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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#FindingFreedom

this program has been made possible by

the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer

Ministries I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe

that God can heal you everywhere you



hurt one in every 100 50 person alive is

considered a victim of human trafficking

today I did have choice because I

believe them that they were going to

hurt my

family do you feel you’re making

progress absolutely I have never been

more excited about the possibilities of

what we can do



if I

can help with my story just for one

person just one it’s for me it’s


victory Joy me Ministries and our

Outreach armed Hand of Hope have been

invested for many years now in fighting

against human trafficking all over the

world and much of it started right here

in Thessaloniki Greece you see Chris and

Nick Kane had a vision to make a

difference in this huge problem that

many people felt was too big to even

tackle and so we were able to jump along

beside them and say hey let’s see what

we can all do together and it’s been a

privilege now for 15 years and we have

seen incredible things happen now you

may be asking what kind of a difference

can I even making a problem that’s so

big well stay with us I think you’re

going to hear some things that will



you late last night we left our hotel in

central Thessaloniki Greece and drove

less than 15

minutes in just a few blocks the scene

changed from a modern metropolitan area

to one of filthy alleyway is shrouded in

Shadow a truly horrific Place

thessaloniki’s red light district row

after row of cement block buildings and

most had this in common one heavy metal

door a few small Windows covered by iron

bars and neon lights inviting men to


inside here in Greece these brothel

operate openly prostitution is legal

however much of what is happening behind

those doors is far from legal behind the

doors are many women who’ve been ens

snared promised a new life a good job

even real love but what they find is

slavery they’re held prisoner by

physical violence Financial constraints

threats to their families and emotional

manipulation I’ve witnessed many such

places around the world Asia Africa

Europe even the United

States and while they vary one constant

is the vacant stare in women’s eyes


emptiness every time we do this it turns

my stomach but tonight I realized that

touch of nausea well it’s a good

thing there there are some things we can

never grow accustomed to God please

don’t let this ever be just another red

light district my eyes keep going back

to those metal doors it almost doesn’t

seem real from this side as men freely

walk in and out but she’s right there

all that stands between us is that

door but I know Behind the Steel Bar

are broken promises broken bodies and


lives I think of how she must suffer as

man after man after man enters that room

and leaves with another piece of her


soul it’s a lot to process those doors

that separate

us I have a choice I can remain here on

the outside forget about what I’ve seen

scene and let those doors stand forever

as safe separation or I can face the

ugliness and do


something the next morning I sit down

with ra ra has lived behind those doors

if you can call it living

ra is not her real name she can’t share

that for safety reasons and because her

family has no idea what she’s been

through as she put it how could a mother

survive knowing her child has

experienced such terrible


things would you like to tell me a

little bit about your story what brought



here sorry when I was young one of my

schoolmates asked me if I would like to

go to Greece for work in um Hotel just

as uh just clean cleaning lady um I said

of course because it’s big opportunity

so I came here and um in just few

minutes it all changed

because we met other people uh and they


to me and one other girl that we must

work for the money for the tickets it

was work in um brel uh we couldn’t say

we couldn’t show

that this is against us this they they

are pushing us to do this they’re

telling you that uh we know where your

if you leave we know where you live in

your country where’s your parents we

know everything about you if you want to

see them alive you must work and it was

uh I couldn’t tell no so they didn’t

think about us that we are human or

something like that we are just like

some kind of robot we must work and

that’s it when I was with those people I


pregnant and then when I was 8 weeks

pregnant they U made abortion I wanted

this baby

but I didn’t have

choice because I believe them that they

will going to hurt my family

even for the worst enemy I wouldn’t give

not even one second of that life with I

which I lived then not even one

second from other side I’m telling thank

God that I’m car came here because I met

I can say my second family the girls

from a21 because they are now my family

they are everything for

me because if not them I know that I w’t

be now here and uh that I can have

normal job and be normal person with

freedom and be for myself and be happy I

never thought about


that a 21 K Me 2 years I was in them

program and they helped me with the

place where I can sleep food they helped

