Believing the Unbelievable and Receiving the Impossible

would you join me today and welcoming

Jesse Duplantis to this broadcast Jesse

q thank you for taking out of your super

busy schedule you the businessman and

and coming in here and spending time

with us it’s a real blessing and honor

to have you here sir well it’s an honor

to be here you know we’re gonna be doing

a Bible lesson but both of us gonna

learn some things today I’ll say oh my I

already prayed I said my lord make sure

brother Colton says something that I can

take home you know excuse me there is a

solid base fundamental system in the

kingdom of God yes sir and it starts

with Jesus said the whole kingdom is

compared to a man that puts seed into

the ground now that represents giving

yes sir

you have to give so forth to get a

harvest but fundamental can’t be changed

so when when we’re preaching we’re

giving out that’s good of this spirit

man we’re giving out of our spiritual

life force and showing it into God’s

people in our brethren right well Jesus

said give and it will be given unto you

again amen

I can’t for the teaching that Brinson

never do study what’s the base is when

you should that in you and you inquire

the Lord to find out just the direction

he wants you to go and and what he wants

you to say and you think you got it and

then you go man a lot and when you start

giving it out you just start seeing all

kinds of things they’re not wonderful it

weighs the vastness of Revelation you

know I’ve been with you now I guess

preaching together over 21 years I guess

and the other day I put on one of your

old tapes I mean I I’ve told you this

before I love your six steps the

excellence of ministry you don’t have

that you ought to get that I’m that just

blessed my god

and I can hear it and I thought I knew

it all I got all more I could probably

almost speak those tapes but every time

I said God why don’t I get something new

out of it he says the revelation is so

vast Oh a minute you think you had it

all all of a sudden something explodes

and it gets even bigger and better and

you don’t start you don’t start with

number four you starting running one

that’s correct and the revelation just

if there’s something here needs to be

said when I was thirty years old when I

stepped into this calling a minute and

it began with basically the same

revelation I’m preaching today right but

at 75 years old almost 76 I’ve been

walking in it and preaching it for over

45 46 years so what’s happened that the

revelation and anointing me meant that

that I walk in now is far greater and

more highly developed than it was back

there 45 46 years ago so now the

revelation that we’re walking in now and

you hear the same thing you heard back

there then but now there there’s more

body to it oh yeah mm-hmm

you see when you start out flying it’s

flying and you start out flying a little

Cessna 150 you know and you’re going

along and and but then you start flying

a little little more complex equipment

then you start flying jets and then you

start flying fast jets and then real

fast jets and all that you still find

and the principles are still the same

but there’s more insight and

understanding now so your instructor can

talk to you on a higher level yes and

our instructors talking to us haha and

and let’s see now when we when you’re

you’re flowing with this and you’re

investing your time

and your resources into it then you walk

in the same anointing that we do because

that’s the way God distributes the

anointing among our partners and so

forth we walk in this revelation

together now here’s here’s what needs to

be said and understood this business

about living 70 or 80 years yeah was a

severe cut in time to a disobedient

people in the desert yes sir that’s when

that announcement was made yes sir

God said the days of man will be a

hundred and twenty years on the book of

Genesis so what happened then

people took that as the limit right it

was only limited to them and Jesse

they’re some of them died in good health

because God said you have missed it you

ain’t getting out of this bed alive that

the scripture said their carcasses fell

in the desert I don’t care high up they

they were and if there’s over 20 years

old they weren’t getting out of that no

well you know brother Copeland when you

said that you know I just I thought most

people if you look I guess overall the

planet most people die in between 70 and

80 years old and I thought why why

because people have preached that and

preached in their home and I thought

well why don’t people live to 120 years

old cuz nobody hardly anybody preaching

it you know me tell you what they don’t

why is that they don’t say it they don’t

say you can’t have faith for something

I’ve been preached to you know any

because if you don’t you don’t say it

right and now what happens God gets cut

short uh-huh

because the anointings available at

ninety Wondrich right 110 115 years old

in the earth yes they’re not available

to him anymore yeah we cut him out of it

yeah and that’s something and there are

anointings that the anointing on a man

in the earth should be continuing to

progress on up through and the wisest

most powerful

in jabal should be between a hundred and

hundred and twenty right and they’re not

available in the earth anymore you know

if someone dies it I just thought of

this as you were saying if someone dies

at 80 years old you just cut out a whole

generation because the generation of is

was 40 years and if he would have lived

120 hour he or she that was 40 years of

great revelation that you just left

there’s not in the earth right that

should be should be earth yes

now what if Abraham Lincoln to live to

be 120 man socialism together not on

their head what a phenomenal man but man

to do what he did well what and and you

think about he could have he could have

debated Woodrow Wilson mmm-hmm instead

of Woodrow Wilson debating him after he

did right you know and then mr. Lincoln

said the Constitution in the United

States is is an ABS is abstract truth

good for all men for all time mr. Wilson

said it’s the truth but it’s progressive

truth it needs to be changed as we go

along but mr. Lincoln wasn’t there to

argue with him and he just he rebuttal

him and he couldn’t bet he fee to live

to be 120 he had some influence over

this situation

yeah I wonder if we followed the

Constitution of the United States the

way it wrote how many federal officers

would have to be closed today nearly all

of nearly Holcomb that’s true it starts

with an Internal Revenue yeah how he

definitely was it’s unconstitutional

they said don’t do that and they did it

in they did it anyway in that song

oh god my god well I’m excited that and

I want to tell I will say this like I do

on my television call a friend tell them

to turn that television on right now

because they’re gonna learn something

from God Almighty and we’re gonna start

when your office called and asked if I I

would do some television with it they

asked me what we would speak on and the

Lord told me you know I never I want to

come some time to hear the prophetic

word that God usually gives you New

Year’s Eve or whatever when you’re

ministering that Eagle Mount but I said

lord I don’t I don’t want I want to see

if if this if we’re saying the same

thing you know like

prophets of Bethel the prophets of

Jericho was saying the same thing and

Elijah and he lashes day and I realized

that God spoke to you about this year of

great grace and I thought about Grace

and most people are talking about Grace

today and the Lord told me and that

we’re gonna deal with this in these two

weeks here on to believe the

unbelievable and receive the impossible

because if it’s unbelievable and it’s

impossible then it’s doable you taught

me that I have said many times in my

study bellick open and listen to the

different revelations that I received

from you and my and my our years

together one that I remember when you

first said it people thought it was

funny you said Christ is not Jesus’s

last name and I remember every one ha I

said and the Lord said don’t laugh

listen this is a very deep statement you

know we say Jesus Christ it’s not you

see Christ is not Jesus last it’s the

anointed one in his anointing it’s

actually the fabric of why we do what we


what’s holds us together it’s kind of

like the scientists say theoretical

physicists there’s dark matter and dark

energy we’ve never seen it we don’t know

where it’s at but we knew it’s present

you see what I’m saying and when you

said that I mean a lot of people around

was laughing and I thought and the Lord

said no listen it’s not my last name

it’s the very fabric of who you’re and I

thought without this anointing that was

one of the revelations the greatest

revelation to me that you ever gave and

I and I at first I have to be honest I

didn’t believe it I thought believe he

can’t say what I thought is it when you

said that we could be debt-free and you

use the scripture oh no man anything but

to love him I thought about how you how

you gonna buy a house without mortgaging

how you gonna buy a car what I financed

it but you know what you said to me and

the Lord gave this to me the other day

said when I talk when you heard brother

Copeland say that the reason why to

believe the unbelievable and receive the

impossible most people say you got to be

in debt know what you were saying was if

you get debt-free your love will not be

hindered and I thought about that how

many times some of you that wanted to be

a partner or you are a partner you

wanted to bless Kenneth Copeland

but you couldn’t cuz your house note was

coming up your car note was coming and

you should pay your house don’t use your

pee corner unless in it but just think

if he was debt-free you could send that

house note yeah what did hindered your

love you see that hinders people’s love

you see because they could do so much

more if it wouldn’t be obligated over

here to do this if they what you did

what you just described but owning up

being obligated or tied scripture says

the borrower or servant of the lender

yes sir and you have given your word you

have entered covenant laws lender yes


and before God now you don’t have to

keep your word swear to your own hurt

and and you and you just have to tell

you just have to tell God naam then you

know I apologized server I can’t do what

you I you wanted me to do because and

God is not the kind to put you under

that Kaiser right so he’s he’s having to

hold back from telling you to do things

that would bother you because he can’t

you tied now here’s something you say

the word pad got only the few weeks ago

I said word what what is that

he said dead is the umbilical cord to

the Babylonian system Oh Lord yeah

you’re tied to it it keeps it alive yeah

yeah you’re tied to it and and it’s but

he said tithing is the umbilical cord to

the kingdom of God hallelujah and he

said I’ll never rob yes know it I’ll

never take from you and when you’re tied

to me you own the increase because you

can do what I tell you to do and you

don’t have to do what that world tells

you it is flopped around the other way

and and God gets hold of it and gets

into your affairs in Europe you’re in a

position to obey Him or son oh yeah man

the it just this big

you know person asked me that the other

day says why do you tithe what’s what’s

your motivation for tithing you know

most people I said obedience

you know motivation for tithing is

simple obedience now what’s my rate of

exchange for tithing see there’s a rate

of exchange on that the rate of exchange

is that you live under an open wound in

heaven and he rebukes the divine for you

yeah and I’ve seen that I’ve seen people

win a lottery how you can go through a

hundred million dollars and then three

years later be in jail you know because

season but they would time the Devourer

was not rebuked you see so the rate of

exchange on that as compared to the

motivation of it brings you to believe

the unbelievable and received the

impossible and that’s the very first

thing I did ladies and gentlemen as a

Christian didn’t know I was doing it I

got born again on a Saturday night on

Labor Day weekend 1974 I truly got born

again I was finished with the world I

didn’t understand the technical not the

technology the the things you said that

the word save did not compute to me oh

because you know we didn’t know anything

I kept like you know but what happened

