God’s vision for our life is often much bigger than we realize. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares how to put His plans into practical action. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895 https://joycemeyer.org/store

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– – – – – – – Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#EvidenceOfAPerfectHeart

the Bible tells us to seek wisdom and

understanding and the Book of Proverbs

is a treasure chest filled with gems of

spiritual and practical wisdom that

equips us to live our best lives in her

book in search of wisdom life-changing

truths in the Book of Proverbs Joyce

goes through Proverbs chapter by chapter

highlighting with her insightful

commentary the most important truths

throughout you’ll gain practical

knowledge that you can apply to your

daily life in addition you’ll also

receive the small book habits of a Godly

woman learn how your habits shape your

life and why we need to stay focused on

working with the Holy Spirit to develop

Godly habits so that we can truly

fulfill his plan and purpose for our

lives these resources are available for

your gift to the ministry of $30 or more

connect with us today visit online at

joy.org or call 1 1800


79285 this program program has been made

possible by the friends and partners of

Joyce Meyer

Ministries a person with a perfect heart

is always growing

spiritually you’re never satisfied to

say well I’m good

enough I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe

that God can heal you everywhere you


hurt what is the

heart well if you look up the definition

of heart in the

vines expository dictionary of Old and

New Testament words that’s back to the

Hebrew and the

Greek it says that the heart is the

chief organ of physical life for the

life of the flesh is in the blood so our

heart pumps our blood and if it stops

life ceases so it is the most important

organ physical organ that we


it occupies the most important place in

the human system by an easy transition

the word came to stand for man’s entire

mental and moral

activity so when the

Bible says the heart it’s really talking

about the entire inner man it’s talking

about your thoughts

attitudes the things we

say our

desires everything about

us in other words the heart is you is


figuratively for the Hidden Springs of

the personal

life the Bible describes human depravity

as being in the heart because sin is a

principle which has its seat in the

center of man’s inward life and then

defiles the whole Circuit of his action

but first Peter says that he’d been

talking about how women should

not Adorn themselves with fancy clothes

and a lot of fancy jewelry back then

especially it was more

like women

that were Godly didn’t normally do

that so it was a custom of the day

usually just

prostitutes wore a lot of jewelry and a

lot of fancy clothes so he said don’t be

concerned about that because it’s the

hidden man of the

heart and what God desires is a quiet

and A Gentle

Spirit that is not anxious or rough up

but is precious in the sight of God how

much time do you spend trying to get

yourself cute before you go to the house

in the morning

today I look at some people I know it

wasn’t much

but that just kind of slipped

out I mean honestly I think do you not

own a


maybe I spend too much time

but I come from a different era and so


seriously if you spend an equal amount

of time getting your heart ready to go

out that’s so

good I mean some Christians put on

behaviors that just look so bad on on

them it’s like you have got such a bad

attitude but you know if I put on

something that doesn’t look good on

me I keep changing my clothes until I

find something that looks


amen I bring extra outfits to these

conferences just in case well thankfully

God has given me the grace and the


I do spend as much time with God getting

my heart ready as I do getting my body

ready but there was a lot of years when



amen and so just think about that you

know if you can spend an hour getting

cute can you give God 15


minutes and we we can prepare our heart

Hearts we can pray God when I go out

today let me represent you

well help me be respectful to everybody

that I come

near help me make somebody feel better

about themselves today let me put a

smile on some faces today

Lord if I if I even start to get a bad

attitude God convict me about it don’t

ever have a bad attitude if God convicts

you that something is wrong in your

behavior thank God that he loves you

enough not to leave you alone in your


message we see that the heart is the


man King David committed adultery and

murder and yet the Bible says that he

was a man after God’s Own

Heart figure that

out and Peter Peter denied Christ three

times and yet he went on to become one

of the greatest of the

Apostles you know why I want you to

listen this is one of those important

things weakness is different than


wickedness did you hear


me I was telling somebody the other day

there’s a certain weakness that I still

have left over from the way I was


and I mean I prayed about it and prayed

about it and prayed about it and prayed


it and it’s this certain thing that I

tend to worry about if it happens and it

has to do with keeping peace

in close relationships you know like

especially family because my dad was

always mad I always did the dance of

