I believe God wants to speak to each and every one of us, personally. But how do we learn to hear God’s voice? How can you tell if you are really hearing God or if it’s just your own imagination? In this video, my good friend Rabbi Brian Bileci joins me to discuss the various ways God speaks, and how we can learn to recognize His voice
when the book launched without rival and
we sent little like video vignettes out
and we talked to people about perhaps
perhaps the reason you don’t know what
you’re called to do is because you are
called to do something no one’s ever
done before people are like yes and then
we say but but what is that and so I
want to as a grandmother it’s the same
grandmother kind of unpacked some of
these ideas for you said to my favorite
scripture is that I have always set in
my heart as kind of navigational tools
proverbs 3 6 it says in all your ways
not just in your career ways not just in
your friendship ways in all of your ways
acknowledge him that means we honor God
that means we believe that his ways are
higher than our ways and he will make
straight your paths you know when you
have a straight path you can kind of see
what’s in front of you but when it’s a
crooked path it’s got lots of twists and
turns it’s very confusing I believe this
is talking about clarity and I’m
thinking this is also about getting you
from point A to point B in the quickest
way acknowledge God in all of your ways
and he not you he will make your paths
the other one is Isaiah chapter 30 verse
31 I’m reading out of the ESV it says
and your ears shall hear a word behind
you saying this is the way walk in it
when you turn to the right or when you
turn to the left
so that’s somebody that’s moving that’s
somebody mouton it notice it says the
way it doesn’t say this is the end it
doesn’t say this is the destination it
says this is the right way just keep
going keep moving when you turn right or
you turn left he’s gonna say yep this is
it I know this doesn’t look like the way
but this is the way just keep walking in
and keep acknowledging me these two are
really scriptures that you can marry
just keep acknowledging me in this
pathway keep listening for my voice and
you’re going to get where you need to go
so many people have things stirring in
their heart well I need you to
understand you didn’t put those things
there God is the one that seated your
heart you’re not being ambitious you’re
not being come
so go ahead acknowledge him in all your
ways say God you’ve put this in my heart
it seems too big for me it seems to grin
but you but you got you are the one that
seated this in me for your glory I’m
gonna acknowledge you and I’m gonna walk
in your ways so I’m gonna just pray for
you that God is going to set you on a
course that you are gonna stop being in
that frozen stance going but I don’t
know which way to go just start moving
start moving be faithful in your church
be faithful at your job be faithful in
your marriage be faithful to your
friends be faithful be faithful and just
have action and God will begin to bless
that father I ask that you would give
clarity that you would give direction
people that feel like they can’t hear
you Father as they begin to take steps I
ask that you would fulfill your promise
of Isaiah that there would be a knowing
unknowing a voice behind them an
assurance of what they’re leaving behind
and an assurance of what they are
walking into that this is the way God
has for them and that they have the
strength to walk in it because they are
to a life without rival I hope this
blesses you we want to give you
practical tools we know that this earth
has need of what is on your life