In this Gospel Partner episode, Joseph Prince shows you scripturally how for every crisis you face, the way for you to exit your troubles victoriously is through partaking of the Holy Communion. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit:   • The Way Of Escape In Every Trial (Ful…

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#gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

Let’s dive right into the Word
I got lots to share with you.

And I believe it’s gonna bless
you. It’s one of those

messages that I feel that the
Lord has for us that He wants

us to listen to again and
again. Especially when you are

going to some specific trial
which I’ll be mentioning

afterwards. But let’s look at
1 Corinthians 10, right up

here at this well-known verse.
One of the first things that

we learn, you know, we get
saved; in the navigators

memory verse pack. One of the
first things they do is that

they give you this verse to
memorise. There has no

temptation overtaken you, see
I’m quoting from the Old King

James, this is the New King
James. I still remember that

little 3×5 card they want you
to memorise and it is for you

to remember that when you are
tempted. So the idea, the idea

there is when you are tempted
to sin, you remember this

verse. But actually the word
for temptation, peirasmos,

alright,peirasmos temptation,
it’s not just temptation to

sin, it’s also trial. I said
it’s also trial. Peirasmos is

also trial. When the doctors
give you a bad diagnosis,

that’s a trial in your life.
Amen. When you hear that your

business is not doing so well,
you just receive news, report,

that’s a trial of your faith.
Amen. You hear bad news that

one of your child has been
found doing this and doing

that, or whatever, that’s a
trial of your faith. Amen. So

all that is under that one
Greek word, peirasmos. It can

be a temptation or a
solicitation to sin to evil or

it’s just a trial. Same word.
I kinda wish there were more

than one word but it’s the
same word. So you have to see

from the context, is it
talking about temptation to

sin or is it talking about
trial. The vicissitudes of

life that one goes through. So
let’s look at this, and you

decide. “No temptation…” I’m
gonna use the interchangeably,

no trial, “…has overtaken you
except such as is common to

man. But God is faithful…”
Hallelujah. Those three words

is more than enough, man. I
tell you, you can rest. You

see, church, it’s not so much
the faith of the believer.

Your faith is important,
without faith it’s impossible

to please God. It’s not so
much the faith of the

believer, it’s the
faithfulness of the promisor.

By faith Sarah received
strength to conceive seed for

she judged Him faithful. She
didn’t judge herself full of

faith. She judged Him
faithful. But God is faithful

who will not allow you to be
tested, or tempted. Now

remember I’m using words
interchangeably. Tempted or

tested beyond what you are
able. But with the testing

will also make the way of
escape, that you may be able

to bear it. Now there seems to
be a contradiction. Number

one, with the testing there is
a way of escape that you may

be able to bear it. Now,
usually the idea of bearing

something with endurance, with
long suffering, perseverance

or whatever means you stay in
that problem. You don’t

escape. If you escape the
testing, it’s no more a

testing. You found your way
out. So it’s like a

contradiction. How can you
bear something if there’s a

way out? Right? So I’m gonna
submit something we’re gonna

learn here and gonna bless
you. It says here with the

temptation… how many are glad
that with the testing that

comes, every testing, God
promises that with the testing

that comes, God will provide a
way out. And the way out,

notice the way out, the way of
escape is called the way of

escape, is actually one Greek
word, ekbasis. Ekbasis. I know

it sounds Japanese but it’s
Greek. Ekbasis. Ek means out

of, basis is walk. It’s
literally walk out. Exit. One

Greek word, put it in English
as exit. The way out. The

escape. The exit. You walk
out. Ekbasis. Amen. So it’s

one word. The way of escape is
one word, ok. And if you look

at the Old King James, which
many of us read from and I

memorise from Navigator’s,
it’s Old King James; it says

“make a way to escape.” With
the temptation God makes or

testing God makes a way to
escape. So the idea that I

always have in my mind is
this, that with every trial

that comes, whatever the trial
is, God’s faithfulness is that

it will always make a way to
escape. Make a way to escape.

But in the Greek, I found out
that it is not a, a way to

escape. Because this idea a
way, we do not know what that

way is. Now, right now, some
of you are going through a

trial, it’s not funny. It
hurts. Involves a loved one.

Probably you are in semi
depression right now. Perhaps

your problem is depression.
You are thinking of ending

your life. Don’t do it.
Today’s message will set you

free. His name is Jesus. Amen.
You’re going through something

right now and I’m here to tell
you God has the answer for

you. In fact, while, you know
when I got a revival, my

latest revival was while I was
preparing this message. I kept

from jumping in my study
because I know that if I jump

with that revelation, my head
will be sticking out in the

roof. It was so, so… I tell
you it was such a wonderful

thing, and I’m gonna proof
everything from the Greek,

from the context. So those of
you who are scholars and my

wonderful critics, Hallelujah.
You can follow along in your

Greek ok. So pardon the Greek
for those majority of you, you

know, sort of like hinder the
flow but we are preaching to

millions. And there are
scholars down there that I

welcome. Amen. Because a good
message will stick up to

scholarly evaluation. Amen.
But first and for most, let me

just tell you this, it is not
a way to escape. In the Greek

it is definite article, the
escape, the exit, the way out.

The way out. The way out. The
ekbasis. The way out. And I

challenge any scholar to look
it up. That’s why Old King

James is not very accurate.
The New King James says “the”

way of escape. It’s accurate.
Now when you say “a”, that

means with every testing you
have to find a way. A way can

be a new way. I said a way can
be a new way. Alright, you

understand or not? There’s
always a way, there’s always a

way of escape. There’s always
a door there for you. That

means it’s general, you do not
know what it is. But when you

say ‘the’, you are pointing to
something very definite. Are

you listening people? You are
pointing to something very

definite. What is this way
out? What is the way out? A

man was dying one time, a
great man of God – Sir Walter

Scott. As he, he knew he was
going to heaven and he smiled

at his grand, er, his
son-in-law, he says. And he

has thousands and thousands of
books in his library. He told

his son, go get the book. His
son says, which book. He says,

“The book. There is only the
book.” Amen. He was referring

to the Bible.Amen? So when you
say “the”, there is only one

way. No other way. Jesus is
not a way. Jesus Himself says,

“I am the way. The truth and
the life.” Aniha derek. If

your name is Derek, means way
in Hebrew. Aniha emet – the

truth. Aniha haim – the life.
The. C.S. Lewis says either

Jesus is the world’s greatest
liar or He is who He says He

is. You cannot say he is a
good man. You cannot stay in

between and say no, he’s not
God in human flesh, he’s not

a, you know, a bad man. He is
a good man. He was deluded. No

you cannot say that. It’s
either He meant what He said

or He didn’t mean what He
said. He lied. Because He says

He is the only way. I am the
way, the truth, the life. No

man comes to the Father but by
Me. Are you listening? So when

it comes to “the”, it’s a
definite article. By the way,

I’ve decided a long time ago
He meant what He said. And

we’ve seen the result of those
who believe him. Amen. So

“the” way of escape, there
must be something that the

writer has in mind and it’s
found in the context. Ok? It’s

all found in the context.
Before that we look at “that

you may be able to bear it”.
Alright what is this word

“bear it”? “It” down there we
left it untranslated because

we want you to see that is in
italics which means it’s not

in the original Greek,
alright. So we look at the

word “bear”. The word “bear”
is hupophero. Are you all

doing fine so far? Can follow
right? Ok hupophero what is

hupophero? What is hupophero?
Hupo, hupo means under. When

something comes under, it’s
hupo. Phero is to be borne

along like on a river. Like a
ship being borne along. Now I

have many, many word studies
in my library. One of the word

studies says it like this,
this is not from me. These

words. Hupophero means like
this – an undercurrent of a

river carrying someone away.
Carried safely away from

danger. It’s not this idea of
bearing it. Sit down there,

you know, bear it. No, it’s
the idea of the way out is

actually God is release more
of His Spirit to carry you

out. Out of the danger. Can I
have a good amen? Oh man, I’m

telling you, carried safely.
All these words is not from

Pastor Prince. Ok, these words
are from Word Studies. One of

the word studies books. One of
the word studies materials

that I have. So I’m putting it
down word for word for you.

Amen. Under current of a
river. Because the word hupo

is under. Carrying is the word
phero. Carried safely away

from danger. Praise the Lord.
Now we come to the revelation.

