This is “You Haven’t Seen God’s Best Yet”. In Luke 24, Jesus showed the nail prints on his hands and feet to show his disciples what can give and where he can take them. We serve a giving and sending God and he is saying to you today, “Handle me and see.” There are still things he wants to give you and places he wants to send you. Will you look at Jesus today and receive what He wants to do in your life?

>> Hello, and welcome

to Kingdom Connection.

Thank you so much

for joining us.

We serve a God who sends people

to places they never

dreamed they could go,

and we serve a God

who gives people

from His bountiful hand,

miracles and blessings

they never dreamed

they could receive.

All He asks us to do

is to get into His word

and believe Him.

It’s easy to see what God

has done in our lives

and get comfortable,

but you need to realize

that you haven’t seen

God’s best yet.

Let’s go in today’s message.

I’m telling you

the presence of God

was in this service,

and you’re gonna hear a message

that’s gonna inspire your faith

like never before.

I agree with you for that.

It’s time for you

to believe again,

and dream again,

and expect again

the goodness of God

in your life and family.

Listen to this.

♪ ♪

>> Open your Bibles with me

to the Book of Luke,

the 24th chapter.

Luke, chapter 24:36,

“Now, as they said these things,

Jesus Himself,”

meaning this was

post resurrection,

this is after the resurrection,

he’s rose from the dead

and they’re in there

having a discussion,

and suddenly Jesus Himself,

“stood in the midst of them

and said unto them,

‘Peace to you.’

But they were terrified

and frightened

and supposed that they had

seen a ghost.

And He said to them,

‘Why are you troubled?

And why did doubts

arise in your hearts?'”

Listen to these words,

“Behold my hands and my feet,

that it is I myself.”

And what an amazing challenge.

“‘Handle me and see.

For a spirit does not have

flesh and bones.

As you see, I have.’

And when He had said this,

He showed them His hands

and His feet.

While they still did not

believe for joy and marvel,

He said to them,”

I love this part,

“Have you got any food?”

Isn’t that beautiful?

Jesus said, “I’m hungry now.

Cross wore me out.

I need something to eat.”

You know, Jesus said,

“As I am, so shall you be.”

And we’re going

to eat in heaven.

And it was not a vegan meal

that he ate.

I’m sorry for you

who are from California.

There will be

no vegan meals in Heaven.

And if you are a vegan,

you sit at your own table.

Me and Jesus — He said,

“I want some meat.”

And the Bible said —

they said — they brought him

a piece of broiled fish

and some honeycomb,

and he took it

and ate it in their presence.

In front of them, he ate it.

I love what He said.

He said in verse 39,

“Handle me and see.”

Handle me and see.”

And quickly, in the next verse,

He showed them

His hands and His feet.

I want to preach on,

“Handle me and see.”

“Handle me and see.”

Then He showed them

the nail prints

in His hands and His feet,

and He said,

“I know I that you thought

it was over,

and I know you thought

that it was finished,

but it’s time for you

to get a fresh revelation

and handle me

and see and look at my hands.

Look at my hands.”

And what he was saying was,

“Look at my feet.

Look at my hands

and see what I can give you now.

Presently, not what

I’ve done in the past.

You saw these hands

healed lepers,

raised the dead,

be laid on people with fevers

and diseases and sicknesses,

and they were healed instantly.

But now, post crucifixion,

I want you to look at

these same hands

and just when you think

you’ve seen it all,

look at my hands

and look at what I can give you.

And look at my feet

and see where I can take you.

How many of you

have been given things

by the hand of God

that you never dreamed

that you would give?

If you were to be honest,

you would have to say,

“God’s nail scarred hands

have provided things

in my life

that were not even

in my wildest dreams

or imaginations.”

Let me hear some noise right now

if you know that’s the truth.

And how many of you have had God

show you His feet

and take you further

than you ever were

supposed to go,

ever was it predicted

you would go?

You’ve gone to places

that only God

could have got you there.

Only God could have

opened that door because

that’s the kind of God He is.

You see, the only way

that we can accept the challenge

that Jesus offers us

as He stands here,

see it in your mind of —

in your eye of faith

this morning.

The Master standing here saying,

“Look at my hands.

