God is love, and we are the objects of His greatest and deepest affections. His love for us is invincible. And when we receive God’s love, we are positioned to love others the way He loves them. But we cannot champion this love without also knowing hate—more specifically, a hate for anything that unmakes love. Watch my full Adamant Course on MessengerX: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/watc…

Get my Adamant Book Here: https://store.messengerinternational….

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we can’t earn

but we’ve never deserved and you can’t

keep it by being good now his love for

you is invincible


and constant


okay this is going to be an unusual

lesson we’re going to cover two topics

that seem completely polar opposite and

I’m going to need you to listen to me

don’t be afraid don’t be afraid it

scared me I’m just going to tell you

first half won’t be scary second half

maybe a little bit frightening so anyway

but um I love that a diamond and an

adamant when they used to be called the

same as a symbol of love you know when

you get engaged I remember when Addison

was like you were in you know in your

prison of internship

okay whatever it was kind of fun it was

kind of an unusual and intensity and

Alice was like shopping for your diamond

and John by accident threw it away and

we’re like oh my gosh but it was just so

important to him that you get something

that is just what you wanted because he

wanted to say I love you and I love you

big and he got Julie a diamond that you

don’t even have to upgrade but um anyway

I love that love is supposed to be

radiant that it’s supposed to reflect

light that is supposed to be something

that stands a test of time but I want to

talk first about God you know God

doesn’t have love God is love it’s

actually his very nature he doesn’t love

us because he has to because Jesus died

for us he actually loves us because he

cannot not love us he loves us he

created us he loved you before you were

born you were his idea you weren’t your

parents idea you were woven in a womb of


and of love and I don’t know what your

circumstances were around your birth I

don’t know if you feel like that’s not

true it’s true and so I need you to have

a revelation that God is love and God is

not love for you he is love he is just

love that’s who he is and that’s how he

sees you he sees you through love we

talked about hovering we talked about

that tender gentle adamant intimate God

but we’re going to talk about love he’s

adamant in love his love is Invincible

let me just tell you something you

cannot stop him from loving you you

cannot stop him

his love for you is not dependent on

your behavior I’m sorry it has nothing

to do with your behavior it has

everything to do that he set his love on

you before you ever turned your face to

him God is not moved by your unlovely

behavior it’s not that he’s not aware

it’s just that he is impervious to our

awful his love is invincible and God is

our first love he will always be our

first love and the truth is that’s

because he first loved us I I love again

going back to the Exodus going back to

the Deuteronomy going back to the

imagery Exodus 15 says you have led them

in your steadfast love not in there

Israel was up and down all the time you

have led them in your steadfast love the

people and that’s you the people whom

you have redeemed you have guided them

by your strength to your holy Abode do

you see that God leads us with love to

bring us home

his holy Abode is not a church building

it is always about bringing us

to himself God delivered them so that he

could reveal his love to them in the

wilderness his love for us not dependent

on us his love for us not according to

our Behavior I need you to hear these

things he has always loved us he loves

you now and he will always love you do

you understand even if a person says I’m

sorry I don’t want anything to do with

Jesus and I want to go to hell God would

still love that person the Redemption

thing has nothing to do with his love

for you he doesn’t love you once you

become a Christian he is always loved

you we can’t earn

but we’ve never deserved and you can’t

keep it by being good now his love for

you is invincible


and constant and because of that you

should be wrapped in a covenant piece

remember it will not make haste be at

peace be at peace Juliana’s middle name

Juliana peace so she’s like oh is that

but he is The God Who seals us and it’s

interesting second Corinthians 1 21-22

this is from the ESV it says it is God

who establishes us with you in Christ

and has anointed us and who has also put

his seal on us and given us his spirit

in our heart as a guarantee I cannot

establish myself you cannot establish

yourself going to a church does not

establish you now that builds you up in

the faith being part of a community of

Believers but it doesn’t establish you

we cannot through our own Works

establish us God knew that so he did I

love how the passion translation treats

this exact same verse it says now it is

God himself who has anointed us do you

know what that means that means he’s

