Faith strengthens you to fight. In this lesson, I talk about how you were created to be an overcomer and that you cannot be a hero without a battle. Watch my full Strong Course on MessengerX:

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for a long time we have actually

propagated the lie or believed the lie

that our culture told us that we could

be a hero without overcoming anything


okay today we’re going to talk about

strong in faith strong in faith now I

love this quote by Oswald Chambers it

says God does not give us overcoming


he gives us Life As We overcome do you

know that you were created to overcome

do you know as you overcome you feel

more life inside of you God is wanting

you to experience what it means to

overcome but for a long time we have

actually propagated the lie or believed

the lie that our culture told us that we

could be a hero without overcoming

anything the truth is you cannot be a

hero without a battle and you and I are

called to be Overcomers and Overcomers

are people who are people of action I

want to go into this whole idea of

strong in faith and I’m going to go

right into Hebrews 11 verse 1. I’m going

to read it from the ESV first and I’m

going to read out of a couple other

versions if V says now Faith is the

Assurance of things hoped for and the

conviction of Things Not Seen

that King James says now Faith is the

substance of things hoped for the

evidence of Things Not Seen the NLT says

faith is the confidence that what we

hope for will actually happen it gives

us Assurance about the things we cannot


and then it goes on to say through their

faith the people in days of old earned a

good reputation in the above verses we

heard Faith described as Assurance we

heard it as substance and we heard it as

confidence an assurance means it’s going

to happen it’s like insurance but

Assurance you can be assured that it’s

going to happen

but I want to hone in on this word

substance faith is the substance this

word substance actually translates to

matter faith is this matter it is this

thing that takes up space in our life it

is a capacity faith is the substance

that God works with that gives us

evidence of the things not yet seen

there are things that you are hoping for

there’s things that I’m hoping for I’m

hoping to come out strong I’m hoping

that we will become a people

known for our faith a people known for

strength what I hope for I hope that you

have a stronger marriage after this

season I hope that we have a more Godly

Nation after this season I hope that we

have a more humble Nation after this

season I am believing that for what I am

hoping for I have faith that this

hardship is actually going to produce

something of substance in us and it’s

going to give us a greater hope we’re

going to have to understand that God

actually wants us to be those people who

would dare to hope when everybody is

doubting dare to believe when everybody

is afraid to even think of having faith

so let’s talk about this so

Hebrews verse 3 11 3 says going to

explain by faith so we talked about

faith as a substance we talked about

this is how the people of the olden days

live but then it goes on and says now

I’m going to talk to you about what you

need to see as an example of Faith this

is by faith we understand that the

entire universe was formed at God’s

command that what we now see everything

that we see did not come from anything

that can be seen do you know that God

spoke the world into existence you can’t

see my words but God spoke you and me

into existence he spoke everything that

we can see

by the Unseen do you know they’ve

actually discovered that our human DNA

looks like a sound strand so God spoke

he called You and I by name into this

time into this day you were made for

this moment you were made to overcome

not be overcome and then he goes on he’s

like okay I need to give you some

examples of what that looks like to

overcome Hebrews 11 4 says it was by

faith that Abel brought a more

acceptable offering to God than candid

how well instead of doing something in

his own strength he actually followed

the pattern of what God had done for his

parents he said I’m going to look at

what my father God did and I’m going to

bring what I already know covers so he

didn’t take what he could raise in his

own strength he he actually she took the

example of God’s sacrifice and it says

Abel’s offering gave evidence that he

was a righteous man

and God showed his approval of his gifts

and it says although Abel is long dead

he still speaks to us by his example of

faith see I want to be the kind of

person and I want to challenge you to be

the kind of person that we leave a

legacy of Faith behind that people look

at how we acted in this day and our

example will stand to encourage others

in the future and then it goes on to say

it was by faith that Enoch was taken up

to heaven without dying he just

disappeared because God took him for

before he was taken he was known as a

person who pleased God

how can we be those kind of people who

please God I want to be the kind of

person like Enoch I want to be the kind

of person like Abel we’re talking about

being Legacy people and then goes on to

say okay I’ll tell you how to please God

in verse 6 this is and it is impossible

to please God without faith well if it’s

impossible to please God without faith

that means it’s possible to please God

with faith

anyone I love that anyone anyone it’s

not just for this life to you anyone who

wants to come to him must believe that

God exists

and that he rewards those who sincerely

seek him that’s a two-fold thing we

believe that he exists and we believe

that he rewards that means we believe

that God is and we believe he is good

we don’t just believe he’s good for

everybody else we believe he is good for

us we believe he is good we believe he

does good we believe that what he’s

doing right now is for future good for a

hope and a future so we believe that God

is a rewarder of those who seek him so

becoming strong is about seeking God

understanding not only is he but that he

wants to reward you that he wants to do

good to you and for you then it goes on

to say by faith Noah being warned by God

concerning events as yet unseen in

reverent fear constructed an ark for the

saving of his household you know when I

read that it had a different meaning for

me when I had read it in previous years

Noah constructed an ark for the saving

of his household do you know our faith

in trying times becomes an arc for the

saving of our household and then he goes

on to say by this he condemned the world

and became an heir of righteousness that

comes by faith wow how do we make this

Ark because we’re not going to go out

and get gopher wood we make this Ark

through worship we make this art through

consecration we make this Ark through

prayer we make this Ark through

repentance we make this Ark by

intentionally connecting and saying God

you know what your Refuge we talked

about that since the very beginning and

we are going to be a people going

forward that are holy holy isn’t us

trying to be good holy is about us being

gods it goes on to say by faith Abraham

obeyed when he was called to go out to a

place that he was to receive as an

inheritance he went out not knowing

where he was going I feel like right now

we’ve gone into this season not knowing

where we are going but God is saying

that the way you’ve come in is not the

way you’re going to go out because

you’re going to go out of this season

looking for something different you’re

going to go out of this season looking

for that City whose Builder and maker is

God you’re going to come out of this

season of saying I don’t know where I’m

going I don’t know where this is going

and you’re going to go forward in an

assurance that God is a rewarder that he

has a legacy that he is doing something

see faith will lean into your future

but fear will always get you to try to

drag along with you your past I don’t

want you to actually be that person that

allows fear to be your counselor in

these days fear is a horrible counselor

it will always cause you to inherit what

you do not want to inherit I want you to

lean in to the faith of God even if it’s

just to say he is good and he does good

Hebrews 11 33 says through acts of faith

through acts of faith they toppled

kingdoms made Justice work took the

promises for themselves they were

protected from Lions fires swords for us

and they turned disadvantage to

Advantage One battles routed alien


turned disadvantage to Advantage by


toppled kingdoms made Justice work took

the promises for themselves what are

some actions

that you could take now that would be a


fort in faith what is something that you

could see God begin to topple in your

life what is something that you could do

because it doesn’t say through thoughts

of faith it says through acts of faith

maybe as a family you could get together

maybe just there’s something you could

say what is an action we can take that

shows our faith maybe it’s an action of

generosity maybe it’s to to give when

when everything says I want to hold back

maybe it’s to bless somebody who’s in

the past has been cruel and and mean to

you maybe it’s to reach out to your

neighbor I don’t know what that action

is but I’m going to challenge you to say

what is an action I can take in this


see Jesus is the one who is our greatest

hero of action

in Hebrews 12 1 it says therefore since

we are surrounded by so great a cloud of

witnesses let us also lay aside every

weight and sin which clings so closely

and let us run with endurance the race

that is set before us and let us run

with endurance that means it’s not a

Sprint people and it says looking to


founder and Perfecter of our faith who

for the joy that was set before him

endured the cross despising the shame

and is seated at the right hand of the

Throne of God I want you to know this

you were the joy set before him when he

was on that cross he was thinking of you

he was thinking of me he was thinking of

us he was thinking of us joining this

cloud of witnesses that is cheering us

on and telling us hey run well it’s

worth it lose the weight cast off

everything that has held you back in

fear lean into actions and begin to go

into motion I want to close with one of

my all-time favorite quotes by aw tosher

it says we you and I together we don’t

do this alone we can be in our day with

the Heroes of Faith were in their day

but remember at the time they didn’t

know they were Heroes I believe that you

are in a position to be a hero so take

action and be strong in faith