I have things

that you can’t even imagine.

I have things

that I want to give you,

and I want to bless you

and your family with.

My hand is a blessing hand.

And you’ve not seen

the best yet.”

What I’m preaching today

is you’ve not seen

God’s best yet.

You’ve not seen

what He could really do.

Just when you think

He’s done it all,

they thought it was over

and he appeared suddenly

and gave them

this great challenge.

“Handle me and see.

Handle prayer, handle worship,

handle hunger

and thirst for me,

and hang — handle

this thing called faith again

and believe and risk again

that I can do something

even greater in this season

in your life.

The one risk that

this church runs,

as God has done so much for us,

is to get comfortable

and get to a place

that we think that

because God’s been so good,

that we become satisfied

and not continually handle Him

and see through prayer.

Through seeking Him.

Through being passionate

about Him.

See His hands again

and know there’s more

he wants to give us.

And see His feet again

and know that there’s more

places he wants to take us

and tar — carry the message

of the cross to.

Never settle for good

when you know God has the best.

We must not be lethargic.

We must not ever cease from

handling Him

and it becoming more than

just going to church

now that we’ve got

our life straightened out.

Revelation 3.

He warns that

the end time church

would have a curse on them,

and this is what it sounds like.

They will say, “I am rich

and increased with goods

and have need of nothing.”

But that’s not going

to be this church.

We’re going to continually

handle Him and see.

We’re going to look at His hands

and see He still has good things

that He wants to give us

and our children

and our children’s children.

And we’re going to look at

His feet and realize

that when I put my hands in —

my life in God’s hands,

He can take me anywhere.

He can open doors

no man can shut.

He can cause you

to go into places

that will make you

scratch your head and say,

“How in the world

did this happen to me,

and did I get here?”


Handle me and see.

Blind Bartimaeus

would have stayed blind

for the rest of his life.

He was called Blind Bartimaeus

because he was

named by his hang up

and his handicap.

Challenges are not supposed

to become your calling card.

You’re not supposed

to settle into him.

He could have settled

into his blindness

and never hungered

and heard Jesus was passing by

and never reached out

and cried out

to handle Him and see.

But when Jesus came marching by,

he started crying out aloud

because he said,

“I have not lived so long

in darkness

that I want to stay here.”

Some people have lived

so long in mediocrity

and in this place of darkness

in their life that

they don’t even dream or believe

to ever go any higher.

Never learn to live

with less than God’s best.

Don’t learn to live in darkness.

Don’t learn to live

in disadvantage.

Don’t learn to live

in shame and disgrace

and feel bad about yourself

and your past

the rest of your life.

Don’t live in that.

You don’t have to stay in that.

“Handle me and see.

My hands still can give you.”

Even if you’ve gone

through something so bad

that it’s almost tried

to define your life,

He says,

“Look at my nail scarred hands.

I can give you a good life.

Look at my feet.

I can give you

divine appointments.

Look at the places

I want to take you.

You don’t even know

what’s in you.

You don’t even know

the talent you’ve got.

You don’t even know

how high I can take you

if you just handle me and see.”

Nothing you’ve done

has disqualified you.

People will label you

by you mistakes,

but Jesus does not define you

by your mistake.

He defines you

by these nail scarred hands.

And He says, “You don’t

deserve it,

but here I’mma give it to you

and you can’t get there

but follow my nail scarred feet

and let me walk you

past all your critics

right into greatness.”




I hear the Lord.

I feel this challenge

hanging over this building.

Hanging over somebody

listening to me right now.

And Jesus is saying,

“Come on, handle me and see.

You don’t know what I have

in store for you

and I’m gonna give it to you.

I’m gonna give you the kingdom.

You don’t know where these feet,

these nail scarred feet

are going to take you,

but you got to want it.

Never learn to live

unless handle me and see.

You don’t have

to live in failure.

You don’t have to live

in disappointment.

You don’t have to live in defeat

and in bondage and in addiction

and in guilt and in shame.

You don’t have to live

like you’re less

than damaged goods.

What a lie from hell.

Handle me and see.

Handle me and watch how I’ll

recycle even what the enemy

meant to destroy you,

what he meant for evil.