me with psychologist for 2 years I was

so thankful

because I was broken and when I listen

Joyce SM she say it’s not about how you

start it’s about how you finish because


started no good 8:21 and the her the joy

SM videos was help me a lot of this

years it’s been incredible to watch her

journey of healing and restoration and

how from a broken person that was left

on the streets being full with hope and

that journey of restoration has been

really incredible yeah how did she

become connected with a21 in particular

what what was her trafficking story she

was drugged by a person she trusted it

then she was placed in a hotel room

where she was being sexually exploited

we were able to relocate her back to

Bulgaria and so this happened outside of

Bulgaria yes yes it happened in a

European country when I was coming back


Bulgaria uh they start help me for 2

years every day somebody work with you

yeah and they this how they did it that

was love and commitment

yeah was it difficult to trust in the

beginning yes I didn’t trust nobody I

didn’t trust myself I didn’t know who I

am somebody did something good to to me

I don’t understand what is done you saw

a lot of terrible things I’m sure this

is such a horrific thing that happens to

people it it’s so difficult to

imagine how a woman overcomes a

situation like this

um because you’ve seen so many come

through this is it possible for her to

to really have healing to to start over

and and have a a new

life it is possible it’s a long process

and that’s why one of the goals of a21

is to to have the holistic approach each

staff is aware of trauma and we also

work with professional uh counselors

that also help in the process we do a

lot of art therapy which really helps

because most of the time survivors don’t

want to talk much and it’s

understandable but when they start doing

crafty things with their hands then all

of a sudden there is a

conversation they open up they share

more and that’s how trust is built you

said before that you didn’t know who you

were yep Who Who Are You Now I’m child

of God

and he’s my father how does knowing that

change your life oh love

change when I talk about him

love I remember how he saved me every

day in the

street how he was so good to me yeah

give me hope and future I can say

now I I can be in the place when I can

give to somebody hope this for what now


live how beautiful is that that he gives

you everything that he makes you his

child but he also gives you the

opportunity to help someone else and

this is what it’s all about to help

another person somebody help me now I


help you know ra and stanka are really

too bright lights in this world they

have been through so much but God has

helped them in incredible ways and did

you know that you are an important piece

of the puzzle for women like them and

their healing and right now you can help

rescue and restore more women will you

do what you can through your gift today

toward our project girl outreaches you

will be a part of the work we do

together with a21 and many other

outreaches all around the world work

that is bringing people out of the

darkness and into the light of God’s

love and you can be part of their

healing Journey your gift not only helps

to combat human trafficking but you will

offer education fresh water and the

truth of God’s value and love for women

and girls everywhere this is so

important to Joyce it’s so important to

me and I know that it’s important to you

sometimes you just don’t know what to do

to help well where to start is to go to

Joyce Meer .org find out more about our

project girl initiatives and just do

what you can pray and give anything that

you can to truly help we must understand

the tragedy of what is happening we must

meet the women who are devastated by it

and understand the potential impact of

our actions you see we can all make a

difference because God is working to

pull them out of



we’ve been in a whole lot of different

types of red light districts trying to

help women in different countries and

they’re all so very different whether

it’s a very impoverished country or it’s

in the United States we still see the

same look on women’s faces of just

emptiness and hopelessness you think of

how long the journey is to learn who

they really are absolutely you’re

rebuilding that self-image that

selfworth because it’s been absolutely

Torn to Pieces and even rebuilt in a

different way like we actually see a

reconstruction of of how people see

themselves uh it’s very just it’s

demonic and now we’re going to turn into

one of the big busiest streets here now

with with where we will see a lot of


and so what happens for most of these

women during the day these brff run 24/7

any day of the week any time of the day

so there’s definitely no rest no time

for healing no time for anything the

other thing is that there can only be

one woman working per address what we

are hearing from the victims that are

being rescued to that there are many

bedrooms in these places the way that

it’s functioning is almost like a

carousel these rooms are being filled

many rooms and the woman literally goes

from one room to the next room where the

next guy is ready to to the next room

where the next guy is ready so when we

