to happen but the

bible tells us that he gives seed to the

sower so if you decide in your heart

that you want to sow i promise you

god will give you seed and it’s already

happening somebody say it’s already

happening let me tell you about a serial

sower that i found out about this week

i’m just trying to stir your faith

that’s my assignment today is to stir

your faith there was somebody that had

been believing a couple that had been

believing for a brand new car they just

had a baby found out they were pregnant

again and they had one car and they

needed to be able to move they had a

couple of different family members come

in and see their situation and say you

know what we got a little extra we’ll

buy you a car you can pay us back

whenever and that was an amazing



god had told the husband of this

relationship specifically

i’m about to do something in your

vehicle situation

and in the face of people wanting to


he had to look at people he loved and


i’m sorry this may seem crazy

i’m sorry

that i can’t accept the help that you’re

about to give me why

because god told me

he was going to do something specific

for me

concerning my vehicle please don’t get

it twisted every blessing is not


oh i just said something somebody you

count every blessing as ob every

blessing is not obedience when god told

you something different

this man looked at two different sides

of his family and told them no god’s

gonna do something his wife looking at

him like boy if you don’t quit tripping

but they stood in agreement

last week

i was riding with this individual he

said pastor mike i got to tell you

something he said what’s up he said

thank you

say thank you for what

said thank you for living in crazy faith

he said um this atmosphere has changed

my faith forever

to believe god

i was like oh great god bless you glory

to god you know you just start saying

all the things he said no you don’t


he said after telling one family member


and telling the other family member no

i got a call two days ago i said who was


it was somebody who had been watching

our situation from afar

knew no details

but they called and said i’m on the way

to the car dealership to buy myself a

new car and i currently have the keys to

your new car

would you meet me at this place i’ve

already signed everything over to you

and i need you to come pick up the keys

to your brand new fully loaded vehicle


don’t want to shout with me but you

can’t convince me that crazy face season

is here and god has opened up the

windows see i see the people who are mad

and jealous and then i see the people

who are in line for the miracle because

they begin to praise just like it

happened for them

i’m telling you

there are things that god wants to do

right now that require somebody shout at

me crazy faith


so that was the first confirmation that

i had to preach the message i’m about to

preach today

and i got two more confirmations with

exact words

of what i was supposed to preach today


i’m gonna obey

and i’m gonna tell you a story about

what happened on a monday night

january 30th 2012.

