In this Gospel Partner episode, see from the book of Ecclesiastes the futility of living a life consumed by earthly cares, and discover the answer to living a life of true fulfillment. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit:

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#gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

Don’t be someone
buried in the world,

but barren in your soul.

Nothing here profits,
nothing here fulfills your heart.

Your heart is too big
for this world.

Listen to a man (Solomon)
who has tried everything

and he has the means
to achieve it

but he says,
“emptiness of emptiness.”

Many people are
still blinded, seeking,

looking for fulfillment in life.

In their heart of hearts,
they feel like,

“Everything is empty.”

“I’ve tried it, it’s empty!”

You are hungry on the inside!
You’re crying for something.

That something is found here.

It’s a Someone (Jesus)!

Hi, this is Joseph Prince.
Thanks for tuning in. I just

want you to know that you
are able to watch this

sermon for free today
because of the support of

our Gospel Partners. So to
all our partners, thank you

for making a difference! As
you watch this video, feel

free to navigate to
different points using our

chapter headings. Please
also leave a comment to

share what you have received
and how you have been

touched by today’s sermon.
Be blessed as you feed on

God’s Word today!

Your pastors are in this
church to love on you, all

right? If you wanna know
real quick how I feel when I

stand up here, I just wanna
worship the Lord. I want the

session to continue, you
know? When I worship the

Lord, I just see His glory,
His beauty, His perfect–

His perfect beauty, amen?
His exact symmetry. I mean,

everything you can describe,
you know, you see the place

of shekinah glory. And as I
worship the Lord, I’m

telling you, so many times
He impart to me His heart

for all of you. You know
what I feel inside for you?

Compassion. I feel His
compassion. He lets me feel

His heartbeat and I’m just,
you know, feeling just a

portion of His heart. My
heart is not so big to feel

completely the goodness and
the largeness of His heart,

but I feel it for you. So I
want you to know that when

I’m here, it’s not about me.
It’s not about the pastor.

It’s about the Lord, and the
Lord allows the pastor to

have that in his heart,
amen? Even all the healings,

always remember, okay, none
of us can heal, none of us,

all right? It is the Lord
who heals, but the Bible

uses the word “Co-laborers
with Christ.” Old King

James, “Co-workers with
Christ.” You know, we speak,

He does it. He says, “In My
name, if you ask anything–”

and the word “ask” there
actually in the Greek is

actually you demand, you
command. You command a

situation. This is different
from asking the Father in

Jesus’s name. Another place
in that upper room, He says,

“If you ask,” or the word
there is “demand,” “anything

in My name, I will do it.”
Just like Peter and John,

all right, the man was lame.
He says, “In the name of

Jesus Christ.” He demanded
the healing. Why? The

healing has been purchased.
It is the enemy that is

holding you in bondage,
amen? So we are believing

God, and pray with me that
more and more, more and more

in the days to come, all
right, this will be a

healing center. And all the
cases out there where, you

know, people have given up
hope and all that, this will

be the healing center. This
is God’s house, amen? And in

the father’s house, what
brought the prodigal son

home? This thought, “My
father’s servants in my

father’s house, they have
bread enough and to spare,

and here I am eating food
that actually belongs to the

pigs, and the food looks
good to me now.” And that’s

what we are imploring. All
those who are out there,

come home to your Father.
Come home to where there’s

true love. Another thing
that is in my heart and I’ve

been just feeling this in my
heart for the past few days

is the discussion that I had
with some of my pastors last

week about the number of
young people that are taking

their lives, even in this
country. It’s on the

increase it seems, you know?
And you see, with all the

tools that we have today,
with all the advancement of

technology, with all the
social media that is at

their fingertips, they are
hurting. They are hurting.

You know, knowledge today is
so accessible. I mean, you

can ask any question, but
sometimes I feel like

ChatGPT can just be like a
knowledge of good and evil,

amen? The problem with the
knowledge of good and evil

is that it tells you the
knowledge of good even, but

also the knowledge of evil,
amen? And some knowledge God

knows will destroy us. You
see, the knowledge of good

will destroy you as fast as
the knowledge of evil. God

doesn’t want the knowledge
of good. God wants the

knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ that produces true

goodness in our lives, amen.
Because what we think is

good is very subjective. So
when you think about it, a

lot of things– by the way,
what does God want us to eat

from? The tree of life,
which Adam and Eve never

took from, never took from.
What is the tree of life?

Tree of life is that you
know from within. We are to

have our senses exercised to
discern, not know. Know is

with your head; discern is
with your spirit. It’s

faster than lightning. It’s
faster than ChatGPT. It’s

faster than any AI. But
those things, because they

are so exact, they are–
they operate with

mathematical precision.
That’s their problem. They

are too exact, they are
dead. It’s predictable. They

cannot go beyond what is,
you know, spontaneous. But

life is spontaneous. Life is
flowing. Life cannot be

predicted, amen. I’ll tell
you this, when your

prayer–and that’s what we
shared on last week. Life is

something that only God can
give, so God wants man to

partake of the tree of life.
So Adam and Eve was alive

biologically with a breath
of life, and yet God wanted

them to partake of the tree
of life, which is a picture

of Christ, the eternal life.
And eternal life is not the

quantitative, you know, it
goes on forever, the idea of

eternal life in the English,
but it’s actually a quality

of life, the very life that
God Himself lives by, which

is eternal life, amen. It is
the highest form of life.

One day I was praying and,
you know, I’m very careful

about saying I see visions
and all that, but this

happened to me many years
ago and I don’t have many

visions like that, but I was
praying and I saw a pyramid,

like a food pyramid. You all
know what’s a food pyramid,

right? Like a pyramid. You
all don’t know, you all know

what’s a pyramid, okay? All
right, how good I preach

today depends on your
response, okay, just to let

you all know. You’re not
awake yet. But in any case,

I was just telling my wife
the other day that

people–you know, my son was
talking about–I was telling

my son to respond to some
things that we are saying.

