God loves each of His children uniquely, not equally. The core definition of unique means without equal or rival. Our Father God stands alone without rival, so we shouldn’t be surprised that in His eyes we are daughters without rival, which eliminates every reason that we should ever compete with one another. When we discover that we are loved uniquely, we are empowered to love fearlessly. Watch my full Course on MessengerX: https://app.messengerx.com/en-US/watc…

#lisabevere #lisabeverestudy #lisabeverecourse #lisabevere #lisabevereadamant #christianstudy #theadamant # #onlinecourses #truthisarock #truth #whatistruth #lisabeveresermons ______________ Chapters: 0:00 – Lesson Teaser 0:22 – Fearless Love 5:17 – Unique 6:00 – Prototype 6:26 – Without Rival 9:24 – What Undermines Your Identity? 13:52 – Fearless Woman 16:00 – Closing Prayer 17:11 – Action Steps ______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more: https://messengerinternational.org/

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that should undermine all of the

struggles that we have as women where we

look at other women and think her being

beautiful is actually detracting from my

beauty her being blessed just took that

out of my account you know what’s going

on wait if she’s you know we need to

stop it


you know when I began to think about

what I wanted to start this session with

I thought that the number one thing that

you need to develop in your life is

fearless love and I want to talk to you

about a story you know John and I got to

travel a couple years ago to South Korea

and we decided that we should just go

land speak 1500 times and then come

right back home and so I was exhausted

there was no down time there was no rest

on either end of it and I had to finish

a manuscript for girls with swords and I

was typing on my computer when all of

the sudden I realized I had been asleep

for quite a while because there was

eight pages of the letter T I had

depressed the letter T Fallen sound

asleep my head jerked and I was like oh

my gosh I am asleep and I really felt

like I heard the Holy Spirit say you’re

tired and I was like obviously and he

was like go take a nap well I hardly

ever get to take naps and I looked at

the clock and nobody was going to be

home for another hour and a half so I

was super excited I grabbed my dog

because somehow they always know that

you’re like taking a nap instead they

cry at the door so I grabbed my dog I

climb you know climbed on top of my bed

got the blanket so I wouldn’t unmake the

bed because that really upsets John and

I was just falling asleep when I heard

the Holy Spirit say something to me that

shocked me he said to me Lisa I do not

love my children equally

I sat up I was like excuse me

that’s blasphemy you have to love us all

the same if you don’t love us all the

same then it’s not fair

he said I don’t

he said same would mean one of you were


equal would mean my love could be


he said I do not love my children


I love my children uniquely

and as soon as he said that I remembered

when I was pregnant with Austin I was

super excited about having another baby

until right before my delivery time and

I was so in love with Addison Addison

was just this perfect baby he was two

years old and all of a sudden I thought

wait I love this child and then I’m

gonna have this stranger baby and this

stranger baby because the sauna comes

back then looked like skeletons this

stranger baby is gonna make me cut the

love I have for Addison in half and I’m

going to have to share it equally

between these two children I don’t know

how I feel about that well how many of

you have more than one child wave at me

okay then you know how crazy I am the

truth is that when you have that second

child Your Love isn’t divided your love

is Multiplied and something unique wakes

up in your life and the truth is you

love different things about each child

and the fact that you know Austin was

out of control and Addison was well

behaved didn’t mean that I loved Addison

Moore and Austin’s love I loved both of

them now I’m going to throw up a picture

I do have four boys and so they are all

and and I’m including my husband in this

five okay they all very different and

you know I love that Austin is very

intentional very well thought out uh

Arden is a baby and he basically has

decided that maybe someday John and I

could work for him and then I have my

husband of 33 years John and he’s

awesome and you know the truth is he’s

an only son and so that’s been a unique

experience being married to somebody

that was the center of the universe and

then my third son Alec who is here is

super creative and then Addison is just

about perfect he’s all the good and none

of the baddage on it yeah that’s there

we go his wife said that’s true so

anyway I have those four and then I have

three magnificent grandkids and you can

tell a little bit more obviously what is

different about them we have the

firstborn again perfect nurturing kind

gentle Justice oriented then we have

Sophia and Sophia is the one screaming

she’s on then and then we have Lizzy

with her lip out getting ready to cry

but the truth is I love all of those


Sophia is never going to be her hair is

always going to be a mess she’s always

going to be in motion and she’s always

going to be pushing the envelope for

Asher but the truth is I love all of

those different packages

and the fact that God loves us uniquely

and he knows how much I love words meant

a lot to me so that day I jumped off my

bed ran into my laptop and I looked up

the word unique and I wanted to find it

for you because most of us kind of like

we know what unique is well first tier

definition is sole example or

representative of there is no one that

will represent God

the way you can you need to understand

that he actually created a unique

package of you to number one illustrate

his love for the Earth by the way he

loves you by the way he cares for you

and illustrate his love to the Earth so

that you can unpack your story what he

has done in your life you can be an

ambassador there’s nobody nobody that

can uniquely represent God the way you

can number two prototype prototype

prototype is actually when God creates

something and then he doesn’t Mass

produce it he said this is the one and

the only

I’m breaking the mold I don’t want

anybody else like this God is the

originator of original God cannot copy

anything everything he does is new he

doesn’t just remake the old he does a

new thing and so you are a prototype you

are a one and an only which is why you

need to be wondering why the world is so


on you copying

and then number three is my favorite

it means without equal

or without rival

being unique means there is no rival for

God’s affection or your place or his

attention or his provision in your life

and if we are loved without rival that

should undermine all of the struggles

that we have as women where we look at

other women and think her being

beautiful is actually detracting from my

beauty her being blessed just took that

out of my account you know what’s going

on wait if she’s you know we need to

stop it

because the truth is that there is a

very strategic enemy

that is trying to divide what God wants

to unite


father God

is a standalone God

one of the things that the Hebrews

always say is the Lord thy God is one

that doesn’t mean there was a contest

and he took first place

it means he is the one

he is the only he is the all through him

and in him everything that we see was

created he’s a stand-alone category he

is one he is one he is absolute he is

eternal so if we have that kind of God

if our father

is a father God without rival then it

would stand to reason

that you and I are daughters without


and so we need to get this idea in our

mind Saint Augustine said it best he

said God loves each of us

as if there was only one of us

isn’t that beautiful

first John chapter 3 verse 1 and the

message says what marvelous love the

father has extended to us see it’s


it’s an invitation

but not everybody lays hold of it not

everybody RSVPs not everybody shows up

extended to us and it says just look at

it that means it’s visible that means

it’s a designation that people can see

on your life

we’re called children of God

and then I love it it says that’s who we

really are

you know

your role as a mother or a wife that’s

not your identity

your identity is a child of God

that’s who we really are

but that’s also why the world doesn’t

recognize us or take us seriously

because they have no idea

who he is

or what he is up to

you know um

I ask on Facebook because I love that I

can take polls on Facebook I ask on

Facebook what is the one thing

that undermines your identity more than

anything else and I got back these

different well there was a number of

them we did the top five number one


the inability to see yourself

the way God sees you

Kathy wrote in my body image I was

overweight as a child and teased and

even when I am thin as an adult my

weight always made me feel

self-conscious now as a post-menopausal

woman Kathy I understand with many

strengths a master’s degree grown

Christian children and a loving husband

of 31 years I continue to fight body

image issues pertaining to my identity

you are not what you see

you are not your body you are not your

weight you are not your post menopausal

or your premenstrual hormones

cannot be limited to what you’ve seen

because you’re actually somebody that

nobody sees number two comparison


constantly feeling like we don’t measure

up comparing myself to others I feel

like I come up short hey that’s what

will happen number three diminishment

negative words spoken Over Us by parents

by people in our past Educators but I’m

also going to say women

we do it to ourselves

I watched my husband when he is

undressed at night he thinks he’s

amazing he’s like oh my gosh did you

ever imagine at 55 you would be having


I’m like wow no you know I actually

didn’t even dream of thinking of


but I don’t do that when I look in the

mirror I’m like Lord Jesus what has

happened you know so but my husband he

he just sees himself in a completely

different light women are actually

taught to shrink we think it’s Godly to

insult ourselves well that’s not true

so you see the number one voice of Shame

and diminishment

is your own

Number Four Past shame you know the

truth is we’ve all made mistakes we’ve

all made mistakes and here’s the really

sad truth I’m going to tell you we’re

all going to make more

we’re all going to make more okay so the

truth is you cannot be limited by your

past and number five fear

fear failure fear of stepping out fear

of success I forget who I am in Christ

