How do you experience divine health and good success God’s way? Join Joseph Prince as he shows you how there is nothing more powerful than the Word of God to heal and restore every part of your body, deliver you from every crisis and give you continual good success. Discover how every word in the Bible is living and God-inspired, and how turning to the written Word was always Jesus’ answer to the enemy’s temptations and challenges. Be inspired to get into God’s Word like never before and see it reach, heal, save and transform every area of your life for His glory!

are y’all ready for God’s Word let’s go

right into God’s Word

remember that healing is provided for us

but until you get mad you know you say

that no I’m not gonna allow the devil to

all right don’t forget what Jesus said

Jesus says whatever you bind on earth

shall be bound in heaven whatever you

loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven

in the Rabbinical teaching all right in

the rabbinical idea the rabbi’s tell us

that that even the rabbi’s they are

given keys where they they permit some

things to happen and they don’t permit

some things to happen well Jesus has

even greater keys they meant the key of

David and the thing is that were there

doesn’t say what God binds what God

disallowed all right then you’ll be this

a lot on earth no because it’s what you

prohibit what you bind what you disallow

I will disallow in heaven whatever you

allow I will allow in heaven so those

that believe in the doctrine all right

God wants some of us second all that

usually it’s not them it’s others it’s

not their families always others those

who believe that God wants some of us

sick they never include themself because

when they are sick you see where they

run to the first thing all right if you

believe I know people some people

believe that you know God makes you sick

the tissue a lesson if that is true then

why are you going to the doctor to get

out of God’s lesson you see your

behavior betrays you all right but the

thing is that healing has been provided

you must say I disallow this for me I

got tired finally all right of this

thing on my neck for years only when I

got tired

I started commanding cursing it

consistently or I don’t know how many

days it took all right and and the

length is not the important thing the

important mean is that consistency and

believing that God wants you free even

from this problem

amen amen Church so God wants you well

turn to your neighbor and say God wants

you well so this lady notice that she

the first thing she did was that yes

doctors are there too they are fighting

the same and

that we are all right but they are there

as as natural agents thank God for them

right by God’s Agency for healing all

right is supernatural amen

and and even how she got healed from

cancer you see that it all began by

hearing the Word of God amen

you know if you are sick the thing you

should do is that you should spend time

all right

just saturating yourself with the Word

of God just bathe in the Word of God


I mean you cannot save a pastor Prince I

need my break break from God’s would

break or nowadays God has given us the

iPods pot carry seats the incorruptible

seat of the word of God amen you know do

you know that a cancer in the person’s

body doesn’t take break you know the

disease that’s killing someone it’s not

doesn’t take breaks it works 24 hours so

if if you have been diagnosed I’m saying

even diagnose you fight it back 24 hours

amen you saturate yourself with the Word

of God you keep on hearing sermons that

built faith that preach the truth and

the truth will set you free

Amen Church and many times the condition

will just leave arise supernaturally

natural because God’s Word is living and

powerful and sharper than any two-edged

sword let’s put it up right now for the

word of God is living and powerful

living opposite of death whatever God’s

what goes it makes that place come alive


the Word of God is living it’s powerful

it’s not weak it’s powerful efficacious

Amen powerful to deliver powerful to

affect powerful to perform Amen and

sharper wow look at this shopper it’s

sharper than any two-edged sword

it’s a terminology used for modern men

for modern medicine even what is sharper

than any two-edged sword it did not

exist in the time that Paul wrote this

there’s nothing sharper than any

two-edged sword even to find a two

agents thought during Paul’s time is a

specialty it meant it cuts both ways but

what is sharper

a sort that cuts both ways during Paul’s

time Laser laser wherever you cut Laser

laser cuts you touch laser all right it

cuts you touchin a sort at the right

side it won’t cut you touch it on the

broad side it won’t cut you but laser

anyway you touch laser it cuts all right

so it’s sharper than any to it but even

laser cannot reach where God’s Word can

reach all right it is the penetrating it

is piercing even to the division of soul

and spirit Wow

so and spirit some people don’t even

define soul and spirit you know what’s

so in spirit in short let me just give

it to you okay soul is you talking

alright spirit is God spirit where he

dwells in your spirit and he’s talking

would you like to know sometimes is this

God talking in me is this pots from God

are all these thoughts from me alright

this prompting I have is it me is it God

is it me is it God is a million-dollar

question that people are asking always

is this me is this God is this me what

we are basically saying is is this so me

or is this spirit God your spirits not

God but you got dwells in your spirit so

the way you can tell is that when you

spend time in the word

alright the Word of God it gives you

that sensitive sensitive sensitivity to

can for the tell the difference even the

division the dividing asunder Oakland

James the division New King James this

division of soul and spirit nothing can

divide store in spirit except God’s Word

it tells you this a soul did a spirit

the very dividing line it tells you just

how sharp it penetrates not only that it

penetrates to the joints and marrow none

becomes your physical body that’s why

when you hear God’s Word it has a health

and a health benefit healing benefit

it’s like medicine it affects your

joints are your joints hurting you God’s

Word can heal your joints I’ll tell you

something the marrow is the part where

blood is manufactured

and you know when doctors want to

diagnose a disease what do they do do

they talk technic your earwax what do

they do they examine your blood amen

well God is saying my word can reach the

very place where blood is manufactured

the marrow and I can affect your blood I

can cleanse your blood I can purify your

blood and when blood is purified your

whole system benefit amen

you become radiant your eyes become

bright you have a spring in your steps

you feel good

a man so joints and marrow and join and

marrow where where does marrow become

marrow and where’s join a joint it’s

very close together but God’s Word can

penetrate through that amen

you know there are some cases where a

tumor has grown to such an extent that

doctor says send this loved one home

it’s a matter of time because they do

not cut there’s nothing they can cut

true where the vessels has in teleport

whatever or interlacing and they do not

risk the men dying on the operating


all right the risks are too great let me

tell you this gospel can go Razak me

where’s the postcard there’s no medicine

you can do this are you listening to I’m

saying people I say there’s no medicine

they can do this