What are the spiritual implications of what’s happening in America today? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Stephen Strang discuss the details of the Trump prophecies leading up to the 2016 election. Learn why the spiritual call of Donald Trump to the office of president of the United States is for such a time as this!

(bright upbeat music)

– This is the “Believer’s
Voice of Victory” broadcast.

And I’m Kenneth Copeland,

and you better pay attention

(chuckles) ’cause
I’m telling you

that good stuff is happening on

this whole week
with Stephen Strang.

I’m telling you it’s
very, very important

to your life, to my
life, to your children,

my children, to your business,

your ministry, your church,

whatever you’re called to do

wherever you’re called to do it,

is this election is very,
very, very, very important.

Now, vote and vote right.

You listen to these broadcasts,

go back and go back
over these broadcasts.

I mean, get the notes
and the scriptures

and all of this and study it,

and study it, and
study it, and study it.

Do like I did, get
this book of Stephen’s.

I got one when it was in the
manuscript and studied it.

I studied it and worked
with it and studied it.

It’s important. Amen.

Now, open your Bible to the

third chapter of
Hosea verse six.

“My people are destroyed or
cut off for lack of knowledge.

And because you have rejected
knowledge, I will reject you.”

The Word says, “My
people are destroyed

for a lack of vision,
a lack of insight.

This is huge.

And Stephen Strang,
as a journalist

and a Christian reporter,

has dug all these things
out and documented them.

It’s very important.

And this election
is very important.

Don’t ever vote for
or against anybody

because of their personality.

You look at the platforms
of those two parties.

You look at where they
stand and you go vote.

If you don’t vote, you just
voted for the wrong side.

And the wrong side of the
people that murder babies.

I don’t mind telling you that.

If you don’t vote or
if you vote Democratic,

you’re an accomplice to murder.

You can’t pick out the
plank on that platform

and then stand on that one

without standing all the other

because it is a platform,
it’s all tied together.

You have to remember
that. Now, this has…

In fact, Stephen brought
this to my attention.

I had forgotten about it
from the book, Blood Moons.

Blood moons are
not coincidental.

Now, I’ve heard it argued,

in fact, I watched the debate

between John Hagee
and the other man.

I don’t remember his name.

Didn’t want to remember him.

He’s a Christian man.

I mean, this isn’t that,

but he’s more into mathematics

than he is into the Word.

Well, those things are going
to naturally come about

because of the movement
of the planets.

Who do you think
moves the planets?

What’s a matter with you?

I said that watching
that interview.

(audience laughing)

“I will show wonders
in the heavens

and in the earth, blood,
fire and pillars of smoke.

The sun shall be
turned into darkness

and the moon into
blood before the great

notable day of the
Lord should come.

And it will come to pass

whosoever shall call on the name

of the Lord shall be delivered

for in Mount Zion and in
Jerusalem shall be deliverance.

As the Lord has said,
and in the remanent

whom the Lord shall call.”

Now, talk about Donald
Trump and blood moons.

– [Stephen] Well,
I write about this

in the book called “God, Trump–

– [Kenneth] And if it’s
doesn’t set you on fire,

your wood is completely wet.


– [Stephen] Well, thank you.

“God, Trump the 2020 Election”.

I write about why
he’s got to win,

I write about how he might lose,

I write about all
these different things,

but I also try to include things

that other media are
not going to include,

including other Christian media.

And one of them is the
prophecies that happened

with, that Donald Trump
would be elected, and he was.

– And he was.

– [Stephen] I document the–

– [Kenneth] By more
than one person.

– That’s right.

– [Kenneth] By more
than just one person–

– [Stephen] And also,
I documented them

because people make
fun of prophecies

and prophecies are wrong.

Remember “88 reasons why Jesus
was going to come in 1988?”

– Yeah.

– I mean, if anything
is crying wolf

and it causes people to not
recognize the real thing.

So I’m careful about it,

but I was able to
document some prophecies,

but also there are
people who are teaching

about signs in the heavens.

