One moment of God’s favor can turn your whole life around! In this powerful and inspiring message preached at a youth rally, Joseph Prince shows you why negative circumstances cannot stop you from living an extraordinary life for God’s glory when you experience His irresistible favor. See how God’s favor can give you abilities you don’t have, empower you to excel in all you do, and propel you to walk out your God-given destiny. Discover how you can receive God’s life-transforming favor today and reign in all areas of life!

*This message was first preached on 15 June 2007

stay tuned for the latest message

excerpt from Joseph Prince calm

no no you lost with you is something I

can receive this favor because the Bible

says those who receive to kiss Romans

5:17 again please those who receive

abundance of say it and the gift of well


so if a believer or a Christian is not

reigning in life it is because that

person does not understand these two

things these two keys from heaven the

abundance of grace and the gift of

righteousness notice is called the gift

of righteousness what is righteousness

Master Prince the ability to stand

before God knowing that you are the same

nature as God hey man praise God

knowing that God favors all over you let

me tell you this abundance of favor and

the gift of righteousness will cost you

to reign in life do you know that the

Bible is a lot of examples of people

experience a favor of God there’s a

young man called Joseph nice name he he

was sold as a slave to to an Egyptian

Copts motif are chiffon potty and in

potties house

body first house the Bible says was a

slave think about it he has no savings


he has no wealth he has no connections

he was a slave in the house of this

Egyptian and the Bible says that ever

since all right he was in the house of

Potiphar God gave him so much favor that

he ended up the top slave but he has so

much favour that Potiphar’s wife also

notice him and she try to seduce him he

said no favor will cause you to act

responsibly and then he was thrown into

the dungeon because she lied about him

trying to rape her and in the dungeon

God’s favor was on him and again the

Bible says because God’s favor was here

on him he ended up the chief prisoner in

a short time all right there was a

situation whereby one of the king’s

servants had a dream that no one could


Joseph could and even though he was

forgotten for two years by that man when

the king of the whole land Pharaoh of

Egypt had a dream that no wise men in

his kingdom could resolve that man

remember Joseph when Joseph came before

Pharaoh just one hour in the presence of

Pharaoh he ended up in charge of the

entire nation of Egypt that’s what the

favor of God can do for you it’s got

nothing to do with your education it’s

got nothing to do with how rich or how

poor your family is it’s got to do if if

God has given you favor favor will open

doors for you they will put you at the

right place at the right time the favor

of God is all that you need amen but the

will is trying to sell you a bill of

goods saying that you must have this

kind of clothing this kind of attire

this kind of education this kind of this

for you to make it in life all these

things are depending on your outward

therefore it’s never really secured

favor depends on the inside to believe

that God gives you favor and even you

got nothing but underwear because that’s

what Joseph had as a slave in that day

and age that’s all he had a loincloth

and still with the favor of God you will

end up on top and yes the money will

come yes the position will come but

these are other things they excite you

anymore is the favor of God are you

listening I mean there is a lady by the

name of Esther God gave her favor in a

beauty contest this in the Bible in the

book of Esther and of all the women they

were there because God gave her favor

she ended up the woman that the King

chose and the Bible says clearly Esther

obtained favor save favor the Bible says

those who receive abundance of favor

notice again those who receive what

Romans 5 please those who receive

abundance of favor notice the word

receive you can receive tonight as that

you can receive tonight receive is not


I know many of you you have this

mentality alright good achieve things in

life gonna achieve achieve speaks of

your efforts receive speaks of a give

God does not say you must achieve favor

by your efforts God says you only have

to receive hey the favor of God can

change things you don’t have to be smart

you don’t have to be rich you only have

to receive the favor you don’t your

parents don’t have to know who and who

in the business world you only have to

have the favor of God and one drop of

God’s favor is worth 10 years of labor

the Bible says when you receive

abundance receives they receive that’s a

key word right there when you receive

favor you will reign in life have you

receive it don’t try to achieve it

God has no room for people who are proud

God wants you to receive you know if I

bought you a gift and I come to your

house and I say hey happy birthday

