If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected].

well is anybody excited about the word

today and listen man I am so excited

about what we are about to get into this

is week one of a series that we are

calling ducks in a row and I need you to

get out your notes and and on your

smartphone or your dumb phone whatever

you have because we’re gonna we’re gonna

walk progressively through um really

probably one of the most life-changing

subjects that have changed the

trajectory of this church changed the

trajectory of me and my family’s life

and changed the trajectory of so many

families we’re going to talk about

stewardship and generosity now I know in

2019 these are not sexy words

stewardship it don’t even sound sexy

stewardship and generosity but I found

all through God’s Word

these are two cornerstones for God to do

everything that he wants to do in a

believers life it’s gonna take

stewardship and generosity just say the

word with me say stewardship you don’t

even say it right say stewardship and

generosity so we’re gonna talk about

these things and what I’m asking you to

do is to lock in with me for the next

five weeks

like like cuz this is the series that if

any series you could be taken out of

this would be the one because the truths

that are gonna be expounded upon through

God’s Word in this series are the ones

that break generous generational cycles

of poverty as well as the truths break

generational cycles of selfishness yeah

oh yeah cuz you thought it was just

about getting more and god says why

would I give you more cuz you’re not a

river you’re a reservoir when I give you

something that stops with you but God

says I want you to be a river I want to

be able to give you so much that it

flows through you that you’re blessed to

be a blessing and that’s what we desire

for our church is that we would give

just to give and not to get and let me

go ahead and give you the the disclaimer

for all the people like I lost you in

the time today because I’m gonna be

talking about money

yes we’re gonna be talking about money

but I’m gonna do it from a very delicate

standpoint because I know the stigma the

church just wants me for my money we

don’t want you for your money

what we’re telling you in this series is

to relax everybody say relax

we’re not taking any second offerings

okay there’s no campaign that we’re

raising money for right now as a matter

of fact because of the generosity of

people who’ve already bought into this

blessed life attitude because of that

this four weeks coming up we are giving

away to organizations and and people who

are doing ministries and partnering with

all kinds of stuff I cannot wait for you

to see every week what we’re gonna be

doing we’re gonna give away over two

hundred and fifty thousand dollars in

four weeks can we give God oh come on

y’all can we give God praise for that

now now that’s a different bend than a

lot of people have in with money and in

church and the reason that this is

coming to us and I’m so passionate about

it is because when I started pastoring

this church about four years ago my

second sermon series ever what’s called

the blessed life and and we did this um

based off of Robert Morris who’s down in

Dallas Texas and they have a church down

there where he has this revelation of

generosity and stewardship and all this

other stuff and because I’m a

transparent leader I can never get up

here and talk about nothing that I I

haven’t been through or I don’t know and

so I stood up it’s so crazy when you

talk about representing I stood up at

our church and I say hey guys

God told me we’re supposed to do this

series on generosity and stewardship and

I don’t know enough about it yet so

instead of me getting up in here and

faking for four weeks and trying to

teach you something that I don’t know

we’re gonna play these videos for pastor

Robert Morris

and he’s white and dry and has the juice

do you hear what I’m saying

and and and and this is when our church

was predominantly african-american and

more expressive and all this other stuff

I said but I don’t want to get up here

and tap-dance for you for four weeks and

you don’t get transformed

I’m telling you I said instead of me

trying to do that I’m gonna sit right

here on the front row and I said in that

seat with my wife and for four and a

half or five weeks we set and learn the

principles of the blessed life together

I want to just teach you I will never be

a leader that gets up here and tries to

fake the funk I’ll bring in the people

who actually got the phone do you hear

what I’m saying because we don’t have

time to waste and people are really

struggling with situations and so when

we learned about this blessed life it

changed everything y’all it changed this

church and it changed my life and today

I’m telling you we’re not doing this

series because the church needs more

money we’re doing this series because

God wants you to live a blessed life

everybody say blessed life say it like

you mean it say blessed life that’s what

he wants for every person and so we’re