– [Kenneth] Mm- hmm
(affirmative) (clears throat)

– [Stephen] Now, I
don’t think we can make

a doctrine around
this necessarily,

although there are
a lot of scriptures

like you’re talking about,

and God used signs
in the heavens

to get the wise men
from the Middle East

over to Bethlehem to
visit the Christ child.

There were stars,
signs in the heavens.

So there are several
with Donald Trump

and people find this
very interesting.

He was born on June 14th, 1946.

That day was a blood moon,

just like in the scripture.

A blood moon is a lunar
eclipse where it looks red.

So they called it a blood moon.

Now, what does that mean?

I don’t know. (chuckles)

I don’t know. I really don’t.

I say this in the book too,

but then if you take
from the day of his birth

and you go forward to the
day that Israel was born,

do you remember that
date, May 14th, 1948?

It’s exactly 700 days.

When Donald Trump was
elected president,

the day he swore
the oath of office,

he was 70 years, seven
months and seven days old.

The day he was–

– [Kenneth] See if you
gonna work that out.


– [Stephen] At least for
me, it makes me go hmm

It’s just interesting

The year he was inaugurated in
the Jewish calendar is 5777.

He beat Hillary Clinton
by 77 electoral votes.

And that was because there was
a defection of seven votes.

I just think it was interesting.

(audience laughing)

It made good reading.

You wanna put something
in the book to make…

They can’t get anywhere else.

Listen, you can find it on
the internet, like I did.

There are some preachers
that preach it,

I interviewed them,
I looked into it.

I verified that, yes,
it really was 700 days

and this type of thing.

And also in the middle
part of his term,

which would have been
January 20th, 2019,

the mid point, right?

Between the first inauguration

and when the next
inauguration happens.

That was also a blood moon.

And there are a couple
other blood moons

that I’m not
remembering right now,

but it’s just interesting that
God would send these signs.

And I think it’s an indication

that God’s hand is
on Donald Trump.

Now, there are
many other reasons

to believe God’s hand
is on Donald Trump–

– [Kenneth] Stephen,
here’s the thing.

There are people, personalities

that have come into the earth,
for very unusual reasons.

This man was born to be the

45th president of
the United States.

He’s unlike any president ever.

– [Stephen] You’re right.

– And it’s not ever.

We’ve never elected
a billionaire.

We’ve never had a man of
his makeup and personality.

As far as politics
are concerned,

he was part of the
political structure

of the country at
an arms distance.

His only reason for
becoming president was

to save the nation.

As you know, there was a meeting

of the entire Trump family.

He wouldn’t do it and he
wouldn’t talk about it.

And we talked about it,

but he wouldn’t consider it

unless the whole family agreed.

And then we find out from
Paula White, which Gloria and

I’ve known Paula as it goes
way, way, way, way, way back.

And she was saying that
they gathered together

and agreed that
they were willing

to expend their entire
fortune to save this nation.

That’s never happened.

George Washington did that.

The originals did that.

They put it all on the
line, all of their fortunes.

I don’t know of it since then,

but that smacks of the
original government

of this nation to save the
country you’re willing to…

And that’s one
thing you can say,

if you’re worth a couple
of thousand dollars

or if you’re worth
even a few million,

but when you’re worth
$3 billion in assets

that just beyond our
ability to relate to,

and he’s willing to
put it all on the line.

– [Stephen] And usually
the other thing happens,

isn’t it interesting that
these politicians they go in,

I don’t know what they make,

what varies $175,000 a year
or something like that.

And when they leave office,
they’re multi-millionaires.

– Yes. Aren’t they fortunate?

– [Stephen] Even the Obama’s
who their accumulative income

if I remember correctly,

it was like $400,000 or $500,000

before they went in office.

That’s upper middle class.

It’s not wealth.

And when they leave office,

they buy this a mansion
in Martha’s Vineyard

for $12 million.

You wonder why?

I mean, that’s just kind
of politics as usual,

and it’s not just them,

we could use lots of examples,

but with Donald Trump
it’s exactly the opposite.

And I really believe that it’s

because he really, really
loves this country.

He’d been thinking about
running for president

for a number of years.

And I tell the
story in the book.