and who he called me to be all because

of fear


I see this is Evan actually in my own

life and John and I were we were doing a

marriage question and answer and it was

kind of funny because we had 30 minutes

and I think John took 25 of the minutes

but basically at the end they were like

in the last 30 seconds what is the one

thing you would say and I was like okay

I’ve got to think I haven’t talked hold

on I got to think of one really

important thing to say and they said

what is the one thing you would say Lisa

and I’d say

I regret

that I didn’t love my husband more


and I regret that I didn’t allow him to

make more mistakes

do you know Jesus loves you fearlessly

and he even allows you to make mistakes

he’s not afraid you’re going to make

mistakes he knows you’re going to make


but making a mistake doesn’t make you a


and if you think that

then you are gravely mistaken see God

actually believes better things of me

than I believe of myself

he doesn’t resign me to my past

because he holds my future

he actually draws me out of my fears to

bring out the best in me you know I have

a friend named Lauren she gives the best

cards ever and she just finds these

random cards and recently she sent me

this card and it has this girl that had

like a bowl haircut that I do think I

had when I was five and she has on these

awful plaid pants and she’s posing like

this and it said and the card has said

it’s not the clothes it’s the attitude

and I thought that is so true you can

have the ugliest thing on but if you are

owning it then it is okay and so you

know the truth is we need to own

God’s love and his love isn’t something

we just hide for our little devotions

and we actually need to work it we need

to have it out there we need to wear it

with confidence

because the truth is there is actually

nothing more attractive

than a Fearless woman

Fearless women attract the blessing of

God they actually did a poll among men

what did they find the most attractive

thing about women and it was actually

confidence Men want women they feel like

they can you know Hey listen you can do

this adventure with me you you won’t be

afraid you’ll let me make mistakes

you’ll love me in spite of myself we

need to be Fearless women see fear

measures and limits me

to my inability

or my ability

but love connects me to God’s ability

that exceedingly abundantly above all

that I can ask hope pray or believe

Jeremiah 33 verse 3 says I have loved


with an everlasting love

therefore I have continued my

faithfulness to you

even when we are unfaithful

he is faithful

and he has loved us it’s a past tense

it’s already settled as far as he is

concerned I have loved you I have

designated you loved with an everlasting

love and I will continue to be faithful

to you

so we need to remember God has not given

us a spirit of fear

but of love power and a sound mind

and that spirit of fear

comes to shrink your identity

so that you will not represent yourself

well that you will not represent

Redemption well that you will not

represent your god well so you will shut

down and not be equipped to be that

Ambassador without rival so I want to

close with prayer because I believe if

we can just kind of set something in

motion at the very beginning of this

very first session

that every other insight into having a

life without rival

have an open passageway in our heart

Heavenly Father we receive that

designation that you have for us

forgive us for the times that we believe

that you had love that was measured that

you had love that was subject to portion

control forgive us for the times that we

thought that your love on one sister

meant that you loved us less father we

receive and accept your designation over

our life God begin to Astound us with

your love for us that we can be

Representatives that Astound this world

with your Wonder father I believe that

you love me without rival that I am a

daughter without rival born in a season

without rival

and I stand in all that you have created

for me as a child of God and everybody

that agrees say and men and amen

you know in this session we talked about

God’s incredible Fearless love for you

that he loves you without rival because

he loves you without rival you can love

others fearlessly and you can live

fearlessly there is no one like you you

were created uniquely to express God’s

love to this world now I’m going to push

your limits a little bit because God

loves you uniquely I don’t want you to

just be like oh yeah he loves me

uniquely I wrote down the one thing in

the book we’re going to push you beyond

your comfort zone I want you to think

about 25 things I know that’s a lot 25

things that God loves about you uniquely

you can start with your hair you can

start with your eyes but then you need

to go all the way down to this deep area

you need to let him love you in some

places that maybe you never imagined or

knew that he loved about you I want you

to write those things down and then I

want you to pray over those things every

single day until that just becomes

something alive inside of you you are

loved by a God who is without rival he

has fashioned you without rival there is

no one like you God has created you

without equal beginning and end of you

so we need you to celebrate your unique

and trustment you can do this you are a

son and a daughter without rival