How do you overcome despair and bitterness and turn your failures into God’s blessings? Get more than just answers in this immensely encouraging message by Joseph Prince! Whatever the mistakes you’ve made, whatever has been stolen or cheated from you, learn how you can receive over-and-above restoration through Christ who is your trespass offering. There’s no need to remain discouraged or to let bitterness take root and poison you—a bright and glorious future full of God’s blessings awaits you. Hear this powerful, liberating message and experience His superabounding grace in the very area of your failure or loss!

stay tuned for the latest message

excerpt from Joseph Prince calm

so God said to the Apostle Jude stay in

the love of God that’s your choice you

can stay in the shadows where’s Cole I

can step under the sunlight of his love

and every day we need to remind

ourselves that we are loved people

amen practice the love of God and it’s

by faith it is not you know that I need

to feel the love know it’s by faith you

got to believe that God loves you even

when things go wrong God loves you

and the devil’s primary objective is

tell you that God doesn’t love you he’s

out this shot change you and all that

hey if God want to shortchange you he

has multitudes and myriads of angels and

all kinds of creatures and here cherubim

and chera Seraphim to create do to

worship Him and and God has mouths

billions of souls on planet earth what

what are you you know I’m saying so the

devil will always try to make you feel

insignificant you’re a face in the crowd

God let me tell this Jesus it is here

today like he did in the Gospels this

what he says even the hairs of your head

are all numbered even is zero he knows

the number

what does that mean the hairs of your

head are all numbered that means he

cares for every detail of your life

people think they got to them God cares

for the big stuff no God cares for every

stuff everything in your life matters to

him if it matters to you it matters to

him can have a good amen now in

Leviticus which is again you know we’ve

been studying Leviticus a lot is it

interesting you know you come back any

of your to your your your workplace or

whatever your friends ask you what do

you pass it did you let me tickers all

right those those are the ones the pages

are still stuck together many Christian

books amen

but there was our team for this year

from Leviticus God says if a man sinned

this is what he does there are there are

two types of sin offerings one is sin

offering one is trespass offering or

rightly interpreted guilt offering a

sham in Hebrew all right so sin offering

is for what you are

you know the factory itself is bad let

me know that that Christ when he hung on

the cross he took our sins what we do

our sins but what we are is sin our

nature is corrupted ever since Adam

sinned then I’m saying it’s corrupted

all right so what God did was that God

put our sins on Christ our lamb but got

crucified us so that their new nature

has come into place it’s got a new

creation in Christ

that doesn’t mean seen it’s not in your

body the principle and that that flashed

by because it not your body but the

principle of sin is still there right

now you can still sing if you want right

now amen I pray you don’t but you can so

never never think that you’re beyond sin

can I have a good amen alright but your

your your your stature your standing

before God is righteous just when you

were a sinner your standing was a sinner

there are times you do you do right

things but you’re still a sinner right I

mean you don’t do bad things all the

time in you’re a sinner but you are a

sinner even a sinner you do good things

how much more not your righteous

sometimes you do bad things which I

don’t encourage you to

doesn’t change your standing can I have

a good amen

so the Bible wants us to judge our state

what we do you know I’ll stick and go up

and down in a week we can be inspired we

can be discouraged and depressed we can

be we can be a loving and we can be

bitter you know so God wants us to judge

our state based on outstanding never

judge you’re standing based on your

state can have a good amen call this

confession of sin call this self

judgment it is necessary and healthy for

the Christian life if you got a problem

it’s good for you to say I got a problem

with temper alright my problem is is I

am very sensitive I’m hypersensitive if

you know all right Joe Supremes it’s

time for you I’m just telling you okay

illustrating Joe Supremes time for you

to judge this problem amen

that’s healthy you know that’s healthy

because when that happens you see it

rising once you know the problem is you

it’s not other people amen then you

don’t live your life under blindness all

the time blaming everybody around you

and yet everybody find that you are

having that problem the people around

you change it’s not just your wife other

people also by always bitter and angry

and by the way don’t be bitter you’ll

let me tell you a bit honest the only

poisons you you know I someone says

bitterness is like preparing poison and

then you for somebody else but you drink

it duh reminds me of what Churchill said

of his opposition one time a lady who

opposed him in Parliament Sol she was so

severe in her opposition she hated him

she hated Winston Churchill and she told

him if you were my husband I’ll poison

you you look at her lady if you are my

wife I’ll drink it

don’t poison anybody and don’t drink

