Oh way to go put you put you put your

hands on your head put your hands up on

knowing you’re here they in the name of

Jesus I receive healing in my head

I receive healing in my brain

I receive a who had said again or I

receive how clear awakening in my memory

brain cells come alive wake up in Jesus

name thank you for I rebuke even the

thought of dementia


not my body I have the mind of Christ

I refuse Alzheimer’s I refuse it I said

in Jesus name

you’re not putting that on me devil I’m

a believer and that’s not in my reward

package that’s not God’s plan for me I

have a clear mind I’m clear of thought I

have a bread memory except for those

things I have purposely forgotten

now put your hands on your ears I

receive healing in my ears I receive

clear hearing ringing hearing loss be

gone right now blow red put your hands

on your neck I receive healing in my


my throat my mouth both in the spirit

and in the natural I have a cleansing of

my mouth but in the spirit and in the

natural mighty my tongue oh it’s in my


I’m healing well vertebrae in my neck

are healed and well going down my spine

every disk every nerve every vertebrae

all of my back muscles good and strong

alive to God filled with the Spirit of

God in the name of Jesus I put my hands

on my shoulders I put my hands on my

hands on my wrists on my forearms on my

elbow on both sides healed it well

healed it well strong in the law I put

my hands on my low back

I believe God back pain back weakness we

go leave now

healing come now spring oh now I receive

it I receive it kidneys wake up

be strong in the Lord be well urinary

tracts be strong in the law bladder be

strong in the law stomach intestines

everything in there be strong in the law

be filled with healing praise God

hips be strong and well degenerative

joint disease be thou removed be thou

cast into the sea go healing hah new

bones come praise God praise God give

the Lord praise for that right they’re

powerful powerful powerful

new hip joints new sacroiliac joints you

vertebrae Oh

brand-new go read it on I’ll put my

hands on my thighs whoa new thigh bones

new muscles new new nerves new knees new

shin bones new calf muscles new ankles

new toes news they renewing of my youth

from the crown of my head to the soles

of my feet