gonna have to walk through some

principles so today it’s gonna be very

introductory very basic so we can get

your heart open so that we can be able

to do surgery in this series so what I

need everybody to understand is is two

words that we’re going to look at

because proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 is

gonna give us some groundwork I want

everybody to write down the scripture

cuz it wrecks me every time I read it it

says the world of the generous gets

larger and larger and the world of the

stingy gets smaller and smaller that’s

some good by phone right there because

at the end of the day it doesn’t matter

how much you have it’s about your heart

posture he says people who have a heart

to be generous he said I can give them

more and more and more and more he said

but people who hold that even what I

give him he says it keeps taking away

from them and this is what I believe at

transformation church this is the year

of what release and and and we believe

that because we are walking in this God

doesn’t just want us to be healed in our

emotions and healed in our bodies he

wants us to be healed in our finances

and there’s a lot of people I counsel so

many people and I know there’s some

bushi people think about pesum like you

don’t know how much I have in my account

but your heart is ugly

it doesn’t matter about amounts God’s

going after hearts right now and so as

the lead shepherd of this house I have

to bring to you the things that are

gonna help our hearts all I’m saying to

you today is that we want God to release

everything he has for us the more the

expansion this is not a prosperity

gospel this is a gospel that says God

does have more for you but you have a

part to play in this thing and what God

has ordained for all of us he wants to

release it to us but the prerequisite to

get what j-bars pray for enlarge my

territory when we pray stuff like that

he says oh that can only happen with the

motivation of generosity let me help you

you have to know that when God blesses

you it’s for the first reason to be a

blessing to somebody else and I know I

know because everything tells you to

hoard it but God says I want you to be a

blessing everybody just declared this by

faith say I am a blessing just say it

one more time say I am a blessing what

happens when you walk into your job and

and you are a blessing when you’re not

there something’s missing what happens

when you’re not at the family dinner the

joy is not the same like I am a blessing

somebody just say it one more time

I am a blessing and until you believe

that you walked around beneath what God

has called you to be and so through this

series I’m gonna allow you to recognize

and I hope the Holy Spirit reveals to

you see revelation all it is is it’s

revealed truth something that’s there

but you can’t see is revealed and I’m

believing that the scales will fall from

our eyes and generational things that

have been over us as far as finances

will be shattered as God gives

revelation to us and so this is where

we’re gonna start

today we titled the series ducks in a

row because number one I like ducks

number two number two it gives us a

picture it’s a quote kalokhe you how do

you say colloquialism

well it’s a saying that we have like hey

we need to get our ducks in a row when I

look this up in the urban dictionary I

love it it says to be well prepared or

well organized for something that is

going to happen like I feel like God

wants to do something and it’s going to

happen my question is how prepared are

you what have you been doing with what

you got how are you how are you handling

what’s in your hands and and that’s why

I said if we’re gonna be that type of

church that won’t just give 250,000

dollars away in in one month of

generosity but God could possibly trust

us to be a church that gives that type

of money away every month and for that

to happen that means he would have to

bless your business and have to bless

your life and bless your family and if

he’s gonna trust us God said you ain’t

even prepared for what I’m about to do

you’re not even handling what you have

been given the way I want you to do so I

need you to write down these two words

because they’re gonna be very pivotal to

us understanding this concept of a

blessed life it’s per preparation and

stewardship again I’m saying these words

over and over because I want them to

drill into your consciousness they are

not sexy but they are significant and

while you’re writing right now um write

down the title of today’s message are

your ducks in a row and I’m not gonna

answer that question for you you are

because I know you know you come into

church and people will be trying to

nudge you like see you should in the

done that and see no no no keep your

shoulders to yourself and your elbows to

yourself okay but I need you to answer

this question today are your ducks in a


are you prepared for what God wants to

do in your life are you prepared for

what he wants to do in your finances are

you prepared for what he wants to do so