Go back to 1 Corinthians and
13. God makes the way of

escape that you may be borne,
carried safely away from

danger. So what is the
context? Look at this. Now I’m

going to show you my Bible and
I’m going to show

So…. Verse 13 – 16. Can you
see this? Now this is from the

Old King James, I use the Old
King James a lot. Now look at

the context. Just two verses
after that, it talks about the

cup of blessing. Verse 16.
“…which we bless. Is it not

the communion of the blood of
Christ. The bread which we

break, is it not the communion
of the body of Christ?” I’m

like ah, what,.. All of a
sudden talk about trial, the

way out. God will give you the
way out. Alright you’ll be

borne safely away from danger.
And then two verses after

that, it tells you, and it
tells you like, I can only

speak this verse 15 to wise
men. Judge you, what I say. In

another words, it’s gonna take
a revelation here. I’m going

to tell you something, it’ll
take a revelation. You

understand. It’ll take the
wisdom of God. It will take

spiritual intelligence. Are
you ready for that? Amen. So

when God first showed this to
me, you know I, of course I

felt complimented because it’s
only by the grace of God we

can receive from Him. Remember
the disciples in the upper

room? The Bible says, “Jesus
appeared to them. Then open He

their understanding that they
might understand the

Scriptures.” Until then, they
didn’t understand that He will

die and rise again. “Then open
He their understanding.” We

are so dependent on You Lord
Jesus to open our

understanding. None of us
should think we are wise men.

The wise one is the one that
depends on Him to open their

understanding every time they
approach the Scriptures. Can I

have a good amen? So, and then
it says here, the cup…this is

communion. Verse 16 is
communion. What about the cup

of blessing? What have they
gotto do and the bread, what

have they got to do with the
way of escape, the way out,

the ekbasis? To walk out from
your trial. What has it got to

do with it? But before that,
it says, wherefore verse 14,

my dearly beloved, flee from
idolatry. Now, the verses

before verse 13 talks about
idolatry. You know how it

talks about idolatry? Same
chapter, let’s go to verse 7.

“Do not become idolaters as
were some of them. As it is

written, “The people sat down
to eat and drink and rose up

to play.”” He’s quoting from
the incident after they built

a golden calf. You know what
they did after they built a

golden calf, the children of
Israel? After they built a

golden calf, they sat down,
ate and drank offerings to the

golden calf. That is idolatry
and they rose up, the word

‘play’ there is the idea of
orgies. They had part, wild

parties. That’s the word we
will use today. Not just

party, wild parties. They sat
down, eat—they ate—so the idea

of “eating and drinking”
before a foreign god, which is

no god; it is an idol. Can you
see the context? I am showing

you the context, it is talking
about communion. Can you see

that? In fact, you go behind,
in the same chapter, it says,

“And all the people of Israel,
they drank the

same—they—they—they ate the
same spiritual food and they

drank the same spiritual
drink. And they drank from the

Rock that followed them, who
was Christ.” So eating and

drinking again. Church, do you
know that everything that

happened to man is because man
ate his way into all this

mess. Ah, did you hear what I
said? Adam opened his big

mouth, number one, alright,
and he ate the very thing God

said not to eat. So you can
say, any curse you mentioned,

any evil in this world,
anything that our—the

governments of the nations
are—are—are worried about, are

concerned for – economic
shortage, earthquakes, trials,

and—God never made this earth
to be like that! God even

counts death as an enemy. God
hates death. God hates sin.

You know what God did with
sin? He put it on Jesus. God

loves sinners. How much does
God hate sin? As much as God

loves the sinner. Ah, let me
explain. You have got somebody

you love very much who has
cancer. Do you love the

cancer? No, of course not. But
the cancer is in your loved

one. Now, question: how much
do you hate the cancer? Must

be answered with another
question: how much do you love

your loved one? Because the
more you love your loved one,

to the degree you love your
loved one. To that degree, you

hate that cancer. See, God
loves you but God hates sin.

And the reason God hates sin
is because God loves you. And

sin is destroying everything
that God has that is good,

that is blessing, that is
harmonious, that is peaceful,

that is health, that is life,
for you and for your families.

God is not a joy-killer. In
His presence is fullness of

joy. Amen? Pleasures
forevermore. When Jesus, in

the Upper Room, in a few
hours, He knew He would be

betrayed. In fact, He just
sent Judas out. And it was

night when Judas went out.
What a poetic way of saying.

It was night. Jesus looked at
His disciples and said, “These

things I have spoken to you
that My joy might remain in

you.” Can you imagine
a—a—a—a—man looking like he’s

baptised in lemonade juice,
looking at you, “These things

I speak to you, that my joy
might remain in you.” Peter

will say, “Uh, Lord, ah, I
think You need it more than

us.” Alright? “You need every
little joy you…Alright, I

think we have our own
problems.” So, the thing is

this, it must not be a picture
like that. It must be a person

who is strong, smiling, even
though in a few hours’ time,

He knew He would lay down His
life for our sins. Looking at

them, “Hey guys, these things
I tell you…Don’t be afraid.

Peace I leave with you. My
peace I give unto you. Let not

your heart be troubled and
don’t let it be afraid. Amen?

These things I speak to you
that my joy might remain in

you and that your joy might be
full.” “Eh Pastor Prince! The

Bible says He was a man of
sorrows.” Brother Dudad, since

you brought that up, can you
tell me where is that verse

taken from? “I don’t know!” I
will tell you. It is taken in

Isaiah 53. Alright, He became
a man of sorrows because of

His suffering. The only time
He was a man of sorrows was

when He—He went through the
cross, the scourging, the

beating, He took—because it
was a transaction—He took our

sins, we take His
righteousness. He take—He took

our sorrows, and we take His
joy. He became a curse that we

might be blessed. That curse
part, I have still not—not

recovered from it. A few weeks
ago I told you guys that

reading Galatians 3:13, Christ
redeemed us from the curse of

the law having become a curse
for us. The Son of God became

a curse for us to redeem us
from the—it is not just you

know, He took—He took some
curse, He became a curse! That

the blessing of Abraham might
come on all of us. Don’t let

it go to waste, people. Come
on, you listening, people? So,

He wants a joyful church so
they—whoa, so much just from

that—that side. Alright, I
want to show you a background

of the same chapter, to show
you it is about eating and

drinking. And by the way, if
you look at the rest of the

remaining chapter, of chapter
10, it talks about eating –

“whatever you eat, do all to
the glory of God”- about

eating and drinking. And that
is why, in the very next

chapter, ok, it talks about
the Apostle Paul saying—now it

is 1 Corinthians 11. “Guys, I
received from the Lord Jesus

what I deliver to you. That
the same night Jesus was

betrayed, He took bread…”
The Apostle Paul, in the next

chapter, 1 Corinthians 11,
said, “I received from the

Lord that which I also
delivered to you. The same

night He was betrayed, He took
bread and said—He broke it and

said, ‘This is My body broken
for you’. In the same manner,

He took the cup, He gave
thanks and He says, ‘This is

My blood shed for the
remission of sins.'” Now,

church, let me ask you a
question. Why was it that in

chapter 11, Paul had to say,
“I received from the Lord that

which I also delivered to
you”? He could have gone to

Peter. He could have gone to
Matthew. Matthew, Mark and

Luke recorded in the synoptic
Gospels that Jesus instituted

the communion, the Lord’s
Supper! Yet, the Lord Jesus,

the present day glorified,
ascended Christ thought that

communion is so important that
He would give a personal

revelation to the Apostle
Paul. And Paul himself said,

“I received from the Lord that
which I delivered to you the

same night He was betrayed.”
In other words, He didn’t get

it from Matthew, He didn’t get
it from Mark, Luke or John. He

got it from the Lord. Do you
think the present day Lord in

heaven, at the Father’s right
hand, deemed it is important

that you have a revelation of
it? I know, all

depending—there are churches,
there are denominations today

that—that don’t even have
communion anymore. There are

those who have it once in two
months. There are those who

have it once a month. There
are those who only have the

bread. But let me tell you
this, I believe the devil is

trying to minimize the way
out. He is trying to negate,

he is trying to cover your
eyes from the way out. Are you

listening, people? Hmm? So
let’s go back to 1 Corinthians

10, the context, alright,
verse 13. Ok, “Now the cup of

blessing which we bless, is it
not the communion of the blood

of Christ? The bread which we
break, is it not the communion

of the body of Christ?” So the
context is very, very clear,

people, alright, it is
talking—because all of a

sudden, it talks about
communion – doesn’t make

sense. And knowing the Apostle
Paul, he is a very systematic

writ—teacher, ok? He is very
intelligent, but when it comes

to the Bible, God orchestrates
everything. No verse is taken

out of context. I have shown
you the verses before – “They

sat down to eat and drink, and
they rose up to play…” Now,

let’s go to verse 16, on the
screen. “The cup of blessing

which we bless, is it not the
communion of the blood of

Christ?” This word “communion”
is the word “koinonia” which

is the word for “fellowship”,
alright? Association. It is

not just “fellowship”, you can
fellowship with me but I just

met you yesterday, alright? In
other words, it is a

fellowship but it is a
fellowship over tea, alright,

kind of association, but—but
the word down there is

actually “intimate”. It is
“intimate participation”.

