God has a lot of GOOD things for us but fear isn’t one of them!

fear is not from God it’s sent out from

the enemy to keep us from going forward

is there anybody here who can ever sense

fear trying to keep you from going


hey man you know this is really simple

but pretty much almost everywhere in the

Bible where it says not to fear it only

gives one reason not to fear and that is

for I am with you pretty simple isn’t it

fear not for I am with you he doesn’t

tell us what he’s going to do or when

he’s going to do it or how he’s going to

do it he just simply says fear not for I

am with you and I love the scripture

that says that he will guide us even

unto death God is never going to leave

us nor forsake us and something I

practice once in a while don’t do this

every day but at different times God

puts it on my heart and I’ll just stop

sometimes throughout the day and say god

you’re here

I think we need to be more God conscious

you hear what I’m saying more God

conscious especially when fear comes and

whatever form it comes in you know worry

is fear anxiety is fear

excessive reasoning trying to figure

everything out all the time that’s fear

I actually think fear is what I would

call the master spirit that the devil

uses to try to keep us from the good

things the good things the good things

the good things I mean like the really

really really really really really

really good things that God has in mind

for us I love the scripture Beth quoted

today I has not seen ear has not heard

all the good things that God has made

ready prepared and stored up not for the

perfect but those who love Him and one

is will to be honest I don’t even think

you have to be doing his will perfectly

all the time to get any good things

because we’re all growing but I think

you have to want to you know there’s a

lot of power in what to and I want to I

want to do everything that God wants me

to do I don’t hit it 100% every day but

I want to and I’m sure a lot of you want

to or you probably would be out doing

something else on Friday night you know

just like God offers us faith and we

receive from God through faith I think

that we can also receive from the enemy

through fear but faith is stronger than

fear and every time fear comes knocking

on your door you need to send faith to

answer fear will never ever ever

completely go away in our lives but just

now listen I’m going to say just because

you feel fear that doesn’t mean that you

have to be afraid