And in fact, I got a lot
of my information from you

that when he thought
of running in 2012,

that was when Romney
got the nomination,

he asked Paula White-Cain

to get her preacher
friends together.

He wasn’t gonna ask
for their endorsements.

He was gonna ask them to pray.

Should he run?

I’ve never heard of a
politician saying that.

And why don’t you
pick up the story?

– [Kenneth] Well, and then
they did the same thing

when he ran this time.

They prayed without
ceasing for six hours.

Just praying, nobody’s
talking, just praying.

Room full of people,
room full of people.

And he asked Paula,
“What do you think?”

“No, sir.”

She said, “It’s
not what I think,

it’s what you think.”

Well, he said, “The
country wasn’t ready

for me before,
but they are now.”

He said, “I’m gonna run.”

– [Stephen] And the
rest is history.

And back that era,
God was showing some

of his prophets…

We believe that the gifts

of the Spirit are for today,

not just the early church.

And prophecy is probably
the most misunderstood.

– It is.

– [Stephen] For
a lot of reasons.

But a lot of people would
know the name, Kim Clement.

– [Kenneth] Yes.

– [Stephen] He was a personal
friend of mine since the ’90s.

He was a little
different (chuckles)

He actually died young.

He got a stroke and
he died the same month

that Trump was elected.

And the reason that’s
significant is these prophecies

which are all over YouTube,
could not be manufactured.

– That’s right.

– Some people will try
to make something look

and predate it,

Nowadays with Photoshop
you can do anything almost.

But in 2007 and 2008
timeframe, there were two…

You can go on
YouTube and see them.

I’ve watched them several times.

He’s prophesying and
he’s talking about

how Trump is going
to be a trumpet.

And that God is going
to raise up a disruptor.

And he says, he’s going to
be in office for two terms.

And there are some things…

He didn’t really mention Trump

except in the idea of a trumpet,

but in hindsight,
you can go back.

He talked about building a wall,

being a disruptor, all
of these kinds of things.

He’s probably the best
known, the most significant,

but also there was this
fireman named Mark Taylor.

– [Kenneth] Yeah, sir.

– [Stephen] That was
pretty extraordinary

the way that God showed him.

Chuck Pierce, whose a respected
prophet right here in Texas.

– Mm- hmm (affirmative)

His was a little
bit more symbolic

that God was gonna
play the Trump card

and later he began to..

But before the election,
he was very clear.

The Lord has said he will win.

And there are some others too.

In fact, when I was still
backing Senator Ted Cruz

early in the primaries (laughs)

I was hearing some
of my friends saying,

“God has said that Donald
Trump is gonna win.”

And I was going like, “Really?”

I mean, that was
just my reaction.

I started looking into it
and started the process.

Really, it ended up
with our coverage.

We did everything we could.

I used all the platforms.

I’m not hindered by
the Johnson amendment–

– That’s right.

– And mainly online, of course,

and a Pastor Jim Garlow did a…

We call it an op-ed.

Somebody else might
call it a blog.

It was kind of an
apologetic on why to vote

for Donald Trump even
if you don’t like him.

And it started with the
platform, like you said.

Anyway, it was shared
4 million times.

– [Audience] Wow.

It was even brought to
Donald Trump’s attention.

And you probably know Jim
Garlow ’cause he’s on…

– [Kenneth] I know very well.

– [Stephen] That
was a God thing.

I mean, we put in
articles all the time

that don’t get 4 million shares.

– [Kenneth] Now, he’s another
man that if he comes public

with something that God said,

I’m telling you, he’ll
put his life on the line

to the point where…

I’m telling you, when
he says something,

I mean, my antenna
goes straight up

’cause this man,
God has moved him

into places that were
dangerous for him

’cause he was so opposite from
everybody else around him.

But then when it turned
out, he changed them

instead of them changing him.

He is a class act that man is.

– [Stephen] I agree.

– (indistinct) really.

– [Stephen] And he’s a
model for the rest of us.

– [Kenneth] Yes, he is.

He’s a God activist.


I love him man.

And he’s had a lot of
heartache in his life

and he just doesn’t quit.

He just stays with it.

(laughs) I love that man.

