In this Gospel Partner episode, discover the enemy’s tactic to keep you in defeat, and how you can guard yourself against it when you continually hear the preached Word of Christ. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit: Here are other ways you can support the mission: • Become a supporter on Patreon: • Become a supporter on Buy Me A Coffee: Through any of these ways above, you will be supporting our ongoing commitment and publishing mission to (1) accelerate our content development work, (2) support the innovation of our technology, and (3) make more resources available for free to people in need. Do note that as we are a publishing house with a focus to advance the Gospel through resources, we do not accept tithes, offerings, and donations. About this episode You are watching the sermon, Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness, preached on Mar 26, 2023 by Joseph Prince. This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us! Chapters 0:00 In Today’s Gospel Partner Episode… 0:37 Welcome Message By Joseph Prince 1:10 Let’s Take A Praise Break! 5:24 01 Introduction: Know your true identity in Christ 11:23 02 The enemy’s tactic to keep you in defeat 20:49 03 God wants you to depend on His grace 27:11 04 True holiness is unconscious 35:06 05 Don’t give up on hearing God’s Word 41:20 06 This is blocking your breakthrough 49:38 07 Start hearing and strength will come! 54:34 08 A challenge to prioritize hearing again 1:01:55 09 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing New here? Here’s a gift of 7 free sermons to grow in the gospel when you sign up for updates: If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! Facing a health challenge? Purchase/request healing scriptures e-book and audio companion now for free: Reign over every adversity, lack, and destructive habit. Purchase/request Destined To Reign 15th Anniversary e-book for free: Subscribe and be the first to know when a Gospel Partner episode is released:… You can also find us at: #gospelpartner #josephprince #2023sermon

Many of us,

we’re trying to do things

we don’t have the strength for.

Do you want God to

constantly work miracles

in your family?

In your life?

In your workplace?

Listen, if you know this,

you’ll find the answer

to your health,

to your healing,

to whatever you want to

receive from God!

It is the hearing of the

Word of Christ.

Don’t step back—

the devil’s temptation

is always to pull you back,

give up the hearing of faith!

I submit to you.

That’s the reason

you don’t see miracles often

in people’s lives,

in churches and all that.

It’s because of this.


Hear your way out of sickness,

of depression,

of that guilt and condemnation.

You’re doing more

than you realise.

Hi, this is Joseph Prince.

Thanks for tuning in.

I just want you to know
that you are able to

watch this sermon
for free today

because of the support
of our Gospel Partners.

So to all our partners,

thank you for
making a difference!

As you watch this video,

feel free to navigate to

different points using
our chapter headings.

Please also leave a
comment to share

what you have received
and how you’ve been

touched by today’s sermon.

Be blessed as you
feed on God’s Word today.

Hi, church.

Are you ready for some good news today?

Praise the Lord.

I have three testimonies to share with you.

And for those of us who were here few Sundays
ago, you remember that the last time Pastor

Prince preached, he ministered in a strong
healing anointing.

And we have some testimonies to share with
you from that session.

And the first testimony comes to us from a
sister from Singapore, and she writes that:

I was afflicted with knee pain for a few days.

On Saturday.

I struggled with the pain during my morning
walk and had difficulty climbing up and down

the stairs.

When I got up from a sitting position, I had
to hold on to the arm of the chair to find

support due to the excruciating pain in both

The next day, I attended the first service
at Marina Bay Sands ballroom, those of you

at Marina Bay Sands say hi.

I can hear you in the spirit.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

During the service, Pastor Prince released
a word of healing for knee conditions.

I received it and the pain in both my knees
were gone.

By God’s grace, I can now walk and climb up
and down the stairs carrying bags of groceries

with no pain in my knees.

I don’t need to find support anymore to get
up from a sitting position.

All Glory to the Lord.

Praise the Lord, for this beautiful testimony

I love the part where she can go up and down
the stairs, you know, carrying bags or groceries

while—praise the Lord for this blessing.

And the next testimony is also from a sister
from Singapore, she writes that I was I suffered

from a recurring pain on the right side of
my neck that goes up to the bottom of my skull.

I went for an acupuncture treatment recently,
but the pain somehow shifted to the left side

of my neck.

The pain lingered for a week, which was unusual
and it worsened over the next few days.

On Saturday, I asked my husband to apply pressure
on my neck to get some relief.

I don’t know how much pressure has been applied
on it.

The next day I attended the second service
at Marina Bay Sands ballrooms, those of you

at Marina Bay Sands say hello again.

Praise the Lord I can hear you.

All right when Pastor Prince ministered in
the healing floor, I stood up to enjoy the

precious corporate anointing See, she just
stood up to enjoy the precious corporate anointing

and was in all of God’s love for us all.

Then Pastor Prince started to pray for those
with neck conditions.

When he did that, I could feel the Lord’s
presence in the ballroom and received an instantaneous


All pain in my neck was gone.

Praise the Lord.


Can you give Jesus praise?


And this next, this next part is interesting.

She said since I was at Marina Bay Sands and
could not wait to testify of God’s miraculous


I’m writing to share my testimony here.

Glory to God.

Praise the Lord hallelujah.

So those of you and Marina Bay Sands you can
wave, Pastor Matthews will interview you for

three hours praise the Lord.

All right, a final testimony comes to us from
a brother from Singapore.

And he writes that about 10 years ago, a car
accident left me with severe whiplash in my

neck and upper back.

Fast forward five years later, my condition
was aggravated after going for a CrossFit


It causes severe headaches, and I would vomit
for hours.

While that sounds terrible, I was advised
to consult a chiropractor who could help me

relieve the pain for a few days until the
next flare up.

Recently, as my chiropractor went on holiday,
I was left to my own devices.

So chiropractors and medical professionals,
when you go on holiday, see your patients

are left to their own devices, but again,
seek a second opinion actually, right.

However, no amount of stretching could help
me relieve the pain and I lost sleep at night.

On Sunday, the 26th of February 2023, Pastor
Prince started to minister to the sick and

shared that there was healing for upper back

When I heard that, I could feel the pain in
my back subsiding.

Then I tried to lie down and there was no
more pain bothering me.

Okay, I think you All right, a final testimony
comes to us from a brother from Singapore.

And he writes that about 10 years ago, a car
accident left me with severe whiplash in my

neck and upper back.

Fast forward five years later, my condition
was aggravated after going for a CrossFit


It causes severe headaches, and I would vomit
for hours.

While that sounds terrible, I was advised
to consult a chiropractor who could help me

relieve the pain for a few days until the
next flare up.

Recently, as my chiropractor went on holiday,
I was left to my own devices.

