The devil tries to attack without being seen, so he hides himself in your mind. Joyce teaches you how to fight back.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

i’ll be honest with you i think that

we owe it to jesus

to have the best life that we can

possibly have how many of you want your

children to have good lives

well i mean we know nothing about

parenting compared to what he does

so if we you know like i like to

surprise my kids and i was thinking the

other day

god loves to surprise us i mean he

jesus died so we can have an intimate

relationship with a father

not so we could all have some kind of

our own little brand of religion

and separate in all these little groups

and fight with each other that’s just

the silliest thing

and i love our conferences and other

conferences like this because we have

people here from every denomination that

you could imagine

and i can tell you when we get to heaven

there’s not going to be a baptist group

and a catholic group and a lutheran

group and

the weird pentecostals are not going to

be over here in another group

amen and so we need to learn what’s

important and the thing that’s important

is to learn to love the lord your god

with all your heart with all your soul

with all your mind

and all your strength you cannot have an

obedient life

without having an obedient thought life

so i’m going to say that again you

you’re not going to have an obedient


without first having an obedient thought


and i mean i was a christian for many

many many years and loved god and

couldn’t figure out why i just kept

having so many

problems and i didn’t understand

this stuff about the mind i just thought

that i couldn’t help what i thought

i can’t help what i think and i didn’t

have any idea that

i could cast down wrong thoughts or i

could shut my mind against

thoughts that i didn’t have to just

receive everything that fell into my

head and just take it as my own and

roll it over and over and over in my


you know i share that my dad abused me

when i was young and you know still

after all these years sometimes just

out of nowhere i’ll find myself

thinking about some of the things that

he did to me

and you know the minute that i become

aware of what i’m thinking

i i just say no and i shut my mind to it

and don’t let it in there see the enemy


sneak up on you and try to

put stuff in your mind hoping that

you’ll take it as yours

and if we think about the wrong thing

it’s going to affect our moods

it’s going to affect our behavior it’s

going to affect our relationships with

other people

as the man thinks so does he

become proverbs 23 7. and no matter how

many times

you may or may not have heard teaching

on the mind

this is something that we need to hear


and over and over and over and over

between our thoughts and our words

those are two messages that we will

never get tired

of hearing amen you can choose your own


you don’t have to just think whatever

falls in your head

i used to wake up in the morning and i

would think

oh i’m depressed so i would just get up

and be depressed all day

well now if a thought like that comes to

my head i will probably say out loud

i am not depressed and i’m not going to

spend this day being depressed

because the joy of the lord is my

strength now

we have the word of god so we can fight

the enemy with the word of god the word

of god is not just a

bunch of little black ink or white pages

it is

full of power and it is your weapon



let him who has my word speak my

word faithfully i liked it last night

when john mcfadden was up here and

and he talked about his childhood and

all the pain he went through and then

he talked about how he got hold of the

battlefield of the mind and how he

started renewing his mind with the word

and he pulled this little book out of

his back pocket you got it right there

with you again right

called it’s called uh yeah thank you

secret power speaking god’s word out

loud i did write it by the way

and uh it’s called

and it’s little enough i mean he carries

it in his backpack

in his back pocket and it just it

thrills me that a man will carry that


in his back pocket you know why he

carries it because satan will attack his


and he’ll begin to hear those old


that he got from his parents you’re

nothing but trash

the people that you think love you are

going to leave you

they’re going to find out what you

really are well he knows now when that


he knows how to fight and i want to help

you remember

tonight how to fight and that is

he pulls that out and he opens it up

to god loves him or who he is in christ

and he confesses those scriptures out

loud and the devil has to go away

i love it

and i don’t know if we’ve got any of the

little purple books left but if we do

you need to go out and get them and if

we’re out of them you can order it

online so second corinthians 10

4 and 5.

for the weapons of our warfare are not


they’re not physical weapons of flesh

and blood

but they are mighty before god for the

overthrow and the destruction

of strongholds now a stronghold is a

place where the enemy digs in and hides


so he can attack

without being seen well this is talking


mental strongholds because verse 5 says

inasmuch as we refute arguments and

theories and reasonings

all processes of the mind that set

itself up against the true knowledge of

god and we lead

every what every what

every thought and purpose away captive

unto the obedience of christ the messiah

it is so plain he’s saying listen we


mental strongholds in our minds places

where the enemy has lied to us

and deceived us over a long period

of time and he hides himself in there

and then he begins to say things to you

never at a convenient time he begins to

say things to you

that if you just take them as yours and

you begin to believe them

it will derail the plan of god for your


and keep you from your destiny his

favorite thing is to tell you how no

good you are

and how all you do is make mistakes and

how your life is over

and you’re never going to get over your

past and nobody cares about you

and you’re not going to get the job and

you’re not going to get the raise and

you’ll never have a new car

everything with the devil is ever and


it’s never going to change and it’s

always going to be that way

but with god everything can change when

you put your faith

in him so the weapons that we have

are first and foremost the word of god

the name of jesus and the blood

of jesus christ there’s power in all of

those the word

the name the blood i think sometimes

when you’re under mental attack you just

open your mouth and say jesus

jesus there’s power

in that name we hope you enjoyed this

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