Because you are in Christ and seated with Christ, every heavenly blessing belongs to you! Hear Joseph Prince expound on what it means to be blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Find out how you lay hold of these blessings and give God glory when you simply say “yes” and “Amen” to them. Be encouraged to know that experiencing God’s blessings doesn’t depend on your behavior, but on your believing. So believe and say “Amen” to God’s blessings today and begin to walk in all that He has for you and your family!


stay tuned for the latest message

excerpt from Joseph Prince calm

you know God doesn’t have the promise

because God’s Word alone is enough but

when God promises there’s a double

ironclad guarantee so all the promises

regarding Christ is yes and what does

God require of us in him amen to the

glory of God through us now the way it’s

done in the King James a new king Jim is

not very clear what is it in him amen to

the glory of God through us what does it


I’ll give you another version which is

clearer the New Living Translation for

all of God’s promises have been

fulfilled in Christ with a resounding

yes and through Christ our MN which

means yes a sense to God for his glory

you know when God promises you don’t

keep quiet

say Amen say so a man is what so be it

in my life a man is from the Hebrew word

Amon which is the word for faith when it

states abraham believed in the Lord and

the Lord counted him for righteousness

in Genesis 15 right

and when says that Abram believed the

word that’s a man where you get the word

amen and the word is laughs the word is

literally translated later on into Latin

into English and man remains is the most

popular word amen

are you with me so far so God wants our

response be what so be it in my life

there’s nothing for you to do but

believe say Amen the Jewish sages says

this they say that they say this to be a

disciples the Jewish sages of all they

say to the disciples

every morning God is raining blessings

on the earth and the way you’ll catch it

is with an amen and that’s why in the

Hebrew synagogues there’s a lot of our

men going on they say I mean Abram

believed in the Lord they a Amin ba

Adonai he believed in the Lord


from Amman are you with me so far

you know in the year 2008 I preached a

sermon called

the power of the onion do you remember

and in it I share a story of a young

actually when the story started off is

an old man of 100 years old and I first

shared this with my leaders in Jerusalem

in 2008 I shared this in my sermon the

power of the aim and this story of a man

called Steve he was 100 years old when

this when these people young young

students are not a flock around him and

people asking him for his secret of long

life he was 100 years old at the times v

and they were they were astounded by the

fact that even though his hundred years

old he had a strong a stature and

clarity of mind 800 years old he was

lucid he was very clear in his

expression he could remember things well

V this hundred-year-old man shared a

story and by the way tis a true story

alright he said that when he was a boy

of 14 years old 15 years old when he was

fifteen years old he fled Poland because

of the persecution the Jewish

persecution that was world war one it

started in 1914 okay so he fled Poland

to go to Vienna and Vienna as a boy of

fifteen he attended a yeshiva a Jewish

Torah school and he was in a class with

boys around his age 15 some of them 14

some older 16 17 all right some younger

12 but he was 15 at a time and his his

elderly and very scholarly teacher in

the yeshiva the Jewish teacher said this

and by the way he’s a mathematician many

Jewish people are brilliant


Amen I’m believing for that blessing to

come on me in the name of Jesus yes it’s

happening it’s happening

two times two is eight yes so this

elderly guy sat down with all those

students and he was sitting in front and

he was hit with all of them and he said

this about a particular typical not

biblical sorry a Jewish is a non

biblical Jewish celebration day it’s not

a it’s not one ascendancy space another

celebration they have and the observe it

and he says do you know that tomorrow

we’ll celebrate this day he says at

exactly based on his calculations

exactly 1:00 p.m. the day will happen

now usually the day the Jewish day

begins at 6:00 p.m. but this one is

celebration based on his mathematical

calculations with 1:00 p.m. he says and

he says that isn’t it amazing and in

addition what was wondering what’s also

made amazing about that he said that

this will never happen again to this to

this particular celebration all right

until 87 years later and then he look at

all of them based on my calculations it

can only come back in 87 years and he

look at all the young people around him

estates that mean may y’all live long

enough to see it and all the kids broke

out laughing 87 years so they you know

they they were laughing snickering at

him they were making fun all right

he was an elderly man and they thought

that maybe you know he’s really you know

a bit sinister now and they were

laughing they literally laughing and he

was a kindly old man but he was

listening he was fifteen year old and he

was decent I mean and they said the

moment he said Amen he felt a warm

protective feeling around him and he

says that that one protective feeling

carried him all the years of his life

even through World War two when Hitler

started persecuting the Jews and killing

them it kept him all through those dark

days until finally I think when he

shared this story a hundred years old he

was about to in the year 2004 2005 2005

or before 2005 came which is eighty

seven years from the time he was alive

100 years old he was waiting for a few

more years

for 87 years to come and he says you

know what all my friends in that class

were older than me even they’ve all gone

every one of them and I’m still alive

because I said amen to what

I don’t I said to his teacher you will

live by the grace of God a long good

healthy life all of a sudden the Amen is

a bit louder now all right

amen you are blessed with every ape

finish let me finish first you know it’s

raining right and you are catching it so

if somebody that wants a amen go on

enforce it see the things that got

requires man’s response and the thing is

this most people they don’t realize

let me read one more okay this is New

Living Translation let’s go to a New

International Version for no matter how

many promises God has made they are yes

in Christ and so true him the arm man is

fokin by us to the glory of God when you

say amen to God’s promises when you hear

it in preach are being shared or you

reading the words there are men knowing

what a man means a man means yes a man

means faith from the word a man in

Hebrew men when you say a man you are

saying be done to me according to your

word there’s no effort on my part it’s

all in your promise be it unto me

another women say be done to name is

what it’s not my efforts it is your

promise this excerpt is brought to you

by Joseph Prince calm to get the full

message visit Joseph Prince calm


in the team of the year this is what God

said to me is gonna be the year of

greater glory and that’s what the Lord

impressed on me really strong as I was

preparing this to tell you all all right

all of you have glory all right but it’s

a year of manifested glory create the

glory means people and see the glory in

your life


thank God for pastor Prince I had four

loves of my breasts the doctor said it

was cancer Jesus help me I was

struggling with a lot of fear it was

really gripping me and I listened to

that sermon and it really it freed me it

released me of all of that bondage I

walk I have no brain damage I have no

memory loss I was

we restored I’m literally pain-free

today all have sin and fifty that the

glory which means we come short of the

glory we fall short we are lacking of

the glory but Jesus came to give us back

the glory as the Jesus came to give us

back the glory


they actually come back and they paid me

for the 21 days that I was fired and I

was just like that’s much favor and

promote and promotion and I got a

promotion at the same time the Lord

elevated me out of that place I mean I

have a great job great benefits my kids

are doing well

theirs is tough so much better I became

free knowing that there was no

condemnation for me Christ saved me who

saved me totally from the beginning to

the end I’m hopelessly saved and he’s

the year of greater glory Wow

praise the Lord so when darkness comes

the Bible says his glory was seen upon

you the first result your family is

blessed the second result they will all

come all right they will all come to you

you hear that you are blessed this year

no man can reverse it