Intimate participation. Are
you listening? This word would

be used also in the idea of a
husband and a wife being

intimate. They say things to
each other, alright, there are

things that they say and do
that no one else is privy to.

They are intimately
participating – the thoughts,

spirit, soul and body. Ok?
That is idea of communion. Are

you with me so far? Are you
blessed? Amen? Now, keep that

in mind, ok? What is that?
Communion. “Then the bread

which we break, is it not the
communion of the body of

Christ? For we though many,
are one bread and one body,

for we all partake of that one
bread.” Now, it is not saying

that we are all partaking of
each other. There are those

who teach when you—when you
take the bread, remember this

is the body of Christ. No, no,
no, no. Jesus never said this

is the mystical body of
Christ. We are the body of

Christ but when we—when we
took the bread, when the bread

is with the cup of wine, it is
always His physical body.

“This is My body.” He is not
referring to the mystical body

that was to come. Are you
listening? And here is very

precise. “We though many are
one bread, one body, for we

all partake of that one
bread.” In other words, we are

one bread, one body now
because we all partake of

Jesus’ body. You got it? Ok,
“Observe Israel after the

flesh.” We go back to ancient
Israel. Look at Israel after

the flesh. “When they offer an
offering, are not those who

eat of the sacrifices
partakers of the altar?” I

want to tell you something, it
is in your interest today, if

your body is suffering, if
there has been a prognosis,

whatever it is, whatever the
doctors have told you. Let me

just tell you this, it is in
your interest to partake of

the benefits of the cross.
Your question is, “How can I

do it?” Observe Israel after
the flesh. Are not those who

eat of the sacrifices
partakers of the altar? The

altar is the cross. The altar
back then in Israel’s temples,

there are four corners – it is
a picture of the cross. That

is where the lambs are placed.
That is where the—the—the body

of the bullock is placed. That
is where the sacrifice is

laid. The burnt offering is
laid there. Its four corners.

Because one day this anti-type
would be Jesus on the cross,

with the four corners – to the
north, south, east and west.

For God so loved the world,
the benefits are efficacious

to the four corners of the
earth. Can I have a good amen?

Alright, so don’t forget, the
altar is—the altar is the

place of the cross. Now, how
do we partake? The million

dollar question that
church—the church of Jesus

Christ has is that, “I know He
bore my diseases, not just my

sins, but how do I partake
that? How do I have access to

it? How do I become a
koinonia, an intimate

participation—participator, a
sharer of what happened? How

can I be a sharer of the
benefits of the blood and the

benefits of the bread? How?
Observe Israel. Are not those

who eat partakers? In other
words, when you eat the bread

and drink the cup, you become
a partaker of what Jesus did

at the cross. Are you
listening people? I am going

to read to you some
testimonies, if I have time,

maybe just one testimony but
this is going to bless you.

This guy is Joshua from United
Kingdom. “I was saved when I

was nine. However, my
experience of church was more

about living a good Christian
life rather than receiving the

grace of Christ. I felt like a
hypocrite trying to deal

unsuccessfully with my
feelings of guilt and shame.

As a result, I spent my teen
and much of my adult years

away from God. Four years ago
I began to attend church once

again. I met someone in a life
group who introduced me to

Joseph Prince Ministries. I
began watching Pastor Prince’s

messages whenever I could.
Slowly the message of grace in

Christ began its healing in my
heart. The more I listened,

the more my wrong beliefs were
replaced with the gospel. For

six months, I would tear up
uncontrollably every time I

heard of the grace and truth
that Jesus died to give us.

Even though I was saved as a
child, I would rarely ever

share my beliefs with anyone
because I felt like a

hypocrite. Now I share the
grace of Christ with anyone

who is willing to listen. One
Sunday, I even shared a

testimony with my church. For
26 years, I suffered from

having painful warts on the
soles of my feet. I tried

every medical means including
painful laser surgery to get

rid of them but nothing
helped. When I was invited to

a barbeque a while ago, I
asked if we could partake of

the Holy Communion together,
as I had watched Pastor

Prince’s messages on the
healing power of the Holy

Communion, and read his book
on the Holy Communion. I

shared my newfound beliefs
about the significance of

discerning the Lord’s body and
the communion elements with

the group. After taking the
communion together, we prayed

and sang hymns about our
Lord’s sacrifice and His love.

In my prayer, I cursed the
warts on my feet that had also

spread to my hands. Weeks
later,” Don’t forget, he has

been suffering for 26 years
from this condition. And laser

and everything else, nothing
helped. “Weeks later, the

warts on my hands were gone!
In the weeks that followed, my

feet were also healed and I am
now completely free from

warts. All glory of Jesus.
Hallelujah.” Now, it doesn’t

come because you say that,
“Oh, I want to try the

communion.” Alright? It is not
a matter of trying, it is

faith. Are you listening? It
is not a matter of that, “Ok,

I go through it.” The whole
thing is empty. Empty of

meaning, empty of—and—and—and,
if you don’t watch it, you are

partaking unworthily. Now, go
to 1 Corinthians 11, “For this

reason,” singular
reason—singular reason. I know

of people in the body of
Christ says that, you know, we

need to lay hands on each
other and command this,

command that and all that,
there is a place for that.

There is a place for that, ok?
But the norm for a believer,

usually, they command devils
to come out and people to be

healed for sinners out that,
not for believers. Believers

seems—in the first century
church—seems to be walking in

divine health. It is better to
have health than healing. I

said, it is better to have
health than healing. But if

you are sick, go for healing.
But don’t stay there. Don’t

live from healing to healing.
Start to walk in health. So,

the believers would break
bread from house to house

daily. I repeat, you didn’t
get that. They would break

bread from house to house
daily. And we think we are—you

know, some people think we are
extreme— we have it once a

week. Well, the early church,
in the book of Acts, “Upon the

first day of the week, they
came together to break bread.”

Who was the guest speaker for
that one? The Apostle Paul.

Remember, Paul was a speaker.
It doesn’t say, from the first

day of the week, they came
together to hear Paul. They

came together to break bread,
Acts 20. You have time, you

read it. And while Paul was
long preaching—while Paul was

long preaching, a young man
was sitting on the window,

alright, there were three
floors. Everything is symbolic

as well. Three floors, the
third heaven. All believers

are seated with Christ in the
third heaven. So, the young

boy’s name is given, why?
There is a meaning for the

church. His name is Eutychus.
Any “eu” means “good” in—in

Greek. Eutychus means “good
fortune”. He fell asleep, he

didn’t listen to Paul’s
preaching and he fell three

floors and died. Now, why is
the church—how—how come the

church has been robbed of good
fortune, Eutychus? We are not

listening to Paul’s preaching.
Just like the

shi—another—another story in
Acts, the ship of Christendom

had Paul on it but they
refused to listen to Paul.

When they had—when they faced
shipwreck, Paul said, “You

should have listened to me.”
We need to listen to Pauline

revelation, especially of
grace. God gave it to Paul.

All Scriptures are inspired.
All scriptures are important.

But not everything is written
to us, the church. Some are

written to the Jew, and some
are written to us. And Paul is

the one that said, “I received
from the Lord about the

communion.” Come on, are you
listening, people? Alright, so

here we go, alright, after he
fell, by the way, it is good

news. They came together to
what? Break bread, not to hear

Paul preach. So the guy fell,
and Paul went down and Paul

hugged him. You know, we have
got to embrace this young

generation with the Pauline
revelation of grace – the

gospel of grace. Are you
listening? We need to embrace

them, amen? Even they are
dead, we have got to embrace

them. We have got to make them
feel warm with the gospel of

grace. And guess what? Paul

“Don’t—don’t’—don’t—don’t be
troubled. His life is in him.”