trying to keep him happy and be the PE

Peacemaker in the

house and boy if two of my kids aren’t

getting along I think I got to fix it or

if you know one of them’s upset with me

I can’t rest till I think I’ve got it

fixed and I’ve been set free from so

many things and I can tell myself that

is not my

problem worrying about this is not going

to change a

thing I can pray

and I still can’t seem to settle down

until the the thing is

solved and there’s peace again well you

know what I’ve done everything I can do

now I’m just waiting on God but see

that’s not wickedness that’s a

weakness okay a person with a perfect

heart is always growing

spiritually you’re never satisfied to

say well I’m good

enough you all always want to improve

though tonight when I said let let our

goal be to be more fully committed in


area if your heart’s right toward God

you would have thought yeah that’s

cool I want to grow show me God how I

can grow you wouldn’t have been

like another thing I got to

do you know the Apostle Paul he said he

was pressing toward the mark of

perfection but he had not

arrived he said I have not attained this

nor have I arrived at my goal but I

press on to take hold of that for which

Christ Jesus Took hold of

me he always wanted to

grow I love to teach on spiritual

maturity it’s probably my thing I guess

I’m I’m thrilled when people are saved

but I love to see people

grow and be really mature in Christ so

we can represent him well and so we can

actually live the life that he died for

us to live Jesus didn’t just die for us

so we could be miserable here and

someday go to

heaven he wants us to enjoy our life

here we’re his representative is he

wants to work through us and show

himself strong through us and I know

some of you may be thinking I got so

many problems and I’m not in any

position where I can work for God or you

know help other people lady you don’t

know how many problems I got but I tell

you what I can tell you your problems

will never get

solved if you don’t start helping other

people because that’s exactly how you

get your breakthrough is by sewing seeds

into somebody else’s life and then God

uses those seeds to bring a harvest in

your own


life and when you’re hurting if you if

you make it your business to try to be a

blessing to somebody else it gets your

mind off

you and nothing steals our joy quicker

than just being focused on herself all


time a person with a perfect heart is

fully committed to

God but now listen to this this is from

the Amplified translation of Romans 121

I love this I appeal to you therefore

Brethren and I beg of you in view of all

the mercies of

God to make a decisive dedication of


bodies see it calls for a decision I’m

asking tonight for people to make a


I can come up higher in this area or I

can come up higher in that

area presenting all your members and

faculties as a Living

Sacrifice under the law they required

the sacrifice of dead

animals and that blood covered their

sins but it never removed them and it

never had no ability to ever remove the

guilt there’s were covered ours have

been removed as far as the East is from

the west and God remembers them no

more the Bible tells us to seek wisdom

and understanding and the Book of

Proverbs is a treasure chest filled with

gems of spiritual and practical wisdom

that equips us to live our best lives in

her book in search of wisdom

life-changing truths in the Book of

Proverbs Joyce goes through Proverbs

chapter by chapter highlighting with her

insightful commentary the most important

truths throughout you’ll gain practical

knowledge that you can apply to your

daily life in addition you’ll also

receive the small book habits of a Godly

woman learn how your habits shape your

life and why we need to stay focused on

working with the Holy Spirit to develop

Godly habits so that we can truly

fulfill his plan and purpose for our

lives these resources are available for

your gift to the ministry of $30 or more

connect with us today visit online at

joy.org or call








well in this candid conversation um

we’re going to get real personal because

you and I both had big milestone

birthdays this year uh oh y yep so we’re

just gonna you’re going to talk about

age we’re going to fess up let’s talk

about your age I’m fine with that um but

also just talking about milestones and

TR positions and changes in life and so

let’s let’s just talk about it so I

turned 60 this year and you turned 80


year and I I was just thinking about the

things that go through your mind that

because I I remember um so many

questions that would come up 60 for me

turning 60 you know it sounds different

than being in your 50s and it’s probably

the same at every every transition and I

I’ve never had much of a thought about

age before and you know I think we

usually feel young and inside we we are

always that 25y old um and yet there

there are questions when you get to

certain ages like for me turning 60 you

know you you begin to think well what

will the future look like like at some

point my husband’s going to want to

retire MH I say him cuz I you know know

I don’t think I want that but I I know

that’s something you

don’t thank you you don’t want to retire

but you know he’s looking forward to a

transition that I’ll go along with him

as that happens and um you know even I

remember like my children turning