at transformation church

we have

monday night prayer

some of y’all think that this is what

makes transformation church great the

sauce of our church

is prayer

and we pray all the time my parents they

lead that mug they just be praying and

praying and praying

sometime mama come in y’all know the

memes that you see of the mom waking you

up at four o’clock in the morning in the

name of jesus

that’s brenda todd and um

and what ends up happening is we were at

this prayer meeting none of y’all was


this is 2012

no blow up nobody watching on instagram

no nobody i mean could have been 13

people at prayer that night

and this woman comes up and she says i

have a prophetic word and anybody who

doesn’t know what a prophetic word is

it’s a word of encouragement or warning

warning or correction that is supposed

to move you forward

and this woman says i have a prophetic

word and she’s like pastor mike this is

for you you just received this and you

know when it comes to the prophetic some

people are just weird

it’s not the prophetic it’s them

they’re weird they just start doing

weird stuff and prophetic don’t have to

be weird but

and this woman said i i feel like and

you know i just be ready because i’ve

been around prophetic people all my life

so i never know somebody might hit a

backflip and do the splits and be like

god said split it open and i’ll be like

why did you

i’m telling y’all there’s crazy stuff


i’ve seen all kind of stuff

so i’m just bracing myself for the

and she says could you lift your hands

i’ll lift my hand she says god said

about this church

that it’s about to be a bamboo season

and y’all like yes yes yes yes that

didn’t mean nothing to me like i’m like

the bamboo season glory to god

hallelujah well church people always try

to make stuff deep and don’t know what’s

happening but when she said bamboo

season that i was like great

the bamboo season she said god is about

to do a new thing and it’s going to be

like bamboo

i was like like bamboo and she said yes

and so sometimes god gives you a

prophetic word that you got to go study

and so i went and i started studying

what’s at least he said bamboo so maybe

let me look at bamboo and what i found

out about the bamboo plant

is the bamboo plant is one of the

fastest growing plants in the world

it’s sturdy it’s solid it’s strong it’s

durable it’s used for building

it is incredibly strong and regenerates

itself in nature

so then i was like okay

god’s about to make it a bamboo shooting

about to be strong

sturdy i was like let me do a push-up

like i didn’t know

and then i kept reading

and it said it takes

the bamboo

about three years after being sown

to break through

now last week we talked about having

faith like a farmer

and we talked about sowing seeds

and i i gave you a formula but then when

i started to look at this i started to

see that

there are different ways that different

plants grow

and this plant grows under the surface

for three years

but then

when it breaks through oh



under the right conditions

the bamboo

can grow an astonishing two inches an


three years under

two inches an hour

that means that suddenly

where it looked like there was nothing

somebody shot at me suddenly

where it looks like there was no

movement no growth nobody cared nobody

was listening nobody who had traction

somebody shot at me suddenly

it grows two inches an hour that means

the bamboo

can go from nothing

to growing four feet in 24 hours

god begin to show me he said michael

i need you to tell my church

that this

is the season of unusual acceleration

i need somebody to hear me put up a

picture of a bamboo forest

this is a picture

of what some of your life is about to

look like

now everybody don’t have to shout

because some of y’all don’t have faith

for this but the name of this series is

crazier faith and right now what looks

completely empty

right now what looks like a vacant

desert right now what nobody has been

able to check for check back with me

tomorrow because what god can do

somebody say it’s bamboo season

and i came to prophetically tell you

that it is bamboo season

and it

is the season of unusual


somebody say unusual acceleration

no say it again unusual


the thing that we talked about last week

was usual growth

and i feel like i had to start you there

to let you know that we serve a god that

bases things on principles and systems

like he

he he does things and puts things in

place so that we can follow them but

there’s always moments

where god in his sovereignty

this is a word we don’t use often but

somebody say sovereign

that means he can do what he wants

with who he wants

when he wants to

and see some of us get so bogged into

the structure in the system that we

forget that our god is somebody say it

with me sovereign

and what ends up happening is god will

take a system

and he will do unusual acceleration

remember what i told y’all last week

what what the formula is it’s

seed help me so

then what time then what work then what


for everybody that just got it i want to

go back let’s do it one more time it’s

what seed help me it’s on the screen so

help me




this is the usual progression

but write this point down which god

reminded me of

god uses systems

but god is still sovereign

some of y’all

it’s gonna happen suddenly

i’m not here for everybody today but i’m

on assignment for at least three

thousand of y’all that believe that it

ain’t gonna take all that time that it

took all of them to do that i serve a

god of the exception i serve a god that

says hold on i can be sovereign in this


and somebody shot at me suddenly and

some of y’all are saying well pastor

mike i am i am grateful for your new

revelation but last week i took copious

notes around the subject that you gave

us and you gave us a very exact and

distinct formula at how god was going to


see the problem is

the system is still working

it’s just been accelerated

it’s still the same system

but it goes

seed help me


time work harvest



timer harvest

it’s the same system

it’s just been accelerated

and i don’t know who this is for right

now but some of y’all gonna sow your

seed and it’s just gonna be like time

work harvest

there’s some things that you’re gonna

put in the ground today

and it’s gonna come up tomorrow cause

it’s gonna be like time work harvest

and some of y’all

it’s going to seem like one word

see showtime where harvest

what you doing just see somewhere how

i’m hurrying

what’s happened in your life since i


just try to say that fast with me put it

up there what are we seeing right now

see sometime work hard


i saw you this time last month

and you were telling me how everything

was jacked up

what happened


but you told me that your family was

split apart and wouldn’t be together for

christmas but i saw y’all in a picture


what happened see something

some of y’all gonna be walking

into places that were barren last week i

don’t know who this is for

you gonna open up bank accounts that

didn’t have nothing in it last week you

gonna go to your friend group text that

had nobody faithful in it last week and

god said so to see

cause this is the season of unusual

acceleration if you believe it give god

a shout of prayer

see see this word is challenging

somebody’s crazy faith

see because what faith does is hear a

word and it snatches it and says that’s


see i don’t have to call you up one by

one and say listen to me let me tell you

what god’s saying to you no no no when

that word goes out in the atmosphere

faith grabs stuff

oh yeah somebody needs to prophetically

just put your hand in the air and you

need to grab this bamboo season yes some

of y’all got it some of y’all got two

hands are you saying uh i’m snatching

that this is mine right here we’re not

gonna be in the same place this time

next month we’re not gonna be in the

same place this time next year it’s

bamboo season i’m about to i’m snatching

that bird

somebody said give me that

oh i feel that thing

some of y’all about to see unusual

acceleration give me that

my business is about to see unusual

acceleration give me that my family’s

about to see unusual acceleration give

me that

by faith

we can claim things

somebody shot at me give me that


oh y’all missed it

healing give me that

discipline give me

kingdom relationships give me

working in my purpose kimmy

it’s a season of unusual acceleration it

don’t matter that you didn’t get into

the school god will bring the professor

to you and have him teach you personally

y’all don’t hear me this is a season of

unusual acceleration jimmy

pastor mike how is that physically and

astronomically impossible

it’s because remember there’s one word

in there

that we only understand from a mortal




here’s the word


see the thing you don’t know about god

is time was invented for us

but god stands

outside of time

and he can look at the situation

said oh oh okay

now i know i have their heart

because the heart and the hand are


so when they sewed it i knew i knew i

had them i knew they loved me i knew

so now that i see they can sow

now i can stand outside of time

and i can go ahead and

all of the pain and the setup and the

frustration that it would take for that

to usually happen

i can speed up time let me prove it to

you in the word somebody go to joel

chapter 2 verse 25.

so i will restore i got to say this

to the people who have felt like they’ve

wasted time

and lost yeah i’m talking to somebody

there are people that feel like you have

a lost seasons well if i if

transformation would have been around

when i was 20 and i would have heard

these messages and i would have but now

i’m 50 and now i’m 45 and now i’m 60 and

it just feels like i’m behind the eight

ball and it feels like i i i can’t

this scripture

is for you and it’s for

this generation who statistics say

that has the highest level of suicide

because they feel that at age 26 they’ve

done nothing with their lives

see the enemy tries to i heard it said

like this if he can’t get in front of

you and stop you he gets behind you and

pushes you

and makes you feel like you’ve wasted

and lost too much time

if you fit in any of those categories

joel chapter 2 25 is about to be crazy

faith encouragement for you so i this is

god talking we’ll restore to you

the years that’s time

who’s about to receive this that the

swarming locust has eaten the crawling

locust has eaten the consuming locust

has eaten and the chewing locust see

what y’all don’t understand is what

locusts are locusts are animals that ate


everything that has eaten your harvest

every person

every investment every idea every person

you invested your life into that job you

served for 20 years those people you

gave to and somehow they snatched it


everything that the locust stole

god said i’ma restore to you the time

i feel this somebody’s heart and soul is

about to be replenished you shall eat

plenty and be satisfied and praise the

name of the lord your god who has dealt

wondrously with you see there’s

something you learned in that process

too he said that you’re not just going

to go through that and not learn

something i’ve dealt with you in this

you’ve learned character things in this

i’ve changed your picker some of y’all

got a picker that’s off y’all pick the

wrong people the wrong places and the

wrong partners but god said i’m changing

all that i’ve dealt with you in this and

my people shall never

be put

to shame

then you shall know

after all of this happen after i restore

you then you shall know

that i am in the midst of israel

and i’m the lord yo god i’m the only one

that could have done this you thought

your best days was at 35.

i’mma make 55 look like the new 35.

