She used to hate her voice and wanted to be like others. But she finally realized she couldn’t do what she was doing with a sweet, timid voice.

comparing yourself with other people is

just so totally completely useless it’s

just it’s unbelievably useless you know

how many years did I not like my

personality because it was so aggressive

and bold and straightforward and I

couldn’t seem like I could open my mouth

without sounding like I was barking at

somebody and I wanted to be so sweet

nice and I would try to lower my voice

and sound meek and even have a more

humble walk I’m not exaggerating but now

I finally get it could you imagine me

trying to do what I’m doing

could you imagine me trying to do what

I’m doing or going into some of these

nations that I go into that are full of

devil worshippers and people who men who

hate women to start with going in there

and see why I’m just so happy to be here

in your country praise the Lord I just

want you to know and I hated my voice

and I understand now why God gave me my

voice if nothing else people listen

because it’s unique how many times do I

hear when I’m not I didn’t recognize you

but I heard that voice I love always I

always say I’m a mouthpiece and the

kingdom of God I may not have much else

going for me but I can talk and you’ve

heard all my stories I mean I’ve had

some of the dumbest stupidest stuff

happen concerning my voice called the

spa to make an appointment to get a

facial and the lady on the other end

said do you have any facial hair




I didn’t get it I wasn’t you I’m liking

myself you know I’m fearful and

wonderfully made I’m okay and so

honestly I thought yeah I got eyebrows

and eyelashes that’s what I thought and

I said trusted wait yeah I got eyebrows

and eyelashes and she said no I mean do

you have a beard or a goatee and I said

I am a woman I am a woman with a deep

voice and I tell you what I have had so

many laughs about that I think it is the

funniest thing and you know why there

would have been a day when that would

have put me in the bathroom floor for

three days Logano says that was it the

road what you gave out boys I don’t know

what’s the matter with you God why do I

have to be a woman inside like this is

just so embarrassing god it’s so

embarrassing I think it’s hysterical

come on you are gonna be amazed how

things are going to change for you the

torment you’re gonna lose when you

finally say I am fearfully and

wonderfully made I am NOT an accident I

am NOT a mistake

God has got something for me to do

matter of fact God has got something for

you to do that only you can do so get

over yourself
