This is “Your Failure is Not Final.” As long as you have breath, you have a chance! It may feel like the world is finished with you, but God is not! Maybe you failed, but you’re not a failure. You made a mistake, but you are not a mistake. There is power in rising up after the fall. In this message, Jentezen Franklin will teach you God’s plan for success after failure. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit…

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the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


I want to talk to you for a few moments

tonight on something a little bit

different for me in a conference like

this I’ve done a lot of these and our

conference and other conferences like

this and I know I know what I’m supposed

to do but also know when God deals with

me in an unusual way and he has about

this service I believe that the price

for a full life is mistakes mistakes are

the price for a full life that you have

to pay if you learn from them I believe

that hell wants to mainly you and mock

you with your mistakes but heaven wants

to make you and transform you by your

mistakes failure should not become a

prison house where you’re held hostage

the rest of your life by your mistakes

that’s not God’s voice that’s not God’s

will that’s not God’s plan for you and

I’m not naive my wife who is here whom I

love more than anything in this world my

five children might might my two grand

three grandchildren and growing and I

can’t help but understand that the enemy

wants us to think that our failure is

final because I’ve seen us go through

things where the enemy tried to take us

out by a failure or a mistake or a

terrible choice I want you to understand

that your mistakes and this is what I’m

preaching on if you need a sermon title

this is it your mistakes are not final

your failure is not final rejoice not

over me o my enemies for when I fall I

will rise again when I sit in darkness

the light will come take a moment in

praise God for that amazing truth it’s

right out of the Bible I want somebody

to hear me clearly you might have made a


but you’re not one you might have failed

but you’re not a failure you might be

down but down is not your destiny there

is a resurrection coming to your dream

to your life to your call to your

purpose you might and here’s what I

really feel like saying I’m just gonna

go on and say it because the truth is

sitting among us or young men and young

women who were here last forward and

between then and now you fallen you’ve

messed up you did something you wanted

it you had to have it you had to try it

and you did it you experimented with

drugs and alcohol and now you’re

addicted you you had to try and now

you’ve lost your purity or your

virginity and the enemy if you could if

you could go back you would give

anything to go back and change that

night or that place or that situation

changed everything in your life I feel

for this generation because when I was

coming up you know pretty much if we

stayed away from sin sin for the most

part I’m not I mean we were always

tempted we were flesh we had off but but

but but it’s different for your

generation because if we stayed away

from sin sin basically didn’t bother us

I mean I mean if you wanted pornography

you had to go to a 7-eleven you had to

go to the guy at the counter you had to

tell him you want some porn in front of

a bunch of people while they’re all

waiting in line they would all look at

you like you were a perv and then he

would go back to a back shelf that was

only behind the counter and he would get

you a porno magazine and and then before

he would give it to you he would say how

old are you but this generation doesn’t

have that sin has become brazen and bold

sin is stalking you

sin is after you I feel for you I’m not

here to throw stones I’m not here to cut

you down because the truth is 68% of all

men according to the latest statistic

look at porn at least once a week 18% of

all women look at porn once a week one

out of every five searches on the web is

porn related so is that what we’re going

to talk about no that’s not what we’re

going to talk about righteousness is not

permission to sin but righteousness is

permission to come back home you might

have fallen and you might have failed

and you might have made a mistake but

you are not a mistake

and God will never define you by the

worst mistake and choice you made in

life critics will attackers will haters

will people will but God will never

define you by you

worst mistake and I need you to think

him that great is his mercy towards us

if you love him praise him just a minute

I’ll keep moving I love the story of

Simon Peter I love the fact that God

loved him after he messed up that’s why

when the angel appeared at the tomb the

angel said Jesus wants me to

specifically name one of the sites of

the disciples by name he said go tell my

disciples and Simon people to meet me in

the upper room the same guy who denied

Christ the same guy who lied the same

guy who cut a man and got violent the

same guy who failed and failed miserably

he said you tell my disciples and you

tell Peter he named him specifically I