y’all don’t hear me

i’mma make your kids look at you and say

what are you doing i’m gonna make those

people who graduated with more degrees

than a thermometer come learn from you

i’m glad y’all don’t hear me up in here

i will restore somebody shot at me


i’m shaking somebody’s face right now

some of y’all dead that’s watching this

right now but i’m shaking somebody’s

faith who’s about to pop because this

bamboo season he said i’m the one who

did this

and there is no other

my people he says it again

shall never be put

to shame


somebody needs to thank god

that everything that you’ve been ashamed


god will redeem and restore

cause the last sentence of your life

will be that god did not let it end

in shame

the family that’s been ridiculing you

for your crazy faith step

the person who said you better not give

that money to them you coming on this

vacation god said i promise you stay

with me

i will not let you be put to shame

that’s why dale

it’s the bamboo season

god’s saying you’ve been faithful all

them years

and nothing came up

it was still growing

it was just going down

because of what’s about to come up

little root

little fruit

little root

little fruit for what god’s about to do

it had to take a little bit longer down

but as soon as it breaks forth i feel i

feel my mama’s anointing right here when

brenda todd says breakfast there’s

something that happened that like

there’s something that’s about to happen

it’s go you’re gonna be looking at it

and as you looking at it then it’s just

gonna break forth and something is going

to move

and it ain’t gonna stop

this week a blessing

next week a blessing

the week after that a blessing

the week after that it’s a revolving

door hold on i’m lit this is my life now

somebody shout at me it’s bamboo season

so so today

i just gotta give you a full few points

cause some of y’all done you cooked

right now all you needed you got it

right now you you about to like let’s go

oh it’s bad boy

your whole room gonna be bamboos this

week i i got you

but for those of you that just need a

little more how

to activate the bamboo season i got a

few points for you


i forgot to say the one thing i really

like bri

like in that that that that uh that

line of

system or principles can you put the

seed so time can you put it back up


see what ends up happening

is that it goes seed





and then it’s bamboo season so there’s

unusual acceleration in seasonal time

work harvest

and you start saying it so fast

that what people hear

and what it feels like is

seed harvest

seed harvest

seed harvest

this is the season our church is in

it’s like when we plant it just come up

seed harvest we’re in such a season of

that you is so fast you don’t even see

and i just needed to tell somebody that


the only reason god does something for

this house

as the organization

is to paint a picture

of what he wants to do in your house as

the organism put your hand on yourself

and say

this is my season

of unusual

acceleration i’m gonna give you three

more chances cause some of y’all just

repeated me now you’re gonna say it by

faith this is my season

of unusual acceleration

come on i want you to look at me get in

my face right now and i want you to say

this is my season

of unusual acceleration

now some of y’all about to see this in

your life i’m saying it one more time

say it with faith this is my season

of unusual acceleration

now give god praise if you really

believe it

some of y’all don’t believe it but

somebody’s praise doesn’t actually

believe it

yep chapter five

one day

as the disciples

as jesus was preaching on the shore of

the sea of galilee great crowds pressed

in on him to listen to the word of god

he noticed two empty boats at the

water’s edge for the fishermen had left

them and were washing their nets

now let me set the scene for you jesus

is going around drawing crowds from

everywhere the man can stand anywhere

and start preaching and he is kind of

the son of god and so like people just

start coming being healed blessed the

liver set free all the other things he’s

preaching at this moment on the sea of

galilee and could have stayed on the

shore but he saw something that he

wanted to use as an example that wasn’t

the main thing but was the thing that he

wanted us to learn so he sees two boats

and he was like i’m about to get in

somebody’s boat and he then looks around

for the owner

the people

who’s boat


they’re washing their nets

see what you don’t know if you don’t


is washing your nets

is the thing you have to do

after you go out fishing no matter if

you catch anything or not

what this tells me

is that if we want to start seeing and

activating a season of unusual

acceleration write this point down you

have to steward well what’s not working


these men were fishing all night that we

find out later in the story they catch


they looked


they looked


but god saw them still being faithful in

a place that didn’t seem fruitful

and it attracted god to them

in an age where when it doesn’t look

like it’s working most people quit

god told me to come here and tell you

that what is attractive

for unusual acceleration is washing your


using well or stewarding well over what

doesn’t look like it’s producing well

for you right now that car that you are

ready to throw out

god said you haven’t cleaned it in a


how are you believing for unusual

acceleration and you won’t steward well

what’s not working well

some of y’all go to marriage counseling

for two sessions and if they don’t heal

25 years of your trauma in two sessions

you done this cost too much we could go

on a vacation and then be mad at each

other in the whole vacation god is

saying you’re not stewarding well over

your marriage

would you steward well over what’s not

working well these disciples decided

even though it didn’t work

i’m still gonna work it

and i don’t know who needs to hear this

but god does not give more to somebody

who does not care about what they

already have

he is the most amazing steward somebody

who wants to take care and maximize

everything we see it in the story of the

talents if you go to another place where

they tell the parables god by his grace

give somebody one somebody two somebody

five and he says i’m going away i just

need you to do something with what i

gave you and literally the one with five

turns it into ten the one with two turns

it into four the one with one was scared

and so he buried it

and when he put it in the ground

and he came back

the master said what’d you do he said i

doubled it i doubled it and this man

said i knew you were a wicked harsh

master so i didn’t want to mess anything

up i didn’t want to live in crazy faith

i didn’t want to take a step of faith

and so i buried what i had i kept it

hidden i kept it protected

and here it is back to you

god literally called him a wicked


because he didn’t steward well

what seemed to not be working well

i don’t know what it is in your life

right now but if you want to see unusual

acceleration god’s looking at what’s in

your hand right now

that apartment

that you can’t stand

that you’re believing god for a house


i don’t want to can i step on some

people just let me just

you’re not stewarding your finances well

your nails done hair done everything did

but your bills are late

you’re messing up the vehicle that god

will use on paper to be able to bless

you in a different season because you’re

trying to impress people you don’t even


it’s time to stew y’all see how quiet it

just got right there it’s time to some

of y’all are about to go into so much

debt over the holiday season

to try

to make somebody feel better about you

that you won’t have a conversation with

the conversation would be merry

christmas more than all of the gifts

that you were gonna give them say i’m


and replace the sony playstation

