Joyce wants to share what is on her heart right now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join with her above and be encouraged!

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

hi everybody I think it’s kind of cool

that I’m quarantined in my house and

you’re probably quarantined in yours and

we can still get together and have a

chat obviously I wanted to encourage you

because I know that in times like this

it’s easy to get down to get discouraged

and even get depressed maybe especially

if you happen to be someone who lives

alone it’s probably even more

challenging for you because we do need

that human connection so you and I can

connect today and I hope that I’ll be

able to encourage you you know the Bible

says in first John 4:4 greater is He

that is in you than he that is in the

world now I don’t want to say that real

fast and just speed on by it I want you

to think about that you know there’s a

lot of stuff going on in the world today

that’s not enjoyable not good and this

scripture says that greater is He that

is in you than he that is in the world

and if you are a believer in Jesus

Christ then he lives on the inside of

you and that means that he’s there to

help you to guide you to strengthen you

to teach you and I want to remind you

today that you’re never alone you’re he

never leaves you not for one second and

I also want to remind you I did a little

study looked at some history stuff and

there have been many many pandemics in

the time of history at least 20 plus and

they all came to an end and eventually

this one too will also come to an end

one of the things that I did to

encourage myself when I’m going through

any kind of problem or if I’m waiting

for God to give me some kind of

breakthrough is I actually will say this

too will pass the time will come when

this will be over if you think back at

some of the other things you’ve gone

through that you just thought you

couldn’t make it there over and this

also will be

/ and another thing that I like to

remind people is that you know you’re

stronger than you think you are we get

in the middle of something like this

it’s easy to start thinking I just can’t

do this or you know if this goes past

the end of April I don’t know if I can

stand it and we really need to be

careful about our thinking it’s like I

always say where the mind goes the man

follows and so if you think negative

thing is it’s just going to drag you

down but if you think more positive

things it’s gonna lift you up and so you

need you need to remember that you are

stronger than you think you are and

there’s nothing that comes into your

life that God won’t give you the grace

to do Philippians 4:13 says I can do all

things through Christ who is my strength

and actually if you look at verse 11

Paul was talking about trials and

tribulations he said rather I’m a based

or abounding I can do all things through

Christ who is my strength so it’s easy

to be stable and praise God and be

positive and happy when everything’s

going good but really this is when we

show our faith in times like this this

is when our faith gets stretched and

that’s when we really show the enemy God

and ourselves that we do have the

strength to do whatever comes our way

and you know even with this going on we

still have life some regular challenges

and that’s something that I just want to

let you know that I’m aware of just last

week I had a pretty interesting week

first thing that happened was a water

pipe started leaking in our basement you

know right now it’s hard to get

repairmen out so thankfully that day and

I think I’m sorry we were able to get

somebody out in about four hours but

what a mess that would have been is we

couldn’t have gotten somebody out and so

I like to just think about not maybe

what God’s not doing yet but I like to

try to remember

about the things that God is doing

because I mean seriously if I you know

we were coming up to the weekend and if

I would have had to have waited three or

four days to get somebody out here I

would have had a really big mess in my

basement two days after that I got up it

was a Sunday morning and my refrigerator

had gone out overnight and it was full

you know we’re all trying to keep

everything full right now and so my

daughter and her husband had to come

over and get everything that was in the

refrigerator and take it back to their

house and then they brought me a couple

of coolers so I could have some things

in it that I needed and we couldn’t get

anybody to come out that day because it

was a weekend but thankfully we did get

somebody out the next day then we had to

bring all the stuff back put it all back

in there again some of it we threw away

because we weren’t sure that it would

stay good and then a rock hit my

husband’s windshield in his car and that

had to be replaced and then also I had a

hearing test a couple of weeks before

that and found out that I’ve lost some

of my hearing in my left ear and so then

a headache no go have another test for

that so my point is is that life goes on

and I’m sure that some of you are having

