Life can be scary, especially during hard times.

Maybe you’ve lost your job, are battling a chronic illness or your marriage is falling apart. Whatever the issue you are facing, Joyce wants to share with you what could be the best news you’ve heard in a long time.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

well I believe that there’s tremendous

power in encouragement and I think

sometimes we need to just take a special

time to encourage one another so I

wanted to take this time to encourage

you because you are a special person

you’re important to the kingdom of God

and you’re important to us at Joyce

Meyer ministries I realize that there

are many many many people today they’re

in very difficult situations in the

world your situation might be financial

maybe you’ve lost your job and you need

a job maybe you’ve lost some of your

savings some of your retirement maybe

it’s a health issue an issue with your

children another relationship problem it

could be a lot of different things but

the good news is is God knows it he knew

it before you ever entered into your

difficulty and he has your release and

your deliverance in mind God does have a

plan and even though we’re very often

surprised by the things have happened to

us God is never surprised he sees you he

knows you he cares about you and you

will come through this I just want to

encourage you not to ever give up God

loves you so much and he’s bigger than

our problems you know you are a real

important part of Joyce Meyer ministries

you encouraged us when we hear from you

it encourages us and I want you to know

that we are praying for you on a regular

basis and I believe that you do feel the

effects of our prayers in your life and

now I would like to pray a special

prayer for you but I want you to be in

agreement with me I want us to release

our faith together and we’re going to

pray a special blessing prayer over you

as a friend and a partner with this

ministry father I come to you in the

name of Jesus and I thank you for our

friends and partners

anyone who’s viewing this little segment

right now and first of all god I ask you

to strengthen them strengthen them with

the strength that only you can give fill

them full of a holy determination

that they will never give up help them

focus on what they need to focus on help

them not to turn inward on themselves

but to keep their eyes on you help them

not to withdraw but to continue in

fellowship with other believers and to

continue pressing into their

relationship with you father I pray that

there’s any today that are depressed or

downtrodden or or even have gotten into

a state of self-pity that they would

shake that negative emotion off and they

would continue to press in with you and

that they would experience your joy

today I bless them in the name of Jesus

Christ and I ask you to open doors for

them that no man can open I ask you to

straighten out any crooked path in front

of them and give them favor everywhere

they go we thank you God for meeting

every need in Jesus name Amen

well I believe in the power of prayer

and I think that many of you are going

to send in a glowing testimony so you

have a great day and just remember that

we care about you