believe because he wanted his critics to

hear I’m still I do believe in my good

disciples but I also still believe in my

fallen disciples and I’m here to preach

to some people who’ve messed up and the

enemies told you your call is over

you’re blessed your dream is is shredded

you don’t have any hope you don’t have

any future but God brought you to this

conference just to let you know that

there is restoration available for you

and he still has his hand on your life

take a praise break and thank him I’ll

keep moving I’ll keep moving in this

something that it was Simon Peter who

preached on the day of Pentecost he

didn’t choose the other eleven he chose

the one who messed up

there’s a guy in Acts chapter 20 called

Eutychus and while he was preaching this

guy was in the third balcony and he was

sitting in the window and he had in

other words straddling the window and he

had one foot outside and one foot in the


and he fell asleep and fell out of the

church and fell down three stories and

everybody said he’s dead they sent some

uh sure’s to scrape his body up and go

bury him but I love the story of the

Apostle Paul the Bible said he left the

church service where he was preaching

and ran to that man named eutychus you

know why his name was eutychus cause you

to cuss to if you had have fallen all

the way out of the window you cuss over

but he failed all the way down and they

were ready to scrape him up and throw

him away and say he’s worthless he was

in church serves him well he shouldn’t

have been half in and half out let’s

just mark him off he knew better he got

it listen you might have got what you

wanted but you don’t have to keep what

you’ve got you serve a God who says I’ll

make all things new come on his shout

with me just a minute praise Him just a

minute I feel something stirring in here

just praise in just a minute I love what

Paul said the Bible said Paul fell on

him and he held him and he said these

words they’re still life in him and

that’s what I’ve come to prophesy and

preach to tonight that some of you have

fallen some of you did it

some of you messed up but the Lord sent

me to tell you there’s still life in

your dream there’s still life in your

call there’s still life in your purpose

there’s still life in what God has

called you to do his name is Steve Wynn

he is a billionaire according to Forbes

magazine he lives in Las Vegas Nevada

and he has made just billions of dollars

off casinos that he owns and hotels he’s

most famous as a builder but I want to

tell you something that happened to him

that I think speaks to your life tonight


he’s a he’s a lover of art and he bought

a painting for 50 million dollars this

painting is called larell le re ve which

in French is the dream and that’s a

picture honor

he paid 50 million dollars because it

was painted in 1932 by a man by the name

of Pablo Picasso and he paid 50 million

dollars for that painting

50 million young not because he’s just

an art collector he loved that painting

because it was called the dream and it

meant something emotionally to him

because he said when I started I had

nothing but a dream to build and to do

something with my life

and and that painting I’ve always I’ve

always wanted to own it and when he got

it he bought it for 50 million dollars

he held onto it for five years he would

put it in the lobbies of his expensive

hotels in Vegas and and the customers

and the people who were there gambling

or going to shows or just you know

traveling and doing stuff they would get

to see the dream in person by Picasso

but something happened just five years

later even though he loved the dream he

had a chance to get to other paintings

that he had always wanted to own and a

man from New York City who is an

investment banker named Cohen mr. Cohen

called him and said I want to own the

dream and I will buy it from you and

they got to negotiating and he said I’ll

buy it for one hundred and thirty nine

million dollars five years later he made

what is that eighty something million

dollars eighty nine million dollars off

of this

and so steve wynn because he so was

emotionally attached to this this

painting steve wynn said i’m gonna have

a party before they take the dream to

New York City from Las Vegas and they

all came to the hotel where he was

throwing this big party and everybody’s

having a big time

true story Steve Wynn gets up and he has

an eye disease and he has problem scene

so he can’t really measure distance well

and that night to celebrate the dream he

had it on an easel beside him this

painting and he got to talking and he

moves his arms a lot and as he was

talking in front of some of the most

famous and wealthy people in the world

he accidentally lost his equilibrium he

began to stumble and when he did he fell

back and to catch himself his arm went

against the painting that was on the

easel and he ripped his arm right

through a hundred and thirty nine

million dollar dream and the dream was

torn the dream was ripped the dream was

destroyed people could not believe their

eyes he got on the phone and he called

the man in New York City and he said I