turning 20 or 30 I I mean everybody goes

through questions as things change and

transitions in their life and you know

people are thinking questions like I

haven’t had children yet or I’m not

married yet or what will I do next so

what were some of the things you thought

with your 80 well first of all to be

honest I I can’t believe I’m 80 it’s

like when you say that it sounds really

really old and I don’t feel old and I it

doesn’t as much anymore don’t you think

people are living longer you’re looking

great people are looking younger I

remember you talking about being 60 I

remember the first time that age really

hit me was when I had to go and sign up


Medicare I thought I’m in the Medicare

office and it was just

like that made me feel

old I am in the Medicare office and uh

but you know

the first of all we do too much thinking

of the wrong kind that’s true yeah and

uh when you overthink things you just

think yourself right into a big problem

and so a lot of these questions we have

about well what is retirement going to

look like I mean Ginger I could have a

million questions you know I mean I’m 80

now so let’s just be really generous and

say I live to be a 100 okay let’s go 120

oh I don’t know if I have the faith for

that I don’t even know if I want to do

that but uh I

mean I don’t

have a ton of years left I’ve lived most

of my life and so I could get into

people ask me all the time are you ever

going to retire well I don’t plan to do

that but I’m taking my life one day at a

time and I believe that God will give me

the energy to do what he wants me to do

and we all need to want what God wants

more than we want what we want and so

yeah who

knows who knows what it’ll look like for

you in 5 years or 10 years only God

knows and that’s why it’s so important

this whole thing about living life one

day at a time I mean God gave the

Israelites Mana for one day the miracle

bread that he reigned out of heaven for

them when they were in the wilderness he

only gave them enough for one day and he

could have given them a week Supply at a

time or a year Supply at a time but one

day and if they gathered

more than what they were supposed to for

one day MH there was so much allotted

for each person and if they gathered

more than that it rotted and started to

stink the only time that they could

gather two days was in preparation for

the Sabbath and so that’s such a great

example yeah that it would stink yeah


God right in the beginning of the Bible

sets this standard and gives us this

great example that I mean the way I put

it is if you try to if you try to live

more than one day at a time your life’s

going to stink yeah and a lot of people

say my life stinks well that’s because

they worry and they fret and they try to

figure things out that only God knows

and you know I was such a Reasoner I

mean I wanted to know I wanted to have

everything figured out out I wanted to

have a plan for everything no surprises

and if you’re going to hang out with God

and be happy you’re going to have to get

used to mystery and surprises yeah

because and when I say this it it it it

it doesn’t have to provoke fear in

people but you never know what’s going

to happen and you just need to be ready

yeah I like what Paul said in the

Amplified Bible of Philippians

4:13 says I can do all things through

Christ who is my strength but the

Amplified says I’m ready for anything

I’m equal to anything through him who

infuses Inner Strength into me so I like

that he said I’m ready for anything yeah

and that’s the way we that’s that’s the

way we have to think about it it’s like

I don’t know what kind of transition is

going to

come you know by the time I’m 85 I had a

a prophet ministered to me recently and

he said that he saw some specific things

between 80 and 85 for me and I said well

what about after that he said I didn’t

see after that well you know so my

thought was

well and then I thought you know but the

dev mind goes that way yeah the devil

loves to put thoughts in your head and

here’s the thing I mean I’m ready to go

whenever God wants me I mean like Paul

said to live as Christ to die is gain

and he even said at one point I’m

staying here for you not for me yeah it

would be better for me if I went yeah

and so I’m looking forward to heaven but

I think that I’m still helping people

and I want to be here as long as I can

but age is not the

only transition that we face in life

yeah you you talked about be ready for

God’s surprises but what I enjoy about

that is some of some of them are not

what you expect in in their heart in

their hard transition some of them are

wonderful there’s so much more than you

ever could have chosen for yourself or

expected and you know I remember when 20

years ago now talk about a milestone

I’ve been with Joyce Meer Ministries for

20 years now the the same week we had

offer you a job three times before we

got you well that was one of those

wonderful surprises it it wasn’t

anything that we were looking for it

wasn’t anything that I had in mind you

were happy where you were at exactly had

a good job but God had something in in

mind that was such a blessing that I

didn’t expect didn’t see coming wasn’t

looking for but at the same time it was

a transition right so you know there

were things that that had to be done you

know you have to move your family they

big choices you have to sell a house and