that you can be a blessing and and today

I’m gonna allow you to be able to assess

that through God’s Word I want us to go

right now to Matthew chapter 25 verse 14

are your ducks in a row the truth is

some of our ducks is just floating some

are ducks is just floating away some of

our ducks we only have enough of them

some of y’all like

FASTA I don’t have enough ducks to put

in a row you hear what I’m saying I

ain’t got no money I don’t have any

resource and I’m not just talking about

money I’m talking about time

how are you prioritizing what God has

placed in your head I’m talking about

your giftings because some of us have

giftings that we have not done anything

with and God says are your ducks in a


some of y’all trying to figure out what

the duck is going on I had to use it

anyway the church people over here

they’re like oh my god so we’re gonna

see how we can get our ducks in a row

through a parable that Jesus is telling

this is Jesus telling and you may have

heard this before but we’re gonna take

it from a whole different we’re gonna

represent this scripture it’s the story

of the men with the talents let’s look

at it and in verse 14 a Matthew 25 it

says and again the kingdom of heaven can

be illustrated by the story of a man

going on a long trip the man right here

represents God he said he called

together his servants and entrusted his

money to them what did he entrusted him

what did he entrusted him say it and

every service all everybody that’s

watching what did he entrusted him he

could have used any example but he

decided to use money do you know that

money in possessions is talked about in

the Bible over 800 times the second most

talked about topic in the Word of God

now now it’s so funny when I say that as

so many people want to look to the

economic system and government for

financial practices but they are

trillions of dollars and then the

problem is maybe the system was created

by someone more intelligent than anybody

that’s here and maybe just for these

five weeks could we allow the Word of

God to be the standard of how we look at

finances can I get one big yes okay

let’s let’s go so he said it was like a

man that went on a long trip he called

together his servants and entrusted his

money to them while he was gone he gave

five bags of silver to one two bags of

silver to another and one bag of silver

to the last

fighting it in proportion to their

abilities oh I love the word of God

God’s not dumb see so many people know

he’s not dumb at all so many people are

frustrated right here off the gate

because it’s like God so unfair why

would he give one five one two and one

one like like matter of fact I’m the one

with one I don’t even believe that but

but but we always look at what God gives

us compared to somebody else

uh oh we’re always looking at how they

started and what school they got to go

to and and how their parents were set up

and and how this was and and and we’re

all doing that but I want you to notice

the last sentence that last part of that

sentence it said that God divided it in

proportion to their ability you have

what you have cuz that’s what you can

handle uh uh oh

you have what you have cuz that’s what

you can handle let me put it like this

the next season of ability is dependent

on the last season of responsibility

that’s good he’s in right there so you

so mad because God gave you this and he

said just work what I gave you he said

but you’re so mad about how little or

how insignificant or it’s not like bears

that I’m not gonna do nothing with this

and God said that’s why you’re still at

the same level of influence that’s why

you’re still at the same level you’re at

a different job but the same level of


you’re in a different sphere you’re

older now but it’s the same level he

said because you were now responsible

with what I gave you and today I need

you to see in this text text that

stewardship says today matters everybody

say today matters

see see stewardship says what I do today

matters how I use my money today matters

how I prioritize my time today matters

what I say to people today matters how I

love today matters because when you deal

with today this is the thing you have to

understand about today today will always

show up tomorrow

uh-huh like like like what you do today

is gonna show up tomorrow how many of us

and I’ll say us know that you need to

work out come on hands lift it all over

the place

okay now let’s be honest when it comes

to this whole thing about working out

for your boy some of y’all are experts

out there okay but as you can see

there’s some areas that I’m believing

God for a miracle you hear nothing but

the miracle is never coming the miracles

never coming because it’s going to

require stewardship so so could it be

what you’re praying for is not on the

way cuz you’re praying for the outcome

of something you actually have to do oh

yeah I know I ain’t man myself before I

got here today cuz I knew y’all was

gonna be acting funny but this is what

I’m saying to you like stewardship is

what I do today matters so some days