hear about some of these women being

abused and forced to have sex with 20 40


60 men a night oh my goodness even from

a logistical standpoint that is that is

how that is

facilitated and the amount of women that

you have to have to fill all of these

places must be astounding it is and it’s

a whole system we’ve often had victims

who were rescued and they were moved all

over the seity and they have no clue

where they were the whole time um we’ve

seen this happen as well like in their

process of being broken into this the

the trafficker will bring in people

dressed like law enforcement and and

they will try to trick them to to trust

them to open up so complete emotional

manipulation complete so you’re removing

every sense of selfworth every sense of

trust in Authority every sense of trust

in other people you cannot even fathom

the mindset and the physical trauma

these poor people are going through uh

it’s absolutely heartbreaking this many

of them will talk about how they have

learned to kind of sewn out and not be

present in their mind but just kind of

switch off and they don’t know how long

they’ve been there or how long they’ve

been working for so what is the most

successful route that you find for women

to come out of a place like

this yeah often it is when they are

arrested or they get put in a Detention

Center because they don’t have legal

permission to be in the country or

something like that something where

they’re removed from the environment but

where we can interact with them to make

them realize hey you did not choose this

you were actually taken advantage of

they exploited you and but that’s a

journey yeah yeah and it can be a long

one do you feel you’re making progress

absolutely I I have never been more

excited about the future and the

possibilities of what we can do together

we’ve worked here now for 15 years and

we’ve seen an

incredible um partnership with law

enforcement partnership with the

government at the highest level um where

we are training law enforcement in the

police academy where we are working with

labor inspectors where we are working to

improve legislation and laws in the

country where what an accomplishment I

mean that that in itself is so important

and really amazing yeah that God’s

opening those kind of doors yeah for 12

years now we have operated the national

human trafficking Hotline in Greece is

this not just a hotline where victims

can call and find help they can do that

but it is a resource line for the

general public they can call and report

what they’ve seen law enforcement they

call us they’re like we have someone

here we think they might be a victim

what should we do so they’re coming to

us for that assistance and help and we

can actually collaborate very closely

like that to actually see a case brought

through you had some um amazing results

not long ago with a a large rescue at a

hotel tell me about that we received an

email from a lady who managed to escape

by herself and she left the country and

she stated that there is a hotel in

Athens where there are located many

girls who have been traffi we sent this

information to the police and as a

result 15 uh women from Latin America

were rescued when when you hear a story

like this sex trafficking at a

well-known Hotel it could give you that

feeling of wow this is this is just

everywhere it’s too big to fight it is

too big indeed um but we focus on the

one person that will be rescued and we

focus to this one girl who will be

willing to change her life I don’t think

I have words to express how it feels

like um seeing people gain their freedom

back um it is a sense of relief that

something has changed at that point but

at the same time we do have a sense of

responsibility H and we are trying our

best the team is trying our best to um

show them genine love and care when we

do see a victim find Freedom it’s a big

deal when we wi in a court case and see

traffickers um find Justice for their

crimes that’s a victory and and we need

to uh remember all those moments along

the way that’s so important down to a

Survivor finding a job or starting a

family having a child or finishing an

education whatever it is we got to focus

on these things when we were here not

too many years ago we came to um a

shelter and you still have that

available for people who need it but now

the Freedom Center is kind of the the

next logical evolution of of a better

way to make something available where

the people feel their own Freedom it’s

all about making them feel at home right

we found that the shelter model works

really well in those emergency

situations those very early moment of

just coming out of human trafficking

um where you come out of a very extreme

situation there may be need for medical

care and perhaps that there’s an

investigation going on where trafficker

is still uh free and roaming and and so

there’s a security element to that as

well and so we needed to find another

model um to have the longevity of our

care the Freedom Center is all about

empowerment is about utilizing the

services of the community um so we are

partnering with with legal services with

schools with with counselors with

dentists with with all the different

services that are that are needed to

actually help people

