Ever had questions about the story of Ananias and Sapphira? In this must-hear message, Joseph Prince shares exciting truths from this story that reveal God’s uncompromising protection over His people. Also, gain powerful insights into why you shouldn’t live your life under a mixture of law and grace, and be blessed as you discover how you can tap into God’s abundant provision when you live purely by His grace. Experience freedom, rest and an unceasing flow of God’s supply as you learn how to step out of mixture and step into the realm of pure grace—the realm of miracles and breakthroughs!

now let’s take it one step further when

I was teaching about this

I just don’t tell you something that

happen many years ago when we were in

hotel Grand Central

we’re a small Church in hotel Grand

Central and I remember we had a guest

speaker from the states and he came over

and he says bless God I’m telling you

the days of Ananias and Sapphira become

again and it shall be that you don’t

holy before the Lord

you better tremble when you come to the

presence of God came on him on so I was

I was a pastor in the church and I was

trembling it was a he wasn’t he was a

good preacher famous well-known in the


alright so we thought that we would like

to invite him to a small church you know

but here he was unleashing hell fire

sign lights lightnings you know I said

the days of Ananias and Sapphira will

come again then he pointed to a couple

you you come up here so they came up

alright sit lie down lie down so one one

male one female lie down on the stage

that small stage we had next door to the

massage parlor in our small church at

the time alright he look now see this

you see this that’s what happened in

Acts chapter 5 it’s going to happen

again all over the world that’s gonna

happen here oh I’m telling you I look at

the whole thing I’m thinking Mattia die

dad all right

what a way to grow a church come join us

for so this you just might drop dead

our people are drop-dead gorgeous you

never know what’s gonna happen but don’t

worry come because God is real he

doesn’t strike everybody yeah yeah man

when it comes to God’s favor people

always believe they won’t get it when it

comes to God’s judgment they always

believe the other one for it

all right human nature is the flesh is

negative I mean I sit down there

thinking my goodness and it’s still

being preached it is still being

preached so that got me on a search

where God began to speak to me that

night and then show me from Scripture

that these two were not believers in

fact they saw a portion of their land

and they actually position they were

trying to position themselves where

they’ll have a position of influence in

all likelihood they were trying to

deceive the church financially because

during that time they were all sharing

there was a great abundance the Bible

says no one liked so the church was

blessed by the grace of God just like us

amen all right so some people are

positioned themselves all right they

have all their name cuts ready they come

to church and act like a believer but

only God knows who is a believer who’s

not a believer and then he will try to

if they’re out to deceive you they’re

out to to cheat you then you just

announce the EULA if you are here if you

have to cheat anyone here you are the

one they need to be afraid because this

judgment is not for people whose

judgment is passed

Christ was judged in our place we cannot

be judged amen

even when you sin there’s no more

judgment Christ ransom you from the

curse of the law amen

well positive prints are you saying that

without the law then people can do

whatever they want no it’s not that you

know you know in Singapore there are

legislations and statutes about mothers

taking care of the little ones if they

don’t there are consequences legally in

Singapore all right but you know that

there are thousands upon thousands of

mothers in Singapore not aware of this

legislation yet they love their children

and take very good care of them okay you

don’t need the law to fulfill what

God has placed in your heart amen

can have a good amen anyone that tells

you you need the 10 commandments to be

holy just remind them how was how come

Abram from what I read in my Bible Abram

was the only one that God called my


how come Abraham became a friend of God

how come he was tight with God he was so

blessed of God did he keep the Ten

Commandments no we know he lied twice

okay so did he keep the Ten Commandments

no Abram left 400 over years before the

tanker mama was given there you have it

amen he was called a friend of God you

don’t you know the law cannot empower

you to do right the law was designed to

bring out your flesh the strength of sin

is the law are you listening to that’s

why of all the temptations Satan came to

Eve in the garden or to Adam all right

he did not tell either one of them to

murder the other one there’s no strain

in that temptation why because the

strength of sin is the law the only

prohibition don’t eat from the tree was

the one that devil used because the

devil knows the strength of sin is in

the prohibition are you with me

sometimes is good to not always say no

to your kid but guide them into whatever

you want anyway give them choices one

really bad choice they look at it the

turn off by another good choice single

one two choice you choose then they feel

the power they choose the right one

which is the one you wanted anyway

all right don’t always say no no no no

stir stop rebellion okay are you with me

amen so here we have very clearly stated

that they were not believers so the

intent was to deceive God’s people so

actually this judgment is very consoling

for me because it tells me God protects

his own and I’m here to tell you it

doesn’t mean today in an age of grace

God will not deal with individuals who

try to harm the church it does anyone my

friend in Jakarta Indonesia he has a

church 150,000 people pastor Perry og

and a few years ago I remember a


strip bomb to himself covered himself up

and was on his way to to bomb the church

and the church at the time was meeting

in a shopping mall as he was going up

the escalator the bomb went off

prematurely he lost his leg toys they

fly all right the church prayed for him

all right but God protected the church

now God didn’t protect his leg why he

was out to hurt the church God didn’t

protect him why God is protecting the

church sometimes when people try to harm

you or hurt you all right

you feel you feel even God’s judgement

make him loveable you know the rod and

the staff they comfort me but if you

hear teaching the sister rod is to hit

the sheep when they go astray what

comfort is there now the rod is for all

the wolves when the wolf come to devour

you God washed the roof on the head and

gives him a PhD permanent hit damage to

protect you

amen I’m here to announce to everyone

that comes God protects us got a watch

over ass the most loving thing you can

do for someone who has a very highly

contagious disease all right

the most loving thing you can do for the

rest of the body is to remove that

person so that it doesn’t spread

if someone says well posture you don’t

love the person I love the entire body

of Christ that’s why we are doing that

so thank God we don’t always have the

facing our situation but there is a

warning there there is a warning there’s

someone is trying to stop the influence

of the church someone is trying to stop

the gospel which is God’s heart because

God paid a dear price a huge cost to

save us and someone is trying to impede

the gospel someone is trying to stop us

someone’s writing lies about church or

whatever it is all right somewhere along

the way you’re on dangerous ground

because God loves his church