So chiropractors and medical professionals
when you go on holiday, see your patients

are left to their own devices, but again,
seek a second opinion actually, right.

However, no amount of stretching could help
me relieve the pain and I lost sleep at night.

On Sunday, the 26th of February 2023, Pastor
Prince started to minister to the sick and

shared that there was healing for upper back

When I heard that I could feel the pain in
my back subsiding.

Then I tried to lie down and there was no
more pain bothering me.

Okay, I think you wasn’t watching online because
he was lying down.

I don’t think it was lying down in the, in
the service.

Incidentally, I also suffered from an inflamed
ankle after fracturing it the previous year.

But after the pain in my neck and upper back
was healed, the pain in my ankle disappear

to praise the Lord.

Let’s give Jesus praise for all these beautiful
and glorious testimonies at church.

Please join me as we welcome Pastor Prince.

Praise the Lord.

The Word of God, how precious it is, amen.

And how many of you have experienced kairos
moments in your life?

I’m surprised that my son is picking up.

Every little good thing that happened, “It
was a kairos moment.

I had a kairos moment in school,” he says.

“I had a kairos moment here, kairos moment

And I’m talking about him a bit more because
it is his birthday today, ah ha ha.

He slept last night ten years old.

He woke up 11.

How time flies, huh?

Praise the Lord.

Romans 6:14 tells us, “For sin shall not have
dominion over you.”

The word “dominion” is the word “kurio,” which
is where you get the word “kurios” for lord,

the word “lord.”

Sin will not lord it over you.


“Because you are not under law but under grace,”

And time and time again, though this is the
commission that is strong in my heart, I believe

that ministries and different ministers in
the offices that Christ has given to the church,

every one of them has a certain assignment
given by the Lord to bring forth certain truths

that has been lost.

Now, in my case, all right, it is to bring
back Jesus to the centrality of the church,

amen, to the centrality of your lives, and
to preach the gospel of grace, to restore

that gospel the way Paul preached it in the
very beginning.

For the lack of it, we are seeing infirmities.

We are seeing moral weakness and failure in
the body of Christ.

Let me tell you this.

Even people ending up in adultery, whatever
the condition it is, all right, it is because

of a wrong believing.

We focus so much on wrong behavior that we
miss the deeper root, wrong believing, amen.

Not believing that your old man has been crucified,
that we are not dealing with the old man anymore.

But instead of that, we are dealing with the
old man.

We talk about him all the time.

We make him like–now, by the way, I’m not
referring to your father, young people.

I’m referring to your flesh, that part of
you that wants to sin, that old you which

is gone, amen?

But his lifestyle, his principles, his thinking,
his emotions are still there because you have

lived in it for a long time, amen?

So sin in the flesh is still there.

We call it the flesh, amen.

It is a mistaken identity.

So the devil wants you to identify yourself
with that identity, and that is a case of

mistaken identity.

That’s not who you are.

That’s a false identity.

You are not sinful.

You were a sinner.

You got born again, and when you are born
again you are created in righteousness and

true holiness.

And all the people said, “Amen.”

So because you–or for lack of revelation,
because of a lack of preaching– we cannot

blame the people.

Pastors and leaders that are watching, we
cannot blame the people.

The people believe what is being taught, amen.

For the lack of preaching the word of Christ,
not just the Word of God.

The Word of God can be any part of the Bible.

You say it’s the Word of God, right?

Yes, but every Word of God is inspired, but
it must be translated, especially the Old

Testament, into the Word of Christ.

You understand?

The way Jesus did it on the Emmaus Road.

When Jesus taught in the Emmaus Road from
the Old Testament, because that’s the only

Scriptures they had back then, what did Jesus
do to the two?

He expounded in them the Torah, the Prophets.

He expounded in them those Scriptures, the
Old Testament Scriptures, things concerning


And it did something to them.

It warmed their hearts.

It revived them spiritually.

It also did something to them physically.

It reinvigorated them after having traveled
from Jerusalem 7 miles to Emmaus.

After receiving that washing of the Word by
Jesus during that journey, they went back

another 7 miles.

Something happened to them physically as well.

And that happened on a Sunday because the
Lord was demonstrating.

Why would the Resurrected Christ, with so
many important things to do after You are

risen from the dead–I’m sure Your priority
number one on the first day, have so many

things that’s very important to do instead
of just spending time with the two walking


And they are discouraged, they are dejected.

Why would Jesus spend time with them?

I believe to show all of us what we need to
do on a Sunday, because He rose from the dead

on a Sunday.

He’s showing us–and have you noticed that
in the Bible, He appeared to the disciples

Sunday to Sunday?

Even after He rose from the dead, there is
no record exactly that He spent time with


It does say that He spent time with them those
40 days, right?

But what was shown us in the Gospels is that
the appearance of Jesus to the disciples is

from a Sunday, to another Sunday, to another

So people say, “Well, those are Sunday Christians.”

We better be a Sunday Christian.

That’s why we worship on a Sunday.

The Jews, they work and then they rest.

That’s the Old Testament style, amen.

But the New Testament has come.

A new covenant has come.

Now we enter into rest.

The first day of Jesus’–the Day of Jesus’
Resurrection is our first day.

We enter into rest, then we can work, amen.

That’s true also of our spiritual life.

Only when we enter into rest, we can work.

Are you with me so far?

This is gonna set you free from stress, fears,
worries, apprehensions, amen, doubts, as well

as also any depression that you may suffer
from, knowing this truth from the Word of


Are you ready?

Are you ready to receive more?

So it says, “Sin shall not have dominion over

I’m sure you’ve heard people saying, “Be careful
of grace,” all right?

“Be careful of the teaching of grace.”

Now, who do you think is behind this casting
of aspersions on the teaching of grace?

Who do you think is behind it?

It must be the enemy.


Because he knows this.

“For sin shall not have dominion over you,”

“When you are not under the law but when you
are under grace.”

So he will do his very best and he will sound
so spiritual that you feel guilty for not

being under the law.

He will do his very best to attack grace and
the reputations of those who preach grace

that you have no choice but to feel safe with
what is old and familiar, the law.

Be very careful.

Have you fallen from grace?

And the Word doesn’t say, “Have you switched
from grace?”

It says, “Have you fallen from grace?” because
grace is always the higher ground, amen?

When God gave the law on Mount Sinai, we know
that 3,000 people died, okay?

Some time after that, 3,000 people died.

And the Jewish people will tell you that was
given on the very first Pentecost, 50 days

after Jesus literally died on the Feast of
Passover, the Jewish Feast of Passover.