i’m in your business right now see what

i’m trying to tell you is god says i’ve

given you something stewarded well

so that i can unleash unusual

acceleration see the only reason that

god’s blessing transformation church is

because we decided to steward well

what god gave us

i have no idea

how when i came into this ministry that

god was going to bless us to the point

where we could bless others but all i

knew is what he had given us i had to do

something with the first thing tammy’s

sitting there on the front row who’s

been our business manager since i’ve

been in transformation church before we

love you tammy everything will be bad

without you um

the first thing i came in and told tammy

said tammy

i know that our church gives and i know

that we bless people and we help people

benevolently but god has given me a

strict instruction

that 10

of every dime dollar and penny that

comes in here we have to give it away in

that year

and she was like well we usually do this

and da da da da da da i say

can’t be loose

it’s got to be exactly 10

and when i said it i heard a gulp in her

throat it’s like look

because we had up until that point been

living by faith

but just having a couple of just just in

case measures

and god said believe me and i’ll do

unusual acceleration

from that day

until this one

there has not been one dollar dime or

sent that has come into this church

that 10 of it hasn’t gone out to further

missions that have nothing to do with us

to end sex trafficking to get showers

for the homeless to be able to help

people that are in lebanon and help

people that are in afghanistan and end

hunger y’all don’t y’all y’all don’t

even want to shout with me we stewarded

well in a season what was not working

well and now god has allowed us to live

in abundance

it was unusual acceleration why

because we stewarded well

was what wasn’t working where

well i need everybody this week to go

evaluate what have you not been

stewarding well

oh this is where the message becomes

practical because some of you

are not stewarding your body well

uh oh

i just keep going to the doctor and i

keep breaking down and i keep

it’s the burger

it’s the cake

it is the ice cream

it no no no no no it is

and it’s in your family line

it’s generation why are we crying

that big mama died of diabetes

and she ate so i’m talking to black

people right now and she and indians and

she ate so food that’s what my wife and

my family i’m talking to all of them

that’s what you ate

every weekend

for 42 years

now we’re asking god for a miracle

i wish i could be real as a pastor and

when people ask me can we pray and i ask

them well has this been no i’m not

praying for that

i don’t pray for that

i’m gonna pray for something that

actually could see some results you

wanted this to happen you did not

steward well

they gonna be mad at me on this one we

believe god can do the impossible why

are we still believing for impossible

situations when if we acted



i’m not answering emails this week

steward well

what’s not working well let me let me

show you another point verse three

stepping i’m gonna have to get out of

here quick i need security going out

some people mad and salty it’s the truth

anyhow stepping into one of the boats

jesus asked simon its owner

to push it out into the water

hold on that means if we’re gonna see

unusual acceleration god may ask us to

do something

he doesn’t just step into the boat and

do it all

he didn’t push the boat out himself

he asked

the owner and the other thing i love

about here i’m gonna preach the point

but i’m gonna preach in between the

points too because i keep seeing stuff

is just coming alive to me as i’m

sitting here

he had a choice whether to step in his

boat or not

because the bible says there were


so if god chooses to come speak to you

chooses to show you a sign chooses to

use you choose this the truth is he

could have chose somebody else

he asked the owner push out into the

water so he sat in the boat and taught

the crowds from there if you want to

activate unusual acceleration let god

sit in what you have

we don’t know what type of boat this was

we don’t know if it was a cruise line or

the best ship of the day

or if it was a little

it ain’t even worth naming

and that’s how some of us feel in our


our business is not even worth

this is not even

and god said i didn’t ask you

what type

of boat you have

i ask you can i sit in it

can i sit in your marriage

i don’t care how many moments of

infidelity that there’s been

can i sit here

can i sit in the addiction i know it’s

been 14 years and your dad was like it

but can i sit in your boat

and today i just came to tell somebody

who doesn’t feel worthy to have the

savior of the world in your boat

that that’s what he made the boat for

he made it so that he could sit in it

he used all of the crevices and cracks

of your life and said there’s still

something in there that can contain me

he could have stayed on the shore and

taught this message but he decided to

get in somebody’s boat

and all i’m asking you with all your

deficiencies with all your scars with

all your mistakes

like i said in your bow

some of y’all have been trying to sit in

your boat for years

he’s been trying to dwell and inhabit

and you keep rolling out every time oh

my bad jesus is not ready then you come

back to the shore and he’s like can i

sit here and just when you’re about to

sign up for a small group just when

you’re about to serve just when you’re

about to start giving you man

and god said would you just

and the thing about god

is every time you come to the shore

he’s coming to see if he can get on your


some of y’all he’s been chasing you for

years and that’s why you say stole far

away from him

out at sea




and you know that nutrients are at the


and as soon as you come up

jesus is like hey

waiting on you

love you

how was it

can i get in your boat now


aren’t you tired of rowing

aren’t you tired of rowing away from god

aren’t you tired from trying to patch

the boat up while you’re still on the


god’s saying would you let me sit in

everything you’re trying to hide from

me let me sit in your boat

i am proud

of simon

because he didn’t have a bunch of

questions for jesus

when it came time to sit in his boat

it literally goes from

and god

asked him

to push away like he got an assignment

oh i love you thank you holy spirit he

got an assignment as soon as he let god


see so many of us want a lot of time

before god tells us to do anything that

man let jesus on his boat he said do

something for me push away from here

partner with me

this is how i this is why i love the

word of god because men tell you you

need all of these degrees and you need

all of these qualifications and you need

all of these things but when i read my

bible if god is in your book if you have

a real encounter with jesus just ask

paul or saul as he was known when he had

a damascus road experience with god this

man went from killing christians one

week to proclaiming the gospel the next

week it wasn’t no long drawn out

possible possible process and god

refined him along the way he had to take

away his sight for a season but then

when he saw again

he partnered with god

some of y’all won’t let god on your boat

cause you’re scared he’s going to use


you know if he start using you you got

to change all of that

so so

look at your neighbor and say let god

sit in your boat

let god

sit in what you have

verse 4 when he had finished speaking

he said to simon

he gonna ask him to do something else

now go out

where it’s


what is the word of the year at

transformation church

and we discussed that in january that we

out here in the d

he literally told him the miracle that i

want to show you can’t happen in the



the thing that i want to do on the

inside of you can’t happen in this

