Welcome to the Godmothers Course! I am so glad you are here. Godmothers enter our lives to close gaps. In this lesson, I identify these gaps and reveal why, more than ever, it’s time for godmothers and goddaughters to connect. #lisabevere #lisabeverestudy #lisabeverecourse #lisabevere #lisabevereadamant #christianstudy #theadamant # #onlinecourses #truthisarock #truth #whatistruth #lisabeveresermons #godmothers #lisabeveresermon #johnbevere #johnandlisabevere ______________ Chapters: 0:00 – Lesson Teaser 0:14 – Welcome to the Course 6:56 – Legacy of Blessing 8:59 – Godmothers Close Gaps 10:54 – Why You Need a Godmother 20:09 – You Were Created for Community 21:08 – Godmothers are People 22:47 – Closing Your Gaps 23:33 – Prayer From Lisa ______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org/

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God will take somebody who is a nobody

and make them a somebody whenever they

enter into a covenant with


God welcome to the Godmother’s course I

I hope you have the book godmothers why

you need one how to be one this course I

created because I wanted you to hear my

tone it’s one thing to read words but

it’s another thing when somebody can

actually speak to you face face to face

and you can hear their heart in the

message I also was hoping that you

wouldn’t be reading a book in isolation

but that you would come together with

other women for this course and you

could have conversations it is my

deepest hope that godmothers is a

catalyst for women of all ages to begin

to connect and grow we all want

something more than what we have seen we

all want something more for our children

more for our Nation more for what is now

known as Christians we want there to be

more but that more will not happen in

isolation and in fear so I am hoping

that our time together will be a

catalyst to transform places of struggle

transform places of fear into places of

Hope places of dream we need to combat

this nightmare that now is with a dream

of what could be don’t be afraid of the

wand I am not endorsing Magic I want you

to know though that you have the power

to stretch forth your life and bless

other people so don’t be stressed I’m

not endorsing magic but I am endorsing

that we connect so that we can see more

so we can have more growth we can have

more intimacy we can have more answers

and that connection will begin to close

the gaps that are in our lives that are

threatening all of us right now welcome

to godmothers why you need one how to be


well welcome to my home and welcome to

the Godmother’s course and I am just

going to tell you right off the bat we

are Barefoot we are in my house I am

joined by some beautiful sisters that

don’t want be to be alone but you may

not hear a lot from them I have

Alexandra on this right here I have Miss

pra pra and Alexandra have both been

interns at messenger International

incredible blessing and then to my right

I have my amazing first and longest

daughter-in-law daughter-in love Juliana

bav and Ellis and Ellis is in charge of

all of my social media so you guys be

nice to her sometimes people they think

they’re yelling at me you’re really

yelling at Ellis so you don’t want to do

that but you guys this is something I’m

so excited about this Godmother’s course

I don’t know how many of you know this

but I turned 60 this summer and I

believe that this is actually the season

in my life that I am moving moving into

from 1 to 30 you’re learning you’re

growing from 31 hopefully to 60 you are

establishing and you are building and

then my age 60 and whenever Jesus

decides to take me I am actually marking

Pathways I am leaving a trail for

another generation to follow and I want

to do that well and I don’t want you to

make the same mistakes that I have made

I want you to learn the lessons I

learned the hard way and easier way

because how many of you know we are in a

world right now that is crazy so you’re

going to actually get a chance to learn

your own lessons but what I want to open

up with is my hope for this course so it

is my most Earnest hope that these

lessons will be a catalyst of

transformation in your life it is my

most Earnest hope that it will push you

into deeper Realms of godliness I hope

that it will make a connection for you

you that the younger women will connect

with the older women and the older women

will connect with the younger women

because this is what God always meant

for us to have he meant for us to have

Divine connections between the

generations so that every generation

doesn’t suffer the same loss and the

same lies to be you know producing fruit

in their life so we want to see you walk

in truth and we want to see you walk in

more and more only happens when there’s

more multiplication of older and younger

men and women and this is just about the

girls so wanting to be your godmother

now if you’ve got this course and you

don’t have this book it’s going to be

really confusing so this is based off of

godmothers why you need one how to be