So all the feasts, the seven feasts of Israel
in Leviticus 23 that many Jews still celebrate

today, all those seven feasts point to Jesus
Christ, to His finished work, to His perfect,

human life.

In the flour offering, that points to His
perfect, human life.

And then the olah, which is the burnt offering.

And then we have sin offering, we have the
trespass offering, we have the peace offering.

The peace offering has your health and healing
in it because the word “shalim,” “shalom.”

Shalim, “shelamim” is the Hebrew word for
“peace offering” has “shalom” in every part

of your spirit, soul, and body.

The secrets are there in the peace offering.

So seven feasts of Israel to demonstrate what
Jesus did.

Jesus died literally.

He was born, I believe, on the Feast of Tabernacles.

And that’s why the Bible says the word, “Tabernacle
among us.”

Literally in the Greek it says, “Tabernacle
among us,” using the feast day, amen?

He was crucified on the Feast of Passover.

He rose from the dead on the Feast of First
Fruits, because he is the First Fruit, amen.

Fifty days after Passover, they were at the
foot of Mount Sinai and what happened?

The law was given, 3,000 people died.

The Bible says the letter kills, the law kills,
but the Spirit gives life.

And then we have, on the Day of Pentecost
again, the feast of the giving of the law.

Today, you speak to an average Jew who knows
his Bible, he will tell you that the law was

given on which feast.

You ask him, he will say not Passover, not
Pentecost–not Tabernacles, but Pentecost,

all right?

They call it Shavuot, amen.

They celebrate the giving of the law.

We celebrate Acts 2, on the Day of Pentecost.

“When the Day of Pentecost was fully come,
God gave,” what?

The Spirit.

He came like a rushing, mighty wind, like
He can’t wait to fill the believers, amen?

And He filled them all up.

So we celebrate Pentecost as the day of the
giving of the Holy Spirit.

The promise of Abraham was fulfilled, amen.

And what happened?

Three thousand people were saved at the preaching
of Peter on the Day of Pentecost.

That demonstrates the under the law, there’s
death, amen.

Under grace, you live, amen.

Now, nothing wrong with the law.

The morality of the law is something that
we still have to keep, right?

Now, let me say it like this.

Not that we have to keep, it is kept in us
as we know how to flow with it.

The thing is the devil wants you to be law-conscious
and try to keep the law.

That is the very thing that a lot of people
are trying to do.

And by trying to do that, you fall under Romans

The more you try to–Paul said, “The more
I try to keep the tenth one–” “Thou shall

not desire or covet,” all right, “what belongs
to others.”

“The more I try to do that, I find in me all
manner of desires.”

It stirs up.

Or you can say, “Thou shall not lust,” all

The more I try not to lust, the more I lust.

So the devil wants to bring the law to your
consciousness so that the more you try to

keep it, you activate your human strength,
you fall, right?

And you don’t even know how you fall.

You fall right away and you don’t even know
how you fell.

It all starts with you trying to be good,
trying to do what’s good.

Are you listening?

A group of boys passed by, all right?

They passed by a greenhouse.

You know what’s a greenhouse?

A lot of glass, right?

And there’s nothing.

They don’t feel anything.

Right at the end of the street, there’s another
greenhouse and this one, “Don’t throw rocks.


No one is around.

One boy looks at another boy.

Another boy looks at another.

What do you think they are feeling?

They don’t feel anything with the first greenhouse.

The greenhouse is not the problem, nor are
the signs in the next one the problem.

Nothing wrong with the signs.

But something wrong with the flesh.

The flesh needs a law to activate it.

That’s why the Bible says, “The strength of
sin is the law.”

So, nothing wrong with the law.

The law is holy, righteous, and blameless,
amen, but it cannot make you righteous.

It cannot make you holy.

So, how do you become holy then?

Not by being conscious of the law, by being
conscious of Jesus.

We are to walk in him, amen, and you don’t
have to worry about the law.

In fact, the law is limited.

The law says, “Thou shall not commit adultery.”

There are people who don’t commit adultery,
listen, because they don’t have the money,

okay, for example, okay?

They can do it in their mind but they cannot
do it physically because–okay.

In some cases, not all.

Some don’t commit adultery against their wife,
but they don’t love their wife.

Is that what God wants?

No, but when you’re occupied with Christ,
he gives you that love for your spouse, amen.

Walking in grace makes you in love with everyone,
even those who speak against you, those who

write against you, whatever.

You know, I tell you, it fills your heart
with love for them.

You feel compassion for them.

It’s hard to carry bitterness for a long time.

You feel for them.

You feel–people ask me, “Pastor Prince–”
You know, people write things about me, say

things about– “Pastor, I hope you’re okay.”

Don’t worry about me.

Like Jesus told the people who were saying
to the Lord, right?

He was carrying the cross.

What did He say?

“Don’t cry for Me, Argentina.”

No, He didn’t say that.

He said, “Don’t weep for Me, daughters of
Jerusalem, but weep for yourselves and your

children,” amen.

Even, you know, none of us if we are suffering
can think of others.

We think about ourselves.

But He has the time to think about others.

How unselfish, how beautiful His moral.

His moral beauty and excellence comes out
when He’s suffering, amen.

Even at the cross, He gave comfort to the
thief who said, “Lord, remember me.”

“Today, you shall be with Me in paradise.”

He thought of His mother and the grief of
a mother’s heart.”

He says to John, “Behold your mother.

Take care of My mother.”

All the while, He’s thinking of us.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what
they do.”

Ah, to be like Jesus.

I look at myself, okay, you look at yourself
hopefully, and you compare yourself with our

Lord Jesus, and you see how far short we fall,

We are irritable every day.

We don’t know why we are irritable.

We are just irritable, amen?

So the devil wants you to try your best to
not be irritable.

Try to suppress it.

Oh, that is a surefire way of becoming more
irritable, amen?

So how do you get out of it?

By being focused on Jesus, not the law, okay?

So here again, we are for the law for the
reason God gave the law, and God never gave

the law to justify man by.

So are you clear on this?

Let’s move on, okay?

When God gave the law, remember when God brought
them out of Egypt, all right, listen, there

was no Ten Commandments.

It was not yet given.

Say, “Amen.”

Oh, for a moment, I thought I’m preaching
in another church.

Okay, all right, let’s try this again, okay?

Let’s try this again.

New Creation Church, am I right?

Am I in the right church?

Okay, when God brought them out of Egypt,
do they– are they cognizant of the Ten Commandments?

No, it was not yet given.

Mount Sinai is in front.

Okay, in case you don’t know your chronological
order, deliverance from Egypt happened first.