shallow water so i need you to go out

where it’s deeper this is the thing i

want everybody to see it was simon’s


he wasn’t forced to go deeper

it was an instruction and he had to obey


what i’m telling you is god is a

gentleman he’s not forcing you to do


and some of y’all like if god really

just want me to be pure then he would

just change my eyesight and let me let

me see these women because he knew he

created them to be beautiful and i don’t

want to touch and agree and lay hands on

them and pray for them for

sanctification like

it’s a decision not to go over there


it’s a decision not to watch the things

that stir that emotion up

well everybody’s watching it but you


y’all think everybody got the same

triggers everybody ain’t got the same

trigger they can all watch it but i

can’t that i there there is literally a

whole season of my marriage y’all know i

speak very transparently about how i

dealt with pornography and all that

other stuff we didn’t have no movie

channels in our house



because it would go from the flintstones

to kinky kong

y’all want to be faith

i know i took a nap when the flintstones

were dealt with double dudes and i woke

up i said oh my god

how are they doing that


and then it sent me into three months

see y’all

it was a moment

but it sent me into three months

of fighting temptation

that could have been avoided with a


he said go out where it’s deeper make a


and then let down your nets to catch

some fish

now this was the funny moment of the

story because i see things in movies

is because jesus is a professional


he can make a chair

these men were professional fishermen

they knew how to catch fish


is telling professionals

how to do

what they already tried to do

and caught nothing

i think he did this to show us eternally

that god will use the foolish things or

the crazy things to confound or confuse

people who think they got it all

together and i bet they were gracious to

jesus because he’s like yeah we see you

do the miracles like and stuff like that

but we know what we’re doing man

we’ve been in relationships before

we know how to handle money

i mean

we know the type of house we need to

live in we know how to pick a city to go

start our business in

and he gives them an instruction

that is completely opposite of what

their profession teaches them

can i prove it to you

it tells us that they were out fishing

all night

why were they fishing at night because

if you’re a fisherman you understand

that the fish cannot see the net at

night so you go when it’s dark you let

down your nets and it’s easier for the

fish to be caught because it’s cool so

they come closer and you’re able to

catch them because they can’t see it

they are in broad daylight

fishing in the deep not the shallow

the exact opposite

of what makes sense




deep this is what crazy faith

instructions look like

go to the north side plant a

multi-ethnic church

when it would be much easier to stay on

the south side and plant a white church

bishop and pastor debbie

why would you give me this crazy faith

this is exactly opposite

god says because

it don’t make sense

but it’s about to make a miracle

and somebody needs to hear me i keep

saying it because this

is the mark of unusual acceleration the

instructions do not make logical sense

they make miracles

it don’t make logical sense

for us to come in here six years into us

pastoring and make a decision

that this season is about expansion

do you know how comfortable it

comfortable it would be for me to say


we’re good

god’s done it we got the arena

we got the other building we got the

towers now

let’s just chill out

and see what god is doing

and you know what he’s going to tell me

the exact opposite


god just want to steward well

you just try to use the word back on him

oh it’s working with you i mean it’s

working so i just want to store well

over what’s working

he said michael

this next year i want you to prepare

to take transformation outside of tulsa

i said to visit

see i’m giving y’all a little vision

he said

this place

will always be

the hub of what i’m doing

but when i gave you the vision in 2015

i told you four things

and you’re three for four right now

and i said okay go he said go back


said uh

multi-generational got that

the oldest person on our staff i think

is 70 71 youngest is 18. okay got that

multi-ethnic if you look out in the

crowd right now you don’t know what kind

of church this is there’s black white

hispanic there’s all kinds of different

things got that

it’s multiplying there are millions of

people somebody from my team told me

just in the crazy faith series series on

youtube not what’s counted on sundays or

anything like that over 2.8 million

people have watched this series

so far in this y’all


i’m good with those three

but he told me he said it needs to be


i don’t can i be honest with y’all don’t

tell god

i don’t

i don’t really want to

but my feelings

don’t matter

my obedience does

so i’m telling you i didn’t know i was

going to share this today

but part of the reason that we’re about

to give

in this crazier faith offering

is because in the next two years

god has told me we gotta leave

this place

and plant another campus

in a completely different state

that’s how it when you start talking

crazy and fake

oh what is what does that mean for me no

what did god say

what is that how does that affect no how

is it gonna affect what we’re about to

do mark my words

is obey god

and plan another campus

in another state we’re not going to

oklahoma city we’re going to a whole

other state somebody just started

praying right now in the chat somebody

said lord please arizona please

minnesota all i’m telling you is

why would god bring us this far

and not complete

what he said

can i tell you the principle that

activates this type of acceleration look

what it says when he finished speaking

he said to simon now go out where it’s

deeper and let down your nets to catch

some fish they had a rebuttal kind of

like i had master

we’ve worked hard all last night and

didn’t catch a thing

but if you say so

i’ll let down the nets again

the the reason you have to understand

that you gotta obey

it’s because what activates unusual

acceleration write this point down

is trusting that if you say so


the things that god’s showing me devin

i don’t have any reason to even want


like i don’t have any desire to go after


but my only reason why i’m following the


is because i trust her

if you say so

some of y’all this is gonna be the only


to what god is going to tell you to do

in this next season it’s not going to be

oh it makes sense and i can see how that

happens and i know that that’s going to

work out it’s going to literally be help

me if you say so

i’m telling you there has been more

miracles that have happened in my life

because i put my faith on god say so if

he tells me to plant it and let down the

nets in the middle of the day on the

other side of the boat

that don’t that’s stupid god

but if


say so

i don’t know who this is for

but some of you

have been looking

for a guarantee

and god

is going to give you an opportunity

no guarantee

just opportunity

and all you need to rely on is god

if you say so

give them that money

if you say so

serve that person

if you say so

leave the music industry and go

run sound for a church

if you i’m on this stage today

because i didn’t go

to new york or la with opportunities

i don’t know how long it’s been a minute

since i shared this story i got a

contract from a major record label and

when i was 24 years old

to get a hundred thousand dollars for

one year to produce for this record

company and i had the presence of mind

to pray about it and god told me listen

to how distinct this instruction is

if you go you will be successful but i

will take my hand off of what you’re


why did i