was the next day found the church and

they had paid me $80,000 that Friday for

nine weeks of work nine those days you

know you know you don’t buy drugs with a

check you know I was a real bad Center

back then as a rock and you know what’s

the first thing I did I went to a man’s

church and I wish I could find that man

till today it was in Boston just to kind

of a little small a white frame Church

and I heard him say that he was

believing God I thought that was so

interesting believing God I never

anybody believed in God we we we didn’t

get in here that he said was believing

God for anyone to send get some Sunday

school stuff and different things and I

remember I waited some after the service

and I walked in now you can understand

how I look

I had a tie-dyed t-shirt on hair was

down to here you know just just a

typical rocker and we’ll leave our

jacket on with the big old pockets

inside them leave our jacket and I said

you I said you said she was believing

God that was so phenomenal to me that I

had my first experience of hearing a man

say I’m

leaving God it was a new day from here I

was I was like a baby I was I gotta know

something about this God that I received

less than 24 hours ago and I said what

do you mean by believing God and he

looked at me I don’t like who is this


that’s 24 years old who is this kid you

know and but he didn’t know who he was

talking to make a long story short here

he said well we believe in God for

$8,000 to do this now was a lot of my

life it still is a lot of money but that

was a ton of money back there and I

reached into that pocket I had a bar

$100 his eyes got big and I said I to

him you don’t buy drugs with a check and

I gave him $8,000 now what’s this what’s

what’s the tithe on eighty thousand mmm

my first Christian Act

what’s the tithe and little did I

realize I connected myself to obedience

– like I said – the blessing system –

God not not even realizing it nothing

until Oh months later when I got out of

the music business

went to a church if this gonna sound

dumb blazes nobody’s the truth Kathy was

already saved and the pastor said let’s

receive the morning tithe an offering

I thought he said tires and I leaned I

said church needs some tires I’m

thinking of the bus that they had I

think she said no tithe I said what’s

tithe and she said you give 10% of you I

went is that in the Bible and you know

Kathy went to Malachi 3:10 and I

remember saying this like it was


I said oh well then we don’t I’m gonna

do that the rest of my life so I didn’t

struggle with that not to most people

today that’s unbelievably impossible to

do that but what I just received it and

I won’t tell you something from that day

forward I have tired and then Kathy

brought it to my memory she said you

know you gave that $8,000 so that

preaching boss yeah yeah she said you

know that was a time I said I did

something good no you know I was just a


hungry for the word yeah you said

something there a moment ago and that

that goes into where we’re headed

these lessons – why you tithe you said

isn’t obedient yes sir

but now why do you obey call to honor oh

I like that that’s good you honor Gus I

obey Him because I honor him he’s right

he is he is utmost to me he’s above

Gloria he’s above my family Jesus Gloria

knows that I love the Lord Jesus Christ

then I love my Heavenly Father first

right I know that she loves Lord Jesus

Christ and she loves the Heavenly Father

right first more than she does me but

now Jessie that’s the reason we’ve been

married 51 and a half years the Lord and

just and today I hey man listen we got a

thing going here man you know because

his love and respond to our giving and

honoring him he said him that honors me

I will honor him he honors us he honors

this family he and his love oh man

Jesse there’s things between us we

didn’t even know was available fifty

years ago men and and we were we were in

love with one another sandack there when

we first began and and it just growing

and getting better in neighbor one

because he’s first and God knew you

would honor him so he sent Gloria to you

yeah I mean you know I mean what wait

where you gonna find a woman like that

you say all of a sudden and I’ve heard

your testimony I think you’re your first

date yesterday Mary yeah you know now

why says God was moving on you he saw

this ministry you mean out of at that

time they know anything about flying

being a pilot you know but he saw what

we doing today

he saw when I first saw Cathy at a

swimming pool and I heathen from hell I

was but he said I’m gonna give this boy

a good woman

you will get born again and he he did it

out of love he’s got this plan for

everybody that breathe yes sir yes sir

and anybody can honor him and he will

honor well anybody they’ll have him oh

we already preaching ha you don’t preach

me happy already brave good let’s get in

here just let’s see what you got here

but what here I would just say quickly

that to believe the unbelievable and

receive the impossible in mark chapter

10 verse 27 says Jesus looking for them

saith with men it is impossible but not

with God for with God all things are

possible and I know we already had time

but we starting right here and this is

our foundation we’re gonna build this

house all things are possible with God

who you with oh I like that

I’m with God yeah I believe so all

things are possible to him that believes

if you got a Bible or iPad however you

if you read your scripture I want you to

go to mark chapter 10 and I want to

research I don’t seem the same to me I

can’t see my great-great-great

grandchildren in there and kind of

someone I’m walk and say guess what we

found today when are you gonna join the

21st century I said never my book I like

not till they catch up go ahead mark

chapter 10 verse 27 is our foundation

scripture that we’ll be using and real

quickly before I read it the Lord told

me and God gave brother Copeland

revelation that this year would be a

year of great grace now you think about

the word grace it’s unmerited favor it’s

actually beyond that it’s almost

unbelievable and impossible that God

said he would do this for us and in this

passage of Scripture mark chapter 10 had

been dealing with there the

the rich man and and they were

astonished in verse 26 out of measure

saying who then can be saved verse 27

Jesus says this looking upon them with

men it is impossible but not with God

for with God all things are possible and

I broke open you said yesterday that you

know when you with god that’s that’s big

yeah very big for you to believe the

unbelievable and to receive the

impossible you’ve got to do this and if

you take your notes please write this

down number one to do the impossible and

to receive it we must ask ourselves not

someone else you must ask yourself Oh

point one is this promised in the Word

of God what your ministry did for me was

make me search the scriptures you see I

always believed nice well I love about

you and glorious teaching I always

believe what the priest said or what the

preacher said I never did search it out

but when you would Minister the Word of

God when I first came into contact with

you in terms of actually was at John

Holsteins church at a Thanksgiving

convention all those years and years ago

I went home I developed inside of me a

hunger for what was in the book not just

from what you said you know what you

were saying was what are you saying was

in the book but I had to find out for


you made you said you go study that you

study and you use the scripture study to

show yourself approved under God work

we’re not being ashamed rightly dividing

the word of truth see for you to receive

the unbelievable and and to accept the

impossibilities is it promised in the

Word of God now some of you may be

looking today and say you know I just

got a very bad report that I have cancer

in my body now is it promised in the

scripture that by His stripes you were

healed and most people say yeah but I’m

not gonna say I’m heal when I’m sick

we’re not dealing with your am sick

we’re dealing with your were healed to

believe the unbelievable and receive the

impossible what you did for me and Cathy

was make a search what is in that Bible

you me hmm is this relevant for today

and I realize is that everything from

Genesis to Revelation

is relevant that’s why you can’t cut any

of it out and because we need everything

that Peter had that’s why I believe in

the nine gifts of the Spirit I believe

in the nine fruits I believe in the

fullness of the Godhead boggling I

believe in the power of God because

through your ministry and all those

years right what brother Copeland says

the glory did was made a search

scripture and even till today if you’ll

find me and Cathy we if we sit down and


it isn’t very long before we’re done

grab the Bible oh yeah we remember what

we start talking about Egyptian it’s a

constant searching and because if our

God says I can have this then it’s mine

then I should have it people have asked

me why don’t you have financial trouble

tell you what I found the promise in the

Bible that he not only would he supply

all my needs he would tell if I delight

myself in him he would give me the

desires of my heart yeah and then if I

stood this understood the scripture that

the young lines this for lack but he

that seeks my face shall not want

any good thing and he said prove me now

hearing with this yes

you bring the tithe to me yes I will

open the windows of his yes I will

rebuke the Devourer hmm for your you say

that’s promise yeah and I see to the

Christian world that’s unbelievable and

impossible oh that’s an old historical

book no that’s the truth that is a

promise of all the promises of God so

you just reminded hey you’ve been

rebuked by God Almighty and I am his

offspring and in his name I steadfastly

resist and stand against you he got

Malone in the Ning Stan he has to please

Lynette well you know one time I mean

I’ve tithe I said yesterday was the

first thing I did as a Christian and it

wasn’t too long after that the devil was

bothering me so I’m gonna rebuke him I

was a baby Christian but I was gonna

roof and I said I rebuke you know I

suggested that’s not your job

I said what it stopped me he said that’s

my job you are at either

I rebuke the Devourer for your sake and

I said what do your job and he said and

did he rebuked it and then gave me the

power of attorney to stand against yes

yes you use that name sir if you give me

power of attorney over your financial


I become Kenneth Copeland to this to the

legal oh yes to the legal absolutely now

you said some just ship the body of

crisis never really caught on

no they have it that we have been given

yes the power of attorney yes in his

name to stand before him and before all

the forces of darkness yes and when we

know that with faith in his name the

debt the devil has no no recourse he

can’t take this well that’s why religion

said that’s unbelievable and that’s

impossible but yes ladies and gentlemen

that may sound right but it’s doable

because like I said if brother Copeland

sister Gloria what just said all right

they sign a piece of paper saying Jesse

Duplantis has power of attorney over my

financial affairs everything I become

him now I’m gonna shock you and you said

this years ago and knock the socks off

of people it was one of the great

revelations and you be told that

somebody let me get man hang on now cuz

now this is big Jesus it are you not God

you become what God is oh yeah now you

see to the Christian world that’s

unbelievable and impossible no when you

understand that that responsibility of

becoming godlike becoming God conscious

God or we call it god inside minded you

begin to do and act like God now when

you first said that that caused more

ruckus in the Christian world because

you see there on the Babylonian system

hmm they they’re going to every which

way should listen

that’s impossible but that’s promised in

the Word of God

so once things that are impossible come

against me I say is this promise than

the Word of God when you know you wanted

to taught me to believe for plane I just

never thought in my mind any preacher

could ever play alright so one said

there’s a guy in Fort Worth Texas got a

plane he’s a preacher I said he must

have borrowed it I couldn’t believe you

could only

and when I found out y’all said why

couldn’t I have a plane and you actually

said that I actually came here I’ll

