You can enjoy boldness and peace every day when you know you are righteous in God’s sight. In this powerful and heart-anchoring Resurrection Sunday message, Joseph Prince shows you why our Lord Jesus’ resurrection is your divine receipt that you have been made righteous through His perfect work at the cross. See how this righteousness you have is freely given to those in Christ and cannot be forfeited by your failures. Live confident that God is always for you because of your righteous standing before Him, and see all your enemies put under your feet!

Stay with us to watch the latest excerpt of a sermon from Why did God raise Jesus from the dead in the

first place Why did Jesus go to the cross and
why was he delivered (and this was from God) to be crucified?

because of our sins. For we have all sinned, not
to show our sins, but because of our sins

and then bear every punishment and every judgment, every blow of the
curse fell on him because of our sins, and

when the last blow fell on him he cried “It is finished”
everything was completed and then he was buried And on the third day God raised him

from the dead God raised him From death not in order to
make us righteous because this was done in the cross,

but God raised him from death to be declared righteous, to
declare that we have been declared righteous

as a testimony that the debt you owe has been paid
that you have been declared innocent of all charges

So what is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, it’s
the divine payment receipt, please keep this

divine payment receipt. His resurrection is not the price, just
as the receipt is not the debt.

Is the receipt the price paid? No, the
receipt is proof of payment of the debt.

Is the receipt that pays the debt? The receipt
comes as a result of paying off the debt The

resurrection of Jesus, every time you think about it, thank God
you know that we have a man in glory,

yes he is God, but there is something in Jesus now
that he was not in him before he was incarnated, he is now also a perfect human

Do you know that the one who represents you now He is your High Priest
who is now at the right hand of the Father

who lives in this standing and power an endless life
, and whose heart beats with mercy upon you

with the feelings of a human being, with the emotion of a human being, with the thought of a human being
Yes he is the God whose knowledge has no end to

us A man in glory represents you and represents me, one of us there
One cannot fail, Hallelujah it represents you

so today when God judges you he does not judge you
on what you are, but on what Jesus is on

I wish I had more time to share
with you more but I will finish these two verses

then God raised up Jesus as a divine receipt to pay off the debt,
does the receipt add any extra to the debt? No,

then why the receipt? The receipt is yours to have the right
to enter the presence of God, and if your conscience tries to prevent you,

God cannot come against you, but is it possible for
your conscience to come against you?

Yeah sometimes it’s not the devil but your conscience it’s your conscience that tells
you you did it you did it you didn’t do it

you didn’t do it enough you did it
but not enough it’s not enough

it’s not enough you did it you didn’t do it It bothers you all the time,
what should you do?

Show the receipt and say oh my conscience ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbe uphehe couldnt’tbehavenif

I hadn’t been declared
righteous….now shut up..amen

When he paid the debt the question wouldn’t be Did you see
the payment process, you didn’t pay anything

The payment was done on behalf About you, when the debt is paid
who should be satisfied?

Many of us think that we are the ones who should
feel satisfied.

Pastor Prince, I don’t feel satisfied yet.

When the debt is paid, it is the person who
has been paid who should feel satisfied.

What did God say?

And God is pleased with what his son has done for you.
God declares that you are a righteous

priest, Prince, if only I believed what verse 1 of Romans
chapter 5 says, “We have peace with God.” I do not feel

Our feeling..No

not in feelings He says “By faith” The

truth is the truth The truth is the truth Whether
you feel that I feel that Truth is the truth

I don’t feel like the sun is shining It’s still shining It
may be behind the clouds but it’s still shining

Your feelings have nothing to do with facts

I don’t feel like I’m righteous, let

a young man once said to the priest, after his marriage ceremony
, priest, I don’t feel like I got married. The

priest answered him, listen to me, feel or not,
you marry

when you are made righteous, I will give you the time in
Greek it’s iris time Which means

iris means that It happened in the past
at a certain point

Sometime in the past you were justified and it
is the time when you experienced rebirth

Do you remember when you experienced salvation, you came to church
or prayed the prayer that Reverend Prince led you

or perhaps your friend led you in prayer to receive Christ

in This is the time when you accepted Christ, you were declared righteous.
This is the time of the iris, do you understand?