He raised him from the dead.
Now, if something like this

happened in church, we will
say hallelujah, praise God!

Amen? Have a time of praise
and then send everybody back.

But not Paul. Paul went back
up, brought everybody plus the

guy who was raised from the
dead—brought good fortune back

to the third heavens, amen?
Where the church is, and guess

what? They broke bread!
Priorities. First things

first. Even though someone
raised from the dead, still go

back, break bread. Don’t
forget where the power comes

from. That is the early
church. Look it up when you

have time, when you are
sitting on your own white

throne, alright, read Acts 20.
It is always good to have a

Bible near your white throne,
or pink throne, or green

throne. Whatever it is, ok,
there are different colours

nowadays. “What are you
talking about, Pastor Prince?”

He that have ears to hear, let
him hear. Amen? Alright, “For

this reason,” singular reason,
only one reason in the church,

“many are weak and sick among
you, and many sleep.” ‘Sleep’

there is ‘die’. Behold, I
peak—speak plainly. In those

days, it says, “sleep”. For a
believer, death holds no more

terror. There is no more
sting. Jesus conquered death.

So for a believer, they say
they “fall asleep”. A sinner

dies, a believer sleeps until
Jesus raise his body from the

dead, alright? But look at
this, one reason—for one

reason, not reasons. I checked
it out in the Greek, that word

“reason” is singular. “Many,”
kind of wished he said few,

“many are weak, sick among
you, and many sleep.” What is

the reason? What is the
reason? Look at the verse

before that. He who eats and
drinks in an unworthy

manner—the key is unworthy
manner—eats and drinks

judgement to himself, not
discerning the Lord’s body.

So, if I tell you—and you are
suffering from malaria—and I

say, “I have got quinine
tablets. Take these quinine

tablets.” You say, “I—I refuse
to!” “I will put it in the

water, alright, ok, now drink
it! Drink it.” You say, “I

don’t need this quinine
business and all that.” You

are drinking damnation to
yourself by not drinking the

solution. The world as it is,
is dying. It is not as if, oh

you have sinned, you take the
Lord’s Supper, then you die.

No, no, no. The world is
dying. That is why, the same

chapter says God does not want
us to be condemned with the

world. There is a condemnation
in this world that was

released, a divine sentence
that was released ever since

Adam sinned. And the divine
sentence includes sickness.

Communion is the way out. It
is the ekbasis. Are you

listening, people? Amen? So,
not discerning the Lord’s

body. So the problem is that
they knew the cup. Majority of

denominations that

denominations—and I speak this
with a heavy heart—they have

communion but many a times,
they lump the bread and the

cup as one. “Thank You, Lord
for forgiving us of our sins.

You died for our sins.” Hardly
mention disease. They are not

discerning the Lord’s body.
The word “dia—”, “discerning”

– “diakrino”, to make a
separation between the bread

and the cup. Why was He
scourged? Why—why didn’t God

just—God—God arranged
everything. Why didn’t God

just send Him straight to the
cross? Why didn’t Pilate just

send Him to the cross? Why
must He go via the scourging

and then the cross? Because by
His stripes, we are healed.

Are you listening? God loves
you. God wants you well. I

said, God wants you well.
“Pastor Prince, I took

communion before.” I tell you
what, take again! The

disciples took it from house
to house in one day. You know

how many times that is? You
know how many houses there

were? Amen? Every time they
come to a new house, there is

somebody sick. So they take
again, and they got the

benefit. They broke the bread
daily, not only daily, from

house to house. And knowing
these disciples, they can

cross miles like
Jesus—they—Jesus would walk

without any—any
transportation. Walk with feet

across rough terrains. That is
His exercise. Running is an

animal that is invented later
on. Walking is—is Jesus’ style

of exercise! Long distance,
amen? Don’t write to me again.

Alright, for this reason,
many—so, if you reverse the

thing—if you discern the
Lord’s body, “Yes, His body

was broken that my body might
be put together. Amen. I see

my—my high blood pressure
carried away by Jesus’ body. I

see His body judged—His
healthy body was judged that

my body might be healed.” You
are discerning. Now you are

eating worthily. God is not
saying an unworthy person

cannot eat. It is not an
unworthy man, it is an

unworthy manner. The adverb,
ok? An adverb means an action

that modifies—it is the
way—modifies the verb. It is

how you eat. You are not
eating with discernment. In

fact, those people were
partying. In the first

Corinthians church, they were
drinking and they were

gluttons. There was gluttony
going on at the Lord’s Supper.

Now, in our church it is very
hard for gluttony to happen,

and—and drunkenness. Because
this is our elements. It is

hard to partake unworthily. So
our problem is we partake

without revelation, and that
is why I am preaching this. So

that people who are going
through something, they can

listen to this again, and
again, and again, and again.

And those of you who are well
of, you might not

think—alright, “There’s no
need for me,” and all that,

trust me, you will need this.
Amen? So, for this reason—we

can reverse it. If you discern
the Lord’s body, for this

reason, many are strong, many
are healthy, and many live

long. Amen? Praise God, let’s
go to Isaiah 53, real quick.

Isaiah 53 is the magna carta
of the entire Old Testament.

It is the
culmination—everything is—this

is the greatest chapter of the
book of Isaiah. It talks about

our Lord’s—Jesus—our Lord
Jesus’ sufferings on our

behalf. Aren’t you glad He
loves you? Look up here. I

want to address this because
this is very important. Jesus

did not—Jesus was not
murdered. Jesus says, “I have

power to lay down My life. I
have power to take it up

again. No man takes this power
from Me.” And that is why,

more than one time, they tried
to stone Him, they could not.

He walked right in their
midst. More than one time,

they tried to kill Jesus, they
could not. My hour is not yet

come. He has power. When they
came to arrest Him in the

Garden of Gethsemane, soldiers
brandishing staves and

swords—strong soldiers, they
came—a legion of them came to

arrest Him. And—and He asked,
“Whom do you seek?” And they

said, “We seek Jesus of
Nazareth.” And they said, “We

seek Jesus of Nazareth.” The
Bible says He stepped forward

and spoke the awesome, the
august name of God that God

revealed to Moses, “I am.”
When they said, “We seek Jesus

of Nazareth,” He stepped
forward, “I am.” Moses asked

God, “Who shall I say sent
me?” God says, “I am, that I

am.” And now the “I am” said,
“I am.” You know what happened

to all those soldiers? They
fell backwards. That’s power,

ok? He was not arrested
because He can’t help it, He

allowed Himself. Then He says,
“You have found Me, let these

disciples go.” Are you
listening people, amen? He

laid down, I believe He laid
down on the cross; that’s one

of the things that convinced
one of the thieves, that this

is a different Man. That’s
what cost even the hard-core,

hardened centurion, Roman
centurion at the cross said,

when He died, “Certainly this
is the Son of God.” I’m

telling you church, He didn’t
have to die; He loved you, I

said He loved you. You know He
cares for your pain right now;

it’s not just for the, you
know, for the eternal and

while the sweet by and by…you
know it’s like one day, you

know; all these sufferings
will stop, you know. No, He

wants you to be healed! He
wants you healthy, He wants

you strong. “Are you there,
Pastor Prince? I don’t see

Christians there and all
that.” Let me explain to you

ok, about something about God.
We’ve received so many

testimonies of people who
began to discover…one of the

biggest testimonies we
received is that people are

delivered from drug
addictions, pornography,

depression, alright; by
confessing, “I am the

righteousness of God in
Christ. Now it became a

revelation that Jesus took
their sin, and they take Jesus

as their righteousness; the
divine exchange. Now the more

they confess that…how many of
you know that many a times

your feeling says, “No, you’re
a porn addict.” But who you

are before God…you are the
righteousness of God in

Christ. Your thoughts will
say, “No, you need this drink,

you need this drink,” alright,
“you can never break it,”

alright. But God looks at you
and God says, “You are my

righteousness in Christ.” Now
what happen is that even

though while…and we have
received so many testimonies,

go to and
go to the testimonials’

section; you can read for
yourself. The number of people

that confess, “I am the
righteousness of God in

Christ, even while they are in
their sin; and how one day,

the desire for porn, the
desire for drinking; the

desire for drugs just fell
off, depression just leaves.