stay cause he says so

oh you said no he didn’t say so he gave

you an option no no for me

i’m kind of like moses if you don’t go

with me

i can’t go if you not go i’m staying

right here

because i know i’m not good enough to do

this thing on my own

and so when he said you can go but i

ain’t going to be with you that was

already a noise like if you say so i’m

staying right here

and it was months after that that i

started serving as the sound man

and i went from the sound man of this


to the music director from the music

director to the to the youth pastor from

the youth pastor to the executive pastor

from the executive pastor to the lead

pastor and now i’m standing here with

you how did i get here

on god say so

if you want unusual acceleration let

down your nets again

try it again

do it again

it didn’t work last time but if he told

you to do it again

do it again

well i did it with this bank last time

go to the other bank let it down on the

other side same application same do it


there had to be a humbling of their


to let down the nets again and the only

thing that logically changed is the time

of day and the side of the boat

the net is the same the people are the

same the boat is the same


they had god in their boat

and some of y’all have been doing things

on your own power and god says but try

again with me

try again with me and the ball you’re

not the same person your attitude back

there was childish and tragic but i’ve

changed you since then and now i want

you to try again no no no no your

character they said no they had to say

no because if you would have got in

there you would have destroyed what i

had going but i changed you since then

and i did an unusual acceleration in the

change they thought they knew you and it

was last month but what i did in your

quiet time this month it changed you try

again i don’t know

it’s bamboo season god said it’s about

to grow

somebody shout at me try again

because these men trusted that if you

say so look at verse six and this time

oh somebody say this time

somebody say this time

that’s going to be your testimony their


were so full of fish

that they begin to tear

and shout for help

brought their place aye

hey jerome




we can’t handle all this blessing

it started

from nothing

and it escalated so fast

we can’t no y’all don’t hear me

we can’t handle all this

the mark of unusual acceleration

is that people get blessed

because of proximity

it didn’t say they were best of friends

it didn’t say they were partners in

business it didn’t say that they

believed the same thing it just said

they were close enough to hear the call

what god is saying is in this season you

better get around the right people

because when god starts doing the

acceleration oh y’all better hear me in

this place

it won’t be the people that you wanted

it’ll be the people who are close

what i’m saying to you

these men

happen to be in the deep too

remember the location

they not in the shallow

these dudes was out in the deep too

they put it out on the other side

so much happened they couldn’t handle it

and they had to call partners

and soon oh i love the word of god dale

both boats were so filled

with fish

with blessing with opportunity with


fill it in it was so filled with

everything they needed and wanted

they were on the verge of sinking

see we always ask god for a blessing

that feels comfortable

but what happens when it’s bamboo season

and god blesses you so much

that it feels like you’re sinking in it

see nobody talks about the backside of

the blessing

do you know all the hell that has come

with us owning all of these buildings

do you know that the blessing whoo is


some of y’all are praying i said it last

week some of y’all gonna hate the


because this is when you have to work

but others of us we’ve been enduring so


that our backs were built for it

the things that i’ve gone through


the people leaving the stuff that

happened it was all preparation

for the the stuff i’m dealing with now

this is little stuff and it’s god’s

stuff if he before me then who can be a

gift why am i tripping about what god

already said is gonna happen yeah the

promised land comes with some giants but

this day the lord of israel’s army is

the one who’s gonna take every giant


he goes before me

that don’t mean

that i don’t see the giants

and what i’m saying to you is

be ready

for unusual acceleration

because if you do not watch this

if you do not share it

it’ll drown you

if you don’t share the influence god

gave you

it’ll drown you

if you don’t share that income you just

i’m just storing it i’m just throwing it

i’m just storing it it’ll drown you

if you don’t put those talents to work

that god gave you and it comes into

bamboo season and now this track is here

and this song is here and this has been

and god’s saying if you don’t


it will

drown you

activating unusual acceleration put this

point down

when this happens you’ll know because

you’ll be blessed to be a blessing

hear what i’m saying to you right now

the only reason that god blessed

transformation church

is because he knew

we would be a blessing

there are many people god is blessed and

they become a reservoir not a river

they hold everything

waiting for a rainy day

making sure that we protect

what god has built

if god built it he can sustain it

so if god asked me now y’all got to hear

me if god asked me to give

what i was planning to save

that means that i just sold something

that has been activated

in that sequence of help me





you will never get back what you sow

you’ll always get back more

than what you sow

so division

get back more division



get back so much unity

sow finances

get back finances so help


god’s saying

so good things

so that you

can get

accelerated to the point

where it makes no logical sense

for you not to be sharing this with

somebody else the way god’s blessed our

church it makes no logical sense

for uh

i’m gonna go ahead and do it now tammy

okay so

tammy’s scared cause she don’t know what

i’m gonna do

okay so

there was a season of preparation

for us getting this building

when y’all don’t even really know about

this one but we bought a building

on 61st and peoria

it was like a gymnasium basically that

had a stage in it and this is when we

was like we’re about to go multi-campus

and god’s gonna take the world and we

had to use crazy faith

to buy this building for i think about

500 000 something like that we had to go

talk to bankers and have to make

presentations and had to believe the


get the church to believe and all this

other stuff and we went and had two

prayer meetings in that building

and we shall yeah

and literally outside the building it

said future home

of transformation church

walk the building did all these

different things and crazy right

and then god said

that’s what i needed to teach you there

you’ll never have a service there

hold on what

you taking us under for three years

we’re not gonna see nothing there

i stood up and told people we went to

the block parties we i’m telling the

people we about to be here

and god said i just needed to make sure

you were ready

for unusual acceleration

the year

after we closed all of that stuff and

got stuff patched up and did all that

stuff ready to move in

this comes available

that building that we were about to go

into could seat 250 people

that building could fit inside of this

building a hundred times

there’s no way anybody can convince me

that the reason that god

took us that way

was to make sure that we had the heart

to handle



and the one thing i told the pastor

pastor humphries


we left that church is this church would

be used for ministry

so people have tried to come and buy

that church from us and buy that

property from us several times because

we can’t do we can’t fit there

right when the towers came available