They came out by what?

The blood of the lamb, amen?

Were they good people?

They got out because they were good?

No, because he is good, amen.

It is his goodness.

Then he brought them through the Red Sea,

I mean, there–behind are the marauding forces
of the Egyptian army.

In front is the deep, deep, deep, deep Red

And they complained.

Complaining is sin.

But God didn’t seem to respond to their sin.

God was responding under the covenant, Abrahamic
covenant of grace that they were under then,

and God opened up the sea.

Hmm, what a covenant.

It’s as if God is not even regarding their

God brought them through the Red Sea because
of His faithfulness, not because of theirs.

Then on the other side, they complained again
because after three days there was no water,

and they complained at the bitter waters of

God healed the waters in spite of their complaining,
and God says, “I am the Lord who heals you,”


And God gave them what?

They complained there was no food.

God gave them manna from heaven.

Every day, champions’ food.

Don’t have to worry.

It’s organic, no artificial flavorings or

It’s pure from heaven.

In fact, the Bible says, “Man did eat angels’
food,” in the Psalms.

Open your mouth every morning.

So it seems like no one died all the way from
Egypt at the foot of Mount Sinai, through

all the Red Sea and all the vicissitudes that
they went through.

They reached Mount Sinai.

Though they complained, they sinned, they
sinned every step of the way, no one died.

That’s something the Lord showed me many years
ago that triggered off this ministry, my ministry.

I checked, and many people have checked all
over the world ever since I said that.

People that follow my ministry and those who
are criticizing me also, they’ve checked.

No one can come and say a person died.

No one died, even though they sinned.

Did they sin?


No one died.

But something happened after Sinai, Mount
Sinai, when the law was given.

This time, when they complained, poom, martir,
all right?

That means what?


See, die, all right?

When they complain, they die.

When they complain, they die.

Wait a minute?

Same God, different administration.

The other day in one of the hotels I stayed
in Israel–let’s not be specific so that we

don’t blame–you all don’t go, “Oh, be careful
of that hotel.”

No, no, no.

We both were–a pastor and I were–one of
the pastors were talking to me.

Looks like the system have changed, you know?

The security features are not as good.

Like anyone can just press the button and
go up, and all that.

You know, it’s like we are thinking, “Yeah,
how come?”

Then I saw another sign later on, “Under new

Another hotel group took over this hotel,
I don’t know when, last year or what, so it’s

under new management and they have their own
style of administrating.

And to me, it wasn’t as good as the old.

I kinda wish that the old remained.

Same building, same hotel.

But listen, the law is an administration.

Grace is also an administration.

The law demands, “You shall not, you shall

Grace says, God says, “I will be this to you.

I will give you this.

I will do that for you.”

The focus on God’s, “I will.”

That means what?

Focus on God.

Here, the focus is on you.

The law is focused on you, your strength.

“You shall not.”

But the problem is that man don’t have that

That’s the problem.

Man is bankrupt.

So the law was given to bankrupt man.

Why was it given then?

Because man is so proud.

So at the foot of Mount Sinai–I’m gonna say
it in Hebrew again.

At the foot of Mount Sinai, they said, “Kol

“Kol” means everything that God says.

“Kol asher diber,” God’s Word, “na’aseh.”

“Kol asher diber Adonai,” God’s name, “na’aseh.”

“Na’aseh” means, “We can keep it.

We can do it.”

It’s a very affirmative word.

Later on, they added the word “v’nishmah,”
which is even stronger, “And we will observe

it,” all right?

“We will keep it and observe it.”

So if you think about it, they have not heard
the Ten Commandments.

You know, you never sign–anyone pass you
a piece of paper, a contract, you never sign

until you have read the conditions.

You will not sign something just because someone
promise you and say, “You know what?

Trust me.

Sign it,” right?

I mean, God has not given the Ten yet, right?

The moment they said, “All that God says,
we can do it,” read Exodus 19.

Exodus 20 was when God gave the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 19, the moment they say, “Kol asher
diber,” that’s found in Exodus 19, “We will

keep everything God says,” God told Moses,
“Tell them don’t come near.”

In other words, God never had that tone with

The tone changed.

God says, “If you want me to treat you based
on your goodness, on your faithfulness, on

your, you know, law-keeping,” which they have
promised just now that they will keep, God

says, “Then this is the deal.

I am holy.”

Just like sun and the mud cannot come together,
all right?

Mud ceases to be mud.

It becomes clay when the sun comes into connection
with the mud.

Am I right?

God is holy.

Man is sinful.

Who will be destroyed when the two encounter
each other?

You understand?

Now, God didn’t make man sinful.

Man made himself sinful.

That goes back to the Garden, all right?

So God says, “Don’t come near, for your own

Don’t come near.

Tell them, Moses, don’t come near.”

God never had that tone when God brought them
out of Egypt.

God led them in a pillar of cloud, in a pillar
of fire, like a shepherd with the flock following


He was so close to them.

He was so near to them.

He never had that tone with them.

But the moment man presumed on his self-righteousness,
on his strength– I’ll tell you this, this

is the worst kind of sin.

The Pharisees, they know their Bible through
and through.

You can’t tell–you can’t say for sure that
the Pharisees are guilty of adultery, all


Outwardly, we can’t tell, right?

Outwardly, they look moral.

They look clean and all that compared to the
people that Jesus spent time with, tax-collectors,

prostitutes, and all that, and He forgave
them, healed them, and all that.

In fact, there’s no healing account of Jesus
healing the Pharisee, but we have many of

Jesus healing the so-called social outcasts.


Because they know they are sinners.

But the Pharisees cannot receive.

They are self-righteous, and that’s the worst
kind of sin.

In fact, when you’re self-righteous, it produces
all kinds of sin.

See what happened when they said, “All that
God says, we can do”?

What do you see next?

What do you see next?

No, you see the Ten Commandments being given
first, right?

And then what’s the first commandment?

“You shall have no other gods before Me.”

So the moment they say, “All that God says,
we can keep,” did they keep it?

The moment you come under the law, what happened?

The very first commandment, they broke.

They built the golden calf, okay?

Do you see that?

So those who advocate, “Yes, we must try our
best to keep the law,” it’s actually bringing

people right into sin.

Let that sink in for awhile.

Those who advocate for people to be conscious
of the law, to memorize the law, the commandments

and all that.

You know, it’s amazing that children don’t
even–they’re not–they don’t–can’t even,

like, memorize the Ten Commandments easily.

But you tell them, “John 3:16,” “For God so
loved the world that He gave–” The Holy Spirit

never help you to memorize the law.