one and you may have noticed a wand it’s

kind of it’s kind of hard to see on the

cover but I want to tell you no I’m not

going Harry Potter on you no I am not

thinking magic is the new way for our

new day I wanted you to have some kind

of symbol that talked about Focus that

talked about extending a blessing and so

I thought well godmothers they can be

fairy godmothers they can be Sicilian

godmothers we’re talking about spiritual

godmothers but I wanted you to know that

there is something on your life that

needs to be connected and extended to

somebody else’s life it’s this Dynamic

of a blessing and I believe that every

son and every daughter needs God God

Parents in their life that can bless

them John and I had an incredible

privilege just recently we were invited

as the token old people to a gathering

of a lot of young couples and we were

before dinner just sitting around the

room and just talking talking about

challenges in their lives challenges

with parenting challenges with Ministry

challenges with just the Dynamics of

this world right now because we do live

in a very very challenging time and they

kind of looked at us like y’all are old

you all are old perhaps you can help us

learn how to navigate these challenging

times and do it well and it was this

incredible opportunity where one of the

leaders there said I I want you to pray

over us I want you to impart a blessing

and John and I realized that that’s what

we are we’re the older and we want to be

God Parents and so I’m going to ask you

for the of this course if you will just

adopt me as your Sicilian godmother and

that I can be the wild Scrappy one

you’re going to have other ones that’ll

be gentle you’ll have other ones that’ll

be nurturing I really believe for this

generation to move into everything that

God has for them they’re going to need

more than one so you just need a

godmother that adds strength in an area

that is weakness for you so uh now you

understand the wand is nothing for you

to be afraid of so I want to talk about

what the blessing does so when John and

I got married we realized that our

family did not have a legacy of blessing

that we had things but we did not have

those things blessed and the blessing of

God is usually a generational thing you

can see how Abraham blessed Isaac Isaac

you know got tricked into blessing Jacob

but the blessing of God is something

that takes our tangible and makes it

work by releasing something intangible

and so I want to take the things that

are tangible in your life and release a

blessing over it so that the things that

you have begin to work together for good

I believe that a lot of us we did not

have anybody that blessed us I don’t

know what your background looks like but

my parents didn’t know how to extend a

blessing but just because nobody blessed

you doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance

to be a blessing for other people I

believe that God is always about new

beginnings and godmothers are those that

will come alongside of you and say I

want something more for you than I ever

had for myself which means they’re going

to pour out the very things that nobody

poured into them and this is the beauty

of who our God is God will take somebody

who is a nobody and make them a somebody

whenever they enter into a covenant with

God that’s what happened with our mother

and father of Faith Abraham and Sarah

they said God we got nothing we we have

we’re old and we got nothing and God

said you give me your nothing and I am

the one who will make it something so

that’s what godmothers do they connect

you with the one who can take your mess

and transform it to a season of

flourishing and abundance and if you

look around right now we need some

people who can actually come alongside

of us and do that but one of the things

I like to think about with the themes of

godmothers is that godmothers come into

our lives to close gaps and you think

what is a gap well a gap is easily

defined as the difference between the

way things are and the way they should

be the way your marriage is and the way

it could be the way your parenting is

and the way it could be but gaps are

things that actually leave us vulnerable

so a gap in understanding is up

misunderstanding I want to talk about

the generation gap because there’s older

women right now who have hard one truths

and lessons who have nobody to transfer

it to and so we’ve got the younger women

who think that the older women are too

busy and then the older women who think

that the younger women are disinterested

and I’m just going to tell you from what

I get to see and hear that is just not

true the younger women want listen to me

my older sisters the younger women want

the lessons that are on your life they

understand there is treasure on your

life and they they need they need you to

be that woman who will open up her life

not just the good things not just what

you’d put on Instagram but share the

hard things share the hurt and then