Are you listening? So what I
am saying is that, even though

you still have symptoms of sin
in your life, do not identify

yourself with sin; that’s not
who you are. If you are born

again, you are the
righteousness of God in

Christ. So the more you
identify with who you are, it

does not mean you don’t sin
anymore. You may sin, alright,

but you will sin less and
less. Are you listening,

people, alright? The more you
identify yourself with the

truth…and this is the truth,
we’re not trying…pretend you

are… “Pastor Prince, you know
I feel dirty, I feel unclean;

I feel I want this wrong
thing, how can you say I am

the righteousness of God?”
“Are you born again?” “Yes.”

“You are the righteousness of
God in Christ!” Like one guy

told the pastor just after he
got married, the pastor

pronounced them husband and
wife, and he brought the

pastor one side and said,
“Pastor, I don’t feel

married.” The pastor shook
him, “You are married!” If I’m

that pastor, I won’t be
shaking him; I’ll be shaking

him, exclamation point, amen?
So, same thing; as in sin, the

more you identify…even though
there is sin in you…the more

you identify the fact that you
are the righteousness of God

in Christ doesn’t mean you
don’t sin, you sin less and

less and less. Now watch this,
the more you identify with the

fact that Jesus took your
diseases and start to do that,

it’s the truth; the more you
do that, the more you take

communion doesn’t mean you
won’t fall sick; but you’ll

fall sick less and less and
less. My advice, start now,

start to identify with the
truth. The Holy Spirit is

called the Spirit of truth,
truth…why? If you believe a

lie, like for example the
devil say, “You are dirty, you

are unclean. Then you go to
God, “Oh God, I just sin

again, and I promised you last
time I will not…I am so

unclean, I’m useless,” and all
that. The Holy Spirit is just

in abeyance, it’s like He
folds His hands, there’s

nothing for Him to bear
witness; you are telling lies.

“Telling lies, you’re telling
lies, nothing but lies; you’re

just telling lies, Nacho; it’s
all lies.” And you know who is

the father of lies, right? So
the more you utter lies…”But I

feel it!” Go ahead, say what
you feel and don’t speak what

God said. Don’t you know the
viewpoint, the paradigm for

all of us to look through
His…the eyes of the One who is

the Truth? Many a child have
died looking at the swimming

pool with their eyes, thinking
it’s shallow; it looks

shallow, it feels shallow; it
has killed many. You gotta go

by God’s Word. A famous man,
very famous; a few years

ago…famous family, but all the
family sort of experienced one

tragedy after another, many of
the people in the family…and

finally, he was with his wife
and a friend on his, one of

his first flights
independently; but because he

went through a storm, it was
dark…and I watched this on Nat

Geo…they are trying to find
the root cause for the crash;

his plane crashed…very
handsome man…he died. And they

said that…the conclusion was
this, alright…that because he

didn’t have much experience;
when you fly in the dark, you

can’t tell you’re going up,
you’re going down. You feel

like you’re going straight
when actually you’re going

down. In other words, the
feeling…they call it “fly by

the seat of your pants,” you
go by your feeling instead of

trusting your instrument; but
your instrument is saying

you’re going down, but your
feeling is saying you’re going

straight. Friend, this is
God’s instrument, this is

God’s instrument. God says He
bore our diseases, with His

stripes we are healed! But
your body says, “No I don’t

feel it!” Start thinking, I
didn’t say the more you

identify, alright, you have no
more sickness from now on. But

start somewhere, and you’ll
find as you sin less and less

when you identify with your
new identity in Christ, the

more you identify yourself
with the fact that you are

healed by His stripes; you
would be sick but less and

less, ok? Alright, so Isaiah
says, “Surely He has borne our

griefs and carried our
sorrows.” Now this is very

unfortunate, very unfortunate;
“griefs and sorrows” are the

Hebrew word, “choli” and
“makob”, alright? “Choli” is

“diseases”, “makob” is
“pains.” I remember sharing

with one of the messianic
Jewish man, who is a pastor in

Jerusalem; a very dignified
man…today he’s with the Lord.

Many years ago I sat down with
him, and I shared with him…and

you know he’s from the
persuasion, he don’t believe

that healing is for today,
alright? And I shared with him

Isaiah 53. And I said, “Is
this “choli” and “makob”? Then

he read, he read it. “Yah, um
um um,” very dignified elderly

man. And I said, “Is “choli”
“diseases”? Or is it spiritual

diseases, like some scholars
try to tell us.” He said, “No,

it’s always physical
diseases.” “And what about

pains? “Physical pains” Then
he looked at it, whole thing,

“Um!” he said, “um,” he was
very interested, alright. Look

at Young’s, who is a…Young’s
translation of the Bible,

or…Young is an amazing
scholar; Young’s Concordance,

Strong and Young’s. You must
have three concordances in

your life; Strong’s
Concordance, Young’s

Concordance, and Cruden’s; so
you become young, strong and

crude, alright? So, look at
Young’s translation, “Surely

our sicknesses He has borne,
and our pains He has carried

them.” Now let’s not argue
from Young’s now, ok? So let

me show you; Bible interpret
Bible is the best, alright,

not even Pastor Prince; Bible
interpret Bible. Is there

another quotation of this?
Yes, thank God for Jesus’

ministry, Matthew 8. Matthew
8, “That it might be

fulfilled,” this is New
Testament, “that it might be

fulfilled which was spoken by
Isaiah the prophet, saying,

“He Himself took our
infirmities and bore our

sicknesses.” And here refers
to physical infirmities and

weaknesses; and infirmities,
and diseases and pains; very,

very clear. “Eh Pastor Prince,
eh, are you sure?” Ok, since

you’re not convinced huh, you
little voice of unbelief, let

me show you verse 16, the
context…don’t take the verse

out of context…the context,
verse 16, “When evening had

come, they brought to Jesus
many who were demon-possessed.

And He cast out the spirits
with a word,” so there’s

deliverance from demons, “and
healed all.” I’m so glad He

healed all. I wonder if people
read their Bibles, I said I

wonder if people read their
Bibles; He didn’t heal

everybody in Israel, He healed
all who came to Him; keep that

in mind. “Healed all who were
sick that it might be

fulfilled which was spoken by
Isaiah the prophet Himself,

took our infirmities and”…so
it’s very clear the context

refers to the physical
diseases, physical healing;

Bible interpret Bible, amen?
Ok go back to Isaiah 53, go to

verse 5 now, “But He was
wounded for our

transgressions, He was bruised
for our iniquities; the

chastisement for our peace was
upon Him, and by His stripes

we are healed!” Look at this
in the Amplified Bible,

Amplified Bible, “He was
wounded for our

transgressions, He was
crushed…” by the way,

“crushed” is the correct word,
not “bruised”…it’s not as if

He got a bruise, blue and
black, alright. He was crushed

for our wickedness, Jesus was
crushed for our wickedness.

Now watch this, watch this,
“The punishment required for

our well-being fell on Him.
And by His stripes, we are

healed.” “The punishment
required”…in the Hebrew, the

“well-being” is the word
“shalom.” The chastisement for

our peace was on Him, the
punishment, with a view to

your well-being; when Jesus
took the punishment, He got up

again and again; I believe He
fell, then He got up again so

that all those of you with leg
troubles; you will stand,

hallelujah, amen! So those of
you who cannot walk; He fell

down as He carried the cross,
so that you will walk, amen.

The lacerations cut off all
the important nerves, for you

to walk, and yet He walked
again. No wonder He fell and

fell, until they had to call
Simon to help Him, because He

bore all these for you and I.
And by His stripe…and by the

way, the word “stripe” in the
Greek…1 Peter 2:24, “By His

stripe, we are healed,” is
singular, singular stripe. T.

J. McCrossan, a Greek scholar
said this many years ago. T.

J. McCrossan is an amazing
Greek scholar, and T. J.

McCrossan says, “If Jesus was
beaten, the stripes on His

back left slivers of flesh…the
word in the Greek should be

plural, “stripes.” But if they
beat Jesus until there is no

more skin left, which the
Bible says in Psalms, “I look

and I can see my bones,” which
is actually what happened to

Jesus; there is no more skin
left; then the singular should

be used, “By His entire
stripe, we are healed.” I told

you He loves you, He didn’t
have to go through that; He

loved you. With the first
stripe, pah, your cancer died,

kupah, your blood pressure is
gone, pahzar, your disease in

your heart cleared up. Every
artery softened and cleared

up. Medi…thank God for
science, thank God for

medicine; but they cannot do
what the stripes can.