find your husband had to get a different

job exactly you know you you leave your

church and the people that you love so

in transitions there are often things

that you you have to let go of as you’re

reaching for that next thing that God

has for you and so sometimes you feel

like you’re kind of teetering in between

but I love the thought of God has such

good things for us but it doesn’t mean

transition’s always easy you know we

talk about walking by faith and I like

to just mention to people you know a

walk is something you take one step at a

time and so walking by

faith does doesn’t mean that you see the

whole picture mhm it you know there

there were a lot of things that you

didn’t know when you came here and there

were things I remember that you went

through in the beginning that were

challenging because you had a lot of

good friends that you missed and it

takes time to make friends in other

places and we have a lot of people move

from out of town to come to work here

and they all go through a transition

period you know they may love working


but you still miss what you’re used to

sure and you this is a good piece of

advice for people that are in transition

right now give it

time you you you have to give yourself

time to adapt to things and time don’t

expect too much too soon yeah time to

get adjusted to things I mean you’re not

e even if you’re like when I left my job

job at the church that I worked at in St

Louis I was on staff with a great team

of people and we had a lot of fun and

and when God called me out of that

position I

was traveling around on the road doing

conferences I was by myself

and I missed that and and when I would

go to church on Sunday mornings when I

was in town a lot of times I would leave

and I would feel depressed and I would

think did I do did I make a mistake did

I do the wrong thing

but God just ministered to me that I had

soul ties to that place you know I had

put five years of my life into that and

my prayers and my hopes and my dreams I

mean you if you’re going to be in you

got to be all in right it’s you’re

passionate about what you do I was all

in there and for their vision and dream

and then when God started putting bigger

things in my heart that I couldn’t do

there I had to step out but you you you

leave you know the Bible says you leave

your father and mother and cleave until

your wife and God told Abraham to leave

everything that you’re accustomed to and

go to the place that I will show you and

so there’s always a

leaving as well as a taking hold of new

things and so you have to give yourself

time for your you have a soul and so you

have to give your your mind your

emotions your feelings about things time

to change and not start making too many

decisions based on how you feel in the

beginning that’s really good give it

time you know there’s something else

about those milestones and those

transitions that it’s easy to look at I

should have like by this point in my

life I thought I would be here or I

should have this job or I should be

further along in my walk with Christ or

whatever it may be um so how do you how

do you deal with some of those I should

have points in in changes in life well

maybe some of them are true maybe maybe

maybe you should be further along in

your walk with Christ than what you are

but once something is done you you can’t

you cannot go back and change the past

all you can do is learn from it and if

you take it’s a healthy attitude you

know your your past can be the

greatest teacher for your future and the

mistakes that you make can be the

greatest thing that trains you for what

not to do in the future I I look back at

some of the places where I was at and

places where I worked and things that I

went through and and even like people

that I felt mistreated me

and just seemed like God didn’t do

anything about it but it t T me how to

treat people yeah it taught me you know

how that made you feel so don’t treat

other people that way so we need to

trust God more that everything that we

go through it may not be fair but God is

a God of Justice that and that means he

always makes wrong things right if we

trust him if if if we trust him you know

these are not things that just

automatically happen it’s putting your

faith in God I think it was uh Martin

Luther King Jr that said you don’t have

to see the whole staircase just take the

first step and so we we take a step and

we see what God does and it only a fool

thinks he can always do what he’s always

done it’s just not going to happen there

are going to be transitions there are

going to be changes and you can either

get in line with them or you can be

totally and absolutely miserable and so

everybody’s GNA get older everybody’s

body is gonna get

older you’re not going to look the same

way when you’re 50 as you did when you

were 15 and uh it’s it’s just part of

the cycle of life there’s just nothing

we can do about it except be happy and

that we can be and trust that there are

good things ahead at every stage every

change is not a bad change it can be a

good change change but you got to give

it time sometimes to find

out we hope you enjoyed today’s

program please contact us or visit

joy.org to share your prayer request or

partner with us in Sharing Christ and

loving people all across the


globe this program has been made

possible by the friends and partners of