actually marked you for himself he has

anointed us and he has he is constantly

strengthening both you and us in Union

with Christ he knows that we are his

since he stamped his seal of love over

our hearts and has given us the Holy

Spirit like an engagement ring I love

that like an engagement ring is given to

a bribe a down payment for blessings to

come he gave you his Spirit as a down

payment for the blessings to come you

have been sealed you are born of the

spirit sealed with the spirit indwelled

by the spirit baptized in the spirit

made one in the spirit and given gifts

by the spirit do you understand that

everything that happens is by and

through the Holy Spirit I don’t know

where you are in your life but if you’re

like I’m not sure if I’m filled with the

Holy Spirit ask him yeah ask him he’ll

fill you with the holy spirit it’s not

scary it’s not weird it’s how God seals

this that’s how he interacts with it we

are commissioned into the ministry of

reconciliation it doesn’t mean a

platform Ministry of reconciliation is

how you live your life by the spirit and

everything we need was provided by God

who loves us Without End Again by his

Spirit Ephesians 1 verse 2 says I am

writing this letter to all the devoted

believers who have been made Holy by

being one with Jesus the anointed one

may God himself the heavenly father of

our Lord Jesus release Grace over you

and impart total well-being into your


hear me lovely one you do not inhabit a

like temporary place you have had

cascading Grace poured over your life

but I want to tell you there is somebody

that hates you

it’s the prince of the power of the air

he has no love for you any gift that he

promises you will turn out to be a theft

any power that he says is now yours is

attached to a realm that is destined to

crumble and fail he cannot help but

pervert everything he touches and we

live in a time and an age where there is

so much confusion about what love really


God’s only adamant in love with us he’s

adamant that we actually love each other

the Bible is so clear that they’re going

to know we’re Christians by our love one

for another and we have not done this

well we’ve got great music we’ve got

beautiful buildings we’ve got smoke

machines we got the best lights but we

are still not loving one another well

and if you say I’m not sure if that’s

right just go to social media just go to

social media we are not loving one

another well but people who love well

Live Well I had uh I’ve already

mentioned to you a very

strained relationship with my mom and

that right before she died I I really

had a revelation that I had been in a

better place to love her than she had

been to love me and you know it’s so

funny she’s been gone now she’s in

heaven for over two years I don’t even

remember what we thought about

but I do regret all the kind words I

didn’t say you will never regret

kindness you will never regret loving

someone but you will regret a lost

opportunity now I have eternity to

soften that blow but I’m just going to

make sure that you hear me

you gotta own your mistakes because when

you own your mistakes they no longer own

you and so I had to take responsibility

I couldn’t just keep saying well she

didn’t do this and she didn’t do this I

said I could have done that I could have

done that God is adamant that we love

one another that means we love people

that are different than us that means we

love people that look different than us

think different than us people that we

disagree with we still have to love them

do you know a lot of people that you see

right now as enemies are religious

people desperate to be loved and we need

to move beyond all of the division and

all of the confusion and all of the

divisive spirit that the prince of the

power of the air the accuser of Brethren

hello if you’re attacking people you’re

being used by Satan seriously we need to

move beyond all that and begin to love

well see we need to love fearlessly

because love has no fear we need to love

selflessly because love is not selfish

we need to love free of offense because

love keeps no record of wrongs we need

to love triumphly why because love

cannot fail and we need to love

endlessly because love is eternal and so

we have to be people who receive the

love of God and then give the love of

God but I want to talk to you about this

scary part of the message

this God who is adamant in love is also

adamant hate I know you’re like wait

wait how can how can God who is love hey

yeah that was my reaction I was just

finishing up the chapters in adamant

about adamant and love and adamant that

we love when I heard the Holy Spirit

close my closed my laptop I heard the

Holy Spirit say and yet I’m Adam and hey

and I was like wait no no no no no and

then I remembered Proverbs 6 6 where God

says six things do I hate and seven is

an Abomination I was like okay so what

did I do I just copied pasted started a

new document adamant and hate and was

like I’ll just I’ll just look at that

tomorrow got home we were actually all

vacationing in Florida there’s like 11