I’ll be like man I need to go to the gym

today I need to go to the gym today like

I got to and then it’ll be tomorrow and

I don’t like you know what I’m calling

the day today is gym day but not just

did I not go to the gym that day I ate

McDonald’s that say I eat Chinese food

that day they had to third out of the

blue at my job and what I did today

showed up tomorrow are you you it showed

up tomorrow I’m using a practical

example for me because this applies to

every area of your life God’s calling us

to another level of stewardship what is

stewardship taking care of something

that’s not yours see some of you don’t

understand stewardship because you think

you own your life you think you are in

that job you think you were given those

gifts and talents so that you can own

them where do they come from

I know you went to school and I know you

you you prospered some with what was

given but who gave you the natural

ability only God and the reason that

many of us don’t know how to Stewart is

because we think we’re owners instead of

managers and God called us the reason we

got to get our ducks in a row because

the master has given us everything and

we’re supposed to manage over and he’s

gonna ask us hey what y’all do what I

gave you and so that’s where we pick

back up in this story in verse 16 the

servant who received the five bags of

silver began to invest the money and

earn five more the servant with two bags

of silver also went to work I just need

to stop what did he do he went to work

let me just stop right here if you don’t

have enough grind in you to take care of

your responsibilities and work on your

passion you’re out of line of the will

of God for your life I’m just over here

I’m a creative bro I’m just trying to

make this thing happen

you’re gonna be broke and what you got

to do is you got to be responsible in a

season so that you can be able to do

what you love to do in another season

and this man went to work and I know

this is something that people don’t like

to hear about today but in this

environment of everybody doing what they

feel God’s very clear about us using

what we have in this season stewardship

to create a better season for it so I

just have to do this cuz I got a lot of

Millennials that are watching right now

and and that are a part of my church you

got to work because it’s developing

something in you that will prepare you

for what you’re supposed to do and this

is the thing that I got to get you to

understand if you see somebody that’s

lived over half of their life and

they’re still not working in their

passion it’s because in the time that

they were supposed to Stewart over their

gift they did not and now they are

forced to work in a different season of

their life I’m coming to encourage you

everybody who’s not married and don’t

have kids you have more time today than

you will ever have and can I get some a

man’s for married people and people with


amen and you dial out so much to do you

don’t know I’m I’m trying to tell you

cuz I was blind to it like I didn’t even

understand it this is the time where you

get on your grind this is the time where

you do the things that don’t impact a

child in a wife or a husband this is the

time where you fully sell out to what

God has called you to do some of y’all

praying so hard to be married but you

need to sit in your singleness for a

second and get your stuff together again

it’s good to get your ducks in a row

so you can be and do everything God has

called you to do my rant is over amen

and so it said the servant with two bags

of silver also went to work and earn two

more but the servant who received the

one bag of silver dug a hole isn’t it

crazy that all the way back here they

used the language that we use today to

talk about how people get into debt I

dug a hole and I’m trying to get out of

this hole trying to pay back these

student loans trying to try to pay back

this Macy’s car trying to trying to pay

back like they’d done and it literally

parallels this man’s situation he said

he had a little and so instead of using

what he had to multiply in and to do

what’s right with it he dug a hole in

the ground and hid the Masters money

after a long time their master returns

from his trip and called them hey y’all

I need y’all to tell me what y’all did

with my money

he said the servant to whom he had

entrusted five bags of silver stepped up

real proud he said master hey you gave

me five bags of silver to invest and

brah here’s five more and then the

master was full of praise he said well

done my good and faithful servant you

have been faithful in handling the small


now this tripping me out this time that

I read it because this is the guy that

got the most but in God’s eyes it was a

small amount like like like like what

you gotta understand is God is not

carrying about amount he said this was

just the test the job you have right now

is just a test no matter how much you

think all I’m living the greatest life


I have no worries God said that small

amount that few hundred thousand Depp do