other trials and tribulations in the

midst of this coronavirus and you

probably think oh no God not now or I

can’t take anymore and I just want

really want you to remember that you can

do whatever you need to do through

Christ who is your strength but your

thinking can defeat you if you start

thinking I can’t do this then you may

well not be able to do it but if you

think that you can according to the Word

of God and I’m not just saying you can

think whatever you want doing is going

to happen but if you think according to

the Word of God then you’ll be able to

live according to the Word of God it’s

so important right now that we stay


and not get negative and I even

encourage people yes we need to know

enough of the news to know what’s going


but I really encourage you not to just

listen and watch all the bad reports all

day long and you

looking at the figures and looking at

them because the more you take that

information in the more it’s going to

affect your moods and how you feel and

you know how we are you may be you know

feel like you’re stuck in the house with

a bunch of other people now and somebody

asked me this morning what’s it like to

be in the house with Dave all the time

and I said well for Dave and I it’s not

that bad because of us both being in

ministry we’re rather used to that but

the woman I was talking to her husband

is working from home and she said he’s

just so different having somebody there

all the time because I’m not used to

that so when people are put together

more there is more opportunity for

arguments and strife so you want to be

really careful about that because this

is not a time when you need to be mad at

anybody or fighting with anybody and

especially when you already feel under

pressure maybe you’ve got kids on school

and your husband’s working from home and

you know you’re you’re not getting full

pay maybe you’re on unemployment or

something and you’re thinking how in the

world am I going to do this how am I

going to do this you know I really want

to encourage you not to try to answer

questions that there are no answers to

as long as we need faith we’re always

going to have some unanswered questions

we may not know what’s going to happen

but we do know the one who does know and

the point is is to put our trust in God

and this is this is a time I’m not

saying that this is happening so our

faith can be tested but it is a time

when our faith is tested and really one

of the good things that can come out of

this is you can actually be made

stronger because when you’re forced to

use your faith it’s like a muscle the

more you use it the stronger it gets

and so you can do whatever you need to

do and I want you to believe that and

being encouraging to other people don’t

get into conversations where all

everybody wants to talk about is how bad

this is and how terrible it is and you

know what’s going to happen how many


you know the sectors we can’t ignore it

but we don’t need to make it a total

topic of our conversation go ahead and

try to live your life and I also want to

encourage you to just take this one baby

time you know so many people have said

to me well what do you think or what are

you gonna do or you know what are you

gonna do if this and if that and I just

tell people I’m taking it one day at a

time and I mean that I’m not I’m not

even really looking seriously well if

June comes around and this is still

going on what am I going to do because I

know that God gives us the grace that we

need one day at a time there’s a little

story that I like to tell that would fit

good right here and maybe it will

encourage somebody there were two godly

men that were imprisoned together and

they weren’t this isn’t a story I don’t

know that it’s a true story but it makes

a point and they were supposed to be

burned at the stake the next day and one

of the men was an older man and he had a

lot of experience with God and he just

seemed to be real calm and peaceful but

the young man was really nervous and

afraid and he struck a match to light a

candle and he burned his finger and he

started yes young oh man this hurts so

bad if if this hurts this bad how am I

gonna go to the state to mom be burned I

don’t think I can do it I don’t think I

can do it and the older gentleman just

calmly said you didn’t have the grace to

burn your finger but if God’s asking you

to go to the stake tomorrow be burned

for the sake of his name he will give

you the grace but he won’t give it to

you until tomorrow and I love that you

know God fed the Israelites the manna

one day at a time he didn’t he didn’t

give them tomorrow’s supply today if we

knew today what’s going to happen 15

days from now then it would be real easy

to just be calm and have peace but one

of the main things that God wants from

us is for us to trust him and to put our

faith in Him and so just take it one day

at a time and when people ask you or

what are you going to do

think about this what you think about

that you don’t have those answers I

don’t have those answers God knows and

God will take care of us and before I’m