here’s a gift for you and you tell me

how much is it pass the Prince tell me

how much is it you are insulating me

sorry insulting me sorry the Indian came

up you are insulating me

I’ll say [ __ ] down take it back now I

mean the best thing you can do when I

give you a kid is what say what the best

thing you can do in something keeps your

kid is thank you

someone giving you a free iPod what do

you say you know we are lousy receive as

I tell you this we people are lousy

receivers you know where it summoned up

here’s a kid for you yeah you shouldn’t

have it’s true if I should have it will

not be a gift it means I owe you always

say things like I don’t I don’t deserve


if you deserve it it’s a your pay is

there nothing to do Eddie deserve it I

mean the best response to God when God

gives you a gift is say one thank you

and listen the gift will transform you

are you listening the gift will

transform you

the next thing at the last point I’m

coming to is this the next gift you have

to receive is Romans five please you

have to receive the gift of

righteousness now right look up here

righteousness is like this jacket I’m

wearing all right is a white robe you

can see on Jesus and inside there are

all kinds of pockets one pocket is

wisdom from God another pocket is peace

when everything is is going wrong man

you are cool like Jesus there was a

storm the wind was howling and he was

walking on the Sea of Galilee really

cool amen

that’s the peace that Jesus came to give

us not a time there was a storm in the

same lake and they were looking for

Jesus he was asleep May was really cool

he has that peace well one of the

blessings of righteousness is peace

don’t forget righteousness means what

right standing with God it’s a gift

right standing with God is not something

you achieved by your long prayers by

your sacrifices by doing this by doing

that by not doing this by not doing

if it’s because of all these things that

you have done or not have not done then

is no more a gif comprehending it’s a

gif receive the gift and the gift will

transform you

it’s a gif of writing another pocket of

the rope of righteousness is healing

health another one is prosperity

well-being amen you can be wise beyond

your years because the wisdom of God is

in the righteousness that Jesus wears

but what happened to that rope at the

cross the Bible says 2nd Corinthians 5

please it says God made Jesus who knew

no sin to be sin for us that we might be

made the righteousness of God in him in

other words Jesus became you at the

cross that you may become Jesus before

the father Jesus received your sin that

you may receive his robe of

righteousness with all the pockets of

all the blessings when you get

righteousness you get everything Jesus

received your depression evidenced by

the crown of thorns that he wore so that

he can give you that peace that peace he

had when he was asleep in the boat in

the midst of the storm Jesus look up and

for the first time in his entire life he

cried my God my God you know Jesus never

calls his his father in heaven my god he

never is always my father that’s the

first time he called God my god you know

why because at that time God turned his

back on Jesus because he was carrying

our sins God turned his back on Jesus

and God saw all of you and God welcome

all of you and he cried my God my god

that you can cry to God my father my

father hallelujah he was rejected that

you might be except that he was punished

that you might be justified and don’t

apologize for it you are legally

justified you are legally forgiven you

are legally healed


us paid the price you don’t have to pay

the price

jesus paid it all amen when you receive

the gift of righteousness and the

abundance of favor you will reign in

life through Jesus Christ can I have a

good amen this excerpt is brought to you

by Joseph Prince calm to get the full

message visit Joseph Prince calm

Joe’s prophecy was quoted by pizza in

the book of Acts I mean the Holy Spirit

comes your young men shall see visions

your old men shall dream dreams not

these visions and dreams are what

pictures God says he was superimpose

whatever he wants his faith picture for

you in order on your imagination

in God’s eyes when you see it it’s done

you’re working in agreement with me

how can two walk together unless they

are agreed I’m calling you a heel you

are seeing yourself sick but now finally

you see yourself healed you see your

disease in your tumor on the body of my

son Jesus who carried away for you

because he loves you and I love you now

you are in agreement with me now my

power can flow amen

it’s important you see good things

inside before they come out on the

outside the Bible says a good man out of

the good treasure of his heart brings

forth good things start seeing yourself

with your miracle but it’s a baby

whether it’s a healing whether it’s

finances see yourself see yourself doing

well in your work see favor all over the

process and when you don’t doubt in your

heart that’s when what you speak happens