you million that this is the idea you

have to give that God is not bound by

our small thinking he’s limited by our

small obedience he he’s not limited by

but by our small thinking he’s limited

by our small obedience and that’s why

he’s saying man if y’all could just get

your ducks in a row and do it my way

because if if you take what you have and

work what you have and give to me and

and honor me and and bless other people

he said this moment the best job you

ever had

that’s your 401 K blooming that and and

this is the thing that you have to

realize because the person with one

thought he had so much and everybody the

five the two and the one God said this

was all the pre-show for what I really

want to do in your life so that’s why we

got to get our ducks in a row and he

said to the servant with five bags he

said you gave me five bags and Masterson

was full of praise well done it said the

servant who had received the two bags

verse twenty-two a sibrel came forward

and said master you gave me two bags of

silver to invest and I’ve earned two

more well done boy that’s what I’m

talking about you’ve been faithful and

handling the small amount so now I’m

gonna give you more not money look what

it says I’m going to give you more

responsibility Oh

hold on no no hold on I thought if I did

was right with the finances users gonna

give is just magic trick more money he

said no no he said the reward of being a

good steward is more responsibility and

this is where people get tricked and

that’s why they think it’s a prosperity

gospel and if I give three hundred and

thirty-three dollars God’s gonna me give

me three thousand three hundred

then under that he said when when you

honor me I give you more responsibility

which gives you the ability to do more

with what I’ve already given you it

it’s the same amount of work to invest

and dig a hole both people got to work

but but one’s gonna get an outcome where

they get more responsibility and the

other is going to get nothing and so I

want you to see that the reward of our

stewardship and our preparation is more

responsibilities that God can use in our

lives it says so the servant with two

bags said master I knew look at verse 24

the servant that had one bag of silver

came and said master I knew you are a

harsh man harvesting crops you didn’t

plant and gather them across you didn’t

cultivate so I was afraid I will lose

your money man so I hid it in the earth

so look here baby here’s your money back

but the master replied look you wicked

and lazy servant if you knew a harvested

crops I didn’t plant and gather crops

I didn’t cultivate why didn’t you at

least deposit it in the bank the least

you could have done is is manage my

money how the world tells you to I got

to leave it right there at least I could

have gotten a little interest on what

I’ve given you then he ordered take the

money from him and give it to the one

with the ten bags of silver to those who

use well what they are given even more

will be given and they will have an

abundance or they will live a blessed

life and this is what my desire and my

faith is for everybody a part of

transformation church that we would live

a blessed life everybody shot at me

blessed life that’s what we want but for

those who do nothing even this is so sad

even what little they have will be taken

away now throw this useless servant into

utter darkness dang God where there will

be weeping and gnashing of teeth and

that’s what a lot of our finances look

like weepy and gnashing of teeth let me

give you a point right here preparation

releases prosperity and procrastination

releases poverty when you prepare it

sets you up to walk in prosperity when

you procrastinate I’ll do it tomorrow

I know I’m going to get that budget


I know I’m gonna start I’m gonna bring

somebody into my fan finances that

procrastination it releases this is the

year of release it depends what you want

to really have released in your life if

you prepare it’s gonna release

prosperity if you do not prepare and you

procrastinate it releases poverty you

think I’m making this up look at

proverbs 12 verse 24 it says diligent

hands will rule but laziness ends in

forced labour like like a lot of people

are forced to work right now I’m not

gonna ask you to raise your hand but how

many people hate their jobs blink at me

right now just blink you said you should

see all the blinkers in zero okay like

like you hate your job if you hate your

job halfway into your life it’s because

you procrastinate it in a season you

were supposed to be preparing no no I’m

telling you there’s a preparation season

so every 18-year old don’t go quit your

problems job this is a season of

preparation but if you’re 48 58 68 years

old and you still hate what you do that

means that in a season of preparation

you were procrastinating and I don’t

nobody like to hear that and that’s why

I have security so I can run out of here

after service but if I don’t tell you

who’s gonna tell you but I came with

good news the God that we serve is a