What is the third commandment?

Even those who fight for the law, you ask
them, “What’s the third commandment?”

They look at you, they look here, look there,
look here.

So much for fighting for the law.

What’s the sixth commandment?

They’ll try their best.

“Thou shall not steal?

No, thou shall not lie.”

I don’t know also, but don’t lie, okay?

But right now, by the grace of God, is my
life a sinful life?

Now, I’ll tell you right now, okay, God sees
like no man sees of course, but I tell you

right now, I love falling in love with Jesus.

I love the idea of seeing him more and more
every day.

There is no woman that is behind me other
than my wife.

Okay, like, another lady, lah, I’m in love
with her is my daughter, amen?

Yeah, she’s the only one I say, “I love you,”
she says she loves me back, that kind of thing,

you know?

So I’m gonna enjoy these few years before
she gets stolen.

And whoever steals, okay, all right, just
remember, can you imagine me for the rest

of your life as father-in-law?

Okay, amen?

Yeah, so I can tell you right now, and okay,
this is not to throw a stone against anyone,

you know, who has been divorced or remarried
and all that.

Okay, listen, we all know that grace is there,
praise the Lord, but some people think I preach

grace because there’s some–you know, maybe
Wendy is not his first wife.

No, she is my first love, wife, okay?

The first love, that’s my wife.

My first love right now and the only last
love is

my wife, Wendy, okay?


Morality, don’t just look at people and say,
“Oh, you know, this church tells people about


All kind of sinful things going on.”

Hey, you look close enough, you will find
people living in sin.

They come.

They come to every church.

Your church also have, all right?

So, but the thing is that I have people come
to our church and they find our people are


You know, they say that, “Even your ushers,
the light, the glow.”

You know, one of the hotels that we stayed
also– and we have these testimonies many

times, like Lawrence.

We always have people saying, “What are you

You know, sometimes they say celebrities because
Lawrence is there.

“Are you all celebrities?

What are you all?”

Because they–and this is what he said, “You
all seem to shine.

You’re always so happy.

There’s a joy,” you know, compared to other

Even we’re not conscious.

We’re just laughing at Pastor Mark’s jokes
and all that, right, and we are just having

time, but the light is shining.

Your light is shining without you realizing,
and there are people observing.

So true holiness is unconscious.

As you are occupied with Christ and not with
the law, you become holy.

True kind of holiness, amen.

So having said that, let me just ask you,
how did the golden calf come about?

That’s the thing that I wanna bring across
very strongly, okay?

How did the golden calf come about?

You all know what happened, right?

Let’s read Exodus 32.

“When the people saw that Moses delayed coming
down from the mountain–” What was he up the

mountain for?

To take the–to bring down the Ten Commandments.

Am I right?


On the two tablets of stone, right?

Moses went up and said, “God, the people are

God says, “Take these two tablets,” okay?

So, “The people gathered together to Aaron,
and said to Aaron, ‘Come, make us gods that

shall go before us; for as for this Moses,
the man who brought us up out of the land

of Egypt, we do not know what has become of

Another thing is that I see a prophetic truth
because every time you study the Old Testament,

always remember Old Testament are written
as “tupos” in the Greek, which means types.

You can learn a lot from the details.

The doctrine is very straightforward in the
New Testament, but in the Old Testament the

details are hidden.

It’s hidden there to–for us to study, to
bring out.

So it’s not literal.

Many of it is shadows, types.

The anti-type or the substance is in the New
Testament, okay?

Are you all with me so far?

All right, so another thing is this.

“When the people saw that Moses delayed coming

So again, it’s a picture of the end times.

The church becomes immoral, go into sin, because
they say the Lord delays His coming.

But for those who are always ready for the
Lord’s coming, the opposite happens, okay?

So what happened?

Next verse, “And Aaron said to them, ‘Break
off the golden earrings which are in the ears

of your wives, your sons, and your daughters,
and bring them to me.’

So all the people broke off the golden earrings
which were in their ears, and brought them

to Aaron.”

Now, in those days they wear golden earrings,

Remember Rebecca, the story of Rebecca I shared?

All right, the moment after she watered all
the camels of Abraham’s servant, Abraham’s

servant brought out a golden earring.

Now, your Bible in the New King James–we
all use the New King James here in our church,

and it says golden nose ring.

So it can either be a nose ring or it can
be an earring, all right?

It can be both, all right?

So, but I tend to incline more towards earring.

And for sure, this one is earring in the ear,

Because it says, “Break off the golden earring
which are in the ears,” all right?

So it cannot be a nose ring.

So, and anyway, in Genesis–and the next one,
it says, “So all the people broke off the

golden earrings which were in their ears,”
emphasis, right?

Okay, now look in Genesis account of Rebecca’s

“It came to pass, as the camels had done drinking,
that a man took a golden earring.”

This is the King James version.

Just remember, you read your New King James,
you are wondering why it says nose ring.

Okay, it’s an opinion, all right?

I tend to believe, because the same word is
used, “nezem,” earring, gold, “zahav.”

Nezem zahav, earring gold.

In Hebrew, that’s how it is.

So it’s the same word as the one we saw just
now, but notice this.

“Of half a shekel weight.”

Half a shekel weight.

Keep that in your mind, okay?

Half a shekel weight.

Got it?

Okay, let’s go back to the story.

We are asking the mysteries of how the golden
calf came about, because if you know this–listen,

if you know this, you will find the answer
to your health, to your healing, to whatever

you want to receive from God.

I’m serious.

“Break off the golden earring.”

So the next verse says, verse 4, drop down,
“And he received the gold from their hand,

and he fashioned it with an engraving tool,
and made a molded calf.

They said, ‘This is your god, O Israel, that
brought you out of the land of Egypt!'”

So the golden calf, we think about, oh, it’s
an idol.

It’s an idol, okay?

It’s a golden idol.

It’s more than that.

What does it mean today?

What is a golden calf today?

What is a golden calf?

Does that mean you cannot be creative with
art and all that?

No, now observe, they made a golden– “He
received from their hand.”

In Stephen, the martyr’s accounts, Stephen
the martyr, when he preached his famous sermon,

look at it, he says this, “Saying to Aaron,
‘Make us god–‘” Okay, referring to the same

incident, “And they made a calf in those days,
offered sacrifices to the idol, and rejoiced

in,” what?

“In the works of their own hands.”

They rejoiced in the works of their own hands.

That is the problem.

Today, that’s the same problem.

Men rejoice in their effort, their strength,
their smarts, their qualification.

I’m a self-made millionaire, all right?