nothing all right

but you know get poison out of your

system poison will only destroy you you

know if you’ve been slighted so I’m

going to tell you something about how to

handle people that come against you

people that are bitter towards you

people who are who have cheated you

alright in this law called the law

trespass offering now it’s not sin

offering it’s not trespass offering

trespass offering is the things that you

do that are wrong when you do something

wrong you bring the trespass offering or

the guilt offering is called in Hebrew a

sham and every offering in Leviticus

points love what that one glorious work

of our Lord Jesus Christ that one great

sacrifice amen

Leviticus six then it shall be because

he has sinned and is guilty that he

shall restore say restore the year

restoration come on restore it’s not

just for the year of restoration this

principle alright it’s throughout the

Christian life but you need to know what

to do when you find yourself in this

situation I’m going to tell you that

right now

after I read through this that he shall

restore what he has stolen now once you

have sinned you know you have sinned

you’ve stolen from someone and and and

you’re guilty of that then he lists some

other things that’s wrong then he’s sure

that he shall restore what he has stolen

or the thing which he has extorted

businessmen are you listening or what

was delivered to him for safekeeping or

the last thing which he found all that

about which he has sworn falsely he

shall restore its full value say its

full value at 1/5 a 1/5 more at 1/5 more

to it and give it to whomever it belongs

on the day of its trespass offering so

if I have cheated you if I have robbed

from you if I’ve lied about something

and and I shortchange you and and

finally I feel bad about it I am here

all right what I do I go to the temple

in those days I bring the lamb a picture

of our Lord Jesus Christ amen you see

the lamp about to appear the RAM and

what I do is that I must actually

restore to you the wrong party I must

give you the full value of what I have

robbed you amen

if I’ve stolen from you a cow I must

give you back the full value of a cow a

right plus for a cow you’ll find another

law saying one cow for house or five

cows one oxen five oxen one sheep stolen

four ships must be restored all right so

I must give you back the full value not

only the 100% of the money that I’ve

robbed you off or deprive you of I’ve

cheated you off or defrauded you off I

have to add to a 1/5 ha that was

altogether at 120 percent one fit is 20%

my right so now the wrong party has

become a gainer the wrong party has

become richer the wrong the wrong party

has become more blessed than before he

was robbed okay you see where God is

hitting here are you listening now have

you been cheated have you been light

about has someone gained by lying about

you at work

have you been persecuted for the name of

Jesus have you been spoken falsely have

you been slighted for somebody else

don’t be bitter rise up and take

advantage of the fact that a lot Jesus

is your trespass offering if you respond

with bitterness you are saying I am

going to handle this myself how can they

bypass me how can that person say this

thing about me how can the person do

this to me aiiii

hey you have a savior who also died for

all these things this excerpt is brought

to you by Joseph Prince calm to get the

full message visit Joseph Prince calm


the Bible was written by by tax

collectors by fishermen by shepherds and

all that and it can be understood also

by people who are simple people like me

and you

both Ananias and Sapphira were not

believers every time it mentions a

believer is this a certain disciple

every time it talks about unbelievers a

certain man or woman the pastor frenzy

they were in church they were among the

people there

yeah just like there are people who are

not believers with us all the time for

that matter in every church around the

world the intent was to deceive God’s

people so actually this judgment is very

consoling for me because it tells me God

protects his own

people tell you things like what about

Paul Paul suffered whatever part and as

long as you entertain thoughts like this

without resolving them it will affect

your faith the thing is this church come

on what you believe is so important so

if somebody saw seeds of doubt like well

whatever Paul’s suffering so I want to

address Paul’s suffering because yeah

you know he always keeps coming up

Paul had a choice but faster friends

don’t you know history it calls us under

Emperor Nero Paul was beheaded yeah

don’t you know your Bible it says that

before he was behavior it says Paul said

I have kept the faith I have finished

the course I have run the race he

finished whatever God said him to do

people have a negative idea about chest

iceland when actually the word here in

the Greek Old Testament in Hebrew New

Testament in Greek the Greek word for

chastisement is pie deal which means

child train so throughout this entire

chapter when gotta channel train all

right or chastening he’s talking about

ideal child train amen

training a child I believe the primary

way God disciplines is the word if you

have the word got me not discipline any

any other way one of the ways that Jason

says is true circumstances again I

repeat not disease not sickness not

disasters not loss of a loved one

discipline does not give you


discipline brings out the truth of your

right standing with God