share how you came through those things

and young women I understand that it

might be scary to approach some of the

older women but you need to actually

have those conversations because a gap

is a breach in a wall that leaves all of

us vulnerable to attack Marin Webster

says it is a break and a barrier that

leaves us assailable right now we’ve got

the young women under attack and the

older women under attack but you and I

can be part of closing that breach I

want to tell you why you actually need

one I’m going to I’m just going to talk

about my own life I remember thinking

that my mother had nothing to give me

and I didn’t pay attention to actually

the things that she could have taught me

because I thought I’m doing everything

different when I become a mother I’m

going to do everything different when I

become a wife well I found out shortly

after I was married I had no idea how to

be a wife no idea how to be a mother no

idea how to even basically be a woman

because I thought of myself as more of

like a man brain woman body person I

remember I felt like I had such a desper

need and I cried out to God because God

this is how God has a sense of humor

this is how God is God’s like you you

don’t have any of this guess what I’ve

called you to minister to women I’m like

is that a joke because I don’t even like

women I don’t really even know if I am

one no God you’ve got to have somebody

else but he didn’t say oh you’re right I

meant to talk to somebody else in the

next Department he said no you know this

is this is the deal so I thought well

I’m going to add something to that I

said God if you want me to be a woman

who ministers to other women then you

need to send a woman to minister to me I

felt like that was fair I felt like I

wasn’t asking for too much got married

was pregnant with my third son and no

woman had noticed me well I shouldn’t

really say that they noticed what was

wrong with me but no woman had noticed

what was on my life that might need a

blessing they noticed I had double

pierced ears they noticed that you know

maybe I wasn’t dressed appropriately but

they didn’t say wow she might be

struggling in her marriage or she might

need someone to help her enjoy her kids

she’s just surviving them nobody came

alongside of me and said those things

and so John and I had loaded our two

boys up in our Honda Civic we had

Addison Juliana’s husband on one side

Austin on the other side Jess who did my

makeup’s husband you can’t see her she’s

hiding and and we had a suitcase between

them so they couldn’t touch each other

because they would fight and so we had

driven all day from apka Florida which

means the Big Potato all the way to

Rockingham North Carolina and by the

time we got there and there had been a

couple pit stops because I was largely

pregnant had to get out of the car run

in circles to keep the blood flow going

in my legs but other than that we barely

got fed because John B is on a mission

we show up at this Motel it is so scary

that my husband is like this is really

really a desperately dangerous

neighborhood he said when I leave for

service you lock the door and you do not

open it unless you have voice

identification for me so John leaves for

service I’m giving my sons a bath it’s

very scary very foreign we’re just two

double beds that are kind of bowed in

the middle so you put people in and then

they hit each other and I finally fall

asleep and my husband comes home around

midnight because back then if the

service didn’t go three and a half hours

God didn’t show up and so John comes

home around midnight I open the door you

know I’m kind of like in this confused

state of where am I and who am I opening

the door for and John’s getting ready

for bed and I lean over I’m like how was

it and he’s like oh it was really rough

it was really rough it’s so legalistic

and I’m like yeah I’m really sad to hear

that and he’s like yeah yeah the women

the women they they need you and I was

like what no wait I’m like pregnant and

this is like a Pentecostal Holiness

Church they’re going to kick me out when

they fin have double PE tears and he’s

like yeah so listen I told the pastor

you would do a woman’s meeting tomorrow

I was like what I didn’t even feel like

a Christian after 14 hours in a Honda

Civic with two children driving I’m like

are you joking no I’m not doing the

service tomorrow he’s like yeah so

you’re going to do it tomorrow at 10:00

I’ll take the boys to like Waffle House

for breakfast you just need to be on you

just need to be ready and and I just

said wait what what did you even preach

tonight and he had preached my one

message I had one little message that I

had preached about offence that he had

preached that night and I remember being

so mad I’m like you can’t make me do

this I can’t you I’m not I don’t even

like women I can’t I can’t believe

you’re doing this to me they can’t even

wear pants this is not the right crowd

for me to talk to and John was like you

just better go to sleep it’s like 2:

a.m. and you’re going to have to get up

in a couple hours and this is happening

and so he left in the morning with the

two boys and I went into a panic mode I

couldn’t even you couldn’t even kneel on

the floor of the carpet because it was

so dirty that I was kneeling on top of

the bed and I began to pour out my heart

to God and I said you know I don’t like

women you know you never sent me the

mentor and he just interrupts me and he

said Lisa I love women he said I created

woman as the answer to the very first

problem like okay you’re right probably

shouldn’t say I don’t like women and he

said I want you to begin to pour out my

love to women and I said I don’t okay

but you like them but I still I still

don’t really like them and I said and

you never sent me a mentor you never

sent anybody to pour into me how am I

supposed to pour out what I never had

and he said Lisa for you there’ll be no

mentor and I remember hearing that and

thinking am I not worthy of a mentor am

I not worthy of that attention is am I

not worthy of being seed into and he

said Lisa you’re going to have to be

that woman and I said what that’s a joke

be that woman I don’t want to be that

woman I want to meet that woman and he I

said I don’t know how to be that woman

and he said yeah you do he said

everything you wish another woman would

have been to you these last eight years

you begin to be and I remember remember

at that moment I saw a chain and when

usually when you hear the word chain you

think of bondage you think of chain Ling

fence you thinking of feathers no it

wasn’t like that it was a beautiful gold

necklace chains links coming down I

couldn’t see where it started but I saw

where it stopped and the last link was

suspended and then there was an airspace

between that link and the next couple

links and I couldn’t help but notice

that they weren’t connected and he said

Lisa each of these links represents a

generation of my daughters and he said

there has been a disconnect and he said

I want you to understand I don’t want a

mentoring of Pride I want mothering out

of Brokenness see mentors tend to

reproduce themselves but true mothers

they want something more for the Next

Generation than anybody gave them thems

and I believe that God is saying to you

and I I want something more for the Next

Generation I want you to trust me that

you can give what you never had and to

those who are sitting there going wait a

minute I’m too young to be a godmother I

I’m a goddaughter God is actually saying

to you the same thing he said to me

he’s saying you can get what you need

you can get what you need and how I

started with what I needed is I actually

sat down with a pen and paper and I

describe what that woman would look like

how she would act when she saw me how

she would Speak Life unto me how she

wouldn’t be on my side because I can be

wrong but that she would be by my side

that she would speak hope and life and

love into my future because all of the

other women I had come across they would

say they would say things to me that

wasn’t blessing I remember in particular

one uh Women’s Conference I was so

excited to be invited and speak at and

this is you know I’m 60 this would have

been when I was in my 40s or maybe just

40 I was so excited I was going to be

with these generals I was going to be

with these older women I remember they

said you can sit on the platform because

that’s what we did back then we sat on

the platform I was like no no I want to

sit at their feet I’m going to be on the

front row I can’t I’m going to sit at

their feet I’m going to listen to

everything these pioneering women have

to say to me and when we went to lunch I

walked in and I remember them looking me

up and down and they said it must be

nice to be young and thin and it broke

my heart because I wasn’t interested in

being young and thin I was interested in

being strong and godly I wanted to hear

the thing things that they could share

with me so that I could grow in God’s

grace that I could grow in God’s love

that I could grow in God’s strength so I

want you to know I believe these women

are all around you and I believe that

you need them you need them and I know

sometimes it’s scary to admit you have

gaps I know it sometimes it’s scary to

admit you have needs but until we admit

we have needs we’re never going to

actually fill them and I know that we

live in a culture that says oh you can

figure it out yourself no you actually

can’t you were created for Community you

were created for connection and there is

so much isolation and there is so much

disconnection right now that people are

in unhealthy positions because they need

somebody who understands where they are

but is excited about where they are

going so a godmother won’t just talk

about where you are she’ll actually

speak the destiny of where you are

headed so the first thing I need you to

know is godmothers are people they’re

people they’re not fairies I wish they

were I wish I could find one for you

that would just come and magically wave

the wand and everything’s going to

happen for you but they are people and

because they’re people godmothers aren’t

perfect they’re not perfect

but they are purposeful we need to be

surrounded by people who aren’t perfect

but are interested in seeing what is on

our lives being perfected there are

people that will actually bless what you

do well and course correct what you’re

not doing well so we love that we all

can make mistakes and learn for those so

I’m going to ask you to be honest think

of somebody who has a marriage the way

you want your marriage to be see that

could be a godmother for your marriage

think of somebody who you see their kids

and their kids are filled with laughter

and connection and they’re not afraid of

people and they’re engaged that could be

a godmother for you when it comes to

your children I remember there was this

one magnificent mother who had five kids

and when I was pregnant with my first

son I just cornered her at somebody

else’s baby show and I just said I need

you to tell me everything that you know

about mothering and she just poured into

me so beautifully so I’m not the

beginning of anything I’m actually the

product of other people who were kind

enough to connect with me so we want to

talk about closing your gaps and each of

these lessons is going to represent a

gap so the first and foremost reason why

you need a godmother is because you have

gaps and the gaps are things that if you

don’t intentionally work to close them

they’re going to be dangerous for you to

fall into or somebody else to fall into

another reason why you need a godmother

is you need somebody who is willing to

bless your life somebody who will

actually watch out for you and pray for

you and Speak Life and Truth to and for

you that somebody that just says I’m

going to carry you in my heart for

however long God tells me to carry you

so I want to pray at the very beginning

because I’ve written things for you but

I believe that my writing is to awaken

you to an awareness of the other people

that God is going to surround you with

so heavenly father I just thank you that

we all need godmothers and father I

believe that you are closing the gap

between the way things are and the way

they should be father I believe that

your daughters will no longer be in

assailable positions that we will not be

vulnerable because there is a disconnect

from one generation to the other

generation that the wisdom of one

generation will be layered on the Next

Generation that we will not give way to

foolishness and isolation that we will

not live by opinion but that together we

are going to see truth grow and flourish

in our lives in Jesus name

