#BeThatWoman—Lisa Bevere

A message from Lisa Bevere you know recently I put a post up on Facebook and Instagram and I talked about being the person that you wish that you’d had in your life when you were younger and so many people resonated with that and I just want to kind of highlight that you know […]


Stay the Course—Lisa Bevere

A message from Girls With Swords Study by Lisa Bevere I’m going to talk to you out of my collection of least favorite scriptures my husband has already told me I shouldn’t have scriptures that I don’t like but there are some scriptures that are fun to read and awful to live and I’m going […]


PODCAST: Conversations with John & Lisa | Ep. 141: Love + Relationships with Juli & Christian pt. 1

In this episode, John and Lisa chat about love and relationships with their two daughters-in-love, Julianna and Christian. They discuss how to do marriage well and share practical tools they use to cultivate loving relationships. Tune in to this fun discussion about love and relationships through the seasons. [Music] welcome to conversations I am joined […]


Prophesy, Don’t Criticize | Lisa Bevere

In this video, Lisa Bevere teaches the importance of prophesying solutions rather than criticizing others. I’m gonna give you a couple points that I’ve learned in the length of my life number one you got to know when you are I didn’t say where you are when you are we’re in a very interesting time […]

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