forward let’s talk about how the Freedom

Center Works um this is a place that

represents exactly what the name says

they can come and go as they like get

what they need and always know that the

doors are open to them and and this is a

little bit different model for you yes

the Freedom Center um is designed to be

um the heart of the model um for the

survivors um we want it to be a location

of safety and a place where they can

learn dream always with the goal of

becoming independent they can choose to

be taught about finances budgeting Greek

lessons are an essential that survivors

ask for or even nutrition and meal

planning and then there’s other programs

that are more focused on understanding

what trauma is how it affects your body

basic skills to combat um the effects of

trauma we don’t have a plan that we

create and set it out before them but we

sit down with them and say okay um look

this is what we can do which way would

you like to go so you’re restoring

choices and dignity to them again that

seems very important yeah tell me about

the change you begin to see as time goes

on um that’s that’s the most beautiful

part um seeing the change in eye contact

UM is the first thing you know um in the

beginning early days they avoid eye

contact when that starts to change when

interactions become

a lot more friendly but also when uh you

can see when she has um relaxed enough

to be able to share a little bit um

about what’s going on inside of her

rather than the um the facts

only do you remember the first day that

you came here yeah what was that like um

I couldn’t opened up I didn’t want to

tell them what I feel how I feel it was

like when I was working they didn’t let

me speak for myself they spoke for me

now I have voice I can say them uh what

I think what what what I feel that this

is most important what’s important for

you to say today sometimes I like to go

outside and just scream I’m free and I


feel when Radia first came in here did

you work with her from the very

beginning yes when I met here

I I could see the pain uh in her eyes

but at the same time I could see a woman

that she really need needed support and

um she’s a strong heart how did you

nurture those things in her um the

strength and and the potential that you

could see in her that she could no

longer see in herself after all the

situation that she had been through she

had forgotten her value um uh what she’s

capable of and when uh the Survivor H

realizes that uh we uh really want to

give love and care I think this is the

key in the start she was just I could

say my

doctor now she’s more than a friend from

the day one beside me she showed showed

you unconditional love

yes I didn’t believe her at first not a

word but still she is helping me if I’m

not okay if if if I just have doubts

about my work about my personal life she

will going to push me in the way she

knows how to push me and this is the

most important now that she’s been

through the program you’ve had a lot of

time with her she’s had a lot of time to

get away from the situation that she was

in what things do you see in her now

it’s really amazing how far she she has

come and H how many things she has

achieved um she has a job in fashion

designing uh she loves it and she’s uh

really um she’s amazing in that yes she

has a talent and every time she’s trying

to do better and better and I’m really

proud of her the girls told me you are

strong you can do it you can you you was

in that horrible state of your life then

you survived now look how far you get

you are very brave I’m trying if I

can help with my story just for one

person just one it’s for me it’s victory

because if just one person will going to

think oh my God this is happening it it

was will help so many people I hope so

undoubtedly I hope

so you know I’ve had the honor to sit

down with women like ra all over the

world when they share their stories it’s

really a gift it means so much and what

keeps us going is knowing that even in

such terrible situations we can make a

difference you see this is so important

to Joyce because of the experience that

she had in her childhood the sexual

abuse that she endured and the healing

that God has brought her it’s important

to me because I can just imagine my

daughters or my granddaughter in a

situation like this the question is what

makes it important to you you need to

put a face to this you need to think why

it matters because these women deserve

for you to reach out and help

them we want all women to know that they

have value that you have value and that

you can do something important one thing

you can do is to join us today your gift

toward our project girl initiative

through Joyce Meer Hand of Hope is going

to make such a difference it will help

in situations like this working with a21

all over the world and in many other

places it will also provide fresh clean

water education all those things that

are so important in the lives of women

and girls today so we just want you to

know that you have value that we

appreciate and love you and that you can

make a


difference we hope you enjoyed today’s

program for more information visit Joyce


this program has been made possible by

the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer
