In this Gospel Partner episode, learn how you can stay in faith and grow in faith when confronted by sickness or disease. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit:

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If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! Facing a health challenge? Purchase/request healing scriptures e-book and audio companion now for free:

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#gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

Healing is a gift.

It is for you to receive!
Faith is not hard.

Faith comes by hearing
and hearing and

hearing by the word
of Christ.

It can happen while
the Word is going forth.

Bang, you are healed!

There is a provision
in the Bible,

very interesting, that I want to
share with you today.

It’s called the offering of the
ashes of the red heifer.

If you are experiencing
symptoms of death in your life,

whether it is starting to
lose your memory,

or symptoms of sickness or
weakness in your body,

we do not know when
we touch death but

the provision is there!

So we want to learn how
to receive life every day, man!

Come on! I pray that
all of you, your faith

grows exceedingly!

Hey, Church, time for some
praise reports. Yes, the first

testimony comes from a brother
from Lithuania. If you’re

wondering where that is, it’s in
the north. It’s a country

situated in the Northeast
northeast of Poland. So this

brother says: Some years ago I
was diagnosed with appendix

cancer and underwent a major
surgery. Since then, doctors

have been monitoring me via
regular computerised tomography,

also known as CT scans.
Everything was fine for three

years. But one day a regular CT
scan showed a 12 by seven

millimetres on the peritoneum, a
membrane that surrounds the

abdominal organs near my liver.
My doctors said it could either

be a cancerous metastasis or a
benign fibrous lesion. They set

a date three months later for
another CT scan. I was very

scared. I went to see an doctor
and started on a regimen of

supplements, healthy diets and
herbs. Listen to this, he said:

Then, I felt drawn to watch
Pastor Joseph Prince’s sermons.

I had installed his app some
time ago, but had not used it

much. As I began to watch his
sermons, I felt a gradual

awakening to the finished work
of our Lord. One day, I

experienced a deep peace as I
accepted Jesus as my Saviour,

and Redeemer. Wow. Pre believers
can download Pastor’s app. It’s

got to be God, amen. And he
said, I prayed for healing with

Pastor Prince or playing a
recorded sermon on healing.

After that, I prayed daily for
healing in Jesus name. I went

for my follow up CT scan
schedule. and spent the next few

days waiting very anxiously for
the results. One evening, I

experienced, again, a deep peace
and confidence that everything

would be fine. When the scan
results came the report said

there is currently no evidence
of the hyper vascularized lesion

detected in the previous skin.
Yeah, you understood that means

that that thing is gone. He’s
healed, amen. And then he says

that was God’s miracle for me
that coincided with Christmas

that year. I give thanks and
praise to God for this miracle,

and the blessing that Pastor
Joseph Prince is to all of us.

Amen. We all agree with that.
And let’s give Jesus all the

praise, amen. And praise God for
Pastor. Second testimony comes

from a brother from Michigan,
United States of America. He

says: My story begins with a
long history of child abuse,

exposure to violence, verbal and
emotional abuse, and a lot of

shame and guilt. All this caused
me to develop a bad attitude,

anger and hate, which eventually
resulted in a destructive, high

risk lifestyle marked by drugs,
sex, alcohol, crime, and violent

behaviour. I went to juvenile
prison and adult prison and was

living a life of self pity, and
selfishness. My recovery started

while I was in prison, a friend
gave me a book by Pastor Prince

called The Power of Right
Believing. You know, Pastor

cannot go in to those places to
preach the gospel, but his book

can get in there, amen. And then
he says, this book became the

foundation for my recovery, and
transformation. I have been

sober for more than 10 years
now. And I’m still reading and

studying Pastor Prince’s
teachings, I now own a home, and

I’m enjoying life every day
without drugs, alcohol, or other

high risk behaviours. I’m also
helping to care for my mother,

look at what grace can do. And
he says, I’m a constant work in

progress, just like all of us.
Even as I face adversities, I’m

learning to embrace faith and
the journey of life. Without the

foundation of my faith found in
an understanding of the grace of

God, my life would have ended,
meaning he would have died in

prison. He says, Thank You,
Jesus. And thank you, Pastor

Prince, amen. Let’s give Jesus
all the praise and let’s welcome

Pastor Prince.

Thank you, Pastor Lian. Praise
God. You know, all the healings

that you hear just now, all
right, all that you have heard,

just remember that God is no
respecter of persons, and what

God does for one, God will do
for another, amen? But God is a

respecter of faith, so the
healings can come. I just feel

impressed, as I was listening to
the testimonies that was shared

just now, that I feel that the
Lord wants me to tell you all

this, okay? Some of you are just
waiting for God to heal you. You

are waiting for God to touch
you. Now, God did everything He

needs to do when He sent Jesus
to the cross, and Jesus bore not

just your sins in His own body,
but also your diseases. “Himself

took our infirmities and bore
our sicknesses.” So to wait for

God to heal you is like someone,
a sinner, saying, “Yeah, I’m

waiting for God in His own time.
If God wanna save me, God will

save me. He knows where to find
me.” Well, you are too later,

2,000 years actually too late,
because God has already healed

or saved you, given you the
provision. It is for you to

receive. So two ways healing can
come, and you have seen it even

in this church and you have seen
in the lives and the testimonies

of the people you have heard.
Many have testified how they got

healed, and some of them
instantly, but healing can

happen progressively as well. In
fact, in the second–in the

second miracle of Jesus, both
were done when Jesus was

actually in Cana of Galilee. The
first was He turned the water

into wine at a wedding. Remember
that? That demonstrate He’s the

Lord of time, because for us to
get good wine today, you need to

have a process of time to grow
the vine plant, right? It takes

a few years for the vine plant
to grow. We have shared that

before. And then after that, a
few more years for it to become

good grapes sufficient for good
wine, okay? You need a few more

years. Then after that, to
really get good wine, excellent

wine, after you get the wine,
goes through all the process of

the treading and all that, and
the fermentation process takes

place, but those people who know
wine, they say that the longer

you store the wine, the better
it is. It’s like men, all right?

The longer they grow, amen,
older, or advanced in their

years, the better they get. And
all the men said? Okay, for

women as well, amen? Okay,
mankind. Praise God. So all in

all, to get really excellent
wine can be 20 years, 30 years

from the time you plant the
first vine, right? From that

time all the way to excellent
wine can be 20 years, 30 years,

even 50 years to get excellent
wine. Jesus compressed time,

amen, in that miracle. So He’s
the Lord of time. He can

compress time for you. So the
miracle, it’s the second one

that I’m referring to just now,
is the miracle– also He was in

Cana. A nobleman came to Jesus
and said, “My son who is in

Capernaum is sick. Please come.
Come to Capernaum with me.”

Okay, now Capernaum is way down
there near the Sea of Galilee

and Cana is way up there in the
hills. It will take probably, if

you travel by foot, it’s gonna
take more than a day. Someone

can do it within a day if they
move fast and they’re strong

enough, but we’re talking about
casual travelers like the

noblemen, the businessmen. And
he asked Jesus, “Please come

down and heal my son.” Now,
here’s a lesson I want you to

learn about healing. And Jesus
says, “Except you see signs and

wonders, you will not believe.”
Then Jesus says, “Go your way.

Your son lives.” There’s no sign
and wonder. There’s no

goosebumps he felt. There is no
confirmation. Jesus didn’t show

him the iPhone and said, “Here,
your son’s okay now.” So Jesus

just told him based on His Word,
“Go your way. Your son lives,”

right? The Bible says he went
his way. Now, obviously he can

travel back that same day,
because if you go on a donkey,

all right, or you just travel by
a carriage or the wagon in those

days, they would have reached
there within a day, but

definitely he believed the Word
of Jesus. How do I know that?

Because he didn’t go back until
the next day. The Bible says,

“The next day when he reached
Capernaum,” so he took his time.

He believed when Jesus says it,
“Your son lives,” my son will

live. So the next day when he
arrived, the people of his

household came out and shouted
that, you know, “Your son is

alive! Your son is alive!” And
then he asked him when was it

that his son began to amend.
Now, say the word “amend.”

“Amend” means what? Improve.
Here you are, you can tell when

someone is recovering. They
start to amend. So some healings

you will see the manifestation
30-fold, amen, 60-fold, and

100-fold. Doesn’t mean it
happened instantaneously, right?

So the first miracle was
compression of time. He can do

it in an instant. But the second
one denotes He’s the Lord of

space. So the Lord of time and
space, amen. He can speak from a

distance and then you will be
healed, or at least begin to

amend, in the words of
Scripture. Now, did the man wait

for a sign, a feeling, a
goosebump, and angel appearing

to him? No, so stop, you know,
trusting all these physical

things and just go by the Word
of God. If the Word says you are

healed, you are healed. Can I
have a good amen? Amen? So there

are healings that happen by the
anointing, and when the

anointing happens #ERROR! I can
sense it, and sometimes I just

wanna stop and just call out the
healings that God is healing.

And even sinners can get healed.
I know sinners who get healed

of–for example, I know of one
sinner who got healed of throat

cancer and later on did not
accept Jesus. But he can tell

people he got healed, amen. I
think later on he accepted

Jesus, but not immediately, so
it’s not always that, you know,

people receive healing, they
respond immediately, because

healing is a gift. And it’s also
like a call for sinners to see

that Jesus is the Messiah. He is
the Savior, the Son of God,

amen? So healing can happen, and
it doesn’t mean that you have

faith for it. So you can be
healed by the gifts of healings.

And I love it when the gifts of
healings flow. I always pray for

that to happen, and I’ve been
encouraging you all to pray for

that to happen in our church,
right? So you don’t have to wait

for a flow, or musicians playing
special, you know, anointed

music. It can happen while the
Word is going forth. Bang, you

are healed. You don’t even
remember using your faith, amen?

All you know is that you go
back, the condition is no more.

I said the condition is no more,
amen? This past week, I actually

carried my son on my back. He’s
about 40kg, all right? So I

carried my son on my back. Now,
that’s fine. I know how to use

my stomach muscle, all right?
The one that he calls washboard.

My son calls it washboard, okay.
Keep on calling those things

that are not as though they are,
amen? That was fine until he

started shifting his position,
so you feel like throwing him up

and falling back again. That was
a mistake. He slide down and I

didn’t want him to fall, so I
twisted my back, okay? It was

really painful and I knew that I
made a big blunder. Number one,

I shouldn’t be carrying a 40kg
boy, but I wanna carry him as

long as I can, you know? I don’t
wanna accept the fact that he is

growing up. You parents know
what I’m talking about. You

still wanna carry them as long
as you can, right? Yeah, and

that’s fine as long as they stay
still, okay? So he shifted and I

felt something, and I’m telling
you, the whole day, it’s like

after I drive, I get out of my
car–no, it’s like, it takes a

long time for me to get out of
my car because of that pain.

Then I’m thinking to myself, “Oh
no,” you know? I’ll be doing a

lot of driving and I can’t
afford this kind of condition,

you know? So I told the Lord,
and of course I wanted, like,

zap, zoom, the healing comes,
you know, and I’m healed, right?

And God does do that, but I
prayed, I commanded it to go,

and the pain was still there. I
did all kinds of things I know,

it’s still there. Finally,
the–in this case, I need to

hear the Lord how to receive it.
Now, this is what I’m calling

your attention to, all right?
The Lord said to me, “Pray in

the Spirit. Pray in tongues.”
But so I kept on praying in the

Spirit the whole day. The whole
day. That afternoon I got the

injury, all right? The whole
day, I said, “Look, when I go

for a holiday, I want to
remember you,” I told my son,

“but not like this.” I don’t
wanna bring a token with me, you

know? And so the whole day, I
prayed in the Spirit. All I know

is this, all right? It was
painful. It took me a long time

to get out of my seat, all
right? You gotta stop for

awhile. You know, the pain is
there. Some of you know what I’m

talking about, right? And then
finally, when I, you know,

reached my destination, right, I
really have to wait for awhile.

I dread sitting down, okay? I
prayed in the Spirit. The next

day, I got up, that kind of pain
became like very little pain the

next day. And the next day after
I woke up, another next day, the

pain is almost gone. And I can
sit down and get up and there’s

no more pain, but in this case I
had to ask the Lord–now,

usually for this kind of injury,
right, it takes a long time. It

can even become chronic, and
some of you know what I’m

talking about. It can become
chronic, all right? It can come

again and again. And I’m
believing it’ll never come back,

in Jesus’ name. One thing you
can receive, you can always

receive by faith. I said you can
receive by faith. That nobleman,

when Jesus told him, “Unless you
see signs and wonders, you will

not believe. Go your way. Your
son lives,” he believed what the

Lord said for him to stay back
in Cana. He didn’t immediately

rush to look at his son’s
condition. He believed the Word

of Jesus. So many of you will
say, “Well, I wish Jesus can

come down here right now because
I am in terrible shape and I

want Him to touch me,” you don’t
have to do that. The Word of God

is nigh you, the Word of faith.
You don’t have to say, “Who will

go up to heaven and bring Christ
down that He might trust me?”

You don’t need that. You have
the Word of faith. And you gotta

learn to confess and speak the
Word of faith because the Spirit

of faith is manifested like
this: “I believe and therefore

have I spoken.” So thank God for
the healing as the Spirit wills,

but we don’t depend on that. We
depend on faith. The just shall

live by faith. God wants His
righteous by faith people to

live by faith. Just like you got
saved by faith, everything

that’s provided for you through
the cross of Jesus Christ,

through His death, burial, and
resurrection is all provided for

you to be received by faith. And
faith is not hard. And you know

something? Faith comes by
hearing, and hearing, and

hearing by the Word of Christ.
So your constant hearing–and

that’s the reason why these past
few weeks the Lord has been

emphasizing to us the importance
of hearing the Word of Christ.

Your faith comes by hearing,
amen? So you know, just when you

feel like that faith inside you
has gone weak, you find that

there is such a thing as little
faith. Jesus says, “Oh you of

little faith.” And yet, God, how
much more will He clothe you?

Clothe who, those with strong
faith? No, how much more will He

clothe you, oh you of little
faith? So little faith people

can be clothed better than
Solomon. And then He says, “How

is it that you have no faith?”
Remember that? When there was a

storm, no faith. Paul writes
about your exceedingly growing

faith. I pray that all of you,
your faith grows exceedingly,

amen? So don’t depend on
emotions. Don’t depend on

feelings. Don’t depend even on
the, “I want God to move, and

supernaturally like I heard this
testimony, that testimony. God

did it for them.” Yes, God can
do it for you, yes. And let’s

pray for more of the gifts of
healings to flow, the gifts of

working of miracles, the gift of
faith. All these are gifts of

the Spirit, amen? But you can
receive through the faith. Now,

I mentioned the gift of faith
just now. That is a supernatural

gift when it comes and operates
in you, and I’ve been there

before. You just know that you
know that you know. You can

point in public and that person
is not healed yet, and you point

to the person, the person stands
up, and the person gets healed

completely. Many of you have
seen this happen in this church,

all right? Now, if you are not
sure, you’re still wavering, you

won’t point to a specific
person, isn’t it? I have pulled

people out of their wheelchair
in public and I just know that I

know at that time. Tomorrow–I
mean, the next day after that, I

woke up and said, “What did I
do? That was a fearful thing.”

Now the gift of faith is no more
operating. So it’s a gift. When

the gift of faith operates, it
just–there’s just a strong

knowing. There’s no doubt
whatever. I’m talking about our

faith to receive by, that we
live by, faith– the faith that

can grow. That one all of us
have. I said all of us have

that. God has dealt to every man
the measure of faith, amen? And

one of the reasons why you keep
on hearing the Word is so that

your faith will grow. You don’t
wait for crisis to happen. You

don’t wait for things to happen
where you say that, “I need to

use my faith now.” So don’t
forget, all provisions are given

to you but it’s received by
faith. By grace through faith.

It’s always like this. Therefore
it is of faith that it might be

by grace. Grace and faith goes
together. It’s not just enough

to say, “Well, you know, by
grace, one day God will save me.

By grace, one day God will heal
me. By grace, one day God–” No,

no, no, one day is gone. Now is
the time. Now is the–in fact,

you look carefully at the
Scriptures, it says, “Now is the

day of salvation. Now is the
time.” Now is the accept timed.

It’s “kairos.” It’s in the now.
There is a kairos of receiving

these moments–I mean, these
gifts, and that very kairos

moment is actually now. It’s
never, “One day, God will heal

me.” You are too late, amen?
Start confessing, “I believe by

Jesus’ stripes I’m healed.” You
take Communion, amen, say,

“Lord, I thank You, You bore all
these diseases when You hung on

that cross, and by Your stripe
I’m healed.” Oh, by the way,

that day when I had that pain, I
took Communion, man. I don’t

care it’s not on Sunday yet,
Pastor. I receive for myself. I

discern His body. He knew that
I’ll be injured like this 2,000

years ago because God is
sovereign. That’s why a healing

service, right, that’s done last
week, for example, can still

heal people in America when they
listen. When they listen,

sometimes a number of weeks have
passed. Now we’re make more

available faster, but of course
it’s got nothing to do with that

because I just demonstrated to
you from the two miracles in

Cana that the Lord is the Lord
of time and space. And just

because in the first service
there’s healing or whatever I

confess and I proclaim, right,
about something that’s

happening, it’s happening also
in the second service, in the

third service, in the online
service. And then in future when

America, and the world, and
Europe, and all over the world

watch this program, amen, they
can still receive the miracle.

And we’ve had so many
testimonies, “I’ve felt the

warmth while I’m watching and
the cancer is no more, the

growth is no more. Went back to
the doctor, no more trace of

that disease.” Now, all this
shows that when it comes to

motivational preach– talking
and all that, sense and time

rules. It’s confined to that
because there’s no power of the

Holy Spirit. It’s just man’s
spirit, man’s talents, man’s

eloquence. But when it comes to
preaching the Word of God, you

are not on your own. It’s by the
power of the Holy Spirit, and

the Holy Spirit knows the
future. And sometimes I’m

preaching and I’m talking about
someone’s condition that that

person will be watching, amen,
two, three weeks from now, or

even three years from now. Are
you listening, amen? I could be

describing someone going through
something, a depression or

something like that, and I could
describe. While I preaching, I’m

illustrating, but the
illustration is actually

illustrating that person’s life.
And that person hears it, or he

could be in prison, and then he
gets healed. I thank God for all

the prison ministries in America
that let them watch Christian

television, and I’m on, and we
have many testimonies. One

touching testimony is a man
whose life was transformed,

completely transformed. He was
on death row and he said this.

He said that, “Pastor Prince,
you know, I never forgave myself

all these years, and I murdered
someone, but your ministry has

changed my life. The grace of
God has transformed me,” amen.

We know it’s the Lord. Only the
Lord can transform someone, but

it’s the gospel of grace. And he
said that, “I’m in prison

because I killed my son, and I
could never forgive myself for

that.” He didn’t say whether it
was an accident or whatever. I

don’t think it was because he
was on death row at that time

when he wrote, but he said, “My
life is changed. I’m full of

joy, love, and peace. I know God
has forgiven me.” To God be the

glory, amen? Amen. So something
like this can happen within the

time. So we look at whatever
date it is, and with God date

doesn’t even matter. As far as
God is concerned, Jesus just

died just now. And when you take
Communion, you must think–when

you receive Communion, don’t
think that He died 2,000 years

ago and confine yourself with
that kind of thought. The Bible

says in the law of the peace
offerings, when you receive

the– when the offerer offers
the lamb to be sacrificed for

his sins, right, there’s an
offering called peace offering

and he partakes of the breast
meat. So he partakes of the love

of Jesus, because it is the
breast of the victim, not his

breast. He’s not thinking about
his love for Jesus, he is

partaking of the Lord’s love for
him. It’s food for you when you

stop and think, “The Lord loves
me. This same Jesus who’s

altogether lovely, He loves me.”
It’s food for you, amen? And

then when you partake, it says
this, “Do not partake the peace

offering, that meat, more than
three days,” okay? You cannot

keep it more than three days. It
must be fresh. So then I

was–you partake the Lord’s
Supper, you partake as if He

just died just now, as if He
just took your diseases just

now. So with God, a thousand
years is like one day, all

right? With God, a thousand
years is like one day. That’s

why the Bible said, “On the
third day there was a wedding in

Cana of Galilee.” The first
miracle, on the third day. The

first four words, “On the third
day.” And there’s no

insignificant details in the
Bible. With God, a thousand

years is like one day and one
day is a thousand years, so as

far as God is concerned, right,
we are people of the third day.

Because 2,000 years ago Jesus
died, but as far as God is

concerned two days has passed.
In fact, He doesn’t even think

of two days, but for our sake,
let us understand a thousand

years is like one day, amen?
When did Jesus rise from the

dead? When was He raised from
the dead? On the third day. And

the Bible says in Hosea, there’s
a prophecy, after two days He

will revive us. On the third
day–on the third day, He will

raise us up and we will live in
His sight. We will be in His

presence. That’s the Rapture. So
first of all, after two days,

what will happen? He will revive
us. There’ll be a great revival,

and then on the third day He
will raise us up. We are looking

for that to happen. Meanwhile,
there’ll be mockers around. The

Bible talks about that in Peter.
Peter wrote about it in the New

Testament, that in the last days
there’ll come scoffers and

mockers, saying, “Where is the
sign of His coming? Where is

this coming? Where is His
coming? As far as we know, since

our fathers slept, things have
gone on as normal.” One thing

they do not know. That’s when
Peter explained with the Lord a

thousand years is like one day
and one day is a thousand years.

The reason why God is–God is
not slack concerning His

promise, but He’s longsuffering.
He is patient towards these

sinners even. He’s not willing
that any should perish. So the

reason God delays–if there’s a
delay and it’s–you know,

there’s a delay, isn’t it? You
can see it’s a delay. It’s

because God is waiting for
people to repent. He’s waiting

for people to put their trust in
the Lord Jesus Christ, their

only provision out of their sin,
out of guilt and condemnation,

out of eternal death. And all
the people said– Okay, that was

a good introduction, hallelujah.
Thank You, Jesus. That was

important, I feel, amen. When
you don’t feel anything, just

say, “Lord, I thank You that by
His stripes I’m healed. I thank

You I’m healed.” If the Lord
tells you, you know, to partake

of the Lord’s Supper, I wanna
encourage you, if you are sick

and you have not received your
healing, partake of the Lord’s

Supper like you take medicine.
Three times a day even if you

want, if you’re desperate
enough, amen? But don’t do it

out of ritual, do it out of
revelation. Or pray in the

Spirit. At the same time, “Holy
Spirit, I do not know how to

pray for my condition, but You
do. So Holy Spirit, I yield to

You. Pray through me.” Even all
day long, you can be working and

still be undertones–speaking
undertones. Hagah, the Hebrew

calls it hagah, speaking
undertones, amen. And all the

people said… That’s not my
sermon, you know? I wanna give

you something that’s solid, you
can keep for the entire

Sabbatical. I mean, the entire
thing, amen? Are you ready? All

right, there’s something very
interesting that the Bible says

about people like us living in
the end times. Any time, Jesus

can come back for us. And it
says in 1 Corinthians 10, it

says that all these things– and
“all these things” refer to what

happened in the wilderness
journey of Israel, amen. When

they came out of Egypt, they
went through the wilderness and

they spent 40 years there, not
because God wanted them to spend

40 years, but because of their
sin of unbelief. They didn’t

believe God was that good. The
provision has been made. The

land was flowing with milk and
honey. And God says, “All you

gotta do, just go inside.” In
fact, when Joshua brought them

in finally, it was only with a
shout. That means only your

mouth was the only thing that
was lacking on their part. They

used their mouth to say, “We are
not able to. We saw giants

there. We are like grasshoppers
in their sight. We are like

grasshoppers in their sight. In
fact, we saw people that can eat

us up.” Whereas Joshua and
Caleb, who also went into the

land, saw the same giants, saw
the same walls, say that, “They

are bread for us because God is
with us.” And these are the only

two that God brought in. God
loves faith. God loves the

spirit of faith. Can I have a
good amen? The whole world is in

unbelief, but you walk in faith.
They will mock you, they will

make fun of you, amen, but what
a small world they live in. And

we don’t respond with any
vindictiveness, but with love,

and pray for them that their
eyes might be open. But the life

of faith is the most exciting
life, amen. Like I know there

are angels around, you know?
There are angels around. In

every service, there are angels
around. Praise the Lord, amen.

And once in awhile, you’ll find
that someone will take a picture

of a video of an angel walking
in the clouds and all that kind

of thing. “I mean, Pastor
Prince, what do you think of

that?” Well, you know something?
We don’t have to depend on that,

amen. The Word of God is enough.
We are surrounded by angels and

they watch over you. It’s a good
thing to tell your children

that. You got strong angels
going with you to school. Yeah,

the plane that we take is TWA,
Travel With Angels. We gotta

think of something for SIA,
okay? All right, so they are

with us all the time. Are they
there to be spectators? No, they

are there to watch over us, to
deliver us from all evil. I’ll

tell you this. You know, we give
thanks to God for all the

deliverances that we know
happened. When we, “Oh man, I

just–I nearly crashed into that
just now, and at the right time,

I don’t know why, I delayed and
the crash happened to someone

else.” But we are grateful that
we didn’t get it. But actually

we are not sad for the person.
Someone says, “Your house is on

fire! Your house is on fire!”
The guy run all the way to the

end of the street and he says,
“Thank God it’s not my house.”

You see, forget about loving one
another as you love yourself. So

people don’t talk about that.
They wanna keep the law, not

realizing that we cannot. Now,
the morality is still there, but

how to get there from here, it
must be through the new covenant

grace. Can I have a good amen?
We thank God for things that we

know. How about things that God
protected you? Had you been in

another marriage today, you
wouldn’t be doing what you are

doing today. You might not even
be alive today. She might have

killed you a long time ago. Or

the reason why you are

doing–and you were disappointed
many years ago when that

happened and that career didn’t
work out, and you were very

disappointed, but right now you
are thriving, you are happy, you

are fulfilled. You can put your
head on the bed, right, on the

pillow at night and sleep well,
amen, because why? You are in

this job. But you wanted to be
another job 20 years ago or 30

years ago, and now you look
back, you thank God for where

you are. Who do you think
delivered you from all that?

Thank God, God knows more than
us. That’s why we pray in the

Sprit a lot, amen? We do not
know the future. Thank God, had

we gone by our own desires,
amen, and God didn’t stop us,

and we were not happy with God
when He stopped us, or He didn’t

open the door, or He didn’t give
us favor in that area. But we

look back and now, had we been
in that marriage, had we been in

that– put ourselves in that
investment, had we got ourself

on this career course, you
wouldn’t be enjoying what you

are enjoying today. There have
been people who were

disappointed when the Lord
stopped them from a career

course that could cost them
dearly, but they’re not happy.

They’re not happy. And many
times, it weighs–you know, it

bears that waiting period just
so that people can see it was a

mistake. There’s always a
benefit of hindsight, amen? And

some people will not come to you
and say, “I’m sorry.” They won’t

come to you and say, “I’m
sorry.” Why? It’s pride. It’s

the flesh. But when they look
back, they can thank God that

they did not invest as they
should. All the money is just

down the drain. Preach it,
Pastor Prince, hallelujah. Okay,

now, I wanna share with you
something that’s very important

because the Bible says that,
“All these things happened to

them [as] types, and have been
written for our admonition.”

Your New King James says, “As
examples,” but the word there is

“tupos,” which is “types.” “And
have been written for our

admonition, upon whom the ends
of the ages are come.” So there

is a provision in the Bible,
very interesting that I wanna

share with you today. There’s a
provision in the Bible that is

seldom preached and it is
actually in– you might think

it’s in the wrong book actually
because it’s a sin offering.

It’s a sin offering that was
introduced for the very first

time in the book of Numbers 19,
whereas all the sin offerings,

all the burnt offerings, all the
offerings for that matter where

you bring a sacrificial animal,
amen, and lay it on the altar–

all the offerings, the five
offerings, amen, the burnt

offering; the minchah, the meal
offering, the flour offering;

the peace offering, I mentioned
that just now; and then the sin

and trespass offering. All that
is mentioned where? In what

book? Leviticus. Leviticus,
right? But this particular

offering appears smack dab right
towards the end of the journey,

almost towards the end of the
wilderness journey. Almost when

they finish their wilderness
journey, there’s a provision

there for a new kind of sin
offering. It’s called the

offering of the ashes of the red
heifer, or the red heifer. All

right, heifer is a female cow.
But why did God not put this

offering as the sixth one in
Leviticus? After all, Leviticus

is all about offering, right?
The first part of it is all

about offerings, amen? Why did
God put this here? Some of you,

“Pastor, I don’t know.” And some
of you say, “I don’t care,” you

know? But you should care
because if you are hungry for

God’s Word, you know there’s no
insignificant details in the

Bible, amen? It was put right at
the end of the wilderness

journey because of all the
failures of God’s people along

the way. So it’s for people at
the end times, people like us.

That’s why I read this verse,
“Upon whom the end of the ages

have come.” We’re the people of
the end times, amen. Amen? And

Jesus is coming back for us
soon, hallelujah. So there’s a

provision here that God wants us
to focus on, and that’s the

reason why the church in the
wilderness then, amen, God’s

people are the people of Israel
then, they had all kinds of

failures, failure after failure.
For example, they wanted to take

the place of Moses. The son of
Korah, they say that, “Does God

only speak by Moses? Why does
Moses exalt himself above us

all, and Aaron also? What’s all
this with leadership? We don’t

need leadership. We all are
holy.” That’s what exactly they

said, “We are all holy in the
eyes of God.” The next day, they

all died, all right? God opened
the earth and then God closed

the earth and they are no more
standing on the earth. They were

all swallowed alive, amen. And
then there was another one where

they murmured. God gave them the
manna and they’re not happy with

the manna. You know, man crave
for man’s food, the Egyptian’s

food, food of the world. They
have more craving for that than

food of angels, food of
champions, the manna from

heaven, amen? And they
complained, “Manna, manna,

manna. Always manna. Always the
Word of God. Always the Word of

God, you know? I’m hungry for
more!” Amen? And you go through

a merry-go-round, you know, in
the wilderness until you realize

man does not live by bread
alone, but by every word that

proceeds from the mouth of God.
So they went through failure,

after failure, after failure
until God provided for them,

Numbers 19. So let’s look at
this Numbers 19. Very

interesting. It says this, “Now
the LORD spoke to Moses and

Aaron, saying, ‘This is the
ordinance of the law which the

LORD has commanded, saying:
“Speak to the children of

Israel, that they bring you a
red heifer without blemish, in

which there is no defect and on
which a yoke has never come.”‘”

Now, it’s a female cow. Now,
that’s interesting because the

idea of female or male– in the
Old Testament it’s all types.

It’s not referring to the
physical. It’s pointing to a

truth. In the Old Testament,
there’s a lot of types. Things

are shadows pointing to a
substance, types pointing to the

antitype, amen, in the new
covenant when Jesus comes, amen.

So what is this red heifer? It’s
a picture of Jesus, but it’s a

female cow which means it
focuses more on the female–the

idea of female is more
subjective. This is for us to

apply. Objective is something
like positional truth. Female is

more subjective truth. You know
what I’m saying? Something that

is positional, something that is
active, something that is

passive. That’s the idea. Follow
me so far? Okay, anyway, that is

where the teachers come in, all
right? So the red heifer is a

picture of Jesus, don’t forget.
But another aspect God wants us

to see is this. First of all,
let’s look at this red heifer.

It’s without blemish. Now,
that’s nothing new, all right?

All the offerings in Leviticus,
all the offerings I mentioned

just now, they all must–except
for the grain offering, there’s

no animal sacrifice there. Only
the grain, amen. But all the

offerings God requires the
animal to be without blemish,

hallelujah. That’s our Lord
Jesus. But there is something

very unique here, very
peculiar–particular about this

sacrifice. It comes with, “There
is no–in which there is no

defect, and on which a yoke has
never come.” Now, this is new.

Without blemish is always a
given. The lamb that you bring

to God must be without blemish.
It’s a picture of Jesus. Now,

Jesus is without blemish. Look,
even the one, the man who is a

heathen, doesn’t worship God,
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob, and he himself is there
for his own self-aggrandizement,

for his own career advancement,
his name is Pontius Pilate, who

was the governor of Judea at
that time, right? And he was the

one judging Jesus in Israel.
After he talked to Jesus and all

that, he came out and told the
people, “I find no guilt.” The

word there, “I find no fault, no
guilt in Him.” He’s without

blemish. Now, these are not His
best friends talking about Him,

you know? You can say that these
are His enemies, people who are

set to do harm to Him. Even the
ruler said, “I find no fault in

Him.” When Jesus hung on the
cross in the midst of two

thieves, one of the thieves
looked at Jesus, all right, and

rebuked the other thief who
was–at first, both of them

rebuked Jesus actually. You’ll
find that in another gospel. But

later on, I believe he saw how
Jesus forgave those who sinned

against Him, and said, “Father,
forgive them for they know not

what they do.” He saw the love
of Jesus. He saw how Jesus,

without complaining, with
no–you know, His words, nothing

vindictive, nothing of a revenge
nature, nothing, you know,

imprecatory, like praying the
imprecatory psalm, “Smite them,

Lord,” you know? And He could.
He told His disciples one time,

“Don’t you know? Put back your
sword,” He told Peter. “Don’t

you know right now I can call 12
legions of angels?” Have you

seen one angel? One angel in the
Old Testament killed 186,000

Assyrians in one night. Can you
imagine 12 legions? They all

have that–I believe they got
their swords, you know, all

ready already, glittering,
shining. “Speak the word, Lord!”

And Jesus was silent, the Bible
says, like a lamb. Didn’t even

summon them, amen? He shut His
mouth so that you can open your

mouth and say, “The Lord is my
Shepherd. No evil befall me. He

gives His angels charge over
me.” He did it for us, amen? But

after for awhile, the thief
looked at Jesus and the thief

says, “This man–” He, in fact,
rebuked the other thief and

said, “This man has done nothing
amiss. Lord, remember me when

You come into Your kingdom.”
Jesus says, “Today, you shall be

with Me in paradise,” all right?
He has done nothing amiss. When

Jesus cried, “Finished!” all
right, there was an earthquake,

and the temple’s veil was rent
in two, and the centurion at the

foot of the cross looked up and
said, “Certainly this is the Son

of God,” Roman centurion. Can
you picture all that? What about

the guy who betrayed Him, who
lived with Him three-and-a-half

years? He was there with Jesus.
He saw how perfect Jesus is. He

took–he betrayed Jesus for 30
pieces of silver. There are

still people, a lot of people,
money is their first reason,

amen, for doing anything. I
don’t care about morals, you

know, I have to lie to do it. I
don’t care about my character,

as long as it’s profitable. That
is the generation that we are

entering into, you know, right
now? Doesn’t matter your

character or whatever, but it is
profitable, all right? Well, he

brought back the 30 pieces of
silver to the Pharisees. He

threw them to the ground and
Judas says, “I have sinned

against innocent blood.”
Innocent blood. Who better than

him who spent day in, day out
with Jesus, amen? He’s without

blemish. Okay, then the unique
factor–particularity about this

offering is that there is no
defect. “In which there is no

defect.” I love this. Say, “In
which.” Say, “In which.” And

then “On which.” Say, “On
which.” “On which a yoke never

came.” “In” is inside. In Him
there is no defect. On Him there

is no slavery. There’s no
servitude, yoke. Jesus, in Him,

I’m telling you, you know what’s
defect? Not only He’s without

blemish, amen? He is without
defect. “Without defect” means

every positive good, every moral
excellence is in Him. If

anything good is missing, there
is defect. So it’s not without

blemish. “Without blemish”
means, right, without sin,

without fault, but everything
that’s positively good is in

Him, everything that God the
Father would delight in His Son.

So is that our Lord Jesus. “So
what’s this offering all about,

Pastor Prince?” Very
interesting. You will want to be

interested because it is one
offering–there’s one provision.

Most of the offerings is
done–offered for sin, like sin

offerings, trespass offering.
This offering has a unique

feature. It is still sin. You
can still say it’s sin, but it

is something that God provides
for His people. And don’t

forget, they have failed so much
already, by the end of the

wilderness journey, God brings
this provision of grace so that

they can enter the land, amen,
and it’s a provision of the red

heifer. And I mentioned ashes
just now. How does it become

ashes? Well, they bring this
animal. I’m gonna cut the long

story short, amen. You can read
all about it. It’s very long,

Numbers 19. And they will bring
the red heifer, all right, to

the priest, and the Bible says
someone will kill the red heifer

in front of the priest, and the
red heifer will be burnt on the

altar. And while it’s burning,
the priest will take cedar. That

represents everything lofty and
greatest, you know, high flesh

we call it. Flesh is still
flesh, but it’s high flesh, you

know? More civilized, more
cultured, more mannered, polite,

but it’s still flesh. When God
looks at the flesh, He sees the

sin, right? All high flesh,
cedar wood, is all burnt at the

cross. It’s all finished at the
cross. And then low flesh,

hyssop. Hyssop is a small thing,
amen? Hyssop is like what we

call, you know, the outcasts in
society, so obviously

morally–we cannot imagine how
low can you go, you know? That’s

kind of–that’s low flesh,
hyssop. So Solomon is able to

speak about. The wisdom of
Solomon is so broad, he can talk

about the cedar wood, the cedar
of Lebanon, to the hyssop that

springs out of the wall. So
these elements are thrown into

the fire, and scarlet. Scarlet
represents all the glory of man,

amen. See how famous I am? You
see how rich I am? You see how

much I have accomplished? All
right, all that is scarlet. All

that is in the fire, okay? Are
you with me so far? And it’s

burnt until it becomes ashes.
And then they put it into a

vessel. And then in the vessel,
they fill running water. And the

word “running water” in Hebrew
is “mayim chaim.” “Mayim,”

water. “Chaim” is life. Both
plural, living water. Running

water, your New King James says,
right? But they fill up with

water, and then the burnt
ashes–the heifer becomes ashes

finally. They take the ashes and
they put it into the water.

Okay, listen, that’s the
provision of grace for the end

times. There’s a– “So what is
it, Pastor Prince?” I’m coming

to it. When you talk about
ashes, it’s the final form of

any matter. When you burn
something, you cannot burn

beyond what? Ashes. Hey folks,
you are learning things that

some even Bible schools don’t
teach you, you know? Aren’t you

glad? Okay, I’m gonna tell you
right now so that you’ll

understand why your interest is
in this, because this provision

is for anyone that touches a
dead body, anything a dead– I

mean, a dead bone, ha ha–a
bone, right, a grave, or being

in the tent where someone just
died, all right? All this speaks

of death. Now, let me ask you a
question. Was death in God’s

plan for Adam when He made Adam?
No. For man? No. In fact, the

Bible calls death–I’ve been
saying this many times–an

enemy, right? Now, what is the
process that leads to death?

What is the process usually? You
see this around you even. What’s

the process? First of all, the
person become weak, and then the

person become sick, and then the
person slowly deteriorates or

degenerates all the way down
until he cannot even stand

upright. He’s flat on his back
or in the hospital usually the

case is, right? And finally
death. So death don’t just

happen, there are processes of
death. Death, we know it’s

death. Your heart stop beating,
that’s death. But actually,

death to God is really a
process. But the Bible says, “If

you live after the flesh, you
shall die.” But people are still

around and they live after the
flesh. Well, death has taken

place. So we’re gonna learn how
to receive life every day man,

come on. This is in your vested
interest because I’m walking in

it by the grace of God as much
as I know how. I want to bring

you in this journey, amen, that
life flows through your body.

You don’t have to worry. When
life flows, I’m telling you.

What about my sins? You should
preach more against sin. Friend,

listen. When life flows into a
tree, what happened to all the

dead leaves? The brown leaves,
all the sins, all the things

that don’t belong to the kingdom
of God, all those things in your

life, what happened? Drop off.
There’s another way. I tell you

the religious way. Religious way
is that you climb the tree, you

pluck off one by one. Every leaf
that has turned yellow and

brown, you pluck off by
yourself, and that’s what

religion does. So don’t turn
Christianity into a religion.

It’s not about your works. It’s
about life. It’s focused on

life. John’s emphasis in his
writings in 1 John is on life

and light. “In Him was life, and
the life was the light of man.”

Jesus says, “I come that you
might have life and have it more

abundantly.” The absence of life
is–we say that, “Well, you know

what, the Bible doesn’t say so
much about health, you know?”

The word “health” here and
there, there is, you know, and

all that, but because the
word–what is health? Health is

life. And the word “shalom,”
wholeness, it’s all there in the

Bible and appears so life.
“Life” appears so often. “Peace”

appears, “shalom” appears so
often, “sofia” in the Greek. So

often! So for us, we think that
life means I’m still alive. See

my heart? Feel my heart. Take
the steths–and feel my heart.

Bada-bop, bada-boom, bada-bop,
badoom, badoom, badoom, badoom.

You know, you stay in, badoom,
badoom, badoom. I’m happy, okay?

There’s no arrhythmia, fine, you
know? There’s a rhythm of grace.

Yeah, that’s fine, but listen,
that is just an indication you

are alive physically. That’s not
an indication–and the fact that

Jesus says, “I come that you
might have life and have it more

abundantly,” that means there
are measures of life. The Bible

says when someone sins, pray for
him. Why? That God will give

life to him. Wow, that means
what? Death has leaked. No

really, the picture I see is
that when you sin, when you say,

“No, I’m still fine. I’m still
okay,” all right, you’re

supposed to live until 90 years
old, now it’s 85. You gotta pray

for life. It says that in 1
John. It says pray for life,

that God will give him life. And
you pray for life, God add it

back. Yeah, I know you wanna
talk about 120. Talk about 90

first, amen? I think the wages
of sin is death. I think God

means what He says. You are
thinking about eternal death and

all that. We’ve covered that,
right? We’re talking about what

God has in mind when He talk
about death, death in all its

forms. Sickness is a form of
death, all right? Death and

sickness restrict you. It
restricts your movement. Life,

you are unrestricted. There’s
freedom. There are people who

say, “I’m free! I’m a free
thinker.” Actually, when they

think, they cannot–they are not
free. They cannot think but

think a certain kind of unclean
thoughts or they cannot stop

thinking negatively, always in a
pessimistic way, always in a

negative way, out to look for
fault, fault-finding. They

cannot stop it, and they call
themself free thinkers. The ones

who are truly free is this:
Jesus says, “If the Son sets you

free, you shall be free indeed,”
amen. We are truly free. So like

the Lord Jesus, He never came
under servitude. “Upon which

there came no yoke.” That tell
us what? That for Him, He never

came–the world–this is
something outward. He was never

in servitude to anyone or any
system of the world. In other

words, the system of the world,
the principles of the world has

no–cannot control Him, has no
influence to alter His decisions

or His direction in life.
Doesn’t follow the principles of

the world. He follows the
Spirit. He’s not–therefore He’s

free, truly free. Then, not only
that, He’s free from the

opinions of man. He does not
make decisions based on the

approbation, or the praise, or
censure, or the criticism of

man. You look at the Lord Jesus
in the Gospels carefully, one of

the–I remember when I was just
a boy reading the Gospels, this

was the first thing that
impacted me. I see a man who is

not affected by praise, nor
affected by criticism or rebuke.

It never altered His decision.
He doesn’t take a step based or

influenced by the fear of man,
all right? Praising Him doesn’t

change. Praising Him doesn’t
make Him think better of you.

Criticizing Him doesn’t make Him
think less of you. Look at us

today. We are so in servitude.
There is a–don’t say, “Upon

which there’s no yoke.” That’s
true of Jesus. You look at us,

we are so yoked. We think about
what this person thinks, what

that person thinks, what that
person thinks. We are bound, but

the Lord Jesus. That’s why I’m
saying to you when the Bible

says to become like Jesus, don’t
you wanna become a man like Him?

Part of–a lot, not just part. A
lot, I would say more than half,

50% of your problems that you
have within yourself,

depression, and feelings of
isolation, and rejection, and

all that, all because of your
enlarged opinion and thoughts

about people’s praise of you, of
their rebuke or their censure of

you. If someone tells me,
“Pastor Prince, this person is

criticizing you,” doesn’t
matter. I will not get bitter.

If I get bitter, that person has
an influence. I’m still in

servitude to the criticism of
man, “Yeah, Pastor Prince, do

you know this is happened, and
now there’s another milestone,”

or whatever. I just thank the
Lord for it and I thank the

person for sharing it, but it
doesn’t affect me. I’m not there

yet, okay? I’m not there yet. It
still bothers me when my family

says something, so that’s why I
make my son confess, “Washboard,

washboard, washboard.” Look at
my stomach, washboard, amen?

Yeah, so I’m still affected. I’m
affected also still by the

people around me that I love and
care about. In fact, we are very

affected by people we care
about. But Jesus, even Jesus,

when it comes to His
well-meaning mother who tried to

tell Him, “Do your miracle now,”
He wasn’t influenced by her in

the first miracle at the wedding
of Cana. Even His disciples,

their fears and their praises of
Him did not change His course.

He didn’t decide based on their
fears; He didn’t decide based on

their praise. How wonderful is
our Lord? And He’s Man. These

are all the character
developments and moral

excellencies of that perfect
Man, the Man in whom God

delights. And we will be
conformed to that image. What an

image to be conformed to, amen?
We are so easily irritated, so

easily affected by man, so
easily affected by people’s

censure or rebuke. Let’s from
this day on aspire to be like

Jesus, amen? Okay, let’s come
back to this ashes of red

heifers. So they put the ashes
inside. The finally form–the

final form of fire, all right,
through its course and all that,

you cannot burn beyond ashes. So
that speaks of the finished work

of Jesus, amen? The red heifer
is Jesus, so it is put into the

water for application. If anyone
touch a dead man, or touch a

bone, or touch a grave, they
have to find recourse through

the sprinkling of the ashes of
the red heifer. Drop down, it

says here, “Whoever in the open
field touches one who is slain

by a sword, who has died, bone
of a man, grave, shall be

unclean seven days.” Okay, drop
down, “A clean person–” Okay,

“For an unclean person they
shall take some of the ashes of

the heifer burn for purification
from sin,” note that word,

“purification from sin, and
running water shall be put on

them in a vessel. A clean person
shall take hyssop and dip it in

the water.” Now, this is not a
priest, or Moses, or Aaron,

which would signify that the
person here is Jesus, but

actually it’s a clean person, so
I would assume this clean person

is someone, one of the believers
in Christ, amen? They’re

actually applying it on another
one. You can also say it’s

like–right now, do you know
that I’m sprinkling– I’m not

referring to physically, for
those in the front row, okay?

But do you know, as I’m
preaching, I’m sprinkling clean

water on you? I’m actually–and
it’s important that the word

that you hear, my friend, I’m
right now sprinkling the ashes

of the red heifer on you,

And all the death parts in you,

the dead spots in your mind, in
your brain–you know, dead spot,

you wanna think about it but you
cannot think. It’s a dead spot.

And you find that some people
say as you grow older, amen,

more dead spots. Well, let’s not
accept that. Let’s not accept

that. The Bible says Moses died
120 years old. His eyes was not

dim nor was his natural force
abated. In the Hebrew, “Natural

force abated,” is that his
moisture never fled. His

moisture. He was still
moisturized. I’m not referring

to moisturizer. I’m referring to
his bones. There’s no

osteoporosis. He’s strong. The
Bible says certain things that

you do, He will make fat your
bones. You read that before? You

know what’s, “Make fat your
bones”? It’s not brittle. Yeah,

you can depend and you take
calcium supplements, all that,

but I’m telling you, God’s way
is the best, because we have

examples in the Bible of people
who didn’t take supplements.

Now, you’re on medication,
please continue, all right? I’m

just talking about people who
don’t take, right, and they were

strong. Now, I do take. Every
day, I do take. I do. I let you

know first. I’m just saying, in
comparison, can you just see how

much more we need to depend on
the Lord and on His Word, amen?

So, “A clean person shall take
hyssop.” Now, I believe this is

your tongue, the smallest part
of your body, the Bible says, in

terms of your outward body.
Okay, “In hyssop and dip it in

the water, and sprinkle it on
the tent, on all the vessels, on

the persons who were there, on
the one who touch a bone, the

slain, the dead, or a grave.”
Would you agree with me that

this provision is for those who
touch death? Sin always leads to

death, yes, but particularly we
have other sin offerings

mentioned in Leviticus already.
This one particularly talks

about death, so I can submit to
you it’s also for provision

for–against sickness and
disease. It’s a form of death. I

submit to you it’s also for
depression, because it’s a form

of death in your mind, amen? And
God wants you well, all right?

Let’s hear a picture of a Man
who is well, our Lord Jesus.

Don’t forget, when He was on
earth, He was fully Man. Yes,

He’s God, but on earth He was
fully Man. He came as a Man. And

all the character developments I
told you just now is in its

highest development and in its
perfected development in Christ.

He grew up. He grew in–you see,
God doesn’t grow. God is a

Spirit, amen. But became a Man,
He had to grow. He didn’t have

perfect knowledge. He wasn’t in
the mother’s womb, say, “I know

everything, you know. I know how
this whole thing functions.” No,

no, He was a baby until there
was a time somewhere, amen, I

believe the consciousness came
that He’s the Son of God, He has

a life before this life. At the
age of 12, He astounded the

doctors of the law, okay? Are
you with me so far? So would you

say this provision is for every
area of death in your life? And

yet, what it tells you, if you
touch death– “Now, Pastor, what

do you mean by, ‘You touch
death’?” You know, sometimes

some things are not clearly sin.
Not clearly sin, not seen,

S-I-N. Not sin. You know, like
some things you can tell it’s

sin for sure, amen? Amen? You
better know what’s evident sin,

right? Okay, but some things you
can’t tell. Once upon a time, I

was with Pastor Mark. We were
overseas. And one of those times

we had free time and we were
actually in a bookshop in this

particular city, and Pastor Mark
was with me and all that. I was

browsing through some books and
then there’s a famous nonfiction

book, all right, that wants to
reveal to you the secrets of the

universe, that kind of thing. So
out of curiosity, I pick it up.

It’s a best seller, huge best
seller. I pick it up and it

talks about how, you know, if
you utilize these new age

principles and these–all
these–using your mind power and

that kind of thing, you can
actually manipulate your

circumstances, and your future,
and all that. Then I realized

that I’ve seen all this before
many years ago when I was in the

occult and the Lord delivered me
and all that. I realized the

same kind of thing, but I kept
on reading some parts just to

see how I can counter it, but I
was reading it. Then when I put

the book down, I remembered–I
was walking with Pastor Mark,

all the sudden, bang, I had a
terrible headache, just terrible

headache. You know, I can’t
imagine, looking back, ever

having a headache like that. It
was so severe. And I said that,

“Mark, you know,” you know what
I’m saying? The doctors might

think, “Well, you might have a
seizure.” No, just be cool.

After that, I went for a checkup
and I ran on a treadmill, and I

had no problem, all right? But I
went to the toilet. I had–it

lasted for some time, and
finally, I was still in the mall

with Pastor Mark, you know? I
said, “I need to–” you know, I

didn’t tell him, but I wanted to
go toilet. I need to talk to the

Lord about this. So I spoke to
the Lord. I said, “Lord, tell me

what happened? Suddenly it’s
like that. What happened?” And

this is the word that He used.
This is from Him. So after that,

it caused me to search this,
right? He says, “You touched

death.” It’s not a matter of
physical touch. You understand

or not? You came into contact
with death, the principles of

death in that book. And He
pointed to me that book is of

the devil. The philosophies and
the ideas is to cause man to be

independent of God and trust
himself that they can create,

amen. You touched death. So I
told the Lord, “What do I need

to do?” and this is what the
Lord said to me, “You need to

wash yourself with the washing
of water of the Word.” And

straightaway, I knew that I had
to meditate on the Word of God.

Because I was out there, I don’t
have a Bible on hand, and I

began to just meditate on the
Word, just any Word that came to

me from the Spirit just that
flows out of me. I began to

meditate because I memorize some
Scriptures for meditation. I

just bring up the Scripture, and
just meditate on it, and just

meditate on it. And as I
meditated–now, this is the

provision of the washing of the
water of the Word, wherein lies

the finished work of Jesus. I
meditate on it, and all of a

sudden, just like that, the
whole thing, the headache just

left me like that. And Pastor
Mark was a witness because he

saw me before and then he saw me
then, and it is amazing

experience. And from then on, I
began to see more of what God is

saying through the provision of
the ashes of the red heifer.

Now, notice this provision. The
provision here is what? The

washing of the water of the
Word, but it has ashes inside

there. It has ashes inside
there, right? Ashes means what?

Finished work. So it’s not just
a matter of preaching. Listen to

any preaching and you are
washed. There must be ashes in

it. There must be the
proclamation of the finished

work of Jesus Christ, how our
sins are finished in His body at

the cross, how our diseases are
finished in His body at the

cross. That’s the ashes. That’s
the thing we gotta preach to the

people. The people do not know
that they are–they think that

God is still against them. And
the Bible is saying God is

reconciling the Word unto
Himself, not imputing their

trespasses unto them, and we are
more conscious of this sin, and

that sin, and this sin. Some
sins are more remarkable. Some

sins are more outstanding. Some
sins are more prevalent within a

group and all that. And these
are sins, no doubt, but we call

upon these sins and that. And
sometimes some sins like

gluttony and all that,
complaining and all that, being

fearful and all that, it’s
almost like these are okay sins,

you know? And what makes it
okay? So you know something? All

sins are finished in the body of
Jesus Christ, and God is telling

the world. So the only reason
why anyone would experience

eternal death after this life,
right, would be to reject the

provision. It’s not because
there’s no provision, okay? But

we are smart. We will take
everything that Jesus did for

us, amen? Amen? So it must–the
preaching, and whatever you are

reading, whatever you are
hearing must have the element of

Jesus Christ and the cross. If
the person is teaching you, even

if it’s a pastor, and he talks
about all the good teachings of

Jesus, especially talking
about–you know, you can even

preach–listen carefully. Don’t
misunderstand when I say this,

all right, because we are
supposed to draw this from the

Word of God and interpret in the
light of the new covenant, amen?

Sermon on the Mount, for
example. If you live by the

Sermon on the Mount, you will
live a life that’s successful,

and then after you die, you’ll
be in heaven. No, Jesus preached

the Sermon on the Mount so that
you’ll come to the end of

yourself. The elements in it,
for example, your hand cut–sin,

cut it off. Your eye offend you,
pluck it out. Anyone done that?

Yeah, so what is Jesus doing?
Jesus is bringing you to the

highest level of the law that
God meant it to be, and the

Pharisees brought it in a way
that is manageable, amen, but He

brought back the pristineness of
the law so that everyone is left

dumbfounded, amen? Everyone is
guilty. The Bible says God gave

the law so that every mouth may
be stopped and everyone become

guilty before God, and then we
see our need for the Savior. Can

I have a good amen? But some
elements, some parts there is

meant for the future when Jesus
comes and reigns again because

it’s the constitution of the
kingdom. And the part where it

says, “If someone take your
coat, let him have your inner

coat also,” amen, anyone done
that? I don’t think so, amen?

But that one is for the future,
I believed. I believed him.

There are elements there–it’s
like when He preached the Sermon

on the Mount, the old covenant
was passing away. The kingdom

has come, but later on we
realize that the kingdom was,

you know, rejected because the
King was rejected. Then came the

church, and the mystery of the
church happened after Jesus was

finally rejected by the Jews.
But Jesus came preaching the

kingdom, not about the church
age. But in the upper room, He

began to unfold the truths about
the church age, amen. But does

that mean the Sermon on the
Mount is not relevant for us?

No, there are elements, you read
about it, “Love your enemies” is

still carried on in the new
covenant. Overcome evil with

good, amen? “Be not overcome of
evil.” Do you understand what

I’m saying so far? The
one–Paul’s letters, you can go

for it all the way. For example,
one part Jesus actually told the

disciples, “Go not to the way of
the Gentiles. Go to the way of,”

the louse–I mean, “the lost
house of Israel,” amen. Are we

gonna apply that today? But it’s
in red in the Gospels. No, we

must interpret in the light of
the new covenant. So we gotta

spend more time–and you say,
“But those are Paul’s letters.

These are Jesus’ Words.” Hey,
Paul did not write out of his

own words. He received the words
from the ascended Christ. So

when Jesus was on earth, all the
things that He said, right at

the end, what did He say? “I
have many things to say unto you

but you’re not yet able. When
the Holy Spirit has come, He

will guide you into all truths.”
So you spend more time in the

new covenant. Especially Paul’s
letters, Peter’s letters, amen,

John’s letters, all of them,
spend more time. That’s written

directly to you. But every book
of the Bible, amen, is

profitable for the man of God
today, amen. It’s like some

things are written to you, but
some things are written for you.

The New Testament, amen, is
written to you. Are you with me

so far? Let me bring this to a
close. So what am I saying? I’m

saying that a lot of the
benefits you see is actually in

the area of receiving the Word
because you do not know how much

death you have contracted in a
given day, in a given week. So

the best thing is put yourself
under the bath, under the

washing. We learned that last
week, right? Keep yourself–keep

coming. I mean, listen, if the
only time you get the Word, all

right, is on Sunday, then come
on Sunday. “But people call me

Sunday Christian.” Never mind,
at least on Sunday you’ll be

clean for the coming week. I’m
just glad you came. I’m just

glad you came. “But Pastor, I
didn’t attend church for a long

time.” But you are here now in
order for you to tell me that,

right? I’m glad you came, amen.
Stop criticizing every area of

people’s lives that’s not even
mentioned in the New Testament,

right? You don’t find Paul
saying, “To all the saints in

Rome, except for those who are
not attending church regularly.”

I don’t know why we do it. We
are patient with our children

while they are growing up with
all their faults and failures,

but we are very impatient with
one another. What’s this about

us? Anyway, before I go into
this, let me finish it, all

right? So you contract death,
people. You do not know how. I

just wanna close real quick to
show you something that, you

know, you read it many times,
you read it many times, you read

it many times, and you don’t
realize that it’s there. In

fact, I just mentioned this
miracle just now, and I’ll close

with this. Look up here in John
2, “On the third day there was a

wedding.” Okay, drop down. Okay,
and I’m gonna show you the story

first. You know what happened,
right? He was in the–in Cana.

This is the first miracle of
Jesus I shared just now. Thank

God I shared so you understand
the story, for those who have

never heard the story. So Jesus
was invited, the mother of Jesus

was there, Mary was there, and
Jesus and His disciples came.

Now, in a wedding, what do
people do? They eat. They don’t

fast on a wedding, they eat.
They celebrate, all right? In

this case, they drink wine. And
then the wine ran out. Now, in

that day and age, in that
culture, the Jewish culture, for

the wine to run out, that means
you didn’t do enough

preparation. It reflects bad on
you. It’s a bad sign for your

marriage. It’s just bad. They
didn’t prepare for this, or

something happened. The wine ran
out. So the mother of Jesus came

to Jesus, all right, and said
that they have no wine, and

He–again, to show you that now
He’s a man already, there are

men still receiving instruction
from their mother. Even after

they marry, they still receive
instruction from their mother.

Even when it contradicts
sometimes what the wife is

saying, they still receive
instruction. Now, the mothers

not happy with me. No, I’m not
referring to you. You’re a New

Creation mother, amen, new
covenant mother.

You know, Bible

says, “For this cause,” when you
get married, “a man shall leave

his father and his mother and
cleave.” You cannot cleave until

you leave. Now, that doesn’t
mean you don’t respect them. It

just means, right, you are now
your man. You gotta make your

own decisions and all that.
You’ll always honor them. Make

sure you provide for them. Make
sure you honor them all the days

of their lives, but they don’t
treat you like a child anymore,

amen. You have a new life with
your wife now. Notice that the

wife never leaves the father and
mother. It doesn’t say wife

leave. The man leaves. For some
reason, there’s a revelation

around that. So if you live with
your in-laws, all right, woman,

and the husband is listening to
the–you know, and there’s

strife and all that, pray. Pray
for God’s pattern to come in,

amen? And if you are an in-law
yourself, just know the tendency

to want to advise your son
against the wife. Watch out for

that. Some parts you must let
go, especially when it comes to

the grandchildren. Let go and
let God. Love them and send them

back. It’s the best thing to do.
Love the children, make joy, I

mean, have fun with them, you
know, and after that send them

back. It’s something you get to
do as grandparents. Last time,

parents, right, you got no
choice. You gotta stay with

them, clean them up, make sure
they are bathed, you know, and

they are well fed, but this one,
you just come, make them love

you, give them candies, give
them whatever you want, you

know, let ’em celebrate, enjoy
them, bring them to arcades, you

know, and play games, and all
that. When they really love you,

send them back wanting more,
amen? But don’t put pressure on

your son or the marriage, amen?
Preach it, Pastor Prince. Okay,

so I said you can read a passage
so many times, so many times,

and yet you miss something. I
missed this. Remember the six

waterpots of stone there, right?
Look at this, “Now there were

set there six waterpots of
stone.” And I used to think at

one time it was waterpots of
stone, of clay. Most waterpots

are clay. Even in our house, you
know, remember you bathed with a

clay waterpot? Remember last
time? Your neighbor can hear,

“Dung, pshhh, dung, pshhh, dung,
pshhh.” Everyone knows in that

block that you are having your
bath, right? I’m talking about

those of you–that’s how I–and
I would sing. I would–you know,

at one time we would have no
warm water. I remember growing

up with that big vessel thing,
“Dung, pshhh, dung, pshhh.” Just

do it fast and you won’t feel
the chill. And I would sing, and

the neighbor would knock on the
door and say, “Can you please

tell your son it’s a bit late to
be singing?” all right? Where do

you think you get the voice
from, man? Come on, practice,

all right? No money to buy
amplifier and all that. That’s

the amplifier. The best place to
sing is in the bathroom, amen?

So Jesus–notice, “There were
set there six waterpots,” of

what? Stone. Now, one thing
about stone vessel, it purifies.

Even in the natural, purifies,
okay? But notice, “According to

the manner of purification of
the Jews.” Hmm, there is this

detail by the Holy Spirit,
“According to the manner of the

purification of the Jews.” Could
this be the water containing the

ashes of the red heifer?

Something sad, it says,

“Containing twenty or thirty
gallons apiece.” The word

“containing,” one translation
says it doesn’t mean the water

is there. IT’s empty. One
translation says, “Each could

hold 20 to 30 gallons.” Each
could hold means the potential

is there, but it’s empty. If
it’s not empty, how do you

explain Jesus saying, “Fill the
waterpots with water”? It’s

empty. There’s no provision

“What does this gotta do

with no wine? Pastor, how about
you preach? I’m thinking I’m

sick, you know, and you give me
ashes. You give me a cow. Why do

you give me a cow?” It’s all
gotta do even with your needs

being met. So here, notice the
provision. The mother thought

they have no wine, but Jesus
pointed out the six waterpots of

water. The fact that He pointed
out to them to do something with

them tells us something. Israel
came to a place where they don’t

see their need for the ashes of
the red heifer. God forbid that,

the first miracle of Jesus. God
is bringing us back to the first

miracle because it’s the basis
first mention of miracles, sets

the tone of every other miracle.
It tells us the importance of

being under the washing of the
water of the Word. And the water

of the Word must contain what?
Not just any sermon about the

Bible. It must contain the
finished work of Jesus. You can

preach anything on marriage and
all that, but it’s gotta come

back to the cross of Jesus
Christ. Are you with me so far?

“Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the
waterpots with water.’ And they

filled them up to the brim.” So
we know that from this point

here, they filled the six
waterpots of stone with water up

to the brim. That’s like filling
yourself full of the Word. And

what happens after that? You can
only fill yourself up full of

the Word. The rest is up to the
Lord to turn that water into

wine. In this case, that water
was turned to wine. So even all

the ashes of the red heifer in
the past is only pointing to the

substance, the reality. You
know, the first miracle of

Moses, the law, first miracle
was to turn water into blood,

resulting in death. The first
miracle of grace, our Lord

Jesus, is to turn water into
wine. Wine is a picture of the

Holy Spirit. Wine is a picture
of joy. It’s always used in

these types in the Bible for joy
or for the power of the Holy

Spirit. God’s gonna transform
what is cold and what is plain

in the old covenant, and that is
contained under the law, into

the power of the Holy Spirit and
the anointing of God in our

lives. How many waterpots of
stone are there? Six, number of

man. So man is just a cold,
cold, cold stone, and stone

speaks of the law. It’s a
provision of the law and it’s

cold. There’s no–it cannot
really cleanse you. We all know

that ashes of red heifer is just
a picture. It cannot cleanse

you. In fact, the Bible says in
Hebrews 13–if we look at

Hebrews 9, excuse me, “For if
the blood of bulls and goats and

the ashes of a heifer,” there
you go. Now you understand. Back

then, “Sprinkling the unclean,
sanctifies for the purifying of

the flesh.” Wow, back then even
it can purify the flesh. Does

that mean that it helps people
with skin problems even back

then? “How much more shall the
blood of Christ, who through the

eternal Spirit offered Himself
without spot to God, cleanse

your conscience from dead works
to serve the living God?” So

today, the reality of the ashes
of the red heifer for us is

preaching that cleanses your
conscience, amen? It’s the blood

of Christ that does it.
Preaching about the blood of

Christ that cleanses, and the
result must be your conscience

is cleansed from dead works to
serve the living God. What is

dead works? It’s not necessarily
sin, okay? Dead works primarily

is about things that you do to
become righteous before God,

things that you do to make God
accept you even more, because

your idea is that Jesus’ work is
not enough, I must do. So the

preaching has gotta be, “How
much more shall the blood of

Christ, who through the eternal
Spirit offered Himself without

spot to God?” You see the Holy
Trinity here. Very seldom you

see the Holy Trinity. You see
the blood of Christ who offered

through what? The Holy–the
eternal Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

Offered Himself to who? God. The
Trinity. You better listen when

the Trinity is in one verse, the
Triune God. The blood of Christ

has cleansed your conscience.
The whole topic here is about

your conscience being cleansed.
And I just–actually I just got

started. Ahhh, oh man, but I
gotta close, okay, so that you

can fetch your children. If you
are experiencing symptoms of

death in your life, whether it
is starting to lose your memory,

death has started in the area of
your mind, or always having dark

thoughts in your mind, you don’t
know how to break free from it,

or symptoms of sickness or
weakness in your body, amen,

these are signs of death. Death
begun, and finally the heart

stops. That’s death. And the
Bible says there’s victory over

that when Jesus comes again.
We’ll have a brand new body that

will never die. But meanwhile,
we’re surrounded by death. Would

you agree? Every movie you
watch, it might not be a bad

movie, or unclean movie, or
rated RA or whatever, but it can

be elements of death here and
there. We do not know. What I’m

saying is that we do not know
when we touch death, we come in

contact with death, but the
provision is there. What happens

if you keep yourself under that
flow all the time? And that’s

why those who meditate on the
Word day and night, they are

under the constant washing.
Under constant washing. No

wonder whatever they do
prospers, because their hands

are no more in touch– no more
defiled with death. Whatever

they do prospers. You keep
yourself under the washing. Keep

on hearing the Word, amen? Amen?
Keep on hearing the Word. I have

thousands of sermons down
through the years, all right?

You ask yourself, “What are you
going through now?” You need

healing, there are a lot of
teachings on healing. You need

some parenting advice, what
better advice than from God’s

Word, amen? We’ll teach all down
through the years, amen? Get

ready for the Grace Academy.
We’re gonna have excerpts of my

sermon. For example, how to
parent your child–how to do

parenting God’s way, we’ll take
excerpts, amen, and we’ll put it

there. So you have everything
from different sermons of one

topic, amen? But keep
yourself–what is this? Washing

yourself with the water of the
Word, amen? Praise the Lord,

hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus,
amen? Amen, amen, amen. Every

head bowed, every eye closed in
the name of Jesus. Thank You,

Lord. In the name of Jesus, in
the name of Jesus, I just feel

all of a sudden that I’m gonna
pray a prayer of healing over

you. And from this day forth,
believe. In the name of the Lord

Jesus Christ, I command every
sickness and disease in your

body to depart out of your body
in the name of the Lord Jesus

Christ. In the name of the Lord
Jesus, I unleash the healing

virtue of the Lord Jesus Christ
and His resurrection life to

flow through every cell, organ,
and bodily function right now in

your body in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Not by might,

not by power, but by Your
Spirit. Thank You, Father. If

you have never made Jesus your
Savior, in other words, you have

never received this forgiveness
of sins that come as a gift

because Jesus died for your
sins, you only have to receive

it by faith. If you have never
done that, pray this prayer with

me right now. Say after me,
“Heavenly Father, I confess

Jesus Christ is my Lord, my
Savior, and I thank You Christ

died for my sins and was raised
from the dead for my

justification. I thank You, You
did it all because You love me.

I confess Jesus Christ is my
Lord and my Savior. In Jesus’

name, amen, amen.” Praise the
Lord. Stand to your feet,

church. This coming week, the
Lord bless you and the Lord keep

you, you and your families. The
Lord make His face to shine upon

you, be gracious, chased, hand
upon you. The Lord lift up His

countenance upon you, bless you,
preserve you, and protect you

from every evil throughout this
week. The Lord Himself is your

peace, in the name of the Lord
Jesus. And all the people said–

God bless you. We’ll see you
again. I hope you enjoy today’s

episode, but don’t go just yet.
If you’d like to receive prayer,

share your testimony, or find
out more about gospel partner,

just click the link on this
screen. If not, I’ll see you in

the next episode.