God speaks at various times and in various ways. Of course, words are but one of His many forms of communication. When we discover the variety of methods in which He speaks, we’ll become more receptive to His voice. #lisabevere #lisabeverestudy #lisabeverecourse #lisabevere #lisabevereadamant #christianstudy #theadamant # #onlinecourses #truthisarock #truth #whatistruth #lisabeveresermons #hearinggod ______________ Chapters: 0:00 – Lesson Teaser 0:15 – My Story 5:07 – This Is for Everybody 7:19 – God Wants to Speak to Us 9:02 – How God Speaks to Us 18:40 – Go Make It Right So You Can Hear from God 20:37 – My Challenge for You ______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org/

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this is the thing God does want to speak

to us yes and and not only does he want

to we were created to hear from him


yes welcome to another lesson of hearing

God and I am so excited about this

because I feel like this is a lesson we

can talk about the different ways God

talks to us yes and all through this

course we’ve had so much excitement

about people finding out that God can

speak to them in any way they can hear

it any place yes yeah so I want to just

kind of share a little bit of my story

you know um I got saved at 21 years of

age and I was in the church every time

it opened I was there Wednesday night I

was there Sunday night I was there

Sunday morning I I I tried to be a

prayer counselor and they’re like no you

barely even know scriptures you can’t do

this yet but I was like oh my gosh I got

isquite yes yes I’d like flip in the

back and be like well I think they were

like nope that’s not

so anyway I got really provoked cuz so

many ministers that were coming in would

say and then God said this to me and God

said this to me and God and I was like

wait just a minute occasionally like

when I’m reading a scripture I’ll feel

life on it or occasionally I’ll like

feel like the holy spirit is saying

something but God is talking to these

people a whole heck of a lot more than

he was talking to me and I found myself

really um

discontent with my relationship and I

remember uh John I just had my first

baby and and John was I think he was

like in Trinidad or something doing a

missions trip and I picked up pen and

paper and started a journal and I wrote

out what I wanted I said I actually

wrote out John 10:27 you said that my

sheep will know my voice yes and the

voice of a stranger they will not hear I

don’t know if it’s your voice my voice

the devil’s voice just some random

person’s voice I need to know your voice

and I I wrote out a very long uh just

desire to hear God’s voice and then I

gave him permission I said you can even

now this is the most precious thing I

had as a young mother wake me up in the

middle of the night wow I was like I

have a baby sleeping through the night

now but God for it do that yes I wish I

would have not so anyway I said all

right you can even wake me up so I

remember I went to bed

not that night but the next night I

think it was like 2:22 my eyes just pop

open I’m looking at the digital clock

I’m thinking why am I awake yeah I

should be sleeping get up go to the

bathroom go back to sleep next night

exactly same time look at the clock my

eyes pop open I’m like I can’t believe

this happened two nights in a row third

night third night it’s like Samuel it’s

like third time third time I was like

wait a minute didn’t I tell God he could

even wake me up could it be that God is

tapping me on the shoulder and and did

he call me did he did he whisper on my

name so I remember I snuck out of my bed

and got my journal and turned on the

little light in our kitchen sat down on

the floor and I can still remember my

posture I was kind of like like this

okay what do you want to say and I and I

remember hearing so distinctly I love

you wow and I thought now that’s just

what I want him to say that’s not what

he’s really saying yeah so I remember I

thought okay but you know what nobody’s

gonna at my journal I’m just gonna write

it down so I wrote down I love you

knowing he was talking to me I put the

date I love you and as soon as I put pen

to paper it was as though something came

alive and as fast as I could write the

Holy Spirit was speaking to me and God

spoke to me about the season I was in

because I kept saying what next what

next what next he was saying no until

you are content now there is not a next

and and I said well what about this this

and what about that and I just had a

horrible labor and he said I’m going to

bring you into a new season of birth and

I said mm no we’re not doing this again

I almost died I almost died we’re not

doing this again he said this time I’ll

carry you and I remember I said you

didn’t carry me last time wow you didn’t

carry me and he said when it gets rough

I need you just to lean in on me and

listen to my heartbeat and then I was

like okay wait a minute if I get up in

the middle of the night and God just

tells me I’m going to be in pain I don’t

know if this deal could be off but deal

break the the amazing thing was um and

and I got up a couple more times in

journal but the amazing thing was my

first labor was very hard a lost a lot

of blood it was very very difficult 12

hours my second labor I was only at the

hospital 20 minutes before I had him and

I had actually forgotten that God had

told me that the labor would be quick it

would be joyous and I found my journal

and I found my journal I had moved I

found my old Journal I had started a new

journal and I opened it up and I wept

like a baby because I knew that I knew

the voice wow and is that just something