I’ll take it

and I’ll mold it

and I’ll make you into

such a beautiful thing

that you’ll be

the envy of other people.”

Well, I don’t know

where this is coming from,

but I feel like preaching

this morning.

I’m telling you,

I’m telling you,

we serve a Savior

who recycles evil.

He recycles evil.

He recycles bad decisions.

He recycles mess ups.

He recycles failures

and bondage,

fear and depression.

He can take it

and make something beautiful.

Look at His hands and see what

he wants to give you.

Look at his feet

and see where he still…

Sometimes — the other day

in my study,

I wrote these words down

on a piece of paper.

And I was so frustrated

because I felt such pressure,

and I felt like

I didn’t have the message.

And I was just —

I was sweating.

I was — It was aggravate —

It’s this feeling

that comes on you

when you don’t have the words

and you don’t have the message

and the clock is ticking

and all of y’all are coming,

and you’re like

a bunch of hungry birds,

and I’m supposed

to have the worm.


And I was stressing out.

I was tense, I was upset.

Nothing was speaking to me.

Nothing was going off in me.


And I looked up in my office

and I said,

“God, why did you choose me?

I’m not this, I’m not that.

I’m not smart enough

to do this.”

He said, “You’ve only

been doing it 40 years, dummy.”


But I’ll never forget

what the Lord told me.

I wrote it down.

He said, “I chose you

because you are you.

I didn’t need somebody else.

I didn’t want somebody else.

I’m not interested

in somebody else doing

what I’ve called you to do.

I chose you

because you are you.”

And here I am.

This is all I am.

This is all I have.

But what you are

when He touches it

oh, when He gets

you from His hand,

when He slips into your shoes

and He says,

“Let me take you somewhere

that you never dreamed.

You — I could get a PhD.

I could get somebody

with so many degrees

they’re like a thermometer.

But I’d rather have you.”

Don’t you look at me funny

like I don’t know

what I’m preaching about.

I’ve seen those hands

give to me things

that I never dreamed I’d have.

I’ve seen those feet

usher me right in.

I’ve seen them walk me

right into the Oval Office

and sit down

and preach to a president.

Don’t tell me God can’t use you.

Don’t tell me God

can’t reach through you.

Don’t tell me God

can’t take your weakness

and make it His strength.

Somebody give God

a praise right now.



Somebody shout, “Hallelujah.”

At every campus,

shout “Hallelujah.”


I Want you

to turn to somebody,

and if you don’t do it,

I want them to get a camera

and put it on you.

I want you to turn to somebody

and say, “You have

not seen God’s best yet.”

Grab him by the arm

and shake them and say,

“I said, you have not seen —

you need to handle him and see.

You have no idea.

Eyes have not seen,

and ears have not heard,

neither has it entered

into your thoughts

what God has planned

for them that love him.

He wants to give it to you.

He wants to take you to it.”


Well, I feel the call

of God in this room on somebody

who’s listening to me,

and you have no idea

what God’s about to do

in your life.

But we’re gonna look —

we’re gonna see the before

and after shot of you

and you’re going to stand there

and scratch your head and say,”

it all happened when I

heard him challenge me,

Handle me.”

Get ahold of the word again.

Get ahold of prayer until strea

— tears are strea —

get ahold of fasting again.

Get ahold of worship.

I mean, not just in church,

but in your car

and in your house,

in your apartment,

in your workplace.

“Handle me and see.”

Because anything

He’s done before,

He can do again.

If he’s ever brought you

victory before,

He can do it again.

If He’s ever set you

free before,

He can do it again.

If He’s ever

opened doors for you,

He can do it again.

If He’s ever healed your body,

He can do it again.

Anything that He’s done before,

He can do again.

Three things — or two or three,

depending on how long

I feel like preaching.

Number two,

anything He’s done

anywhere else,

He can do it right here.

Because He’s standing

right here.

The Holy Spirit,

through the eyes of faith,

are standing in every church,

right at the front of it,

and He’s saying,

“Come handle me

and see what I can do

with that family.

See what I can do

with that mistake.

See what I can do

with that bad choice.

See what I can do

with that busted marriage.

See what I can do.”

