Hebrews 1:14 says that God sends His angels to minister to believers. On today’s BVOV, learn some ways that God’s angels will work to help you. Let’s join Kenneth Copeland to hear this powerful message.

you’re not in this by yourself when you

activate your faith you activate your



that’s what he’s there for

he’s an operator he’ll add stream he’ll




Hebrews 1:14 says that God sends his

angels to minister to believers on

today’s believers voice of victory learn

some ways that God’s angels will work to

help you

let’s join Kenneth Copeland to hear this

powerful message

one of my heroes pastored a church in

Harlem jesse Windley what a man of faith

just when I pastored the soul Saving

Station in Harlem faith John the man had

sixteen children had to be a man of

faith now well either way you look at he

had to be him in anyway he he was he was

pastoring and they were starving that

they were literally starving to death

because the church wouldn’t feed him

well they were they went on to New York

and he began pastor that that church and

he’d man of faith and God blessed him

and he began to prosper and then this is

better back years ago what Jerry what

what would you think probably he was


71 yeah and he wasn’t he was what then

probably 60 years old or so something

like thanks Jesse set up a meeting in

the street right in the middle of just

the worst part of New York City and

while he’s preaching he’s got the Oh his

you know his singers was up on the the

platform with him they had a platform

set up on one side of the street and

Street was here and people were out

there listening to Bill Irwin and

priests and all the singers in there

singing in and and he’s preaching well

here coming here comes a gang of guys

and literally again gang members and

they’re coming across the street at him

with knives and

and they come in after it they’re gonna

pull him down off that platform

everybody on the platform ran everybody

scared Jesse when they took his Bible

like that he jumped off of that platform

and he took off after him now he said he

said I stepped over in a place where he

said I I don’t know what happened he

said when I can’t do he said I was

across the street and had these guys

backed up against the wall

and this and their own then they said we

didn’t know it really he said I don’t

know what they saw well you can pretty

well figure what they saw they saw his

angels I’ve had that golden 45 forgotten

about that they saw his angels and they

said they saw his angels and they had

golden 45 oh yeah yeah I know I know a

man that went out there was some guys

that were out to kill him he’s a pastor

he didn’t ever didn’t think about

anything like that and they sent message

to him that there was some kind of

message that somebody needed help or

something I don’t remember exactly what

it was and they needed to come out to

this certain place well he just got in

his car went out there and got out there

what do you think there and when he got

out of his car he looked around and he

didn’t see anybody so he just got in the

car and went back to town thought well

you know I don’t know he said later one

of these guys contacted me now they were

they were laying in wait for him and

they were they’re going to they’re going

to really work him over

with the idea of beating him to the

point of death or killing him and he

said who were those soldiers you had

with you he said what would he do better

he said you had soldiers with you any

and he said they wore white gloves and

they had white helmets and every one of

them was carrying a carbine I won’t know

who they were

he said well that’s my protective detail

well he said when we saw him we ran off

he said we didn’t want no part of that

white helmets white gloves and every one

of them had a carbine yeah m1 a1 carbine

they recognized and that good I was

preaching in Beaumont Texas right there

right at the beginning of this ministry

hadn’t been oh I’ve just been on the

field couple of years I guess something

like that and I was preaching in small

Church there and there was one fellow

that this man I mean he just came every

day and and wouldn’t any of the

Pentecostal people come and the

Pentecostals all said wildfire wildfire

whampire you know the boy the Baptist’s

were filling the place that got started

but the Baptist there and then a lot

weird every meeting we went three weeks

in that place well this is this fellow

but Amana man he was he was there and I

noticed one day he did right in the

middle of metazine he got up and left I

said someone all that bad business made

him mad and he left and he had gone for

several services and I noticed then he

when he came back in he just came back

in the back door of the church and just

set down right there in that first seat

just sit there

while I was preaching all of a sudden he


he look like he going in shock well I

noticed it but you know when I’m in the

building anything any longer than about

four or five rows back you see something

like that

and I didn’t pay attention to it I just

want to add volume and he came up out of

service he said I need to have lunch

with you if I could I said well yeah cuz

I want to I don’t know what I’m doing

you know and he told me what I said it

made him mad and he said I never know

lying going back over there listen to

that so he stayed away several day but

then the Lord got on him you know and he

said no now I want you to go back over

there no he said I’m not going he said I

want you to go back at least one more

service well I’ll go one more time and

if he says anything like that again I’m

never going back the Lord’s service all

