Behold, your Bridegroom is coming! Join Joseph Prince for another exciting study on the soon-coming rapture of the church by Christ Jesus. Understand why of all the times in church history, we live in such a “day” where the rapture can happen anytime. See from numerous scriptural references the significance of the “third day,” and how it points to the days we are living in as the time the Lord will come for His bride, the church. Discover also why the Bible exhorts us to live in hope of His return and how to occupy our time until then. Rejoice! Your Bridegroom is coming!

stay tuned for the latest message

excerpt from Joseph Prince calm aren’t

you glad that there is a voice ringing

out right now from the pulpit saying

behold your bridegroom is coming you

know I got that from the ten virgins the

peril of ten virgins the fact is this

bridegroom that means what it is bridal

affections being spoken here that means

it’s love who will not want to see our

Lord the moment you see the Lord the

Bible says your body is transformed

there’s a last part of our inheritance

that we receive in the sense that right

now we have everything this side of

heaven that Christ died to give us

except a glorious body a body that

cannot die cannot be sick cannot cannot

decay that body we are still waiting for

it and the Bible says when we see him

when the rapture hits praise God he will

transform our vile bodies like unto his

glorious body a body that is matter you

can touch and feel there’s two bones and

flesh yet it is interruptible a body

that can transcend matter because it

lives beyond matter and yet it is matter

as a matter above this matter and that

from the rapture hits even though we are

in a building we will transcend the roof

you will knock your heads

amen it’s a body they can eat because

Jesus in his glorious body after he rose

from the dead he ate good news for

Singaporeans hey men is a body they can

transcend space one moment you see Jesus

here another moment he said Emmaus seven

miles away

he made us back again to Jerusalem seven

miles away Wow imagine the whole

universe that’s why science cannot go

beyond the Milky Way or they can say

there are universes beyond our universe

why they are there we don’t know I know

I’ll tell you is our playground is our

inheritance and I suspect that those who

don’t like this message of the rapture

it is because their heart

are rooted in this world do you know the

rapture happens your children will never

see sickness will never see the doors of

a hospital ever again do you know that

you don’t have to go for health

screening no more you know in that body

all right Jesus paid for you to get that

body in that body you will never grow

old you never fall asleep when the

pastor is preaching amen amen

so every nation God is calling out a

people unto his name that makes up the

church until I do not know until the

quarter there is a like a cup of the mo

rights once the last man or the last

woman is safe only the Father Knows the

father would turn to the Sun or to the

right and say go get your break so I’m

sound it real loud and clear your

bridegroom comes amen

do you have bridal affections for him

are you in love with him amen you’d be

looking forward to him amen start

preparing yourself for the marriage

supper of the Lamb okay so right now

let’s go into the word and second Peter


praise God knowing this first that

scoffers will come in the last days

walking according to your own lusts so

remember this church when I started

preaching on the rapture man I’m telling

you the scoffers came out of their

closet hey man and this is coffers it’s

prophesied by Peter in his last letter

before he was muttered he said this

knowing this first the scoffers will

come when in the last days walking

according to your own lusts and saying

where is the promise of his coming where

is it for since the father’s fell asleep

all things continue as they were from

the beginning of creation so the people

coming to you say rapture rapture where

is it everything going normal I mean I

heard this when I was a young Christian

when I was a young boy and I’m 75 years

old I’m hearing it where is it our

generation is different from all those

generations that Stacy’s coming

I’m not proof to you in this message


let’s keep on reading so this conference

will be saying those things for this

they willfully forget that by the Word

of God the heavens were of old and the

earth standing out of water and in the

water by which the world that then

existed perish being flooded with water

but the heavens and the earth which are

now preserved by the same word are

reserved for fire unto the day of

judgment and perdition of ungodly men

that’s not you she’s a man but beloved

now is you nice you do not forget this

one thing that with the Lord one day is

as a thousand years and a thousand years

as one day the Lord is not slack

concerning his promise as some count

slackness but is long-suffering toward

us not willing not willing that any

should perish but that all should come

to repentance in other words the reason

he delays is to get more saved so don’t

despise his patience and try to scoff

where is his coming it is the reason his

delaying is coming is because God is not

willing that any should perish just

because God is not willing God is not

willing about many things but you will

still happen

some things are against God’s will God

is not willing that any should perish

but there are people who are perishing

are you listening people so you must

know what is God’s will and a man’s

response just because God is not willing

doesn’t mean God gets exactly what he

wants the whole world is safe no we just

read ungodly men was he perdition and

those without Christ those without God

ungodly the Bible says the only reason

don’t despise his long-suffering his

patience it is because he’s not willing

that any should perish all the patience

of our God patience for God you see as

grace people we must understand the

patience of God we must understand the

severity of God

but those who finally slept God’s hand

and say I don’t need Jesus after what

Jesus went through literally went

through hell on the cross for you and I

you must understand that God is just you

see a judge a judge who is not presiding

any way in the world cannot sit down

there and say you know what I have

compassion for you so in your case every

case that come see I’m a nice guy I’m a

nice judge you can’t be it can’t be a

judge for long the judge of the universe

must do right

do you understand and it’s because it’s

because he cannot he cannot allow sin to

enter his presence he sent his son so

his son took our place and on the cross

and because our sins have been judged in

the body of Jesus Christ if we believe

that and we take Jesus as our Savior and


as far as judicial eyes are concerned

that looks done in God says you will

never be punished for your sins ever

again because your sins have been

punished in your divine substitute in

Christ himself therefore God’s justice

is now on our site thank God that God is


thank God God is just he says a solid

place to put our faith because God is

just there is therefore now no

condemnation for those who are in Christ


why all the condemnation that you and I

are supposed to have well finish at the

cross when Christ bought our sins and

endured the wrath of God on our behalf

until he said finish

heaven clear God is satisfied the law

magnified man forgiving the devil

vanquish God Almighty

it’s totally glorified because of their

God’s justice

it has given as a righteous foundation

for you and I to come before God all

right I may come before God come boldly

because to act like you know you don’t

deserve to be there is to call in

question the work of Jesus on the cross

so you come boldly to honor what Jesus

did you stand before God and say I’m the

righteousness of God in Christ in Christ

mind you not in yourself in

those are judicial terms that God says

yes son he was a father who planning to

be so can I be good a man so yes there

is a lost will to be won and we all have

the responsibility this excerpt is

brought to you by Joseph Prince calm to

get the full message visit Joseph Prince


when people believe right they will live

right you believe wrong you experience

wrong our emotions are like red flags

telling me that this that’s wrong

believing in some areas of our life and

that’s why the New Covenant is all about

believing the righteous shall live by

faith in other words the righteous shall

live by right believing

and the law sin is contagious and the

grace holiness is contagious health is


praise is supply law is demand God

demanded from men you shall not feel you

shall not you shall not grace is

supplied righteousness for men to

receive minds are changing and the Greek

word for repentance meta Nuria change of

mind from a God who is angry to a

smiling God and from thinking small to

praying God’s eyes prayers repentance is

going on people amen I’ve been afraid to

approach God to having the bonus to come

to him when you’re in need that’s

repentance not have sworn he will never

be mad at you ever again I have fought

it can’t get any clearer than there

the greatest name that Jesus came to

reveal that encompasses all these names

is the name

you’ll not received the script bondage

of the Old Testament again but you’ll

receive as your sonship by which you cry

daddy Abba fears

he’ll depression will melt like butter

on a hot day the presence of daddy God

even you don’t have a don’t have the

Alec one just said daddy’s gone daddy