Sometimes they give you this
medicine, but then they tell

you, you got, you have another
problem because of this

medicine, so you must take
this medicine to counter this

problem that this medicine
does, now you got to have this

medicine to counter this
problem that’s…and then they

tell you about all the
contraindications. Are you

listening, people? The
punishment for our well-being

fell on Him, the punishment
for our well-being fell on

Him. And by His stripes, we
are healed. Now, go back to

our New King James, “By His
stripes we are healed.” Let me

just tell you this, the word
stripes is “chavurah.”

“Chavurah,” say “chavurah,”
ok? Now, chavurah means

“stripe” and “wound” but for a
number of years I found out,

because I love Hebrew;
studying Hebrew as much as I

can…I know enough to make some
tea and coffee, so my wife can

say he knows “He brew.” “Oh
Pastor Prince, that’s so

corny…”I know, I know. But,
when I was studying Hebrew, I

found out that the word
“stripes,” “chavurah,” not

only mean the stripes on His
back, but also is the word for

“fellowship,” “association.”
“Which chavurah are you from?”

So I checked it out with those
in Israel; until today they

will tell you which chavurah
are you from, which

association, which fellowship
are you from. Until today,

chavurah…chavurah has two
meaning; why did God who

invented, created Hebrew,
alright; why did God put

chavurah, as “stripe” as well
as “fellowship?” Go back to 1

Corinthians 10, “The cup of
blessing which we bless,” is

it not the intimate
participation? This is the

Greek, koinonia, in Hebrew,
chavurah. It is, “now I

found.” So for years now,
since I know…go back to…go

back to, yup Isaiah…since I
know that by His stripes we

are healed…please understand,
His stripes were real, the

stripes on his back, “By His
stripes we are healed,” yes,

that’s the primary
interpretation, but hidden in

it, God tells us how to
partake of it; God says, “It’s

by fellowship with those
stripes.” For years my part is

that I went home from Israel,
scratch my head and say,

“Chavurah,” “by His
association,” what do I do? I

worship and just fellowship
with Him, what would, what…can

God just give me a verse in
the Bible that says this is

fellowship with Him. Guess
what, I found it in 1

Corinthians, alright? Where it
says, “Taking the cup of

blessing is communion, with
the blood of Christ.” You take

the bread, it is communion
with the body of Christ. Wow!

This is how I fellowship with
the body of Christ that was

striped for your healing. Um!
I tell you if you’re sick, you

should have a big piece of
bread at home, you should have

a glass of…I don’t even
recommend wine if you take a

lot in a day. “You know,
darling, I’m sorry but Pastor

Prince says, you know, I got
to take a lot in one day. So,

I bought this wine…you must
understand, it’s all for de

Lord, it’s all for de Lord.”
Now, don’t give me that

nonsense ok, it’s a bad
testimony to be drunk, ok?

It’s a bad testimony. So, let
me just tell you this, have a

piece of bread; you don’t need
our cups, ok, you don’t need

our cups. “But, Pastor Prince,
your, your cups, why you all

design that way, must it be
that way?” Forget the cups,

it’s for convenience purpose!
But even a crumb can drive the

devil out of that woman’s
daughter. So, it’s not how big

how small, ok; it is your
revelation of it. So it’s not

a matter of like…and by the
way, if you’re not saved, do

not partake of the Lord’s
Supper. In a while’s time,

we’ll have the Lord’s Supper,
I thought that today we’ll

have it, at the end, because
your faith, your revelation;

when you take it with
revelation, something happens.

It’s not an empty heart, an
empty mind partaking, the

whole thing become empty; it’s
just a ritual, ok? I’m

bringing this to a close, are
you blessed? We’re coming to a

close right now, but before
that I want to read to you

another testimony. “I suffered
severe postpartum depression

after giving birth to a
wonderful baby,” Margaret from

United Kingdom said. “I felt
as if the whole world was upon

my shoulders and the
depression got so bad that I

wanted to end my life”…how
many of you know there are

people with depression who
want to end their life?

“However the glorious smile of
my baby kept me going. One

day, my brother introduced me
to Pastor Joseph Prince’s

television program. Even
though I was a Christian, I

had never heard anyone preach
the gospel like Pastor Prince.

His messages helped me
understand my wonderful

identity in Christ and how
much God loves me. Wow, this

turned my life around. I
started to watch his programs

daily, and recorded all of
them. I also began confessing

my righteousness in Christ and
partaking of the Holy

Communion, remembering whose I
am. Since then, my life has

never been the same, I no
longer suffer from postnatal

depression. There is light in
my marriage, my children’s

lives and in my family. My
household is now blessed daily

with God’s presence, amen!”
“Well, Pastor Prince, what

about for those loved ones in
the hospital, can you take

communion for them?” The next
one I’m going to read to you

alright, listen to the story
because one day you’ll find

this might really help with
some relative or whatever, ok?

This is Colin from India. “In
October 2015, Rama, the

mother-in-law of my wife’s
sister was admitted to

hospital after suffering a
stroke that paralysed the

right side of her body. She
also had an extremely high

blood sugar level, which can
aggravate strokes. Her tending

doctor also found that her
oesophagus was twisted, and

inserted a feeding tube to
prevent her from choking on

her food or drink. My wife and
I had shared Pastor Prince’s

DVD sermons on the Holy
Communion and anointing oil

with Deepesh, Rama’s son. When
he arrived at the hospital, he

prayed for Rama with the
anointing oil. Within five

minutes, she moved her right
hand. The family also partook

of the Holy Communion. Despite
being in another city, we

partook in faith with them.”
You can do that, the Lord can

heal from a distance, no
problem, amen. That night,

Rama regained full mobility in
her right arm, that night…and

leg, but could not stand as
her balance was off. The next

day she walked around the ward
twice on her own without any

loss of balance.” Stroke you
know, with high blood sugar.

“However she started coughing
out the milk given to her. The

doctor wanted to re-insert the
feeding tube, which was a

painful procedure; but Rama
managed to avoid it as she was

able to eat normally after the
tube was removed. Her

oesophagus was also no longer
twisted. On the fourth day,

Rama was discharged. Another
patient with the same

condition as Rama, and
admitted on the same day…and

had not even opened his eyes.”
So same condition, admitted

the same day; the person on
the fourth day…the eyes is

still closed. “My wife’s
brother, who is a doctor, told

us that Rama’s recovery was
medically impossible. Her

blood sugar level was unstable
for the week that followed. We

shared with her what we had
learned from Pastor Prince

about letting go and letting
God take care of her. That

night, Rama and her daughter
partook,”…now Rama herself

partook, alright. When your
loved one is unconscious, or

in the hospital or what…you
can partake on behalf of your

loved one; but once the person
is awake, now she is

participating. “That night,
Rama and her daughter partook

of the Holy Communion and told
the Lord that they cannot but

He can. Her blood sugar level
stabilised after that. Rama is

now a committed believer.”
Praise the name of Jesus,

amen, amen, amen! God is so
good, amen? The final part is

something that I think will be
very interesting for those of

you who feel like, like your
age is advancing, alright?

When I was 12 years old, I
thought 30 was very old. And

then I hit 30, then I thought
being 40 was very, very old. I

remember when my mum was
40…when my mum was 30s, you

know, I thought she was very
old, you know. You all look at

me like, “I don’t know what
you’re talking about,”

alright, but whatever age you
put down there as the age of

growing old, I just want to
let you know something, ok?

The Bible says this in Psalms
92, look up here, “The

righteous shall flourish like
a palm tree, it shall grow

like cedar in Lebanon.” The
cedars of Lebanon is a very

famous cedar; by the way, let
me show you a cedar, a picture

of a cedar; it’s a majestic
tree, beautiful tree. And the

cedars of Lebanon is the
cedars that is used for the

temple of Solomon, the most
expensive building ever built

as a house of God; it’s
majestic, alright? Now Psalms

92 says, “The righteous shall
flourish like a palm tree.” A

palm tree, even 100 years old,
can still produce oil. Isn’t

it amazing? A palm tree is so
fruitful you see all kinds of

seeds everywhere…Y’all, come
on, come, come; old age still

fruitful. “He shall grow like
a cedar in Lebanon,” amen. The

cedar wood, by the way…I
learned this when I was in the

Rockies many years ago with
Wendy, for a holiday…we passed

by cedars and I stopped,
because it was interesting in

the Bible and I wanted to
learn as much as I can. And

the little…all the cedars that
were there…there is a

write-up…and they say that the
cedar wood is practically

incorruptible; no insect can
successfully destroy it. In

fact, the beautiful perfume
smell of the cedar drives away

all these parasites. That’s
why they have cedar blocks

that you can put in, among
your clothes, amen? “Those who

are planted in the house of
the Lord shall flourish in the

courts of our God.” Don’t just
come to church, be planted;

don’t just come to church.
“Those who are planted in the

house of the Lord shall
flourish”…you know where?

