Women, God made you to have a voice and to play a vital role in expanding His kingdom. When Jesus gave the Great Commission, He didn’t just give it to men, but to EVERYONE. The Great COMMISSION is your PERMISSION.

okay I am so excited you’ve joined us

we’re going to be talking about gender

without libel discussion number two I

want to introduce who I have as part of

the conversation I have Casey facts I

have Hannah Cusack Julianna Bevier my

daughter-in-law and me I’m Lisa review

in case you are new to this conversation

and we’re going to be talking about a

topic we visited a little bit about

gender without rival and a lot of times

people immediately think I’m talking

about transgender I’m not talking about

transgender I’m not talking about taking

a gender I’m not talking about one

gender being better than another gender

I’m actually talking about dismantling

gender rival Rita that we can begin to

work in to gather so let’s not be touchy

let’s not be sensitive but let’s be

logical and let’s be practical about

some of these things you know a couple

years ago I read a church planting

manual and it’s one of the top church

binding organizations in all of the

United States of America and they were

talking about leaders and elders and

deacons and teachers and different roles

in the church and this was what one of

their significant boys said when he was

interpreting first Timothy chapter 2 he

said this way he said Paul is simply

saying that when it comes to leading the

church women are unfit because they are

more gullible and easier to deceive than

men so unfit gullible as easily deceived

more so than men first of all I just

might ask you how that make you feel

does that pan up does that make you feel

relieved of duty empowered how does that

make you feel when you hear unfit

gullible and easily deceived

disqualified disqualified yeah you don’t

hear even a role saying do you know you

okay how about you Julie what do you

what do you hear when you’re unfit

easily deceived and gullible just less

than like someone who needs to almost be

monitored yeah okay see how about you

actually challenge kind of like what I

want to cut combat that and

defy it the most yeah and I have to be

honest with you I have done all those

things I said I have been gullible I

have been deceived but here’s the

promise of God for our life in 2nd

Corinthians chapter 3 verses 4 through 6

it says such is the confidence that we

have through Christ not through some

church organization not because of what

somebody else says is through Christ

toward God not that we are sufficient in

ourselves to claim anything as coming

from us but our sufficiency is from God

who has made us sufficient to be

ministers of a new covenant not as a

letter I’m fit easily deceiving they’ll

be her letter words these are law words

yeah but if the spirit for the letter

kills but the spirit gives life and then

it’s interesting he goes on to say while

many irate women have disagreed with his

Paul’s assessment through the years it

does appear that this from this that

such women who failed to trust his

instructions and follow his teaching are

much like their mother Eve and are well

intended but ill-informed you know do I

have to be irate to disagree because I

disagree with my husband all the time

and I’m not irate my husband disagrees

with me I’ll better hang on we’re not

irate but when he begins to bully write

and say if you don’t agree with my

interpretation yeah then your eye

and then he just says they’re like their

mothers eat I’m just going to tell each

and every woman out there you are not

Addison maybe you are a daughter of

promise yet if you’re a daughter of

anybody you’re a daughter of faith which

is a daughter of Sarah but the truth is

that you are a daughter of the Most High

God because in Christ you become an heir

and a joint heir with and then so that

you can be a carrier of the promise and

so let’s talk about this because this is

going to always be a conversation I can

if I post anything about gender alone

does it make a leader people will make

comments if my husband posts

I chose because I actually posted a

couple days ago about that when God

looks for leaders he isn’t looking for

our gender he’s looking for our

surrender I’m looking for people that

virtue and excellence let’s talk about

this you know Casey what have you seen

Hannah Julie what did you think cause I

mean we’ve all been around the block and

we’ve experienced it in someone laverna

that have you experienced like feeling

that limits of gender and how does that

make you feel about your daughters yeah

definitely thinking about our daughters

and their future and fortunately having

you no role models ahead of them who

have paid high prices to pave the way

for them to have that freedom and

honestly for me I just think about the

partnership that I share with my husband

and really the beauty that’s in it and

how it’s it’s not available which is so

many people because they are told you’re

less than I told that to you’re you’re

not fit and means these same people will

say mothering and taking care of the

next generation is the most incredible

gift and we do all the things that


yeah but out of the same mouth comes

these limitations yeah and to be sane I

wouldn’t turn College recession baby

over to someone that was unfit goal

initially do ya I would not say please

take care of my children there’s a

motive precious thing like that

my legacy is in your hair okay yeah it

just the limitations that would place on