i took the staff

over to this building and there’s

footage of it i want them to cut some

footage in of it so y’all can see it


that day

there was a church i believe it’s a

hmong church

or what kind of church was it a korean


that had been believing god for a


and this korean church

got the money together to buy this this

building from us

and the holy spirit said let them buy it

but the day they bought it tell me am i

telling the truth the day they bought it

the holy spirit said michael before the

end of the year

i want you to sow the entire building

back into them i want you to as a church

pay for

their entire mortgage so they can do

ministry completely debt-free

i was going to save it to the end of the


but god told me by your spirit right now

to let them know

that church

that is at 61 i need my church to start


we’re about to sow an entire church

into the city so that people can be

transformed it’s the bamboo season a

season of unusual acceleration somebody

give god some praise

you’re not praising like it happened to


and it’s okay

because it really is more blessed to


when they find this out tammy this week

the tears that’ll fall

the shout the pressure

that will be relieved

because the only reason god gives you


and i know dale somebody’s saying but if

y’all y’all could we’re literally going

to give them the money they gave us

we’re going to give it right back to


see some of you well that’s not good

stewardship oh you don’t understand

kingdom principles

when you sow

in bamboo season

this is the season to sow the reason i’m

telling you this is because it’s bamboos

when you sow in this season

it goes seeds

the more seeds you get in the ground

before the end of this year i’m speaking

but you can turn me off and i don’t care

because for the people who get it

natalie we’re going to sow more this

year than we’ve ever sown in our life

because if we sow


it’s bamboo season


hold on

it just hit me


we’re believing god

for a church

in a different state

and god just told me

to sow a church

y’all i’m sorry it’s happening it’s

happening oh shoot i i’m getting hot

i’m getting hot y’all

he told me

to sow a church it’s hitting me right


if we sow this church in bamboozy

i said two years

but who knows

who knows

who knows what god can do with my faith

who knows what god can do with our seed

who knows

when simon and peter realized what


how the blessing just happened and

overtook them everybody’s standing come

on listen we’re about to get out of here

he literally

fell to his knees before jesus and said

oh lord

please forgive me

matter of fact leave me

i’m such a sinful man

for he was all struck by the number of

fish they had caught

as were the others with him

his partner james john and the sons of

zebedee were all

amazed jesus replied to simon

don’t be afraid

from now on

you’ll be fishing

for people

hold on wait

hold on wait


in a season

of unusual acceleration of bamboo season

will do something so great

that god’s goodness


your deficiencies

and you’ll start feeling like uh no no

not me god there’s no way i could pastor

this church there’s no way that you call

me to this vision there’s no way that

you’re doing and god said don’t be


i did this big miracle

and made you come in contact with your


so that then that same feeling

you will have for your real assignment

the fish

was the pre-show

the business being successful

is the pre-show

your family

being together


that’s the miracle before the miracle

transformation having all of this real

estate is the miracle

before the miracle

how do you know pastor mike

he said don’t be afraid

i thought he was gonna say something

like i am with you or

don’t be afraid cause we just you know

we just getting started

he said don’t be afraid because from now


we not catching fish like this no more

we’re going after people

hold on my business being blessed

is so that


can come into the king

the reason you’re doing this work in my

heart and my mind is so that

people the reason me and my wife are

going to counseling is so that once we

get in a place that we’re healed enough

to not bleed on people we’re actually

going to help other people that are just



activating unusual acceleration last

point is the acceleration is for


anytime god accelerates you

it’s not for the thing that you’re


it’s for the person

who’s attracted to things

so god blesses you with the home

so now you have to have lawn service

at your apartment you didn’t need no

lawn service

at the apartment

somebody was out there doing it for you

but now you got blessed with the home it

wasn’t to stunt

it’s so you could come in contact with



and while you looking at your watch like

when are they gonna finish and when you

and god said

it’s time to go fishing

well i don’t have time to go fishing i

have emails to

and the reason the whole reason it broke

the whole reason he gave you all them

petunias and the the

the little azaleas and the

the whole reason

why the faucet won’t stop dripping


because there’s a person

that has to come into your atmosphere

that should be

an atmosphere filled with the presence

of god that should be an atmosphere that

is peaceful and has joy

and when they come into that place and


hits them

the acceleration

was for salvation can i tell you the

greatest story that happened

i took uh our oversight pastor pastor

tim ross to uh transformation towers

this past week

and as soon as i got in my little fob

thing wasn’t working to get in so i mean

the security over there is next level

like the security guy

pulled over like

i was like hey bro

i’m he it’s me yeah yeah i said

and he said uh what’s your name

i said my whole name michael alexander

todd finger

and he said oh you’re the pastor

i was like yeah

he said man

i got the assignment to come over here

and he reached in his pocket and pastor

tim as sure as i’m sitting here i didn’t

know what he was like this house going

in right at the towers with a guy here

and he about to

this man reached in his pocket and

pulled out a vial of anointing oil

and he said

they assigned me here from an assignment


and he said when i found out the church

was here he said i’ve been pleading the

blood of jesus over every door post over

the elevator i mean he started giving he

said where the blood of jesus is there’s

nothing that can happen and he start

going through the whole thing

mo am i telling the truth bro

this man

came in

with the oil

and he said

i’m believing that every person that

works in this building

comes in this building has to fix

something on this building is going to

find jesus

because they came in god’s house

what am i saying to you when they come

in contact with you when they work on

your car when they get in your upgrade

god said it wasn’t about the

acceleration it was about salvation

how do you know that p might

because they didn’t even keep the fish

the biggest day of their

business and literally the bible tells


that they left everything

and followed jesus

what happens when the thing you’re going

so hard after right now

god gives you

and it’s so unattractive compared to

following jesus

the things i used to want

the things that i used to desire

don’t even scratch the itch no more

because when you actually get a glimpse

of how good god is you become awestruck

god you use somebody like me

you trust me with that amount of

resource you allow people to wake up in

different countries and tune in where

they’re paying for wi-fi at the internet

bar they had to leave their house to

hear the message and the worship that

you gave us

go away from me god i’m not worthy he

said no

that’s exactly why i accelerated you

so that we could fish for the real price


don’t think bamboo season

is just for the blessing

bamboo season is for the people


what god’s about to do in our ministry