never forget it and Gloria sister

Missy you you opened up your ministry

and said you know look around here Jesse

you know I was just starting out and you

know use what you can and you and

whatever and and a Miss he said why

don’t y’all have an aircraft crap anyway

we thought we’re being humble just being

stupid really I said well you know any

extra monies we receiving or we want to

put it to buy more television time and

then you know once we get that establish

named wheel by the plan and Missy said

something that knocked my socks off she

said why don’t you do both no one had

ever told me that what do you do both

and then I remembered what you were

saying and what that came to me that

power of attorney to use the name of

Jesus gave me the ability to do both but

the reason why I wasn’t doing both

because the Christian world said that

was unbelievable and impossible and God

kept hollering from the throne but it’s

doable so I go back to that first point

if for you to receive the unbelievable

and to accept the impossible is it

promised in the word and if it’s

promised in the word when I get there I

can speak in the Holy Ghost right now

well if it’s promised there’s no other

choice because there’s no amendments to

this Bible we have amendments to our

Constitution but this Bible is a perfect

document can never be amended because it

came from a perfect God and gave to a

perfect person that became imperfect but

through great grace glory God through

looking through great grace made that

imperfect man become perfect in his eyes

but sad to say the reason why we don’t

believe the unbelievable receive the

impossible we prefer to believe the

first Adam instead of believing the

second yeah and what what the first one

represents which is fallen man right

unrighteous man right and the scripture

says through one man’s disobedience yes

then it says but through one man’s

obedience righteousness has come upon


yes sir because of the disobedience of

one man death came upon yes all me hein

now here’s the difference between God

and the devil when death came upon all

men through the first fall of the first

Adam right

then Satan demanded every man die that’s

right now when righteousness came upon

all men through the resurrection of

Jesus God demanded every man have a

choice praise the Lord hallelujah placed

before you life and death blessing and

cursing you choose yeah so righteousness

has come upon all men and it’s closer

than your breath man I mean the worst

sinner on the face of the earth just

Jesus that’s it grace oh there it is

right there some day that received the

gift of righteousness Michelle what

reigned life there’s the authority well

you know ladies Emma’s I sense the

Spirit of God to tell you this if

somebody says all I know that’s all that

face that you know what you need to tell

them you’re believing like the first

Adam yeah you giving me fallen man’s

thoughts yeah I want risen Christ

thoughts you’re walking in sin

consciousness yes instead of

righteousness and righteousness means

right standing really it’s that’s kind

of and I understand it but it’s the

English language it’s kind of limited

it’s more than just right Stan yeah you

know it did limited no no it’s it’s

beyond that think about going to a

throne and every angel has to stand at

attention and the Lord says oh you can

of coke oh yeah

sit down you go excuse me

I mean if the President of the United

States man has to treat you on God’s


it was the very same reverence he treats

Jesus yes yes and one because Jesus

invited you are two species that are

sitting on the throne ago God and man

everybody else is standing

think about God sitting on and you got

the 20-footer said I mean it’s only God

man now how many other species that

God’s created we don’t we’ve know about

you know the wheel within the wheel all

all of different things the scripture

said angels cherubs they don’t in

God’s bread oh they can’t you know why

they’re not family they service he saws

yeah and he says sit with me on my

throne as I sit with my father in his

throne till I make your enemies your

footstool yeah just say that shouting

ground you see that’s what the dimming

world could not understand they were

looking for the Messiah but when you

looking for the Messiah are you looking

for God with physical eyes you’re in

trouble yeah you got to see him in the

spirit because that’s who you are

and when you born again I mean as far as

my physical flesh right before I got

born again my flesh didn’t change I got

born again listen to the Billy Graham in

that bathroom I’m actually the hotel in

the bathroom went to the bathroom in

Boston Massachusetts I went in with this

just as you see me now younger naturally

I was 24 years old

but when I went in there I was a new

being I couldn’t understand and it was

promised that if I would accept this

grace now and I won’t say this here but

I was such a terrible sinner

you know everybody looks at bridge

that’s so funny you know I was never

funny I never had no humor in my life

whatsoever at all raised on the streets

of New Orleans I had a grandfather

looked at me now you don’t tell a child

this watch what you say to get you he

says you don’t he used to talk like this

you never develop a conscious you

understand my grandfather told me don’t

you ever develop a conscience because

somebody mess with you you got to do

what you got to do that’s what the

Mississippi River is there for he was

mean as a snake I’m gonna tell you son

he would but he meant that you know I

did I actually accepted that I didn’t

really have a conscience till I got born


I never told Kathy I loved her too five

years after I married her because you

see that was conscious thinking I refuse

to do that because and I I was walking

blind in that but when Jesus birth me

gave me this promise gave me great grace

that became my year of great Grace has

been like

ever since he birthed in me a conscious

listen to me ladies and gentlemen when

you believe the unbelievable and receive

the impossible you have to be conscious

of this that you can do what God said

because it’s promised in the word and if

it’s promised in the word it’s promised

to you because the word was written for

not angels father yes

this whole Bible was wrote for Kenneth

Copeland just at the plant than anybody

else you can name and yet it’s the least

read of you know it’s the most purchased

book still today and yet the least read

because people won’t accept the promise

you when your office called me and said

would you come and do some television

but God I promised them that I would

come now watch this I wants it they

didn’t call me yesterday day before

could you show you coming are you really

coming you didn’t call me say no Jessie

are you really coming cuz I don’t want

to go down to the studio by myself it

you said you know you accepted my

promise you accepted a promise from a

man that could fail why can’t you accept

a promise from God who cannot fail Kenna

Kenna it’s not in his makeup to fail

well now watch this now I’m like from

your little anger here when you become

God like the way God said you gonna have

a hard time feeling mm-hmm only way

you’re going to fail is you forget in

the flesh but if you crucify that flesh

daily instead of Sunday you walk in that

every day you are gonna fulfill what God

the Father God the Son and God the Holy

Ghost said not some of the time all the

time you’ll see prosperity not as things

but that’s the blessing see I understand

when you preach the blessing I think

some people understand it as blessings

stuff you know watch whatever and I’m

not saying it’s wrong but when you

understand the blessing that’s what

built this ministry you pull that out of

the scripture and I had been there for

thousands years the academia I heard you

say this many time you know I’m not a

theologian I think you are because you

but you’re a theologian

the rim of prophetic utterance I had a

man tell me this one time and I’m beyond

said sure I’m impressed when I see

degrees I’m standing looking to this

pastor’s wall and he’s a grandma I got

he’s a learning man

I mean degrees master’s degrees

bachelor’s I mean I’m impressed and you

know what he tells me

we just come out of a glorious service

and gifts of spirit just moved and all I

was doing what was promised in the book


just doing with guts and I said boy this

is something he said this is nothing he

said I just wish I could do what you do

and I looked at him I said you can’t cuz

God said you could he said you see this

Jess anybody can earn this you just go

to college just go to school even though

Roberts told me that mmm

but he said when you start walking like

God walks he said uh-uh then you not

only walking in a promises guy you’re

not only believing the unbelievable

because the world says it’s unbelievable

but you’re receiving the impossible and

let’s face it if we don’t do that these

people that are not born again they only

go but what they see they’re in the rim

of this census so we have to take

spiritual things that are not in the

realm of the senses and bring them into

a point the way you can understand and

say wait a minute wait a minute I don’t

have to be sick I don’t have to be poor

you were the first preacher who told me

that and at first I’ll be honest with

you Aalto I think he got to be wrong

because that’s just normal

wait a minute we’re not normal no well

we’re normal yes it’s up normal is what

it’s been it’s been subdued under the

foot of darkness until it’s shoved

normal but if that’s all you ever knew

yeah you’d think that’s the way things

are supposed to be but they’re not

supposed to be like that here’s the

thing you and I want to give you a

compliment the first time God told me he

was gonna give me an airplane I was

driving to a meeting and a citationjet

flew over my car and the Lord said look

up Jesse I’m gonna give you an airplane

I got to the man and I said guess what I

was so excited I was just a young

preacher I said God I gonna give me an

airplane he look at me he said yes you

can’t fill up a Toyota with gas how you

gonna have a how you gonna get a plane I

remember it hurt my feelings that I

never said anything what

first met you now what’s the difference

here you know you looked at me and and

he said you know yeah I know you’ve been

bit you’re very busy I wanna you said

this you reached let me have your hand

you did this I want to agree with you

for an airplane now why couldn’t that

man agree with me for an airplane what

was the difference between you and him

you had found out in the in the word

that if it’s in the word is promise you

could have that he had the same Bible

same God same love for God but you see

he didn’t know what was promised to him

instead of putting me saying oh boy you

can’t Philip how you gonna fill up a jet

you can fill up a Toyota

you said you stuck your hand out and

said let me agree with you you were the

first person to agree with me for an

aircraft you didn’t say this now you

know we’re gonna try to get this to work

you know you know no you just simply

took a promise of God that was to me at


unbelievable impossible but you who was

saying it’s doable and ladies and

gentlemen since that first handshake

I’ve owned three Jets and but ready to

get a fourth one to you because as I

said at the beginning program you made

me search oh my sake buck

you made me supply got Guzman you made

me so I wanted it touches me you made me

search what was in this Bible for me

that’s what Kenneth Copeland ministry

does you want to put it all in one

sentence that’s what they do they teach

you them get in this receive it that’s

why you have all those services that

those believers convince you maybe say

why five service you said you’re gonna

overdose on a word of god you making

people search when this program goes off

the day it doesn’t go off in you so it

it may be off on your television now you

take what we’re saying here and you

search this out and find out if it’s

promised in the word and if it is the

unbelievable and the impossible will

become doable I’m Jesse Duplantis and

prove this now the word should if we

pray anything according to his will we

know he hears us yes sir and if we know

he hears us we know we have the

petitions yes that we make of him yes so

if you go to the word that covers your

situation hmm and then you build your

petition on that word this is a covenant

yes indeed and that’s God’s part of that