Instead of trusting God, giving God the glory,
looking at God as the strength, you know,

of their life, they’re looking at their own
self as the strength.

If it’s your strength, it has an expiry date.

You will fall flat on your face.

Even a young man, that’s why they compare,
“The young man shall fall.

Young men shall run and they will fall.

Those that wait upon the Lord, they shall
run and not be weary.”

So God is saying don’t trust your own strength.

So the law is all about what is natural and
what is naturally strong for man.

You shall not, you shall not.

Use your own strength.

And the very strength leads you to sin.

Nothing wrong with the law, but combined with
your flesh, it brings you to sin.

Read all about it in Romans 7, all right?

Paul had this experience.

So let’s go back to it again.

So if that is so, if that is so–we’re talking
about the key to receiving even healing and


If that is so, what is this golden earring
the devil wants them to be free from?

Take away the golden earring.

Remove the golden earring.

“Earring” sounds like what?

Very good.

This church is so smart, amen?

“Earring” sounds like, children, “hearing.”

Golden star.

Golden earring.

The word “gold” is divine, so something divine

Are you listening, people?

So they sacrificed their golden earring for
the works of their hands.

Let’s go in Galatians right now, and that’s
a problem that every church will have to battle

with, have to experience.

If they’re asking, “Why is there no revival?

Why is there no healing?

Why is there no miracles happening in my ministry,
in this church, or in my life?”

look at Galatians 3.

“This only I want to learn from you.”

And the very thing that Paul says, “This only,”
the church is not focused on this only.

They are focused on a lot of things except
for only this that Paul says, “This only.”

“This only I want to learn from you: Did you
receive the Holy Spirit by the works of the

law,” the works of your hands, in other words,
your effort, “or by the hearing of faith?”

Golden earring.

Remember I told you just now to remember that
Rebecca–he gave Rebecca– the servant gave

Rebecca a golden earring.

How much was the weight?

Half a shekel, very good.

That’s the first time half a shekel appears.

Why is this important, Pastor Prince?

How many like to go deep a bit?

Okay, half a shekel is used for atonement

Every time Israel is counted, how many there
are in Judah, how many there are in Simeon,

how many there are in this tribe of Asher,
they must– each one must give a half a shekel.

Everyone must give a half a shekel.

Young or old must give half a shekel.

Rich or poor must give half a shekel, all

That is to say we count things that we own.

We don’t count things that belong to other

We count things that belong to us.

Think about all your possessions, your money
or whatever.

You count things that belong to us.

So whenever you’re–God told the king of Israel,
and David failed one time, and that’s why

the plague fell on the people.

He counted the people without taking the atonement

Atonement means, all right, even if you count
the people, remember they are bought by the


They are not yours.

And we are all bought by the blood of Jesus.

We are not our own, people.

We are bought with a price, and what a price,
the blood of Jesus.

Are you listening?

So half a shekel weight.

And in Israel, they take half a shekel weight
of silver.

Everyone give half a shekel, a picture of
split coin, because Jesus on the cross was

split, okay?

And it’s silver.

Silver is always the–yeah, the type of redemption.

Very good, you all–I love it.

Let’s go on.

That helps me a lot, praise the Lord, for
me not to explain in detail.

But the gold–all the half shekels collected,
they melt it and put it as silver sockets

to build the Tabernacle, a picture of the

And this is how they built the Tabernacle,
all right?

Can you see it’s made of wood, but it’s overlaid
with gold.

You and I are like wood, right?

Wood is a picture of humanity.

But we are overlaid with gold, Jesus Christ.

We are all in Christ, amen.


I just happened to teach my son last night
as his birthday gift, always remember that

you are greatly blessed, highly favored, and
deeply loved.


Because you are in Christ.

And I had a small black book and I had another
bigger book, and I take him– this is you,

sinful and all that.

God put you in Christ.

That’s why you are greatly blessed.

Not because you did this well, you passed
your mathematics, all right, you got 100 for

this subject or whatever.

Nothing to do with your accomplishment, who
you are, but you are in Christ.

You are greatly blessed, you are highly favored,
deeply loved.

Regardless of whoever says things about you,
bad things in the future, even your friends

or your enemies, what are they?

They are just people with weaknesses.

God is perfect and God says, “You are highly
favored in My eyes.”

God says, “You are deeply loved,” amen.

Praise God.

So we are all in Christ.

But notice our foundation.

We stand not on shifting sand, blown here,
blown there by the winds in the desert.

No, no, even though we are in the world, we
are not of the world.

We are standing on solid silver.

We are standing on solid silver.

We stand on redemption ground.

We have by faith access into this grace wherein
we stand, this favor wherein we stand,” hallelujah.

We are not subject to the forces.

That’s how stable the Tabernacle is because
it’s on solid silver, and that silver comes

from the half-shekel of the people.

They melt it and make it silver sockets.

Do you see it so far?

Okay, all that to tell you golden earring.

Now, watch this.

Go back to the story.

I’m gonna show you the interlinear now, okay?

Look at the golden earring one more time.

“They brake off all the people.”

Now, this is the form that–reading from right
to left, Hebrew.

“They broke off all the people the earrings
of gold which were in their ears, and brought

them unto Aaron.”

Okay, that’s how it reads.

Notice that before the earrings is the word

For those who know, it’s referring to Jesus

That’s why the devil doesn’t want them to
have the golden earring.

It’s the hearing of the Word of Christ.

It’s not just hearing any word, it’s hearing
the Word of Christ.

So back to Galatians 3.

How many want the Holy Spirit?

And here it says, “Did you receive the Spirit
by the works of the law, or by the hearing

of faith?”

Is it by your effort, by doing this religious
work, or by doing that work, or even good


No, you don’t receive the Holy Spirit like

You receive the Holy Spirit by the hearing
of faith, and the hearing of faith is hearing

about Jesus Christ, okay?


Romans 10:17, real quick.

Romans 10:17, “Faith comes from hearing, and
hearing through the word of Christ.”

Now, some people say the Word of Christ means
when Christ speaks to you.

Yeah, of course faith will come when Christ
speaks to you, and Christ still speaks to

us today, amen, but this is not what it’s
referring to.

It’s referring to–the context there refers
to a preacher, preaching about Christ.

NIV brings it out.

“So the message that is heard, and the message
is heard through the word about Christ.”

That’s how faith comes.

You make sure that whoever you’re listening
to, whatever message you are listening to,

the social media today is full of sermons
as well, make sure it’s about Christ, the

centrality of Christ.

That’s how you have the hearing of faith operating
in your life.

And when the hearing of faith is there, what’s
gonna happen?

You will receive the Holy Spirit.