This means that we are not on the way to become righteous
one day I will be righteous … No no

no my friend I have been made righteous
and then comes this question

Pastor Prince After I became righteous, I accepted Christ
two years ago, but since then I have sinned too

Do you I’m still righteous though I’m going to

give you this verse as a gift for Easter

because Satan will come and say yes to you Priest Prince That’s
what the truth says, but that’s in the past when I accepted Christ

but after I became a Christian Do you remember how many
stupid things I did? How do you hope that

God is at peace with you, and on your side? No no
these things you are suffering now happen

because now you reap what you have sown, this is what
Satan will tell you

so you must take this and put it in your pocket

Romans 3:24, the question is, after you became righteous,
at a specific time you were made righteous when you accepted Christ

then what is my status, justifying freely by his grace,
by the way the word for free in Greek is – durian –

if your name is Dorian, then it means without account,
without conditions, without conditions, without account

when you give without price, without conditions, this is the meaning of the
word durian, It’s Attia, are you listening?

Justified freely – by what – by His grace, this is the reason why I
love to teach grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ

By the way, do you know what is the verse before this
number, it is a very famous verse and every Christian knows it,

but many believers do not know the number of 24

verses before it, because everyone They have sinned and fall short of the
glory of God, Verse 23, the verse that all know,

and the verse after it, Verse 24, are justified freely and
few who know it

Why do we always focus so much on negative things,
that we memorize and even quote the previous verse,

all have sinned and fall short, and we never quote verse
24, Well look at this verse

Justified Free – No Conditions, No Conditions
If you say that your confession of your sin is the decisive

then justification is no longer free, for that it
must be free, justified free

by the way The question is, after I have been made righteous
, can I be unjust? Bar one more time?

And the verb tense in Greek, Greek has
beautiful, richer and more varied tenses than our English

our English has tenses, simple
tense, present tense, past tense, very basic tenses

but Greek has pictorial tenses full of
color and movement, now look this is

justified here not in Iris time but in the
present continuous tense, you are constantly righteous and free (without reckoning) by the

grace of the redemption that is in jesus christ
this is in the present continuous

this is my gift to you. Keep it in your pockets

when Satan comes and says to you, Do you know
why you have symptoms of sickness

because now you are paying for what you did
last month

Make sure you show him the receipt
Jesus has risen from the dead and I have been made righteous

Listen carefully, there is never time to be In which he is unrighteous

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In the last days

there will be landslides

, famines, pestilences, panic

and great signs in the sky the

world we live in today, if not terror
there are pestilences, and if not There are pestilences in it,

there is destruction even of the air and food we eat,
more than at any other time

we are in dire need of divine protection and

here, church comes Psalm 91, God promised that there is a
place in it where you are not afraid of the fear of the night and

no pestilence comes to your dwelling

I will say about the Lord

He is my refuge and

my fortress my God in whom I trust

We must not be afraid because the Bible says God
promises to protect us

God whenever you find me in danger You put me in the
right place at the right time I need you

This is the declaration of faith Psalm 91
works when you declare it by faith

because it commands His angels are with you

so that he may comfort you Look in all your ways

While you are driving your car to your work, you come back from your work
while you go here and there, while you are walking on the road and you

don’t know any danger that may be in front of you,
they carry you so that you don’t hit the stone of your foot The

picture here is that it protects you from the danger that
you don’t even know that you’re stepping towards it

don’t be afraid From the fear of the night,

nor from an arrow that flies by day, and

this promise is to you from God

, a thousand falls from your side, and myriads are at your right hand to
you, so that it does not come near.