Outside, in your workplace;
outside, in your family, amen?

“Those who are planted here
will flourish in the courts,”

the courts is outside, ok?
Next verse, “They shall still

bear fruit in old age.” Old
age, the age is old, but the

person is not, because the
person is still bearing fruit!

Ah Pek, Ah Um, this is for
you. Grandpa, Grandma, this is

for you! Your age can be an
old age, you tell people your

age and they say, “What?!”
alright, but you are still

bearing fruit! They say that
when you come to a certain

age, they use the word
“dried-up” already. Abraham

considered not his own body;
now dead, dried-up, neither

yet the deadness of Sarah’s
womb, but was strong in faith;

giving glory to God. We don’t
consider the natural things,

consider God’s Word. So, so
far has Pastor Prince taken

pains to show you Scripture?
Have I? Yup. Ok, “They shall

still bear fruit in old age,
they shall be fresh and

flourishing,” wow, fresh and
flourishing, I wish I can show

you the Hebrew, “fresh” there,
is the word “dashen”, which is

the word for “stalwart,”
“vigorous!” This man, in his

old age, is vigorous! You know
what is “vigorous” or not?

Solid lah, brother! You know,
the Bible says in Isaiah 40.

It says that, ‘Even the youths
shall faint’. ‘Even the youth

shall faint, and the young men
shall utterly fall. But they

that wait upon the Lord shall
renew their strength; They

shall mount up with wings as
eagles. They shall run and not

be weary. They shall walk and
not faint’. What’s the secret?

‘They that wait upon the
Lord’. Check that word, ‘wait

upon the Lord’. It is not
waiting on You Lord. Wah, arh

ni ku ah. Huh? What? It is
not. That means, in Chinese

means, ‘this late’. Alright.
But, listen. Write this down

somewhere. The word for.
Listen, the word for, ‘They

that wait upon the Lord’ is
the word ‘join together’,

‘fellowship’. Qavah, the word
is qavah in Hebrew. Qavah

means like a rope intertwine,
become strong. You and the

Lord intertwine. And you will
run and not be weary. You will

mount up with wings as eagles.
God will renew your youth like

Caleb at the age of 85. He
told Joshua, “Give me this

mountain.” Like Moses at the
age of 120. When he died, the

Bible says his eyesight was
not dim, neither his natural

force abated. God did it for
them and Moses was under Law.

Caleb was under Law. How much
more we have a better

covenant? Their Law was based.
Their covenant was based on

the blood of bulls and goats.
Our covenant is based on the

imperishable, beautiful,
precious blood of our Lord

Jesus Christ. Amen. Are you
listening people? So, what’s

the key Pastor Prince? What’s
the key? They shall be fresh

is ‘vigorous’. Flourishing is
ra`anan in Hebrew which means

‘green’. Literally, today when
they say ‘green’, they use

this word ‘ra`anan’. You will
be vigorous and evergreen. I

like that. When you look at
the tree, the tree is 100 over

years old but it is all green.
And the rest, 30, 40, already

brown. Evergreen. You can be
evergreen. Why does God want

this? Why does God want this
in His people? Alright, it’s

not just for you, you know. To
declare, to testify that the

Lord is upright. He is my rock
and there is no

unrighteousness in Him. So
that people all around will

see, God is being declared.
God is a good God. He is an

upright God. When He sees.
When they look at God’s people

and they see this. Whoa! Amen.
But it doesn’t tell you how

right? Go back again to the
first part. ‘He shall grow

like a cedar in Lebanon’. So a
key there is ‘cedar in

Lebanon’. Ok. So these people
in their old age, they still

bear fruit, they are still
green, they are still

vigorous. Doesn’t tell you
what they did, right? Yeah,

for that, you must come back
next week. Would you like to

know now? But it’s about time.
Arh ni ku liao huh. Huh, you

want it now? Only one verse
ok. Look at this. Look at the.

Say “cedar in Lebanon.” When
God gave me this, I know this

passage for a long time
already. When God gave me this

in my room, I nearly went to
the rooftop. For years, I

salivate over this. Did a
breaststroke in my saliva. It

was like. It’s like, man,
bring fruit in old age,

evergreen, vigorous, bearing
fruits, flourishing out there

in the courts. Man, like the
cedar of Lebanon, like a palm

tree, I salivate. Doesn’t tell
you how. And then, ‘bang!’

during one of my studies, God
says the, see the key, you

will grow like, not just a
palm tree but cedar in

Lebanon? Bible interpret
Bible. Let me show you this

verse in Psalm 104, ‘The trees
of the Lord are full of sap’.

When you are. Just now that
passage also full of sap,

right? Evergreen, full of sap.
Bring forth fruit in old age,

full of sap. ‘The cedars of
Lebanon which he planted’. Ah

ha! That’s our key! Right? If
you think he is just referring

to trees, think again. Like
God says, “Thou shall not

muzzle the ox that treads out
the corn.” And then it says,

“Do you think God cares for
oxen?” Of course God cares for

animals. But do you think when
God says, “Don’t muzzle the ox

when it treads out the wheat.”
Let him eat. Don’t cover his

mouth. Don’t be like a
Singaporean. You know. Ya, you

know what I’m talking about.
Alright. And so God says, “Let

him eat. Let him eat.” And
then do you think God cares

for the oxen? No. Paul says,
“God is caring for the

minister who thresh out the
Word of God.” Let him be

blessed. Let him be blessed.
It’s his job. Let him get

paid. It’s his job. Alright,
Paul talked about that in

Corinthian. You can read about
it. That’s not my message

today. Ok. What I’m trying to
say. When God gives an

illustration about not
muzzling the ox, God is

thinking of full time
ministers. Ministers that

depend on the people’s free
will giving. Alright. God

says, “Don’t forget, allow him
to eat.” Watch this. When God

talked about the trees of the
Lord are full of sap. The

cedars of Lebanon. He’s
talking about cedars of

Lebanon, it’s people. They
shall still bring forth fruit.

It’s people right? It’s
illustration, how you can be

incorruptible, how you can be
full of sap, how you can be

green, how you can be strong.
Would you like that? Context.

Bible interpret Bible and
context is important. Look at

the verse before this. God
gives wine that makes glad the

hearts of men. God gives oil,
the Holy Spirit, to make his

face shine. And God gives
bread which strengthens man’s

heart. And I’m telling you,
the only bread that can

strengthen man’s physical
heart is the bread of

communion. Because by His
stripes, we are healed. I’m

here to tell you church, the
wine, the bread, is the

communion that makes you like
the cedars of Lebanon. Full of

sap! And when I saw this! I
tell you I said, “Whoa!” It

was like, “Wow!” Wow! Do you
know why I’m preaching this?

I’m preaching this so that
when your loved one or someone

has been given a bad
diagnosis, don’t just run and

take communion with an empty
heart, an empty revelation,

empty mind. Wait, listen to
the sermon. At the end,

partake. Something. Something
would happen. Because

everything about God’s things
must work with faith. Faith

comes by hearing, hearing,
hearing by the Word of Christ.

Are you listening people?
Amen? You know, everything

happened because of man’s sin.
I’m bringing this to a close.

Everything happened because of
man’s sin. Man ate from the

tree which he shouldn’t. Guess
what, God says, “Eat your way

back into the blessings.” Eat
your way back into the

blessing. Are you listening?
But it’s the body of Jesus. It

must be the body of Jesus. The
disciples in Luke 24. I told

you right? Did I give you Luke
24? I didn’t? I didn’t give

you Luke 24. Real fast ok.
Luke 24, when Jesus rose from

the dead. Same day, real fast
ok. I cannot afford to give

you this and give another
service. Alright. You all will

come back. Luke 24. Real
quick. ‘Now it came to pass,

as Jesus sat at the table with
them, that He took bread.’ Now

this is after He rose from the
dead. The same evening. The

same evening after He rose
from the dead, He’s at the

place called Emmaus with the
two disciples. I believe

husband and wife. Alright. And
He took the place of the

divine host. He played host.
‘He took the bread, He

blessed, broke it, gave it to
them. Their eyes were opened

and they knew Him; and He
vanished from their side’.