covenant he made that promise and I’ve

placed this petition before you and I

receive it sir in the name of Jesus as

law now that’s what feeds my fate yes

sir now my faith then makes that

connection with him and we have the

petitions that we desire of it you say

it feeds your faithless

let me ask the question does faith get

hungry oh is that a lot of people

starving they’re failures that are

feeding it yeah yeah so true sir they

starving it and all it wants to do is

create something for you these words are

spirit jesus said in their life oh glory

hope we’ve been talking about believe

the unbelievable and receive the

impossible because it’s all doable in

our foundation scripture is Mark chapter

10 verse 27 and Jesus looking upon them

saith with men it is impossible but not

with God for with God all things are

possible I want to say this quickly if

all your power is in a man then

everything is impossible but if all your

powers with God then everything that’s

impossible becomes possible in him and

you know when I’ve been dealing with

this all this year to my partners and

people where I’ve been preaching they

said yeah but what about the problems of

life what about the mountains of life

and I want to deal with that today and I

want to say this statement and mountains

may get in your path but they are a

pathway to your destiny and destination

you see God prepared for us a told us

what to do when mountains get in our way

and it’s the scripture that I like to

say Kenneth Hagin wrote he preached on

it over 60 years

and couldn’t get through it all and it’s

mark 11 verse 23 he said verily verily I

say unto you now this is Jesus talking

later this is not my commentary this is

the Son of the Living God it’s in read

in your Bible

he says verily I say unto you so God’s

not in this verse Jesus not in that

verse holy goes on on that verse this is

you this is what Jesus believes you can

do that’s right so for you to receive a

said whosoever whosoever it

yeah and that’s three words in one word

but it covers the whole thing he said

verily verily I say unto you that

whosoever shall say unto this mountain

be thou removed so God knew mountains

would come unbelievable impossible


who should ever sustain to this mountain

be thou removed and be thou cast in the

sea you know when I first read that I

thought why didn’t he just say be thou

removed because you see the only place

because if you if you just remove it

where do you remove it to you got where

you put it yeah you got to put it to a

place we can no longer ever be seen and

the only place I know and Jesus did –

that you can hide a mountain is in the

ocean in the see you just sync it he

said and be and very well indeed who

chefs are sailing through this mountain

be thou removed be thou cast in the sea

and shall not doubt in his heart but

shall believe those things which he

saith shall come to pass that’s mark 11

verse 23 he shall have whatsoever he

said now I had a person asked me this

I’ve been saying that and saying that

but it ain’t working but Jesse I said

you know why because you’ve been

believing the words about the things

instead of believing the things you see

so many people I believe in confession

because that’s how I got born again but

you see out of confession must birth of

manifestation you must receive what you

say that’s what God said you see you

receive what you said I had a guy tell

me this I said how do you know you saved

because that’s unbelievable and

impossible then nobody can prove it you

don’t have a contract signed by God that

if you die

you make it to heaven but you can’t tell

a God that’s save our person I say you

tell them you know say get out of here

they they have developed this there’s

stuff so much on

being saved that they have no physical

proof to the fact that they are but

because they know it you can’t speak it

out of it

well since you’ve done that and

developed yourself on the Salvation side

why don’t you develop yourself on the

prosperity side

why don’t you develop yourself on the

healing side I’m not saying the pains

not there I’m saying why can’t you say

by His stripes I were healed and I’m not

denying the pain I just announced right

now you see those are the mountains that

are come into the pathway of you walk

but but actually they leading you

towards your destination here’s the

problem with religion and Christianity

they made you become a mountain climber

instead of a mountain dissolver they

said if you would climb the mountain you

get almost at the top you slide down

like almost kill yourself but God never

told us to climb mountains in life

no it was the dissolve them when I watch

you pray for people especially in

healing you don’t say this in the name

of Jesus I hope this goes away and you

just keep believing is that no you say I

rebuke you you foul spirit or you foul

sickness in the name of Jesus what he’s

saying here is to believe the

unbelievable and receive them possible

you should never climb the mountain you

should dissolve the mountain now you

deserve the mountain is what we said

yesterday on the program by using the

power of attorney of the name of Jesus

you get it out then once you design me

you’ve got to throw it into the sea well

cuz if you leave it there’s somebody

that’s gonna run into it didn’t you know

and people said why don’t God talk to

the mountain because it’s not his

mountain I heard one preacher say if you

knew what was on the other side of that

mountain you’d be talking to it on the

other side of that mountain Joe healing

on the other side that mounds your

salvation for your understanding

mountains your blessing and your

prosperity but I think what Christianity

has done through academics and I’m not

against academics or theology they made

you climb the mountain but see that’s

not believing the unbelievable and

receiving the impossible that’s you

doing that you trying to conquer

something for what you can do when you

need it’s already been conquered by what

God has done and all you do is use what

God has done and imply that and

and when you imply then you apply it and

it becomes a manifestation when you said

to be debt-free all those years ago I

heard you say that in the 70s I didn’t

know you then I’m in the early 70s aught

well how you know my mind what to think

of how can i how do you buy a house with

as I said earlier in one of the

broadcast without mortgage said how do

you buy a car what I finance it it

wasn’t my job to know how it was my job

to say you see what I was trying to do

was figure out a way how to climb the

mountain instead of dissolve it

so that unbelievable and the impossible

would come into my life and I realized

and God told me something he said you

have taken on the responsibility of

giving Jesse and I’ve seen you do it

when you receive an offer you say it’s

time to receive an offering you see

women go for their purses you see men go

for their wallets no but people have

taken on the responsibility of giving

but we have not taken on the

responsibility of receiving see it’s a

responsibility to receive just like it’s

a responsibility to give but see we

hadn’t been taught that we’ve been

taught give and don’t expect anything in

return no no the responsibility is still

there God said be not deceived God’s not

locked whatsoever man so it that’s going

daddy gonna reap why are you gonna reap

that because what you sow you have to

the responsibility of receiving what you

sow has to come back well usually when

you say when I give I don’t expect

anything you mom go you’re mocking God

cuz words said don’t be to see if God is

not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth

that shall he also reap

so the reaping part of that is and I

never I never heard that verse as a

child and a young man except about sin

nobody ever told me the good side of the

thing that is told me oh you know he

said is gonna find you out boy but now

here’s the Jesus said Matthew here’s

what Matthew heard jesus said jesus

answered and said to them verily I say

unto you if you have faith and doubt not

you shall not

only do this which is done to the fig

tree but also if you say to this

mountain be removed and be thou cast

into the sea it shall be done so see he

was referring to a physical fig yes and

a physical Mountain yes well that

mountain represents physical things

right I’ve heard people say well it’s

just spiritual let me tell you something

you cashed that spiritual mountain out

of there the physical one will follow it

you better know it

yes sir cuz the spiritual the spiritual

part of that mountains what’s keeping it

alive and in your life right so God get

cancers got spirit life to it and you

cast that thing out of there the cancer

think Jesus talked that that that

leopard came up to and said if you will

you can make them clean and Jesus

ministered to and the scripture said the

leprosy left yes indeed I mean the

leprosy heard him and it left it could

stay no it’s the spirit life in that

thing left and the leprosy just fell out

it went into the sea yes it was gone in

that man gone and you know but that’s

see people said but that’s unbelievable

that’s just a story no that’s the truth

I’ve had one man tell me to this I don’t

believe in God I said that don’t change

it that just cuz you don’t believe got

no mean he doesn’t exist

what are you believe it or not he still

is when you see what Jesus was in so

don’t worry about the mountains that

come into your life because you have the

power to remove them and not only remove

them cast them which means don’t pick

them up you’re stronger than the mouth

drug that’s in front of you that’s right

you see you’re stronger see you’re in

God now we’re talking about physical

mountains here yeah you’re in God he

created them with the same force of

faith he put in years when he was born

again that makes that mountain subject

to you that’s right now he’s talking

about a literal physical Mountain he’s

talking about the mountain of debt

anything under that curse becomes a man

then you live yes and the stoppable

irremovable force then you have the

authority to move it amen

yeah it cannot stand against what God

has said

because God’s faith has been released in

his word you take that word you put it

in your eyes you you read the word out

loud and it goes in your eyes and it

goes in your ears and it goes down in

your spirit it deposits God’s faith in

there and begins to stir your faith and

it mixes with your faith and then then

once it comes back out your mouth it’s

not just your faith your faith has been

fed his faith his strength his power his

word whoa the mountain said Oh God told

us to get we’re leaving here several

years ago I was flying to Seattle

Washington largest brought this to my

memories you speak it and we were coming

in into Seattle and this is probably

maybe three or four years after Mount

Evans blew up yeah and so we we asked I

said is it possible that we could fly

with this mountain kind of see how it

was you know because they said the earth

is the largest mass land was moved at

one and and of course there was not a

lot of traffic at that time they said

yes you can so we can’t we got to kind

of fly not ended but if you know what we

could see it and the Lord spoke to me he

said you see natural things have the

power that removed themselves

he said that explosion down there in

that cone wiped out half of that mouth

just took it out he said but Jesse I

created that much he said I grabbed that

mountain that was in the water and

pulled it he said and yet when I do when

I put my hand on something even if it’s

an object just like this it has power to

take care of its it has power to

annihilate itself how much more the

power I’ve given you that you can

actually pull it up and pull it out when

I pray for people with cancer I envision

that yes I am

grabbing like a doctor with a surgical

scalpel but I’m grabbing it with my hand

and I am pulling that out because that

fig tree died from the roots up yeah

didn’t die from the leaves down Jessie

this is that’s good if you can get this

unborn again people are tied to this

world this Babylonian system of man

trying to meet his own needs without God

that’s what socialism is that’s correct

yeah and they are outside in people yes

they have to go outside to get

everything they have to go to somebody

else they have to go to a job they have

to go to their parents the parents have

to go somebody else they have to go to