Indicate, you know, when you
hear us. You know your

children sometimes, at a
certain age, like 11 years

old, 10 years old, right,
they come to the age where

they are not actually
teenagers yet, but they need

to be taught manners, you
know, courtesy, and speak

out, right? So we are at
that stage. So we’re just

telling him, “Speak up,
speak up, all right?” And

because when we talk to you,
right– but I’m hearing that

he quote back to us
everything that we said, so

he’s hearing, but he doesn’t
look like he’s hearing. So I

said, “You must learn to
notify your face.” So

church, notify your face,
all right? So because–but I

tell them, “Look, I’m used
to it, many years of

preaching already.” I know
when you look at people and

they can look a certain kind
of look, which I won’t want

to show, all right, but they
are listening, amen? But

it’d be good to notify your
face, amen? Turn to your

neighbor and say, “Notify
your face.” So, your

response, come on. Back to
the food–all right,

something like that. Just
the other day, someone, I

think my daughter, reminded
me when she was with me in

America, right, and I was
doing the book signing in

one of those book stores,
and we had people come up

and all that, and the
response, as well as the

church that I’d preached at,
all right, a church that had

such an explosive response.
People would stand up there

with their handkerchief, and
you know, some parts, and

they will stand on there
like… You know what I’m

saying? Like, you know, I
don’t know how to describe

it, but they love it, you
know? They would nudge the

other guy and, you know, if
they love something. You can

tell that they are in the
flow, and that makes

something like, ooh man,
more comes out of you. You

know what I’m saying? Are
you all listening or not?

All right, now if you all
want me to get back to the

food pyramid, all right,
respond. All right, so this

is a life pyramid. So I saw
this vision many years ago

when I was praying, and I
saw that the first level,

the base, is actually plant
life, which is the lowest

form of life. There is still
life. They are living. When

they die, they, you know,
they wither up, become

brown, and fall off, right?
But when there’s life, it’s

green, right? But it’s the
lowest form of life. Then we

have insect life, the next
level up. Insect life. How

many agree insects have
life? Then we come to animal

life, all right? And the
larger the animal, the

life– It can be a whale,
but it’s a mammal, right?

Still not human life.
Neither do the chimpanzees

have human life. Then we
have the bios and the psuche

in the Greek, which is human
life. Say, “Human life.”

That’s still not what God
wants us to have. And God

gave Adam and Eve that
choice. God gave them that

human life, which is higher
than any other life by

itself, but then God says,
“Do you want the life that I

have?” That’s called eternal
life. In Greek, it’s called

zoe. If you think it reminds
you of a girl’s name, they

got the name from the Bible.
Zoe is the life by which God

lives. And because there’s
no adjectives for it, no

expression that man can
really typify that word, so

they put down, “Eternal
life.” But then those who go

to hell also are there
eternally, when you think

about it. So “eternal life”
has its limitations, but of

course it’s eternal because
God’s life is uncreated.

It’s eternal. Are you with
me so far? So God says,

“That’s your choice. I won’t
force you to receive. I give

you a free choice. You can
either live by the tree of

knowledge of good and evil,
which means you use your

bios life. You trust
yourself. Be self-confident.

You are yourself, but you
are limited to yourself and

to your knowledge of good
and evil,” amen? That’s why

man is religious. They have
the knowledge of good and

evil, all right?
Christianity is not a

religion, okay? It’s life.
“I come that you might

have–” Not rules and more
rules, “Life, and life–”

Jesus says, “I come that you
might have life, and have

life more abundantly,” amen.
People with abundant life,

shout! Hallelujah. Okay, so
Adam and Eve nearly touched

it. And then after they
sinned, they took the wrong

tree, all right? The devil
persuaded them to take from

the wrong tree. Now they are
cut off from God. They

choose the wrong tree. God
cannot just come in and say,

“Ah, let Me stop you. Let me
pull your hand back.” That

would be unjust, because God
is a just God, a holy God.

God cannot, you know, renege
on His Word when He said

that, “The day you eat of
it,” the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil,
dying,” in the Hebrew,

“dying you shall die.” You
don’t die immediately. You

die in your spirit, and in
future it will manifest in

your body as well, okay? So
after that, the Bible

says–God said this. Now,
read carefully in Genesis.

Don’t read now, okay? I’m
telling you. God said this,

“Lest they put forth their
hand and touch the tree of

life.” In your King James,
there’s a long hyphen. It’s

almost like God stopped, and
God says, “Now, lest they

partake from the tree of
life,” which means–” But

Pastor, why don’t God
just–after they fell, they

eat from the wrong tree, why
didn’t God just let them–”

No, that means they will
remain perpetually– that

life, huh, listen, they have
chosen already. They don’t

want the God part, the moral
excellence part. They choose

to have their own morality,
knowledge of good and evil.

Are you listening so far? So
God says, “If they now eat

the tree of life, they will
live forever in that state.”

Can you imagine all the bad
people in the world, all the

dictators of the world, the
evil people in the world,

they are still alive today
and cannot die? No, so God

had to stop man, okay,
because God knew that it’s

gotta come through His Son,
the true Tree of Life. Can I

have a good amen? Okay,
we’ll go right to 1 Peter 1.

We were here last week and
we’re gonna continue. To

remind you, this is where
the Lord is emphasizing to

us today, all right, the
rhema Word that He has for

you. “In this you greatly
rejoice, though now for a

little while, if need be,
you have been grieved by

various trials.” So the
Christian life is a

wonderful paradox. We live
in two worlds, right?

Our–in terms of our
condition and our

circumstance, we are in the
world, subject to all the

trials, the vicissitudes,
the challenges that comes on

just normal life. Am I right
or not? But then the

part–but there’s a part of
us that greatly rejoices,

the true self, new man in
Christ rejoices. No, no, no,

sorry, not rejoices, greatly
rejoice! Greatly rejoice,

all right? But then it goes
together with various

trials. So in our
condition–listen carefully.

In our condition and our
circumstance, we are still

in this world. There’s
various trials. But in terms

of our spirit, our heart,
and mind, our spirit, our

heart, and mind, we are in
that world. That’s the way

God wants us to live our
life. In other words, we are

seeing beauty all around.
One reason why people give

up on their life or they
take their own life is

because they see all kinds
of imperfection in

themselves. They see all
kind of darkness in their

mind. They cannot see the
light. They see everywhere

around them, you know,
everyone have the best life,

or at least they
personify–or they present

the best life to the social
world out there. But it’s

all a lie. It’s all a lie.
Are you listening? So when

you look around, you see
nothing but ugliness. You

see nothing but pretensions.
You see nothing but people

trying to outdo one another,
so much hatred, so much

anger. And social media is
pumped by people who are

angry. Angry people,
compared to loving people,

get more hits, more views,
and more shares. So they

look around and this is what
they see, all right? No one

is sharing their weaknesses.
No one is sharing hope. We

have the message and we
gotta win this generation.

Obviously, the devil is so
afraid of the young

generation that’s coming up
that he is attacking so many

of them. So I want you to
know that I believe you are

an ambassador wherever God
has placed you. You’re not

just there, number one, to
get money, to supply for

your family and you, amen.
No, no, that’s too low an

ambition to live for, okay?
You are there as God’s

ambassador, amen, on your
way to heaven, amen? Praise

the Lord. There’s work to be
done. Don’t be in a hurry to

go to heaven. But we can
live there already, how?

“Greatly rejoice,” because,
drop down, it says, “whom

having not seen you love.”
One proof that all of you

are living on the inside,
and God wants to redeem all

of us from deadness. Yeah,
not just sin, deadness.

That’s one thing that’s not
taught, because there are

offerings, right? The
Levitical offerings, the

five offerings, most of them
are all for sins, okay?

There are a few of them
that’s for worship, but

there’s one offering called
the ashes of the red heifer

which is all about
sprinkling with water the

ashes of the red heifer on
people who have touched a

dead– a corpse, a carcass
of an animal, a bone,

anything that’s dead. Now,
you think about it, a whole

chapter in Numbers is given
to this, just on cleansing

from death. I think we teach
a lot on sin, and how to

overcome sin, and the
provisions for sin in the

death of Christ, but we
forget that He also redeemed

us from death. You are
living people. God doesn’t

want you to have deadness in
your life. Sometimes even

our prayers can be dead.
Now, listen carefully. I’m

not against people who pray
from books, all right? The

prayers are all in the book
and they try to pray. If you

are starting out and all
that, it’s okay. Nothing

wrong with that if you pray
from your heart, mean those

words from your heart. But I
believe with all my heart

God wants to redeem us all
from everything that’s dead.

You know, in heaven it’s a
resurrection place. A lot of

people today think that
heaven is a place of dead

people. It’s not, it’s a
living place. The Living God

is there. The source of all
life is there, amen. You

see, we–I shared last week,
don’t live under the vanity

line, all right? The book of
Ecclesiastes, always under

the sun, under the sun.
Nothing here profits.

Nothing here fulfills your
heart. Your heart is too big

for this world. You need an
object, all right? So the

next book is Song of Songs.
Now you find an object. In

fact, the object is too
great for our heart. We need

to expand our heart, amen,
and it’s above the sun.

That’s where you find your
fulfillment. So there is

this vanity of vanities.
Everything under the sun is

vanity. All the pursuits you
have in your life is vanity.

Let’s look at that in
Ecclesiastes. The very first

words of Ecclesiastes,
written by Solomon, “The

words of the Preacher, the
son of David, king–” Hey,

son of David. “Son of David,
king in Jerusalem. ‘Vanity

of vanities.'” Now, who is
that son of David? Solomon,

king in Jerusalem. So he’s
telling you–why does he

introduce himself like this
and not like this

introduction in the book of
Song of Songs? Because he

wants us to know, “I am a
king in Jerusalem. I can

have anything I want.” And
he did have access to

everything, but he says,
“‘Vanity of vanities,’ says

the Preacher.” Or you can
say, “Emptiness of

emptiness.” How many of you
have found out that the

world promised you a lot of
things? What the world does

is this. Whatever pleasures
you find under the sun, all

right, if it lifts you up,
only to drop you down. The

drop is the painful part. So
in heaven, everything is

elevation. Everything, all
right, is beautiful. There’s

perfect symmetry. There’s
inexhaustible joy, “Joy

unspeakable,” the Bible
says. Everything you look is

perfection, and best of all,
we get to see the Lord

Jesus, amen. The Bible says
in one of the versions, it

says, “You are the fairest
of the sons of man.” One

version says, “You are the
most handsome of all men.”

That’s our Lord Jesus, amen?
Now, you wanna become like

Him, amen? When He comes
into your life, He maximizes

your manhood. For women,
your femininity, amen? So

Ecclesiastes says,
“Everything I–” Now, you

think that, “Well, you know
what, he didn’t try

everything.” I have not
tried everything. Listen to

a man who have tried
everything and he has means

to achieve it or to get it,
okay? Next chapter, he

said–okay, by the way, drop
down to verse 3. It says

what? Chapter 1, “What
profit has a man from all

his labor in which he toils
under the sun?” Now, for

this point, we go to chapter
2. It says, “I gathered for

myself,” so, “I gathered
myself silver and gold.” How

many think that it’d be good
for us to gather silver and

gold, lots and lots of it?
Especially with the threat

of war in the world, right?
Hmm? Hello? Is silver and

gold still valuable? Is it
still valuable? It is, isn’t

it? So he says, “I gathered
for myself silver and gold

and the special treasures of
kings and of the provinces.

I acquired male and female
singers, the delights of the

sons of men.” We still
acquire it. Spotify, yo, you

know? We are still listening
to music and all that. We

think it will satisfy us,
all right? He’s talking

about all the pleasures
under the sun. Let’s go back

to chapter 1 again. I forgot
to show you something, all

right? What–“In which he
toils under the sun?” So the

whole purpose, the key is
always in the beginning of

the chapter–of the book.
It’s a book about under the

sun. That’s why everything
is vanity of vanities,

right? So go back to chapter
2. We have him saying he

tried the musical
instruments of all kinds.

“So I became great and
excelled more than all who

were before me in Jerusalem.
And my wisdom remained with

me. “Whatever my eyes
desired I did not keep from

them.” Can you say that or
not? “Whatever my eyes

desired I did not keep from
them.” No, we cannot, amen?

Here is a man unrestrained.
In his day and age, he is

the police, he is the chief
justice, all right? He has

access. He’s the richest man
on earth. Today’s standards,

all right, he’ll be a
trillionaire already. Still

the richest man in history,
amen. And yet, he says what?

“Whatever my eyes desired I
did not keep from them. I

did not withhold my heart
from any pleasure, my heart

rejoiced in all my labor;
and this was my reward from

all my labor. Then I looked
on all the works that my

hands had done and on the
labor in which I had toiled;

and indeed all was vanity
and grasping for the wind.

There was no profit under
the sun.” So don’t try it.

Someone tried it already. He
came back an old man and

telling you, “No profit
under the sun.” So that’s

his first book,
Ecclesiastes. It’s a good

book. “But Pastor, it sounds
depressing if I read it.” If

you know the purpose for it,
you’ll rejoice. Some things

we learn from positive
examples, and some things we

learn from negative
examples, right? You all can

use it. So there is a book.
So now, we see what life is

under the sun. By the way,
this is the book that says,

“That which has been is what
shall be and that which is

is what has been,” you know?
Life is like–history

repeats itself. This is the
book, a lot of good stuff in

it. There’s a lot of

condensation, and you know,
evaporation. All that in

this book. It’s an
interesting book. But

anyway, let’s go to the next
book, the book when he was

walking with God. So this
book, Ecclesiastes, was

written probably when he
fell away from the Lord, but

that’s why he says, “My
wisdom remained.” But then

that wisdom now serves to
torture him because he knows

what is right, what God
wanted him to do, and he did

not do. So it’s in his old
age. But look at him when he

was walking with the Lord.
Now, this is Song of Songs.

Why is it called Song of
Songs? Shir ha-Shirim, in

Hebrew, Song of all Songs.
Like you say Jesus is the

King of all kings, Lord of
all lords. The innermost

part of the sanctuary is the
Holy of Holies, amen? The

rabbis say that of all the
books in the Bible, the Song

of Songs is the Holy of
Holies. And they, according

to the rabbis, they forbid
anyone under the age of 30

to read it. They say that
you cannot understand it.

You might misconstrue it.
It’s a love between a man

and a woman, and it’s very
descriptive, amen? To the

pure, all things are pure.
So, they say that only when

you come to age 30 you can
read it. Now, thank God you

don’t have to be age 30 like
me. As far as my son is

concerned, all right, my
recent birthday, he says,

“Happy 24th.” That makes me,
I told him, same age as my

daughter. Keep on speaking,
boy. Keep on speaking. You

aim for the star, you might
just hit the moon, right?

Not hit the star, but hit
the moon at least, huh,

amen? So he says in Song of
Songs, this beautiful Song

of Songs, which is a
depiction of the love

between our bridegroom and
the bride. And see how it

starts off, and this is what
fulfills, “Let him kiss me

with the kisses of his
mouth–for your love is

better than wine.” “Let him
kiss me with the kisses of

his mouth.” Not, “Let me
kiss him,” “Let him kiss

me.” I want to experience
his love, and I want to

experience his love in a
very personal, intimate way.

Can you see her cry? She’s
not saying, “I wanna know

how much I love the Lord.” A
lot of Christians are

thinking, “I need to love
the Lord more. I need–”

Stop looking at yourself.
Look away from your inferior

love to the perfect,
everlasting love that loves

you without ceasing. And the
reason why your eyes see

what God wants you to see in
the Scriptures and all that,

and many people are still
blinded, seeking, looking

for fulfillment in life,
still serving under the sun,

doing things under the sun.
In their heart of hearts,

they feel like everything is
empty. I’ve tried it, it’s

empty. If only they knew
fame does not satisfy,

fortune does not satisfy. I
am not free. I am more in

bondage since I became
famous. I cannot go anywhere

I want to go. It doesn’t
really fulfill. It is vanity

of vanities. But then to
know His love is life. And I

tell you this, all right, he
compares the love. “For your

love is better than wine.”
Let me tell you, when you

kiss, have you noticed, “Let
him kiss me. Let him peck

me.” You know what’s a peck
and a kiss. A peck is, peck,

okay? A peck is not a kiss.
Notice it’s “kisses,”

plural. “Let him kiss me
with the kisses of his

mouth,” nonstop, unceasing.
The same way when the

prodigal son came home, the
Bible says, in the Greek

it’s actually, “Covered him
with kisses.” And in the

Amplified you see it, kept
on, repeatedly kissing him.

Remember the son right now,
he reeks of pigs. He’s been

in the pig pen for a long
time. We do not know how

long. By the time he came
back and the father ran to

him and hugged him, the
Bible says the father kept

on kissing him. “Let him
kiss me with the kisses of

his mouth.” He wants–she
wants a personal love

encounter with the Lord. I
want to know how much You

love me. I want to live
knowing how much You love

me. When I study the Word, I
wanna study on how much You

love me, amen, amen. Even
the judgments in the–you

know, when you read the Old
Testament, there’s judgments

and all that. You always
look at it and say, “Hey,

wait a minute.” Like in the
Psalms, it says, “God

overthrew Pharaoh and the
Egyptians in the Red Sea,

for His mercy endures
forever.” How can that be?

No, not for Pharaoh and his
Egyptians. God gave them

many, many chances to
repent. They still want to

go after Israel to enslave
them. God warned them, “Let

My children go. Let My
people go,” right? Am I

right or not? Today, He will
say to any force that tries

to bind us, “Let My children
go.” So if not, God will

judge them because He loves
us. See, Israel read that.

Israel sees, “Judgment on
them. Mercy endures forever.

Mercy for me.” It’s not that
God doesn’t care for them.

God gave them chance, but
His love for us. Even when

you read the judgment, it’s
all because of His love for

us, amen? That’s why God
gave you your daughter.

That’s why God gave you your
son, so that you can

experience a bit, albeit
it’s inferior compared to

His love, what it’s like for
a father’s love for the

child that you so delight
in; so that you know also

how much He loves His Son,
but only very limited

because our human
relationship is a reflection

of His love for us, amen? So
he says, “Let him kiss me.”

He wants a person–when I
say “He,” guys are there as

well. See, guys are so
privileged. They get to be

the bridegroom and the bride
in this story, amen? So we

want His personal love for
us. We want to experience

His love for us, amen. How
many know He loves you? You

know, God says, “Pray in the
Spirit. Keep yourself in the

love of God.” When you pray
in the Spirit, be conscious

that God loves you. You
know, one time I was

reading, meditating on this,
and I was overseas I

remember, and it was very
cold, you know? I’m not a

person who really likes the
cold, but it was kinda cold,

but it was sunny. You know
that kind of wintertime when

it’s sunny? The sun comes
up, but it’s still cold,

right? I’m walking in
between shaded areas, there

were buildings on either
side of me, and the sun was

shining but I couldn’t
sense– I was feeling cold

because of the shelter. Have
you all been there? But the

moment I stepped out, I kept
myself in the sun, and I

refused to go under the
shelter or shade anymore, I

just walked outside in the
sun, it was really good. So

keep yourself in the love of
God. Be conscious that He

loves you. I said be
conscious that He loves you.

Right now, are you conscious
that He loves you? Are you

conscious that today you are
so privileged? Like Jesus

today would say, “Blessed
are your eyes for they see,

and your ears for they
hear.” Do you feel loved?

So, I can’t seem to leave
this, but we have to go on.

“For your love is better
than wine.” Wine is a

picture of earthly joy,
right? You can put anything

down there. Human
relationship, a darling

child, or whatever it is you
can put down there. That is

what wine represents. But he
says, “Your love, to

experience your love is
better than wine.” This is

life above the sun, y’all.
Life above the sun,

hallelujah. To know Him, the
Bible’s all about Him, but

to know Him is to find
yourself because you are now

in Him, amen. So everything
about the Bible revolves

around Jesus Christ.
“Because of the fragrance of

your good ointments, Your
name is ointment,”

anointing, “poured forth;
therefore the virgins love

you.” All right, let’s drop
down. “Draw me away!”