finished today I’m going to read you

some parts of Psalm 91 that are just

there from a contemporary English

version and they’re so just wonderful to

encourage us that even in times just

like this God it’s going to help us and

he’s going to take care of us

and I want to encourage you to find

reasons to be thankful and I want to

just emphasize find reasons to be

thankful because it’s very easy I don’t

know about you but I’m I’m not at my

best when I first wake up in the morning

and so unless you’re this real cheery

morning person who jumps out of bed and

you know says oh praise the Lord I’m so

happy you know if you’re more like me I

need a little space until I have a

little coffee and wake up here then if

you’re like that it’s very easy to get

negative before you really get awake and

so I’ve been purposely finding things to

be thankful for well thank God that I’m

living in a nice house while this is

going on and thank God that I had a nice

stock of toilet paper before this

started my kids always teased me because

we always keep a lot of paper towels and

toilet paper and Kleenex and it’s been

like a family joke you know you panic if

you think you get down bought 20 rolls

of toilet paper and my one son said well

maybe mom was right after all

and so I thank God for anything that I

can think of to thank him for and that

really helps me remember that it’s not

as bad as it could be and it’s not as

bad as we can imagine that it is if we

let our mind go in the wrong direction I

think I’ve mentioned this before on

another broadcast but just think about

the people during the Holocaust and how

some of them hid in closets for months


imagine that and they couldn’t make a

sound not a sound that must have been

really really bad but if you’ve ever

read the story of Anne Frank or seeing

the movie The Diary of Anne Frank

they lived her family lived in an attic

that was like 450 square feet I think

and they lived there for something like

seven hundred and ninety days and in her

diary she constantly talks about just

what I’m talking about

about being thankful and staying happy

and thinking about what you do have you

know we really get ourselves in trouble

if we start thinking about what we don’t

have I mean anybody can do that but it

takes a man or a woman of God to find

things to be thankful about even in

times like this and trust me you do have

things to be thankful for and then some

of this is really important to me I’ve

been doing it I really want to encourage

you to do it is reach out to other

people if you can if I need to help

those who have lost their jobs then do

that this is a great time to give to

people that are in need and if you can’t

help financially because you’re

financially strapped yourself you can

pray and that’s a very important thing

you know we all say all the time I’ll

pray for you but if you really think

about it the Bible says that when a

righteous man prays tremendous power is

made available and I in particular the

last two years have been really watching

the power of prayer and really noticing

the things that God does in my life

after I pray and so praying you can ask

God for anything that you want her need

you he already knows how you feel so you

might as well voice it and kind of you

know sometimes we feel better if we can

vent well you can vent to God anytime


he’s always happy to hear your voice and

I want you to think about this for a

minute this came up in a book that I was

working on yesterday and I love to tell

people this there is never one moment in

your life when God doesn’t love you just

think about that there on your good days

on your bad days on your really bad days

God may not always like I love what you

do but he never ever ever stops loving

you and you can think about that with

your own children and understand what I

mean you know sometimes my children do

things that I don’t like and wish they

didn’t do but I never for one moment

stop loving them and I’m always far them

I’m never against them and just think

you’re never without God’s love for even

one moment in your life and I believe

that one of the ways that we show that

we love God is by reaching out and

loving other people you know God poured

his love into our hearts so we could

receive it and love ourselves in a

balanced way and that may sound strange

to some of you but you know if you’re

against yourself you’re going to have a

miserable life love yourself because God

loves you appreciate who God has made

you to be and then let that love flow

through you to other people because

somebody encouraged them you know you

don’t have to wait for God to make you

go help somebody or to just you know get

some special word from God about who

you’re to help I do this and I encourage

you to do it think about who you know

and who you might help and I was doing

that the other day and I thought of some

people that do different services for me

and they’re not able to work right now

so they don’t have an income coming in

so we reached out to them and helped


that’s what believers are supposed to do

we’re supposed to reach out to people