Not only that, back to Galatians 3, “Are you
so foolish?

Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being
made perfect by the flesh?”

Why is he scolding them?

Because you know, they began under grace.

Now all of a sudden, some teachers came from
Jerusalem, teaching them they need to be under

the law.

They came under the law.

They mixed both law and grace.

They didn’t give up grace, but they also embraced
the law.

Now they have a mixture, and Paul is saying
that is being so foolish.

You began in the Spirit and now you are being
made perfect by your effort?

Then he asks this question, “Have you suffered
so many things in vain– if indeed it was

in vain?”

Next verse, “Therefore He,” God, “who supplies
the Spirit.”

And the word there is constant supplying,
from the word “chorego,” which is choreograph,

the one who’s in charge of a choir or whatever.

He supplies–in those days, he supplies all
their food, their uniform, everything, all


God who supplies.

The Greek there is beautiful.

“God who supplies the Spirit to you and works

And the word “works” is also constant, constantly
working miracles.

You want God to constantly work miracles in
your family, in your life, in your workplace,

in your church?

Okay, that’s what it’s all about.

Why are we missing this?

Because it tells you, “Does God do it by the
works of the law,” by the work of our labor,

our effort at law-keeping?

Even though it appears so nice to people outside,
all right, but it’s all a mirage because you

know it’s gonna lead you into sin.

“Or by the hearing of faith?”

Which one?

I submit to you that’s the reason you don’t
see miracles often in people’s lives, in churches,

and all that.

It’s because of this.

They are still under the law.

But they will say, “We’re not purely under
the law.”

I agree.

They’re under the same Galatianism problem,
all right?

They embrace grace but they still keep the

It’s worse.

You have enough grace to deceive yourself
to think that you are under grace, but you

put in the law to nullify the effect because
now you bring in grace and you put it in the

old wineskin.

You will lose both Jesus said.

Are you with me so far?

Are you following so far?

So what do we need to do?

Focus on the–and how many of you heard this?

“There are people who come to church on Sunday,
only on Sunday, and sit down there, and then

they hear, and hear, and hear.

New Creation Church especially, all you do
is hear, hear, hear, hear, hear.

They never go out and do.”

Now, in the first place, do they interview

They don’t know.

They judge you based on their own prejudice,
let’s say, all right?

“Who are you speaking of, Pastor Prince?”

I don’t know.

I’m just speaking.

I’m just speaking.

I’m just speaking.

They will say, “They sit down here and,” sometimes
they will say things like, “they warm the

pews, and keep on hearing, and hearing, and
hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and they

never go out and do anything.”

So in other words, deep down, what they believe
is this.

The works of the law is more important than
hearing of faith.

I believe if you come and you receive the
feeding, even the good shepherd knows, feed

the sheep that’s weak before you try to say,
“Do this!” and the weak, and the poor, you

know, the guy is doing…

The poor, wobbly lamb.

“I’m trying my best.”

Shake, rattle, and roll.

Shake, rattle.

Okay, all right.

Now you’re awake.

I got your attention.

Okay, good, all right.

You feed the sheep.

You don’t beat the sheep.

But the sheep doesn’t even walk properly.

Bad testimony, whack him.

Feed the sheep, for goodness’ sake.

Feed, feed.

But I want the behavior.

No, keep on feeding.

One day, he’ll be strong.

One day, he’ll be able to walk the way you
want him to walk, amen.

So hearing of faith is more important.

Keep on hearing.

“Now, Pastor, I don’t feel I’m doing–” You
are doing more than you realize, and the best

part of it is it’s unconscious.

You’re shining more than you know, and that
cannot come by doing.

It comes by hearing.

You can tell different people from, you know–New
Creation Church people, you can find them


You find them in the mall or whatever, they
always have this… this big, amazing Pastor

Lawrence grin, or Pastor Mark.

Pastor Mark is more extreme.

All right, they always shine, honestly.

You know, Wendy and I always remark this,

We are prejudice, of course.

It’s our church, right, and our church people,
right, so we are proud of them.

But we always say this, and I believe we are
objective when we say you can tell our church


There’s a joy.

There’s a glow, amen.

There’s a joy.

There’s a glow.

Remember this.

This is a very simple truth here today, but
can you see what they gave up?

They gave up the golden earring, and the type
there we have established with Scripture.

Half a shekel weight is the hearing of redemption.

It’s hearing about Christ.

It’s not just hearing a part of the Bible,
but it’s not translated into the Word of Christ,


Like remember my last sermon here before I
left for Israel was on Leviticus 27.

In the natural, you’ll be assessed by your
natural strength, all right, and the payment

is according to.

As you grow older, the payment is lesser.

That’s a fact.

It’s a fact, right?

But we are not under the law.

We are not under what’s natural.

We are under, “They shall run and not be weary.

They shall walk and not faint.”


Because we wait upon the Lord, amen?

So we are not under law, we are under grace.

We are not under, “You shall not, you shall
not, you shall not,” demand.

The essence of the law is demand.

The essence of the law–of grace is supply,

“I shall do this for you.

I will do that for you.

I will forgive your sins.

I will be your God,” amen.

It’s so wonderful to be under grace, but don’t
step back so the devil tends always to pull

you back, give up the hearing of faith.

And I grieve for pastors who made their sermons
shorter, and shorter, and shorter, and shorter,

thinking that they will please the world today
because TikTok is short, right?

It’s a season of TikTok.

Talk about TikTok.

So then we have everything that’s short, bite-sized.

People can only take bite-sized, because if
you train them to take bite-sized, they will

always take bite-sized.

Put something into a child’s mouth early,
keep on putting it, I don’t care if it’s as

bland as something else that, you know, a
soya bean or whatever, and I tell you this,

even if they grow old it will not depart from
the taste.

He will always wanna go back to that taste.

You decide what you put in their mouth.

Don’t keep on saying, “Don’t surrender them
to the world.”

You put it.

Once they taste the Word of Christ, ooh, they
want more, amen.

Am I right, church?

And the people that came to Jesus during His
time, notice the way it happens.

And I’ll close with this all right?

Luke chapter 5, “The report went around concerning
Jesus all the more; and great multitudes came

together to hear, and to be healed by Him
of their infirmities.”

They came what first?

And then to be healed.

There are people who bring their relative
or bring their friend, they come to a pastor,

and they say, “Pastor, can you please pray
for–” Of course the pastor will pray.


He’s a pastor and he won’t want to disappoint
you, all right?

And he loves you.

So you are his church member, right?