am so sorry the dream has been destroyed

I had an accident I don’t know how I

could have done it I don’t know how I

could be how I fail I don’t understand I

couldn’t catch myself and I missed the

dream up as falling but he said to that

New York investor don’t worry I want to

buy it back from you I will pay you what

you paid me

a hundred and thirty nine million that

must not get in anybody’s hands and you

can’t just take it now and because it’s

been damaged and put it in some back

closet somewhere I want that in my hands

because I’m not just an art collector

Steve Wynn said I am a art lover and I

must have it and I’ll pay I’ll lose 89

million dollars if you will let me take

the damage dream true story took it the

guy mr. Cohen said you’re crazy but I’ll

give you the torn painting you just lost

tens of millions of dollars true story

Steve Wynn because of his love for that

painting began to search the whole world

to find what’s called an art surgeon or

an art restorer and when he found it he

found a man in Europe he flew him over

and the man began to look he looked at

the torn dream he looked at the painting

that had been destroyed called the dream

and he made this final analysis he said

I can fix it as a matter of fact when I

get through with it from the front

nobody will be able to even tell that

it’s ever been damaged before because I

see it I see how I can do it it’s gonna

take me at least a year it’s gonna take

some time

it’s not gonna be instant it’s not gonna

be quick the word restoration doesn’t

just have restorer in it it has rest in

it because if God’s really gonna restore

your life after your dreams have been

torn to pieces you’ve got to give him a

little time you got to give him moments

like you’re giving him this weekend and

little by little he begins to piece your

life back together

and you may not be all that you want to

be yet but you just wait till though if

you put what you’ve got left into the

nail-scarred hands of Jesus don’t put it

in in anybody’s hands put the

can Torn dream in Jesus hands and he

said he said now from the front and sure

enough one year later he brought it back

and even the greatest art inspectors in

the world came and looked at the

painting called the dream after it had

been restored and they all agreed it’s


absolutely so if you looked at it what

everybody saw out front looked like it

had never been through what it had been

through but he did tell Steve Wynn

however if you turn it around it’s going

to be ugly it’s going to have repair

work and restoration work and people

will see this but those who know the

real story will know that the reason it

looks like this out front is because

it’s been restored on the inside from

the inside out

I don’t know who I’m preaching to

tonight but I feel like the Lord is

saying when I get through with you

you’re not gonna look like what you’ve

been through you’re not gonna look like

abuse you’re not gonna look like you

failure you’re not gonna look like a

mistake you’re not gonna look like a bad

choice and there’s a lot of us in

ministry people look at my family I’ve

got a gorgeous wife I’ve got beautiful

children and this is what you see when

we stand up here but if you want to see

the real picture of the Franklin family

there it is but out of the mistakes

comes ministry and out of the pain comes

anointing and out of the sorrow out of

the ashes comes beauty don’t say you

want God to use you if you’re not

willing to go through this you

to see the stars on Jesus body Oh his

name is beautiful oh this is beautiful

but you ought to see what he made and

what he went through so we could have

this but he was wounded for your

transgressions he was bruised for your

iniquities the chastisement of your

peace was upon him by His stripes you

are healed you are whole you are

restored God is saying I still have

plans for your life and they’ll say this

but because of what you’ve been through

you’ll learn to praise me in your pain

anybody can praise and when you’re on

top of everything

anybody can praise Him when everything’s

perfect but when you learn to praise God

when your life looks like this I promise

you he’ll turn your weeping into dancing

and he’ll restore the dream and here’s

the best part of this little sermon I’m

done but this is it you’re not gonna

believe this so check it out when the

service is over not while I’m preaching

the same guy in New York City cold steve

wynn a year later and he said I’ve seen

and I’ve heard and I want that painting

I told you I’d pay a hundred and thirty

nine million but that was before it was

torn but now that it’s been restored I’m

willing to go to a hundred and fifty

five million it’s worth more after it’s

been through the tearing and after it’s

been through the pain and after it’s

been through the mistakes and after it’s

been through the failure after the dream

has been torn if it comes back if it’ll

get back up if you don’t let Jesus

restore it it’ll be it will only

increase not decrease in value Wow do

you understand what I’m telling you let

me close with this verse it’s in

Proverbs a righteous man a righteous

woman here’s the definition of