that God wants to do for me Rabbi Brian

no I believe it’s for everybody in fact

the funny thing when you say the word

Journal I keep hearing the word Journey

oh wow and uh you know I don’t know

French but I know how to say bonjour you

know or theour you know like the the

soup of the day or good day and all the

the words with that same root to it it

means of the day and so what you’re

journaling is what God is doing today

you know it’s good to talk about what

God’s done yesterday but what are we

believing God for today and I think when

you Journal your journey not only are

you aware that God is with you in that

Journey every single day of your life

but you should expect to hear from him I

tell people write down everything the

questions you have that you’re asking

God and not only do you need to ask him

in prayer but you need to ask write it

down because you forget you forget you

totally forget and then when he answers

write it down when the healing happens

or the miracle comes write it down

because then when you start questioning

God and he’s not no longer speaking you

can always go back to the journal at

least you think he’s not speaking you go

back to the journal you remember oh God

spoke to me here and he answered there

he spoke to me so God does speak to me

and what he’s done then he can do now

but we have to be reminded of that and

plus any favorite verse that comes to

your mind because if you’re meditating

the word day and night the holy spirit’s

job is to speak it back to you bring it

back to your remembrance and then you

get to write that down the holy spirit

said to me and I know sometimes it’s

it’s it’s scary to say God spoke to me

because I remember going to summer camp

where the kids would say God called me

to Ministry and they throw their hands

up and it was all these young kids that

were sons of preachers and felt pressure

they felt the pressure to fill this

calling and then you see their life kind

of decline after trying to be this man

or woman woman of God these these

preachers kids because they were trying

to fit into the shoes of their parents

and I think you have to hear God for

yourself you can’t do it CU mom and dad

are saved so I’m saved or I’m a they’re

Christians so I’m Christian or it’s like

if you’re Catholic well we’re Catholic

why are you Catholic well my parents are

Catholic what is it is is it ethnicity

now instead of a religion that you

choose and I think ultimately we have to

hear what God’s speaking to us this is

the thing God does want to speak to us

yes and and not only does he want to we

were created to hear from him I mean

there’s this cre a and I’m really random

and so it I’ve discovered I don’t call

it random for me I call it it’s not a

rabbit Trail I call it a rabbi Trail so

it’s okay to be a little bit random I

take Rabbi

Trails but I also look at things

differently yeah and it doesn’t make

other people the way they see things but

I look at things differently and I

remember when I found myself pregnant

for the fourth time everybody yeah

you’re gonna have a girl this time yay

and I had a dream wow and God spoke to

me in a dream and isn’t you know a lot

of people think oh that’s just an Old

Testament thing wow but God spoke to me

in a dream and he showed me this vision

of a lionist and he said with the birth

of this son you will awaken a lioness

and I remember coming fully awake

thinking I’d only been asleep for five

minutes and that was morning time and he

began to say to me he said this is what

I’m going to do he said and he gave me

the scripture to back it up he gave me

numbers 23: 24 where it says these yes

and and I was like what’s going on here

and it didn’t make sense in that season

yeah but I wrote it down and I

remembered it and what he said to me in

one season made sense in another season

so sometimes God will speak to us in one

season yeah through dreams through

Visions through other people yeah

because he has something for us in the

next season you know um I want to talk

about how God speaks to us so people

understand one of the ways that God

speaks to us and I I’m going to

highlight it and then I’d love you to

elaborate on it uh is found by the inner

witness yes you know my husband always I

think he says velvet feeling but just

that inner witness we’ve all had that

and if somebody can’t locate that we’ve

all had that yucky feeling inside and

remember you said last night it’s when

our spirit senses something that our

mind has not yet caught up to so you’re

like I don’t feel good about this I

don’t feel good about that there’s

something inside but when the spirit of

God is confirming something we’ll have a

a peace witness but Romans 8 and I’m

going to read from the ESV verses 14-6

it says for all who are led by the

spirit of God are sons of God now that

doesn’t mean he leaves out women you

were children of God for you did not

receive the spirit of Slavery to fall

back into fear oh my gosh I don’t know

if God’s talking to me I don’t know if

he wants to talk to me I don’t know if I

did something bad but you have received

the spirit of adoption as Sons by whom

we cry ABA father yeah and it says the

spirit himself Bears witness with our

spirit that we are children of God yesti

what does that mean if we’re children of

God what does that mean well you know

you can’t beong to Christ until you have

the spirit of Christ so when you accept

Christ for the first time the spirit of

the Lord comes inside and he awakens

your spirit man right because most of

the world is operating not Spirit soul

and body but Body Soul and Spirit and so

the spirit is literally in a spirit ual

coma like a dead man like d d and the

Bible tells us to arise and shine for

their light is come Isaiah 60:1

Ephesians tells us that we arise and

shine and a wake up from our sleep when

Christ becomes the light that wakens us

and so the spirit of God is shining a

light on things that were in darkness so

things that were not clear things that

we didn’t have Clarity of and when God

speaks to our spirit from the Holy

Spirit our conscience is the voice of

the spirit that speaks back to us yeah

so the conscience Bears witness in the

Holy Spirit now I want you to clarify

something so if it’s my conscience m is

it going to sound like me I always

imagine that that’s exactly how God

speaks because that’s how God speaks to

me you ever notice you speak to God the

same way that sometimes you speak to

other people like you you feel like

you’re speaking to God a certain way and

then God speaks right back to you and

and people question like God doesn’t

speak like that no he speaks like that

to me well he’s using your own inner

voice right cuz I I I think a lot of

people are waiting for the booming man

voice from heaven and then all of a

sudden they hear something in their head

unless you’re Abraham you know they hear

something in their head like was that

God yeah it couldn’t have been me I

could never have thought of that yeah so

I think that the still Small Voice that

Elijah understood he’s not in the

earthquake and the wind and the fire

yeah but he’s in the still Small Voice

um Israel understood the still Small

Voice to be the voice of the holy spirit

that came from the shakina glory that

when God shakina glory would manifest

there would be a still Small Voice so

when God spoke over Jesus this is my

beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased we

called in Hebrew the bot Cole the

daughter’s voice the daughter’s voice

and I have a 10-year-old daughter named

Elana and the daughter’s voice draws me

in I’m a father and I am wrapped like

nobody’s business when my daughter talks

to me and she ask me for stuff and I

told my daughter you are not getting an

iPhone you’re not going to get until you

give me straight A’s guess what Dad gave

her for her 10th birthday an iPhone an

iPhone an

straight A she didn’t but she gave me

better grades so what I had better than

Straight A’s she improve better than

what she had yeah she did not have

straight A before so guess what the

phone is now my bargaining tool yes hey

if I don’t get straight Aid on first

quarter guess what happens with the

phone get yanked but the main thing I’m

I I relate to is God is a father and the

Hebrew term for the voice of God the

still Small Voice is the daughter’s

voice I love that so it’s almost like

God saying I’m wooing you in the

softness and intimacy of that a daughter

would ask a father Daddy Daddy it’s

funny that we cry ABA father to God but

God is listening to us because we are

his child you know I think it’s really

um fascinating whenever I would pray um

and i’ would be like what’s the next in

the ministry what’s the next he would

say to me I need you just to be my

daughter yeah you’re my daughter yes

you’re and and I actually uh needed him

to say that to me because I didn’t know

what it was to be a daughter to my

father my father was didn’t know how to

be a father so I didn’t know how to be a

daughter my mother didn’t really know

how to be a mother so I didn’t know how

to be a daughter and he and four boys

right yeah I was completely confused but

this is what he said to me he said who

you are to me which is daughter is more

important than anything you could ever

do for me and so he said that is where

you have to to gauge everything off of

is the relationship you have with me

because there was a a real popular term

use me use me use me and I remember

remember he crashed in my prayer time

when I was praying that and he said I

don’t use I don’t use people he said I

anoint them I heal them I transform them

I conform them to my image he said but

Satan uses people wow and he said I will

not use you and toss you away you are

more important to me and so I think

having that mindset of father and

daughter wow or father and son shifts

everything because I think we have we

forget that Adam wasn’t a min Min right

he was a son and in the gospel actually

Luke ends it that way that Adam was a

Son of God he’s the first created son

Jesus is the only begotten son and Adam

was made to look just like Jesus because

Jesus is the image of goding our goal is

to not only hear his voice right there

transform yeah yeah Romans 8: 14-1 17 it

talks about the sons of God and then it

says this is he who came by water and

blood Jesus Christ not by water only but

by the water and the blood and the

spirit is the one who testifies because

the spirit is the truth yes for there

are three that Testify the spirit and

the water and the blood and these three

agree so what is that saying to us

because that’s like powerful but

confusing to me well yeah so though in

other words what the Bible tells us in

Deuteronomy 17 and 19 is you can’t have

a case judicial case without three

Witnesses or testimonies so the what we

we’re reading in scripture is there’s

always the confirmation of either you

have two or at least or at the max three

it’s funny that it’s hard to get two

people to agree on anything but how can

two walk together marriage how can two

walk together unless they agree right

amamos 3:3 but the idea is you you get

three people to come into agreement you

have a perfect Unity oh wow just like

the father son the holy spirit Spirit