restorer of time he’s the one that has

grace that at the moment we were picked

and all that word means is to ten at the

moment we turn he’s standing there

saying I will redeem the time the Bible

says it like this that the cankerworm

has stolen everything that you thought

you lost he said at the moment you turn

back to me I’ll redeem them crazy

college years I’ll redeem the time that

you were keeping up with the Joneses

I’ll redeem it all but somebody has to

start by getting your ducks in a row

that’s what for the next four weeks

don’t play yourself by not coming

because this is going to

allow you to get blessed so this is what

I’m gonna do with my time remaining I

want us to do an assessment and I

thought this would be good and very

practical for us to do today because um

um a lot of people don’t think they need

help that do need help how many people

know somebody that need help but they

don’t think they need help to like you

know yeah just cuz somebody I’ll say

next one and and so and so today is a


it’s a ducks in a row assessment this is

what I want everybody to write down D I

a are okay and that stands for ducks in

a row put two columns and I want you to

see the two stark contrasts in this

story there’s two guys who got they

ducks in a row the one who was given

five and the one who had two and there

was one other guy and he was the guy

that was digging a hole and I want you

to just write that down because these

are the two types of people were talking

to today people who have their ducks in

a row or people who are digging a hole

let me prove it to you right here just

so everybody knows that in Matthew

chapter 25 verse 18 it said but the

servant who received the one bag of

silver dug a hole in the ground and hid

the Masters money my question to you are

you continually being in cycles of debt

are you digging holes that you can’t get

out of in the future I had to be very

very honest with myself and I had to

come to grips with my shoe addiction oh

okay you want to judge me and my wife

for believing God for a new home and um

I was about to buy some shoes the other

day on the internet and it’s just so

easy because you don’t even see the

money exchange you don’t even it’s just

like boo no shoes on the way

and and God convicted me he said are you

stewarding and preparing for what you

want are you about to wear your new

doorknob and it hit like it hit me like

a ton of bricks cuz I was gonna stun him

one time and then put him put him in the

closet with the with the other million

shoes that I had he said why would I

give you more well why would I bless you

what you’re asking for and you won’t

Stuart over what I’ve already given you

and I’m telling you I gotta be honest

with where I’m at I am judging you but

I’m putting my stuff out on the street

cuz maybe just maybe there’s an area of

your life that you’re wasting resources

and things that will burn up when heaven

and earth are actually passed away like

like and for me I was digging a hole but

God said you ain’t got your ducks in a

row and and this is where I want

everybody to understand this because you

dig a hole when you have a certain

mindset and I’m gonna tell you about the

mindset that you’ll have when you’re

digging a hole if you’re digging a hole

or if you have your ducks in a row you

have faith for the future if you’re

digging a hole you have fear of failure

which category are you in see look at

verse 25 it says this man with one he

said I was afraid I

I was afraid I would lose so instead of

doing something with a little bit you

gave me I played it safe and I’m here to

tell you that you have to have faith for

the future because this thing that

you’ve been walking in in fear and I

just gotta make sure that this month

money saved in this this and this this

and this this because you’re fearful

there’s nothing wrong with saving and

planning and all that other stuff but

it’s done based in fear you have the

wrong motivation and I’m trying to tell

you right now the difference is the guy

who was given five he was had faith for

the future hold on this master just gave

me five men he said he’s coming back

what would happen if I took what he gave

me and multiplied that month and I

when he comes back i’ma give him five

more he might let me keep the five that

I had he had faith for the future but so

many of us are so paralyzed by what

happened that we’re now moving in fear

of failure so we’ve dug a hole we have

fear of failure and we’re standing still

in the same place but I came to tell you

according to second Timothy first

chapter 1 verse 7 it says for God has

not given us a spirit of fear and I love

the second part of it you ain’t supposed

to be scared or timid he said no no no

no walk up in there like gods on my side

somebody asked me what’s one of your

greatest qualities in your opinion of

your leadership I said I divorce the

fear of failure like like I’m just gonna

do it if I’m 55% sure it’s happening but

are you ever a hundred percent sure

about something 95 80 know if I’m 55 we

gonna do it because I’ve realized who’s

