With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

the following program is paid for by the

friends and partners of Joyce Meyer

ministries how do we show humility but

not worry

all I’m saying when I worry is excuse me

god I think I can take care of this I

got an idea

the Bible says that worry and the cares

and anxieties of the world the

deceitfulness of riches choke the word

spend all that time that you’re spending

worrying meditating on the Word of God

fight the good fight get out your Bible

and start saying some stuff out loud

your own voice will disrupt the wrong

thoughts you’re having you’ll believe

more of what you say than what anybody

else says make a decision you’re not

going to live in worry humans are the

only species of creation that worries

and we are supposed to be the most


we’re like the cream of the crop

everybody else gets it trees don’t worry

birds don’t worry rabbits don’t worry

flowers don’t worry lions don’t worry

pigs don’t worry cows don’t worry oh but

our smart ones the wise munch the

intelligent group we worry nobody else

worries Matthew 25 or Matthew 6 I’m

sorry the practicality of how not to

worry learn how to get some humility

learn what you can do and what you can’t

do do what God tells you to do but stay

away from trying to do anything he

didn’t tell you to do do what you can do

God will do what you can’t do Matthew 6

therefore I tell you stop being

perpetually uneasy anxious and worried

about your life the next time you start

to worry just have a little talk with

yourself as all right stop it

right now just stop it talk to yourself

say this is not going to do any good

I’ve been there done that I’m not going

to waste this day tormenting myself and

making myself miserable thinking about

this thing over and over and over god I

cast it on you I give it to you and then

you know what you should do go get

involved in something else that will

take your your time

and your mind something that’s going to

be happy something that’s going to be

helpful something that’s going to be

joyful and peaceful amen therefore I

tell you stop being perpetually uneasy

anxious and worried about your life what

you shall eat or what you shall drink

are about your body of what you shall

put on is not life greater in quality

than food and the body far above and

more excellent than clothes now here we

go look at the birds birds don’t worry

have you ever seen a bird sitting on a

branch having a breakdown wondering

where the next one was going to come

down from look at the birds of the air

they neither sow nor reap nor gather

into barns and yet your heavenly Father

keeps feeding them are you not worth

more than they are and then he goes on

and on and talks about the flowers and

even Solomon and all of his glory was

not dressed as beautifully as one of the

flowers and verse 31 says therefore do

not worry and be anxious saying if you

worry it’s going to come out of your

mouth so Satan puts wrong thoughts in

our head hoping they will come out of

our mouths because our words are

powerful far beyond what we can even

imagine and when we start saying things

we either give God permission to work or

we give the enemy permission to work can

I tell you that again when we start

saying things in the middle Jesus said

let’s go to the other side we’re now in

the middle we’re in the storm and we’re

going to say something so what we say

can either give God permission to work

what we need to be saying is God I trust

you Eileen and rely on you I don’t like

this it doesn’t feel good but I believe

that you are in control and I trust that

this will all work out good in the end

give me the grace to be stable in it now

God can go to work but on the other hand

if you open your mouth it I don’t what

are we gonna do better we’re gonna drown

now the enemy’s going on woo got him


what is Psalm 91 1 & 2 say he that

dwelleth in the secret place of the Most

High shall remain stable and fixed under

the shadow of the Almighty whose power

no foe can come against I will say of

the Lord what are you saying of the Lord

I will say of the Lord he is my refuge

my fortress my high tower in him I will

put my trust on him

I will lean and rely I will say of the

Lord what are we saying about the Lord

worries a thief it steals your peace it

steals your joy and more than anything

it steals your today today this is the

day the Lord has made

I can’t guarantee you’re going to get

another one I hope you do I hope I do I

think I will but what if I don’t I don’t

want to waste the last one that I had

the present is the greatest present that

God ever gives us the moment that we

have is to be enjoyed

we don’t worry and waste this moment

worrying about one that’s already gone

and we can’t do anything about our

worrying about one that’s coming up that

we don’t have any control over yet

that’s why you got to leave the past and

the future in God’s hands letting go of

what lies behind having faith for the

future and enjoy the moment enjoy the


come on

and then he goes on here verse 34 so

don’t worry or be anxious about tomorrow

for tomorrow we’ll have worries and

anxieties of its own sufficient for each

day is its own trouble you know any of

the disciples that were worriers I mean

I bet they were ready for the mental

institution before long because he just

really pulled some stuff if you ever

hang out with Jesus you have no home no

place to lay your head you never know

where you’re going to be from one night

to the next jesus said follow me and he