righteousness a righteous man falls

seven times a day turn to somebody say I

had no idea how holy and righteous you

were my god he just described you a

righteous man or woman falls seven times

a day righteousness is not determined by

how many times you fall the rest of the

verse goes on and says but rises again

righteousness is determined after you’ve

had the failure do you get back up do

you turn it into praise do you turn your

pain into praise because if you will he

will restore you and out of your ashes

will come beauty

I promise you I don’t know where did I

take a little time but out of the ugly

thing will come beauty I believe the

Lord has sent me to tell you today that

your failure is not final some of you

who have been through a broken marriage

or some terrible addiction and the

situation in your life has just ripped

you to pieces today if you are ready to

get right with God

if you feel far from it and it seems

like your dreams have been torn to

pieces I want you here today to just

make a decision to take up your cross

and follow Jesus and put your broken

dreams in the hands of the one who can

heal and restore wherever you are

watching this program pray with me right

now say Lord Jesus just say these words

Lord Jesus I call on you you are the one

who can take the broken pieces and make

something beautiful out of my life I

surrender to you Jesus Lord I pray for

every person who just prayed that prayer

every person watching whose family or

life in some way has been shredded may

the power of restoration and healing

flow to those lives homes and situations

in Jesus name I pray amen this is the

reason that we preach the gospel on

television the reason why we are here

preaching today people need to hear the

power of the gospel and I want to ask

you to join us with an urgent need that

we have to build a home for teenage

girls who are struggling with addiction

maybe you can help us with a $1000 gift

it’s a three hundred thousand dollar

project and we need your help we want to

get it done this summer please give

today and help us everything that we do

we say and promise we do because we know

that’s what God expects of us my

announcers go

share how you can be a part of this

miracle there was a fourteen-year-old

girl whose grandmother was struggling

with her because she was being very

rebellious she began to talk to me about

how at her age age 14 she had learned

how to be shot up using a needle with

meth by an older man so we took this

young lady in so I’m Nikki and I’m 14

years old

before life was not easy

I started smoking when I was six years

old what later my addiction was my mom

was never there neither was my dad he

denied me her brother got adopted out

and after he smoked in about when I was

9 or 10 I started hanging out with the

wrong group of people and I was doing

acid your parents are supposed to be

your biggest supporters and my parents

would think a couple months before I got

here I lost my best friend which led me

to try and mess and then December 2nd I

came here the Holy Spirit just touched

me okay explain and just know I have

this joy I work with these kids over

here this is the big blessing I’m here

with my mom me and my mom have a great

relationship in school I was filling all

my grades I mean all of them

I passed eighth grade I’m going into

high school

God has broke me out of my cell to talk

to other people and now I know what I’m

gonna do I’m gonna serve God and I’m

gonna wait for him the rest of my life

with your help we can work with these

teenage girls what they don’t have to

end up 30 or 40 years old in prison in

jail they can be raised up to know the

Lord Jesus Christ and live for him I

just want to say thank you Kingdom

connection for what you do for us here

at new beginnings with your support

we’re going to be able to do all that

God has called us to do

alcohol and drug abuse is a devastating

epidemic in the United States today with

young girls and women becoming the

fastest growing demographic nearly 5

million women over the age of 12 have a

substance abuse problem and over 200

thousand of them die each year due to

their addictions these women need your

help this month we’re partnering with

new beginnings to build a dormitory for

teenage girls struggling with addiction

your generosity will assist in building

this new dorm as well as giving recovery

hope and the life-changing message of

Jesus for your gift of $35 or more

you’ll receive jetson Franklin’s message

your failure is not final and custom

bookmark with your gift of $300 or more

you’ll also receive God’s masterpiece

journal and the Jensen Franklin Legacy

Bible with your generous seed of $1000

or more your name will be commemorated

on a wall of recognition at new

beginnings and to receive this special

edition legacy Bible your generosity

will save countless lives of young girls

by showing them the life transforming

love of Jesus call the number on the

screen or visit us online today this

program has been sponsored by friends

and partners of Kingdom Connection we

hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

Jenson Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry