Discover Who You Are in the Presence of God

I do have four sons and I am Not Afraid

of Millennials I love them because I

birthed them and here’s something that I

love about being around Millennials is

they are thus most intelligent most

well-connected people on the face of the

earth but they’re also very confused

about their purpose and here’s what I


see I think that I got to see something

up close I I got to travel and and speak

to possibly over the course of two and

1/2 years 200,000 Millennials

face-to-face I actually was part of a

Bethel music tour they put a grandmother

on a bus with a bunch of musicians I

actually got to speak at the Opry here

but all these different things and I

speak at a university I did some stuff

with Jesus culture I did some stuff with

Hillsong and this is what I find happens

when I get to talk to Millennials

they’ll actually look at me and say I

know that God has his hand on my life

for something significant but I have

absolutely no idea what it is and I will

grab them back and I will look at them

and I will say that is because you are

called to do something that has never

been done before and when you are called

to do something that has never been done

before you will never discover that

looking at what everybody else has done

you do not discover who you are in the

presence of people you discover who you

are in the presence of God and so we

need to push a generation into the

presence of God and Here I am as an

older woman understanding that the

Millennials coming up they’re not my

replacement they’re my reinforcements

they are the ones coming alongside me

they are the answers to my prayers the

things that I have declared over my

children are the things that they’re

going to declare over their children and

we need to understand that in the last

days God begins to pre up something acts

2:17 says in the last days God says I

will pour out my spirit on all flesh do

you know that means that God’s going to

pour out his spirit on people you don’t

think he should pour it out on do you

know that God is gonna pour out his

spirit on his sons and his daughters and

then he said what we’re gonna do is we

are going to prophesy what does that

even mean to

prophesy it means to stand on the face

of the earth and release the Dominion

and the Mandate of Heaven and I believe

as men and women there are things for

the men to declare and there are things

for the women to declare and there are

wars for the men to fight and there are

Wars for the women to fight but we have

to stop fighting one another because the

fall is what originated the battle of

the sexes and we need to look at each

other and we need to say I need what is

on your life I respect what is on your

life I honor what is on your life

I need your voice in my life so that we

can do this together you know marriage

is under attack

Millennials are under attack and I have

a little bit of a Sicilian attitude

about when I go through an attack I

begin to think what is it about me that

is so terrifying to the enemy that he

has launched a full-scale onslaught

against me

I think attacks are actually an

affirmation that I’m usually doing the

right thing I love what we just heard

struggle is actually strengthing Wendell

Phillips said that Christianity is a

battle not a dream and if we are going

to be brave enough to dream then we have

to be brave enough to fight