right just be just go one more time he

said brother Kenneth and I was sitting

back there mad at you he said all of a

sudden I saw the biggest fella I have

ever seen in my life and he said he

looked like he’s fastened to you he said

look there was there was a space between

the two of you see he’s huge and he said

you know the commercial mr. clean

he said that’s what he looked like said

no hair on his head white shirt white

breeches and he said he was right with

you everywhere you didn’t you couldn’t

move him out he didn’t bubble but he

knows you think he’s here right now so

it he’s always always it and he said he

said you’d be preaching along and he

said and you’d stop a minute and said

he’d lean over and wish for something

you’re here and he said yeah I mean he’s


you just breaking the middle and he said

I never saw anything like it in my life

he thought I wish I hadn’t said anything

now you have an angel or what more than

one working with you

amen he belongs to you he’ll be with you

all the days of your life

he’s always before the face of the

Father and they’re not little fat babies

with wings now there there are little

little small angels like that but

they’re there a totally totally

different class of angel and the ones

that we’re dealing with look like men

they are me they’re angels but their

angelic men they didn’t born a man and

turn into an angel then no such thing

that you’re a man you’re a man you woman

you’re a woman that’s all you ever will

be now you’re higher class creation than

an angel they excel in strength they’re

ruinously strong but they all bow to the

name of Jesus they are here to add their

strength to what you do you don’t need

to be provoking them and in the name of

Jesus you do have authority where your

angels are concerned are they not all

ministering spirits sent forth the

minister for them that shall be heirs of

salvation now why do I talk about this

well you’re not in this by yourself

when you activate your faith you

activate your angel that’s what he’s

there for

amen he’s he’s an operator he’ll add

strength to you

he’ll minister to you I told you this

last night I’m gonna put it in here

again because this is

important I told you about that fellow

that that had heart situation and he had

believed God his faith went active where

his heart was concerned and I have it on

good authority that this happened in

this prayer line tonight you just

couldn’t see it but he woke up in the

night he just woke up and there’s a

fella standing that next to his bed with

his hands in his chest he’s got his

hands down in his chest working on his

heart and he saw him and even his

titties that everything’s all right

going back sleep so he just went back to

sleep he woke up the next morning and

totally knew her amen

the Lord just granted him the blessing

of seeing that and that’s wonderful well

I want to see what you know well we’re

in the word does it promise you you see

an angel well then don’t go don’t start

praying that way the devil will

accommodate you if you do because he

transforms into an angel of light and

he’ll mess with you so you don’t have

been pregnant but you can eat you can

expect your angel to work with you and

you need to pray father reveal to me how

to aid my angel and their work with this

ministry and with me and with my family

reveal to me how I can aid them and and

things that I need to do things I don’t

need to be doing that get in their way I

need to know how they think I need to

know I need I need to be on I’m on I’m

on their side you understand and God God

said don’t provoke your angel now 23rd

chapter of Exodus verse 20

are you there

behold I send an angel before you to

keep you in the way and bring you into

the place which I have prepared beware

of him obey his voice provoke him not

for he will not pardon your

transgression for my name is enemy now

they don’t have any emotions they don’t

have human emotions now since they were

created by God then then they’ve I mean

you know they’re emotional beings but

they don’t have human emotions then our

gonna put up with you or my unbelief now

then they’re not going to do anything

about it they don’t have that kind of

authority but when you’re talking

unbelief that they just stand idle you

provoke him with unbelief disobedience

saying things other than the word

refusing to obey or using the world’s

words that just scares me to death and

all that kind of stuff they’re there

because they’ve been commanded to be

there they’ll be there all your life but

don’t waste them now notice what he said

be aware of him and obey his voice

provoke him not for he will not pardon

your transgressions for my name is in

him in fact he didn’t he won’t pardon

you he doesn’t even have the authority

to do that now this was in the old

covenant in the new covenant our

transgressions have already been dealt

with by the blood of Jesus to

in ignorance or whatever you can still

say and do things that render your

angels absolutely helpless that they

that they can only just do so much just

out of the pure grace of God but nowhere

like what they’ve been assigned to do

and what they’re capable to do now

notice I wondered a lot of times I’d

read this and I’d say Lord I don’t

understand this you shall serve verse 25

you shall serve the Lord your God and he

shall bless your bread and water and I

will take sickness from the necessary

that wait a minute what is wrong with he

and I the Lord said well read the rest

of the chapter oh okay

I send an eight-oh I send an angel

before you to keep you in the way to

bring it into the place I’ve prepared