body three-fold Court hard to be broken

so every Judicial Court had a standing


uh from the judge based upon the witness

of three so it’s just like when Jesus

said in Luke 24 didn’t you read in the

law and the prophets that everything I

said to you was the truth wow what he’s

saying is I spoke to you but I spoke the

law and the prophets because I’m the

witness to back up their Witnesses wow

so that they all speak of Jesus from

Genesis to Revelation speaks of Jesus

and that witness is confirmed by the

other Witnesses Okay so we’ve got the

inner witness yeah and then we have

visions yes yeah so so that’s funny

because us about this I I mentioned

Moses a second ago Moses had a unique

Ministry in fact it’s funny in numbers

chap 12 do you remember when Miriam

talks with Aaron gossip complains about

him Marrying an Ethiopian woman yes well

God confronts her not only gives her a

little bit of leprosy for seven days

right that’s a little judgment we call

that lanara Lon har the evil tongue when

you have the evil tongue God could

sometimes zap you with Leprosy which was

temporary for you to repent so here he

talks to her and says how dare you talk

about your your brother like that don’t

you know he’s the prophet that I only

speak face to face while other prophets

I speak in visions and dreams right so

the Hebrew word for vision is

hon very similar change out one letter

you have the word for dream halom okay H

and halom are visions and dreams one

when you’re awake one when you’re sleep

okay so when the spirit was going to be

outpoured Jo Joel proph side I’ll pour

out my spirit upon All Flesh because God

wants everybody to hear him and he wants

everyone to have the spirit right but he

says your old men will dream dreams your

young men will see Visions wow I don’t

know if God’s saying old men sleep a lot

you know and they’re always going to be

sleep can do sleep at this point and

maybe the young men are so awake and

energetic that they’re that they have to

receive it while they’re awake but

there’s something about the generations

you see what other Generations dreamed

about yeah God gives the newer

Generation The Vision to accomplish wow

so so say that one more time what older

Generations only dreamed about the

younger generation has the the vision to

make it come to pass or to execute the

vision and so between Malachi and

Matthew it ends with a Ministry of

Elijah talks about Moses and Elijah and

he says God will turn the hearts of the

fathers back to the children and the

children’s back to the father so the

idea is God wants to close up the Gap so

that not only do we hear from God but

sons and Sons and Fathers and Sons and

Daughters can hear each other and we

sometimes lose that so from one

generation to the next they would lose

the voice of God in the days of Samuel

there was no prophetic voice it was rare

very rare it says until Samuel you know

um I love that you brought up about the

sons and the fathers talking because it

makes me think of the scripture when it

says when you go to give your offering

yes and you remember you remember not

that you have a to get somebody but if

somebody has something against you go

and make it right make go just leave it

and go make it right so there is

something to the fact that when we have

something broken between people broken

relationship then sometimes we can’t

hear from God yes or God’s like I’d love

to talk to you about something but I

need you to fix this first yes

absolutely talk to them first very true

let’s make this happen in John in his

Epistles he talks about the fact how can

you love God who you can’t see if you

don’t love your neighbor who you do see

which was based upon Leviticus love your

neighbor as yourself and don’t hate your

brother in your heart that’s Old

Testament before it was ever New

Testament so the idea is that these

relationships are pictures of this

relationship so God uses the Father’s

son relationship not that he’s not

excluding daughters but it’s okay girls

have to be sons of God just like men

have to be a bride of Christ there you

go there you go so they’re only

metaphors that’s the original they’re

just metaphors yeah and then the other

relationship was husband and wife so

Israel was the bride at SI when God gave

the Commandments and they heard the

voice and they were responding with I do

all that you said I will do it was a

marriage so God says in Jeremiah he goes

remember that Covenant you broke it’s

not going to be like that one it’s going

to be a new covenant I’m going to put it

on your heart this time so you don’t

break it and he says cuz I was a husband

to you yeah the beautiful imagery of

husband you with an everlasting love

always was always was CU The Vow is

forever right yeah I love that yeah you

know um so we mentioned visions and so I

love that this just just the one letter

change so God can speak to you visions

and God can if you’re young foret It

Dream you’re going to be dreaming you’re

my age and older dreams we’re just

dreaming we’re going to pause our

conversation right there but I hope you

are feeling stirred that God wants to

speak to you he wants to speak to you in

so many different ways but he definitely

wants to speak to you in the way that

you can hear from him so I’m going to

challenge you to set aside some time

make room for him to speak to you I’m

also going to invite you to ask him the

ways he’s already talking to you that

maybe you were not aware of so you’re

going to set aside time and you’re going

to recognize how he’s already speaking

and I’m excited because we’re going to

go more into this conversation in our

next lesson so join

