Trusting God When You Don’t Understand-1 A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce:

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#TrustGod


welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with

New York Times bestselling author Joyce

Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be

teaching from her series trust God and

do good the answer to everything is that

simple trust God and do good it’s so

freeing to believe God has everything

under control because that means we can

spend less time worrying and more time

trying to help others now here’s Joyce

with today’s teaching all right I’m

teaching this weekend on

choosing to trust

God you know trusting God is not

something that we just wait to feel like

doing is something we choose to

do you all have trust it’s just a matter

where you put

it have you ever spent or let’s say

Wasted Years in your life trusting

yourself found out that didn’t work very

good didn’t

you have you ever put your trust in

somebody else that just really shocked

and surprised you and just disappointed

you and really hurt you okay

um maybe you had your trust in your

money and all of a sudden something

happened and whoops you didn’t have that

anymore there’s so many things that

people can put their trust in that’s

just not

stable and you know God loves us so much

that he really won’t let

us keep our trust in other things and

simultaneously try to have a great

relationship with him so the minute that

you begin to get even a little bit

serious about your relationship with

God God’s going to start messing in your

life and touching some things and

changing some things that sometimes you

would rather he stay out


Amen you don’t want to pray God do what

you want to do in my life if you don’t


it you don’t want to sing I surrender

all if you don’t mean it because God is

on a serious

mission and he wants you and he wants

all of you he doesn’t just want a Sunday


you he wants all of you in him we live

and move and have our being I’m liking

that scripture more and more and more

the more I think about it he is our

life what do we have if we don’t have

Jesus and so tonight I want to talk

about trus in God when you don’t

understand it’s one thing to trust God


something this room is full of people

tonight and lots of people watching by

TV that you’re trusting God far

something you’re ask asking God to

change something in your life to give

you something or to make something go

away that’s unpleasant you’re trusting

God to change somebody else in your life

it’s one thing to trust God to give you

something or to do something it’s

another thing entirely to trust God


something are to continue trusting God

when he’s not giving you what you

want when everything around you is

shaking and you just do not understand

what is going

on I would imagine that we have people

here tonight and lots of them that you

feel like literally everything in your

life is shaking right

now got anybody all right now see for

some of you it’s just a thing here or

there but some of you I mean it’s

like what is going on and you just

don’t understand but I can tell you from

many years of experience and the only

way you really learn how to trust God is

through experience by the

way we all start

out wanting to trust God and the only

way we learn how to trust God Is by

having a reason to have to trust

God and then as we do trust him we see

his faithfulness and then little by

little as we journey with

God and our walk with him is a journey

as we journey with God we gain

experience now the way you trust God now

if you’ve been born again for 5 years is

nothing compared to the way you’ll trust

God another five years go by or another

10 years go by or another 20 years go by

and we will never 100% completely trust

until Jesus comes back to get

us but thankfully we can continue to

grow trusting God is a

decision and I want to encourage those

of you tonight that feel like everything

in your life is shaking that your only


answer is to trust God and to keep on

trusting God and to keep on trusting God

and yes it’s difficult when you don’t

understand what’s going on and it’s

especially difficult when what’s going

on in your life just does not seem

fair isn’t it hard when you think that

you’re doing what you should be doing

and yet you’re not getting the right

result and it’s especially hard when you

see somebody else that’s not doing what

they should be

doing seemingly getting a better result

than you are we can’t go over all the

material from this morning but and I

don’t say this all the time

but if I were you I would get a copy of

this morning’s teaching because I think

it’s it’s probably one of the best

things that God’s given me in a long

time there was just a real strong

anointing on the message this morning

so and I can’t even really tell you what

all happened it was

just it’s just worth having but I talked

about making that choice to trust God

and you know I’m sure everybody would

say oh yeah this I choose to trust God

but you know what you don’t even have a

clue what you’re doing until all of a

sudden you get some trouble that you


understand and that’s when you got to

choose I’m going to

keep trusting

God in Hebrews 12: 26 which is where

we’re going to

begin talks about how God shakes things

in our life until only those things that

cannot be shaken

remain so that