And anything

He’s done anywhere else,

He can do it right here.

And anything He’s done

for anybody else,

He can do it for you.

Every once in a while,

you need to step back

and remember,

and I want to close

with this story.

It’s one of my favorite stories

in preaching that I tell.

I’ve told it before.

“Well, I’ve heard that before.”

Well, you know, if you go look

at the Mississippi River,

I saw it 30 years ago

when I preached

the Natchez, Mississippi,

in different places.

I went by and saw the river.

I ate on a riverboat one time.

But just because

I’ve seen the river,

if I go back today,

I could say, “I see that.

I see the Mississippi River.”

But really, it’s not.

It’s all fresh water.

And just because you’ve

heard this little part

of the sermon,

don’t sit there,

“Well, I’ve heard this part.”

Well, all the water

has changed around you.

And maybe you weren’t open

to what I’m saying then,

but in this very moment it

might be — the angel

has touched the water again.

I said all that so I can use

the same thing again

and feel good about it.

Well, you get up here

and try to come up

with something new every week.

Let’s see how you do.

I’ll be glad to change.

But this is one

of my favorite mind pictures.

A little boy goes

into a candy store.

There’s a big barrel of candy

and the owner watches him

and sees a little dirty face,

little dirty hands.

It’s pretty obvious

the kid is by himself,

and he doesn’t have any money.

He’s just staring at her,

looking at the candy

in the candy barrel.

The owner walks over,

and the proprietor says,

“Son, would you —

do you want some candy?

Just reach in here

get you a handful.”

The little boy just looked up,

little smutty face

with dirt all over,

looked down, didn’t do anything.

He said, “No son, I know.

You don’t have to pay me.

It’s okay.

Just reach in there

and get you a handful.”

He just looked up,

looked at the man,

looked back down at the barrel.

Finally, the owner just kind

of got frustrated with him

and reached down,

took his hands,

picked up all the candy

and said,

“Hold your hands out.”

He holded — held his hands

out and he filled his hands.

Candy dropping everywhere.

He’s having to put in

his pockets and his hands

and as — just turns around

and starts to leave.

He says, “Wait a minute.”

The owner said,

“Wait a minute.”

He said, “Why didn’t you take

the candy out of the barrel

when I told you?

I told you could have —

it’s free.”

He said, “Your hands are bigger

than my hands, mister.”


I’m tired of dipping

my little hands

in the favor of God

and in the blessing of God

and in the provision of God

and in the power of God.

I’ve seen what my hands can do,

but I’m ready to see

what God’s hands —

He said, “Look at my hands.

Just when you think

I’ve blessed you all

I can bless you.”

I feel this challenge

hanging over this church.

“Are you ready to go

to another place?

Are you ready to reach like you

— are you ready

to go to places?

Look at my feet.

I want to take you

to some divine appointments.

“Handle me and see.”

Accept and receive

the magnitude of what God

wants to do for you.

And I want to talk to all you

silver heads haired and all,

you no hairs,

and I’m one of you.

It would be okay

for me right now,

at 60 years of age,

to just kick back and say,

“I’m 60 and sliding for home.

And I ought to just relax

these next 15 years.”

But I’m telling you,

this message is more

than a message for you.

If I’m not preaching

to nobody else,

the Lord spoke to me

this week and he said,

“Hey, what you going to do

with the next decade

of your life?

I wish you’d

come handle me and see.

I wish you’d look at

my hands again

like you did when you

were a 20-year-old evangelist,

and you didn’t have nothing.



But you started handling me.

You started handling prayer

and fasting.

You started handling worship.

You started handling —

you spent the night

in the church with two or three

friends who were musicians,

and y’all played all night

learning new songs.

You turned into —

you were crazy.

You looked at my hands

and you believe that I —

you started handling faith

and you believed that I could

take you out of

Kenly, North Carolina

to the world.

I wish you’d get that again.”

I heard Him say,

“I wish you’d act

that way again.

I wish you’d quit acting like

I’ve already done my best work

in your life,

and in your ministry,

and in your family.

I know some stuff has happened

but get a fresh vision

of my nail scarred hands.

I’m still gonna give.

I’m still gonna take.

I’m still going to anoint.

I’m still going to lead

and I’m still going to bless

like you’ve never seen before.”

Throw your head back,

and say, “Thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you,

“I receive it.

God’s hands have things

He still wants to give you,

and God’s feet,

nail-scarred feet

have places they still

wanna send you.

He’s a giving, sending God,

and He’s not done with you.

You have not seen

God’s best in your life.

That’s why you’re

watching this program,

something in you says,

“It can’t end this way,

it’s not over.”

You know, when Jesus appeared,

He had been through

the crucifixion,

and they had seen so much

that He had done,

but He comes with

that great challenge,

and it’s time to handle Him

and see what He will

do for your life.

I believe you’re watching this

program by divine assignment.

Pray this prayer.

Say, “Jesus, I surrender

my life to you.

I’m gonna handle You and see.

I’m gonna handle prayer

and faith.

I’m gonna handle

the Word of God again.

I receive You

as my Lord and Savior.

I believe, I believe.

I’m gonna handle You

and see that You’re not done

with me or my family,

in Jesus name.”

Oh, I believe that,

and I feel that

in my soul today.

I wanna welcome you

if you prayed that prayer

to the family of God.

I can’t tell you

how excited we are

that you made the decision

to follow Jesus

and to accept Him

as Lord and Savior.

And before we go,

I wanna tell you how much

we appreciate everyone

who is responding

to our newest project

in the nation of Israel.

Our ministry has committed

to the northern area of Israel

to build an emergency center

as wing of the hospital.

We will be there,

near the border of Syria

and Lebanon where so many

terrorist attacks happen,

we’re gonna build this hospital

right there in the middle of it.

And right now, for example,

over 150,000 missiles

are pointed at Israel

by Hezbollah, the terrorist,

and Syrian militant groups.

I’ve been there,

I’ve seen it firsthand,

and it’s terrifying.

For many years,

we’ve been sowing, and building,

and giving to

the nation of Israel,

making sure that we bless

and comfort God’s people.

When you start giving

to projects like this

just like the scripture

said you should do,

in Genesis 12:3, God says,

“I will bless those

who bless you, Israel;

I will cure those

who curse you.”

You can be a part

of that blessing today.

We cannot do

this lifesaving project

without the generosity

of people like you.

Please pray about

what God would have you do.

We’ve committed

a three-million-dollar

commitment to build

this wing of this hospital

and I’m thrilled to do it.

I have no question in my mind

that God will speak

to people just like you.

Thank you, and God bless you,

and God bless

your home and family,

and God bless Israel,

and God bless

this nation, America.

God bless you.

>> ANNOUNCER: Since 2019,

Jentezen Franklin

Media Ministries,

together with our friends

and partners,

have partnered with

the Jewish National Fund

from the Amazing Kingdom

Play School, as well as

four community centers

in the Eshkol region

of Israel.

These amazing projects

have already saved

so many lives during

rocket attacks from Hamas

on Israel’s southern border.

But in the north, Hezbollah,

the Iranian backed

terrorist organization,

is planning its next war.

Hezbollah has over

150,000 missiles

aimed at Israel,

as well as underground tunnels

which they have threatened

to use to kidnap

and murder Israelis

and invade northern Israel.

This area has no

medical facilities

in case of emergency.

Right now, Jewish people

living in the area

must travel an hour.

It’s difficult enough

that they live and work

only miles from the border

with Lebanon,

where Hezbollah terrorist,

backed by an armed Iran,

operate freely.

Jentezen Franklin

Media Ministries

is stepping up in another

major effort in Israel

and providing

the Northern Israel

Emergency Center.

And if war breaks out,

the Northern Israel

Emergency Center

will be a major asset

to protect Israelis

and save lives.

This is the biggest project

we have ever taken on in Israel.

We will not be able to do this

without your generous support.

There is a blessing promised

to those who bless Israel.

“I will bless those

who bless you,

and I will curse him

who curses you.”

We believe God has

strategically positioned us

to play a role

in protecting and blessing

the nation of Israel.

Be a part of the blessing today,

call now or go online today.

♪ ♪

>> For more information

about this message

and other ministry resources

visit us online at