He’s amazing.

– [Stephen] He is amazing.

– [Kenneth] Now, we’ve discussed
some interesting things.

Anybody that has any
spiritual aptitude about them

and anybody that cares enough

to really look and
dig like Stephen has.

That’s the reason
he’s so important

to the body of Christ
because of his expertise

and his ability as a journalist.

Because he is an
investigative reporter,

thank God for him.

He doesn’t have any idea


how much I depend on him

But that’s what he does.

I look at it like this.

He looks at it like this,

and that’s the reason
he’s so important.

Now, it’s one thing
to have a blood moon.

Well, so what?

But another blood moon
and another blood moon,

and another blood moon–

– [Stephen] And on
the day you’re born.

– (laughs) Yeah.

And it just starts stacking up

and then prophetic words
that are being spoken,

you cannot ignore that.

You cannot ignore the
signs and the wonders

that match the Word of God first

and then match the prophetic
utterances of proven prophets.

The least of which…

Not the least of which

is Paula White-Cain.

That woman has
spiritual insight.

And I’m telling you
she is a bulldog

(laughs) ’cause once
she hears from God,

she just doesn’t let up.

– [Stephen] And she’s had
her share of problems.

– Oh, yeah.

– [Stephen] And it was
like refining fire.

– [Kenneth] Yeah. The
devil attacked her

in every way you could
think of physically

and in ways that…

I’m just in awe of her.

And then now Jonathan.

I mean, he fits in
that same category,

but where we are right now,

it’s not easy to think
about yourself like this.

(clears throat)

George Washington, didn’t
know he was making history.

He’s trying to change things.

He knew that this thing
may not last five years.

They certainly had no
idea what it was gonna

be a 100 years from then.

No idea it never been done.

And I had the Lord
bring that up to me.

And he sent that to me.

I didn’t think about
that until he said it.

Do you think they had
all of that whole group?

John Adams, Quincy
Adams, Benjamin Franklin,

Thomas Jefferson, all of them.

Do you think they had any idea

what this is gonna look
like a 100 years from now?

They didn’t know it was
gonna last a 100 years.

It had never done,
never been done.

Stephen Strang, I heard this

and we are right in the
middle of it right now.

He said all of this
trouble are birth pangs

to the rebirth of this nation.

– [Stephen] I believe it.

– [Kenneth] And he said,
“You don’t have any idea

what it’s gonna look like a
100 years from now, but I do.”

And he said it will
be as much better

as it was better for them.

The rebirth of this nation.

– [Stephen] I pray your
prophecy comes true.

That’s what we need.

– [Kenneth] It’s coming to pass.

– And yes, things
are really bad,

but sometimes things have to get

really, really bad
before they get better.

– Yeah.

– [Stephen] Especially
when people are asleep

and the body of Christ
has been asleep.

– [Kenneth] Stephen,
I went all the way

through World War II.

And I was just a very little boy

when it bombed Pearl Harbor.

I was born December the sixth,

Pearl Harbor was bombed
December the seventh,

and I’d just turned
five years old.

But I was 10 by the same time

this thing was over with.

I remember it, man.

I was in grade school

in the middle of all that mess.

And I offered my dog to the army

and he was too little
they wouldn’t take it.


Anyway, the things that…

And of course, I learned later
that I was called to fly.

That was just part of my life.

I can’t remember when
I didn’t wanna fly.

My mother and dad
got married in 1927.

Lindbergh flew
the Atlantic 1927.

1927, ’27, ’37, 10 years, 41.

1941 Japan bombed Pearl
Harbor from aircraft carriers.

War has always caused
immensive, huge inventions

because we had to have
it people are dying.

Now, we have to have this.

We have to be realizing people
are dying, babies are dying.

We gotta admit we’re
at war with this thing.

We’re at war with a devil.

We’re not war with a Democrats.

We’re at war with a devil.

He hates this country.

More gospel coming out of here

and all the rest of them put
together and he hates it.

I read the back of
the book, we win.

– (laughs) Amen.

– [Kenneth] We’re out of time.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed
today’s teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries, and
remember Jesus is Lord.