didn’t say how long they were going to

be gone when they get to see their

families next they didn’t ask what hotel

they were going to stay in what the

insurance benefits were Jesus just said

follow me and they went and followed him

they got to carry no extra food he told

him to feed 5,000 people and they said

we don’t have anything he said what do

you have they found a little boy’s lunch

give it to me and he made it grown in

Luke chapter 10 he sent the disciples

out two by two seventy of them to go out

and heal the sick and preach the gospel

and he said do not take a purse with you

do not take an extra bag do not take an

extra pair of sandals don’t even he said

stay so focused that you don’t even slow

down your journey by stopping along the

way to wish somebody well Wow

Hemme he sent these guys out to do a job

but he said I don’t want you worrying

about anything I don’t want you getting

caught up and wondering about what’s

going to happen tomorrow he’s trying to

make a point when he sends us to do

something he will provide for us what we

need and we don’t need to be worrying

about it

you know it’s so exciting when I say we

have a worldwide ministry and we’re on

television in two thirds of the world

and we’re preaching in 40 languages and

we have mission works all over the world

one three hundred and some-odd radio

station forwarded to my television

station if I didn’t know how to trust

God I would be a complete lunatic total

100 percent lunatic you have no idea how

much money it takes every month to keep

something like this up and running

you know God taught me he took me the

long hard way and taught me some things

in the beginning how to believe for my

socks and my underwear and my skillets

and my wash rags and the other thing

that will keep you from worrying in

addition to being humble two things

learn that you can’t fix it you need to

say to yourself real often you know I’m

not smart enough to figure this out so

I’m not gonna waste my time trying can

we try that they say I’m not smart

enough to figure this out

you don’t sound convinced let’s try it


some of you even had some really weird

look something I’m not some irony to me

it’s like we really want to be the one

who’s in control come on say it with a

smile I’m not smart enough to figure

this out

now that doesn’t mean you’re done we

have wisdom from God and he’ll show us

what we need to see at the right time

but he doesn’t want us trying to get it

with our brain amen

then the other thing that you have to

have if you’re going to not worry first

thing is humility the second thing you

have to have is experience with God we

hear the saying all the time there’s no

teacher better than experience and it’s

just not going to do you’re not ever

going to learn to worry if you don’t

step out on the promises of God and see

what God will do that’s exactly why the

Bible says even regarding tithing and

giving in Malachi it says bring all the

tithes the full tenth of your income and

your offerings into the storehouse so

there might be meat in my house in due

season to meet your needs and to meet

other people’s needs and I will open the

windows of heaven and pour out a

blessing so great that you cannot

contain it and then he and I will rebuke

the Devourer for your sake and then he

says try me try me and prove it so he’s

saying if you don’t believe it try it do

it and see what God does you how many of

you know that you cannot outgive God how

many of you have seen amazing things

happen in your life through giving oh my

gosh it’s just like so amazing so

amazing and so I got experience with God

back in those early days I remember

having this pathetic little prayer list

god I need 12 washcloths

I was dish rag I needed new dish rag so

bad and Dave and I just did not have any

money I mean I had quit my job to

prepare for ministry and you know I

thought that one sacrifice should just

bring us like you know into this huge

level of abundance and instead

I mean we’re believing God for our socks

and underwear for you

God’s going to test your little heart to

see if you’re doing what you’re doing

for the right reason

one person understood that over here in

this section today everybody wants to

get paid for every move they make you

know but back when I was coming up there

was a whole lot of volunteering amen

I think the Bible called it being a

servant like serving we had so many

needs and God always met those basic

needs but we didn’t have no high level

of living

I had to shop at garage sales for many

years and go with my two or three bucks

and believe God to find my kids tennis

shoes and in the meantime I’m out

preaching how God wants to bless us and

prosper us and how we walked by faith

and sometimes seem kind of silly to be

preaching it and yet feeling like it

wasn’t even working for me but I was in

the middle did you hear me I was in the


I had got in the boat Jesus said let us

cross over to the other side but we

weren’t on the other side yet I was in

the middle and what I did in the middle

determine if I would ever get to the

other side and it determined how long it

would take me to get to the other side

and I can tell you that I messed around

in the boat way too long but I’m trying

to help you not to make some of the same

mistakes that I did

and what did I learned I learned I am

not smart enough to solve my own

problems I learned I cannot change my

husband I cannot change my kids I cannot

run the world it is too difficult

God if you can’t do this it is never

going to get done but one thing I’m not