the government the government people

that are trying to get that power will

do their best to make it so you have to

come to them for everything that’s when

you go broke because they ain’t got the

power to get everything right now that’s

the that’s the weakness of the flesh and

that’s where socialism just implodes on

itself now but when you get born again

you become inside out people when you

begin to look inside for everything

jesus said now the kingdom of God is

inside of me so you go to the word the

kingdom words words of the kingdom jesus

said I must preach the words of the King

s so the word of the kingdom coming

inside you take that promise all these

things shall be added to you those

things in the imagery of those things

are down on the inside you don’t go to

the outside to get them you go to the

inside and that what’s inside you

reaches inside heaven and brings it into

the reality of the material world now in

your possession yes indeed now that’s

the way it works and that simple brother

Copeland I don’t know why people try to

complicate it

tell people this you know they said but

that’s impossible yeah but it’s doable

you know how many times my

granddaughter’s looked at me said and

you should I could see it in her little

eyes that she was at my swim pool

I said no jump a jump off she calls I

don’t want to put my face under the seat

we should put her face under the water

you know I said I said watch grandfather

he can do that I flipped my friend when

she licks it and she she she ain’t quite

got that yet you know I say the reason

why you struggling because you don’t you

got to keep your mouth closed you got to

learn how to breathe and hold your


and finally this Saturday I was home and

she came over and she said grandfather

I’m gonna jump off now I said she said

it don’t come closer to me she didn’t

get too far

so I said well I could catch it I said

now you gonna put your face under the

sea that’s just me see you I said hey

there’s another world all that and she

did it and now she just does it by self

I mean once you do this one time it’s

like your little afraid to jump off that

high diver once you just light out you

just order something then the fun comes

yeah oh that we enjoy we now I won’t

taste a man brother come we’re having

fun being safe we’re having fun living

our life because we jumped off the ha

now was it a little nervous when we

first stepped out that well yes but it

was unbelievable I can’t do that that’s

impossible I’m I hurt myself but it it

wasn’t you see it was a facade it was

something trying to stop me from

enjoying that

that’s where I met Kathy every swimmer I

was a a lifeguard and people they were

afraid of the water I said the reason

why you can’t swim I’ve said there’s

hundreds of times when I talk people I

swim it’s because of your fear not

because of your arms not because you

can’t swim it’s because you’re feared

that you won’t sing but I’m your

lifeguard and they just looked at me and

one lady said look like you 125 pounds

I’m a 200-pound woman I said it don’t

make no difference we’re not I can save

you I can hold you up because you see

the water it’s holding most of your

weight up anyway all I got to do is get

that fear out of you

I get that fear out of you you will be

this one Buddha every day with your kids

enjoying you

I’ll never forget that particular woman

and it was like because she was afraid

of water all I did was break the fear

what I’m saying I use as an analogy all

God wanna do is break the fear you said

this fear tolerated it’s faith

contaminated I have accepted that

statement and in my life I use that just

every day for you to believe they’re

unbelievable and receive the impossible

just break the fear the fear is broken

through this to the scripture when you

told me to search the scripture what you

were actually saying was you’re getting

rid of the feet huh your little

granddaughter mm-hmm she believes you

yes she does

know why she knows you love her yes you

you have you have treated her well

you’ve told her you love her

and she believes you yeah she knows that

you come closer to me she knows you love

her right

perfected love casteth out fear I like

that that’s good and now it not without

faith but faith worketh by love yes


so it’s love filled faith that casts out

fear yes indeed and it’s not that you

can’t swim it’s that you won’t swim I

like that that’s right if you will love

take care of the rest of it he loves you

and he’ll take care of that he’s given

you these promises to develop love oh

now when you do faith comes yes indeed

faith cometh by hearing hearing by the

Word of God which manifests the love of

God amen

and when she jumped out that she looked

at me so we swam and I told her this I

planted the seed I said now her name is

Meredith I said Meredith she calls me

grandfather her grandma she calls her

other grand grand Paul so they know the

difference grant me and Kathy his

grandfather and me me and their Grandma

and Grandpa on the ELSA I said I looked

at and she’s fine five little over five

years old five two months I said you

know what I’m gonna do for you Meredith

and she just got them little Iowa I said

when you get as tall as your mama

I’m gonna buy you a new car she goes a

red one yeah I read she wanted to go

home see how like she start looking at

her mama I got just got the girl maybe

this much more I remember I said I did

that for your mama I won’t do that for

you you see I promised her something I

set into motion something before she

could ever receive it old either God set

into motion something for us before we

could ever receive it he was preparing

us and the day will come and not too far

in the distant future that we’re gonna

walk out on that car line and she’ll be

a tall as her mama and her grandfather

or go over there and say here’s the I

set something in the motion ladies and

gentlemen right now God setting

something in motion for you to be he’ll

for you to be saved for you to be a

partner for you to be at either he’s

setting into motion because all he

thinks of good thoughts of peace not of

evil to give you a future and a hope I

set that into motion time and I’m a

reminder of that when we go out on that

parking lot when she gets old now I’m

gonna say but she’s tall enough I’m

gonna say not Meredith when you was five

years old I set into motion this day as

far as I’m concerned brother go it’s

already done

yes it’s done in me I’m waiting for her

to grow to receive it and one of the

worst things you could possibly do jesse

is renege on that and I never will I

don’t put the money in the bank well now

see God’s already put the money in yes

he would never renege oh that’s correct

that is there were promises made to me

and other little kids sure that that I

grew up looking for and then get made me

mad I know what you saying why not look

back on it and it I didn’t have any any

right to be mad

I had the regions info but with God all

things are possible because yes he’s

already got the money in the bank and

it’s already mine

yes it’s already there you know Jessie

God has never ever told anybody to do

anything that was possible that’s


that is so true he always goes beyond

our mind oh yeah

so it takes his anointing to do anything

he’s ever told anybody so whatever he’s

told you to do him dude don’t argue with

him we don’t get one god minutes worst

thing you can I gonna win no no one

besides that that’s that that’s where

all the good stuff is is what he’s

trying to get you to step out there and

get into it the fact that he tells you

to do something yes authorizes you to do

it yes indeed yes indeed that gives you

the authority to do it

with the authority comes the empowerment

yes indeed amen that’s true

now when Jesus said let us go to the

other side there was enough authority

and power for them to have no fear

that’s correct for them to believe we’re

going to the other side so he went out

there and went sleep he expected them to

take him to him take him the other side

that’s right and they come back woke him

up said we bout to die here so now he

would have been unjust if and in saying

that where is your faith why is it

you’re afraid now he would have been

unjust and asking that question and

expecting them to do something about

that storm without waking him up if they

didn’t have the authority or the power

authority and

power right to do it right and he’s

certainly not unjust he’s righteous and

he’s just in doing so now how much more

joy would it have been for them I mean

they got they got there they just got

goggle eyed at him what kind of a man is

this when they if they’d found that

they’re the same kind of me saying just

to the Peter if Peter stood up met boat

and said Jesus said go to other side and

I’m going for that the wall

break you know it’s just that storm to

to stop for him the same as it did Jesus

because it was the same power jesus said

I do nothing of myself

it is the father that dwelleth with in

me he does the works you know I really

believe Jesus knew the storm was coming

but that didn’t make no difference Jesus

he told him to go to the other side you

know that no there’s something

interesting about that too

that being the case why didn’t he tell

him yeah well he figured they should

handle it no what is it he didn’t hear

his father say it

ah I like that though he didn’t say he

didn’t say it he just said what his

father he said what the father so it

doesn’t really make no difference if

they’re if they’re storms in life so

what just go to the other side yeah

knock him out of the way you know that’s

what we do in tests what he expects us

to be doing if Jesus Terri’s we’re going

to the other side yes sir it’s the same

thing over that guy you know I was

talking to your staff before we came on

television I see and I told him I said

you know why Jesus told us to walk by

faith because Satan can’t you still he

can’t do that he can’t no he can’t go

where you go he can’t do that

you’ll see and so if you walk by faith

and not by sight now you’re walking by

sight he can go where you go

but if you walk by faith he can’t do

that Jesse he is completely totally


he is absolutely filled

consumed overflowed with fear yeah yeah

he has no other thing that’s all he lost

his anointing when he fell he has

nothing but the force of fear and so

when you resist him he flee he can’t

help it

see there’s a force in him that even if

he tried to stand and you speak in the

name of Jesus the force coming out of

you is so strong the force inside him

just sucks him out the way he can help

he’s got it you can make a decision to

stand up against you and it doesn’t work

because he doesn’t have the power to

make that decision you know I think one

of the greatest though that’s good one

of the dumbest thing anybody can ever do

in life has deceived themselves Satan is

the perfect definition of deceiving

himself yeah totally completely deceived

themselves I mean what I mean I can

understand yeah I can understand

somebody trying to see someone else but

to deceive your own self you got that

that’s that’s insanity and if you think

about and he is totally deceived through

his own fear

when you realize they gentleman just

have frayed Satan is a view instead of

you being afraid of him how did you say

in him that power and authority when

Jesus said this to believe the

unbelievable and receive the impossible

you said it earlier one of the programs

everything God ever told us to do is is

impossible but that’s the way it’s

supposed to be you know that devil said

to Jesus we know who you are son of God

have you come to torment oh yeah you

know I walked into I was in Jamaica and

I was preaching up in the mountains up

in some really really back places it and

some of us I was the first light-skinned

man some of the people’s ever everything

and the pastor picked me up to take me

to the service that night

and he wanted to stop off and pray for

somebody nice I agreed we got out of the

car started up toward the house he said

brother : she’s mad what he said she’s

mad she she crazy and come to find out

she completely totally demon-possessed

and squatted in a bed for 18 years

anyway walked in there and went and

walked in ahead he was on one side

another man on the other side of it walk

in there and see first turned to his she

would look at me she turned her head

over this and and said you must be

brother Weber and he said she passed me