means God’s going to work with us until

we let go of all the unstable things in

our life and we’re only hanging on to

the rock of our Salvation that cannot be

moved let me give you an example I like

examples Jesus taught in Parables and I

just think we need practical

examples many years ago when my Ministry

was in the very beginning

stages I had a group of I thought

friends have you ever had any people

that you thought were friends and then

found out they weren’t do you know

people like that are dangerous to

you when you put your confidence in

people that really are not who you think

they are it’s a constant open door for

the devil to work through them to get to

you and so many times in God’s mercy he

will remove those people from our lives

and initially we may not understand

it’s very difficult when something is

stripped out of your life that you’re

not ready to give up


amen and so I had the this group of

women they helped me in my women’s

ministry there was about 12 of them and

I just thought they were my best friends

ever they would never hurt me they’ll

always be for me well that’s the first


there’s nobody on this Earth that’s

breathing that will never hurt

you I don’t care how much they love you

as human beings we do not have the

ability to never ever ever hurt somebody

or disappoint somebody that we’re in

relationship with so you’re setting

yourself up for a lot of pain if you’re

looking at anybody

thinking you’ll never hurt me I can

always always depend on you don’t don’t

give that trust to anybody but

Jesus he is the only one that deserves

that kind of total complete radical

trust and don’t ever look at anybody and

think I don’t know what I’d do without

you I don’t know what I’d do without you

the only one you want to say that to is

Jesus I don’t know what I would do


you and so long story short I had a

relationship ship with these ladies for

a long time and we were just having fun

just having fun being in I think really

playing at being in Ministry at that

point I still couldn’t even really tell

you what happened I know now that it was

God just revealing their

weaknesses not that I didn’t have a

bunch of my own I did

but God was going to promote me to new

levels in Ministry he had a plan for my

life and I couldn’t take those people

with me do you know every place where

the bus stops somebody has to get



amen and

so the bus was

stopped and God was ready to take me to

my next destination but there were some

people that needed to get off the

bus and I didn’t know it so long story

short I found out they were talking

about me behind my back I found out that

one of them was after my job I found out

that they were telling lies about me and

look at me when I tell you that I was

devastated and

heartbroken I couldn’t believe it

because they were

Christians now I had come from worldly

relationships where people did that kind

of stuff but these were

Christians so don’t even look at your

Christian friend friends and think you

will never hurt me and it’s not even

that people are mean they’re just

people they’re just fleshly people and

so that’s a time when I can remember

when man was my world

shaken I mean shaken I did not

understand what was going on the pain in

my soul was so deep but part of the

thing that you have to realize is is

that what you don’t understand now

things that you’re going through right

now that you do not understand you

cannot make any sense out of it all


on I promise you later on you will look

back and say now I get

it now I get it

amen and please believe me when I say

that a lot of the things that you think


terrible actually in

reality are

good I didn’t think I’d get much of a

clap on

that and the things that aren’t good God

can work for

good but now listen we’re partners with

God he doesn’t just work everything out


good we trust him and he works

everything out for good we trust God and

he works everything out for good so for

those of you tonight either here in the

building or watching from home and you

feel like everything in your world is

shaking I

understand what you’re going through but

I can tell you that many of those things

that are shaking are things that you

don’t really need in your life

anyway they’re not stable things and

God’s going to give you something that

is stable which is more of him do you

know the less of other stuff you have

the more of God there’s room far in your

life I remember one time moaning oh God

I just don’t have anybody but

you poor Joy just stuck with God isn’t


terrible find the joy of trusting God at

all times in all things with today’s

resource offering unshakable Trust learn

to let go of trying to figure everything

out and let God be God contact us now to

receive this hard cover book for your

gift of any amount to the ministry order

now at or call toll-free at800

78989 we all go through hard times and

it’s so easy in those moments to focus

on the problem but what if you were able

to see the trials of your life the way

God sees them and resp respond to them

the way he teaches us in his

word Joyce Meer wants to show you how in

her new book blessed in the mess even in

the middle of life’s difficulties God’s

kindness shines through blessed in the

mess order your copy today at Joyce thanks for listening to Enjoying

Everyday Life Joyce Meer ministry’s

mission is to share Christ and love

people together we can do so much