doing I am NOT tormenting myself one

more day let me ask you a question look

at momma Joyce why should you make

yourself miserable over somebody else’s

bad choice

now look here comes another good one if

you’re living with somebody that does

not want to be happy why let it steal

your joy

you ought to drive them nuts and be

joyful enough for both of you amen

come on don’t be codependent on other

people’s messes

well if you’re not happy I can’t be

happy listen I was not happy a long time

and my husband stayed happy every day oh

he was happiness about drove me crazy I

mean the man absolutely would not be

miserable with me he just refused he was

like I’m gonna enjoy myself you can do

what you want – oh the rage inside of me

because you know miserable people want

to make everybody else miserable they

want to control everybody else with

their misery come on you know the thing

if mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy

but actually Dave stability of keeping

his joy no matter what was going on and

no matter what I was doing was one of

the things that caused me to have

breakthrough in my life

and you don’t need to get in somebody

else’s mess with them and let them make

you miserable you need to remain stable

so they can see that their circumstances

don’t have to control

and all those years God provided for us

so faithfully different way every month

we were 40 dollars short a month of even

being able to pay our bills and every

month God would come through some some

way somehow I mean it was just like

those days when I look back they were so


that’s what develops relationship

between you and God when you have nobody

to go to but God we didn’t have parents

that we could go to for help we didn’t

have sisters and brothers that we could

go to for help

we had God we had God now I could have

gone back to work and forgotten the

whole ministry thing because I was

suffering we were sacrificing but all

how many of you know I’m so glad today

that I didn’t that I made it through the

middle man I’m glad I made it through

the middle and I want you to make it

through the middle but I’d like you to

make it quicker than I did and I’m

telling you you don’t need to frustrate

yourself about all the things you’re

frustrating yourself about it’s useless

be anxious for nothing but in all things

by prayer and supplication with

Thanksgiving let your requests be made

known unto God and the peace that passes

understanding shall keep your hearts and

minds in Christ Jesus unto life

everlasting cast all your care on him

for he careth for you but before that in

first Peter 5:6

it says humble yourselves under the

mighty hand of God that in due time he

might exalt you casting all your care on

him how do we show humility by not

worrying all I’m saying when I worry is

excuse me God

I think I can take care of this I got an

idea I bet it’s really funny when we

tell God what we’re suggesting he do

I caught myself about to do that the

other day and I certainly know better by

now well my god you could do this stop

worrying about stuff that you don’t even

need to be trying to deal with whirring

whirring whirring have the gift of not

knowing a lot of stuff I don’t know and

I’m so cool with it now but I used to

have to try to figure it out

I love proverbs 3:5 through 7 trusting

the Lord with all your heart and mind

and lean not to your own understanding

and all your ways acknowledge him and he

will direct your path be not wise in

your own eyes there it is again don’t

even think you’re smart enough to figure

out your problems how many of you are

worried errs and figure out errs are you

getting a revelation today how silly it

is to torment yourself

now you don’t meet me sharing with you

does not gonna mean that it’s just

automatically gonna stop I mean you’re

gonna have to confront this stuff and

stand against it you’re gonna have to

make some declarations I will not leave

I will not live and worry I will not

live and worry I will enjoy my life I

will have peace God has left it for me

and I am going to heaven in Jesus name

I’m not gonna live my life miserable I

cannot even imagine people who followed

Jesus around what they thought we have

the situation one day where he went to a

well found a woman there said give me

drink in John chapter 4 she said well

why are you a Jew asking me a Samaritan

for water because they had absolutely

nothing to do with each other and then

she’s sitting on top of that I’m a woman

and men didn’t talk to women they didn’t

know back then that was a no-no tune so

he says we’ll give me some water so

she’s already confused and then he just

takes it to another level and he said

well if you knew it was you were talking

to you you’d ask me for water and I

would give you living water because the

water you’re drinking will never quench

your thirst but I’ve got water that I

could give you if you drink that living

water you’ll never get thirsty again

whoa talk about a mind bender and she

comes with questions again while where’s

your bucket you have a bucket that’s

what I would have said well yeah where

you gonna get your water you don’t even

have a bucket and then she said oh he

said go call your husband he said I

don’t have a husband and he said well

you said that right you’ve had four and

the guy you’re living with now you’re

not married using her home about that

time the disciples showed up and they

were astonished that he was talking this

woman but they were too afraid to say

anything and then the next thing that