that partnership because how could you

enter in and truly trust someone and you

feel like you have to constantly be

making sure that they’re not falling

into our trap but you know II silence

yes yes and no no go ahead and say for

me just to piggyback off that so it’s a

Venus 21 admission to you girl to four

and and I experienced a lot of pushback

from fellow sisters yes okay and that is

something we do need to talk about yeah

yeah and I mean it was you know just

it’s when you know who you are in Christ

you don’t have to try to to

to lead or whatever you know to preacher

to teacher whatever we’re all supposed

to be following my family bottom pieces

yep and they would just say you might

want to tone it down and offer me these

scriptures and that’s why I’m so

grateful for this book sham packs these

scriptures in Chapter six agenda without

rival offers context to them because I

was just refute it’s like oh for sure

you know I was like Lord yes I will

submit to you if this is what you have

for me of course like I want to please

you it you know if I need to tone it

down I will but just until right no yeah

yeah and the truth is is there isn’t one

stamp of what it looks like to be a

woman and talking about this competition

thing might one of my son’s overheard

something that somebody had said in the

context of other female ministers who I

love and respect and he said huh why

does it seem like a lot of the female

ministers are competitive with one

another and it got me thinking and you

know what I think it is when you don’t

empower people in those valid ways and

they have to fight for 10 places that’s

right then they then they have to

compete because because the ground is so

small yeah and so I just want to say if

you’re out there and you know you have

something that’s a dream in your heart

you have to fight for your place yeah

but you just need to obey God and if

somebody’s putting a limit on you or

somebody’s trying to compete with you or

somebody think you can’t do something

that gotta fit in your heart we’re just

here to tell you please please do it we

actually really need you to do it we

need you to be everything that God

created you to be and and and there is

ways to address these issues we we are

all love them I am NOT a minister

because I don’t love man yeah and I

actually have to be honest we do some of

them female ministers I hear them say

certain things that seem like they’re

put down to men and this is not the

spirit we want to be around that because

we believe men and women are better

together belief there are things that

only a woman can do and things that only

a man can do so this isn’t about all you

believin women being lead pastors you we

believe in women being led by the spirit

yes right and then being led by the

spirit and then whatever the Spirit

tells them to do that’s what we need to

do yeah Hannah Hobbit and I’ll say a


being back to that initial word that I

submitted disqualified yeah is realizing

that we don’t look to other people to

qualify us it’s what are we looking at

and what are we immersing ourselves in

it’s really going to build us up to a

place where we have that understanding

that if God’s placed something inside of

you that you have to go after with

tenacity and bold and courage all of

those things those aren’t buzzwords

those are those are the things you’re

going to live out day in and day out and

it’s not going to be fun you’ve raised

us up in that in the note in the

knowledge of and I love this xx surface

has the best way to protect someone from

making future mistakes is open

instruction not prohibition and the fact

that you’ve made a grave mistake in her

passion not silence her daughter’s voice

in the future and really that just being

the clarion call of we’re not even not

even just ease mistakes but we’ve all

made mistakes we’re on trial live out of

that that’s not what qualifies us or

disqualifies us for what we have to walk

into in the future what qualifies us is

that God’s placed something within each

one of us that is without rival yeah and

we have to live out about guys with the

knowledge of who we are in him and and

nothing can contend with that yeah and

I’m just going to say this as a

grandmother you know I am I want

something different for my

granddaughters I mean it’s great that

women are coming into something but we

want something different and you know I

actually really stepped out on this book

and wrote actually ten thousand words of

the gender issue

and so that’s their their scriptures I

know we’re having a conversation you

might be like what about subscription

what about that sister we we took this

time and we unpacked and we actually

pulled from a lot of people that are way

smarter than us yes to be able to talk

about some stuff that we we want to

facilitate conversation for you we want

to see you get around the table around

like kind of dynamic yeah or your heart

and not the healing begin yeah yeah if

you gather even with four yeah and so


more than if I just got here and read

this alone yeah exactly and you can do

that we put together something called a

steady pack it includes five books

you’ve got discussion questions in there

if you want to help facilitate

discussion plus the DVDs are six lessons

great tool for you to just do what we

did here gather women and dive into the

world yes good thanks guys thanks for

joining us we’re going to continue to do

these kind of things because we we want

you to know you’re not alone and we love

getting to connect with you god bless