Notice, it doesn’t say that,
“I will run after you,” as

if it’s her effort. No,
unless the Lord draws, none

of us will come to Him. It’s
always an act of grace. It’s

always the Lord who draws
us. You think you are saved

today because one day I got
so smart, I think I need

Jesus. The rest of the
people are blind, lah. No,

no, no, we are all–listen,
we are all subjects of His

drawing. Unless He draws us,
we cannot come to Him. In

fact, one time Jesus said
this and people were

offended. In John chapter 6,
He says that, “No man can

come to My Father except He
draw him first.” And the

Bible says the rest of–He
got many disciples at that

time, 70, and perhaps even
more than that. All of them

left except the 12. They
left because He said, “No

man can come to Me unless
the Father draw him,” and

they think they came to Him
because of their

intelligence, you know? I
see that You’re a good

teacher, yes, yes. “All you
receive is a teaching. You

don’t receive Me as the
Savior. The teaching comes

after, but you gotta receive
Me as a Savior.” No, I see

myself. I’m okay, I’m pretty
okay. No, we are sinners

through and through, but
when He gives you a

salvation, it’s a complete
salvation through and

through, amen? Hallelujah.
So he says, “Draw me away!

We will run after you.” Only
when you draw. “The king has

brought me into his
chambers,” private room. “We

will be glad and rejoice in
you. We will remember your

love more than wine. Rightly
do they love you.” Are you

with me so far? All right,
so this is the life that God

wants you to live, seeing
Jesus and His love for you

every single day. “But how
does that help me in my

practical life, Pastor
Prince? You know, Pastor

Prince, have you heard the
saying, ‘Too heavenly-minded

to be of any earthly good?'”
When you say

earthly–heavenly-minded, I
think what you mean, because

you see a lot of people, you
know, their mind is up

there, they are being

religiously-minded. God
doesn’t want you

religious-minded. In fact,
it was the religious people

of Jesus’s day that
persecute Him. The common

people, what He called the
sinners, heard Him gladly.

Jesus came among them and
one time the religious guy

says– you know, a religious
group of them said, “Hey,

You are eating with
sinners.” Jesus says, “Those

that are well do not need a
doctor.” It’s those who are

sick, right? “You don’t
think you need Me, therefore

you don’t come to Me,
because you think you are

fine, all right? But I’m a
doctor. So if you come to

admire Me, you’re not
pleasing My heart. If you

just come to follow Me,
again, that’s not just

pleasing My heart because
you can adopt My principles

and go and be independent,
adopting those principles.

You just see Me as another
teacher. But you come and

say, ‘I need You to be my
Savior. I need You to be my

bread. I need You to be my
living water,’ it is Me that

I’m giving.” “Come unto Me,”
not, “Take My teachings.”

“Come unto Me,” all right,
“I’ll give you rest,” and

then you learn. After you
come to Him, then you learn.

Can I have a good amen?
Okay, so, you ask the

question, all right, so my
retort to that would be, all

right, I think you are
referring to people who are

religiously-minded, they are
no earthly good, and there’s

no power. You know, people
who are like–they might not

pray prayers from a book,
but they pray the same

prayers every day. The
prayer never change.

Probably it began as life.
One time the Holy Spirit

gave you that prayer. I
don’t know what prayer it

is, right, but you pray the
same form, the same style,

the same way. In fact, your
mind can go blank and you

still can say the same
words. It’s a form of

deadness, because what began
initially as an exercise

from the Spirit of God to
pray that prayer, now you

adopt that prayer like the
manna hoarded, and you are

using that prayer. No, you
need to hear the Lord how to

pray today and follow His
leading. That is living. And

whenever you don’t know how
to pray, pray in the Spirit.

Can I have a good amen? Are
you with me so far? So this

thing that when you are
religiously-minded, you are

no earthly good, I agree
120%. I agree. Some of the

people that are religious
and go to work, I’m telling

you, they’re talking about,
“Oh, you know, I think that

life is short and I think we
gotta make sure that–” No,

they’re getting religious.
They think that all these

things–in their mind, they
think that by sacrificing or

doing a lot of good works
and all that, they are

meriting points with Jesus,
with the Lord. They are not.

I’m referring to Christians
here. So bosses look at

them. The best way to
impress your boss is do what

Joseph did. Joseph made
Pharaoh wealthy. And

Christians say, “No, no, no,
no, you know, my job is not

to make him wealthy. I come
here, I’m for the Lord.”

That’s being religious. You
are duty-bound to glorify

the Lord in your behavior,
speaking the truth, not

lying, not playing, you
know, office politics, amen,

but shine. You are sent
there because God honors and

trusts you. You wanna work
in the Christian place?

What’s the point of the salt
being in the salt shaker?

Everyone is salt. Salt is
good among things that are

corrupted. In those days,
it’s the refrigerator. It

keeps things from being
corrupted. They salt their

fish. In fact, they found–
they unearthed a whole

industry of salted fish near
the Lake of Galilee from the

time of Jesus. So salt is
their refrigerator. So when

God put you in your company
and a lot of corruption,

“Why did God put me here?”
What a honor, respect, amen.

You are the light of the
world. What’s the point of

the light all being in the
light? Very, very bright.

Light is good in the
darkness. When it’s dark,

the light shines. Everyone
will look and they wanna

find. People who are longing
for hope, some hope in their

darkness, will see your
light. But if all the

Christians are just
together, together all the

time, how in the world are
you gonna be the salt of the

earth and the light of the
world? Don’t you know you’re

a city–like a city set on a
hill that cannot be hid,

amen? So God put you there
to demonstrate through your

life. You know, there’s
something very beautiful

about a Christian. Like, you
feel like you are presence

of someone who is royal, yet
a servant spirit, amen?

There is something, like–
this is not religious at

all. This is being
spiritual. This is being

Christ-like. We think that
royalty means, like, wow,

you gotta carry
yourself–everyone is

serving you. No, no, no,
royalty is like there’s

power. Like, you feel like
there’s someone who truly

walks with the Lord, you
find that there’s a royal

mint atmosphere around that
person, and yet the person

humility. But there’s power.

There’s power when the
person prays, yet there is

submission. Jesus, at the
age of 12, was smarter than

Joseph, His father, and
Mary–His earthly father,

that is. We know who His
true Father is–and Mary.

But the Bible says Jesus
increased in wisdom, right?

He was smarter at the age of
12. He knew where to be, at

the Father’s house. So is
all of you today. You are in

the Father’s house. Another
respect, amen? Smart. Wise

people still seek Him. So
Jesus is in the Father’s

house. So yet, when the
father and mother came and

said, “We are seeking You
and all that,” He was

subject to them, the Bible
says. He left the place

where He could hear the
rabbis, the best teachers of

the day. You know, just like
you, He loved to hear.

That’s His hobby as a young
boy, to listen to the Word

preached. He left all that
to follow His parents. He

was subject to them. The one
who is wiser is subject. You

know, there’s no glory if
someone is stronger than you

and makes you submit.
There’s no glory there. But

if someone is smarter than
you, stronger than you, and

they submit, like women to
their husbands, whew,

there’s glory there. It’s
because–that’s why God

writes to women first,
because you are smarter.

It’s a fact. You–yeah,
yeah, don’t clap. You are

taking my time. If you–if
you don’t think that is

so–if you don’t think that
is so–some people are like,

“Oh, bless God, Pastor
Prince. I believe we men are

called to be the head.”
Yeah, yeah, but listen,

listen, even the devil knows
that. Who did he approach

first, Adam or Eve? I rest
my case. Okay, so, the Bible

says in Song of Songs, “The
king brought me there to his

secret chamber where he
shares intimacy with me, the

secrets of his love,” amen?
Drop down. This is only

chapter 1. We are still on
chapter 1. “Tell me,” now

she’s talking to him, “Tell
me, you whom my soul loves.”

She’s addressing him now,
because she’s seen his love.

He has kissed her. She has
experienced his love. You

cannot love Him unless you
know His love for you. And

you know how much He loves
you? Like this on the cross.

God’s Son, King of kings,
don’t have to give His life.

God didn’t send an angel to
die for you. God sent His

Son, the one that He loves,
to die for your sins. You

know, would I give my son
Justin to die for you? No

way, amen? He didn’t give
His Son for good people. He

gave His Son for people who
didn’t care about Him, who

were wicked, who were
sinners. And God loved them,

and they said, “This is what
we think of Your love.” They

took His Son and put Him on
the cross, and they lift up

the cross for all the world
to see, right? Both Jew and

Gentile. It’s not just the
Jews. Jew and Gentile are

represented at the cross. He
died for our sins. What did

God do with that, the
greatest expression of

hatred? When the perfect
goodness embodied in human

flesh came to earth, what
did man do? Put Him on the

cross. What did God do then?
In the natural, we think God

would say, “I’ll smite you.”
God took the cross and God

says, “By this, I’ll save
all of you if you want My

love, if you respond to My
love.” I’m not saying

everybody will be saved
automatically. “If you

accept, if you believe My
Son,” amen? Are you with me

so far? You know, the Bible
says, “He was in the world

and the world knew Him not,”
all right? “He came into his

own, and his own received
him not.” In the Greek, it’s

very interesting. “His own”
here, and the second part of

the verse, “his own,” are
two different “own.” One is,

“He came into His own
possessions, own things.”

Nature, everything that’s
created by God, responded.

They received Him. The water
blushed and turned to wine.

The waters of Galilee hushed
and were still before the

Master, amen. Sickness bowed
before Him, because there

was sickness in the land of
Israel. The land of Israel

responded to Him. Even
the–a donkey that has never

been sat on– which, like a
horse or a donkey never sat

on will usually
rebel–responded to Him. All

accepted Him. He came unto
His own possessions, they

responded to Him. “He came
unto his own, but his own,”

the next one, “received him
not.” His own people

received Him not. So don’t
be numbered among those

people, amen. Some people
want His miracles but not

Him. He is the one. You get
the one, you get everything

else He has, amen. Amen?
Okay, so she asks, “Tell me,

you whom my soul–” I’ll
close with this, okay? How

come nowadays I’m always
preaching my introduction?

“Tell me, you whom my soul
loves, where you pasture

your flock.” Tell me your
secret, where you pasture

your flock, “where you make
it lie down at noon,” when

it’s really hot. “For why
should I be like one who

veils herself,” cannot even
see your beauty because I am

veiled? The problem is not
in your beauty. The problem

is not in the display. It is
all there, but I cannot see.

I’m like one who is veiled,
“besides the flocks of your

companions?” There’s so many
of them, and sometimes

instead of looking at You,
Lord, I’m veiled. I am

distracted by the flocks of
Your companions. “You know,

Pastor, this pastor did
this, you know. This pastor

did that. This pastor is
preaching this. This person

is doing that. This
person–and some of the

Christians, have you notice
how she wears her makeup

like that? Oh, look at this
Christian down there. Oh, it

look like–” you know? Stop
looking at the flocks of His

companion and look at the
Shepherd. Forget the flock.

They will just distract you,
hmm? You are still under the

vanity line when you look at
other people, amen? Look to

Him. Look to Him. See His
beauty. Look at His love for

you. Want to experience that
love intimately, okay? And

the answer comes. He answers
her, “If you do not know,”

that means you do not know
where I pasture my flock,

where I make them lie down
at noon. You know sheep,

right? After they graze,
they lie down when it’s

really hot under the shade,
any shade they can find. A

large rock or under a tree,
they will all gather

together and they’ll be
there. So she wants to know

where she can find food,
where you pasture your

flock, where she can find
green pastures. Hey, listen,

today you are getting green
pastures, I’m feeding you,

but every day you ought to
feed yourself. Spend time in

the devotional, in the Word
of God, because you– don’t

be someone buried in the
world but barren in your

soul. You are so immersed in
the world and you are hungry

on the inside. And you think
that, “Ah, I’ll go for the

next movie that comes, ah.”
At the end, for awhile you

are distracted, but you get
back there again, vanity of

vanities, empty, all right?
You are crying for

something. That something is
found here. It’s a someone.

In this case now,
Ecclesiastes, the heart,

right, is too big for the
world. Here, the object, the

beloved, is too big for our
heart. Lord, enlarge our

hearts, Lord, that we may be
able to see You, Lord, in

Your beauty. So he answers
her. Would you like to know

the secret where he pastures
his flock? Come on. “If you

do not know,” he says, “O
most beautiful among women.”

I love it. He can say, “If
you do not know,” and go to

the next line, “follow in
the tracks,” right? He

didn’t say that. He says,
“If you do not know, O most

beautiful among women.” That
tells me you can be ignorant

and in His eyes you are
still most beautiful. He

doesn’t say, “Why are you so
stupid?” So He addressed her

like this, “O most beautiful
among women.” Your very

desire to want to know from
me where I feed my flock

makes you most beautiful in
my eyes. If you do not know,

while ignorant, most
beautiful. “If you do not

know, O most beautiful among
women,” Wendy, if

you–that’s a special one
just for her. It’s her

birthday, you know, so.
Wendy– Wendy, my lovely,

lovely lady. A picture of
such beauty is His gift to

me. All right, don’t use the
song, okay? It’s copyrighted

here, okay? “All right, get
to the point, Pastor Prince,

you know?” Hey, relax, bro.
Relax, amen? He that

believeth shall not make
haste. He says, “If you do

not know, most beautiful
among women, follow in the

tracks of the flock, and
pasture your young goats,”

or in the King James, your
kids, “beside the shepherds’

tents.” What is he saying?
And we’ll close with this.

He’s saying, “You wanna
follow after Me? But don’t

forget, where I am found is
the church.” And this is

where I think sometimes we
have this personal thing.

People say Song of Songs is
me and Him. “Let him kiss

me,” you notice that? Yes,
it starts with the personal,

but it ends up–this is the
last part of the chapter 1.

It ends up with the church.
You cannot live a solo

Christian life. You cannot
just say–you know,

everything in the Bible is
like, “Teach one another.

Let the Word of Christ dwell
in you richly in all wisdom,

teaching one another,” not
just teaching yourself.

“Love one another. And they
were all in one accord in

one place, and the place was
shaken. And being let go,

they went to their own
company. How good and how

pleasant it is for brethren
to dwell together in unity.”

It’s like the dew of Herman
and the dew on the mountains

of Zion. “There in Zion, the
Lord commands his

blessing–life forevermore.”
Where? Zion, the place of

the church, where the church
is, new covenant. Don’t

forget, you cannot live the
Christian life on your own.

You come together, we–it’s
not the building. It’s not

the building. It’s when we
come together, there’s

something there. So he’s
saying–go back to Song of

Songs again. We’ll close
with this. He says, “If you

wanna know where I pasture
my flock, where I make them

to rest when it’s really
hot,” when the trials, the

various trials come in, and
you are going through the

fight of life, and you find
that it’s so hard, you know,

and the Bible says, “This is
the secret. This is where

you find rest and food,
where I pasture my flock.”

Where? “Follow in the tracks
of the flock and pasture

your young goats beside the
shepherds’ tents.” There are

proven track before us. Men
and women of God have gone

before us. Are you
listening? The old doctrines

we call new covenant, they
are old by now actually,

right? Not old covenant, but
new covenant, but God is

saying, “Find the old
paths,” the path where the

great men of God all went.
Read the book of Acts, and

the book of Acts says, “This
is the path of the flock.”

In Acts 2:42, right, it
says, “Those who receive the

word,” how many of them?
“Three thousand souls.”

Mount Zion. Three thousand
people died when God gave

the Ten Commandments, the
law. Three thousand people

were saved when God gave the
Spirit, not the law, huh? On

what mountain? Zion. This is
the one. “And they devoted

themselves–” this is the
path of the flock. “They

devoted themselves,” number
one, “to the apostles’

teaching.” So even when you
teach the entire Bible, it

must always be new
covenant-based, the

apostles’ teaching. Number
two, your church has got to

be based on fellowship.
There’s power in fellowship.

When the devil wants to
bring someone to destroy

him, what he does is he cuts
him off socially. He cuts

him off from the people of
God. There’s something that

happens, sometimes we don’t
even have to encourage

someone, just being together
over coffee or whatever,

there is an uplifting. There
is an enlivening. There is

something that buoys us up,
like a buoy in the water,

you know, just being
together. “If two of you are

gathered in My name, there I
am,” amen? Something about

being together. There the
Lord commands the blessing.

And I wanna encourage you,
if you can, come physically.

Follow the footsteps of this
flock, amen. Number three,

the breaking of bread. Find
a church where there’s the

breaking of bread. We aren’t
the only ones. Find a good

church where there’s the
breaking of bread, and the

prayers. I chose this
translation because it is

true to the Greek in this
verse. The prayers. It’s not

just prayers. Many versions,
even King James, put down

there, “And prayers.” It’s
actually, “The prayers,”

definite article, “The
prayers.” There’s a definite

art–definite prayer in mind
in the New Testament. You’re

all getting it already.
There was a prayer that

didn’t exist before in the
Old Testament that is now

called “The prayer.” And
many times, it’s not

translated in the English
Bible. They just leave the

definite article out, but
there’s a definite article

there, “The prayers.” What
is that? Praying in the

Spirit, which is unique for
people under the new

covenant. [speaking in
tongues] Come on, come on,

church. This is the path,
proven and tried. And you do

that, what’s gonna happen?
“Awe came upon every soul,

many wonders and signs were
being done through the

apostles.” Drop down,
“Praising God–Day by day,

attending the temple
together, breaking bread in

their homes, they received
their food with glad and

generous hearts.” This is
the Lord’s Supper, by the

way. NLT brings it out,
because the breaking bread

earlier is the same Greek
word as this one, all right?

NLT says, “They met in homes
for the Lord’s Supper.” Go

back again to the ESV. All
right, “Praising God and

having favor with all the
people.” “But Pastor Prince,

we need souls to be saved.”
“And the Lord added to the

church daily such as should
be saved,” amen? Here is

where you find rest. Here is
where you find pasture. In

the Father’s house, there’s
more than enough. It’s like

I can see it, but we are so
flesh-bound, so physically

limited in our minds, in our
understanding, we think that

this is real. The spiritual
realm is more real because

it was a Spirit being that
brought forth– God Himself,

that brought forth the
physical. And the physical

is dying. The physical is
becoming decrepit, amen. It

waxes old. But the spirit
cannot grow old. Even those

who are in hell, the
demons– Satan will be in

hell one day and they will
still be there. Spirit,

there’s no wear and tear.
And what happens to you when

you come to God’s house?
Well, it says that you will

become strong. There’s a
verse that says, “When you

appear in Zion– Blessed is
the person whose strength is

in You, in whose heart are
the roads to Zion!” Even if

you are thinking of going to
church– Zion is where the

temple is, the church for us
today. Even thinking about

going to church, this is
your Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
even thinking about going to

church. And God always
plans. For the believer, it

is like this. Your ultimate
day is Sunday and the rest

is a journey through the
wilderness. And there’s a

song called the Fifteen
Psalms of Degrees, or

Ascent, ascent. It is a
psalm’s psalm that they–the

Jewish pilgrims would sing
as they go up to Zion, and

it’s literally, physically
going up. Zion is on a

mountain. They are going up
from the lowest place in the

Dead Sea. They go up and
they sing Fifteen Songs of

Ascent, amen. For us today,
it is as you contemplate

going to church, even what
happens in your Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

this will happen. “You pass
through the Valley of Baca.”

What is Baca? Tears,
weeping. Sometimes there’s

weeping in your weekday, but
God says you will make it a

fountain. You will make it a
spring of water. And God

will also pour out His early
rain and cover your

wilderness with blessings.
As long as your heart, your

strength is in Him, you are
conscious of Him, you look

to Him, and your heart is
always looking forward for

church, hallelujah, you’re
looking forward for Sunday,

you’re looking forward. I
know some preachers don’t

like this part here, all
right. They say, “Oh, Sunday

again,” ha ha ha. You don’t
understand, it’s a private

joke among the pastors, all
right, because– “Oh no.”

Because you know why? You
all are such vociferous

appetite. You want–better
preach properly, yeah? You

know? So you all, pray for
your pastors, okay? Pray for

us. So God says, “If your
heart–” New King James

says, “Your heart is set on
pilgrimage.” That means the

whole idea is that I’m just
going through this journey,

but I can endure it because
Sunday is coming where

everything is– Father’s
house, there’s more than

enough to spare. There God
says, “I will clothe My

priests. There I will
satisfy the poor with

bread.” There’s abundance
there. There God commands

His life forevermore. When
we come together, right,

something happens, you know?
You don’t have to talk

sometimes. You just feel it.
There’s an enlivening.

There’s a lifting up, amen?
Watch this. I’ll end with

this. “They go from strength
to strength, every one of

them appears before God in
Zion.” Make sure it’s not

Sinai. Only when you are in
church and Zion is a place

of corporate gathering, so
it’s a picture of the

church. We come together,
what’s gonna happen to us?

We will–listen, you know a
journey like that for them,

talking about the natural,
is very tiring. How many of

you, when you go on a
journey, even flying to a

place, you feel tired
already? You drive,

sometimes you drive, you
drive from place to place,

you feel very tired. So
under normal circumstances

in a journey, you get more
and more tired. But over

here, as long as your heart
is to Zion, amen, you

increase from strength to
strength. Ah, you didn’t

hear me. From strength to
strength! And there’s no

casualty among the pilgrims.
“Every one appears before

God in Zion.” Now,
after–God gave you health

for what? Ever ask yourself?
To make more money. The

longer I live, more money I
make. That’s called stupid.

Read the book of
Ecclesiastes. What is that

that you get? You will leave
it to the next generation.

Where will you be? “What
shall it profit a man,”

Jesus says, “gains the whole
world but lose his own

soul?” Why did God gave you
the health and the strength?

My time is up, come on. Help
me, come on. Why did God

give you the strength? For
you to use it for His glory,

serve Him, amen. Give the
best of your youth, your

strength to the Master, as
the old hymn says, amen? You

go from strength to
strength. By the way, in the

Septuagint, the Greek
version of this verse, you

go from dynamite to
dynamite, dunamis to

dunamis. You come to
church–by the way, let

me–ha ha, let me close.
This is the last close, I’m

serious. You all don’t laugh
like that, lah. Laugh like

polite, ah ha ha, okay. Last
close, really. I’m gonna

show you this, then we’ll
close with this. Studies

show amazing population data
from this group, a team from

the UCLA and Vanderbilt
found a significant

association between church
attendance and mortality

among adults 40 to 65 years.
People who attended church

more than once a week had a
55% reduction in all-cause

mortality compared to
non-churchgoers.” I think

it’s referring to physical
attendance as well. I think

this was probably done
before COVID. “On one

measure of stress,
allostatic load,” which is

the wear and tear of chronic
stress, “churchgoers tended

to far better than
non-churchgoers.” You will

go–look up here. You will
go from strength to

strength, from dunamis to
dunamis, dynamite to

dynamite, hallelujah. Where?
In Zion, amen! Come on,

church. Praise the Lord.
Every head bowed, every eye

closed. If you have never
put your trust in Jesus

Christ, oh, I’m so glad. Can
you say, “I was glad to be

in the house of the Lord
today”? I want you to put

your trust in Christ.
Believe on the Lord Jesus

Christ and you shall be
saved and your house. If

that is you wherever you are
right now, you say, “Pastor,

I wanna give my life to the
Lord Jesus. In other words,

I wanna believe in what
Christ has done.” Remember,

His love, He can love you
and you turn your back. His

love is still shining on
your back, but you’re not

enjoying it because you
haven’t received it. You

must receive it for
yourself, so I’m gonna help

you right now to receive
that gift of eternal life.

Say, “Father in heaven.”
Say, “Father in heaven, I

thank You for giving me the
gift of Your Son. What an

awesome gift. Jesus Christ,
who died on the cross for

all my sins, punished for
them all, rose from the dead

when I was acquitted because
His work is finished. I

confess Jesus Christ is my
Lord, my Savior, and my God,

in Jesus’s name.” And all
the people said… If you

prayed that prayer, you are
now a child of God. I wanna

encourage you, we have some
gifts we wanna place in your

hands to help you walk this
pasture of the flock, amen,

where your needs will be
provided by the Lord,

especially your innermost
needs, amen? Praise the

Lord. And don’t give up. The
Lord brought you here

because He loves you, amen,
whatever you’re going

through. Praise the Lord.
Let Him shepherd you and

love you. Stand to your
feet. Lift your hands all

across this place,
everywhere that’s watching

this right now. The Lord
Himself demonstrates His

love to you with the kisses
of His mouth throughout this

week. I pray in the name of
Jesus, Father, that every

single one of them will
experience that love in a

personal way, and then
demonstrate that love, Lord,

in the church, learning that
in Your house, there is

abundance, more than enough
for all their needs. Father,

I pray that this revelation
becomes so real, but

especially, Father, the
revelation of Jesus Christ

in all His infinite beauty
at the Father’s right hand.

Help us, Lord, to live above
the vanity scene into the

Resurrection scene where
everything is living. And

cause us, Lord, to walk in
ways, Lord, that we don’t

touch death, but in
everything that we do, say,

and think, it is living. It
is living, led by Your

Spirit. Led by Your Spirit
throughout this week. In

Jesus’s name, and all the
people said, “Amen.” Love

you, love you, love you. God
bless you. We’ll see you


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episode! But don’t go just

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