people in a house so that’s why I had to

ride my bike somewhere else to ride and

um and I had a text message again from

my sweet Rabbi Ryan this is your all of

this is you anyway and and he said what

he said the holy spirit said that you’re

writing why didn’t tell him I was

writing I was supposed to be on vacation

with my family he said the Holy Spirit

told me that you’re writing and he said

whatever you have landed on today you

need to pursue that he said it is the

reason why an entire generation has been

immunized against truth so I wrote him

back I was like Adam and hate I said

question mark and he wrote me back all

these different like Hebrew words that I

don’t know how to pronounce or spell

anyways and I was like okay so so the

next day you know I just kind of put it

aside I remember I shared it with Julia

I was like what we read the text and

then I like went on with my day and then

the next day I went back to this little

carriage house above somebody’s garage

where I was writing and I was like God I

I need you to talk to me I mean it’s one

thing to have Rabbi Brian tags that’s

awesome but I need you to talk to me I

need you to talk to me how can you

hate how can you who are love hate and

this is as fast as I could put pen to

paper he began to unpack to me he said

Lisa I hate what un makes love

he said I hate what unmakes those I love

he said I hate what undermines my image

and distorts yours and so I was like

okay so in short Our Father hates what

corrupts love

God loves people so we’re going to make

that really clear people are not what

God hates God loves people God loves the

broken God loves the bound God loves The

Sinner God is love and love never hates

people because people are what God loves

God loves everyone

but God does not love every thing do you

hear me God loves everyone but he does

not love everything and we talked about

the Genesis we talked about this

beautiful creation but how many of you

know we do not walk the earth where

everything is good anymore we walk the

earth in a season where everything is

crying out for a revelation of the Sons

and Daughters of God and the restoration

of Truth and Justice so I’m going to ask

you a question because I really believe

that our culture has idolized love and

in the process called love a lot of

things that aren’t love

so we have actually said God is love

but we’ve actually kind of lived love is


see God is love but love is not God and

you can’t worship love outside of the

character and the parameters of God

Romans 8 39 says it says that you know

nothing nothing can separate us from the

love of God in Christ Jesus see all of

this happens in the Cornerstone in the

adamant in Christ Jesus nothing is

impervious nothing can separate you but

danger arises when we separate love from

the parameters of a God who is love

first John 4 8 God is love and then we

hear in Hebrews 12 29 God is a consuming

fire so he is love and he is a consuming

fire and then the book of Acts 17 28 it

says in him we live and move and have

our being and when you put those three


it is not impossible to put the

connection of we live in a consuming

fire of God’s love

love is always going to go after what

unmates us God is always going to go

after in his love for us what undermines

our relationship with him and so we have

to understand just as we have maybe not

understood the definition of love maybe

we haven’t understood the definition of

hate you know when I was writing this

all I could think of was the race hate

crimes and you know the horrible things

happening to women and I like whenever I

hear the word hate I hear a crime I hear

hate I hear crime but let’s separate the

word hate from our experiences with it

and let’s actually just look at the

definition of the word hate again going

through the scriptures I’m going to

unpack what God hates he hates

everything that undermines Justice and

Truth when widows orphans and aliens are

oppressed God hates that the abuse of

the elderly and the neglect of family

God hates it he hates what perverts his

goodness and taints his gifts he hates

it when love is Twisted into selfishness

and Friends become enemies

he hates what changes his image and

distorts ours because when the image of

God changes it can’t help but distort

our image of him and our image of

ourself he hates it when evil is called

good and the innocent are killed and

arrogance and pride the greatest God

hates all that undermines love for

everything that undermines love debases


you were made for love yes you are made

for God so I was shocked when I was

going through my scriptures and I began

to look at my different logo software I

found over 3

000 words that gave scriptural context

for the things that God hated and I it

was just ridiculous amount my editor was

like we’re going to put it in the back

of the book so it’s like in the back of

this book and we’re not going to

reference all this but when I began to

look at this I realized that everything

God hates is about protecting what he

loves and why should I have been

surprised by that you know as parents as