and help them in times of crisis so help

somebody else and you be surprised

you’re not only doing something for them

but you are doing something for yourself

because the Bible says it’s more blessed

to give

than it is to receive and I can tell you

I know for sure that giving releases joy

in your life and then also with the time

that you have at home I would encourage

you to get some rest maybe take a nap

now and then watch some good uplifting

movies do some things with your kids

that you have wished before that you had

time to do and keep them encouraged

during times like this finish some of

those projects that you’ve been letting

go forever and ever how long have you

needed to clean out your closet how long

have you needed to clean out your garage

and you stay busy don’t don’t just I

don’t mean like work all the time but if

you stay occupied you won’t be nearly as

inclined to get bored and then maybe get

depressed and discouraged and then I

always want to remind you fear is going

to come knocking on your door there’s

not one thing that I can tell you that’s

going to keep fear from attacking you

but you have to remember that real

courage is going forward in the face of

fear it’s not not having fear fear if

you look at the initials can stand for

false evidence appearing real

and boy the enemy will try to make you

think the worst thing that he can

you think but when fear knocks on your

door you can answer with faith because

faith is the only thing the absolute

only thing that will conquer fear I have

a whole series of teachings called

overcoming fear with faith you can’t

make it go away but you can defeat it

every time it comes by just saying I

refuse to give in to you because I know

that God is good and he’s going to take

care of me now just to close up today

Psalm 91 1 through 7 and the

contemporary English version is so good

my son brought this to me and I think

it’s just awesome by the way he’s here

behind this camera helping me today so I

got to have a little time with my baby

boy too so listen to this live under the

protection of God most high and stay in

the shadow of God all powerful then you

will say to the Lord you are my fortress

my place of safety you are my god and I

trust you and it’s good to voice those

things to say to God and to say out loud

I trust you I believe that you’re

faithful and you’re going to take care

of me the Lord will keep you safe from

secret traps and deadly diseases well

there it is that’s just what we’re

dealing with today and right here in the

Word of God it says God will keep you

safe he was spread his wings over you

and keep you secure his faithfulness

it’s like a shield or a city wall you

won’t need to worry about dangers at

night our arrows during the day and

listen to this and you won’t fear

diseases that strike in the dark or

sudden disaster at noon you will not be

harmed even though thousands fall around

you you know anytime that you start to

feel discouraged are fearful get out

Psalm 139 and to be an honest no matter

what translation you have it’s great

it’s just such an encouraging and

uplifting song and so I just want to

remind you today that all of us at Joyce

Meyer ministries care about you and I’m


and that have something to say I mean

our prayer teams even though a lot of

our people are working from home they’re

still keeping their regular prayer times

and they’re praying for our partners and

you know a lot of you are partners with

our ministry and we really appreciate

you and we don’t forget about you when

you’re having trouble so we’re praying

for you and I’m praying every morning

when I pray that none of you will get

sick that my family won’t get sick and

I’m praying for those of you I’m praying

that you won’t lose your jobs but I’m

also praying that God will provide for

you in Supernatural and amazing ways at

the beginning of this year God put a

scripture on my heart and actually I

heard it in a movie and it wasn’t

necessarily a Christian movie but I just

heard this man make the comment all

things are possible

all right away my mind went to all

things are possible with God and it was

just like one of those times where I

knew that I knew that I knew that God

was given our ministry that for this

year 2020 well I didn’t know then what

was going to happen now and I keep

thinking about that all things are

possible with God

so please please instead of looking at

your situation and thinking well there’s

no way they’re there not only is a way

but Jesus is the way he said I am the

way the truth and the life and so God’s

going to provide for you and you know I

know some of you if you are laid off you

may get a little bit behind on your

bills but I’ll tell you God is gonna

help you he’s gonna give me supernatural

help and he’s going to show you ways

that you can get caught up and get

caught up fast so let’s defeat the devil

in this and stay happy and keep trusting

God and just see how thankful we can be

every day I appreciate you tuning in

today I love you and I’ll continue to

pray for you and I ask that you pray for

me thank you for joining