by looked at two other and said you must

be Oral Roberts he said I said shut your

mouth and cry out of her in the name of

Jesus pray then I mean this thing fell

in that bed and it was amazing she that

demon knew who I was yes indeed but he’s

building a bluff right see he trying to

con me around here look he’s just going

Assad and and I’m happy period and there

was a time when I did but God had taught

me better than say yes in D na because

just amazing things as in the word of

the Lord had come to me already and told

me what to say to her I just told her I

said now baby I love you and Jesus loves

you so much and she just welted wilted

and just melted and this fell over and

again God just healed her and delivered

her right there that

horrible thing it kind of reminded me at

the scripture that Jesus saw that lady

with infirmity for 18 years was it the

same thing and he said this part not

this woman be loosed you know that has

struck me for many many years and when I

see people in bondage and it comes to me

or not they be loosed I said well yeah

he said well then loosen it’s our

response and then devil will see that

devil was afraid yes he was a friend and

he’s trying to build a case against me

trying to get me to good to back off but

all he knew if I said it he’d had it he

saw the power in you he it’s amazing how

a devil can acknowledge the power God

and yet a Christian won’t they see the

power God and they go well I don’t know

I see it but I don’t believe that demons

not he’s you know looking on your flesh

right and there was you remember brother

Savelle telling us about the time he was

in that witch doctors hut yes indeed and

the witch doctors talking to him about

the spirits and Jerry Jerry was asking

him different questions about him and he

Jerry asked him he said well are those

that devil that does these things with

you in some ways are they here now he

said oh no they left when you came in he

said they know you got the Holy Spirit

and that’s something I’m loving God and

he said there they’re not the Holy

Spirit you have the Holy Spirit and

brother Savelle all he did was accept

what God had already had given yeah and

you did the same thing and you know it

reminds me of something that happened

John Hagee and Diane Hagar came to New

Orleans that’s about two years ago and

he said yes he wanted to go to eat at a

certain place I said I’ll take you out

there let me be a blessing to you so

he’s gonna stand there it was then that

their arm their hotel right there in the

French Quarter God is my witness so we

standing there me and John Hagee all

right and all of a sudden this lady this

person comes up to brother Hagin says

why are you in this town I know why you

here John look at me says right we got a

level on this side yeah I mean that

devil knew John now he had never seen

that person before in his life I never


checking into a hotel and Satan getting

nervous because he’s so full of fear he

sees the power of God in people’s lives

I got to go to this scripture that we’ve

been talking about here and we’ve been

assured that believe the unbelievable

and received the impossible and we use

in mark chapter 10 verse 27 it says and

Jesus looking upon them saith with men

it is impossible but not with God for

with God all things are possible

I brother Copeland in this passage of

Scripture he’s first talking to the rich

rich man tells people how to under how

did this can be disciples can understand

and if you go past verse 27 then he

starts talking about the hundredfold so

in this passage he’s dealing with

unbelievable and impossible things he’s

linking them together what I want to

talk about today is a word that

everybody’s experienced

it’s called appetite appetite and if you

taking notes write this down every

satisfaction creates an appetite for

more that’s right

you see people say why do you all talk

about the Word of God all the time

appetite and from our appetite of

warning to know God and for God to know

us we receive a hunger will hunger and

thirst after righteousness you see so

people say I don’t see how y’all can

talk about God I mean I have one myself

I mean I got a hard time going to church

once a week you know I’m strung with

that’s because you have no appetite

when you have no appetite you do not eat

you don’t want nothing should taste and

see that the Lord is good yes indeed so

what we’re saying today is God is not

only given us a hunger and the thirst

for righteousness but he’s given us an

appetite to believe the unbelievable and

receive the impossible I’ve had people

come and in fact it I read people not

too long with someone said oh they go

mean in in miracles and that believers

convention they’re gonna be and watch

this you see and and an orcid appetite

they’re already expecting something so

something has to be produced well yes

why because you see wherever God is

there’s a miracle in an operation you

know people ask my son

company you can get someone just come

out of imp use so easier out of those

chairs to uh to get saved so easily and

you know I said I’ll tell you what I

create appetite appetite C which creates

hunger and thirst to come and receive

this glorious gift which is Jesus Christ

so when you understand what I’m saying

when if you if you’re looking at that

unbelievably impossible thing I just

don’t know how I can do that or receive

that it’s because what you need to work

on is your appetite and your appetite

comes from the Word of God the closer

you get to God the more you want of him

the more the more you eat you desire I

mean I have come out of a church out of

a service soaking wet and preach and

teach it now I mean dog-tired like they

say you know watch this and go to my

room and lay down a bit and pick up my

Bible oh yeah they said people would say

no you just did you just did two hours

or whatever but let’s see

it’s the appetite of knowing what is in

here that creates the hunger and the

thirst not only for righteousness but

for wisdom you know I believe brother

creflo dollar’s one of these

foundational scripture of his ministry

his wisdom is the principal thing you

get wisdom you get understanding you see

and what people don’t seem to understand

is this this appetite is never satisfied

and it will never be I can’t wait till I

get to heaven and you know and if you

think we’re gonna quit studying the Word

of God when we get to heaven we got I

mean unbelievable but it’s unimaginable

time in terms of years that God Jesus is

gonna sit down sis

think I’m gonna have a Bible study and

Jesse’s house think about the and the

house is big enough to fit anybody wants

to get in it because I don’t know one

thing about the Lord he said I’ll give

you the desires of your heart you know

some people say I don’t believe that I

said what I do you know I tell people I

don’t talk about it much I just tell

people that Jesus is coming but I did go

to heaven I’ve been in that lineage of

people that’s been taken out

why me well I don’t know why me but I

just said he’s no respecter person but I

realized I literally sat on a windowsill

with the Apostle Paul good

and fascinated me and he said this these

exact words you know when to believe

this it’s still truly now he said what

are they saying about my gospel he still

calls it his gospel and I told him this

I said I’ll tell you I preach everything

you say I said I want that and then he

said would you correct something for me


people whether you believe there’s not

this is just simple the truth this is

unbelievably impossible but it happened

it’s doable

he said you know in my Scripture when I

was writing to the church he said our

light affliction is but for a moment he

said you read that I said yes sir and I

said in fact I preached on it he said

the church just turned it into a life

time and then he leaned over and put his

hand on my hand like a he said change it

back to a moment so when I left there I

had a directive from the Apostle Paul to

change it back to a moment because let

me tell you something in a moment of

time you finished with the devil you see

unbelievable within but it’s gone you

see he said I’ll light affliction you

know I got to thinking he said he was

beat five times it rots he’s left for

dead stone he called it light affliction

we wouldn’t call that that today we

think that is heavy persecution but when

you are at the point of believing the

unbelievable and receiving the

impossible anything Satan can come up

with in your mind

is it light affliction didn’t hold a

love light yes to the glory yes yeah

yeah and when that are directed and then

when the Lord sent me back he what’s

this I thought I’d gonna get some major

revelation you know other thing you know

he said go tell my people I’m coming and

you know my mind you ain’t one thing you

don’t do his think in front of God cuz

hear your thoughts they already know

that and he looked at me and got firm he

said no they don’t you go tell and how

many people today right now that’s

watching this delegate don’t even think

about the coming of the Lord it’s not

even only my I’m told my Christian be

mom mm-hmm because you see the appetite

it’s not there looking

there talk about it if you bring it up

yes otherwise they will think about it

all day when I married Kathy the day

before I had an appetite I’ve said bless

God I’d keep you know I want that woman

man you know I said my god

I got 10 more hours let’s go oh I was

waiting to meet my bride you see what

I’m saying dispersion yes anticipation

and out of anticipation expectation that

we would start our life together well

ladies and gentlemen listen to me God is

right now creating a greater appetite in

you for you to receive to believe the

unbelievable and receive the impossible

to literally grasp it and then let your

hunger and thirst and sit you know Jesus

talks about food of quite a bit he says

let’s have this suffer this message why

because you know when you’re at supper

or when you’re at dinner you know it’s a

pleasure you’re in fellowship if you’re

eating with people you’re taking care of

the sustenance that your body needs and

all this kind of it’s an appetite to

know more

brother cope and I and my appetite is

growing so much mmm

that even when I I sleep I wake I woke

up last night said now listen when I

grab me a little like a recorder thing

said I got a deal with this after I wake

up it’s so much that it even goes to bed

with me it’s in my thought process as

while I’m sleepy and it should be and if

people say well that’s that joy you got

no no no no that joy was just it that

that’s that that’s that gift given to

that’s the fruit of the Spirit oh it’s

to know him to know him not to just

believe in him I’m not just looking to

believe in God I wanna know jesus said

he that hunger and thirst for

righteousness shall be filled

too much of the time I was I am so

hungry and and the Lord correct me one

day he said get over on the faith side

on that he said you keep talking about

the hunger and I’m talking about you

being filled

I like that now you said Kenneth you

start believing for the filling saying

thank God I am full of your

righteousness and your word and and then

I noticed that stirred me up I’m

hungrier than it had been before but I

started being satisfied yes and because

stuff started coming revelation started

coming you get over on the faith side oh

that’s good instead of hanging out on

how much I need him start major known

how much I’ve got it yeah oh that’s good

it makes a difference it changes just

like a cow chewing the could come back

hit you it again you know until you get

to such a fullness of this ladies and

gentleme record a for you mark my words

what you’re hearing today is setting

something up right now for you to

receive what God has for you you

certainly deserve it you’re certainly

waiting long enough

now it’s your responsibility to receive

it and that’s why you watching this

telecast so you can learn to receive

that’s what you teach your partners and

I’m one of them

Ryan never got around you brother covert

or Gloria that I didn’t receive

something from God right brother Jesse

yes sir

we’ve had a good week this week yes

indeed this extremely vital and just

unreasonably interesting subject yes

indeed yes indeed of doing impossible

things yes yes and then our everyday way

of life amen because it literally means

I made all things possible

God what the scripture said all things

are possible both the believer yes