You bring someone else who never hear the
Word, who not even willing to come to church,

or given a chance to even listen to one of
Pastor Prince’s sermons, let’s say, someone

from this church, and what happens?

They want you to pray for healing.

But those people, notice how they receive

They came to hear first and then to be healed
of their infirmities, all right?

Another verse, next chapter.

This is Luke 5.

The very next chapter, see the trend.

“And He came down with them and stood on a
level place with a crowd of Jesus’ disciples

and a great multitude of people from all Judea
and Jerusalem, from the seacoast of Tyre and

Sidon, who came to hear Him and be healed
of their diseases.”

Again, the same order.

They came to hear and to be healed.

“As well as those who were tormented with
unclean spirits.

And they were healed.

And the whole multitude–” I love this.

“The whole multitude sought to touch Him.”

Marvel heroes don’t hold a candle to Jesus.

It’s all fake, fake, and more fakes.

And the world is running after it because
the heart of our young people are all crying

out for Jesus.

This is–look at this.

“Whole multitude sought to touch Him, for
power went out from Him and healed them all.”


Walking by the–I was just there a few days
ago, the area of Galilee.

And power went out of Jesus and healed them

hallelujah, beautiful.

So what did Jesus do?

This is Jesus’ ministry, and I’ll close with
this verse.

“Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in
their synagogues, preaching,” preaching, say,

“Preaching,” “the gospel of the kingdom, and
healing,” say, “Healing,” “all kinds of sickness

and all kinds of disease among the people.”

So the people came to hear, so Jesus preached.

They came to hear and to be healed.

Remember this.

Always remember this.

Just now, there’s a special anointing.

Of course God heals–sometimes God heals when
there’s a special anointing, all right, and

I ask you all to pray with me that this happens
more and more in a service, and that’s more

the gifts of the Spirit.

It operates as the Spirit wills, but the norm
for the believer is to hear first, and then

faith comes, and then you receive.

If you’re not receiving, ask yourself, are
you hearing the Word of Christ?

Make sure it’s the Word about Christ.

That woman with the issue of blood, when she
heard about Jesus, she came in the press behind,


I’m gonna read to you a real quick testimony
and then I will dismiss you, okay?

All right?

All right, a sister from Singapore.

This just came a few days ago.

“I was born with a defective left eye, with
scars across my retina.

Hence for 55 years, I could only rely on my
right eye to see.

My only good eye, however–my only good eye,
however, is highly myopic and I had also suffered

from acute glaucoma in that same eye once.”

My eye is seeing something else, okay.

“Same eye once.

My eye doctor fears that over time, due to
severe myopia, my retina which has become

stretched and thin will develop scars too,
turn myopic degeneration, which could lead

to blindness.

I work in an international construction company
and my job requires me to do close-up work

on the computer and read construction drawings.

Recently, I suddenly could not see clearly
with my right eye.

There was a diagonal patch across my visual
field and my vision became so bad that I could

not read text on my phone and laptop, and
I could not walk down the stairs because I

could not see well.

I had to inform two of my colleagues of my
situation so they could help me, as I was

seeing very little and my eye was in pain.

During this very tough season, I was listening.”

I was listening.

I was listening.

Are you listening?

“During this very tough season, I was listening
to Pastor Prince’s various sermons on Gospel


In one of his sermons in 2002, he mentioned
the higher way is to believe–” the higher

way to healing, “is to believe what God said
in His Word, just like the centurion who approached

Jesus for the healing of his servant.

God also led me to meditate on His promises.

Faith arose in my heart as I kept hearing
and hearing the Word of Christ.”

You see, I saw this testimony only last night.

I prepared my sermon already, but you see
how it comes together?

Even the Word of Christ.

“Faith arose in my heart as I kept hearing
and hearing the Word of Christ.

A couple of weeks later during one of the
Sunday services, Pastor Prince prayed for

people with eye conditions and I received
the healing for myself.

The next day, I realized the diagonal patch
across my visual field was gone.

I could–” Listen, hold your claps.

This is the last one already.

“I could read the text on my devices and even
type out this testimony to testify of the

amazing miracle of God in my life.

May all praise and glory be to our Heavenly

Praise the Lord, amen.

Give Jesus the praise, hallelujah.

Thank You, Lord.

Whatever troubles you are faced with, I told
you just now, it’s the key.

It’s the key to receiving all that God has
done, but there are voices telling you hearing

alone is not enough.

Don’t worry about doing, listen.

If you hear long enough, if you feed long
enough, you will do.

It’s like you have all this pent-up strength
on the inside, you know?

You must do something, all right?

You understand that in analogy of an athlete.

He has all the strength.

He keeps running.

He has all the strength.

He wants to do something.

But the strength comes first, amen.

And many of us, we are trying to do things
we don’t have the strength for.

Feed, hear.

Hear your way out of sickness.

Hear your way out of depression.

Hear you way out of that guilt and condemnation.

Hear your way out from all that the devil
is trying to restrict you and hold you back.

Hear your way out.

The way out is to hear the Word of Christ.

Get hold of teachings that’s about Christ,
and about Christ that’s revealed in the Gospels,

and Christ in His finished work, which has
brought grace under which we are all under,

this wonderful dispensation of grace.

If you say, “Pastor Prince, I want to put
my faith in Jesus Christ and I want to do

it today, right now.

I don’t want to delay any longer.

I see it.

I see it,” if that is you, pray this prayer
with me right now.

Say, “Heavenly Father, You said in Your Word
whoever confesses Jesus as Lord, they will

be saved.

I thank You Jesus Christ is my Lord, and I
believe He died on that cross for my sins.

He was raised from the dead when I was justified,
cleared of all my sin debt.

And I believe He is alive today at Your right
hand and He’s coming again.

Jesus Christ is my Lord, my Savior, and my

I’m saved, gloriously saved, in Jesus’ name,

Stand to your feet.

Praise the Lord.

Lift your hands all across this place.

This coming week–see, I’m not just pronouncing,
all right, as a cliche.

I believe God releases and God will follow
through throughout this week.

This week, the Lord bless you with the blessings
of Father Abraham you and your family, blessings

of Deuteronomy 28, and the Lord keep you,
protect and preserve all of you from every

harm, danger, sickness, from all the powers
of darkness throughout this week.

The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
he’s always smiling on you, and prosper your

way, be gracious to you.

May you find favor everywhere you go throughout
this week.

And the Lord lift up His countenance on you
and grant you shalom peace, health, and wholeness.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

You are dismissed.

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode, but don’t
go just yet!

If you would like to receive prayer, share
your testimony, or find out more about Gospel

Partner, just click the link on this screen.

If not, I’ll see you in the next episode!