Do you find yourself doing what you don’t want to do, and not doing what you want to do? Apostle Paul had this struggle too, but he finally found the answer. It doesn’t lie in a “what” but “who”—Jesus! Join Joseph Prince as he delivers a powerful message on how your struggles finally end only when you come to the end of yourself and humbly receive Jesus as your true identity. Learn what your “flesh” is and what being “in Christ” means. Let Jesus Himself set you free and end your struggles as you discover who you really are in Him!

what does it mean in Christ Jesus that

means listen carefully

just as you accepted the Lord Jesus

Christ as your Savior as your substitute

right amen

how many of you got a safe shout amen

first how were you saved by trusting in

your effort come on

thirty percent of your effort twenty

percent ten percent

how about five percent come on one

percent no it’s none of your efforts

completely the Lord Jesus Christ and

it’s finished work

am i right that’s how you got safe now

in the area of holiness the same thing

applies God wants you to understand it

is you are now in Christ Jesus what does

it mean in Christ Jesus that means the

way you accepted Christ seo your

salvation and forgiveness of sins right

now you accept the Lord Jesus Christ at

God’s right hand as your true self not

this struggling self this is not your

true self pastor I am struggling that is

not your true self your true self before

God in God’s eyes is the man at God’s

right hand the phrase in Christ Jesus

means your identity before God in God’s

eyes have changed God is not looking at

you’ve got is not even looking at

struggle as far as God is concerned we

have died we have been crucified with

Christ let me tell you your history in

Christ when Jesus was at the cross

understand this God took all of us and

God put us in Christ he didn’t just die

for us Jesus died s us as far as God is

concerned you’re no more life I am no

more life the eye that likes to do wrong

is no more life but pastor Prince you’re

still alive we’re talking to us I live

yet not i but Christ lives in me it is

the mystery I live yet not i but Christ

lives in me tomorrow when you face your

prospects or the future or problems or

going for interview or certain challenge

no this is not you going it’s Christ

facing the problem for you you

rest in him amen you live yet not you

but Christ lives in you

amen so the thing is this God is saying

look away from yourself

look away from all your shortcomings

your sins stop being introspective look

away from yourself and see the man at

God’s right hand he is you today he is

your true self and I was when God wants

to look at you when God wants to judge

you when God want to assess you God does

not look at you God looks at Jesus

Christ because Jesus is the new you

that’s what it means in Christ Jesus our

identity today is in Christ Jesus that

means he represents us do you know that

Jesus is at the Father’s right hand not

as God let me establish once and for all

Jesus Christ as 100% man 100% God but he

did not die as God God cannot die he

died as men he rose as men he is always

God but you must understand that when he

sat down he sat down as a man finally

God’s heart can rest in divine

contentment and complacency God’s heart

is resting in joy in the perfect man

heaven finally has found a perfect man

and you know what that man is you as far

as God is concerned that man is you can

that man be condemned again never

neither can you thank God look at the

man by the way God’s eyes is always on

this perfect man Christ Jesus at his

right hand his eyes always on him you

think God is looking at you God is

looking at you in him as him okay or he

as you I should say and goes eyes ever

on him David’s prayer in Psalms

look upon the face of your anointed and

bless me Hebrew Anointed Messiah look at

the face of your Messiah and bless me

alright God is looking at Jesus as the

basis to bless you God is looking at

Jesus as who you are but pastor doesn’t

God see my shortcomings my bad parts

just now God is looking at Jesus

thoughts Jesus is perfect

he is you that’s why you are confused

God is treating you like Jesus and

you’re treating yourself like I’m gonna

say trash rubbish we don’t realize the

deliverance is out of self in another

person Christ himself Wow

but posturing how does that help me my

temptation every time your attempt I

just realized alright man into itself we

are no more in ourselves

we’ve been crucified we have died and

our identity identity today before God

is Christ himself are you with me

first John says it like this alright

love has been perfected among us in this

that we may have boldness in the Day of

Judgment because as Jesus is present

tense so are we where after we die and

go to heaven in this world as Jesus is

this is not a game enough this is not

hoping that you’ll be like this no it’s

not saying do your best to be like this

no it’s a declaration of fact divine

fact as Jesus is so are we that’s why we

can never be condemned because Christ

cannot be condemned ever again God I

cannot see one strike of stain of sin on

Jesus not a good can go see you what

because there’s therefore now no

condemnation to in salvation you must

accept Christ as your true self today

before God have you done that we’re

gonna do that after the service how

about that amen

if we don’t understand this lesson we

are still trying our best

we still think that I can make it I can

do my best I can overcome lust I can

overcome anger then you’ll always be on

a merry-go-round you know you always be

be having another lap around the

mountain falling flat on your face

getting very disappointed feeling

feeling lost distance just a feeling

all right and you’re always struggling

in Romans 7 the way out is to know I

have died

because when Christ died I died when he

was raised I was raised when he sat down

i sat down Christ Christ is merely