on my side and if God before me who we

serve the greatest Redeemer in history

he’s the only one that can take a

situation that’s broken and repair it

and bring it back together again

but the problem with the church and the

problem with people as we’re so afraid

of losing a little that we won’t even

step out in faith I’m challenging every

person in this room to divorce fear of

failure statistics tell us that most

millionaires go banked well at least

three to five times and how they get

million how do you been a millionaire

five times in your lifespan and you

ain’t got one let me tell you they’ve

divorce the fear of failure it’s

inevitable but when I take an ill I turn

it into a lesson I won’t do that again

I’m gonna do this again I’m gonna do

this and so we have to divorce the fear

of failure and these are the two things

that these men walked in let me tell you

something else that happened what was a

dire assessment for these guys if you

understand this you either walk in

acknowledging God are you assume of God

you either acknowledge God or you assume

of God let me show you in in verse 19 it

said after a long time their master

returned from his trip and and called

them all together and the servant to

whom he entrusted the five bags of

silver came forward with the five more

and said watch what he said master you

gave me he acknowledged where it came

from in the first place he didn’t say I

made he said you gave me he acknowledged

God even in his prosperity this is where

most of us make a mistake is somehow we

think that we did this and we made this

happen but Bible tells us in proverbs 3

6 that in all of your ways acknowledge

him and he shall direct your path look

at the contrast 1 acknowledged God

the other one assumed of God let me show

it to you it says in verse 24 the

servant who had one bag of silver came

and said master I knew you were hot on

one person acknowledge you gave it all

to me and the other one says I know who

you are

see when you assume you know how God

wants to bless you when you assume that

this is all God has for you you start

walking in a level of pride where you

discount God’s grace and goodness in

your life and this is what the one who

was broke minded did he dug a hole he

had the fear of failure and then he

assumed that God was not who he was can

we make a very clear distinction who

gave you the one talent that you had

like who gave you the one bag of silver

and so he he assumes the very opposite

of what he’s experienced and so many of

us do that God has been so good to us

he’s showed his grace to us over and

over we should not be in the place that

we’re in and somehow we assume that he’s

waiting for us to fail and messed up and

jack it up look what the the Bible tells

us that

I knew you were and look what he said a

harsh man

you talking about the same man they gave

you a bag for free you harvest crops

that you didn’t plan to gather crops you

didn’t cultivate I was afraid to lose

your money so I hid it in the earth I

just think I hear God’s saying when he

said I knew you were and he like y’all

know me bro but you have no idea and

that’s how God has checked me several

times he said God I know you and do he

see you don’t know me my ways are higher

than your ways according to Isaiah

chapter 55 verse 8 he says there my

thoughts are nothing like your thoughts

and my ways are beyond anything you can

imagine for just as high as the heavens

are above the earth so my ways are

higher than your ways and my thoughts

are higher than your thoughts all I’m

encouraging you to do today is that if

you’re in a place where you’ve been

digging in a hole and you’ve been in a

fear failure and you’ve assumed of God

don’t do that because when you do that

you’re limiting God to what he wants to

do in your life and in your family so

let me give you the last one it’s

already on the screen because I need you

to assess like check the box where

you’re at if you go and dig a hole have

fear of failure assume of God the last

thing you’re going to do is you’re gonna

use excuses for what you have now and if

you’ve got your ducks in a row you’re

gonna use what you have now what I’m

asking you today is before we cut into

the surgery of the rest of this series

what’s in your hand what have you

discounted that God’s counting on what

gift what talent well the tide of $10 is

$1 I know they don’t they don’t have no

need of my dollar and God said I was I

literally factored in everything based

on everybody doing what I asked him to

do like like I wanted to pour out a

blessing that was so huge but I don’t do

anything on earth without human

participation so I’m looking for some

people who will make a decision that I’m

not just gonna dig holes have fear


use the excuse of what I have right now

assume of God I need some people who are

going to trust me and get their ducks in

a row look at verse 29 it said to those

who use whale everybody say use well for

those who use well what they are given

even more will be given and they will

have an abundance that’s the blessed

