Feel like there’s a dark cloud hanging over your life? Then get ready to be set free and blessed as you listen to this liberating message from Joseph Prince. Learn how you have every right to live free from any curse, because Jesus took your place of a cursed life at the cross, and gave you the blessed life He deserves. Begin to walk in freedom from sickness, lack and every negative thing that has plagued your life as you believe powerful truths about Jesus’ finished work. It’s time to break free and live a victorious and abundant life!

so the curse is what you should not

press play in your waist you shall be

only oppress depression oppression all


it’s a curse it’s not a blessing if

you’re all pressed depressed you must be

on tranquilizers all the time it is not

a blessing it is a curse all right in

Christ we deem you from that by paying a

price hey don’t let his price go to

waste come on church just a lot if you

payed for this I release myself from it

in Jesus name

every time you take communion say it’s

paid for I reject this pain in my body

then leave in Jesus name they must come

in sight you a a fierceness a holy

violence and said how can this thing

remain in my life when my Lord and

Savior bled and died to pay for me to be

redeemed from this Eman Church I’m a

gentle guy okay I don’t know why I’m

shouting but I feel the anointing man

I’m telling you

alright so drop down another one your

sons and your daughters shall be given

to another people your eyes will look

and feel with longing for them all day

long and there should be no strength in

your hand

it’s like these are your kids but they

are more influenced by other people by

other groups by other parents they are

your kids they don’t listen to you they

listen to others they’re your kids you

have no influence with them they’re

influenced by others they are into drugs

they enter promiscuous sex

alright they are given to another but

you brought them forth not another you

brought them forth but another has

influence with them it’s a curse

I said it’s a curse and Christ redeemed

us from this curse can I be good a man

now be patient for a while later I’m

gonna show you how to get it alright if

you’re still a believer and you find

yourself having some symptoms of the

curse there is a way out

first you need to see all this drop down

another curse moreover he’ll bring back

on you all the diseases of Egypt of

which you are afraid and they shall

cling to you also every sickness and

every plate which is not written in this

book of the law what a lot bring upon

you into your destroy now if you say

pastor Prince my sickness the doctor

says our modern sickness so it’s not day

in the Bible

so Jesus cannot redeem me from it

because it wasn’t back there no this one

is for you every sickness every plate

not written it’s included and Jesus

extra girls oh you from me hallelujah


you are redeemed from every curse of

sickness and disease can have a good day

man and by the way when you find that he

says the Lord will bring on you the Lord

will bring the lot wood grain and

Young’s Hebrew scholar said the other

tenses here all right when he says God

will bring is in the not the cost safety

stands by in the permissive tense name

is God allows it he doesn’t actively

bring it he allows it this man has

disobeyed him but we are no longer under

obedience and disobedience blessing and

cursing we are now under blessing only

because Christ has fulfilled the law

Christ has brought us out from the curse

of the law he never bought us out from

the blessing of the law the blessing

keeps on keeping on you amen okay drop

down your life now fear I put it up a

few just now she has a curse your life

shall hang in gap before you you shall

fear day and night and have no assurance

of life in the morning you will say I

wish it was evening in the evening you

will say I wish it was morning you know

the kind of life is a terrible life amen

you’d rather go to sleep where you

cannot sleep so I’m here to tell you

church that Christ has bought you out of

this cursed by paying a price now man

now because of all this I’m going to

show you something the entire cursed

list ends in verse 68 you know what’s

the last six words the very last words

of the list of curses it says that

you’ll be sold as a slave this the

ultimate insult no one will buy you see

the last last six words but no one will

buy you

these are the last words of the lease of

the cursors one day I read this and the

Lord said to me what was the last six

words I said then no one will buy you

and God says my son did my son did come

on sure didn’t praise nobody cared

he cares nobody could buy he bought a

man he bought praise the Lord

now church I don’t tell you something

why is it some believers under the curse

lawful captives of the righteous why

when it comes to this right now in

Galatians chapter 3 now all that

actually say what’s a lay the foundation

are you gonna get bless come on

Galatians three look at the relations

read F of God who supplies the spirit to

you and works miracles among you does he

do it by the works of the law or by the

hearing of faith when God supplies the

spirit to you Paul is writing here and

God was miracles in your family miracles

in your church miracles in your life

does not do it because you have kept the

ten commandments that not do it by your

works of the law or does God do it

because you’ve been hearing the sermons

of righteousness by faith which one

which one hearing of faith and that’s

why church whenever you are diagnosed is

something like like a curse the first

thing you do go back to hearing hearing

hearing hearing amen

that’s why God gave the invention of the

iPod not to hear nonsense g IG or

garbage in garbage out

Amen it is to hear this was called a pot

a pot is full of leading seeds and the

seeds of the incorruptible seed of God’s

Word I thought amen is what God gave to

us so they can be hearing the word day

and night that disease is attacking your

body day and night you need to hear day

and night the Bible says when you are

hearing present tense

God is working miracles though what work

there it is in the present tense in the

Greek goddess world King miracles as you

are hearing it is not how how how good

you have kept the Ten Commandments

it’s not whether you obeyed all the loss

of course we have we have not the people

that jesus healed during his time

none of them obeyed all the ten

commandments fully and yet God healed

them He healed prostitutes heal tax

collectors hallelujah they were hearing

when Jesus was preaching and that’s why

the miracles that we hear people sharing

are people come to church regularly and

be a hearing and they are hearing and

they are hearing