indeed because it’s talking about having

in Jesus the anointing to overcome the

limitations of the curse then our own

people that either don’t know him right

or Christians that haven’t found out

about it we see you’re not believing by

yourself you’re believing with God you

know baba said two of us agree you but

you agree with you guys

I’m going anything I say yes sir and you

know and yesterday we were talking about

that appetite that every satisfaction

creates an appetite for more it’s not

just to get more now some people would

say well that’s just greed no that’s not

greed that’s growth you see the stuff

don’t come first right growth comes and

yeah that’s it’s an automatic see yeah

I’ll be honest with you ladies and


Kathie’s told me this several times she

said you never asked God for a need I

never hear you say that I said well why

would I do that and she looked at me I

gotten lost my mind I said I believe

what he said he said he’d supply all my

need according to his riches in glory so

it makes no difference what my economy

of the state of Louisiana or the 17

trillion dollar debt of the United

States of America I ain’t got anything

to do with what belongs to me so I don’t

tell God now I’m gonna shake yet when I

say this I don’t tell god what I need I

tell him what I want I learned that from

Jesus Christ he never once asked his

father for a need because he believed

that his father would supply that he

told his father what he wanted and one

of his wants was Kenneth Copeland yes

sir and one of his once was just to the

planets and he prayed was the st. John

17 he said these that you give me yeah

that you have given me I mean he wanted

us so when you understand that he has

given you the ability to believe the

unbelievable received the Apostle you

know the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy

and said he gives us richly all things

to enjoy now there’s a major insight

into God here now people have have

maligned him and some of that igner

something out of meanness I’m tired of

that blaming on all just hell on earth

on God that is right and and I have

asked people this question over door cuz

I got stuck with it first and that’s the

name of the game Jesus gets on me and I

excuse me does God give us give us

things to meet our needs

well I had the Lord asked me that I said

well sure he said no now then what that

verse says he said Kenneth I give you

all things to enjoy and they meet your


yes my enjoyments what’s on his heart

not my needs right Jesse

my eyes went from this big to this big

Allah well of course he loves me more

not the enjoyment of my children’s on my

mind not what they need

well since God has blessed me I’m able

to give them more of what they enjoy

than just trying to you know meet their

needs and that’s this whole thing is to

what do you enjoy right it’s rechristen

isn’t enjoyment instead of an endearment

you know these are the making an

enjoyment you know I’ll be right hard

monkey said this and enjoyment when you

said that I had a guy say this the other

day uh I can tell he’s mad at me you can

tell us about it he sick I have a lady

and I live in a beautiful home at glory

I spent the night you need to come to my

new house you see it and Gloria was

spent the night she’d came over in

minister for Cathy and he looked at me

and said this I guess he’s just enjoying

living in that big house this boy does

this elevator go to the top I didn’t say

that but I think and I said does that

bother you well yes I said well sir all

I am all I’m doing is being biblical all

I’m doing is obeying Scripture that he

gives me richly all things to enjoy God

someone gave me the house and and III

make no excuses for that blessing I just

give him glory I’m not showing off about

it when I talk about something I have

some peace a showing up no I am doing

Deuteronomy 8:18 I remember the LORD thy


I remember him that he gave me not what

to get this and then I can establish his

covenant all these things so and he

didn’t know how to handle that but see

that said but he didn’t understand

that I can his his thinking’s been

altered yeah yeah see he’s got this

whole distorted idea that the devil

planted in him keep him right either

from getting anything or from getting

God Satan’s purpose is to keep him away

from God

yes indeed and having used things to do

it then that that’s what he wants to do

and he distorts gods yes oh man well you

know all over the world and I say this

not because I’m here I don’t think I’ve

been in in any country anywhere that

someone didn’t come up to me and say

this tell brother Copeland sister

Copeland I’m their partner right and I

thought why are you saying this and here

it is they enjoy it they do you enjoy

being a partner to this ministry you

enjoy it that’s why you watching the

telecast yes you’re learning things and

you’re growing in the fullness of the

stature of Christ but you enjoyed it and

I think that’s why some Christians mad

at us because they’re not enjoying

nothing well yes here I remember the

first time I was ever in a meeting and I

hadn’t been saved as short time somebody

was preaching something I remember who

it was I remember sitting there I

remember what he said that’s been it’s

been 40 plus years ago he said something

and it flashed a revelation across my my

spirit my soul my my mind and thinking I

saw something in the spirit whoa I

couldn’t get enough of there

oh I enjoyed that it was a blessing oh

it is like a cool water to thirsty

thirsty man you know and and I man I

couldn’t then I wrote it down and and


I obeyed God that Oral Roberts

University yes I began to listen to all

Roberts preach I was I was blessed to

the very first day I was there as most

people heard my testimony about this

brother Roberts hired me as part of the

flight crew which while all the time

that I was at Oral Roberts University

every meeting he went on he couldn’t go

without me because I was I was part of

that airplane I began to hear revelation

oh man whoa did I enjoy that oh my

goodness and then I got a hold of my

first Kenneth Hagin tape and I heard

mark 11:23 for the first time and and he

said you can write your own ticket with

god I’m feeding on God’s Word what’s

happening to me you’re feeding your

spirit faith cometh faith cometh you’re

getting stronger in faith stronger in

joy joy comes I mean anything joy of the

Lord is your strength you get stronger

in the Lord well you know it reminds me

a man told me this not too long ago from

Fort Worth Texas

how come you enjoy yourself so much

y’all always seem to envy and joy and I

said we are of like precious faith I

said and when you around people of like

precious faith you enjoy each other

I remember this several years ago when

now this is gonna sound nuts cuz most

people think you can’t enjoy giving

money away you doing oh it’s all the

greatest it’s more blessed to give and I

the Lord spoke to me at a ministers

conference and I don’t mind saying this

he says I want you to give Kenneth

Copeland ministries a hundred thousand

dollars not instead of going and there’s

good it can’t be good you get I went

Kathy I said the Lord said she said

let’s do it

we had such an enjoyment not all we did

was take the check when they passed the

offering plate

stuck it in and say nothing well I don’t

know if you remember this there’s

several years ago this is when one of

the ministers conferences here at KCM on

make a long story short on the small

chapel not the big church now berry

Tubbs who works for brother coping him

went and told you that now watch this I

had not even thought of the

repercussions of what was gonna happen

to me ladies and gentlemen I was just in

the taking up in the enjoyment that I

was able to actually do that you know I

thought man I can do this and it was

such a wonderful revelation was just in

the drumming you came berry Tubbs told

you I guess they went counteroffer and

so you had the close of the service that

day you asked me to come up and pray

over the food and as we were walking to

go get our food

you grabbed me by the hand you said

Jesse hundredfold that’s all you said

Jesse 104 and I never thought about that

side of it I was so raptured in the

point that no you do that I watch this

but God had that hundredfold on his mind

because I had put it in hundredfold song

which was you not but all I was thinking

about making was I did it thank you God

you let me do this I’ve never done this

before in my life

I don’t think I ever gave that much

money to anything in my life

you don’t say ladies and gentlemen God

is in my witness within six to eight


I received now God had this only honest

I wouldn’t think I was just raptured in

in the enjoyment of giving it

I received back ten million dollars

which was 100 fold yes sir now you know

what remember : God is my underling I

believe there is a truth anyway I can

hear it my spirit when the anointing

zone I enjoyed more the giving of the

hundred thousand then I did the

receiving of the ten million

now that’s I’m telling you because even

Paul the Apostle had to tell us in the

book of Acts which our thought was in

the Gospels that I went see it myself

Paul said I put you in remembrance of

the words of Jesus I believe that’s acts

20 verse 24 that

it’s more blessed to give than it is to

receive but because it’s more blessed to

give and receive God is gonna do what he

says well when when you’re giving you

know it when the blessing of Abraham is

energized and that’s what that’s what

Jesus was told by you are the giving is

where the blessing because in in tithing


he opens the windows of heaven and pour

zout and blessing when you’re giving you

energize the blessing of the Lord not

just on your own return but your your

energizing as you give and I and I’m you

understand I’m saying this in the

presence of God yes and then I get

tithing on my mind more than I do the 90

percent yes cuz that’s what I enjoy and

I get to think about think about that

whoa I’m gonna get to increase my tithe

look what someone happened yeah I’m

increasing my time and he get to

thinking when God started talking to me

about the thousand flow and the million

floral billion flow and we started

looking at that billion flow you know

stead of it and I got a thing

think about that tithe off a billion

flow into ministry and and work oh it’s

amazing that that tithe is so huge it is

so big it’s a sudden dollar of tithe is

worth far more than nine dollars of all

that other better know it and that’s

when they start hearing from God and

well it’s just it’s it’s the fun

enjoyment of life it is almost

unbelievable and possible what he’s

saying but it’s actually the truth that

we do enjoy I had a guy get mad it was

one time he said y’all just give to each

other I said well what’s wrong with that

he went well I know I don’t know what he

said I said you know God is wrong I said

well we just do I don’t think I’ve ever

been with brother Copeland on

all the soccer trip or something that he

ain’t giving me something oh we’ve give

him something or Jerry’s avails give me

some I’ll give him something or all of

us get together and give somebody some

that’s right

once that’s having all the bunch of

times I did you remember that time in

Hawaii we went needed a little

steakhouse I can’t remember name it’s a

cow now I said it was me it was Kenneth

Copeland Jerry Savelle just might have

said on wait a Tom meal it was a lunch

time you got up I don’t know if you

remember this in Hama yeah as you walked

out you know we were behind brother come

we hadn’t walking back there okay

brother cool stop

boom just stopped and we almost bumped

into him like that he’s Turner I said I

gotta go in there give that man

something well when he went to me and

Jerry getting in this blessing – lets go

you know we’re family here you walk in

the guys sitting everyman he’s eating

he’s eating some of that white Rice’s

and you said here the Lord told me give

you this blew his socks because he was

in really kind of a financial bind of

stuff and injera said here’s his my

blessing – here’s my blessing we enjoyed

that so much most people what I said I’m

glad I got out of that restaurant before

God told me give some but not you

because God understands the enjoyment of

what joy that brings to you and what joy

that brought to me and Jerry to able to

sew something in somebody’s life you

don’t have to know oh no I don’t mean

nothing about that God told me one time

man just went home beard the Lord this

man was a great friend of my very

wealthy calf they bought me two 70

Weatherby marked five layers a beautiful

rifle I’m in gorgeous now I’m sitting

there now I went on hunting with him

hunting with him well we got back and I

was by two months later and I was kind

of cleaning it up just looking at and

the Lord said give that to you give it

and I thought and he could buy the

Weatherby company and I said but God

forgive me for just saying I rebuke that

that was just trying to stop my blessing

so I went over to his house I did not

know this I walked in and I said my

friend you like this right he said Jesse

that’s a beautiful rifle he said she was

good I said yeah I said it’s yours

he busted out crying the man was 70

years old now this is probably 30 years

ago you know it’s the first gift he had

ever received in his life

other than his wife

and lives in you unless they put that in

that man’s hand I got such joy out of it

and then guess what happens God uses

Kenneth Copeland if you may not remember

this in South Africa when we flew over

there that gentlemen Peter Pretorius I

believe he flew his plane remember and

we had to drive back on something and

you said Jesse out the blue I had forgot

I had given that rifle and you said

Jesse the Lord just told me give you

that 30.6 you gave me you know 30 knots

and you had such enjoyment blazing that

God is my witness such a gentleman

brother Copeland faith and I looked at

that rifle this morning I was cleaning

and getting ready to come over and I

looked at and I said look at its any

brought enjoyment to me and what brought

in Germany was not just the rifle was I

saw your face you was just wanting to be

a blessing just out the blue and that’s

what brother Copeland is talking about

see he wasn’t just trying to say and you

never brought it up you know I gave you

a and you didn’t so it happened to me to

this gentleman but we brought in German

this morning was not because I have the

rifle is that I remembered your face and

you had that smile on your face it’s

those things being become tokens and

emblems of a bigger thing that’s

happened between us and that’s what it

way it is with the Lord Jesus he gives

you things and you obey him in things

these things become tokens and reminders

of just how good he is how much he loves


we were going I was sitting out on the

deck yesterday evening him and we’ve

been praying in on and talking with one

another out there she said oh she said

Jessie women live in earther

that’s the way like it big it build the

blessing bills and becomes an

environment now that environment pulls

on the natural world show that’s what

you just talked about all these things

will be added to you that means that

that blessing wall that blessing

environment just sucks the things in you

know she didn’t say anything about the

house she’s just said God


but watch this most people say what do

you think about this house no no see

that’s when you’ve got there when you

have gotten there didn’t you understand

that that right there that all these

things are added unto you like you just

said that God yes

so good so good and it’s better than

just good we were living in that little

old bitty house after we got out of

Tulsa uh-huh but it was new yeah and it

was clean sure and she said that’s what

the blessing of the Lord it is it’s not

the things it’s he’s in a chassis and

the more he’s in it the better it gets

and the good it gets and the word rich

and I see you smiling sometime at I

believe it do this these budgets believe

it’s really very Big Brother come get up

and say uh excuse me sir and he named a

preacher and Ambria he said tonight’s

offer is all going to y’all I love to

see the shock of people they go but not

broken he shocked he’s like you loves to

do and I love to do and there were times

with during the the you know that at the

end of the time there might come up a

little short or something but never

lasted a full week no indeed because

here it comes the income just kept on


come and that we come on out over the

budget it got to the place where we

began to go over that budget if no

convention every time and it’s all tied

to those back there before when God

would say give this entire offer or what

I guess did you did that so many times

that’s good oh mama


partnership distributes God’s anointings

through partnership with Kenneth

Copeland ministries you have access to

the anointing and Grace’s on Kenneth and

Gloria Copeland and their partners and

you become part of something bigger as

your anointing and Grace’s are now

available to the Copeland’s and their

partners I know that that anointed us on

p.m. is on all his partners being

partners with KCM and with Kenneth and

Gloria and everyone it increases our

faith also to know that do you know what

they’re out there doing it and what

God’s doing for them he can also do for

us here’s one anointing here is another

anointing but when the Spirit of God

joins them together you’ve established

an anointing that didn’t exist but it’s

a combination of those two we allow him

to join us in divine connections and so

forth it increases the anointing and


there is no sickness no disease no

problem no malady that the spirit soul

body of any human being can encounter in

the curse that’s come on this earth

through the sin of man that the Word of

God won’t fix it praise God come to a

Kenneth Copeland ministries event the

Great Lakes victory campaign August 15th

through 17th with Kenneth and Gloria

Copeland at the US Cellular arena in

Milwaukee Wisconsin the 2013 Venezuela

victory campaign Kenneth Copeland will

be in Maracaibo Venezuela August 30th

through 31st living victory East Coast

faith encounter Atlanta Georgia

September 13th to 14th with Kenneth

Copeland and dr. Steven and Kelly

Swisher word explosion October 10th

through 12th with Kenneth Copeland bill

Winston and chaplain al downing in

Columbia South Carolina Washington DC

victory campaign November 14th through

16th with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland at

the Hilton Memorial Chapel in Woodbridge

Virginia now you know recall what

brother Jesse said about when he got

born again when he received Jesus is the

Lord and Savior the only thing that

being saved or anything like that

but there was such a distinct change in

eNOS suddenly he wanted to go to church

yes I was that way I wanted to go to

church then glory now we would be

driving that we hadn’t been safe you

know she and I got saved within two

weeks one another and we’d be driving

down as we saw every church we thought

you know we listened when I drove down

that same street I didn’t even know I’m

Church week before right but what

happened here that inward man has been

reborn not just forgiven not just

changed the scripture says any any human

being any man that is in Christ is a new

creation the literal rendition of the

Greek is a new species of being the

didn’t exist before that moment now

there there are translations that I

think amplified goes into and explains

that more there now yeah but you don’t

know my background no I don’t need to

know your background they all you need

to know is this it shall come to pass

whosoever shall call upon the name of

the Lord shall be saved

now then in the book of Romans if you

will confess with your mouth Jesus as

Lord and believe in thine heart god

raised him from the dead thou shalt be

safe that’s the way you call upon his

name his name represents his authority

and when you call upon his authority and

bring his authority over your life first

thing he does in that authority is

recreate your inner purity

complete you the real you your bodies

just hanging off your inner man is what

gives life to this body you’ve never

accepted Jesus before do it right now

with brother just let me pray this out

loud oh god in heaven Oh God in heaven I

believe with all my heart I believe with

all my heart Jesus had been raised from

the dead Jesus has been raised from the

dead come into my heart coming in my

heart I repent of sin I repent of sin I

renounced the past or announced the past

I renounce the devil and everything he

stands for her announce the devil and

everything he stands I receive you as my

Lord and my Savior sir yes my lord my

Savior thank you thank you fill me

please with your precious Holy Spirit

your presence I receive him see I

received my prayer language receive my

prayer language Jesus name

glory to God now limitation let us know

if you prayed that of brother Jess in me

I want to send you this little book free

and postpaid they get you started in

your mind what you need don’t need to be

struggling with it just get a hold of it

insist on walking in my

commandment of love grace just girded me

up man

it just in times where I was supposed to

be sad it’s supposed to be down and out

goodness it just felt the strength of

the Lord just anointed me to carry out

the task that was at hand and you know

and in the midst of that just still

being able to go and still being able to

do and being ministered to by the Lord

and by this grace and by this anointing

in the process it in and for me it

wasn’t just you know passive thing of

you know I’m just gonna ignore this and

it not be there no grace took me through

it and here I stand on the other side

said full grace great great wisdom is

the principal thing therefore get wisdom

and with all your getting get

understanding proverbs 4 7 through 9 if

you really want to get the wisdom of God

you’ll have to do more than casually

read the scriptures a few minutes a day

you’ll have to feed on them day and

night you’ll have to get rid of the

rubbish you’ll be feeding into your

consciousness by reprogramming your mind

with the word of God do whatever it

takes to saturate yourself with the Word

of God

Friday is always offering Day on the

believers voice of victor broadcasting I

want to show you something today this is

the scripture that the Lord instructed

me years ago to use unless he said go

one where this is it let him that is

taught in the word respond unto him that

teaches in all good things now why would

he say that well what’s the purpose of

doing it don’t be to see if God’s not

mall for whatsoever man souls that shall

he also reap

for he that sows to his flesh shall of

the flesh reap corruption he that shows

to the spiritual of the Spirit reap life

or Zoe everlasting now jesus said if you

understand this parable you understand

them all the sower shows the word Satan

cometh immediately to take away the word

that was sown these are they were just

sewn on stony ground this is the very

first one he mentioned they have no root

in themselves now what he’s talking

about here is the way when you you he’s

coming yesterday now Jesus said he was

coming the sower sold the work and when

someone sells the word into you your

first response is going to mean

everything yes know whether or not

there’s any route to that word or the

devil agreement yes so this process

right here is what causes the roots as

is you Father reveal to every person in

the sound of my voice what they’re part

of this offering is now as you sow into

it I believe I received root of this

revelation in the name of Jesus and the

devil Kate take it away from me

amen impossible in that good you think

you know father I release the anointing

of increase I released the anointing of

that hundredfold in the name of Jesus

that you talked about he said he shall

receive now in this time a hundredfold

yes and I thank you for it in Jesus name

now you just be obedient or whatever the

Spirit of God tells you to do and now if

you missed any broadcast this week go to

KCM dot org catch up with it you get in

church this weekend praise God and then

Jesse and I’ll be back next week and

we’re gonna get right back in here any


right yeah amen praise God we love you

God loves you and remember this Jesus is

Lord thank you for joining us today on

the believers voice of victory to

purchase this week’s broadcasts on DVD

or mp3 on CD go to our website or call

us today

remember this week’s product offer these

ministry tools are designed to help you

live a half

successful life in Christ get the word

working in your life and experience all

God has for you if you receive Jesus as

your Lord and Savior today be sure to

request your free salvation package this

will help you understand who you are in

Christ and how to start living in