parents we we would hate what would

cause our children to be at risk and so

we need to understand God is a perfect

parent so I want to talk to you about

something first of all I’m going to talk

about something I hate personally I hate

snakes I hate I hate snakes and when I

was even writing the book I have a

machete I know this is really because I

have a machete on top of the hutch just

in case there’s a snake in the basement

I’m like there’s something about having

my death under like in the dark with my

legs underneath if there’s a snake I’m

gonna have to kill it I’m gonna have to

kill it and I have to have a machete

because that’s just I’m gonna have one

strike or if it moves I’ll freak out I

hate I hate snakes if there was a snake

in the house and I had other people

around I’d get them to kill it but if

there’s no one in the house right I’m

gonna have to take it out I’m gonna have

to take it out there’s a lot of people

that are saying oh I hate Injustice oh I

hate sex trafficking really do you hate

pornography The Way You Hate sex


because I talk to a lot of people that

think it’s okay to be entertained by

something that’s actually the catalyst

of sex trafficking so we have to

understand what Charles Spurgeon meant

when he said you cannot love what God

loves people

if you do not hate what God hates the

things that put them in bondage so I’m

gonna ask you to be able to understand

the separation of this we’re going to

close with this scripture so you don’t

think I’m just making all this up but I

have you’ve got in the book this whole

list of what God hates but Romans 12 9

says let love let love be genuine abhor

what is evil hold fast to what is good

we cannot even have genuine love

if we love everything that’s ingenuous

you can’t love everything you can’t do


you have to love what God loves and you

have to hate what God hates so I’m going

to go through these super quick God

hates Pride why does he hate Pride

because pride is the only thing that

sets us in opposition to him Pride

becomes a barrier between us and God God

hates lying why because it’s practice of

Satan Satan is the father of lies and

God is true so he hates lying because

again it undermines it God hates

innocent Bloodshed and in the book I

talk about what that looks like but it

is somebody who actually is going after

somebody that cannot protect themselves

hearts that devise Wicked plans why does

he hate that because God has a plan for

your life it’s planned for good and not

harm and when you plan bad for somebody

else you’re going against God’s will he

hates feet that run quick to evil that’s

people that are actually like really

proud and gloating about what they got

away with he hates divorce I’m going to

tell you something God doesn’t hate

people that get divorced but do you know

God said he hates divorce because it

overwhelms a woman with cruelty and God

is a faithful husband and so he didn’t

want his daughter’s overwhelmed with

cruelty and rejection God hates it when

we’re false Witnesses what does that

mean it means to lie under oath because

when you take an oath you’re not just

lying to people you’re lying to God God

hates Discord sown among the Brethren he

hates sexual immorality impurity

idolatry he hates greed let’s talk about

this he hates greed oh we all jump on

the sexual immorality things but God

hates idolatry and greed and stripe he

hates double standards of hypocrisy and

criticism when we hold other people at

this standard and then we have a lower

standard of our own and I’m just gonna

close out with this and when I was

looking at these standards of hypocrisy

I realized that I actually had hypocrisy

in my own life because sometimes I would

rather tell people what they wanted to


than to be part of their rescue

it is not loving to lie to people and

call things that are evil good it is not

loving to say that all things are

approved by God we need to be people who

rightly discern the word of God we

cannot be divisive women but we have to

be women who rightly divide the word of

God and hating evil is not permission to

hate people we’re Christians we’re not

terrorists we are not people who are

going to be mean-spirited we are

anointed to overcome evil with good

there is so much in this but I’m just

going to tell you rather than hate

what’s out there I’m going to challenge

you as my sister to hate what’s in here

hate hypocrisy hate the the false hate

the slander hey hey whatever it is don’t

don’t flirt with it don’t wink at it

don’t watch pornography I know that it’s

hard to almost Escape it nowadays but

don’t intentionally watch these things

that debase people made in the image of

God so we have to be people who say

we’re going to actually make this shift

Charles Spurgeon I love this he said he

said we are bound to love our enemies we

love our enemies that’s people but we

are not bound to Beloved the enemies of


so I’m going to believe that the holy

spirit is going to give you wisdom and

discernment and Direction so that you

can love what God loves and hate what he

hates so that your love will be genuine

in Jesus name