When did they, their eyes
open? When did they know Him?

When He broke the bread. The
whole seven miles they didn’t

see Him until He broke bread.
There’s something here people.

There’s something here. I
believe. I’ve a whole message

on Emmaus Road. I’ve a whole
message on it where God showed

me it is actually a replica or
rather a picture of what

happened in the Garden of Eden
when man fell. Man ate. It’s

picture of their. There are
two, man and woman. There’s a

couple there. So here, there’s
a couple, walking back to

Emmaus, Cleopas and Mrs
Cleopas. And then you have,

you have the Lord walking with
them in the cool of the day.

Then you have the Lord Jesus
coming here. It’s a

restoration understand or not?
What was lost here, was

restored here. And then the
Bible says. Now because of

time. Their eyes were closed
to see Jesus, they didn’t know

it’s Jesus. Their eyes was
restrained. He wanted them to

see Him in the Word, not
physically. But then right at

the end, over here. What
happened? The devil seduced

the woman who seduced the
husband to eat the fruit.

Right? And their eyes were
opened but to the wrong place.

Not to God, to themselves, how
sinful, how dirty, how, how

naked you are. But over here,
the restoration. Their eyes

were open. They didn’t see
themselves. They Him. Can I

submit to you? Adam and Eve
partake from the tree of

knowledge of good and evil
right? What they didn’t

partake is the Tree of Life.
Can I submit to you? Communion

is the Tree of Life. He is
your righteousness. He is your

righteousness. He is your
holiness. Are you blessed? Are

you blessed? You know, this is
the restoration part. And

then, you know what happened?
He disappeared. By the way,

‘He disappeared’ doesn’t mean
He left them. He vanished out

of their sight. He was still
there. He will never leave

them. They walked back seven
miles. They just walked seven

miles. But after communion,
they can walk seven miles

again. They went back to find
other disciples and said “Hey

hey, we saw the Lord. We saw
the Lord.” Let’s follow the

story there. ‘And they told
about the things that had

happened on the road and how
He was known to them’. How He

was known to them in the
breaking of bread. He told the

rest. Now watch this. ‘Now as
they said these things about

the breaking of bread, Jesus
Himself stood in the midst of

them and said to them,
“Shalom.”’ When they were

talking about the breaking of
bread, the Lord loves it.

That’s why He is showing up
even now. Amen. As they spoke

about the breaking of bread,
Jesus appeared. Do you think

He just came from heaven at
that time? No, He was there

all the time. He never left
them. In other words, from

bread to bread. He
disappeared. He re-appeared.

Take this to proclaim the
Lord’s death till He comes.

Primarily, ‘till He comes’
means, when He comes in the

cloud to get all of us in the
Rapture. But ‘till He comes’,

keep on taking till He comes
can also means, ‘till He comes

to manifest Himself to you’. I
don’t know about you. I’m

blessed. I think you are, you
are really ready right now to

take the communion. Are you
ready? Alright, pass the

communion elements. You all
have it right, in your hands?

Are you ready people? Now
remember, it’s not about being

conscious of your own disease.
It’s being conscious of Jesus.

Amen. Being conscious of Him.
I’m going to say this again,

surely. I don’t have to say.
Don’t. When you come to

church, I want to tell the
pastors also. It’s as if the

pastors must lead you word for
word. I think we are going to

stop that. You are big enough.
Alright, you are old enough.

It’s your own prayer to God.
Once a while, we lead you ok.

But make it your own prayer.
Don’t let Pastor Lawrence kiss

the girl for you. Amen. You
know the word ‘worship’ is

kiss, kiss the Lord. You gotta
kiss the Lord yourself. Amen.

You know what to say. But the
principle is this, be

conscious of the Lord. He
says, “Do this in remembrance

of Me.” Not yourself. Not your
problems. Not your disease.

Stop thinking about yourself.
It’s about Him. Look at Him,

how beautiful He is. Like the
cedars of Lebanon. Amen. Look

at how majestic He is. Look at
how full of mercy, kindness,

tender mercies, goodness. How
loving He is. How

compassionate. He didn’t have
to but He chose to come down,

to die on the cross for our
sins. But before He hung on

the cross, He chose to go to
the whipping post. The

scourging and they beat Him.
And they beat Him again and

they beat Him again. And by
His stripes, we are healed. By

His wound, by His stripe. The
back was so lacerated. See

that right now in the Spirit.
See that. When the stripe fell

on His back, your cancer died,
your tumour disappeared. When

the stripe fell on His back,
your blood pressure was

normalised. When that stripe
fell on His back, your

sleeplessness and insomnia
disappeared. By that stripe,

whatever your condition is,
say, “Lord Jesus I thank you,

by Your stripe, I am healed
of.” Tell Him right now. By

Your stripe, I’m healed of. It
might be more than one thing.

Tell Him, “By Your stripe, I
thank You Lord.” It’s a time

of thanksgiving, not pleading.
Thank You Lord, by Your

Stripe. It has been done. You
are not going to ask Him to do

it again. You are thanking
Him. It’s a time of eulogia,

thanksgiving. Thank You Lord,
by Your stripe, I am healed,

in my heart. By Your stripe, I
am healed from forgetfulness.

By Your stripe, I am healed in
my brain. By Your stripe, I’m

healed in my memory faculties.
By Your stripe, I am healed in

my ankle joints. By Your
stripe, I am healed in my

knees. Whatever it is. But see
it, don’t just repeat like a

parrot. See it. See it. See
Him bearing the stripes. When

you are ready, partake. Now,
lift up the cup. In the blood

of Jesus, is the forgiveness
of all your sins. You are not

partaking, remember this, to
be forgiven. You are drinking

because you are forgiven. If
you are not saved, you haven’t

believe in Christ yet, this is
not for you. Put down the

elements. It’s only for
believers. And you are

forgiven of all your sins
because His blood was shed.

Now when you drink, drink in
the consciousness that all

your sins have been forgiven.
There is no unforgiven sin in

your life because of the blood
of Jesus. And know that

through the blood of Jesus,
there is no curse in your

life, no curse in your family.
Christ has redeemed you

through His blood from every
curse. You may drink. Amen. If

you are here friend, if you
have never put your trust in

Christ. God will not force
salvation into your life. He

waits to be invited. Will you
say ‘yes’ to Him? Will you

say, “Yes, I believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ as my

Saviour.”? Because He loved
you and gave Himself for you.

If that is you, pray this
prayer with me right now. Say

this from your heart,
“Heavenly Father, I believe

Jesus Christ is the Son of
God. He died on the cross for

my sins and rose from the dead
as my Shepherd, as my Saviour,

as my High Priest. All my sins
are forgiven. I’m a child of

God. I am the righteousness of
God in Christ. And I’m

blessed, blessed, blessed.
Jesus Christ is my Lord. In

Jesus’ Name, amen.” Praise the
Lord! Stand to your feet. If

you prayed that prayer, now
you are a child of God. From

this day forth, you can
partake of the Lord’s Supper.

Amen. Praise the Lord. Aren’t
you glad you came? Look at

you. I don’t know about you
but there is a glory cloud

like all over this place. You
know, throughout the entire

preaching, there has been like
a glory cloud. He shows up. He

shows up. Lift your hands. The
Lord bless you this coming

week. The Lord bless you with
the blessings of Abraham, the

blessings of Deuteronomy 28.
And the Lord keep you and our

loved ones throughout this
week from all infection, from

all terror, from all fear,
from dangers, accidents, from

tragedies. The Lord keep you
and your loved ones and your

families from all the harmful
effects of the haze. The Lord

keep you and your loved ones
from all dangers, from all

evil. The Lord favours you. He
smiles on you. This coming

week, see the favour of God
all over you. See God smiling

on you. Amen. He is pleased
with you because of what Jesus

has done. He’s pleased with
you. You are in Jesus’s place.

Amen. He treats you like
Jesus. Amen. The Lord lift up

His countenance on you and
grant you, great well-being,

shalom. Because the punishment
for that shalom has been paid.

Take it in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Yeah! God bless you! See you