life where you have so much more you

don’t even need at all like like like

what happens when you look at your

accounts every month and you’re saying

who do I get to bless this week who all

around me is in need no I want you to

really imagine yourself now I know it’s

hard to do that right now because a lot

of us have been in this column for a

long time and we just tried Lord forget

trying to be a blessing Lord just let me

get on a solid ground like no more I

just don’t want to be in the Hall no

more but God said for a second have

faith for the future see yourself

walking up to your family members who

get on your nerves right now and being

able to ask them genuinely not expecting

anything back in return how can I help


what would what would happen if you went

into your stressed-out boss and they

make more than you on paper but God has

blessed you so much in ways that you

couldn’t even imagine the joy able to

walk in to them and say hey I bought you

this this spa treatment on me and then I

cut on I made more money than you but I

serve a god you don’t like like what

what would happen if we were the biggest

blessing around God would get glory but

it’s hard to be a blessing and be

generous when your ducks aren’t in a row

something you got to see in this

scripture that changed everything for me

and why I’m starting off with this

before we go into the rest of the series

so because I saw something in the

scripture that I’ve never seen before

and it changed my entire view of God

because so many people think God wants

your money

no he did he just uses that as a tool to

get your heart let me prove it to you it

tells us in verse 28 it said after the

one with one told him I I ain’t do

nothing with your money I hate it I was

scared I dug a hole look what he said

then he ordered take the money from this

servant I expected that gave me this

money and what I expected God to do was

put it in his pocket because God needed

more money so he wanted him to all

prosper so that God prospered look what

God did I never saw it till this time he

said he take the money from the servant

and give it to the one that has ten bags

of silver her on the whole reason why

God wanted us to be a blessing was not

to return it back to him so his pockets

could just be fat he wanted them to

prosper so that they could prosper more

to bless more people

hear me God didn’t take the one and keep

it for himself he took the one and gave

it to the people who were faithful I’m

telling you our God doesn’t need what

you think he needs he wants to get to

you what you really need but today I

need you to assess where you really are

Pastor Mike I do not make enough money

to even check in to this conversation I

know that’s what some people are

thinking right now I’m on government

assistance I’ve got it uh God said all

I’m asking you to do is be a faithful

steward over a little and that’s when I

make you a ruler over munch today I want

to pray for you because if there’s an

area of your life that you’ve been in

this category today today not tomorrow

today stewardship is about today today I

want us to commit over the next four

weeks we’re gonna allow God to transform

our hearts and I don’t care how much

money you got in the bank coz some of

y’all got money but you’re not

acknowledging God you’re not honoring

him with what you have and today I

believe God’s going to show us

supernaturally how to take what we have

can I say it like this all you have is

all you need God will take what you have

right now and turn it into the blessing

that we’ll be able to bless so many

other people let’s pray in this building

father I thank you

for every person under the sound of my

voice as a matter of fact if you’re in

this room or you’re hearing this right

now and you know there’s an area of your

life that you’ve been digging a hole

that you’ve used excuses for what you

have that you’ve assumed forgot like

there’s an area in your life where you

know you need to get your ducks in a row

could you just lift your hands right now

just and and I want you to go I want to

pray for you father I thank you that

right now father God we’re not here to

be condemned we are here father for

conditioning you’re gonna do something

in our lives father God as we open

ourselves to you dead is a name and and

poor spending is a name but the name of

Jesus is higher and today I thank you

that this is not just information but

I’m thanking you for an impartation of

your spirit father God you have called

us to live a blessed life and today I

declare over every person who has had

the boldness to lift their hands and say

god I need to get my ducks in a row I

thank you that the eyes of their

understanding would be opened and that

their heart would be receptive to the

truth in this series today is the

foundation and the start of something

that’s going to change us for

generations to come

so today father we’re open to you we

give you glory we give you honor and we

give you praise in Jesus name somebody

shot at me amen come on let’s give God a

shout of praise in this building