beware of him obey his voice provoke him

not he will not pardon your

transgressions for my name is in it but

if you will indeed obey his voice and do

what I speak then I’ll be an enemy to

your enemies and an adversary to your

adversaries and you shall serve the Lord

your God and your angel will bless your

bread and your water and I don’t take

sickness from the midst of Wow isn’t

that wonderful amen alright let’s go to

the book of Hebrews well I’ll be out

throughout eternity I’ll never forget

the time I first heard this oh my

goodness first Kenneth Hagin teep I ever

heard man I didn’t even know who he was

I was in my mother’s living room she and

Gloria had gone in the backroom she

wanted to show Gloria something we came

down there to preach brother Harold

Nichols church and I said mother you got

any tapes or anything to listen to she

said yeah she handed me brother Hagins

tape you write your own ticket with God

on one side and

what’s the name that other side keep

here you have what you’re saying yeah

thank you bidding and right at the end

one of those he said well yeah yeah yeah

I’m on do it yeah I’m gonna go ahead and

do it and he took this first chapter of

Hebrews but to which of the Angels verse

13 said he at any time sit on my right

hand until I make your enemies your

footstool are they not all say all oh

all of them all of them ministering

spirits sent forth to minister for them

who shall be heirs unto salvation now

when you go into chapter 2 therefore we

ought to give more earnest heed to the

things which we’ve heard lest at any

time we should let them slip for if the

word spoken by Angels was steadfast and

every transgression disobedience

received a just recompense of reward how

shall we escape if we neglect so great a

salvation that wasn’t talking about

being born again that’s talking about

the salvation and deliverance that’s

been put in the hands of these angels


and I heard that for the first time I’ll

tell you what it literally hit me so

hard it knocked me in the floor and when

Gloria came back in there I was in the

floor on my back underneath my mother’s

coffee table just laying there on my

back thinking your God I’ve got angels

oh god oh god oh god

I’ve got handles I remember I said

something stupid like oh what’s your


I want to what other dumb things I did

but it struck me like a boat every

believer oughta know this amen

my mother’s brother extremely strong man

he wasn’t a great big man he was in a

car wreck late one night he missed a

curb a curve in the highway and the car

rolled over and over and no seatbelts in

those cars then the door came open threw

him out and the car went up on its nose

like that and came back down and fell on

top of him the top well his feet were

sticking out one side and it’s laying on

him and his head sticking out the other

side well he’d picked that car up and

hold it for a little bit and breathe and

and and and I heard him tell mother he

said he said I figured I could he said I

figured I could flip that car off of me

well there’s a Studebaker is a full

grown car but he said my feet were

sticking out on the other side of it did

that’ll break my feet off and he said

I’m praying he said I did he said in

middle of the night man I’m on my way

anybody gonna find me out there and he

said so I just lift that car up I’m hold

it long as I couldn’t hold it let it

back down and breathe a little bit and

hold it back up again he did that for a

good while and he said then there was a

woman came up to me and put her hand on

my face and said Pete everything’s going

to be all right I’ve got people coming

and she now that may not be the exact

words but and and she stayed there and

kept her hand on him and kept

strengthening him and and while he lift

that thing up and breathe along and in a

little while there’s some people drove

up out there now he had rolled off that

highway off down in this this gully deep

play you couldn’t even see that car from

the highway you couldn’t see it in the

daytime from the highway but she

directed traffic there haha you know who

that was and he said it was he said he

said it was an angel he said I can tell

by looking at her well this has to do

with faith this has to do with believe

in God faith is the currency of the

spirit realm come by with no money

faith is the currency amen

faith is our medium of exchange

everything that’s heavenly everything

that’s in the spirit realm belongs to us

and like I’ve heard that brother bill

say God didn’t ask you to pay for it he

told you to believe for it well faith is

our currency you can believe for a whole

lot more actually under most conditions

you can believe for more than you can

believe money enough to pay for it your

faith is more active without the money

depending on what kind of ministry in

which you’re called now there’s

sometimes in certain situations that God

needs you to believe him for money

because there’s things certain thing

she wants you to do that take money to

do it like when you’re gonna he has a

need for you to do something financially

that involves other people for instance

we live by the kingdom of God we live in

Kingdom economy and it doesn’t function

like the natural world economy does and

we pay for something what God says pay

for it we may pay twice what somebody

asks for it why would you ever want to

do that

that ain’t my business I don’t run this

I just work here but God has a reason

for doing that

we’re Kingdom people we follow that we

follow that that we seek first the king

over the kingdom he tells you to pay

more pay more amen glory to God

this is Kingdom business