John chapter four says and they said to

him rabbi you need to eat ‘is that all

I’m meat to eat that you know not of

yeah well where is it out all my meat is

to do the will of my father let me tell

you something if you want to know

everything and you’re gonna hang out

with Jesus you are in for a hard journey

because there’s going to be a whole lot

of stuff that is not gonna make one bit

of sense to you and you’re gonna have to

have the gift of trust I trust you God I

trust you like the blind man trying to

get over there to the water you know

Jesus rubs mud on the guy’s eyes and

he’s blind he tells him to go washing a

pool of water excuse me I’m fine how am

I supposed to get there God just wants

you to go just start moving if I can

just get people moving in some direction

who helped us Jesus do your

responsibilities cast your care

Ephesians six is talking about spiritual

warfare and it says do all the crisis

demands then stand firmly in your place

it’s not that you don’t do anything dave

says that this man I love it do your

responsibilities cast your care what is

my responsibility when I’m in the storm

pray say do whatever God tells me to do

my part is to pray keep a good

confession stay positive

don’t start complaining in your storms

whew I wish I had about another hour to

speak I’m complaining don’t start

feeling sorry for yourself don’t get

jealous of other people who don’t have

your problems that must be nice to have

no problems I mean before I learned

better you know the way I was raised I

resented it and you know when I would

come across people that had these little

Pollyanna upbringing as I would think

that must be nice they have good parents

must be nice must be nice you got to

lose the attitude God’s got an

individual plan for each one of us and

the way he works with you will not be

like the way he works with anybody else

but just because he’s not doing for you

the way he did for them doesn’t mean

that what he does for you is going to be

inferior keep your commitments if at all

possible walk during the storms in your

life that’s so important so many people

today do not know how to keep their

commitments you got to do what you said

you would do especially when it’s hard

to do I said you got to do what you said

you would do especially when it’s hard

to do

I think I need to say that one more time

you got to do what you said you would do

especially when it’s hard to do and then

extremely important all the time that

you’re in the storms in your life one of

the most important things for you to do

in the middle is keep reaching out to

other people keep being a blessing to

other people keep sowing that seed of

time and service and love and

encouragement to other people so you can

keep having a harvest in your life

there’s something for you to do but it’s

not worry it’s not reason it’s trusting

God reaching out to others and some 37

talks about the wicked and the evil

times and it says trust in the Lord and

do good so simple we complicate what am

I supposed to do trust God and do good

trust God and do good I don’t know how

long it will take you to get to the

other side but I do know this we’re

going to the other side amen we are

going to the other side you are looking

at somebody that is going to the other

side can I get a witness is anybody

going to the other

well as we talked about today when we

step out in faith we always have a

beginning and hopefully we have an end

but it’s really what happens in the

middle that makes all the difference in

the world and the reason I say hopefully

we have an end is because if we don’t

make the right decisions in the middle

of our faith or while we’re waiting to

see the fulfillment of the promises of

God then many people turn back and never

get to the end of their dreams and their

visions and so I really want to

encourage you in the midst of whatever

you’re doing you’re believing God but

cast your care on him and believe that

if you’ll just keep doing what you know

that you should do day after day after

day after day you’re going to get to the

end and it’s going to be beautiful I

love to say that it’s not what we do

once that gives us a good result it’s

what we do right over and over and over

and over again so maybe you’re watching

today and you feel like you’ve been

trying to do what’s right but you’re

getting a little weary well the Bible

says be not weary in well-doing for in

due season you shall reap if you faint

not today we’re offering three CDs in

audio series called unleashing the power

of faith and a long way that my book do

it afraid and I believe both of these

resources are really important for you

to help you understand the power of

faith that God has put in your spirit

and how to release it on how to not let

fear rule your life

the Joyce Meyer ministries conference

store is coming to Raleigh North

Carolina August 18th 19th and 20th at

the RBC Center with worship by Matt

Redman then Atlanta Georgia September 29

30th and October 1st at the arena at

Gwinnett center with worship by fused

worship admission is free and open to

everyone can anybody here get a

revelation tonight oh why you have

problems in your life for more

information and a complete conference

lineup visit us online at joyce meyer

org or call toll-free one 800 pictures

finish get everything that god wants you

to have we’re going back to basics is

teaching is for everyone and i don’t

want you to miss any of it so please

stay with us

the proceeding was paid for by the

friends and partners of Joyce Meyer