how he’s about to bless how he’s about

to expand the territory

it’s not about buildings

it’s not about vehicles

it’s not about institutions

it’s not about merch

it’s not about songs

it’s about say it with me people

the reason we’re going to sew on

december 5th

it’s not about money

it’s about that story we saw

at offering time about daya

at the end of their rope this church and

your generosity

bought a woman and her entire family

a home

it was about


and god’s not doing it for this


and not doing it for the organism

somebody said god’s gonna do it through


come on just point at yourself put your

hand on yourself say god’s gonna do it

through me

can i say this last name the only reason

god does things externally

is so that he can transform you


and it can change your eternity

say it one more time the only reason god

gives us these buildings and blesses us

with the home and gives us a better

paying job the only reason he does

anything externally

is so that it can transform me


i know he’s faithful

i know he’s good i see his grace i see

his goodness he’s the god of the victim

he does something internally

and it can change me and others



is the bamboo season

it’s the season of unusual acceleration

hands lifted all over the world

i hear this

it’s a new season

and it’s a new day

a fresh anointing

won’t receive it it’s flowing my way

it’s a season of power it’s a season of


and prosperity

somebody declare it’s a new season it’s

a new scene it’s coming it’s coming

to come on hands lift it let’s lift it

up it’s a new season say it’s a new come

on receive this right now say it’s a new


it’s a bamboo season there’s a fresh


it’s flowing my way say

come on this is a season of power

for my parents for my business for my


come on somebody say it’s a new season

if you believe in hands lifted all over

i want to pray for you

see this is one you got to snatch

and say it’s mine

amberley is bamboo season

everything that you thought was lost

every moment that you thought

i lost that in my childhood i lost that

in my teenage years i lost that no no no

snatch this one this is your season and

it’s gonna grow and it’s gonna go and

god’s gonna bless you to be a blessing

somebody receive it say it’s mine

father i pray

in the name of jesus

that as you told me it’s a bamboo season

i came out here by faith to declare it

and i declare it’s a new season people

where the land looks barren right now

and it’s been down for a long time

i thank you for unusual acceleration


come back

tomorrow and see the goodness of god

i declare that this time tomorrow things

are changing

this time next week things are changing

this time next month approvals are

coming this time next year we won’t even

look like the same person not physically

mentally emotionally financially father

it is bamboo season this is the moment

of unusual acceleration

and as a people

we receive

the word of god

by faith somebody say i receive

the word of god

by faith

said it’s a new season

say it’s a new season say it’s a new sea

all week no matter what it looks like

it’s a news

it’s bamboo season acceleration

share this with everybody fee somebody

say it’s a news

kaylee for you and your family declare


i will never be the same somebody says

it’s coming

it’s coming

so the last thing i gotta do

is i gotta give somebody the opportunity

who was like simon

who even through this message something

in you is saying no no god get away from

me like i don’t want

i’m a sin for man

and do you see what jesus did he came



and he literally said i’m not leaving

your boat

i’m staying right here

don’t fear

and today somebody needs to give

jesus control of your life

and he’s literally saying i’m not going

there i’ve been here

i i’ve been kind it’s been my loving

kindness that’s been drawing you that’s


that coincidence that what a coincidence

that was me

the reason you watching today all of the

situations that led you right here that

would be

because i love you

and i love you so much that i made a

plan that we could be in relationship

i sent my only son jesus to die on the

cross just for you all your sins all

your mess-ups all your shortcomings

so that we could be in a covenant


and i’m telling you as sure as i’m

standing here sweating and all red

that this was the greatest one decision

i ever made

to allow jesus christ to be the lord of

my life

it took me from being a liar somebody

who was addicted to pornography a

manipulator had all kinds of evil things

in my heart and god says yeah you just

give me your life

and if i can have your heart i’ll help

you change your habits

and today i’m not perfect but i’m

progressing i’m not who i was yesterday

i’m going towards something that god has

shown me and i’m telling you you can

come to

follow me as we follow christ

if you’re saying today i’m tired of

rowing away from jesus

i’m tired of going backwards i want to

move forward


you can be in the family of god

and we’re going to say a prayer

in just a moment and if you want to be

included in this prayer on the count of

three i just want you to lift your hands

the crazy thing about it there’s over 39

000 people who have given their life to


this year through transformation church

oh y’all come on man

i said 39 000 people

that’s true fishing

that’s what makes me say lord ah

but today he said cast out the net again

here i am

casting out the net for the true catch

which is you


if you want to be included in that

prayer and give your life to jesus

on the count of three just lift your

hands one you’re making the greatest

decision of their life two i’m proud of

you but forget all of that your name

will be written in the lamb’s book of

life your eternity will have changed

three if it’s you just lift your hand up

in the air right now

there are people lifting their hand up

in the arena and there are people that

are lifting this their hand up as

they’re watching this all over the world

on rebroadcast

listen to me

at transformation church we’re a family

according to romans 10 9 if you confess

and you believe that jesus christ is


you are saved your eternity is secure so

today we’re going to pray all together

tc you know we have family let’s pray

together everybody just lift your hands

and say lord

thank you

for sending jesus

just for me


i give you

my whole life

i believe you lived

you died

and you rose again

just for me

and today

take over

do something in my life

that i could never imagine

i’m yours

change me

renew me

transform me

i’m yours

in jesus name


can we give god a huge shout and pray oh

come on y’all there are people all over

the world the family just got bigger

it’s bamboo season

hey listen

if you just prayed that prayer i want

you to text saved to the number on the


and i want you to know that we’re going

to send you some information and we’re

going to walk with you we’re going to

let this crazy faith journey not be a

lonely one we’re going to stand with you

and i encourage you go back and watch

all of the messages before this one go

back even and watch the og crazy faith

go and get the book crazy faith i break

it down in there in a different way this

is the journey of faith that you’re

about to be on and we want to be a

church to help you some of you need to

go get in a life-giving church in your

community you can watch us anytime you

can watch us on monday tuesday wednesday

thursday friday saturday you can watch

us anytime but somebody needs to put

eyes on you they need to see you you

need a hug you need to get in a small

group go do that we want you to grow

cause remember

it’s been booth season

the growth in your life spiritually is

about to be something that people will

stand back and say

look at what the lord has done

i love you i believe in you and until

next week i want you to go out and live

a transformed life god bless you
